Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 23 Nov 1893, p. 3

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4 for which the Highest Market Price will be paid: HN. PURDY | 29 THAT HIS INGEASTNG TRADE REQUIRED More 3 Room » at considerable expenst enlarged his place of business thronghtnt and is Vetter pre- paretl than ever to supply his numerous custom «RK No. 1 Stock of Fresh and reliable Groceries & Provisions always on hand. MEALS and FEED at all kinds. Also, Barrel, Sack and Dairy Salt. CASH PAID At all times for any quantity of OATS, PEAS, BEANS, FLAX and EGGS. Bitter and Eggs taken at all times in exchange for Goods: Will be prepared in a douple of Week to by Buy any quantity of , £7 Highest price paid for any gnantity of Alsike, Red Clover and Timothy} EH PURDY. Sunday Matin, 130 a. fn, © young, 7 pan Church of the Ascension, RIV. JOS, FLEIOHER, M.A, INCUNBENT. anday =¢hool, 2.50 p. Thursday--Evensong, 7.50 pm. Methodist Church. REY. L. W. HILL, B A., Paston. Sabbath Serviods, 10:80 and Week Evening Service. Thorsday 7:30. Strangers welcome and conducted to seats. eis 8t. John's Church. (PRESBYTERIAN,) REV. RICHARD WHITEMAN, B.A, PAsTd Sabbath Services, 10:30 an: Week Evening Service, an. 7:30. Baptist Church. REV. MR. CAMERON, Pabtox. Sabbath Services, 10:30 and 6:80. Week Evening Service, Thursddy, :80. HW AEC AND GENTS FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT. Port Perry, Nov, 9, 1803 Itch cared in'30 minutes by Ww Siler Law by the Wholesale. Sanitary Lotion: Sold by A. JF Davis, Drugyist | Fifty meth employed if one of Davidson ite es i & Hay's Inmber camps near Lake Nipissing An Impios Blunder. | went out on strike because a foremai they -- ' disliked was put over them, They'demand- Baltimore, Nov. 16:--Rev. Chas. M. ed that the oid foreman be reinstated, but this was vefused. The strikers appeared before Jathes Holditeh, J. A. Levis and Jos. Michand, Justices of the Peace in Nipissing, and laid a charge of non payment of wages against their late employers. Without waiting to hear from the defendants the J. P's convicted the firm, Ou motion of George Bell, Chief Justice Galt has since re-opened the case. David son & Hay deny that any more money is due the men and will seek to reniove the conviction. Bragg, pastor of the Calvary M. E. Church, South, Miss [anthe Phelps, organist bf the church, have disappeared, leaving letters saying that they will not return to Talti- more. The inference is that parson and organist hive taken flight together, the former louving a wife and five small child en, Mer. Bragg is 32 years of age. Miss Philps is 17, and the daughter of a well-known commission merchant, 5 mantras Relief in Six Hours.--Distressing Kid- ney und Blad ler diseases relieved in six hours Ly thé "New Great SouTH AMER. joan Kipsey Cres." This new remedy 13 a great sucprise aid deliglit to physicians on account of its exceeding promptoess in relieving paid in the bladder, kidneys, back and, wiery part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost im- mediately. Sold by A. J. Davia, Druggist. ee A Cure for Cotighs. There is no remedy that makes as large a ercentage of perfect cures as Dr. WY, Rornas Pine Syrup, Tu nearly every case of enughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, how: se- ness, croup, ete., its curative effects are pro- mpt snd lasting. Tn ate Sod by a Gi a ron! juarantes, £ a Lame Side; fos Ena Porous aster will give great satisfectionmgas cents. SHI! LOIS VITALIZE Re Mrs. TI. wiing, Chattanoo, 0370 koh 8 a Pati CRAVED Ive} I hoste ly for adebil! ite tatens ar en Liver or hudaoy LOWS TARRH REMEDY. wouble it She bas 208 Suits. Mrs. Beaton, of Burlington, has issiied no less than 203 writs agwiust newspapers in Cavada and the States. These cases all #rose out of the sensational prominence {iveii Her by the New York Herald last duitiiier: A number. of motions wore made in Chambers, ok Monday last, on hehalf of p pure by Jou, ark sud opines. The and its on a guarantee to -- TL TAD A eit ing to hioh pe It yy teady been decided that she must bie exam- fned in the Globe case and the Master holds that this must holds that this must rule in other cases The date of examina- - tion has vot heen fixed. MILBURN'S BEEF IRON AND WINE restores strength and vibality; rPHE undersigned ke keeps for service a "* Hillside," Reach, two Boar Ticstor White. , Both the other and makes rich red blood. were bred by the most noted swine "breed. | ed with various kindé of Oftnamental Trees, ree Ap event ers in the Providce and both animals are | Shrubs, Viues: &e. Canadian Wheat at Buffalo. from impofted stock, the former was bred | This Prone is beautifully located on by the famous importers and broedérs of | Union Avenue just on the southern border Buffalo, Nov. 20.--This port is eR Edmonton, while the latter is from th ihg an unusual harvest in Manitoba | yards of the leadin whent this fal. Daring the Inst week | Whites, the Messrs. i. 542,082 Gishels of this wheat has re | Crampton. ported hed direct from Port Arthut; to any nothing of quite an Amotint, in. of cluding at least one full eargo, that has come in bond from Duluth. Of course, Groenbank, Nov, 13; 1893. the tariff makes it necessary. to export |. afl this Canadian grain, but Buffalo gets at least a cent a bushel out of all grain handled here. How Dys epsiais Cured. I suffered from dyspepsia, and was weak and miserable with what the doctor said was nervous debility. = Secing Burdock Blood Bitters advertived I tried it, and after taking three bottles feel perfectly restored to on at my barns. Service, $1. i L: BURNETT. POINT MARA. OUTH-HALVES of Lots 15 and 16, co: Health. § cession A, Mara; Finest chiy 8nil, Mrs: J H. SxipER, | fronting on Lake Sirhcoe, one mile from 7 Kleinburg, Out. | Gamebridge, five miles from Beaverton, Send your name and address on Possession 1st March, prislege of full postal "owd to Tne WeekLy N Kingston, Out., mud you will receive Tar Kingston WEekkiy News until danvunry next fice of charge, Apply to JAMES B. WARREN, Or JUDGE BURNHAM, Whitby. SATE por Salo or (0 Real the best oint- nent. | Ontario's Crop Yields. Toronto, Nov. 17.--The following | of Caitwiight, yields of crops in Ontario for 1893, have just heen compiled from the re » of 2,500 udents of the i cleared, a comfortable ! frame barn JShdgtells, wh JACOB PFEFFER, 'Executor. Oct. 26, 1893. Port Perry Market. {Quotations by Messrs. A. Ross & Son. ry o Full Wheat 58¢ to 53c. 1 hat 560 to 57c, 12011212 Pork et eo san 8.362.508 Barley (8 rowed) 33¢ to 400: Rye 40c. 53,975,355 Oae 27¢ to 28c, Peas-- Blackeye 65¢ to 20s Tm tos Doang for Seve, Pure-Bred (registered) Boars--one is & Berkshire and Berkshires, the Messrs. J. 5. Snell & Bro. of breed: of Chester George & Son of The Pedigree of both of these grand, young animals ave open for inspec- Farm of 170 Acres [For Sale or Rent WS, Ploughisg. Good frame buildings. Terms Beaverton, HE PARM of the late Janes Byens, deceased, being the West-balf of the East-Irnlf of lot No. 4, in th 3rd concession - 50 ACRES Rich Soil, good wll iad punip ; nearly "al¥ housse, a: large be sold ata low uted, the Tara, Ont. |. I ---------------------------------------------- Thursday, Nov: 23, 1893. | Whitby & Blong have innch pleasure in informing the pub- lic that they have leased the Store lately occupied by Mr. Minty iu the Blong Block, where they intend carrying on The Merchant Tailoring | GRANT'S FURNISHING BUSINESS. OUR GOODS ARE ALL NEW, and have been purchased at a great reduc- tion on cost. edstomers may rely on getting the full advautage of the reduction. Hop- ing by strict attention to business, keeping only the Newest, Best and Most Fashion- able Goods and at prices that cavnot fail to satify customers to merit liberal pitronage. #2 Prompt attention to dil orders and Perret Fras goaranteed: Spring Styles of Fine imperted Suitings and Trouserings. We intend to make our Es- tablishment Headquarters for "Fashion" and' 'Money sWorth" Call and secure your Spring and Summer Suits--Hanpsome, SryLisi and Crear ! We will treat you right, and dress you better than you ever were in your life. WHITBY & BLONG. Port Port Perry, April 5, 1893, SPL NDID Brick Dwelling Hoase SIX ACRES OF LAND HE UNDE RSIGNED offers for sale her eheice and well-appointed residence and ix acres of land on which there is a fine Park containing 2 acres; a fine, bearing Orchard of one acre and goad Garden ; there t | is a splendid Diiviog House and Stable on the premises. Hafd &nd Soft Water and all other conveniences. s| The Carriage Drive and (rounds are plant- ~~ on the Town of Port Perry and ic a very de- e | sirable property and will be sold at a Bancaix., For further particulars apply to the pro- prietress on the The emises. UPHEMIA DAWES. Port Perry, Aug: x 1593. FARM FOR SALE. $5100 TILL PURCHASE 150 Acres of Land, W being the east half of lot No. 7 and the south-west 50 acres of lot 8, in the 6th concession of the Township of CARTWRIGHT i the Estate of the late : James Hooey, Deceased; This farm is nearly all cleared and a good part of it free from stumps ; is we 1 watered and built upon. and within five miles of Port Perry, on the leading road thereto.-- The soil is clay. If not sold within thirty days it will be leased for a term of years. Tor further particulars enguire of James Parr at Blackstock. JAMES PARR, AOENT, Blackstock, Aug. 21, 1803. DR WOOD'S 5 S A ar _couGH Sore Thos, Ty CHIAL Ee ERR remedies yield mid 'Snow! Snow! Yee! while we are writing Snow is wi a ber all have been loddking for Summer Boots and Shoes ust be cured to feet dry and warm and save p have just got the thing Shoes, Rubbers, &o., Yeo 's first $3.50 a pair. These Boots pr price, and are equal to aby home-m $4.50 a pair, Heavy Long Boots Buttoned and Laced Boots for $1 a elsewhere, Children's Boots of all sizes and quali Rubbers, Overshoes and Men's Lon and Lipton's at 50¢ # I, or 45¢ 6 Ibs for 2 Patras Currants, Penches, keep out the stiow and | largest, Lest assorted this part lass, grained; Women's fine Calf ai 5¢; Curiants; 4 Ibs for 20¢ Candies and Sweets, chases of $5 and upwards, Marriage License Office. Port PEstry, Nov. 15, 1893. R. J. BRUCK British Columbia Silmon, Herrings and Codfish, Fresh Herring, Kippered Herring, Lobsters; Fearman's Purg, Kettle-rendered Lard, Hams Then we have rédeived the finest, large ment of Stand and Hanging Lamp, Hal half price, being imported direct from Ten und Dinner Ware, Glassware, &c., & Ons, any. precurser of the Winter Summer Clothing; and something else pro- all, to keep the or's Bills and we ock of Boots, think, the PEST in imes Prices for CASH. Long Boots for $3 a pair. ig Boots for 83, $3.26 and for quality, make or ich you will pay 4 and dnd 82. Women's heyy you will pay 81.50 for Kids from 81.25 to $3. an_ immense quantity of Sugir for Bl: { Rudsinsy iy Sek 3 lbs for 25¢. Our fine Christmas and Holiday Fruits have just arrived. --Finest Chester Table Raisins, fi ! Florida Oranges and 4 Nectarines ; Orange, Lemon and tron Peels ; Icing Sugar; California Apricots, anned Salmob, Mackerel; 0. d Rolled Bacon. and most beautiful assort- pps, &o., at just about And from this date we will give a discount of Ten per cent: on all Cash pur- T. C FORMAN & SON. Ram Lal, ent Beautiful Sets of T stowed on him since commencing business in Port Perry, IN FULL BLAST } HE nndersigned takes this opportunity ot returning his sincere thanks for the large measure of patronage be- and would beg to state that having, ata large expenditure, thoroughly overhauled the entire Mill and introduced the best, most approved and modern machinery 'inclading the 53 fir sh Only Be ed he Parlor Buite-- ia 3 ve 8 Pieces French Bromitele § $00: I te 6 MANE Parldt Suite -- 6 Fiboes beat Amrican Hair Cloth @ $85 Parlor Snite-- - 6 Pion tay meriean Hair Cloth, i Parlor Suite-- bn i 6 Pieces best ch, od and back, ES yet. 4 Ts we #2 Above are Sdlid Walnut Frapios aud well finished. Alwo Bedroom Sets as low as $11.75. &r A Ciut SoLiorrep, Ji W, DAVIS, Furniture Rooms, 4 the ol of Flour, is Prepared todo" . GRISTING & CHOPPING Expeditiously and in a manner that cannot fail to give satis- faction to my patrons, The Trade supplied with Flour of the finest brands. THE PLANING: FAGTORY in full operation and can supply all kinds of ets, Shingles, Posts Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Bannisters and Neuel Posts. gz BILL LUMBER A SPECIALTY. All kinds of TURNING and BUROLL SAWING done on short notice, JAMES CARNEGIE. Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1891. Dressed Lumber, alto Lumber, Joists, Scantling, Boards, Pick RN CUTI, | aE Carv al g%. Take alook through my stock as I can guarantee all my Cut ery, and where you have a large stock to select from. ers, Carvers in Cases. Butcher and Sticking Kuives, HR) Pw The Wonderful Christy Bread Koife} Table and Tea Knives in Ivory aud Bone hand'es. Plated Knives--tea and table; Spoons and Forks, in ted; dessert aud table, Raztirs, including thé celebrated ** Boker." Sissors, Japaned and Nickle Plated. Pocket and Pen Knives --in great variety* Port Perry, Nov: 15, 1893, Il; Il 3880888888088 88888088808088 PORT PERRY NURSERIES¥- 7 have a SURPLUS of the following Nursery Stock WEICH 18 STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS, and of GOOD 81ZE will be sold CREAP by the hundred or ix quantities to suit purchasers.-- European Scotch and American Elms, Norway Maple, Mountain Walnut, Ash, English, White Ash, Address, Box 127, Port Perry, March 22, 1893. European Larch, Austrian and Scotch Pine, Norway Spruce; Red Cedar, &e. & ¥EW THOUSAND APPLE TREES OR EXTRA SIZE, SIX years old; 7 feet high, inch to 1} inch in diameter. Ge an, handsome, thrifty trees--just below first- class in sige; Apples at 15 cts., Pear and Plum, 40 cis. each. €.C: KELLETT, Port Perry, Ont: Also a Light Grade LAING & -- HAVE AGATIN---- WITH Ase = Magnificent ay ed MEHARRY OPENED OUT tock 5 of everything in their line = LAING & MEHARRY. PAINTING N returning thanks to the puolic patronage extended to me years, | would respectfully intimate that 1 am, as usual, now ready for business, and have a Large & Assorted Steck OF DOUBLE AND SING which I am determined to sell As ai inducement to asm purchasers 1 <b Dowd of 0 gir cankes will be allowed on all Sales from now until Jan. 1st next. All work being MADE BY HAND, and no factory work kept in sjock, the supe: jority of my goods will at once brcome apparent. Intending purchasers will find that hy giving the a chill before looking elsewhers hey can be suited in quality aid price, m long experience in the trade being au putable guarantee that perfect satisfaction will be given by any article pure Everthing in my live of constantly on hand aud repairs ne atly and promptly attended to. JOHN ROLPH Port Perry, Dec. 1, 1892. DESICN PATENTS, COPYRICHTS, eto. very patent taken out bre { wo! Public bY & NOtICS given free of charge ie cientific Awerican Largost eireula don of 0s 30 cntite paper in the ted. ear: rH 361 En Add 1 Broadway, Now : Fi Black We want a boy in every town in the United States fofell single coples of the SATURDAY BLADE and CHICAG + Eng ER, rold Joevery shop, store, factory, on the street, om ean start out and sell these rightist rated papers. They Lo farm lsh as agents testify, pers sell for 5 cents a copy. The boy sends us Keeps (he other 2 cents for Rimselfs 1 cobtk NOhIN runs nor risk of having papers left on his hands, as wet ' s make good agents, bul girls, and nya ds. or U tone who wishes to 'apply for an agency. Negure UR un hus | take hold of the bus LEDGER on WEDNESDAY. CHICA Go f L¥DGER 18a ni ory "larity of t TR olive BO rs is full Our Boys my Here is YOI § Write for Sample Copies, T 'AGENTS DEPARTMENT." Ww.D. be papers are read! e, and to strangers wl re in Ahn easiest selling papers pub eon Tue SATURDAY BLADE The BLADI ES also fully illustra atles ed by thelr imm 14,072,961 Posse Summn 520 to 560, heme Ere mn---- For Bale at a Bargain horbegen STILL LEADING! puss svt sion rote : % Grass Seed §1 75 to $3. 25 5 A. Short: Horn Bulls . All from imported 3 West Point, N.Y, Nov. 17.--|Corn50c to 50c, - "| /\HE UNDERSIGN doi and of most select ing Colonel Ernst, superintendent of West | Shecpskine 80c to 5c. T thanks for the libe rt FAL morons | Manchester, Meteh a Point Military Acndemy, says in his | Hides $2 to $3, "| ing pabiotuge, bestowed ou since com- 7 : report wn reference to the injuries re- | Beef $6.00 to 87.00, mending ihe Ts EE would x ,-- enived by didets in the foot ball field : | Pork 86.00 to 36.50, to sapply the public with WANTED. --, ends employment wih "16 w dowiufal, in my open, if the Ducks 70 10 86, : Mi od i oF over | bearfits derived from playing this game, | Chickens 5c to 7 JUST SUCH EATS perience furnished every man, Cholce whiich I free to acknowled, ota zey Apaciaiginers sod sonteol of territory. Wa have | am to acknowledge are Geran 42 10 Be, as canvot fail to meet the requirements of | 9 oloe stock and ean give you : Mai th the ; ki on ite s0 17, A i 4d Slferiag ig ouiy Coron CUR retaining salesmen wi sks i hr : 30 al ca i rin : 130 to 130, {in business to receive a1 oof EE i Swans vil | public patronage. pl a & WELLINGTON, sar All orders left at my Stall in the ; } Market Euildiog: or a my 3 Tabules cure the blues. b ofl and earl on, : ie age Tabule¢ sure scrofula. i ISAAC J. WHEELER ~ Ripans Tabules prolong life. : poe in'sums fo mutt Lorrower. | Port erry, Aug. 16, 1563: Rian: Sd ig a x sents for each copy he sells, and {0 start in business, and he Ok ll nsoN] COICE: Not enly jeannot do hard work, Ever, r, Artists. own, Any hustling boy uke money shoul i To nny one who will handle the the mapers re~ as long as fe Foe the pa 'Was Ap ery Arron who opbortuniey to make aad we ask those In Tin fully illustrated, The great popu. The average weekly CHICAGO LEDGER 140,000 asked § nd nearly all DE 1s the 'onder of the h Avenue, Chicago. STABLE. anking the public for the received during the a Livery Establish- have much pleasure in I have removed TOILET SETS in Plhosh, Persian and Oxidized Silver, Leather, &e. PERFUMES from the best makers, in Cut. Glass Bottles, Bohemian The Subscriber has just receitéd a Uatoplete Assortment of FANCY + GU CONSISTING OF © Ware, &e., at all Prices. FANCY CUPS AND SAUCERS, VASES, §e. PIPES and CIGARS of the Finest Quality. Wishing you all the Compliments of the Season, A. &.. DAVIS, BLONG BWOOE; PORE PERRY HE undersigned keeps on hand and for 1: sale the following Agricultural Mach. ee ~ as wp paRuli B ines and Iirplements ma mufactured. by the JUST RECEIVED. Chentist" and "Druga | KALSOMINING &C: HE undersigned would take this oppor- tisnit$ ot thauvking his wumerous pat- | rofis for their liberal and still increasing patronage during the time he has carvied ou f the business of PAINTING in Port Perry, and would state that he is better prepared than ever fo exceute all orders for Painting, Kalsomifing and Peper Hanging Partics entrusting their work to me nay rely or haviug it neatly and promptly exe- cuted, My charges are medgrate. 1 am also prepared to supply Paints; &e,;' when contracting. A continuance of public patronage soli- cited. WM. TREMEER. Port Perry, Mar. 23, 1593. Agricultural Machines IMPLEMENTS SUNDERLAND. where we will be Letter prepared than ever to supply our customers and the public with everything in the WHICH FOR Port Perry, March 9, 1892, 583 REMOVAL. 3 We have Moved our business to the South -side of Queen Street and now occupy the extensive premises just vacated by Mx. B. F. ACKERMAN, Harness Line |GHEAPNESS, STYLE, Durability and : v STRENGTH, Cannot be surpassed in the County, | Qomparison of Prices Gourted. ' BEATTY & BONGARD. in NUR EAMLTOR MT G3 OF PETERBORO : Binders, Reipers, Crown Mower, Daisy Seeder, Tiger Hay Rake, Two Peron Plow, Three Furrow Garg, Comhirn tion Plows; Chas ion Plows, S. T. Cultivator, 8. P Harrow, Land Roller; Steel Frame Spring Tooth Caltivatof, Binder Trucks, &c. Aleo the following, = the manufacture o JOHN ABEL, Toronto. High class Threshing outfits, Traction : Engines and Machives, Victor Clover Haller, Portable Tiiumph Engine. ' 1 am prepared to supply es everything the armer requires in way chines, Toiple- wents, Repairs, &e. xa. A call solicited, One door west McDonald's Hotel. R. K. BRY Sunderland, April 8, 1893. MISS ADA 1

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