Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 14 Dec 1893, p. 2

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It is close at hand. Less than three weeks now. There is a time to buy. Its ~ Now. There is a place to buy--its Here, Even a little money will do wonders in purchasing Pres- ents for your children and friends, from our upd kl Bilbo We want you to know what a grand Stock we have, and ow cheap it is, at the very reasonable prices we ask. Tah, "= No o ~ young but what fitting and appropriate Gifts in abund- ance can be found in ow splendid display of Popular Christmas Presents. The vir- tue in values--the beauty in well chosen goods and the power in low prices make our Store the best place todo yom Christmas Shopping. Come in and you will be pleasantly surprised. Surprised at assortment. Surprised at the Superior quality, Surprised at the Nice variety. Surprised at the Low Prices. Don't put it off too long, come early to select your Xmas Presents, we shall be less crowded, and better yet, our Stock will not be broken.-- Our two magnificent Stores are overflowing with Goods suitable for the Holiday trade. | the Splendid , | have somo bear . z 25H Xt is now conceeded in both the United States and in Canad that tariff reform is an imperative duty on the part of the rulers of these coun- tries. The Democrats and Republi- cans of the former country are now engaged in a fierce pitched battle and even now the character and extent of the reform there has not yet been de- cided and it may be some time ere a decision is arrived at. The Republi cans are holding to the unadulterated tariff like grim death while the Domo- crats are aceking to tear it to pieces. There is no party in Onnada now opposing tariff reform, bot the character and extent of the reform will be fought over with little less virulence than now characterizes the fight going on in the States and there will be many wigs on the green ere om reformed tariff comes out of the fire.-- The result of thefight in the States will pg on the issue here,-- a « il be both Litter ad decisive, but the new year's holi days will have passed ere the battle begins, A Death-Bed .Repentence. Our esteemed cotem, the Oshawa Vindicator, after a long course of neglect of and eradity to the poor of that town, now appears to be in the throes of a dcath-bed repentence 'and vehemently discussing the glories of a county poor house. - He says a poor house "is surely better than commit- ting the poor tothe common jail as vagrants". We are pleased at our cotem's change of front, but before his conversion he did not think that a poor boute was better than the common jail, for as a rule when the poor ones there sought bread they were given a stone, and when they persisted in ask- ing they were hauled off to the county jail and committed as vagrants where the whole county had to support them, so that corporation maintained their poor by proxy. In fact our cotem then appeared to regard the common Ounrlatest novelties, and best | prison as the proper place for indi- Bargains are sure to go first. | gents, for while the poor of his town There is nothing to lose and | everything to gain if you come at once. We shall look for you. We shall make you wel- come. We shall take plea-| sure in showing you our mag-| nificent display of latest Nov-| elties. Do not fail to come. | 'We wish every reader of this advertisement, A Merry. : Christmas. i iad . Dec. 5, 1893. FE sHOPLES CANDIDATE TO THE ELECIORS OF THE Village of Port Perry! Lavies Axp GENTLEMAN, --Your Vote and Influence are respectfully solicited for W. M. WILLCOX THX PEOPLE'S CANDIDATE YoR DEPUTY REEVE For the ensuing year. To the Electors of the Village of Port Perry : LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :-- Yor Vote and Influence are respect- fully requested for E. H PURDY FOR THE OFFICK OF RE IV EH For the Year 1304, Port Perry, Nov. 15, 1803. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE Township of Brock ! LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. -- Your vote and fuflucuce are respectfully re- quested for ~~ JAMES VROOMAN For the office of Reeve for the year 1891. were being hurried off to jail as vag- the Vindicator. put on his broadest grin at the idea of the whole county supporting his'poor ones. At a late meeting on poor house matters the County Attorney, who speaks by Look, reminded a representative from Oshawa that there had not been one minute for years past in which there wag not one or more of Oshawa's poor ones in the county jail, It may be that our worthy cotem. through "ignorance" at that time, re- garded the county jail and county poor rants house as synonymous terms, and was then less eloquent over the glories of the poor house. '80 excited does he now become on the subject that he can scarcely find' terms sufficiently strong to describe our intellectual darkness in failing to appreciate the great advantage of hiving the indi- gents, We are willing to support our own worthy poor sud lighten their Larden as far as possible, but we protest against any municipality sending its poor to the common jail and making county maintain them. Our cotem's indigent paradise may be all very well for the bosses, but the the the poor should not be deprived of their liberty in order to furnish fat sits for a ring of costly officials whose board, salaries and accommodations would cost the taxpayers more than it now costs to maintain the indigent ones. Poll the needy ones and not ove in ten of the worthy poor would vote in favor of being sent to prison for life. Let the hive be erected and bring in the kings, queens and drones to lord it over the poor, and fatten on what the poor should eat, and the taxpayers of the county will find that they have got an institution on their hands which will squeeze the taxpayers and keep the poor humble and prepared to d Let our cotews go on with the "indigent p ie, The Rev. 0. E. Mannftig, of Clinton 8t., Toronto, and brothel M. Manning, formerly pastor of the ost | Methodist Church in this place, bes accepted a cordial iuvitation to the Pastorate of the Methodist Oburch on 'with his parents and k |at home and since entering upon bis ministry in the church, ©! the proceedinga, © x dise", it to Rev. H.| A highly interesting, profitable and instructive public meeting in connec: tion with the Bible Society will be held in the Lecture Room of the Methodist Ohurch in this place, on the evening of Tuesday next, 19th inst] when the worthy agent of the Society, J. G. Manly, Esq., will deliver n Lec- ture on the subject :--*"The Double Use of Scripture," The well known ability of the lecturer, and the in- structive nature of the subject of the lecture, together with the importance of the object aimed at by the mecting-- an increasing dessemination of the Word of Life--cannot fail in drawing a house worthy of the community, At the close a collection will be taken up in aid of the Society. npn ---- Church Anniversary. The Presbyterian Church here held their Anniversary Services on Sunday and Monday of the present week, Principal Cavan conducted the services on Sunday and made them the means of much interest an The entertainment on Monday evening was greatly relished by all The church may be congrat- ulated on the complete success of the anniversary. etn Preparations for the Holidays. present. The widely extended community who make Port Perry their place of trading, buying and selling, fully real- ize the fact that there is no other place in the Province where customers can trade with more satisfaction or buy or sell to greater advantage to them- selves. Our business men have full confidence of the community for honor- able dealing, they are thoroughly ex- perienced in business, are skillful and successful buyers, keep large and choice stocks, sell them at small per- certage of profit and soon run them off, 80 that the goods are always new.-- The holiday stocks are larger and if possible more attractive than those of former years and the prices are closer cut. The stores are fairly: bristling with the most attractive and desirable holiday goods at prices which cannot fail to induce rapid sales. All that could be desired for holiday food: drink or clothing, of choice quality and at temptsome prices will be found in abundance. The public should see the vast amount of good things which our merchants have provided for them. A visit to our stores will prove both interesting and profitable to customers. Hurrah for the Races. The Winter meeting on the ice at Port Perry, wil! take place on Tuesday and Wednesday, 9th and 10th days of January. Everything connected with the coming races is on a scale far sur passing any previous mecting of the sort in this section of country and parties may Le assured of witnessing such races as have never before Leen witnessed on the ice of Scugog. Active and thorough preparations are being made for a couple of gala days sport and such as will justly 'entitle Port Perry Winter Races to the foremost place in the front ranks of such sports, An active committee bave been ap-| pointed and nothing will be left, undone | which may contribute to make the races all thay should be and give satisfaction to the thousands who will come to wit- ness the races. Expert Judges are to be secured which is a sufficient guaran. tee for just and honorable decisions, while the liberality of the promoters have provided prizes amounting to near- ly five hundred dollars. But the Port Perry Races now sustain a reputation which makes the prizes, handsome as they are, of less consequence than the fact of winning the race from such horses as enter the lists in these races. No labor or expense will be spared in securing every degree of comfort and fair play for the borses, The track is to be kept clear for several days pre- vious to the races, The coming races will doubtless excel: anything of the kind ever witnessed in these parts.-- See large posters. re 2 lishment, *" Cheapside," is having a lively time, their stock of just such cods as every one desires to have at the requirements of the public For- man & Son meet those require ments with spirit and liberality ; their establishment is full of good things of the best quality which they are selling at prices which places side is now a household word for choice &c. Don't fail to read their new advertisement in this issue and make a vote of the prices. : . de Fully Stocked with | tha : forthe idays. [the 'well known estab-| and this season. Thoroughly appreciating | b them within the means of all. Cheap-| 2 "= Holida; I ~~ AN INFECTED HBRD. --At this joyous « -_-- when giving and _receiy Tuberouloais a Susiph College Farm. MR. DEYDEN'S STORY. the order of the day | est importance to : : test variety HE HAD SEVERAL OF THE DISEASED i and ron deste ANIMALS SLAUGHTERED-BUYERS WERE style al TOLD OF THE FACTS, 5 sents. ars to be had at mode (From the Empire) W. H. McOaw has just be Mr. Dryden paid a flying visit to extensive stock to meet th Toronto yesterday and was interviewed all. All wish to bed by The Empire just as he was boarding 4) the train for Oshawa. - Said he: friends and when we be "We. do not deny that tuberculosis it is something nice TF exists in the herd in the dairy depart sive both the giver and went at Guelph. The herd in this de- renicibered : much lon partment, however, is totally distinct . | from the general live stock of the farm, wilt were some o may and is lodged in the dairy barn at least fail to see McCaw's half & mile distant from the others. of everything required The animals supposed to be affected and fancy jewelry, m, with the disease were isolated to the mas presents. indese extent that they were lodged in a 7 separate part of the dairy barn, It is variety. ol no secret that we have been experiment. See Mr. Hiscox's B ing for tuberculosis at the farm, and 4. Mr. Hiscox! the animals selected for the test have tisement. Es i560 , been placarded for the benefit of the and popular establish students. The experiments have not midst of a Lig rush been conducted in a corner, and the attractions in the b stock of holiday present: grand and tBe prices Guelph papers have mentioned the fact before now. Ever since last winter, Dr Reid, the veterinary surgeon, has : ing the tuberculipe test to ime result School on Wednesday evenin {+d from Engiand and another purchased 27th. Thia evening Ialing t odt at Markham, The Markhum herd' Xmas and New Yeats Day f SU7yERED MOST yiou IT Heted i io SVE nm several of the animals slaughtere specially SPPrODHALe. 2 Sond by my order showed an advanced stage composed of Miss Brac, | Miss of the disease, Some Ayrshires and Messrs Jewel, Nichols, Brown orthorns were also more or less affect- Pastor are concerned to render d. So much for one of the charges. casion one of delight to the Se ars, It is not true that I rescinded any Fr J order of Dr, Reid's isolating the cattle, and their friends, . 5% although I have always considered the Further Holiday Induce! ts tuberculine test an unfair one. This --Do not fail to rend Mr. J. Nott's | tuberculine used is that of the famous advertisement in this issue; While Koch, and when the fluid is injected it Dry goods, Groceries, Liquors, Dainties, is supposed that the temperature of an animal affected will rise rapidly. In several cases the test told truly, and animals slaughtered showed wdvanced tuberculosis, Lut these were animals that had been before suspected. In others the test was applied to apparent- Iy healthy animals, when there was a Jewelry, &ec. are being offered inglund- ance, Mr, Nott is not behind in offer- ing special inducements in the way of Furniture. Dolls that cry "mama," at Hiscox's. EZ Beautiful and a \qpria te | slight rise in temperature. That the Holida wesents 3a. grent at test is not infallible may be judged A.J a P : R 4 © |from the example of a grade cow which . J. Davis', t 1 ordered to be experimented upon. It was a rugged, healthy apimal, about 13 years old. The tuberculine was in-| jected and the temperature rose rupid- | iy. The animal was slaughtered and | opened, and to the poprofessional eye | no traces of tuberculosis were apparent. I could see none myself. The veter inaries, however, made a minute mic- roscopic examination, and assured me | that they had found & germ. It wus] pot discernible to the naked eye, and had had no effect on the health of the Prepared for the Holidays.-- M. Williams has a bountiful supply of case goods--a full line of Seagram's special brands ; Walker's Oluband fm- perial Rye ; Gooderam & Wort special Rye Whisky, &e., &e. 5 EZ Talking Dolls at Hiscox's. EZ Rewember the nomination to fill the vacancies on Port Perry Board of Education take place on Wednes: animal os far as 1 could see. Since day, 27th inst, There are three|that time I have not considered the vacancies to fill. test above reproach. Every pre- ee lire caution, however, is being taken. Un- healthy looking animals are immediate- ly slaughtered, and the test is being gontivually applied to apparently, healthy members of the herd." "How about the animals which when tested show a slight stage of tubercu- losis ¥ Were they killed also?" "No, several of these were preserved and sre now at the dairy stables in a different part of the building frow the . | rest." "Have any calves been bred from suspected anunals 1" "Yes. But here doctors disagree, and it is a moot question whether a cow slightly diseased can transmit the s | malady to the offspring." "Have any calves from diseased mothers been experimented upon 1" Convicted the Wrong Man. -- fF Wixpsor, Dec. 12.--Five year ago last July, Wm. Holton, an sged far wer of Tilbury, was murdered, Be: fore Holton died he said a wan i Agnew conimitted the deéd, was arrested, hut had no clearing himself. Some mon! Tedd Quick, a young man Colchester, and = man nal Mabon were arrested, charged: the crime, and taken to Chathain jury convicted McMuhon and a 2 pitted Quick, McMahon's death t was commuted to life term in t tentiary, where he now is. to the crime a man named Mi worked in the neighborhood Where 3 ne Y } ; Holton lived, and after the murder he 'No, but it is our intention to begin disappeared. A big reward was offer- the tuberculine test on these soon. ed for his arrest, but he could mot be HE TOLD THE PURCHASERS. i for. About a month ago I 'About the sale, Mr. Dryden 1" patch from British Columbia "Well, the facts are these. Owing that a nam named Kennedy | to a misunderstanding between myself convicted of manslaughter and Mr. Dean, the head of the dairy confessed to having murdered department, four or five calves, whose in Essex years ago. It now . | mothers Led come unsuccessfully pires that Kennedy is McDu through the tuberculine test, were ex- friends will at once endeavor § posed for sale. ; As the bil's were out McMahon fee. and the sale going on I had no oppor- tunity of correcting the error, but after the animals were sold I laid the facts before the purchasers and told them they could take the animals away or have their money refunded as they Scugog- On Thursday evening, 7th inst. a large gathering of the friends of Mrs. Lyman Savage at their resid: - | liked, The calves have not been taken sent i with a pair of beautil 8y | away." chairs and a eruitstand, and bid - bye as they are moving away from the to Novar, Muskoka, The worthy 3 cient Clerk of the Township, Mi was called to the cha After chosen remarks and stating the ob) meeting, he called upon the Thomas Graham to read the foll drese :-- To Mz. AND Mes, Lymax SAvaal We a few of your many friends Island have come here this mingled feelings of pleasure amd © Pleasure in recalling your many kind and the many years you have sp vs. With sorrow in knowing that ¥ lose as neighbors, and 1 you te 51 off Fry Island and lea a have come here tonight departure to tay good: ou have many. Election of Offices. At the regular meeting of Old Eng- "| land Lodge, No.9, Sonsof England B.S, 'held on the 12th inst, the fol- lowing officers were elected for the ensuing year :--Past president, H. Roberts ; president, Frank Williaws ; vice-presidant, Thos, A. Wharton ; secretary, Thos. J. Widden (re elected); | rer, Wn. Tummonds(re-elected); W. J. Oke ; committee, A. S. Fred, Smith, Wm. Tremerr, bbott, Wm. Corrin, W. M. de gu ve received the Christmas r of the Montreal Star, it is marvelously beautiful and ingly superior to the Ameri- Eoglish pictorials *s no exag- n. The Art Supplements of Star are perfectly bewitch- HArrER, Mrs. A. made 2 suitable season, the Ohristwas Star "to find that such a art publication is sold at so re as fifty cents, is a revela- really amazing. Those of ers who want to see the most 'Ohristivas Souvenir of the , should see the Christ. er of the Montreal Star. It .| Que., writes : 'Having used Dr. Wil- To say | 506. The Deadly Bomb. Paris, Dec. 9.--A dynamite bomb was exploded in the Chamber of Depu- ties while in session to-day. It ap- pears thut the proceedings Lieing very uninteresting, the galleries were not crowded with people. Suddenly, from the right gallery, some sort of a bomb was thrown or fell in the midst of the midst of the dssenbled deputies, caus- ing a loud explosion anda scene of the greatest confusion. The police immediately after the explosion closed all the doors of the Chamber of Deputies and refused to allow anybody to-pass in or to puss out until the in- vestigation was concluded, The bomb was thrown at four o'clock, Its ex- plosion caused the ladies iu the gal- lery to fly shrieking from the spot. M. Burton Truibin, a newspaper man, who was on the floor of the chamber was badly wounded in the forehead. Among the deputies mentioned as being seriously wounded is M, Dumns, deputy from" Alier, It is said that the bomb seemed to be Gilled with shot or slugs, and that when it exploded these missiles were thrown with the greatest force in al! directions, reach ing as high as the galleries. The police made several arrests from among the people in the galleries of Deputies. a who threw the bomb. . The President of the Chamber of Deputies, M. Dupuy, behaved with the most admirable coolness and cour age, and did everything possible to restore order and to prevent the spread of the panic which seized upon every- body present when the explosion took place. When quiet was somewhat restored it was discovered that nobody was killed outright, and M. Dupuy rang the bell of the President of the Olumber enliing the Deputies - to re- snme their seats. About one-third of the number of deputies present obeyed the summons of the President of the chamber, and when they were seated M. Dupuy arose and said a cally as if nothing had happened : 'Such attenipts should not disconcert the chamber, I invite you to continue your discussions with calmness. When the order of tie day has bein dealt with the proper officials will do their duty.' In the midst of iadiscribable commo- tion, the di: ¢1ssion of the verication of the deputies was resumed. At least a score of spectators from the tribuues snl galleries traversed the Salle des Pus Perdus in order to get medical assistance. All had bloody shirts and cravats and wounds could be seenaliout their faces Among the persons seen to be so wounded were & number of women who were weeping with pain and shrieking with fright. Tho Salle des Quatre Colonnes which leads into the Salle des Pas Perdus, was covered with splashes of blood, ten hemetetn The New York Independent gives the following cure for diphtheria. It has successfully employed in France for the cure of true diphtheria It consists simply in applying with - a camul's hair brush or throat swab a sinull quantity of coal oil to the white spots on the throat. The oil setms to destroy the bacterial growth at once. The article reads as follows :--'The membrane of diphtheria consists of a rapidly growing plant, and among other elements in petroleum ir a large amount of sulphur, which is very in- imical to diphtherin membrane, At ounce the membrane secs to become thinner, that is, ceases to grow, and that whith has obtained ,its growth lweaks down under the soften- ing. of the oil, and eventus'y disappears. The person applying the oil should be careful to stand a little to one side, #0 that should the patient cough no portion of the expectorated material can get into the eye of the operator, as the human eye is of+all calture mediums for diphtheria bacilli about the most favorable. There should not be an excess of material on the brash, as a drop too much might strangle in the deceased condition of the throat and larnyx.' This is prob- ably a familiar cure to the medical profession, but it may be of service where professional help cannot at once be obtained. ---- On Friday lust the store of Messrs. Dundas & Flavelle Bros., was besieged by farmers who had brought in loads of turkeys purchased throughout the country by the firm's buyers. Some 1,600 turkeys were brought in and the prices paid were seven and eight cents. The turkeys were simply bled and had the heads and feathers on. They were shipped to England -on the following day. The buyers stipulated that the birds should uot be fed for 24 hours before delivery, but some greedy in- dividuals stuffed their birds with peas and barley and in consequence the firm refused to take them at any price, as a full crop is liable to spoil the bird and taint all others packed in the same barrel han... been Thos. White, P. M., River Jose, lian' Pink Pills, I ind that they are undoubtedly the Lest blood purifier and reconsrructor of a weak and debil- itated constitution that can be found.' Beware of substitutes and imitations, Krom dealers jor by wail, post paid, at small or $1 large size 3 Fulford § Oo., Brockville, Out. tures Purchased. . M. O'Hara & Oo., Stock Toronto St, last week purchased Debentures, town of Tilsonburg, pay- able atthe end of 30 years, bearing 6 per cent, balf-yearly, to yield a little better than 4§ per cent. half-yearly. ney » Be Sats rere oh ps ow en sud delight to physicia | Glenelg were kept burning night and | day al} last ] Pr set- ters in calling, through the ey ae a town meeting for to-morrw to con- sider the question of voting £50,000 for the relief of the unemployed, h certain legal aspects which are attract- iug widespread attractio Tete In Daubury the are about 4,500 voters most of whom are under the control of the unions now locked out. The unions intend, apparently, not ouly to vote the $50,000, but to have it distributed by a committee of their own, and thus practically vote it for their own relief, If that can be done, by "another town meeting they can vote an additional sum, should the locktont / continue, and as the factory owners are the largest taxpayers they and the smaller thes be forced to support the locked out men and their families, It's a Great Gun. Bucharest, Dec, 12.--Mr. Memo + thenes, surgeon-in-chief of the Rou- wanian army, has been making experi: ments with the Manuiicher rifle, He procured a number of cadavers, and cis old ! : 5-1 ¥ flicted on the soft parts of t ies were less serious than those inflicted by the old rifles, but taken altogether the injury done was more terrible. It is computed that the range of the Mann- licher rifle is 2% wiles, et Liquor Detectives Arrested. Halifax, N. 8, Dec. 12. -- Before Judge Townsend to-day, in the Sup- rewe Court chambers, a motion 'was m4de for a habeas corpus in the Queen v. J. Holley and William Oxton, Tt is alleged that these men were engaged by the tewperence people to inform on the liquor dealers in Truro, and they were arrested for conspiracy. The wen, it is alleged, were brought here from the States, and not being known traveled through the Province and bought liquor wherever and whenever possible, and then began wholesale prosecutions ageinst the liquor dealers for violations of the law. Before any of these suits came to trial the inform- ers were arrested. Being citizens ol the United States the American Con- sul General watched the proceedings to-day, occupying a seat beside the Judge. Luckey Must Die. Brockville, Dee 12, --This afternoon Sheriff Smart received a despatch from | Ottawa stating that the law would be of Charles J. Luckey, sentenced to be hanged on Thursday next. Radcliffe, the exvcutioner, arrivtd from Toronto this aftervoon, and at once proceeded to the court house and introduced him- self to the sheriff. He then visited the juil yard and made final arrangements for" the erection of the seafivld, ete, The execution will take place at 7.30 in: the morning, Only a limited number will be adwitted within the jnil walls, The condemned man re- tains the cool demeanor that has been characteristic of him since the: Legin- ning. i About three hundred deer and a few bears were brought down by steamer to Gravenhurst, this fall, and bear are still. reported to be plentiful in the woods. A Belleville egg dealer has shipped 300,000 dozen to the old country this season, A rat created some diversion and excitement at the collegiate institute, Lindsay, the other day. A two inch rodent made his appearance during re- citation, The young ladies gathered their skirts, mounted chairs and other- wise exhivited signs of fear. The tencher told them not to mind such a grew pale, bat recovered when he dis- lodged the intruder, Roy Muckenzie, the strongest man in British Columbiy, is only 24. He is 6 foet 11 inches high and weighs 257 pounds, Mr. and Mrs. Coulombe, of Berthier, Quebec, hace been 70 years married." The husband is 94 and the wife 91 years old, The Windsor W.O.T.U. has engaged Miss Phelps, of St. Catharines, to lec- ture during the final week of the plebi- scite fight. The late boom in Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Company stock has made N.K. Oo taxpayers may | The allowed to take its course in the case|" is to patiently cut the stoning raising seeds occasionally in a little cold water, We also chip candied peel with scissors and knives. Currants ure not troublesome if put in a colander, dipped and rubbed many times through chree waters, and then spread thinly in baking pans and dried in a cool oven. Scissors mince citron Letter than a knife, and do not, I pray you, leave any bits larger thau A tiny pea ; nothing is more oljuction- able to most people than a whole slice of citron in either pudding or cakes. he nut meats we chop fine in & mincing tray. ! The recipe can be halved or quarter. ed easily, The cake will keep until next Christmas, if you like. TI was taught its. compounding by an old Oreole cook, famous for her mincement aud frutteake. Brown very lightly, without the sas. picion of a scorch, a pound of sifted flour; beat together in a or Your fruit is of course ready and you have it at hand in plates aud howls, ready to be added to the batter. There must be a pound of stoned raisins, a pound of currunts, a half pound of citron, a teaspoonful each of powdered cinnamon, mace, cloves and allspice, two grated nutmegs, two ounces each of candied orange and lemon peel, a handfu! of dried cherries, a half pound each of almonds and pecans, weighed after shelling ; a wine glass of sherry, one of white wine snd one of brandy, Roll the fruit--raisins, currants and citron-- lightly in sifted flour, and mix all the ingredients into the batter, Commendable. All claims not consistent with the high character of Syrup of Figs are u-posely avoided by the Oal. Fig Syrup Company, It acts gert'y on the kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the system" effectually, bat it ix not a cure all and makes no pretensions that £1 overy bottle will not substantiate, ' Bobby is attending to his piano les- sons very faithfully of late," said the youth's uncle, 'Yes, replied his mother. 'I don't have any trouble about that now," * How did you man- ageit? Some of the neighburs com plained of the noise his exercises made, and I told him about it, Now be thinks it's fun to practice.' ALL MEN selves, neruous, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in wany of the following symptoms; Mental depression, prematare old loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimnees of sight, palpitation of the heart emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kid- veys, headaches, pimples on the face and body, itching or peculiar sensation about the werotum, wasting of the organs, dizzivess, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eyelids and elsewhere, bth deposits iu the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to ba rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, ex- citability of temper, sunken eyes, surround- ed with LEADEN ciroLES, oily looking skin, ete., are ull symptoms of nervous debility that lead to insanity 'unless cured, The spring or vital force baving lost its tension every function wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse committcd in ignor nce, may be permantly cured. fend your ad- dress for book on diseases pec liar to man, send 10c in stanips, sealed. Address M. V, LUBON, 24 Macdounell Ave., Toronto, Ont., Canada. eit For Severe Colds. GENTLEMEN. --] had a severe cold, for which 1 took Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. 1 find it. n excelient remedy, giving prompt relief and pleasant to take. J. PAYNTER, Huntsville, Ont. Two hundred American pensioners small animal as it could not do any live in Windsor. barm, Suddenly the rat ran towards y i oh PEM i Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woolfords, the teacher and disappeared op his Sanitary Lotion. Sold by. A. J. Davie trousers, He retired behind his desk, Druggist James Reid, M.P.P., brought down nine wild docks with one shot in the Mud Lake region, Deafness Cured. Gestuemex. --For a number of years I suffered from deafuess, and last winter T could scarcely hear at all. I applied Hag- yard's Yeliow Oil and I can Lear as well as anyone now. Mus. Torrie Cook. Weymouth, N.S. Mrs. Francois Ouellette, who was born in Montreal in 1797, died ab Sandwich last Wednesday. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or salloused Lamp ured Blemishes from horses, pavin, Cu plints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, fore Swollen Thro Co 0. | The r used ap a lot of powder and shot last week at Chippewa before they discover- ed they had been firing at decoy ducks. « When your heart is bad, and your bead is bad, and you are bad clean through, what is needed I' asked " Sunday- t of her class. 'I --Ayer's Barsaparilla,' spoke up a little, girl whese mother had recently heen restored to health by that med- icine. The Bangeen Valley limekilns of sumwer and fall. Q Eugene Ducret, a Windsor miser, left $25,000. Shortly before he died he wanted to buy "a second-hand coffin.' The steamer J. B, Keétshum carried 1,100,000 feet of lumber down the lakes ast wok the largest load of the sea- son. and all classes of prion per Licad of the population, fe testify to the medicinal and | Santo virtues of Bardocd Blood Bitters, the Tt cures aD diseases of the bir rd Morrishurg's tax rate amounts to §7 solicits the suffernges of the electorate. His card will appear in due course. LITTLE MEN AND LITTLE 'WO! sometimes sufferfrom worms: Low's Worm Syrup is very highly re- commended as a cure. A Thorold man shot and buried a dog but the animal subsequently man- aged to come home. Beyond Dispute. ERE is no better, safer on orePlossn sore throat, coughs, onchitis, and all throat and lung bles. There were 119 applications for two burg. The Most Excellent Bamedy, --1 have suffered greatly from re are of B.R.B. 1s Neutered 7 Noulih. 1 Wich: i sth most excellent remedy ever 3 ol = AsxesJ Lavowx, | i Ripans 2 Bl os era : Ripans Tabules prolon| I Ripans Tae cure h out with {sharp scissors, moistening the fingers Young, old or middle aged, who find them: Si vacant positions for teachers at New: so Ar

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