x Remain," ; Says Henry HUDSON, of the James 5 © Buith Woolen Machinery Co., ~~ Philadelphia "ik Pa., who cert fies as follows: "Among the 'many testimoni- Les | BUCO pong lk annually. V. Muaterof Surgery, Vistorls Usk | © W. McGILL, TO DR. HAMILL, J Licen : NE Fondon, Eng., Member of Col MaxAGER. Late a of Twenty years, ago, at the age of 18 years, I had swellings come on my logs," whieh broke and became run+ of & Surg: Ounta ttendant of Soho Hos for Diseases en, and of Great Ormond Hospital | i : Y of Children, London, Kng. a y Physician, Surgeon, &c., PORT PERRY. : Wiipgiviy Office hours--8 to 10 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m,, : Our family phy "i RE: coiidonos; Dr. Tamils old BANKER AND BROKER. i sician conld do me no good, and it was feared that the Queen St., - - Port Perry. bones would be affected. At last, my OHN BILLINGS, Solicitur, Notary oo Mother Urged Me if Physicians rio.-- | Port Perry, April 4, 1888. Good Note Discounted.| tM Public, C p, or the Ontario Bagk. #4 Office over the| Has any amount of Money to Loti | tory Ayer'sSarsaparilla. I took threa Ontario Bank, Port Perry. bottles, the sores healed, and I have not Jan. 29, 1887. At 63 per cent. on good Mortgages. been troubled since. Only the scars = remain, and the memory of the J E. FAREWELL, L. L. B., Count; 2 4 XL Gon ORTH past, to remind ime of the good . torney, T, x own y,Barrists x Con y IN STURAINC H!| Ayers Sarsaparilla has done me. vitor, &e., Notary veyancer, I now weigh two hundred and twenty Office--South wing Court House, Whitby, effected at the Lowest Rates in Good | pounds, hy am in the best of health: English Companies. I have been on the road for the past YOUNG SMITH, L L. B., Barrister, 4 twelve years, have noticed Ayer's Sar- G. Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery EZ" Agent Allan Line of Steam-| saparilla advertised in all parts of the and Insolvency, Notary Public, &¢ | ships. United States, and always take pleas Office--McMian's - Bl ure in telling what good it did for me." ook, Brock: Street}, periy. Ont. 17; 1880. Whitby, -Ayer's Sarsaparillae J. A. MURRAY, MONEY TO LOAN icons uineuroson "It is Easier to ly the Scars | The result has x ines 0 : DENTIST, PANY AMOUNT snl Fabm Seounty now putting in Upper and Lower Sets of AT 8 PER CENT. Teeth at from #ar Also on Village Property. £3" MORTGAGES BOUGHT, ¥2 4 T0 $75 EAGH SET, FRAT Bh Having just purchased the largest stock of | (Office next to Ontario Bunk Barrister, teoth ever brought into North Ontario Iam satisfied I oan suit you both as to quality | Port Perry, May 10, 1885. and price. Come and see. Rooms in the mn WW. M. WILLCOX, da Licensed Auctioneer by letter or telegram, by day or by nigh increased experience and extensive ic will be promptly attended to. which I Varroa will be turned Sorte. He a, > 4d as pnt All ate of animals treated in the | vuntage of patrons, and parties favoring,me ectora uring a recent a of La latest and best known system with their sales may rely on their interests Grippe, which assumed the form of a #3 Telephone connection--free of charge. | being fully protected. No effort will be catarrh, soreness of the lungs, accom- ORR GRAHAM. | spared to make it to the advantage of par- panied by an aggravating cough,®I ties to place their Sales in my hands. used various remedies and prescriptions. Sale Bllls made out and Blsuk Notes| While some of these medicines partially ©. L. RY BSON AY} S furnished free of charge. Satisfaction gar. | alleviated tho conghing during the day, - + | antee or no pay. Terms liberal. none of them afforded me any relief from Port Perry, ApH 8, 1884. KADUATE Ontario Veterinary Col- | Port Perry, July 13, 1893. that spasmodic action of the lungs which ¢ & lege, Toronto. Office and residence would seize me the moment I attempted EverarERy CorTack, two miles south of to lie down at night. After ten or twelve Manohester. 14 years practice. Tele- GEO. JACKSON, such nights, I was phone in the house--free communication ] ith Port Putty, Manchester, and elevator. Licensed A uctioneer Nearly in Despair, 1 Manchest: ill b re p 2 i! warded by a All for. Wishes to inform the public that heis pre- and had about decided to sit up all night * Medicines in stock. pared to attend with the utmost care all | in my easy chair, and procure what nad Evergreen Cotte sales entrusted to his charge in the Town- sleep I could in that way. It then oc- Sra > Tvs 8} ships of Reich, Scugog and Mariposa. A | curred to me that I had a bottle of . 2, 2 register of dates of sales will be kept at the | Ayers Che Pectoral. I took office of Mr. Orr Graham, y with whom Semel of ee Fonaraion ina oy > arr may be made for sales. All N th 0 t : Ob correspondence addressed to me at Scugog water, ssid was able to lie down without or n ario Server, P.0.. will receive prompt attention. cotighing. In a few moments, I fell #ar Sale Bills made out aud Blank Notes | 0sleep, and awoke in the morning A Weekly Political, Agricultural and | furnished free of charge. gtonily Tofreshed $54 Jeeiing Zuo : a Ey T. a teaspoonful of the Pec- * Family Newspaper, I would also inform those interested in| toral every night for a week, then grad- 18 PUBLISHED AT Poultry that I have on handand for sale| pally decreased the dose, and in two PORT PERRY. ONT. upwards of 100 fine, pure-bred Plymouth x SWE Rock Chicks. If you want anything in that weeks my cough was cured." EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, |line please write me for prices or come and Ayer's Cherry Pectoral sec stock, = PAR SONS GEORGE JACKSON, | repared by Dr.J.0. Ayer &Co., Lowell, Maes. . y Seugog, July 18, 1893. Promptto act, surétocure Fe TrrvS, --$] per annum, if paid in advance; > i ¥. Garver m one un each aru n big am unresisting, "Ili have a nurse for you, my young i : ; Jriends, before the world is 4 day older," the trolley sys me 3 : AS pe it Rdg I Seve het a canal boats exhibited at the ¢ a # . ] d old man, don ee fhe deposited Pet an A Stems wie iiear Laing ; | hig botsehold duties, © 5 stimulating interest in waterwa ' i i 3 i id portation, - For some time past »_survey | = : : PE SE Li he ay] ut the sonal ot Abe Sehuleilt uae | | sellin a 'by her bedside and fan npany, has been in 0 5 Tr RI fy £ " Fier Lon a view to iermining savuils ane spapet, to bu the introduction of tie ; p of the hill a, 2 : C Te i all : grea) wa bor 0 n of general avceptation and aloption of | AN fivontuy, ave had your sbiare, : this fact, re hamciod application of ¢ hon Ee ir tho trolley system to canal propulsion rt is wells promises to open up a new era in the s0 L undressed "em and put "em wrbed to get them out of the way." "said Curry, ite your be wansportation of freight of this class, a Took pt tho i 1d mar, Pook ter § aioukd think? wnid "Ct as it increuses the speed which can ie dowd in & golden glow, jrately,.. "had . d be obtained and reduces the cost, Tue @yenly cities just below ; Diy AL A a A systen is not new, irolley power Laying ily gute, OM: fans Leen successfully used for some time i Prat upon the canals of France and £fol: and, Prof. Lewis M. Haupt, the well- known canal expert, says the Schuyl.ill * CONVINCED, Canal js excellently adapted to the adop- tion of the tiviley system. Iu ig 108 | Peter Carver pupl.ed his chair back aud cut my fingers with the curviug 'Have you looked after tho pickles and bulked fresh pies?" wil Sika a "In bed. They were too much for me and mi pressions and irregularities, wl entail pidkness when neglected. withous "em. I've broken the platés ano | system. weited off the nuse of the teapot an them regular. TPR For sale by all druggists, or will be sent upon knife," feceipt of pice (50c. gets box), by addressing E DR, WILLIAMS MED. CO. ZH. Brockville, Ond abits, and strengthen Id ke oi | EMULSION . with Wild Cliersy 2nd Hypophosphites builds up strengtir lost my diamond ring in the" ash-burrel _YourG WOREN Shese 04a shomid taks them. [hy y Send Four jolt inevitably | dress for hook on diseases peculiar Yo ung send 18¢ in stamps, sealed, Address M. should take these Prucs. | LUBON, 24 Macdonnell Ave, Tor nto, Th il oure th 2 3) y JOUKO EN toy ane a the | Ont., Canada. h miles long, some of its dams are from 6 from the Juble, and veyed the faded to 16 feet high, and its reaches are nos | little [ace ou the opppeite side of the tea- ly, wit bay) very long. His idea of applying the | tray. . a the knives, nor scrubved the ki.cheu trolley system is to pluce the dynamo Faded "enough now, though she was ON, " tations under tue dus, where ample | barely 2c You woull hardly have be | No de the bed ) water supply would be, found, utilizing | lieved how fresh ahd pretty Carry | of Tan ole ho 8, | nor swept the the water now running to. wasie and yet | Carver had been on lier wedding day. © byt wy iad duste ihe pariurs, por thie operative power for nothing, The | Her husband saw the| change, but some- | P18 the windows, nor heard the power would Le fed out by means of coun- | how he supposed all women faded just ductors slong the tow-path, There are | so. several practicable ways of operating | "There is 80 much the canal trolley. Oue is to connect the | the children demand boats by trolley to an overhead wire, the | pleaded the meek wif motive foree being furnished by means | "lf I were mauvagerjin this household of a prop ler. In this case it would be | things would happen very differently." "Nor blackened the range, nor clean canary birds, nor-- Carver, tearfog wildly at his hair, "You don't mean to say that you do all these | t things every day?" much of time," best uud Gheapest 10 run the bouts in| "I nave no doubt of it," suid Carry, 12 welodk, Aud yet you wouder thus I trains, Another way would be to run a | quietly. am ne ress and cultivating my troliey motor or locomotive aloug «| 'There is no earthly reason," went on | "1! fore 11 o'clock." tramway on the 10w-path, hauling the | Mr. Carver, ignoriug the sarcasiic mean- 'My dear Carry," said Peter, peni- |g boats by meaus of cables, This latter [ing of lier = tone, * "why the work tently, "I have been a brute. I'll have n pensive, enjoying yourself, cultivating your here just ay soon as 1 can possibly ob- Both the Lehigh Navigation Company | mind or something Jat 11 o'clock every | fait them--} ou shall bo a drudge no and the Delaware & Hudson Canal Coin. | morningishat you live. Washing up a longer! | pany are ulo thinking of applying the | few dishes, sweeping a room or two-- A few minutes afterwards the unskill- trolley system to ther lines, and the | what does it all amoynt to? Why, my ed cook was scorching bis whiskers over Chesapeake and Daluware Canal people | dear, don't you see the folly of asking | # gridiron covered with hissing mutton phia Inquiter, all." aenly blazing up in his face without the The late Duke of Somerset, writing of | --thinking. wife. "My ankle is bettct now," Dr. Busth's book of gossip abut Bis- "Cagry | Aren't you going to get up "I say, Carry!" marek, relates that Buseh was employed | this morning? It is half past seven, "Well by the Prince to prepitre articles for the | and-- "Tell the truth, now--wasn't that newspapers and to record his sayings. "I cannot, Peter," groaned Carry, ankle business a little exaggerated ¥* Busch sent to the newspapers rning her face away from the light. BA ih ®t something Crown Prince Frederiek nad Preaching in a neignboriug village; as | encouraged. "Please darken the room, and keep the children away, and don't speak to me if you can help it. I have such a ' found to be three-hundredths of one per cent, Adding to that the heat used in heating the water in the articles them- | selves, as well as that for washing, the total all-day efficiency was found to be 4.2 per cent. Professor Tyndall obtain- ed 6 per cent. tonisbhed the congregation Uy saying + 1 wish to return to New York by the first train, as [ have a wile and five chiliren there,and have never seen one of them." | pagking headache and the least excite- This declaration excited the most puin- | ment almost drives me wild." ful curiosity among the good people, Peter shut the door with distracting which wus allnyed, however, when it |gaution and went downstairs on creak- became known "that the 'uno' sghich | ing tiptoe. As he passed tlie nursery the clergyman had never seen wus the | doo uet of voices chimed on his ears. one that had been born since he lef apa | papa! we are not dressed." home the day before. + {Dress vourselves, then, can't you?" said Mr. Carver, pausing. Bluut Marshal MacMahon, "Pet is too little to dress herself," said The late Marshal MacMahon was not & | Tomy, loftily ; "aud mamaa always good off-hand speaker. There was uf dressed me |" colored cadet in the Saint Cyr Military | = # Were are yout shoes 2" Academy, and once, when the: Marshal ©] dou't know," said Tommy, with his reviewed Lhe corp he instructor sug: [finger in his mouth. gested thut he Bhould say something tof © 1 know," suid Pet, aptly revenging encourage the blick mu "Let him | herself for the hit at her diminutive pro stand forth," said the Marshal. "8 {portions ; "Tommy dropped them out of vou are a darkey, are you ?' he said w [ghe window." the cadet. "Yes, Marshal," **Well, |" Crash | went a fancy bottle of cologne keep it up." Off t16 tulle, as Tommy groped for his "The promontories of tho lalies this -------- ---- 'garters. Bang | fell Mrs. Carver's rose- | fall nre quite striking." An DLP. and His Hat, wood writing desk 10 the floor, bursting "Promontories? What mean you?" The first thing that sirikes the visitor the frail hinges and scattering peus, "Why, simuly the high capes they ate to the House of Commons is that--here a or and postage stamps far and | wearing. Isn't a high cape a promon- also it is exceptional among the Legisla~ Pwade, tory?" tures of tie world--the House of Cour [© Mr. Peter Carver was an affectionate | . And then they *roundod the hon." -- mons permits its embers to retain their father in a general way, but human | Brooklyn Sundard mon, hats durivg the sitting: Indeed, it is nature could not have endured this. Kate--And before he went away he the rule to wear and tne exception nog' Aud he bundled the two little creat- guve ler a sweet kiss, Auut Mary--=~ to wear the haf, Mr, Gladstone never fires miscelluneously into whatever | Ay pray, how do you know it was wears lis hat--there have buen excep- fartic'es came uppermost, rending off | eer ? Did Hettio tell yous? Kate-- tions--nor did Mr. Smith, the late re-fgtrings and fraciuring buttonuoles in | N,; I had it direct from Fred's lips.-- spected leader in the House of Commous | frantic desperation, Boston Trauscript. on the Conservative side ; nor did Dis- Phe fire obstinately declined to burn, ae me-- raeli, nor does Mr, Balfour nor Sirf#lthough Mr. Carver openvd the oven "Barker is going to teach me hool- electri: stove to do the samo work, and it is found that as far as actual cooking 10 per cent. cheaper, but it becomes 83 per cent. more expensive if the water is also heated, Houting the water in a coul heater is theref.re suggested, which will have an efliciency of 50 per cent, and then do the cooking in an electric | stove, in which case there will be prac. tically no difference in efficiency. In conclusion it is stated that tue electric oven is bound to come, The Promontories. : \ F not $1.50 will be charged. No subscrip- TT. SW. ATIIN, ~2 tiontaken for Jess than six months ; and no paper di tinued until arrears are paid up. Licensed A uctioneer WEBSTER'S Rates of Advertising OR THE COUNTY OF pukiay.--|§ INTERNATIONAL or gach Hae. High insertion .. Ju... Satisfaction guaranteed and terms RE Si, oz, DICTIONARY 4 To dem adsl ny 5.00 ; See aud residence at Cesarean, Orders A Grand Gwiater: The successor of the iE fl n addressed | eft with Messrs. Moore Bros., Blackstock " dged." fo this ce, pre-paid aud registered will | will receive prompt attention. 2 Yaar : # ur risk, P,S, No charge made for selling for c Te or 2 d by Ni iel, | Auctioneers in any other County, - editors employed, according to the space they oc- Caesarea, Nov. 15, 1892, ® GORDON, aluator ill be tak pa a ever au es { JOR the Tomi of Brook, Uxbridge, liberal discount allowed to Merchants Scott, Thorah, Mara, Raina, Mariposa "and others who advertise by the year or|and Eldon A | Partiesentrusting their Sales to me may | rely on the utmsot attention being given to | § their intrests. w ORDON Sunderland. H. McOAW, { MARRIAGE LICENSES, Port Perry Ont. Port Perry, Dec. 19, 1883. {Sittings of the Division Courts | OOUNTY OF ONTARIO. Cuarles Russell, A member, however,ean | ov l(ernately and drew out all the keeping," suid young Jatley. «Well, keep his nat on ouly wheu he is in his | "dampers he could spy. he's just the man to do it," said Dawson. seat, If he rises to speak, he, of course i™, 5 rund tho fire I" said Mr. Carver, | I lent him a copy of Watson's poems a kes off his hat; if be rises to leave hi seat and po out of the House he has to take off his hut ; xo long as he remain rtanding in any part of the House he has to keep off his hat, k There are some of the older mem! who, even when they lean over the seats to converse with a member on thi bench in front of then take off thei hats. And it is nsual, too, when a mem ber interjects an observation across floor, to take it off. It was also the variable custom, when a member w; alerted t EH) he shania rise his but 3 ? ing into desuetu Thomas Ne ne. in Hi Magazine, ¢ ne mopping his wet forehead with the | year ago and he's kept it ever since." -- stove-cloth; "it won't go. I'll have a Harpei's Bazar. blnze i F cak (ast . blue S Jindal gaud try the bieakfas Lady--Have you nny Turkish towels? He reized the ham un carved several | New boy --Turkish t wels ? "Yes Bick slices, wich he trafisfetred deft. | Haven't you ever heard of Turkish ly to a gridiron, and then. elated with towels ?* "I've read a good deal about his success, broke several eggs over the Turks, ma'am, [at I never kuew they ha used towels." --Good News, "1 «Bless me, how they rum!" he ejicu- - ey Se Tated, rather puzzled, "But I know I'm ER ei ight. I wonder why this coffee dons The toper answered, "Right you are ; il; I'll stick in a few moro kindiings-- Let's go and take » smile. re Verk Heus. Us the idea. There are the children ow. Xpr Fin 1 sigre, 1 supose. 3d be, "1 have enough to support you, Ethel. rushed ny to the To- Will you be my wite r "Well, Charlie, fs £ the milkman. P you must excuse me if I ani cautious, FY San}uons of Whe mi en a d But you say you have enough to support then Ls bon yi gr RY ni me. Whois going to support you?r-- and liquid mud, by courtesy terin- Harpe 5 oe r a N Maud--Charlie de Sofuleigh is an aw- vo, 8 looked despairingly around at the |] pore, He is always in love. Marie that reigned in the kitchen. --1I should think that would make him me o'clock, as I live--aud nothing | interesting. Maud=It would if it wasn't Well, Isee very p'ainly there's no | glyways with some other girl.-New for na to-day. Now, then, what's | York Herald. ng my friend, goos far The First Oyster Eaten. Dean Swift says he was a bold man | wiio first ate an oyster, The legend "which assigns the first act of oyster eat- ng to its origin is often told : "A man, walking one dy, picked up one of these savory bivalves jus. as it wis in Lhe act of gaping. Observing the extreme smoothness of tie interior shells, he insinuated his finger between 'them, that le might feel the shining po ---- surface, when suddenly they closed upon 'he clothes for the wash, please sir! Upstreat---Tlioy tell me Skiggles has at the exploring digit with a sensation yi a little girl, conrtesying humbly at | jast broken into the domain of literature, pleasurable then he anticipated. Tie | 4 door. a Yager--Er--yes; that is what you might prompt withdrawal of his finger wo "Upstairs and downstairs" went | ull' it. He's been appointed assistait ly a more natural t than | Peter Curver, luying hands on what-| janitor at the ptivlic library, --Buffulo its transfer to his mouth, over he considered proper prey fof | Courier, 'was most fortunate. The owner washtub, rummaging in bu- Hanan 3 the finger tasted oyster juice for the first | F drawers, upheaving the con:| Studious boy (writing a composition)-- time, as the nin Eli's essay, of trunks mud turning ward: | Should we say 4 man marries a woman having burnt his finger, first tasted de out for a mortal hour be- | gr a woman marries a man ? Father kitge, A 3 had completed the requisite | should think that depends a 'good deal on whether the woman was a widow, -- kitchen was empty when he re: | New York Press. here arg the children?" wis his| «Whatebbah you does," said Uncle ed thought. expressing itsell | Bien to his eldest boy, *'doan be rahcas- ly in words, tic, Er man dat keeps allus tryin' ter go out of the door, please, | shoot Folly ez she flies run er o' the washerwoman's little girl. | resk ob bein' hurt de kick ob his own uly sun was beginning to- glow | gun. -- Washington Star. Gis in the Jenveis, ie Piives en ent shine With| LITTLE MEN AND LITTLE poor Peter Cirver was ere he espi bin oper wo s Sometimes suffer from worms. . with Pet ling. ") od Syrup J very Chandler was once a candle-maker. FAMILY NAMES. » Pointer and Poynter had fathers who |X itinde lace, Skinner's great great-grand futher dealt children's lessons, nor taken cure of the | in hides. Tanuer comes from the mame of n to do, Peter, and | , Stop--stop!" ejaculated Mr. Peter | leather dresser. h Payne, Paine and the like are contrac lons of Pagan. t . Inman and Taverner formerly enter- 'I do. most certaidly--and long before | tained travelers. Seamer aud Seymour are the descen- dants of tailors, Buffer, as a family name, descends rom Beaufleur, " y : Sroke: rock a 1 v nietbiod would probably te tho most ex- | shouldn't be done, (and you dressed and vook and a nurse and a chambermaid 5 Sy kur gud Crocker had fathers who Stammer and Stuttard are relics of physical infirmity. : Viner, Vinter and Winter were once keepeis of u vineyard. ) i Plumer and Plummer prepared feathers ave investigating tue subject, --P.iadel- | for a servant to help you do nothing at chops, which would alarm him by sud. | for ornamenting hats. ] Pear, Pearman, Perrer and Perryman The morning sunshing crept down the least premounitory symptom, when a light | once kept pear orchards. also were the Calvards. Mitler, Milman, Mills, M ward, all have the rame derivation. Armstrong was ouce a complimen- tary name given to a soldier of unusual | ¢ wife's pets must all go. Mrs Frid demurred, but het husband wid firm/ The cats went, and so did the woman, Now Mr. Fritz declares he will apply fof a divorce, Similar calculations are made for an | Prowess. Moody's first name was John. He died in 1487, and his neighbors were is concerned electrical cooking is about | glad of it. Wakeman is a descendent of the old illage watchman; so are Wake and cesou, Paitens were Putnams, to-day. wet ck Juhnse ck lain John, letier to your fri except the posts out the postserip! to pay double po: Jle--Have you finished v and? She--It's all done ROTI IRL SUA § ' i rink li tep crossed the kitchen floor and a litile P| Tr N AN 3 pale green wall paper, sprinkling drops | 8€l 1 Free and Freeman were THE EWEST £0007¢8 of gold on the few Bittle geranium plants band v k the Jhandle of the gridiron | names of manumitted slaves. Hismarok and Busch MacMahon and the | Ut Peter called a "waste of time," and Hm a grep. Slot was formerly a lierd, lay in noon splend rs on the carpet, and urry . Stottards and Stoddards. Dusky Cadet. still Carry Carver stood thers, thiuking "I release you from daty," smiled the y A once the li Culvert was once a calf Calverds, Coverts and overshoes, Pattons, Patons, Patteners, Putners and | Taborer was a drummer, and his sone | y are the Tabrars, Tabors aud Tabers of | a Dawber is a descendant of him who chinked or daubed the cottage walls with on, Jones, Jenkins, Jennings, Jackson, Littlejoin, Micklejohn, Jaynes and many others are the sons of Lagh nicknames, Huggins, Hutchins, Hutchinson, Hug- ginson, Howles, lewlet cript, t; otherw stile, -- e shal | FOR THE CO y am suffering/such dreadful pains in Eleotricity for Cooking Purposes lar had fathers who carried packs. i Veterinary Surgeon. TOWNSHIP OF Say ay id, upan wich Bisinncok ban ob ihe uit foot 1 Spriand as night. In the last issue of The Eieotrical Reynolds. Re yunrdson, R in are de- hain, ty ighmn Mr, Fritz : VAIL UATOR, &o., publivh what fiat oo ob boii iy lta. SIArge of the | World roference is made to a series of segndants of Reyiatd wa ox, n. 5 also has some inventions he is trying * . " OR ah : en HY " i " : sule inte: i non guve us § s, Simpson, Simp- c ig a Fria FAL DY. Cured by. Ayer's Charry Pectorale en Brigee, Se os replisd k yourself, Peter," said Seplasions mispled Xo Spiers the kins, Simcox, Simmons and Sinonds. ? eri sedi Bo BL BR College and obtained a Diploma as Vete --_---- 3 HLA essen Sf, | Bao tng pul i, this present ua) ga smile in the folds of her cooking, and although the lations | Spicer 1s a descendant of the espicer, | night's rest, and he was unable to work ary Surgeon, would announce that he has 1 TAKE this opportunity of returning Lockport, N.Y. says: '% pes. - is day or two & bea heosssarily oy very crude they are OF dealer wio bipdled foreign spices. effectively. Tuen Mrs. Fritz became a opened an office for the practice of his pro- thank for the very liberal patronage "Over thirty years ago, I remembet Te Stated the Congregation. ' on't be much, ow." Lilies iat Adda Amid MT sper, Hopper and Barreller cane | yrance medium and, her husband i fessionat Port Perry, wheroall callspersonal | which T Nive received in the past. The | heating my father describe the wonder- A New York clergyman, who was | hats true," said Petor, somewhat thaphs phe rallop. fond a the coal, was | IDR: mAh tuulie flay boyseliold. wr delve Jom ha herd ; #0 | und future. She ath ilner, Mil- hence the of be Strong, Long, Short. Bigge, Little, | most popular and effectiv Fa 3 Lowe, Small, Slight, att, Stout, Young, | [ Pop nd effective medicine exta t und Heuvy, were all given as |) , lewet, | ney und Bladder diseases ielieved in six Liowitt, Howson, Hughes and fewson | hours by the "NEw GREAT Sour Amr: ure all sons of plaio i . 3 you'll have | UV iver and constipation. duced, pl its action and effects, pre 'them would walk--in fact, wanderers we e far too weary! Ripans Tabules are of great: vulue. LOUISVILLE, Ste tem effectually, acheg and fevers and healthy Wg ri ONE ENJOYS Both the geil and fonts Whe 8, of Figs is taken; it is pleasan snd rinabing bo {he [ ite and acs romptly on the Kidn i Ha a oat the sys: dispels colds, head: cures habitual Spr of Figs is the only Joneds of its kind ever pro- g to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in truly ben only from the most e substances, its manyexcellentqualities commend i aor ge mont ular remedy known. § rup of Figs is for sale in 750 bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable 'who may not have it on hand will procure it one who wishes . ang an A ng CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO., _ SAN FREANOISOO, CAL. ern wan --Ya-as, its healthy enougiy, ef veh dou't put on 100 mady dirs. --Na:v said, ents ouly two light meals in twenty. four hours, aud drinks noting by water. What an dieor that man Ed have made.--Bustou Courier, ever sung for your" "No." "luve yon pressed her 7 think, my I quisitive:' or separating irom his wife. The couple were married in Iowa about forty years ago. Ten years agoMrs. Fritz developed hence the | 3"mania for cats. She gath:red in an cared for every stray feline she could Belham represents the fuller and more | fg; euphounious Belleliomme. lock, Blocker und Blockman are the sons of men who fashioned hats, Bridge, Bridger and Brigster were toll- takers at the king's brides. Pedder, Pedderman, Pedinan and Ped- thent by meving to New Havenj bug she brought a crute of tats with the futniture. Mr. Fritz is a woodwufier. He set up a repairing shop, and the; e ly increasing number of cuts around the racted asserting that Anna Ore, than missing from Brilgeport, was dead in a well. The girs well in Fairfield. Mr. Fritz could stand' the fortune telling, but he couldn't stand of every legree, testify to the medicinal £ 1 a great suprise and delight to physicians writing the | on account of its exceeding promptness if relieving pain in the bladder, kidueys, back 1lo--Oh, leave |and every part of the urinary passages in. k. water and pain in passing it alimpst im: mediately. Sold by A. J. Davis, Drugjist; use com be permantly ened, rman cog ; MILBURN'S COD LIVER OIL e entire system. a------ Eastern man (in the R ckie:)--This if good, healthy country; isu't ic? Wise ork Weekly. . hE & Chevreuil, the celetrated chemist, it is The Indian summer, in Indian styls Has folded ita tents and eloped ; Old Roreas soon will be with us awhils, Aud with quinine we shall be dope. ~ Chicago Times. "She hus a very fine voice ; has she "Have 1 présséd her? I end, you are a ttle £66 iu® New York Press, EATS CAUSE DIVORCE. n Accumulation of Felines Separate &. Colipls ¥rried Forty Years Cats and chirvoyanct afe the Fddronf iven by Simon Fritz, of New Huven, nd; Mr, Fritz tried to escupe from ved in the building until the constant. body has since been found in & he cats, and he tinally declared that hia Deafness Cured. ; GrNTLEMEN. --For a number of years I uffered from deafness, and last winter I ould scarcely hear at all. I applied Hag- ard's Yellow Oil and I can hear as well af nyone now. - Mus. Torrie Cook Weymouth, N.S: At Home and Abroad. HYSICIANS, travellers, pioneers, set tlers, invalids, and all classes of people onic virtues of Burdocd Blood Bitt: rs, € t cures all diseases of the stomach, hver; owels end blood, Relief in 8ix Hours.-- Distressing Kid< caN Kipxey Core." This new remedy. is male or female. It relieves retention of and acts in its only by the terest, in' suns to suit borrower. ~ FOR SALE. OUR FINE, YOUNG, NEW, MILCH COWS, for Sale, Apply to . JOHN COLLINS, Sx: Seugog, Jan. 3," 1894. Money to Loan.--Mr. F. M Yarnold, Solicitor has any amount of » money to loan at lowest, rates of in FARM FOR SALE. $5100 Wik PURCHASE 150 Acres of Landy: being the east half of lot No. 7 and the south-west 50 acres of lot 8, in the 8th doncession of the Township of the Estate of the late ~~ James Hooey, Dece! This fardi is fearly all cleared and a part of it free from stomps ; is well and built upon, and within five Port ig ny leadin road The soil is clay. If nof days it will be leased for u ter For further particulars enquire Parr ab Blackstock. : Bde: JAMES P Blackstock, Ang, 21, 1898. Fnglish §pavin Linim : cf lomed Lo ps and Ble Bon, x 5 Swollen Thro +: Cong' YORK, N.X . i 178, of one by be. Sold by