teem For Boils and Skin Diseases. boils and skin diseases, and I find it very good as a care also found it unequalled, --The most effectual ure for Gout and Rheamatism.--A frequent cause s-------- MAMMOTH ELECTRIC ENG NE. Designed to Do Shifting and Other Heavy Work, The 1000 horse-poswer electric locomo- tive now being constructed in this coun: try Is described in The Electrical Engi- | T | neer as follows § - | The engine is intended for switching { iy by eight coupled wheels, each 56 inches in diameter: Wilooks ot the elogeed eitass. of the aN the ef a ineys and Liver, carrying Each uxle carries the at- p t weakening the g; off mature of a 200 horse-power motor, tem, al! the impurities and foul humors | whilst the fleld magnets are supported «of the secretions; at the same time CoP= | by the axlesboxes. The armatures in of the Stomach, usness, Dyspepsia, Heartburn, tion, ness of the Skin, Dimness of Vislon, Jaun- gles She hou, Jrysipest Sere vousness, and General Debility jal: these and many other la en # For Sule by all Nealers, question are Bl inches in diameter, and nave 237 coils They ure compound wound, and are designed lo take a cur rent of 260 amperes nt $00 volts, their normai speed being 225 revolutions per minute, The four motors, wien works ing at their maximum poser, are ex. | Jucied to exert an effective pull of 80,- pounds ou the drawbar, and "hence the engine will be able to sturt a very heavy train, The connections to the motors are made through a contact cylinder, which Arc ind Incandescent Electric Lighting, BLEOTRIO LIGHT AND POWER BTATIONS te ROYAL ELECTRIC C0. Electric Motors aud Generators. OONTRAQTOR3 AND BUILDERS OF THROUGHOUT THE DOMINION. 80 TO 70 WELLINGTON ST. THE BEST overTisinG + mei |j] IN THE WORLD IS THE LOCAL PRESS WILBURN & C0.. Proprictors, Tovonte. | permits them to be wrranged either all in parallel, all in series, or partly in series and partly in parallel. 1n chang- . . ing over from one arrangement of con- Drag Sirs,--[ have been using B.B.B. for| 14015 to another, eratances are first thrown in, the change is then made, and the resistance finally switched out again, This coutact cylinder, being of large di- mensions, is operated by air pressure, . Montreal, Que | ghgugh hand or is also fitted. Tune ax HorrowAx's Pints AND OINTMENT. | is taken from the brake tanks, which are kept charged by an automatic elec- tric pump. The' reversing switch is separate from but interlocked witn the contact cylinder, in such 8 way that it can ouly be operated when the current As a'dyspepsia cure I have Mis. Saran Hamiron, of these complaints is the inflammatory state of the blood, attended with bad 2 tu 4 il is cut off frou the motors. Provi is sel ade, and great. debi ity, made for two trolleywabove the to giroula- |S hieot the current from the line. Tie 8 propez ;¢ that impurity of the blood greatly aggravates these dis- orders. Holloway's Pills are of so purifying a nature that a few doses tuken in time are an effectual preven- tive against gout and rheumatism, but anyone that has an attack of either | pg shia 5 on Dei should use Holloway's Ointment also, | feet aviog only 4 i loaranice | the powerful properties of which, com=| petween the wheels, bined withthe effects of the Pills, en- | only ure flung sure a certain cure, The Ointment should be thoronghly rubbed into the parts affected at least twice a day, after they have been sufficiently fomented | with warm water to open the pores to facilitate the introduction of the Oint-| ment to the glands. total weight of the motor will be 120,000 pounds, so that if a drawbar pull of 30;- 000 pounds is expected, wa udhesion of one-fourth will be required, To insure us high an adhesion as pussible, the coup- liug-rods between the wheels aru-dounuie- jointed, and equalizing beams ure used . PAPER FOR BELTING. It is Said to be Superior to Leather or Cotton, | Paper belting for the purpose of trans. | mitting power is the next tung which is going 10 astonish the manufacturing fra- -- | ternity. says The Tradesman, The in- £2 In the list of the Treasurer's Sale | ventor was five years assistant to the | of Lands in the County for arrears of taxes | superintendent of power of one of the to take place at the Court House, Whitby, | great factories in Lowell, Mass. It was on 29th Decomber, 1893, the following lo- | while in this p sition, in which he had erted in the townships of Reach and Brock | much to do with lacing and tightening are liable to be sold :-- belts, that he conceived the idea that TOWNSHIP OF REACT. belting made of paper could be made to k D, pt. lot 3, in Prince Albert--lot 17, do better work than either leather, rub- Bloceon. 5. ber or cotton, He argued that as a Block D, pt lot 1, thick piece of pasteboard oan be made con, 5. to take on a flrm, smooth "and durable South part lot 3, con. 4. | surface by holding the same against an- South part lot 17, con. 9. | other moving surface for several min- TOWNSHIP OF BROCK. utes, a large piece of paper made in the Part lot 12,fcon. 5. form of a belt and permitted to run upon Part lot 12, con. 5, | the surface of a pully day after day Part lot 12, con. 6--shop in Sunderland. would soon create upon 1ts surface a firm, South-half lot 11, con, 14. hard, shining coating that would last a | long time. In muking the belt links Oumar | made from paper pulp is used. As soon Rhenmatism Cured in a Day.--South | asa belt is put into work ng ordera American Rheumatic Cure, for Rhienmatism | hard, shining coating appears upon the | and Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to 3 days. | surface next the pulleys, and this be- Its action upon the system is remarkable | comes harder and harder and harder as and mysterious. It removes at once the | the months slip by. It becomes so hard cause and the disease immediately dis- | finally that only the cold chisel can cul appears. The first dose greatly benefits. | into it. Such a surface works well on --35 cents. Sold by A. J. Davis, Druggist. | the pulleys. The Most Excellent Remedy. ------ Dxar Sirs. --I have suffered greatly from Runder Skaving ¥ isoat Jou, constipation and indigestion, but by tho use| Martin T. Mead and 8, M. Clemens of Of B.ILB. I am now restored to health, I | this city are the inventors of a new sub- cannot praise Burdock Blood Bitters too | stitute for ice for skating. They re- highly ; it is the most excellent remedy I| ceived their patent recently. Ex: ever used. | what the ingredients of their conipound Miss Acxrs J. LAPONK, | are they do mot choose to suy, but the Hagersville, Ont. | body of it is sulphur, Tiere are four 3 | other ingredients. The substance itself is of a pliable and elastic character. The surface is as slippery as ice, and, thou of an oily smoothness, will not greas the clothing of those who happen to fall Prince Albert--lot 17, | | Ripans Tabules prolong life. Ripans Tabules care jaundice. Ripans Tabules oure scrofula. | a | upon it. ; : : : | "Our company is not organized vet, For Over Fifty Years. | said one of the parthers, *'but we have Mas. Waxsiow Soomuse Star bas | Gomonsirated that ur compound iy as | mn used by millions of mothers lor 2 rood for skating purposes as ice, The children while teething. If disturbed at| Bia, for the a wo already drawn. | night and broken of your rest by a sick | jp building will be erected in the form | child suffering and crying with pain of Cut- | of an 1. The skating surfuce wili follow | ting Teeth send at once and get a bottle of | the lines ofthe structure. lt will be 275 * Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for| feet long and 150 feet broad. The lateral Children Teething. It will relieve the poor | ghoot will be of the same length, but | little sufferer immediately. Depend upon | pot so broad. it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. +The composition will be spread over It cures Diarrhoea, regnlates the Stomach | ¢je jron plates te tha d pth of an inch. und Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the | These plates will Test upon brick but- Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives fone | tresses, and underneath, throughout ali | and energy to the whole system. *' Mrs. | gho urea, gas jets will be arranged, four- | Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children | teen inclies apart. These will b- used ior teething is pleasant to the taste and is the | melting the compound and giving it u | prescription of one of the oldest and best | now surface when the surface bi comes { female physicians and nurses in United | roughened. To melt it will be all that | States, Price twenty-five cents a bottle. | jg py cessary to accomplish this. The | Sold by all draggists throughout the world. | gand and dirt left from the skaters' boots | Be sure and ask for ** Mrs. WiNsLow's| will sink in she lighter liquid, aud when Sooruing Syrve." | the substance hardeis again the new seprar---------- eee | surface will be perfectly smooth and | | clean." | Church of the Ascension. Tie inventors have a small rink at -- | 2117 Golden Gute avenue. 1t is twenty REV, O04, FLEIFCHER, M.A. JINCUMBENT. | feet square aud was made merely to test Sunday--Matins, 10,80 a.m, Evensong, 7 p,m. | the value of their material lor the pur Sunday; School, 2.80 p.m. | se to which it is w be put. Ernest Thursday--Evensong, 7.30 p.m. Westelius, who bas won au medal as _ | the champion skater of Scandinavia, and who, with lis piroueties aud his intr cate doublings and eurves on the ice, ha: skated his way into more or less fame in many countries, has tested the substance and declares t at, asi whole, he pre ers iv to ice, although in the sn.oothness oi the surface there is little difierence be- tween the two, ee ee eee. Methodist Church. REY. L. W. HILL, B A, Pastor. Rahbath Services, 10:30 and 7. Week Evening Service. Thursday 7:30. Strangers welcome and condnoted to seats. 8t. John's Church. (PRESBYTERIAN,) A Proposition. miser was once heard to say that he ld do anything to secure another £1000, A wager was laid privately tha he suould be asked to allow nimself t be killed for £1000, It wus mentioned to him. He took 24 hours to consider. Tin time having expired the parties calleu on him again, and his answer was : "Well, I have considered your offer and have come to the conclusion tha your £1000 woul not be of any 'servic to me after my decesse, but 1 will tel. you what I am prepared to do. 1 wil REV. RICHARD WHITEMAN, B.A, PAsTo > Sabbath Services, 10:30 and 7. Weck Evening Service, Thursday, 7:30. Baptist Church. REV. MR. CAMERON, Pastor. Bahbath Services, 10:30 and 6:80, Week Evening Service, Thursday, :30. A PERFECT ARTICLE. f ' finest re-crystalized Bi-Carbonate of Soda only are used in this preparation. ast 80 years, and is now (if possible)betier han ever. ALL THE BEST GROCERS SELL IT. ss EUS TOS SE A ---- CIGARS. FAVORITE AND RENOWNED. BRANDS MONTERO, UNION JACK, TOM between the springs supporting the in | PENNINGTON & CO., MONTREAL. ------------------------------------ = GAFFARONA | Coffee In the World. 8old in | Tins only. your nearest grocer, send postal card direct to Acme Mills, Montreal, who will mail immediately free trial sample to | the address given. w32. LUBY'§ \[ The purest quality of Cream Tartar, = It has stood Al with housekeepers for ths and has largely increased his WINES In stock, fine brands, Wines and Prices to suit the times, 3 #ar Parcels figlivered to any part ester, free of charge. Port Perry, April 3, 1800, ~ PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT | VAL, HE Undersigned begs to. a store in the "DIAMOND B and has now on Wholesal A cal; 00 that he has removed his business to that fine K"--one door east of Diesfeld's Jewelery Store-- {D LIQUORS, ind a fine assortment, in all lines, and Retail ! Hotelkeepers supplied at Toronto and Montreal Prices-- freight saved. x mors for Medicinal Purposes, ited. he Corporation, or to Prince Albert and Manct M. WILLIAMS. HE undersigned takes much pleasure in informing the public that he has now moved into his extensive, well arranged NewBrickEstablishment where his superior and greatly increased facilities for business will prove advantage ous to all doing business with him, 'With many thanks for very extensive ard still increasing patronage. need scarcely remind the public that my Kpproved Oven has all the latest improvements and does its work to perfection. The public may. rely on an unlimited supply of CHOICE BREAD. Every variet of FANCY BREAD, CHOICE (CONFECTIONERY, &C. re AND ---- SAWYER. For Sale Everywhere. Tho Finest Puro Cround If you cannot get it at FOR THE AIR The great success and reputation that LUBY'S PARISIAN HAIR RE ER has obtained proves it has no équal for r ing hair to its natural i color, and from its balsamic properties stren pthens 8 the growth of the hair, r a all rr ans Pash, GOING WEST.-- - + leaves the sealp clean and healthy. A cordial invitation is extended to all to visit my Establishment " 0. : ed te ® | COING EAST-- - fold by all Druggists. 500. a Bottle. Whitby, Jan. 15, 1889. E. J JOHNSON. " boi, Success the Test of Worth 11] LA HHI PILLS Axp aa THIS UNIVERSAL MEDICINE IS A HOUSEHOLD REQUISITE Forty dozen SPECTACLES and EYE-GLASSES, from 25 ctsto §6. EVERYWHERE. PURIFY THE BLOOD, impart tone to th: |# NERVOUS SYSTEM, and aet most power fully yet soothingly on the LIVER AND BOWELS, promoting DIGESTION and assimilation, ant endowing the whole bodily frame itl ' GTH and vigour. N Tremblings with I JENERAL DEBILITY quickly yi potent force of these well-known Pills, anc they are unrivalled in their efficacy in all FEMALE COMPLAINTS, removing 'all obstructions, skin blemishes pimples and boils, better than any other family med cine known. EEE] YAS A WORLD-WID® REPUTATION, It heals every kind of SORE, ULCER ind WOUND more certainly than any other mown salve. Its marvellous penetrating sowers render it invaluable in all THROAT AND CHEST DISEASES, «uring. Bronchitis, Quinseys, and Asthma, re- tucing Glandular Lumps, closing and healing ABSCESSES and FISTULAS, and for alle- iating the excruciating tortures of RHEUMATISM, GOUT, nd NEURALGIA it is unsurpassed. It never uls to remove Scurf and every species of kin disease The Pills and Ointment are Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford St. (Ite 533, Oxford Bt.) London} are wold by all Vendors of Medicines threughout the Civilized Weld ; with di estions for use in almost every language, Srl sonwent to allow you to half kill me fo = One Chance For w Good Name, "Dear father," wroie James from his 'college, "if you doit let me have more money the boys will tuink we sing and miserly." "Dear sun," replied his parent, "the will then. perhaps, call you a close stn eat." --U .icago Record. _ GUR rR EET ns 8 VITALIZER. Ty Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woolfords, Sanitary Lotion. Bold by A. J. Davi Druggist " Y \ eT! Emerson Bros Planing Mills PORT PERRY. HE Subscribers beg to announce the Pr ieconcs pared to fact; SASH, FRAMES, STAIRS, STAIR RAILS, STAIR BRACKETS, BANNISTERS, NEUEL POSTS, MOULDINGS, &C., IN GREAT VARIETY. DOORS, CASINGS, Turning palch. ALL THE LATEST STYLES IN FANCY FENCE PICKETS Tanks and Cistern Tubs made to order, Flooring and Siding constantly on hand. Planing done to Order. | | fully solicited. Town Hall. ; 'EMERSON BROS. Port Perry, May 6, 1866. | | the \ Seroll Sawing, Band Sawing and|Thers done with neatness and dis- tronage of the public is respect-| Factory on Lilla street, just south of the IT WILE PAY YOU TO --=BU Y=-- E. J. JOHNSON, WHITBY BRIDAL CAKES supplied on short notice. UNLOCKS ALL THE CLOGOED SECRETIONS oF THE BOWELS, KIDNEYS Ano LIVER, CARRYING OFF GRADUALLY, WITHOUT WEAKENS ING THE SYSTEM, ALL IMPURITIES AND FOUL HUMORS. AT THE SAME TIME CORRECT= ING ACIDITY oF THE STOMACH, Curing BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, HEAD ACHES, DIZZINESS, HEARTBURN, His Stock is complete in every Department, which he offers at Prices that cannot be Shaded | Call and examine my Stock and you will be convinced that for Quality Style and Finish our Furniture is unsurpassed. A large stock of Upholstered Chairs, and Ottomans, in Silk, Velvet and jesfeld's Diamond Hall JUST OPENED OUT A Fine Jewelry--Latest Styles and Patterns. OINTMENT [Fre GOLD WATOHES--Latest Styles in Cases. The Latest Styles in Ladies' and Gent's CHAINS, CHARMS, BUTTONS REGULATORS and OLOOKS in great variety. Everything Warranted as Represented. REPAIRING in first-clags Workmanlike manner abt ron Indigestion, Biliousn Dyspepsia, Chropig'] REGULATE THE = = STOMACH, LIVER > BOWELS, PURIFY THE BLOOD. A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR ess, Headache, CONSTIPATION, RHEUMATISM, DROPSY, SKIN DISEASES, JAUNDICE, SALT RHEUM, ERYSIPELAS, SCRO~ FULA, FLUTTERING OF THE HEART, NERVOUSNESS, AND GENERAL DEBILITY. THESE AND ALL SIMILAR COMPLAINTS QUICKLY YIELD TO THE CURA vive inruence or BURDOCK BLooD BITTERS. Oanadian Pacific Railway. ONTARIO DIVISION rains w Nleave Myrtle as follows " . PATENT J d CAVEATES AND Re-Bsves secured, TRAD: registered and all other patent causes in the Patent Office and before the Conrts promptly and carefully presecu Upon r ¥ A. J. DAVIS, Agent, Pork Perry pt of model or sketeh of invention, 1 ul examination, and advise as to patenta- bility firee of ebarge. ain offices directly across from the Patent Office tention is specially called to my perfect and long established facilities for making prompt preliu,- inary searches, for the most vigorous and successful prosecution of applications for patent, and for attend- Ing to all business entrusted to my care, in the shortest possible time. Rejected eases a specilalty. FukS MODERATE, and exclusive attention giv to patent business. Book of information and advice, and special references sent without charge upon re- quest. Stock JR. LITTELL, Solicitor and Attorney in Patent Couees, Washington, D.C. Opposite U.S. Patent Office. Mention this pape ) 6 Clipping and Trimming The nandersigned begs to.inform the public that he is prepared to Clip and Trin (in Old Country and other styles, all horses eu- trusted to him. Orders left at Mr. 8. Graham's Blacksmith Shop will received immediate attention. Charges moderate. ed. Satisfaction Guarant- B. F. CRANDELL. Port Port, Sept. 21, 1892. DRESSMAKING. MISS NELLIE CAMERON Begs to intimate to the Ladies of Port Perry and vicinity that she is prepared to do Dressinaking in the latest and best style. Having taken a course in Cutting of one of the most expert Dress and Mautle Cutters in the Dominion he feels confident that all orders entrusted to her cannot fail to please her patrons, A staff of competent assis: tants steadily engaged. Rooms at the residence of her father, Caleb street. Port Perry, June 3), 1892, DIESFELDS' JOHN NOTT, UNDERTAKER, and Funeral Director, PORT PERRY. into this country by the South American Nervine agent has long been known by who have not brought its meril general public. Stomach#" Liver The Most Asto th oe Last One uure Medical Discovery of It is Pleasant to the Taste as the Sweetest Neetar. 1t is Safe and Harmless as the Purest Milk. . This wonderful Nervine Tonic This medicine has gestion, dyspepsia, and diseases of also of the greatest va. whatever cause. It perfo which it possesses, and by its gre organs, the stomach, the liver and roprietors onic, and 3 a few of the most learned physicians, ts and value to the knowledge of the completely solved the problem of the cure of indi- has only recently been introduced 'and manufacturers of the Great yet its great value as a curative the general nervous system. It fs lue in the cure of all forms of failing health from rms this by the great nervine at curative powers upon the digestive tonic qualities the bowels. No remedy compares with this wonderfully valuable Nervine Tonic as a builder and strength- ener of the life forces of the human body, and as a great renewer of a broken-down constitution. It is also cs of the lungs than he. ment and cure 0 period known as Tonic, almost constantly, carry them safely over the danger. tive is of inestimable value to the aged and infirm, because its great energizing properties willygive them or fifteen years to the lives of many bottles of the remedy cach year, for the space of two or three years. of more real permanent value in ption nil to use this gi This great strengthener and cura- a new hold on life, It will add ten of those who will use a half dozen IT IS A GREAT REMEDY FOR THE CURE OF Nervousness, Nervous Prostration, Nervous Headache, Sick Headache, Female Weakness, Nervous Chills, Paralysis, Nervous Paroxysms and Nervous Choking, Hot Flashes, Palpitation of the Heart, Mental Despondency, Slecplessness, 8t. Vitus' Dance, Nervousness of Females, Nervousness of Old Age, Neuralgia, Pains in the Heart, Pains in the Back, Failing Health, Broken Constitution, Debility of Old Age, Indigestion and Dyspepsia, Héartburn and Sour Stomach, 'Weight and Tenderness in Stomach, Loss of Appetite, Frightful Dreams, s Dizziness and Ringing in the Ears, Weakness of Extremities and Fainting, Impure and Tmpoverished Blood, Boils and Carbuncles, Scrofula, Serofulous Swellings and Ulcers, Consumption of the Lungs, Catarrh of the Lungs, Bronchitis and Chronic Cough, Liver Complaint, Chronic Diarrhea, 5 Delicate and Scrofulous Children, Summer Complaint of Infants. All thege and many other complaints cured by this wonderful Nervine Tonic. NERVOUS BISEASES. Ag a cure for every class of Nervous Diseases, no remedy has been able to compare with the Nervine Tonic, which is very pleasant and harmless in all its effects upon the youngest child or the oldest and most: delicate individual. Nine-tenths of all the ailments to which the human family is heir are dependent on nervous exhaustion and impaired diges- tion. general state result. When there is an insufficient supply of nerve food in the blood, a of debility of the brain, spinal marrow, and nerves jis the Starved nerves, like starved muscles, become strong when the right kind of food is supplied; and a thousand weaknesses and ailments disappear as the nerves recover. As the nervous system must supply all the power by which the vital forces of the body are carried on, it is the first to suffer for want of perfect nutrition. Ordinary food does not eoh~ tain a sufficient quantity of the kind of nutriment necessary to repair the wear our present mode of giving and labor imposes upon the nerves. For this reason it becomes rangement. To the Great South American Medicine Co. have suffered for man, disease of the stomach and nerves. any appreciable good until s try your Great South American Neryine and Stomach and prised at 1ts wonderful power ach and general nervous knew the value of this rem not be able to supply the or Chorea. / vine and she is completely restored. Vitus' Dance. forms of Nervous State of Indiana, is Montgomery County, } £84 ONLY ONE great cure 1m wonderful curative powers of Harper BE. HALL, of Waynetown, Ind. sa; Nervine. 0 DESRADLE RESDENGR: FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for Bale two Comfortable Residences in Prince Albert. For particularsapply to 4 J. BAIRD 5 oe want a hoy in evert town in ¢ and LEDGE! BLINDS, | ca of having papers left make good but ng. Who wi a, Lire, ER. Thdf States {o sell xingle copler of the RATTRDAY "readily #old to every shop, store, factory, gers whoare in town. Any huxtiing hoy . They are the easiest selling papers pub- y sends us 8 cents for ench copy he sells, and ing for the bay to start in business, and he 'as we take back all unsold copies. Not only . or those Who eannot do hard work. Every make money should apply for an ageney. Earn LS Ee agaat ihm obtain: n for which a boy in Ee n is way, To eiod in boys 10 To any one who will handle the papers re- Write for Sample 'AGENTS DEPARTMENT." ¥. D. BOYOE, 115 Fifth Avenue. Chicago. Y r own Artists. The great popu- Errors or Excesses in Old or Yi nse ciroulation. e AVeTIRe Wee! I that of the CHICAGO LEDGER 140, ua could be ask nd nearly all Terms and Particulars to. Weakness of Body and Mind, Eflets of e Robust, condition of my whol all hopes of getting weil. ors, with no relief. Th walk about, and a few bottles cul 1 believe it is the best medicine in the world. can not recommend it too highly." No remedy com! cure Indi build up tl dle aged. Neroihe 1d porfectly sale; and very lo, An as Sad > For Sale by A Druggist, CRAWFORDSVILLE, TND., Aug, 20, "$8. DEAR GEnTs:--1 desire to say to you that I years with a very serlons 1 tried every medicine I could hear of, but nothing;done me 1 was advised to Toule Liver Cure, and since using several bottles of it 1 must say that Lam wur- cure the stow- . If everyone s IT do you would <nar=s Co. A SWORN CURE FOR ST. VITAS' DANCE OR CHOREA. CRAWFORDSVILLE, IND, June 22, 1887 My daughter, eleven years old, was sev 'We gave her three and one-half the greatest remedy in the world for Indi Disorders and Failing «1 owe my life to the Great South American 1 had been in bed for five months from the effects of an exhausted stomach, Indigestion, Nervous Prostration, and. a general shattered le system. Had given up Had tried three doc- The first bottle of the Nerv- ine Tonle improved me so much that Iwas able to red me entirely. pares with 8ouri AMERICAN NERVINE a4 a cure for the Nerves. No remed; pares with South American Nervine asa wondrous cur fi compare with South American Neryine as a cure for all forms of Li on and Dyspepsia. It never falls to cure Chorea or St. ¥ whole system ate Tonderilla jhe extreme. Tt is a great friend to the an 3 neglect the only remedy which will restore lensant to the taste. it will put the bloom of freshness and beauty upon your Hps ecessary that a nerve food be supplied, This South American Nervine has been found by analysis to contain the essential elements out of which nerve tissue is formed. This accounts for its universal adaptability to the cure of all forms of nervous de- ReBEcoA WrLEmNsoN, of Brownsvalley, Ind., says: "1had been in a distressed condition for three years from Nervousness, Weakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia, and Indigestion, until my health wos gone. I had been doetoring eon« stantly, with no relief. I bought one bottle of South American Nervine, which done me more good than any $50 worth of doctoring I ever did in my life, would advieo every weakly pers son to nse this valuable and lovely remedy ; & few bottles of it has cured me completely. X consider it the raudest modic'rs = the world") rely affiioted with Bt. Vitu® Danos »ottles of South American Ner< of St. 1 believe it will eure every case I have kept it in my family for two years, and am sure it is estion and Dyspepsia, and for al} ealth, from whatever cause. Joan T. MIs. Subscribed and sworn to before me this June 22, 1887, 'HA CHAS. W. WRIGHT, Notary Publioy INDIGESTION AND DYSPEPSIA. The Great South American Nervine Tonic Which we now offer you, is the only absolutely unfailing remedy ever discovered for the cure of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and the vast train of symptoms and horrors which -are the result of disease and debility of the human stomach. No person ean afford to pass oulable value who is affected by disease of the stomach, because the ex- perience and testimony of many go to prove that this 18 the oxx and the world for this universal destroyer. is rio case of unmalignant disease of the stomach which can resist the the South American Nervine Tonic. by this jewel'of incal- There Mrs, ELvA A. BRATTON, of New Ross, Indiana, says: "1cannot express how much I owe to the Neryine Tonic. My system was completely shat- tered, appetite gone, was coughing and spitting up blood; am sure I was in the first stages oF consumption, an Inheritance handed down through several generations. I hogan taking the Nervine Tonle, and continued ita use fof about six months, and am entirely eured. n 1! is the grandest remedy for nerves, stomach and } lungs 1 have ever meen." com at al tus Tt cures the old, the young, the mid infirm. Do not neglect to use this precious boon; Sal tn vie thin your -- Are the Highest Grade