DR. E. 0. McDOWELL, SUCCESSOR TO DR. UAMILL, Db, Master of Surger, , versity: Licentiate of eRe for Diseases of Children; London, ki Physician, Surgeon, &c. Offlce hours--8 to 10a, m., 1 tod p. m,, and evenings, tice and residence, stand, Queen St, - - JBN BILLINGS, Solicitor, Public, Conveyancer, &e. or the Ontario Bauk. Dntario Bank, Port Petry. Jan, 29, 1887. Dr. Hamill' Port Perry. A J E. FARSWELL, L. L. B., Count . Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol- Pabli¢ and Conveyancer, Jfice--sSouth wing Court House, Whitby, citor, &eo., Notar: Dit. ahd Insolvency, Notary Public, &e ~ Office--MeMian's Whitby. J. A. MURRAY DENTIST, now putting i Teeth at from $4 T0 $75 EACH SET. Having just purchased the largest stock of ntario Tam satisfied I can suit you both as to quality téath ever brought into North d price. Come and see. Rooms i long Block, over Messrs, Forman & Store, Port Perry, Oct. 28, 1891. 77 mmanipebiea HE undereioned having com; full Course at the Provincial Vi teri College and obtained a Diploma as Veterin- ary Surgeon, would announce that he has opened an office for the practice of his fessionat Port Perry, where all calls personal by letter or telegram, by day or by will be promptly Attended to. All diseases of animals treated in the latest and best known system 4 Telephune dotinection--free of charge. ORR GRAHAM, Port Perry, April 8, 1884. € L. RJBSON V. RADUATE Outario. Veterinary lege, Toronto. Manchester, 14 years practice. phone in the house--free communication i Port Perry, Manchester, aud elevator. elegraph culls to Manchester ¥ill be for. All Vetevivacy swabded by telephone. Medicines in stock, . Eveéfitteen Cottage, oe Sowa} 'North Ontario Observer. A Weelly Political, Agricultural Ftlnily Newspaper, 1S PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT. EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, 'H. PARSONS, Terms, --$1 per annum, if paid in advance; No subscrip- 'tiontakeu for Jess than six months : and no piper discontinued until arrears are paid up. f nob $1.50 will be ¢ Rates of Advertising t Fat such line, fest insertion sive, $008 insertions, per line ..... when , Victoria Uni- Royal Coll of Phiysisns, London, Eng. Member of Col. of Physinians & Surgeons, Ontario. -- be uttendant of Soho Hospital for Diseases of women, and of Great Ormond Hnyuzad Eg sa Office over the a LL a ie YOUNG SMITH, L L. B., Barrister, ._Attorney-at-Laiw, Solicitor in Chancery lock, Brock Street, u Upper and Lower Sets of Jeted his Office and residences Evercresy CoTTA0E, two miles south of oposite receivad it the hi rest Surv rates. Interest calculated and eo ited to each depositor semi-annually. 3; / i Ww. ; f MANAGER, Port Perry, April 4, 1888. £9 J DAVIDJ. ADAMS, BANKER AND BROKER. Good Noté Discounted. s old Notary Soliei Has any amount of Money to Loan At 65 per cent. on good Mortgages. INBEURANCE effected at the Lowest Rates in Good English Companies. £7 Agent Allan Line of Steam- ships. Port Perry, Oct. 17, 1889, MONEY TO LOAN FIYHE Subscriber is prepared to LEND T ANY AMOUNT Eo Security AT 6 PER CENT. ar Also on Village Property. £3 MORTGAGES BOUGHT, EY HUBERT L. EBBELS, Barrister. . Office next to Ontario Bunk Pott Perry, May 10, 1885. W. M. WILLCOX. Lis ensedAustioneer FO LON NSHiP oF CARTWRIGHT, VALUATOR, &c, REAL ESTATE A SPECIALTY. n the Soui's inary I TAKE this opportunity 'of returnin thanks for the very liberal patronay which T have received in the past. The wersaseldl experience and extensive practic which I have hind will be turned to the ad vuutage of patrons, aud purties favoring m with their su'es may rely on their interest wing fully protected. = No effort will b pured to al it to the advantage of par ies to place their Sales iv my hands, Sale Bills made out and Blank Note: furnished free of charge. Satisfaction guar antee or no pay. Terms liberal. U Port Perry, Ju'y 13, 1803, GEO. JACKSON, Licensed Auctioneer Wishes to inform the public that he is pre' ared to attend with the utmost care ali 4 ent usted ships of Reac pro- nigh 8 Col- Tele- to his charge in the Towns i, Scitg + and Mariposa. A euister of dates of sales will be kept at the flice of My. Ort Ghia. am V.3., with whou ore ts may be om de for sales. Al "ores pondence addressed to me at Seugo; P.0.. will regeive prompt attention. a Sale Hite made oat and Blank Notes and furnished free of charge. 1 would also inform those interested it Poultry that T have on band and for sah x apwarids of 100 fine, jore-bred Plymouti Rock Chicks: If you want any thing in the ine please write we for prices or come aii set stuck. GEORGE JACKSON sengog, July 18, 1€93, T. SW.AIIN, Licensed Auctioneer Fo THE COUNTY OF DURHAM .-- 3 Sutisfuction guaranteed and tern iberul, Office and residence at Cesarean. Order "eft with Messrs. Moore Bros, Blickstick ceive J tion. 3 002 5 00 Fog Ri ky J md Eldon ! 8 ~ Partiescutrusting their Sales to me may 'ou the utmsot attention being given to fu SORDON 4 for sdlling. fo | 9 hen | was a Boy," Writes Postmaster J. C. WooDSON, Forest Hill, W. Va., "I had a bron- chial trouble of such a persistent and stubborn character, that the dctor pronounced it incurable with dinary medicines, and advised me to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. 1 did so, and one bottle cured me. Tor the last fifteen years, I have used this preparation with goed effect whenever 1 take v A Bad Cold, and I know of numbers of people who keep it in the house all the times not considering it safe to be with- out it." "J have been using Ayer"s Cherry Pectoral in my family for 80 years, with the most satisfactory results, and can cheerfully recommend it as being espe cially adapted to all pulmonary com: plaints. I have, for many years, mads pulmonary and other medicines a special study, and I have come to the conclusion that Ayer's Chiefy Pectoral occupies a position pre-eminent over other medi cines of the class."'--Chas. Davenport; Dover, N. J. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Prompttoact,sureto cure 7 4 1 A Little Daughter Of a Church of England minister cured of a distressing rash, by Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Mr. RICHARD Birks, the well-known Druggist, 207 McGill st., Montreal, P. Qs, says: f have sold Ayer's Family Medicines for 40 years, and have heard nothing but good said of them. I know of many Wonderful Cures performed by Ayer's Sarsa one in patticular being that of & little daughter of a Church of England minis: ter. The child was literally covered from head to foot with a red and ex. ! ceedingly troublesome rash, from which she had suffered for two or three years; in spite of the best medical treatment available. Her father was in great distress about the case, and, at my fecommendation, at last began to ad- minister Ayer's Sarsaparilla, two bot- tles of which effected a complete cure, much to her relief and her father's delight. I am sure, were he here to-day; he would testify in the strongest terms 2s to tho meriis of * Ayer"s Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr.J.0. Ayer & Oo., Lowell, Mass, Cures others, willcureyou WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL it, DICTIONARY Her kennel wich [oy a Lyitel Ben allwais in vd way. And then a moder felt her heart. How that it Dan to-iofae--= . 3 She kiwed each day ull she ber gray | The shoun he to worn 3 Lit hairy Toe oid snl hogan Nar played upon oore Gorllus was the Joy 5 aytuel Boy Ben in Lhe way no wore. --Eugens Field. ONLY A RED PLUME, i. The "Red Plume," by Jucanet (Jean Gustave), is the way tae Loan exaioi- tion sutalogue has it It hangs in one corner of the enst gallery ths Acar demy of Design. lt is n picture of a feather, of furs, of a 1odice of black, and neidentally a portraie of a wo man's lace, oval, dark, large eyed, rgd lippal Sith; the urlist, passes it by. He knows ib well; 8 + does Mis. J mes. the eritie, und portly Browlis the co lector. Its only swdnarers are three chatiering misses, T ese make way presently for the very old gentienun aud made; Hd wile, aid go into anotaer gullery Chatter sotile more, Te is tatl and spare. His cheeks are phuk, anh lus hair is silver white, Ma- dime wears her hair in tiree little curls on each side of her face, like the other ludy--she of the cout of King George-- rao ed m the next gallery. And boih pause 1efore thw Luly in the scarlet pluie whose fuce turas back tae yeard tor each _ ler very face," the old gentleman muses, snd as he niuses © se 8 a young ser mn his sohool days and a beauttul girl wise glorion «hair is crowned by a ded plume, LE is near an oid stone house by the sea, and the youth is him- sell, e was home (rom scnvol for ni swimmer holidays when he first met Cousin Moy. Hor motner had died, and she haul come to make his home her own. He learned this alter he reached the house, Heaiim's know this wued ne jumped from tae wagda nit the gate anil started un the path toa lad through thie grove (uo give his m ru Shrprise. He vas therefore myst when a fietle sudden stepped froi the urbor aud held oul her tak de "You're Roi eo R.coard an : Aid ne did like ner from that moment. Tuey walked to the house bund in hand and (rom that day Cousin Richard a IF Cousin May shared their sports. Thes rowed together on tie bay; aad Richard taught ber Wi w swim. 5 8 rode iis pony and spoiled his dog wit kinduess, They baile litle voais and set wen adriit, thin paper sails spread out to the wind and their soup prows pointed toward the reef beyond wien roils surt. T.ey tramped over the hilis hunt ing for birds' nests, looking for ratibits burrows aud following the idle squirrel along the old § one wall, Tey gutiered wild flowers and fouf leafed clover. Tout is ve way the samaif htssed, He wus 17. Cousin My was lores yburs youn ger, But the red plume! At tee thougat of it the oll gentleman stiles, nnd in the punted face he almost sees dh answer. Tue rend plume! It was the last night of nis holiaav, He lef for senoul early the next worning Jolin had carried his trunk down stairs, and it stood open in the lind] waiting for the (Feasures tuat his mother would siow away afer he had gone to sibep--irosted cakes and apples and a lide pire au round, far hutle purse that jingled when it wus shaken. Cousin May had slipped away in the afternoon, and he had spent an hoor or wore in searcoing for her. He found Ler inn thie nroor near Loe gate, where he nad met ner first, Hor eyes were rod amd when he called soe vid ner face and pretended that sie did not boar tak When he came behind ser and put his arm around her waist, sie boxed ois vars, Fatrzhed and ran a vay, When soe wis out oi reach, she stopped and put ou the seurie. plume, write to, It wus of maple leaves, red with th erly autumn (rose, and it trailed from the crown over tie side of her hat and fd) on her saouwder, hall hidden ia he bla zk, mangled hair No. tiie ~ame plume the painted wo- | Dun wears, but like iv un eotor and grace, very like it, only proguies © Puen she laugoed aan, and permi ting herself 10 ve caught tie cousin; wittked tack to the nou<e, and she is he had ever seen lier us Lavy stood av the door, wm, il you are glad 0 go" "You know Pinot. You kuow I- he catgnt at her hand, Bit sae darted away witht another lug aod ran upsta rs, blowing nim a kiss from thy Hin ol her fingers, S : unhappy Cousin Richard 17 And again the uld gertleaan sighs, Alter tou they sat by themselves in the corner of the libiary under the big Tnmp, aud May was strangely good 10 him. She taliced about nis pony and made rash proses uso his dog--t .e soiled Sue said that she would m and even promised to send her piciure by and by, aud then sho a ed: LAN : fr Eon Dos read hat Cousin ed ou ls - 0 +1 could read ; ,"" he said. As well us 2 old vey oe Just as well. Try me." = "funiapp, yn dp sat alone under (he fibers very crestlullen and very morning as the rizing sun len pathway over tue still he iy. Cousin Richard rode i, LEZ the grove, and ils hand, with a very log dis pdm, waving a handker- ormer window, he made Thy inden wauler: down the if he st fife Line ith the rel plume? Dil she man pith tee carly hair? sin Ricidrd's soothsaying! cumie bugk from school they ra vay ih the mavevard by wind over her geive tidy pak gentleman sighd his yrlnsses as thuzh . frm the seitee in froasef the pi d goes int the portrait gallery, [b: 15 for tue wmo- went that iis Wife 1s with him. Maulana his wife, hears his sigh and ity and dPwn wm her heart she te-ls un thon tha hurts, From the other ws the sould of laugh \, speaking us weinea uid dk ingie playhouses between S18, He hits not fodrotten her," savs ma dame to herself, "Bind that was 40 years fe ever wil forget her," aud she raws ner lps to getaer tg aly, Front the streed 18 hear | the music of a strolling hand prean player, and to mada@ it recalls one night=--a night that sue hing newer forgotien, altnou zh it wits 40 yegirs gh A was at the play thit sh flest sip the womaut with tae red pluie, Sig wus an actress, tall, lithe, graceful find beautiful, was lowdaned/and soft, and she purred hie o cit us fhe tok off her hat with its sweeping plume and caressed the face of her lofer. She tuk off her hat so tint she eduld kiss him, the siame. toi ar, ad she told him she lov -d Thenfit was that sie frowned. Jere wad something abou tts woman that she did not like, and the mddaude liceselt Witf young 40 years ago, tall, slender anf beautitul, Perhaps it was her vo.ee, maybe her lapge black cyes-- luring ©, i possibly ber lips--siren's lips, full gad rose red, or the wanton ule, ude no difference thei Sie disliked lier intuitively. Some per. do na womai's itl 4 i from the | Pata very old wu, then young aud straight. watched her every westure. He il ut her distress, He rejoiced in fumph, ant be it suid this dis he winost envied the curly haired whose face sne purred over and ressed. ry old gentleman was @ Very uman young man d long genera: tion go, und she was only an actress. Gdune would have forgotten this fret night, however, had it not been for the supper. That sie never has .orgol- ten nor forgiven and never wil, It wasn't his faut--so he saidi This was the syay it happened © Taey guve a sup- oF to-Marie--tiat wus the name of the tie mecibers of his club, dud ne orced 10 go. It woud not have one Lo have staid at home, le tried, woithly, Lo be sure, Lo IKE excuses § he "hat business Lo attend to; he liu nudtier eigittonent; ne wad promised w dive with in wa: hone, but he was Laugn- dat, poohpoohed. And so he went. {uc he bas confessed humbly aud tly su harmless supper. This he has ed boldly and with emphasis, were otuer nciresses present nud n ithe curly haired man who wus we husoand., 16 was a supper such Same mi gut have sat down to her. Tere were Nsic aml wine, sone a few songs, and then he went He never saw her alterwie nen ste toinks of this madame guin more grimly even tian be- wits. d bts would not have eared so much {ihe supper. however, imdiscrect night have been, had it not been he letter whic she fonad years ard in thie otd dese where the very Hann keeps lua papers--a little weiter tied © ouad with a lock of ¢ hair and u Lit of scarlet rib this letter that made hor thr 3 it his not doug since the ing that le nad mde his contession this pence. . 1s is W hat the letter said @ Dear, Foors# Dick--8» Aa Hy Without oi Ling me good liy! Asif I miudel your rage al Jan wit the curly hair, You know wars liked sirnigot hair the best, ou were vexed, Well ib serves t, for you ure a very rude, sy. and ny oad haets me s ill. ver forget yo: Be a good te Buon to your loving May. letter that madame found «Sie will look Tor it again » nigit--and if 5 @ tuds it speak her mind. my 3 niles unpleasant. ready, my Jove ? asks the emit. i | fu you face, don't you think we of soms one I used ¢ Eo down stairs, arm in jd gentlenian wonders st thinking of the plume of the graven tablet by the aded fetter tn his desk ace!" geotleman and ma- standing before the pic. tirul olumet - George, 1 a ha like that, Will cures attributed to the use of Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills for Pale People.-- These various articles were credited to newspipers of good standing, and there was iid benson to doubt their entire truthfulness, but as we had not happened to come across a striking case ourselves we have given the articles but little thought, and perhaps this may be the case with some of our readers, A few days ago the op: portunity was given us to investigate a cise, however, which sdtisfied us, and will satisfy tliose who read those who read this, that there is a marvel- ous efficacy in this now celebrated It was told to us by one of our leading drogyists that well known medicine. resident had an experience which fully equalled the wonderful cures of which so, much had been published, The citizén referred to was Mr. Win Belrose, ship carpenter &Hd has been n resident of this town since 1866. The Times undertook to get the facts from | Her volte | Mr. Belrose in order to satisfy our- selves, He was working in the ship- yurd and when found wus yielding the lieaviest axe on the ground, shaping the ibs of a Lig vessel on tha stocks. None of the 300 men. employed were working harder, nor appeared to l& heaith. Ty enjoying more vigorous [reply to a question Mr. Belrose said : «Yes, sir, I would not be using this axe if I had not taken Pink Pills.'-- The story as briefly told as possible is this : In 1890, after returning from the Pacitia const. Mr. Belrose went to Chicago where he seciiréd einploy- being in that me Tie was taken with nmlarinl fever, After u week of suffering the people with whom he was staying spoke of taking ing him to the hospital, but Mr. Bel- rose oljjected. A consultation wus held and' it was decided that instead of gbing to the hospital--a place he dreaded-- he would take the first train His ticket was bought and he was placed on the train. home. He was so sick that the only incident he could remember in the whole 600 miles trip was the changing of cars'at some junc- tivn. He reaclied home on August 7th, and at once a well known physi- cinn was called in. Recovery was slow and it was not till November that he was able to get out of the house.-- Then in his weltkened condition he took a relapse. Winter wore on ; the lest physicians were called in but with no avail. There was no improvement. The ment. complications baffled all treat- From the hips down a sort of paralysis seized the suflever, and it wns ii possible to keep the lower ex- tremities warm. The bed covers were increased, but proved of no consequ- ence so far as the warmth of the patient is coticettied. As a last resort u phir of heavy German gocks were pulled over the cold feet, But the artifical warmeh failed todo what nature could not for some reason ac- At last the doctors decided that nothing wdré could be done, and soothing draughts were adminis. tered to relieve the pain. Friends brought the electric battery and this complish, treatment thoogh relieving served only to make the pain wore intense when discontinued. It happened dur ing this treatment, however, that one of the visitors brought in, wrapped around a parcel, n paper giving an account of a wonderful cure affected hy Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. After reading (he article the sick man de- termined to give them a trial, Before a box was gone the good effects were noticed, and the second box brought still further improvement. A third, fourth, fifth and sixth box were taken the end of each box proving a mile stone on the sure road to complete re- covery. Twenty hoxes were taken in all, but the end fully justified the ex- penditure, for as Mr. Belrose put it, I feel better and yotnger than I have foit for years. 1 eat hearty, I sleep sound and J can do a day's work alongssde of anyliody, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, under Providence did it all. Pink Pills sh be in every andin Viood, such ot serofula, chronic erysip- elas, #tc. They are also a specific for troubles peculiar to females; such ay suppressions. irregularities, and all forms of weakness. They bitild dp the blood, aud restore thie glow of heulth to pale and sitllow cheeks. In men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork, or excesses of any nature, . Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are man- ufactured by the Dr. Willinms' Med- icine Company, Brockville, Ont., and Schenectady, N.Y., and sold only in boxes (never in loose form by the dozen or hundred and the publif wre cautioned against the numerous imitas tions sold in this shape) at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.60, and may he had of all druggists or direct from Dr. Williatus' Medicive Cowpuny, froin either address, - | Fought to the Last. HOW CAPT. WILSON'S PARTY WAS WIPED OUT BY THE MATABELES -- THEIR BODIES MUTILATED. Capetown, Jan, 13.--~Details of the ninssacre of Captain Wilson's party by the Matabeles were received sere to- day. The news from Buluwayo shows that Capt. Wilson and his men made w hard ght and died gallantly, fight- ing to the last. According to the Buluwnyo udvices some nat.ves who arrived there in order to surrender of K Phe he their arms and make terms with the British commander admit that they Wilso party included Capts, Kitzgeriio, Judd, Greenfield, Kirton and Barro and Licuts. Hughes and Hoffineye Among the tioopers under the con- maud of these officers were a lot «f youngsters belonging to sowe of the best families in Englund, who enlisted as troopers in order to get their ti at taste of cmmpniguing. These young aren included umong their number thy: son of Sir Julius Vogel; fobttitrly (he, Agent-General for New Zealand wm Loudon. All repoftg tonform the statement that the yolibg troopers made the i gullant defence, Beeping the sdvages at bay for a compnratively long timegs owing to their excellent markwanship and the gallant manner in which they faced the enemy, though woutided. tiny and agnin, The reports add that every wan wmong them had one or wore wounds, aud that the Matabeles wore unable to sweep over them until nearly every cartridge was exhausted and thi whole party was weak fiom los o blood: grief ene ALL MEN Young, old or middle aged, who find them- neruous, weak and exhausted, wi are broken down from excess or overw: resulting in wany of the following symptom: Mental depression, prematire old age, loss of vitality, loss of mewnory, bad ne dimnees of sight, palpitation of the heart emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidy veys, headaches, pimples on the face and body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness; specks befdre the eyo; twitching of the muscles, eyelids and elsewhere, baghfuluess, deposits in the urine, loss of will powils tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be v by sleep, constipation, dullness of were present when the Wilson detach- ment wag destroyed, These natives hat Capt. Wilson, who was in pursuit of B Lobengula, suddenly came dd y T and fly before the British advanee.-- But whieii thie information was convey: ed to the King that the Wilson party were few in number, sowe reports placing the detachment as ouly 40 British troopers and 100 or so auxilai- jes, the King managed to get the Matabeles to wake a stand and to prepare to take the small British force in atrap. Instructing the centre ol his force to continue retreating befor: the British troopers, who were pressing their horses onward through the Mata bele ranks in the hope of capturing the King, the right and left flanks of the Matabele impis were instructed to deploy to the. right and left, and then to wrndidlly conyerge inward so as to ake the Britisli troops on both flanks and in the rear. The British troopers, under the impression that the Muata- hele power was entirely Lroken, press- ed onward after the King keeping up a running fire. tipon the Mataleles, which distracted the attention of Onpt Wilson from the maneuvre which the King had planned. In the meantime the mounted por- tion of Oupt. Wilson's force had Le- come separated from from the navy auxiliaries, who on foot formed the rear guard of the swall force. When King Lobengula saw that the British were surroutided on either side he wade a stand upon sowe high ground and ut the same time the Matubeles ou the Hanks began woving mwurds aud the fate of the British detachment was sealed. When it was too late Capt. Wilson saw the trap into which be had fallen owing to his over-contideuce and to the pressive desire of the (roopers to cupture King Lobengula. Hurriedly having the vetreat sounded, Capt. Wilson gathered his wen together aud prepured Lo retreat upon Lhe dismount- cd portion of his vommmnd, in the hope of being able. to make a stand agninst the enewy, or, failing in this, 10 sell their lives ns. dearly as possible. But it was too late to avert complete defent, and the five of the Matabeles becume 0 galling that the British force was compelled to halt, is their horses were being shot under them wad nothing but death or surrender was before them, Then Uegan a gallant fght to death. From behind their dead horses the British troopers kept up u coutinunl tire with their carabiues upon the steadily advaucing Dutabeles aud when the carbines were no longer of any use, owing to the proximity of the savage cnewy, they drew their revolv- hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, ex- citability of temper, sunken eyes, surround: ed with LeEbys crrers, oily [obi ete, are all symptoms of nervous Thal Rend to 1 avuity' Biloensioup ag OF Nit u hy! dress for book 1 diseases peen ar fo own, send 10¢ in stamps. sealed. Addeess M. V., LUBON, 24 Macdonnell Ave; Toremto] Qut., Canada: -- el Ripans Tabules cure headache. Rip'aas Tabules : for liver troubles. Brigus-- Travers got himself into a scrape when he went to church lust Sunday. | Griggs--How was that 1 : Brigys the wan across the aisle hut, a poker chip in the contribution box by wistake, and Travets said he would rise him. English Spavin Liniment removes all bar i soft or cillotised Lumps und Blemishes tim, horses Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring, Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, ete. Save §50 by use of one bottle. Sold by A. J. Davis] Drugyist. 'What is your iden of a dude? a bright girl was asked. 'A dade; she answered after reflection, 'ds a yong man who isn't good for anything Lut 10 hang a chry&dhthemum on.' ee Cause of Thanks. + Some of the people who cull thems selves Llueblooded seem to look dowd ou vs,' said Newrich to his wife. Well, replied she, 'et us be glad that blue blood doesn't wake gretis ers und awaited the last rush of the in imtives. lt was not long delayed; and then followed a deadly hand-to- hand couflict, daring which sword and revolver met club aud only to be swept down bencath onwarth rash of overwhelming numbers, find thus, beneath a shower Fb | To troopers fighting gallantly to the last, | BOY and tiring even when and dying, wet their