" A\ as © 381 YEAR, NO. 21} hered to. ds ; hte WM. SPENC ~ fowndlitp Clerk, Commissi 16. ta Loan any quantity of Mone; Farm Security at 6 and 7 S24 £0. i R. CLEMENS, Ph. , Surgeot and D Accoucheur. Fhysoias, § cn Tubing te the Town Hall, Port Perry. . Telephone in Office. . Oct. 2, . x R. D. ARCHER, M.D.C.M. Victoria University ; M.B. Toronto University; ember or the College of Physicians and , nt.; Liceutiate of the Royal of Sui ns, Edinburg; Lisentiste of the Royal College of Ebfsietaner in h gi' ber of the Faculty of Physicians And te ge Glasgow; 6.) pits SUCCESSOR TO DR. HAMILL, M D,, Master of Surgery, Victoria Uni: . versity; Licentiate i Royal Colle of Physian ndon, Eng., Member of Cote lege of Physicians & Surgeons, Ontario. -- Late attendant of Soho Hospital for Diseases of women, and of Great Ormond Hospital for Diseases of Caildren, London, Big. Physician, Surgeon, &c., Office hours--8 to 10 a. m:, | to'4 p. m., and evenings. . Office. and residence, Dr. Hamill's old stand, Queen St. - - - Port Perry. OHN BILLINGS, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, &c. Solicitor or the Ontario Bank, #& Office over the Ontario Bank, Port Perry. Jan. 29, 1887. E. FAREWELL, L. L. B,, County »J , Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol- itor, &c., Notary Public and Conveyancer, Sice--South wing Cc titt House, Whitby, nt. : G YOUNG SMITH, L L. B., Barrister, . Attorney-at-Law,Solicitor in Chancery and Insolvency, Notary Public, &c Offfce--McMian's Block, Brock Street, Whitby. J. A. MURRAY, DENTIST, now putting in Upper and Lower Sets of Teeth at from $4 T0 $756 EACH SET. Having just purchased the largest stock of teeth ever brought into North Ontario Tam satisfied I can suit you both as to quality and price. Come and see. Rooms in the Blong Block, over Messrs, Forman & Son's Store. Port Perry, Oct, 28, 1891. Veterinary Surgeon. T™F underesioned having completed his! full Course at the Provincial Vcterinary College and obtained a Diploma as Veterin- ary Surgeon, would announce that he has bpened an office for the practice of his pro- fessionat Port Perry, whereall calls personal by letter or telegram, by day or by nigh will be promptly attended to: All diseases of animals treated in the latest and best known system #2 Telephone connection--free of charge. ORR GRAHAM, Port Perry, April 8, 1884, € L RUBSON V.§. NY RADUATE Ontario Veterinary Col- X lege, Toronto. Office and residence Everareey Corrace, two miles south of Manohester. 14 years practice. Tele phone in the house--free communication with Port Perry, Manchester, and elevator. Telegraph calls to Manchester will be for- warded by telephone. All Veterinary Medicines in stock. Evergreen Cottage, Jan. 2, 1888. North Ontario Observer. A Weekly Political, Agricultural and Family Newspaper, 18 PUBLISHED AT FORT PERRY, ONT., EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, H. PARSONS, TerMS, --$1 per annum, if paid in advance; t not $1.50 will be charged. No subseri tiontaken for less than six months ; and no paper discontinued until arrears are paid up. Rates of Advertising: For each line. first insertion ........ $0 08 Subsequent insertions, per line . 0 02 Cards. under 6 lines, per annum .... 5 00 Letters containing money, when addressed to this Office, pre-paid and registered will be at our risk. OF CANADA. -------- GENERAL Bankiug Business esident | /) sin 5 pecial attention p av I posits receivad at the hig rates, 'Interest calculated an each depositor semi-annually. - W. McGILL, MANAGER, Port Perry, April 4, 1888, DAVID J.ADAMS, PORT PERRY. BANKER AND BROKER. Good Note Discounted. Has any amount of Money to Loan At 65 per cent. on good Mortgages. INSURANCE effected at the Lowest Rates in Good English Companies. KZ Agent Allan Line of. Steam- ships. Port Perry, Oct. 17, 1880. MONEY TO LOAN THE Subscriber is prepared to LEND ANY AMOUNT on Farm Security AT 6 PER CENT. #2 Also on Village Property. 44 MORTGAGES BOUGHT. WY HUBERT L. EBBELS, Barrister, Office next to Ontario Bunk. Port Petty, May 10, 1885. W. M. WILLCOX. Licensed Auctioneer FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHIP OF CARTWRIGHT. VALUATOR, &c;, REAL ESTATE A SPECIALTY. TAKE this opportunity of returning | thanks for the very liberal patronage which I have received in the past. The increased experience and extensive practice which I have had will be turned to the ad- vantage of patrons, and parties favoring me with their ales nay rely on their interests being fully protected, No effort will be spared to make it to the advantage of par- ties to place their Sales iv my hands. Sale Bills made ont and Blank Notes furnished free of charge. Satisfaction guar. antee or no pay. Torms liberal, Pout Perry, July 17, 1893. GEO. JACKSON, Licensed Auctioneer Wishes to inform the-public that heis pre- pared to attend with the utmost care all sales entrusted to his charge in the Town. ships of Rédch, Sougog and Mariposa. A register of dates of sales will be kept at the ce of Mr, Orr Graham, V.8., with whom arrangements may be made for sales. All correspondence addressed to me at Scugog P.O. will receive prompt attention. &ar Sale Bills made outand Blank Notes furnished free of charge, I would also inform those interested in Ponltry that I have on handand for sale upwards of 100 fine, pure-bred Plymouth Rock Chicks. If you want anything in that line please write me for prices or come and see stock. GEORGE JACKSON. Scugog, July 18, 1893. Port Perry Agency. trans i est current credited to Attention In time to any irregularity of thé Btemaelt; Liver, or Bowels may BE prevent serious consequences, > Indigestion; pa a costiveness, FOR AAGN headache, nau- y oles sea, billous. sugar-coated, easy t quick to assimilate, this is thi i family medicine--the most populat safe, and useful aperient in phar macy. Mrs. M. A. BROCKWELL, Harris, Tenn., says: "Ayer's Cathartic Pills cured me of sick headache and my husband of neuralgia, We think there is No Better Medicine, nd have induced many to use it. " Thirty-five years ago this Spring, I was run down by hard work and a succession of colds, which made me so feeble that it was ea effort for me to walk. I consulted the doctors; bit kept sinking lower until I had given ip all hope of ever being better: Happening to be in a store, oné day, where medicines were sold, the proprietor noticed iy weak and sickly appedrance, and, after # fe questions as to my hedlth, recom= mended me to try Ayer's Pills. Ihad littié faith In thes or any other medicine, but concluded, at last, to take his advice and try a box. Before I had used them all, I was very much better, and two boxes cured me. 1 am now 80 years old; but I believe that if it had not been for Ayer"s Pills, I should have been in my grave long ago. I buy 6 boxes every year, which make 210 boxes up to this time, and 1 would no more be with- out them than without bread." =: Ti Ingraham, Rockland, Me. AYER'S PILLS Prepared by Dr. J. C0. Ayer &Co,, Lowell, Masa. Every Dose Effective "Only the Scars Remain," Says Hexry HuDsox, of the James p Smith Woolen Machinery Co, Philadelphia; Pa., wlio Gertis fied as follows: " Among the many testimoni- als which I see in regard to cer ha dt da performing cures, cleansing the blood, ete. none impress me more than my own case. Twenty years ago, at the age of 18 years, I had swellings come on my legs, which broke and became run= ining S6res. Our family phys sician could do me no good, and it was feared that the bones would be affected. At last, my good old Mother Urged Me to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I took three bottles, the sores healed, and I have not Peen troubled since. Only the scars femaln, and the memory of the past, to remind me of the good Ayer's Sarsaparilla has done me. 1 now weigh two hundred and twenty pounds, and am in the best of health. I have been on the road for the past twelve years, have noticed Ayer's Sar- saparilla advertised in all parts of the United States, and always take pleas- ure in telling what good it did for me." ~Ayer's Sarsaparilize Prepared by Dr, J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mase, Curesothers,willcureyou TT. SW.ATIN, Licensed Auctioneer OR THE COUNTY OF DURHAM, -- Satisfaction guaranteed and terms liberal. Office and residence at Caesarea. Orders left with Messrs. Moore Bros., Blackstock, will receive prompt attention. aby 8S. No charge made for selling for db N, p discount alowed to Merchants wl vertise by the year or year: 'These terms will in all cases be strictly ad- : JOB DEPARTMENT. Pamphlen: Bat Era Posters, Programs; style and jor £7 Parties from a distance hand pills, &o. Printed can have Joving have H. PARSONS. W. BURNHAM, J « Division Court. Clerk of the Third Office in Psot Office E, Nov. 15, 1892, ucmer, Tal -&¢. i 8 in oF other County, Ceesarea, 5, the Townships of Brock, Uxbridge, Thorah, Mara, Rama, Mariposa Parties entrusting their Sales to me may rely on the utmsot attention being given to their intrests. WM. GORDON, Sunderland. WEBSTER"S INTERNATIONAL row. DICTIONARY ar r-- "Unabridged."' 8| Ten years were prog and over ,000 ---- meaning of words. oA Librazy in Itself, Itaiso gives ancient and' modern; noted ficti- OUTLAW IY | | near hin, | "Wh tillages gleams, Athwart the id path of its lone cru Like smiles ad for.h trom each u cave x: i Set in its rugged face, as eyes, lo Gd Thonn the olear ot Pain of sed. --so pregnant with quiescent a It drifts, in warmer latitudes Lo thaw pd les the Ndrshlaud in obscurity, eaveloms raptared o vel e) insulated by Lhe skies. re. n PEITICOA] tre 4 trees, down by the R-u River, Quite a frown gatliered on her piqun {00 as she dwelt on her morning's wis: haps, Sue and her finnce, Forrest Esir- fux, had only beeh in Texas few dave --.e for tie purpose of looking sfrer some cattle iuterests and shé fui the love of change and to see her mirfied sister, with whom they were suying, Nanuie Leatherbury was a veritable gypsy at heart, for she never {as so happy us when she was wandering about with the same restless fever which is thie heritage of that picturesque tribe. Flicking the dust off ler riding boots with her whip, she rose and walke. rapidly up and down in 4 hizh temp r. *Wiy did they gend nid 'such an un. broken beast? in tiot a ¢ircus rider; be- sid. 8, no girl on ert could sit such a chuin-lightning petformer." Her eyes tilled with tears as she talk: ed, and the show sie had made of her: self, turning somersauls and ladding on her head in a © ctus bed before the amused natives. an nour or so before, was vivid memory. Forrest Fairia was siting ou the veranda railing, smolk' ing a pipe. His long legs dangled down in an awkward way on the flower bed below, to the detriment of a jasntine vine, which was tiwmidly climuiig a frail trelils, **I4 was the best they had, Nan, so the livery stable keeper told ihe;" look- ing as concerned us it was possible for any one to look with his rouud, pink face, whose natural expre.sion wus a superabundance of good humor and health, Just at that moment her attention wus drawn to a dark object, which drew nearer and nearer over the prairie. The object proved (0 be two horse wg man rode one and led the other. Beinj a lover of horseflesh, like all her conutry people, she involuntarily tool in all th points of a horse. Suddenly exshilmivg with lively interest : "Now, that's the sort of a mount I take pleasure in, Soe how even his gaits are, and how well bred he is." The woman halted in front of the house, aud in a twinkle jumped off, and advanced to the steps, leading tue horses; with a bright' smile on her tan- ned face. Mannie noticed that Bie was very young--not nore than 16 or 17 al the most, She wore brown breeches and boots. Her short cloth skirt was similar row Sth rotected } ant sunshine by a large som as the Eowbays wear. "Good evening, lad 1 heard this morning down at the ranch, that you are looking for a saddle horse, so I've urougut one toshow you." "Sue took her sombrero off as she spoke, and wiped the prespiration from her forehead, where her short vluck curls clustered in damp Lt le riv I Lrero suc. Her ungloved hands were tiny and brown but anyone could sve they were strong us stork Nannie walked out on the grass to ex- amine the beautiful duimal elusery as she answered, "I am looking for one to hire, but don't wish to bay, be- cause we shall only Le here a few weeks." A shade of disappointment fell dver the little horse dealer's face, but bright. ening up, she said coazingly: "Come and have a ride on him, and 1 think you winy change your mind," Forrest began to feel uneasy. "Is he gentler" Le asked, as the nér- vous creature put back his ears, snorting at such familiarity. "Oh, perfectly. You see that I've only a plain snaffle ou hin, His mouth is like velvet." Nannie's admiration prevailed, so she insisted on mounting, and in a momen: she was in the saddle. : "Shall ¥ eome along too 7' he asked. "My horse is just around the fisld in a shed," +0l, no, thank you I" she answered lightly. "I think we can get alung very well," and she smiled down into tha be- witching eyes of the little horse dealer. who seemed very much pleased with the arrangement, as she jumped up on het horse without any assistance, Lia sécond they were both trotting off very quietly to a part of the prairie where there was fine going. «1 shall only be gone for an hour, Forrest," she culled back as they broke into a cuntor. 3 He w s standing in a small group of men who had €ollected on the lawn front of the house. One of them wii U.S. Deputy Marshal from Little Roc! "Great Coesar, but I think Fre hit it I'S the Marshal muttered, as he gazed afl the retreating forms of the two women. **What do you mean?" asked a man vy, I beliove I'm on the trail of he Starr gang. "\Vhat, those outlaws from the Indian Territory 7" "The same," he answered: "Did any of you recognize the bay which Mis Leatherbury is riding ?" No; car/t say 1 did," they replied, tl phrases, and ; eto., eto., eto. H. McCAW, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, Port Perry Ont. Port Perry, Dec. 19, 1883. Sittings of the Division Courts COUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1804. £1, Jie No. { Whit ted with Clerk of the Peace. Whitby, Dee. 30, 1893. % 8 of Town Hau, grb in the to 2 pro- and words, proverbs This Work is Invaluable and to the teacher, scholar, man, The Globe, Toronto, says This is the best book of its kind EC Ing, its purchase prove profitable investment. Hamilton, says: -- Sho bent working die ims Enter Todt" the and school and in Canada. Have your Bookseller show it to you. 6G, & C. Merriam Co. © Springfield, Mass.,U.5.4. BE ----. WC Down With For 1.55 Seow * or $5, 87, [ormer Fig Eb a send 1 1 looking puzl "Well, that is one of the horses that the Starr gang cut out from the Sun Diego herd with a lot of others: This one isn't branded, but I knew him by the white bluzé on his forehead the mo- ment I saw him." Forrest Fairfax began to be really frightened, as he cried out: "This wo- man can't be one of the Starrs. She said that she was living on a ranch near ere. The marshal scorned such credulity. *Why, I know every rauch around for nrile¥ atid hiave tlever seen that woman. Starr has a wife, and 1'l} bet austhing that that 1s she. But they must be har: pushed to trade on sr¢h dangerous ground." +Let's follow them," su ted Forrest, as he ran around to get his horse, «All right," answered fthe marshal. "But we must take a circuitous route or our bird will . That woman rides like an Indian, hear. Will vou fel lows join us #* he inquired of his com: | panious. Half of them volunteered, and the others. pleaded t 10 those worn by women on tue moors | ds | Cae i rd | Rights than Right Our Mistakes. Terns :-- 1 Anniok 1 Advanen (WHOLE NO. ak UL Waitlug for the wom 10 re- 30 they all started out well armed tols and rifles; eh - - was thoroughly enjoying her- she cautered on: he breeze bad sprung gp cooler in the last Jour was very Nefreshing after the arm diy: Bie could gnide the the least touch us they swung at do you want for him?' she ) inking of whata good hunter Md 10ige; 3 bts 1ake lows than $300. Ho is w _ fri jatifor site sitw thab they werd edi oul ad liko to let' him out--to speed BI?" 816 asked, as calinly as pos sible ugder the circunstaices, "Yell, that would be delightful," Nauniegsnswered innocently, and soon wile whe in the lead, with the little dealer the lead, wno sent het horse along i the most astonishing way, Sne did wok know that ner lover and friends were Ml hot pursuit, and laughed glee: fully shen she found that thi hvrse was 50 sWift 3 80 shé urged him on, qui.e un- conseious of her dunger. The woman mude steaiglic for a piece of timber by the myer side, but the buy shied quickly at an alligator which was basking in the sun on the bank, aind,as he shied, Nunnie sw the body of horselwen coming aiter them at top speed. "pas piu up; I think I see Mr. Farlax," she called out breathlessly, for she was not as "fit" as she wigs Lave been. With another Spanish oath the woman turned and caught her horse by the ris dle, and galloped away faster than ever, dragging the vay witn her. Naunie was so asionished that site made no resis: tance, and side by side the two women gulioped. on, Some wild-looking nen who liad been coucealed in the wool joined them, but uo word was passed. A ball whizzed by an a sharp report of a rifle rose above the thunder of the horses' hoofs, Firing was kept up tbick and fast by the pursued and the pur suers, The woman kept her horse in the rear of lier companions, pulling Nannie wth how useless it was, for the little brown hands were as strong is a man's, so she al ndoned herself fo her fate, swaying from side to side in the saddle, half dead with fright. She could hear her (rieuds gainipg on them and tried to be brave, Stare, the/lleader of the gang, who was a half breed Indian, cried out, '"'Hur- rah | the marshal's bic the dust I" as the smoke of his rifle cleared, and she knew that one of her friends had been killed. Pings ping, ping, oed the lead as it flew about them. The outlaws yelled with 4 mph as two or three brave fel- » drop uel ule brown reluxed its grip on the bridle, Thien she felt ash op ping in her army The river, sky and prairie heaved like a stormy ocean, and she fainted. Forrest Fairfax had fired the ball which struck his sweetheart. He had intended it for one of the outlaws. Wien ha saw Nunuie fall off in a helpless heap hig heart misgave him, and he thought she was dead, us the gang thought also, for they did not stop a second in their rack for life; and soon disappeared over the plains, Forrest wos overcome with grief as he kneit down in the waving prairie grass and gathered his unconscious sweet ears glage in his arms. They all gave up the hunt after that and busied themselves with strapping the wounded and dead ou the horses. Te body of the poor marshal was tied e, which the mou caugnt not ng. as they boro Nannie back to her sister's house, that it was only a flesh wound in her left arm, which soon Liealed, and she was as well and strong as ever in a few days, but very muca shaken, of course, by her bandit adven- ture, F'wo or three weeks ago, when Nannie and Forrest were on their wedding tour in Colorado, they were not Il sar- vised to read in the Denver pupers. ry 9, that the nolorivus Starr gang hid been captur d in Co'drady Springs; and with then the little horse dealer, wlio turned out.as the unfortunate mar- shal lad supposed, to be the wile of the chief, Nannie often wonders why the woman tried to run away with her, and Forrest Fairfax thinks, with a shiver, what { around with a subdued | | ner as a sors of shield to protect them | from the builets, Nannie struggled to | get away from her hold, but soon felt | He Didn't Know the West. ' Yes, said the old traveler, 'I was o# a jury in California once. It was a murder tun]. I didn't want to see the fellow hung, and so stuck out aghinst the tthet eleven fdr nine days, locked up in the jury room, when they gave in, and we brought in a verdict of 'not guilty." And then I was read) to. stabi myself with spite.' Say a 2 Having suffered over two years with constipation, and the doctort not having helped me, I concluded to try Burdock Blood Bitter, and before I used ove bottle I was cured. I can also recommend it for sick headache, Eraxr D. Harvxs, Lakeview, Ont. He was Brave. i Stubbs-- Well, sir, I gave it to that man, straight, can tell you, sir, Ho is twice as big as I am, too, but I told exactly what I thought of his rascally conduct right to his face, I called him all the names in the dictionary. Spudds-- And didn't he tty to hit you, Jenkins ¢* No, sir, he didn't. And when he the telephone and walked away: --.-- It is only of late years that rheu- [matism lids been tteated as a blood disease. But that this is a correct theory is proved by the extraordinary success attending the use of Ayer's Sarsaparillia, in this painful and very prevelent malady. Iv seldom fails in a radical cute. They have sociables in Iowa where the lady is weighed before entering the dining room and nlso directly when she leaves it, and her escort pays fifty eenta a pound for the increas in her weight. This calls to mind the story of the Western railroad eating-house One commercial which adopted the same plan, summer day a shrewd prepared hiitiself for the meal by filling his cont.pockets with stones. He was TE HA aged to thifow the stones away without being observed. When he was weigh- ed ou going to settle up, it was discov- ered that the house owed him $3.75. R. 8. Orowg, Pleasant Street, Truro, N.8., writes: * It is with pleasure that I testify to the great merits of K.D.C. is undoubtedly worthy of the name, 'The King of Cures' 1 have been troubled for over a year with acidity and flatulency and heartburn, and now after using three packages of K.D.C., I am happy to say that I am completely free from these troubles.-- A cured man.' Free sample tailed to any dddress, K.D.C. Co., Ltd, New Glasgow, N.8, and 127 State Street, Boston, Mass. ¢Y the agent of the Daily Bungstarter, why which wonder,' said circulation this man Lawrence on B street always takes two copies of the paper ¥' «Oh, that's al! right," replied the advertising solicitor, 'he's so cross eyed that he has to hold one paper in each hand when he reads.' There are Sarsaparillas and Sarsap- arillas ; but if you are not careful in your purchase, the disease your pur- « narrow escape his little wile hal from being held us ransom.--Ireue Osgo0l in the Cincinnati Commercial Gazette. | THIRTY-ONE MILES AN HOUR« sen Speed of the Huvoe, Eng: Iwud's New Torpedo Oatcher A satisfactory trial trip was made re- ently in the Havoc, which has been ilt for the navy by Messrs, Yarrow, of plar, says The Westminster Guzette, he Havoc is the fastest vessel in the » ish and probably in any fleet, and n specially designed with a view destruction of hostils torpedo 3 off the town pier at Grave- first of fourteen of these de ® looked anything but beautiful n point, of course, is. ber s oats which ehe Jas wo de: out anywhere between two und twenty-{our knots. The at her official trials has done 'more than twenty-six knots an in boistercus we.ther during tinuous run of three hours' n At times her speed war i as twenty<seven knots; or miles an hour, so that she ily give points to an average Ig train; ith this lngh rate of , too, she steers exceptionally Saturday, when she ran down ames to the Mouse lightship, and content to do a modest twenty was an almost complete ab- | yibration, and it was stated is pructically free from this re- even at her highett speed. Pro- | by twin screws, and with engines of developing 3,500 horse power, of 180 feet lung and only 184 oan carry a sufficient coal enable her to run some 4,000 'low speed. In all she has no ran fourteen steam engines, and complicated machinery with i has been so as to leave room for a of forty-officers and men is than a marvel. p mportant engaj when they thought of their families, for they knew orily too well what desperate criminals the Barra Wete. he marshal warned his friends that | some of the cung were no doubt hovers | of weak di Kesttve organs .C. chuse, the disease you wish to cure Be sure you get Ayer's Sarsaparilla and ho other. Ta is compounded from Honduras rot and other highly coucentrated altera- will only be intensified. tives. tae EE RN AA Oddest of the Odd. Enos Kerr, a man well known at Knoxville, Ia,, found a perfect minia- ture ear of corn with graius no larger the contact of in tried to answer back, I just hungup| Milking Reindeer. The prootss. of mifking a herd of reindeer is i , and we have often watched it with interest, cspecially when, after @ long tramp across the forward to a share tf ented by the sharp- gs, the herd appears, ted closely together ct mass, in which am limbs, enclosure, each animal is lassoed in its turn bref the horns, and dragged up to an erection in the middle, where it iz nfilked. The quantity afforded by each is only about as much as would but the milk is ex trémely rich and nourishing. They are then driven into an fill & claret glass, armen A Boon to Horsemen --One bottle of English Spavin Liniment completely re- moved a curb from my horse. I take plea sure in.recommending the remedy, as it acts with mysterious promptoess in the removal from horses of hard, soft or calloused lumps, lood spavin, spliuts, curbs, sweeny, stifles and sprains. Sold hy A. J. Davis. GEORGE ROBB, Farmer, Markham, Ont, Gifts at Baptisms. Gifts to infants on their baptism are of ancient origin. Formerly the spon- sors generally offered gilt spoons to the child. These spooiid were called apostle spoons, because the figiires of the twelve apostles were carved at the top of the handles, Rich sponsors the complete set of twelve, gave while for those who were not so optilent four was considered the proper number, and poor eponsors would content themselves with offering one ; in the latter case the handle of the spoon generally ex- hibited the figure of diy suifit in honor of whom the child received its name. that, when Orannier professes himself to be It is in allusion to this custom unworthy of being sponsor to the young Princess, Shakespeare mukes the King reply Come, SPOONS. The mag; or spoon and fork offering £ tha tdi haipresant ony; 2pREATS come, my lord, you'd spare your a8 a very ominent feature. |* fico zet grey my stages. Nn tL ) ed 4 ALING. Bperking of the recent debate the Montieal Star (independent) has this to say of Colonel O Brien, M. RB. wh thinks he nypears independent ? 0 " Col. (Brien blew fifi Kis brdiges, He came out flut foot dyadiish the tov-, ernment and was rewarded with Oppo- sition appplause." We may here remark that since Mr. McCarthy and Col. O'Brien have been trying to destroy the Conservative party they have been reward with Opposition applause. Norway Ping Srp cured colights, bolds; asthma, brouchitis, hoarseness, sory throat und disease cf the throat and lungi. Pride 25 and 50c, As to the exodus to the United States the Grit politicians and Grit press have talked so loudly that it will, no doubt, delight them to have the, following figures from an American paper, the Oswego Palladium which, ig snys, cover the past year, and 'having heen taken from the Custos House returns can be relied upon.' St.John's, 4564 ; Three Rivers, 540 ; St. Hypeins the, 667 ; Quebec, 819; Frelighshurg; 23; Sorel, 96; Sti nstead, 36; Clar- enceville, 8 ; Lacolle, 65; Sherbrooke, 778 ; Rimouski, 253 ; Coaticook, 97 ; Hemmingford, 26 ; Potton, 20; Sutton, 471 ; Montreal, fLy Canadian Pacific, 874 ; Montreal, by Grand Trunk, 3,003; registered at other differnt offices, 1205 making a total of 8,400 repatriated families, or 42,000 people. . It seems that the Grit party aré confounded at every turn. Relief in Six Hours.-- Distressing Kid- ney und Bladder diseases 1elieved in six hours by the "New Grear Sours AMER- 1oax Kipney Corre." This new remedy is a great murprise and delight to physicians. it i dre ENASAL BALM ® christening offering a R Skin Diseases are more or less directly occasioned by bad blood B.B.B. cures the following Skin Diseases : Shingles, Erysipe- las, Itching Rashes, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, by re- moving all impurities from the blood from a common Pimple to the worst Scrofulous Sore. Bad Blood causeshlotches, boils, pimples, abscesses, ulcers, scrofula, ete. Bardock Blood Bitters cures bad blond in any form from a common pimple to the worst serofu- lous sore: CH TI It is the Correct Thing. To spell correctly. To write legibly and straight. To use postal cards for business com- munications only. To inclose a starhp when writing to a stranger on your own business. To sign a letter with the full name or with the last name and initials. To put on as many stamps as the weight of the letter or parcel demands To write numbers, dates and proper names, with special care and distinct- ness, To fold and direct all letters neatly and lo put a stamp evenly; and in the right-hand corner. and every part of the urinary passages ir" male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost im. mediately. Sold by A. J. Davis, Druggist. The other day in the House of Gord wons Hon. Mr, Wood, the Coatrollex, [nland Revenue, happened to remmk; that the Liberal party were supposed, to be in favor of the abolurion of the Senate. Mr. Davies who sits with Mr Laurier, and - is deputy leader, immed- intely arose and contradicted MF Wood's statement with tonsiderable warmth, and when lie made this state- ment he was cheered by his friends around him. Where does the Grit Patron come in on this platform 1 Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures cough vy Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures colds. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup heals the lung. PES SE SER Doing His Best. Rich Aunt--'It seems to me as if you only came when you needed money.' : Poor Nephew--* But I can't come oftener.' Professor of Chetflistry. "Gentlemen, I hold in my band & phial of soda. 'What chemical shall I combine with it to produce a valuable article of commerce I' Goodsby (waking To date a letter at the beginning, on the right-hand side, but a note at the end on the left hand. To give ones' full address when writ- ing to a person who does not know it, and from whom an answer is desired. To remember that the adoption of a courteous and dignified tone shows grenter self-respect than would the as- sumption of an undue familiarity. than mustard seeds growing on a stalk of foxtail, The pyrometer theasures heat in de- grees and fractions and will give acon racte figures, even though the heat runs up to the unthinkable intensity of 7,000 degrees. Tt can be proven by a simple calcula tion that the number of people Jwhich have existed on the globe doring the last 6,000 years approximates the grand total of 66,000,000,000,000,000. The glow-worm lays eggs that are themerelves however, the young hatched from them are not pos- sessed of these peculiar properties after the first transformation, EARN Gentlemen.-- Two years ago my husband suffered from severe indigestion, but was completely cured by two bottles of Purdock Blood Bitters. I can truly recommend it to all sufferers from this disease. 18. Jonx Hurp, 13 Cross St., Toronto. The slow progress of the thirty female students at Yale 1 very dis couraging. They have not learned the yell yet. luminous ; viet can cured by K. (D.C. for imaiscrettons of fet K.D,C. Pills the laxative for Children. HoLrowAY's PiLts AND OINTMENT --The most effestual Oure for Gout and Rheamatism--A frequent cause of these complaints is the inflammatory state'of the blood, attended with bad digestion, lassitude, and great debility, showing the want of a proper circula- tion of the fluid, and that impurity of the blood greatly aggravates.these dis- orders. Holloway's Pills #&re of so purifying a natare that a few doses taken in time are an effectual preven- tive against gout and rheumatism, bat anyone that has an attack of either should use Holloway's Ointment also, the powerful properties of which, com- bined with the effects of the Pills, en- sure a certain cure. The Ointment should be thoroughly rubbed into the parts affected at least twice a day, after they have been sufficiently fomented with warm water to open the pores to facilitate the introduction of the Oint- ment to the glands, re Ml iin A. P. Noakes, Mattawa, Ont.; rites :-- "1 have been troubled for years with rheu- fnatism and nervous debility, and after taking six boxes of your Dr. Williams' Pink Pills am entirely restored to health, and can do a good day's work." Sold by all dealers, or sent by mail, at 50c a box or six boxes for $2.50." Dr. Williams' Med. Co., Brock- | ville, Ont. up) 'Brandy '--Tit-Bits. ---- Brings comfort and improvement tends to personal enjoymeng When rightly used. . The many, who live bet, ter than othersand enjoy life mare, with less expenditure, by mord promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid. laxative principles in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. WC Tts excellenes is due to 14 preventing in the form most scceptab'a and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax- ative ; effectually cleansing the system, , dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the salienl, rofession, because: it act om wy Liver and it weak- ectly free from > ate Bd ening them and it is perf. ; avery objectionable sy PRES &yrup of Fi in for sud all drogv. ists in Tbe. es, bul it ia manu, oral by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is prin , also the name, Syrup sud being well in accept any substitute if TE