PUBLISHED EVERY: T. | ---- 38TH YEAR, NO. 3) HURSDAY. and ence . CLEMENS, Physicias, 8 Accoucheur. Php nd Eosid te the Town Hall, Port Perry. && Telaphone in Office. 'Oet. 2, 1890 JR. D. ARCHER, M.D.C.M. Victoria D busier M.B. Toronto University; ar or the College of Physicians and .; Liceutiate of the Royal cons, Edinburg; Licentiate College of Physicians, Edi {the Fanuley of Physistady Glasgow ; te Ee anid . n, W Surgeons, (Int College of Sur, of the Royal g 3 Member o HB. 0. McDOWELL, . SUCCESSOR TO DR. HAMILL, Di, Master of Surgery, Victoria Uni- , verdity; Licentiate of Royal College of Physians, Londdn, Eng., Member of Col- ge of Paysiniuns & Surgeons, Outario, -- Port rates. SS gestern Bank) OF CANADA. -- sted, Special sttantio ns, Drafts issn Deposits receivad at the highest current | terest caleulnted and credited to | each depositor semi-annually. Port Perry Agehcy. GENERAL Bankiug Businehs trangs| to W. McGILL, MANAGER. | Perry, April 4, 1888. | te attendant of Soho Hospital for Diseases of .women, and of Great Ormond Hospital for Diseases of Children, London, Eng. Physician, Surgeon, &., Oflée hours--8 to 10 a. m-,-) to 4 p. m., and evenitiys. Office and residencly Dr. Hamill's old stand. Queen St, - - Port Péiry. URN BILLINGS, Solicitor, Notary % Public, Coiiveyancer, &c. Solicitor ? or the Ontario Bank. ## Office over the Ontario Bank, Port Perry. Jan. 29, 1887, E. FAREWELL, L. L. Bi, County . Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol- itor, &c., Notary Public and auveyaiicer, tod --Sdith wing Court House, Whitby, t. A BANKER AND BROKER. Good Note Discounted. INSURANCE effected rat the Lowest Rates in Good DAVID J.ADAMS, PORT PERRY. | | Has anf) amount of Money to Loan t 6 per cent. on good Mortgages ; fa G YOUNG SMITH, L L. B., Barrister, English. Companies, | - A facsomey at Law Solicitor i Chances EZ Agent Allan Line of Steam-| © Office~McMian's Flock, Brock Street, ships. | Whitby. Port Perry, Oct, 1889. J. A. MURRAY, DENTIST, . now putting in Upper and Lower Sets of etl at from $4 T0 $75 EACH SET. Having just purchased the largest stock of teoth ever brought into North Ontario Iam satisfied I can suityoun both as to quality and price. Come and see. Rooms in the Blong Block, over Messrs; Forman & Son's re. - Port Perry, Oct. 28, 1801. HE d having d his full Course at the Provincial Vterinary College and obtained a Diploma as Veterin- ary Surgeon, would announce that he has apened an office for the practice of his pro- fessionat Port P¥rry, whereall calls personal by letter of telegram, by day or by nigh will be promptly attended to. All digeases of animals treated in the latest and best known system #7 Telephone connection--free of charge. ORR GRAHAM. Tarsl 1 Port Perry, April 8, 1884. f | € L RUBSON V.S. NRADUATE Ontario Veterinary Col- X lege, Toronto. Office and residence EverereeN Corrace, two miles south of Manohester. 14° years practice. Tele phone in the house--free communication | with Port Perry, Manchsster, and elevator. | Fitégraph calls to Manchester will be for warded by telephone. All Veterinary Medicines in stock: Evergreén Cottage, Jan. 2, 1888. : ) North Ontario Observer. A Weekly Political, Agricultural and Family Newspaper, x7 IS PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY. ONT. EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, H. PARSONS, Terms. --$1 per annum, if paid in advance; f not $1.50 will be charged. No subscrip- ttontaken for less than six months ; and no paper discontinued until arrears are paid up. Rates of Advertising: Lettera zontaining money, when addressed to this Office, pre-paid and registered will be at our risk. + viel Licensed Auctioneer MONEY TO LOAN HE Subscriber is propared to LEND | ANY AMOUNT on Farm Security AT 6 PER CENT. #4 Also on Village Property, £4 MORTGAGES BOUGHT. Wa HUBERT 1. BBBELS, Barrister. Office next to Ontario Benk Port Perry, May 10, 1885. W.M. WILLCOX, Of a Church of England minister cured of a distressing rash, by Ayer's Sarsaparillé: Mr RICHARD | Birks, the well-known Druggist, 207 McGill st., Montreal, P. Q., says: I have sold Ayer's Family Medicines | for 40 years, and have heard nothing but good said of them, I know of many | Wonderful Cures performed by Ayer's Sarsaparilla, one in particular being that of a little daughter of a Church of England minis ter. The child was literally covered from head to foot with a red and ex. ceedingly troublesome rash, from which she had suffered for two or three years, in spite of the best medical treatment | available. Her father was in great | distress about the case, and, at my recommendation, at last began to ad- minister Ayer's Sarsaparilla, two bots tles of which effected a complete cure, much to her relief and 'her father's delight. I am sure, were he here to-day, he would testify in the strongest terms as to the meriis of Ayer's Sarsaparilla | Prepared by Dr.J.0. Ayer & Co.; Lowell; Must: Cures others, willcureyou | | YALU TOR, &c, REAL ESTATE A SPECIALTY. : 2) TAKE this opportunity of returning thauks for the very liberal putronage which IT have rec +d in the past. The increased experience and extensive practice which I have had will be turued to the ad. vantage of patrons; and parties favoring me with their tules iy rely on their interests being fully protected. = No effort will be spared to make it to the advantage of par- ties to place their Sales in my hands. Sale Bills made out and Blank Notes furnished free of charge. Satisfaction guar- antee or no pay. Terms liberal. Port Perry, July 13, 1893, GEO. JACKSON, Licensed Auctioneer Mrs, J. H. Horsxe/pEr, 152 Pactfio Ave, Janta Cruz, Cal, writes: "When a girl at school, in Reading, Ohio, I had a severe attack of brain fover. On thy recovery, I found myself perfectly bald, and, foi a long time, I feared! I should be permanently so, Friends urged me to use Ayer's Hair ¥Yigor, and, on doing so, my hair Began to Grow, and I now have as fine a head of hair as one could wish for, being changed, how= ever, from blonde to dark brown." " After a fit of sickness, my hair camé out in combfulls, X used two bottles of Wishes to inform the public thet he is pre pared to attend with siiles entrusted! to his charge in the Town ships of Rede, Sciigog and Mariposa. A registor of dates of sales will be kept at the office of Mr. Orr Graham, V.8., with whom arrangements may be made for sules. All correspondence addressed to me at Scugog P.0.. will receive prompt attention. #ar Sale Bills made oat and Blank Notes furnished free of charge, I would also inform those interested in Poultry that I have on hand and for sale upwards of 100 fine, pure-bred Plymouth Rock Chicks If you want anything iu that line please write me for prices or come and sce stock. . GEORGE JACKSON. Scugog, July 18, 1593. TT. SW .ATIN, JOR THE COUNTY OF DURHAM.-- left with Messrs. Moore Bros., Blackstock will receive prompt attention. P.S. No charge made for selling fo by N d by P the space they oc- Aw a p ) teti inser pil forbid and ch: accordingly. Svorjoeient 4 harged ao ori pai A liberal discount allowed fo Merchants [J d nd others who advertise by the year or | #nd Eldon ear. % Partiesentrusting their Sales to me may These terms will in all cases be strictly ad- | rely on the utmsot attention being given to Hered to, Bike H their intrests. J0B ; WM. GORDON, i 8 iu any other County. Cumsarea, Nov. 15, 1892, Licensed Auctioneer, Yaluator &c. KF OR the Townshiy Scott, Thorah, Sunderland. M. McCAW, . ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, Port Perry On the utmost care all | Licensed Auctioneer of Brock, Uxbridge, ara, Rama, Mariposa Ayer's Hair Vigor and now my hair is over a yard long and véry full and heavy. I haverecom= mended this preparation to others with | like good effect."--Mrs. Sidney Carr, | 1460 Regina st., Harrisburg, Pa. "T have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for { several years and always obtained satis factory results, I know it is the best | | preparation for the hair that is made? --(O. T. Arnett, Mammoth Spring, Ark. Ayer's Hair Vigor Prepared by Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. ed over the ocean reldtive to the re- markable doings of a strong min; onal Eugene Sandow, a Prussian Hercules. Last season an English athlete of fine physical powers took the title of San- dow and traveled through this country giving exhibitions in company as a remarkable" niticently muscled that, the strongest in the world 'to day« The Strongest Man. From tine to time reports have drift L& x "indoubted In a recent issue of She Re York World a very interesting and exhaustive sketch 'In private life this young man is a very pleasing type of the simple mind: wh ed German, | mu ly like the heads on thé old statutes of | His liead is shaped exact- rather broad. The head is not quite | straight up and down behind, but with | only slight development. It is thickly | covered witha sliort erop Of tight, golden curls, each ofie looking as though | son it had been specially fixed up with =} ol is hi p. i " ich | iOk ' | inherite clothed is his neck. This neck, which | sot of musqles destined t6 protect the {and who has inherited tlie | shoulders "slo i Hercules, The forehead is low and | bik for thet £5 do. ich a ntl de sCu to melt dway into his chest: | trapesus musele, which he fondly loves, ne. places. It will : ; ofits fo iven of this modern yonder. tien 'of extraordih sloping shoulder sloping shoulders is a man with poor 's y strength hav A man felopment. Sandow : t fs the muscle rom the neck over the 'tg the top of the arm, ahd e fact that all without ligures as these. ey are based on accurate and careful measurements. It is needless to say that when this yodng man spreads out his chest and draws in his wasit his body looks like a very sharp wedge of pink muscle. The writer, who called upon Mr. Sandow a and sxamined carefully his mental and physical take-up, has had the pleasure dock Blood Bitters cure Bifionenesn | urdock Blood Bitters cure Headache. Burdcck Blood Bitters unlock all th $oked secretions of the Bowels thus curing eadathed and similiar complhints: Miss Rinkle--T wonder if I'll live to see my thirtieth birthday 1 He--No it only comes once, | | Bad Blocd causes blotches, boils, pim { Pes ubscesses, ulcers, scrofula, ete. Burdock | Blood Bitters cures bad blood in any forth | | from a common pimple to the worst scrofu- | Ja tends to person: hes rightly used. The many, who live be ter hii othard and gnjoy life more, with Jess expenditure, by more. Pro adapting the world's best products ta the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure Iiqui laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Faw Its exeellenca is due to ffs prégenfing in the form most acceptab'a and pleas: ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly observed as much as it is possi- His neck seems | is as thick through as the back of a [ever shed glory on this race, he has | man's hand is broad, andl thicker mn | studied the graceful but less alarihing | ation if spoken quickly she called her | | thethods of Mr. Corbett, of Mr | oldest child Helen Virginia. Not long | ago, | proudly brought her i dnitghter in to that in some of hot iron, but the curliness 18 perfectly | lis pictured Mr. Sandow appears to | fessional gentlemen. He has be- {natural. The impressive mitideiilar| have a ebrflignted stomach. This is {held M: Marseille, who proudly feature about Sandow as sedi fully | 4 oo perfect development of a | styles himself "The Man of Ftinee," but neglected ahd nde- | mitiscle which enabled one is padded on either side with muscleg| , : 4 ik "8 | abdomen, as big ng 4 ¢ d a wut § Lig as h you g gir : wrists, veloped with most of us. a went inches 1 | : is.pearly ¢ y i ie hve el, almost stomach these muscles stand out dis- | bi we he ve i l.: ; ) RB a Ey es A iy fo it, It tinetly, ch about as big as a man's w hy o ad neck fo mall if: 3 ARTI oe ut hen ly ; ] § ne EMAL wrist, @ ihivited his visitors to run | bh t 18 a wonderful ne or any + i : IY) Hi 8 onde Lee "OY | their closed knuckied violently up and | man, Sandow's dress is the dress of { ihe average young Englishuwan who fre- quents music halls and other fashion- able London institutions. His face is a pleasant face ; Lis eye, which is gray, shows the chdifieter which lias Hiade him the man he is and which enables him to attempt with absolute con- fidence and calmness the various feats that fill his audience with delight and minke him rich, th i | simple ry of himgelf is Greek statues. He took an especial washboard, on the muscles of his stomach, men in the world could say that of emselv beride ms well: down thig collection of stomach muscles. The efféet was that of rubbing the | sensations upon knuckles up and down an old-fashioned With the nid of & cake of sonp it would be gifite possible for Sandow to wash his clothes thoroughly Few 4 teeth, with, which he can fean ! led bulldog, fancy to the various statues of Her- cules, and wanted to know why men were not like that in modern times, His father informed him that it was because they did not try hard engugh. The railroads and other things had made Young Sandow, decided that would make himself as much like Her could. He has succeeded well, as the pictures of him them lazy. when 10 years old, he cules as he possibly which are publisied must show. There are many statues of Hercules that do not look the part Re well ae does Saridow; posing naked for his plio- tograph. 'Sandow has a method of his own to It various exercises with two dumb-bells He de that with these dumb-bells he | develop the muscles. consists in weighing five pounds each. lares has developed, not only the muscles which everybody can see on the outside of his body, but fnternal muscles which strengthen the walls of his chest, enable his heurt and other insides to endure -- | great strains and insure him a long a life, He does not take special enie of WEBSTER'S himself in the way of eating or drink INTERNATIONAL For each line. first insertion ......., $0 08 3 3 . Subsequent insertions, per life .. 002 oir satiny guaranteed aud terms Caf Li 3 Vida iS i i The successor of the der under § lives, per anum 5 001 offic and residence nt Cesaren. rders rt »" Ten years were spent revising, 100 editors em r | } ing, Beer and wine are not strangers to him and tobacco is his intimate friend, He leaves brandy alone, how- | ever, as he does similar poisons. An interesting feature of Sandow's wethod of training is that he can train very well He can down and read a paper and keep muscles working all the while, & all development of fat is rend: im-| ible and his strength is kept up to sitting on a chair. A Library in Itself. Italsogives the facta often wanted concerning hao fire ns, ancient and modern; noted ficti- persons and places; the countries, towns, and natural features of the H of foreign q ho phrases, and proverbs ; eto., eto., eto. is Work is Invaluable in the bY and to the teacher, scholar, pro- fessional man, and self-educator. The Globe, Toronto, says dictionary the highest pitch.' The reporter continues his story say- ing: 'Sandow went on to cull attention | to certain muscles which in most men are but elightly developed or have practically no egistetrce. He swelled out his chest, and on either aide of it &o. of every style and color t. This new 5 tha best book of ta tive Lig muscles rose up. It looked as romp]; Port P , Dec. 19, 1883. 1 the Euglish language. ¥ the : Bunt shi 97 and pha mre embers of Thick are oat 5 arf rnd though five ribs on either side were any Jber sofa. Sittings of the Division Courts The Times, Hamiiton, up we § | COWing through the skin. As a matter § theCounty, COUNTY OF ONTARIO. | nd the ChenbaN buo ae of fact, the ribs were not visible. What ar Parties from a distance gotting hand Bod. | § avo ius BogkecHF awit toys: § | *1 'Seen wan the htusle which, lin aE en have them done to - ' $ ¢. & C. Merriam Co. oter each rib, and which on the or: : : - H. PARSONS. |, 5 7 Ex SHE gz 2 hg TA Tr fan is Sniirely Shdaveloged. tm - - a Sl bp eed El Pa Eby disap ch of these muscles was twice as big ; J W. BURNHAM, Clerk of the Third Whitby | 2| 2 ) 8.12 3/3 223 NRL IR, around as a man's thumb, and the five . Division Court. Office in Psot Office Oshawa 3 tal [4 3| | 4 $ send for tres prospectus : id Bleek Torr Perry. ; 5 Brougham| 3] | 8] [3] || 4 |3 Containinay pages, on each side stood out as distinotly as : LL - s Pickering ol vor tol nist bo LY vel though a great hand had been placed WM, SPENGE, {E215 1 i Ik "1 more vn, sg pr 7 "i oc Qo ner, &6. |6. Beaverton | | 26] [17] | fai} | [19 Electric Belts. Sadia Dig 3 ii astm 7.Uptergrove 170 hist 22] 20 $1.55, $2.65, $3.70 ; former prices 85, 1 pride to a muscle on the outside of his proed Parm Security at 8 and 7 per By Order. © ' $10. Qualty remains the pansule "| leg just below the waist. Each muscle fonds). ; 'EF 1y, | forentatyles; diy battery sn ta} os hie it bo called by its sci EF syanoing executed with ho Clerk of th Lr ild or strong current. Lesa than half | 8 he came to it he called by its scien- apatoh yesdionh Whitby, Deo. 30, 1893. of the TeA0: the price of any other com] sndmore | tific name, for Sandow has studied door: west of Town Hall, TR Tobich rh rh Loh jala'shan He iicine at Gottingen and understands | ¢ : wy oli rh Ehlice Su pets | paper. W, T-BAER & CO. Windsor, This particular musole on diy Sta a x PRE Hs + A 4 . one-hand, effort use the man's body for a musket and give an imitation of a regulation drill. He can oblige any friend he has in the world by letting the friend sit on the palm of his hand and then lifting him in thre air above his hewd as easily as the average tial would [iff & stoall- sized dog. He places himself on the floor with Ci Sandow ment trival, He takes in hig right hand a duffib- bell with an enormous sphere at either end, is concealed. He lifts the dumb-bell one hand. He can take a good-sized man with AC 4] iu Jan and the professional strong men of circuses and museums, with their pre- tentious bunches of muscle, seem weak antl Gninipressive. life a fvehinred weight with his middle finger. He promptly took up a London individual who bet he could not perform this feat Ha can break good sized iron rods across his arms and legs, but does that rarely becausehe considersthe achieve- In each of thesé spheres a man and the two alen above his head with nd without ary sign o his chest upward and supported only by his hands and fest, his body form- ing» litidfge. A gang plank is placed cross his chest and three horsés stand this at one time, with no support / that which the chest offers.-- $ the horses are emall horses and : i enormous, but the sovallest horse would 1 expert wrestlers, all big: un he, and has stretched id then another fiat, using a man, and incidentally owing him. does them becuse musele in his body: would tower from : | entirely new and unexpected series of actual feats of strength, pot make up his strongest ention and veneration. The thet the man who does jBse things 1s only 5 feet 8 eight. to the highest point thousands of men in the pot above him and who ta. strength of this » which weighs is B feet 8 inches 0 inches of of studying numerous types of the | Ibus sore. A story istold of n Washington mucular human being. He has enjoy- Sullivan, the greatest fighter that has! Colorado. Mitchell, and of numberous other pro- | see an old friend. simple | reply of the mother. His | ed the acquaintance of Mr. John L: | woman who now makes her home in With evidently no thought as to the curious sound of the combin- | upon a visit to Denver, ¢ What do ybuo call | your daughter ¥ queried the visitor.- French | ¢ Helen Virginia,' was the complacient | 'Ah, and what On Sandow's | French peasant to thresh single handed {do you call her in Colorado ¥' was the half a dozen picked English soldiers. | unexpected response, fle has studied the finest specimens of manhood to be found in the German gymnusinms, but he experienced an behalding Eugene Sandow . PRE My Daughter's Curé. Mrs. George L. Hicks, 76 McGill 8t., Toronto, Ont., writes: 'It is with pleasure that 1 testify to the wonder- of K.D.O. My daughter has merits Ac Min hh. 41 { A 2 ¥ a " , . : : o wih Jy ee GRR " phy ER BY Ral aw L LEDC aa. gent for n-sampte package. Before taking all the sample the symptoms of dyspepsia were gone and she has since taken only one $1 packagé and the symptoms have not returned. She has also gained considerable in weight, person in Toronto suffering from the same disease would like to call on me, I could tell them more fully what K. D.O. has done for my daughter.' ein Liberal Economy. We can only judge how much there is in {he Libera! pretensions of econ- omy in these days by what they have done in the provinces where they are and have been in power. Quebec is a fairly good sample. The Liberals went into power there on the 18th of January, 1887. At that time the debt totalled the sum of $9,462,378.58 net. They remained in power ontil 1891, and in tht year the nét debt was the enormous sum of $18,737,- 263 49, an increase of 100 per cent. in the four years. Since 1891 the Con servatives have been in power and the debt has not heen increased. The ex pendituré of the Province increased of course durifg GHE fale with the sate rapidity. In 1886 and 1887 it was} $4,798,615.63. In 1891 and 1392 it| had been increased to £8,061,070,57, | | f | per cent, It is fortunaie that under | Conservative rule the expenditure has | heen decreased to $6,287,407,20 in 1892.93. ---- a «The flowers that bloom in the spring' are not more vigorous (hati are those persons who purify their blood with Ayer's Barsaparilla. The fabled Elixer Vite could scarcely impart greater vivacity to the countenance than this wonderful medicine. -- A Goéd Story, If Not a New one. & Napoleon of finance who formérly speculated in Chicago, picked out 2 promising town in Towa and decided to 'build it ap.' He moved to the town, organized a number of stock companies, started a bank, deposited all the money of the companies in his own bank and then went into bank- raptcy. Some of the principal suffer- érg went to his house to learn whether he six for their misfortune. 5 I can highly praise Burdock Blood Bitters | because it had a fair | wonderful success | dropsy, backache and sleeplessness, and all | these disappeared after using two bottles of | Burdock Blood Bitters, healing powers too highly. you sorty your are { A Boon to Horsemen --One bottle of | English moved a curb from my horse. too easy, y' know. hand writer, while the other is a right trial i my case with My symptoms were 1 cannot praise its Georning Hormes, Wood Point, Sickville, N.B City Missionary--My friend; ain't here 1 No, sir; I'm in here for Prisoner. having five wives, Spavin Liniment completely re- I take plea From 00 | furod saverely at intervals and was | SH CERN SEEN mort] support the weight of a good sine uy oeing worse. Blie tried | from horses of hard, soft or callonsed lumpe, horse; down tb his feet Bandow ja ow iro +. blood spavin, splints, tiirbs, sweeny, stifios jorse; down His pit pak hash Edo Jn the Oity J) dh spruisib. Saab A Dt |harouglily developed. Evers et oh 5 over) | GEORGE ROBB, Farther; . it a Markham, Ont, HOY LLY RES - Re TOR STATION, promptuess in and her friends are surprised at the and every part of the urinary passages in . wi male or female. It relieves reteution of change in her appearanicé, If any | wiser and pain in passing it almost im- médiately. Sold by A. J. Davis, Druggist. WEAKNESS, EEBILITY, PALE NESS, ANAEMIA, etc., are curéd by Milburn's Beef, Iron and Wine. Not. 80 Bad. Hicks (reading paper)--At the be ginnitig of the struggle the black wen | occupied 14 squares, and when it came an man who has lost his right hand I Kentish (England) 'Observer.' That Owe is a shor hand shorter, 'The hard times make very litt she | 'Oh! Mr, Porter, doesn't that train | stop here I * No, Mun, it don't even hesitate. Relief in 8ix Hours.--Distressing Kid- tiey and Bladder diseases relieved in six hours by tHe "New Great Sori AMER 10AN Kipney Cire." a great surprise and delight to physicians on account of its exceeding i relieving pain in the bladder, kidueys, back This new remedy" is beneficial properties of a perfich Jax: ative ; effectually cleansing tho system] dispelling colds, headaches and fevord and permanently curing constipation' It has given satisfaction to million# and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid: neys; Liver and Bowels mithont weak' ening therfi and it is perfectly froe from every objectionable substan 8yrup of Figs is for sale by all drug: gists in 7 »ottles, bub it is mah factured by tho California Fig Syrup y, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup oi 8 and being well fuftiemetlz you will x | socept any bubstitute if offerad. | | old Comfort, Breathless when does the half-past Passenger -- 'Station- master, five | train leave ¥ | Stationmaster-- Five-thirty,' | Passenger--'Well, the new church | has 97 minutes past, the post-office has 25 past, and your clock had jetosk Now; which clock am i 32 minutes. to go by ¥' Stationminater-- 'Ye can gang wi' ony clock ye like, but the train's awa.' 5 | learned anything new at school to-day George--'Yes,! Mother--* What is it, my sob ¥ Georgh-- Tom Harper bas the weasles and I've been playing with' bis «1 (he afternoon. EIR RF TI » » PT or po fares Sp stages. SooTHING, CLEANSING, EALING. Irsthnt Relief, Permanent Ge Cure, Failure Impossible. Many so-called disens i symptoms of Catarrh, he, partial dea Mother-- Well, Georgie, have you oF will be sent, post pa price (60 cents and $1. FULFORD & CO, Brockville, Ont. | to n more Mrs, Hicks--Skip that lynching | se Et, eo hortor, plédse. Worse to Come! Hicks --B it" checker © | or v { ots ow sb ' beckef qontest M#: Sabb Erbii--Youd need nob What is the difference between a |mind Towser. His bark is worse than reporter in the House of Commons and | his bite. | Mr. 's | bitten)--1 hope he won't bark U | | Townley (who has just. been t- Two street boys wére bragging who height. "Oh, when I get to be as old ds you,' said the younger of the their le | two, 'I shall be just as tall as you are.' difference to we,' remarked a lime | 'I don't know about that," replied the dealer ; my business is always slack.' | other, 'for 1 was always very tall; ever Tiras ; | ache und bad blood for ten or twelve years. | an increase agnin of nearly a hundred | 1 parted to take Burdock Blood Bitters in | July, 1892, and now, (January, 1843), I an | I have been gre#t - -- ly troubled with bea perfectly oured: anything could be saved from the wreck, They found him in a magni« cent apartment and he was very sorry _*I regret very much, gentlemen,' said he, 'but I practically have nothing left. My wife owns this house and some business property, but I have SR, How much plédsanter this wor would be to iive in were it as eusy to go to bed at night as it is to remain there in the morning, and as easy to get up in the mornitg as it is to talk of gettiig vp when you go to bed, 3 | when I was little) Skin Diseases are sore or less directly occusioned by bad blood B.B.B. cures the following Skin Disciés : Shingles, Erysipe- las, Itching Rashes, Silt Rheim, Scald Head, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, by re<, moving all impurities from the blood from & commun Pimple to the worst Seroful So.¢ The centipede was happy qaité; Untit-the toad, in fun, wi Asked 'Pray which leg comes al which ¥ This wrought his wits to suck' Id THE i MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST. Certain in its Dr. B. J. KxsDALL Gentlemen! KENDALL'S por Bottle. For Sale by all Druggists, or address { nothing, Believe we if I could do Read proofs Delow: 'S SPAVIN GURE oo L.L, N.Y, Jan. 15, 1894. Ay a vin is gone now lr Ea RE Yay weal, . 8. Manson, SPAVIN CUR 'Dec. 16, 1608. Dr. B. J. KzwparL Co. S rr Te Rm Yours ra Jy Dr. B. J. KENDALL COMPANY, ENoeRURGN FALE; VY. w plight % That he lay disttactéd in the ditch,' Considering how to run Inspwnia is fearfully on the increase.' The rush and excitement of modern Jif so tax the nervous system that multitudes of people are deprived wood and sufficient sleep, with ruinous consequences to the nerves. Re- wember, Ayer's Sarsaparilla makes the" weak strong. > ---- A Pious Wish. The Emperor oné day stood beford : the magnificent tonh of the Duke Randolph of Sienbis. Souie of hi courtiers were of the opinion thai ought not to allow his mortal enemy to havé so §p'endid a monument, that he should have his body exh and buried elsewhere. aX «Oh, let him lie where he i the Empero; 'T only wish 1 ATdly Géried? were RS éple