Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 5 Jul 1894, p. 4

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Melo Traine Ter Dissore rar Money in Your SPuith You Postmaster are CURED Ee Sa VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS ANI AND SYPHILIS CURED. w.A.0atEis. _W. 8. Collins, of Saginaw, Speaks. pe? READER 1 Are Aro yon § viola! eT Have Haye you lost it ho Have you contemplating bar AE ELE Be RI SR St ORES GUARANTERD OR NO XX i 16 Years In Detroit, 160,000 Cured. No Risk. 1 Free. No matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinién Sanu a ha . Tenscnial able. BOOKS Froe Te Golden Toate ia trated), on f men. ose postage, Bealed. Eo-NO NAMES USED HOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI- VATE. No medicine sent O. No names on boxes or envel- opes. Ever Ly thing confidential. Question list and cost of Treat ment, FRE! DRS, KENNEDY & KERGAN, No. 148 SHELBY ST. DETROIT, MICH. HoLow AY's PiLus AND OINTMENT T hewost effectual Cure for Gou and Reumatism.--A frequent cause For Sale or fo Rent. of these Somplataty is the inflammatory T[YHE FARM of the late JAMES BYERS, | qq of the attended with bad deceased, bei the West-half of the | re ssl: being the West hil of the | JULI (IU, od rent debility, of Cartwright, | dewing 'the want, of a proper circula- | tion of the fluid, and that impurity of 50 ACERS | the blood greatly 'aggravates these dis- Rich Soil, good well aud pump ; nearly all y cleared, a comfortable log housse, a large orders Holloway's Pills are of so frame barn and stable, Will be sold ata low | |p urifying a nature that a few doses figure on casy terms, or, if rented, the Ex- | taken in time are an effectual preven- ecutor will accept improvements upon the | io against gout and rheumatism, but blood, Ble eh 3 ey in lieu of movey | ore" that has an attack of either : 'JACOB PFEFFER should use Holloway's Ointment also, ' xecutor, the powerful properties of which, com- Oct, 26, 1893. Tara, Ont. | bined with the effects of the Pills, en- | | sure a certain cure, The Ointment | should be thoroughly rubbed into the | parts affected at least twice a day, after Church of the Ascension. REV. JOS. FLEFCHER, M.A., Incunsext, | they have been sufficiently fomented Bunday--Matins, 1 m, Evensong, 7 p,m. | Wit th warm water to open the pores to Sunday School, 30 p.m. | | facilitate the introduction of the Oint ment to the glands. LOW'S WORM SYRUP is the stan- | dard of excellence. Mothers recom Wednesday--Evenson, 0 p.m Methodist Church REV. IL. W, HILL, B A., Pastor. EE it. Children cry for it. Worms rein fly from it. Bahbath Services, 10:30 and 7. Week Evening Service. Thursday 7:80. ALL MEN Strangers welcome and conducted to seats. | who find them neruous, weak and exhausted, who | ave broken down from excess or overwork, | resulting in many of the following symptoms | Mental depression, prewndtare old age, loss , PAsTO of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, | dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart | Young, old or middle aged, - | selves, 8t. John's Church (PRE {BYTERIAN,) REV. RICHARD WHITEMAN, B./ Sabbath Services, 10:30 and 7 Week Evening Service, Thursday, 7:80 | emissions, lack of emergy, pain in the kid a - - | neys, headaches, pimples on the face and Baptist Church. | body, itching or peculiar sensation about the - | scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness, REV. MR. CAMERON, Pastor | specks before the eyes, twitching of the Sabbath Services, 10:30 and 6:30. Week Evening Service, Thursday, PATENTS, Caveares AND Reassves secured, | muscles, eyelids and elsewhere, bashfulness, | deposits in the urine, loss of will power, | tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and | flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be | rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loes ol voice, desire for solitude, ex hie AND REY TRADE Marks | citability of temper, sunken eyes, surround registered and all other patent causes in the Patent | i Ofice and before tho Courts promptly and carefully | © ed with LEADKN CIRCLES, oily looking skin, proscouted. c., are all symptoms of nervous debilit: Upon receipt of model or sketch of invention, 1 | that lead to insanity unless cured. The make careful examination, and advise as to patenta- | spring or vital force having 10st its tension bility free of eharge. faneti o. Th Main offices directly novoss from the Pateot Office, | €Very function wanes in consequence. hoge ect and | who through abuse committed in ignorance, pt prelim- | may be permantly cured. Send your ad and attention is specially called to r long established facilities for making p successful p prosecution of applications for patent, and for attend- dress for book on diseases peculiar to man, send 10c in stamps, sealed. Address M. V inary searcher, for the most vigorous a ing to all business entrusted to my care, in the | LUBON, 24 Macdonnell Ave., Toronto, 1 | Ont. Canada. | Relief in Bix Hours.--Distressing Kid ney and Bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "New Grrar Sours AMER 10a¥ Kioxey Crre." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight to physicians on account of its exeeeding promptuess in relieving pain in the bladder, kidueys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or female, It relieves retention of water and n in passing it almost im | mediately, Boa by A. J. Davis, Druggist. :30. Rejected eases a specilalty. and exclusive attention ok of information and acd and special references sent without charge upon ro. quest. J, RK. LITTELL, Bolicitor and Attorney in Patent Causes, Washington, D.C., Opposite U.8. Patent Office, Mention this pape ) Agricultural Machines IMPLEMENTS! SUNDERLAND: fn Down With 2 High } Prices For tric Belts. Elec 3 55, $2.65, $3.70 ; former Jrices $5 3% Qualty remains the same---16 dif- fornt © styles; dry battery and acid belts d or strong current. Less than half : | the ie priuot any other company and more [YHE undersigned keeps on hand and for | home testi: Is th I the rest 40 sales the following Agricultural Mach- ines and Implements manufactured by the PRIA BANCLON. MTG CO, OF PETERBORO : Jeapert, Grown Mawar, Daisy , Tiger H ay grind 'wo Farrow Plow, Three eg Pl Ch Ts, 8. T ign Pan 8. Harrow, Land Roller, Steel Frame Spring Tooth Cultivator, Binder Trucks, &c. Ao the following, the manufacture of gether, Full list free. Mention this paper. W. T. BAER & CO. Windsor, Ont Emerson Bros'. PORT THE Subscriber Teg beg to amnounce the they are now prepared to manufactura JOHN ABEL, Toronto. |poors, SASH, BLINDS, Hi class Threshing outfits, Traction CASING FRAMES, and Machives, Victor Clover TARE. ees rabie Triumph Ea: the | FTAIR RAILS, STAIR BRACKETS, farmer requires in way of Machines, Imple BANNISTERS, NEUEL POSTS, ments, Repairs, &o. MOULDINGS, &C., aa call Sol jeited. One door west of IN GREAT VARIETY, is RK. BRYANT.' | ,,/ 50701 Sawing, Bond Sawing and Sunderland, April 8, 1893, * | Turning done with neatness and dis- paich. ALL THE LATEST STYLES IN FANCY FENOE PICKETS Tanks and Cistern Tubs made to order. Flooring and Siding constantly on hand. Planing done to Order. " oh Sags of the public is respect- Rastory od Lalla shrest, just south of the Town Hal : -M to Loan.--Mr. F. M iy icitor bas any amount of money to loan at lowest rates of in SPS spat to suit lorrower. Port Perry, May 6, 1888. and no doubt at the inuer parts extends | the Gull Stren carries along with it in | its course soutivr 'or Titer finds a resting | 8ibility of the existence of any but marine Planing Mills = NETHERSEA NOR NOR LANG. The Wonderful Beglon in the Atlantie which Ne hus Pegétrated, The surface of it seine, bays tho writer: like a perfect meadow of seaneed. It} | is supposed that tule enprmioas ninss ot * gull weed ny have been partly grown at the Lotsa of the shintluwer parts of the sea, au] partly torn from the shores of Florida sud the Bahama Islands by the forge of tive Gull Stream. It is tien swept round by the sae agency into the Sirgas<o Sen, where it lives and propa- gates, floating freely in mid-ocean, And the store is ever increasing, both by ad- dition and propagution," so that the dow grows more aud more compact, to 4 considerable depth below the sure face Nor is this all; for at leust two-thnrds of all the icfianie flotsam and jesan which pluce in the Sargasso Sea, Here may be seen huge trunks of trees torn from the | forests of Braz:l by the waters of tie | Amazon and fl ated down far oul to sen until they were caug it nud swept along by the currentjlogw ood from Honduras, orén ce trees from Florida, canoes and boats from the island, stuved in, broken, and bottom upward; ks and remning of all sorts, gathered from the ricn har- vest of the Aukantic: whole keels or skeles tons of ruilied ships, wo covered with burnacles, shells, wil weed thai the original outline Lirely lost to vie; und here und there a dereliot ship tra formed from u floating it tery put wut - win of uitex] ural thas Shi tiki niarine rubbish ntic shoots 1x refuse. seeing donhiful wether wn sailing aol would ve alle to cut her wuy into tie thick pevwork of weed even with a strong wind behind her. - Bosides if the effort were rewarded with u first delu- sive ruccess, there would bs tne nlmost certain dunger that iu the culm regions of the Sargasso Soa the wind would sud. denly fuil her altogether, lenving her locked hopelessly amid ie weed and the drift and wreckage, 'without hope of succor or escape. With regard to u sleainer, no prudent skipper is ever likely to make the attempt, tor it would alto getner choke up lus screw and render it The atest discovery in the seienti- fio world is that nerve centres located useless, . : The most energetic explorer of land or | AB OF near the base of the brain con sea will find himselt baffled with regard | trol all the organs of the body, and 10 the Surgasso Sea by tue fact that 1b is neither one nor the other. It is neither solid enough to waik upon, nor ligud enough Ww afford a pa-sage Ww a buat, At the same tine ang one who fell into it would certainly be drowned withont being able to swim for his life, Of course, it is quite conceivable that u very determined party of pioneers might cut a passage for a small boat even to the centre, The work would take aun imme: se lime, however, and the chacuel would certainly close up behind them as they prioseded. Tay would have to take with t em provisions for the whole voyage, aud a journey over a space equuliing the Continent of Europe would probauly require larger supplies tian could be couveniently stowed away in stall bout. Besides, there is no reason to suppose that the expedition would be worth the making, or that the inner recvsses of the Sargnsso Ses would ex hivit any marked ddferences from the outer margin, The accumulation of weed would be thicker and more en- tangled, aud the drift and wreckage wouid lie more closely pressed together, but that would be all, Tiere is no pos- when these nerve centres are deranged the organs which they supply with nerve fluid, or merve force, are also deranged: When it is remembered that a serious injury to the spinal cord will cause paralysis of the body below the injured point, beosuse the nerve force is prevented by the injury from reaching the para- lyzed portion, it will be understood how the derangement of the merve centres will canse the derangement of the various organs which they supply with nerve force; that is, when » nerve centres is deranged or in any way diseased it is impossible for it to sapply the same quantity of nerve force as when in a healthful 'eondi- tion; hence the organs which depend upon it for nerve force suffer, and are unable to properly perform their work, and as a result disease makes its appearance. At least two-thirds of our chronie diseases and ailments are due to the imperfeot action of the nerve centres at the base of the brain, sud nok from a derangement primarily o in the organ itself. T take of physicians in ile in this strange morass unless the sea birds have built their nests in the masts or hull « of some derelict vessel, --Cnam- ber's Journal, THEN TH EY SMOKED. The Indian Way of Celebrating a Verdiot | of Not Guilty In a Murder Triul A dozen Indinns wrapped iu blankets sat in silence in an office in ths Hyde block Wednesday evening and smoked the pipe of peace, It followed the vers dict in the Sischimoo murder case in the ps of the" :|moientific research and study. the cause of the trouble. The wonderful cures wrought by the Great South American Nervine Tonic are dus alone to the fast that this remedy is based upon the fore- going principle, It cures by rebuild- ing and strengthening the nerve centres, and thereby inoreasing the supply of nerve force or nervous energy. This remedy has been found of infinite value for the cure of Nervous- ness, Nervous Prostration, Nervous Paroxysms, Sleeplessness, Forgetfal- ness, Mental Despondency, Nervous- ness of Females, Hot Flashes, Bick Headache, Heart Disease, The first bottle will convince anyone that a oure is certain. South American Nervine is with. out doubt the greatest remedy evér discovered for the cure of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and all Chronic Stomach Troubles, because it acts through the nerves. It gives relief in one day, and absolutely effects a permanent oure in every instance. Do not allow your prejudices, or the preju- dices of others, to keep yon from using this health-giving remedy. It is based on the result of years of A single bottle will convince the most United States court, When it was ao. nounced to the Indians in waiting that the jury had returned a verdict, the pr s- oner's sad eyed father brought forth the fumous pipe of peace and slowly filled it with tobacco, Then while the Jury was being polled the Inlians sat in silence and awaited the result. When Colonel Winston entered the little room a few minutes later with the prisoner, Simon Bischimoo, the boy's face was wreathed For Sale by $ Druggist, incredulous, A. J DAVIS, Port Perry in smiles, "He grasped his old father's hand and spoke in the Indian tongue, The disconsolute expression left the old man's face; hosmiled and shook his boy's hand warmly. Tuen, while Simon was shaking hands with others of ihe circle, the old father applied a match to the pipe. A few whills were taken, the smoke béing exhaled through the nose; then it was passed around, - Everything was excitement about the », but we oir- cle was unmoved by emotion or interest until each had gone through the cere mony of pence; them they arose and rushed out to get their certificates for fees, which amounted to $15 for each witness, --Sp okane Review, Su0otss (he Tu of Worth 11 Turiff of Wives, In the earliest times of purchase, a woman was bartered for useful goods or for services rendered to her father. In this latter way, Jacob purchased Rachel and i er vister Leah, Tuis wus a Beena marringe, where u man, as in Genesis, leaves his father und his mother and cleaves unto his wife, and they become ona flesh or kin--the woman's. The rice of & bride in British Columbia and uvcouver Island varies from £20 to £40 worth of articles. In Oregon, an Indian gives for her horses, blankets or buffalo robes; in California, shell-money or horses; in Africa, cattle, A poor Damars will sell a daughter for a cow; a richer fir expecw [ruin three to thirty, With the Banyai, i nothing be given, her fumily claim her HOLLOWAY 's PILLS axp OINTMENT THIS UNIVERSAL MEDICINE IS A HOUSEHOLD REQUISITE EVERYWHERE. | THE PILLS | PURIFY THE a LO0D, impart t TE to the children. In Ugunda, where no mar- NERVOUS ¢ , and act ringe recently existed, she may be ob- ully yet soothingly on the tained for. half-a-duzen needles, or u LIVER AND BOWELS, coat, or n- pair of shoes An ordinary price is a box of percussion caps. Iu other parts, a goat or a couple of buck skins will buy a girl, Pussing to As, we find her price is sometimes five 10 filly rubles, ot, at others a cartioad of wood or A pinvess muy be s pusciiaied for promoting DIGESTION and endowing the whole 1 STRENGTH and vigour. whes, Trembling with JENERAL DEBILITY gq these w , and Se prices else n her. are eloquent lestimo:y to the little vulus a savage sols ou his wife, Her charm: vanish with her girlhood. 8he 1s nsually married while a child, and through he cruel slavery and bitter life she often be comes old and Topuiglt ve at twenty five, vie ECTS Al HAS A WORLD-WIDE REPU} It heals every kind of SO! md WOUND more certain known salve. Its marvel TION, The Westminster w, powers render it invaluable in all ~ THROAT AND CHEST DIS Rheumatism Cured in a Day.--South suring Bronchitis, Quinseys, and Al American Rheumatic Cure, for Rheumatism | 3 Glandular Lum; ec 20d Neuralgia, rudics radically cures in | t03 da ABSCESSES and FISTULAS ta action system is re te Scie ou RHEUMATISM, oo dose greatly benefits. |\nd NEURALGIA itis A A. J. Davis, Druggist. PE pi Fi by CAF g ROYAL ELECTRIC CO. Are and Incandescent Eleotric Lighting, Electric Motors ard Generators. | OONTRAOTORS AND BUILDERS OF | ELEOTRI0 LIGHT AND POWER BTATIONS THROUGHOUT THE DOMINION. 50 TO 70 WELLINGTON ST, THE BEST poverTi ITISING * MEDIU IN THE WORLD IS THE LOCAL PRESS A PERFECT ARTICLE. TE BAKING POWDER . The purest quality of Cream Tartar, finest Fai {-Carbonate of Sods only are used in jue preparation, or tho "5% 3 AER now C1 possible) better RI ALL THE BEST GROCERS SELL IT. K, TOM 8 SAWYER. PENNINGTON ry co., "MONTREAL. FAROMA nest Pure Ground intho World, 8old in only, If you 8 cansich wet it at postal card AE hr Monteal, who will ly free $rial satple to GOING WEST.-- Sem; " FP ; Bam 7:06 p. m. GOING EAST-- - 1086 8.0 " 2 7:06 pam And not tke nerve centres, which are " 1:06 p.m A. J. DAVIS, PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT | where his superior and tly increased facilities for a will eu aioe ous to all doing business with him. With many thanks for vi sxtensive and etill increasing Fairondbe. need scarcely mii? the pu that my Approved Oven has all the latest he gan nd Jose its work to perfection. b ws rely on an unlimited supply of CHOICE BREAD. Every variet of FANCY BREAD, CHOICE ay, ac. WM. HISCOX. Port Perry Sep. 9, 1801. Canadian Pacific Railway. ONTARIO DIVISION rains will leave Myrtle as follows Agent, Port Perry ric BEWARE e IMITA Burland's Old Dominion Crescent Brand CINNAMON PILLS, The Only Genuine RELIEF FOR LADIES. ASK YOUR DrUGarsT for Burlend's Old Dom. InlonCrescentBrand CINNAMON PILLS. 8hallow rect-angular metallic hoxes sealed with cres- cent. Absolntlely safe and reflable. Refuse all spurious and harm ful Jmitaiions, Upon receipt of Six conts in we will renly by retin of mall, giving full particulars in plain envelope. Address, BURLAND CHEMICAL CO,, Morse Bidg., N. ¥, City. Please Mention this Paper. TWO DISRABLE AOGIENGI FOR SALE. The unders; od of offers for Bale two Comfortable gidences in Prince Albert. For particulars apply to J. BAIRD Prince Albert, April 14, 1886. LOST OR FAILING MANHOGD, Bensral and Nervous Debility, 'Weakness of Body and Mind, Effects of Errors or Excesses in Old or Young. Robust, Noble Manhood fully Restored. How to # |. Men testify from 60 States and Foreign Coun- tries. Write them. Descriptive Book, ex- planation and proofs mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N.Y. For Sale at a Bargain. HE undersigned has received instruction T from Mr. McFarlane to offer for sale the North of Lots 84 and 85 on the East side of Cochrane e: Neat, Port Perry. ester, free of char, I aodursgas] ikon mush Hoseuse fn ; == Now ixee his extensive, va arranged ne E Dad os ued bopsto THAT mogunos amnounos th he {NewBrickEstablishment | sissy inoressed hia socket freight saved. In stock, fine brands, Wines and Prices to suit the times. A oall solicited. charge. ; 1.78 Perry, April 2, 1890. IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF FURNITURE¥- IT WILL PAY YOU TO E. J JOHNSON, WHITBY fon Youve his business to door east of Diesfeld's rms ES AND nl 80d has now on band & #03 sasortuient, in lta Wholesale and Retail ! Holelhoapes: supplied at Toronto and Montreal Prices-- Liquors for Medicinal Parposes. 4% Parcels delivered to any part of the Corporation, or to Prince Albert and Manch M. WILLIAMS. A large stock of Upholstered Chairs, Plush, Whitby, Jan. 15, 1889 His Stock is complete in every Department, which he offers a Prices that - cannot be Shaded. | Call and examine my Stock and you will be convinced that for Quality Style and Finish our Furniture is unsurpassed. and Ottomans, in Silk, Velvet and A cordial invitation is extended to all to visit my Establishment E. J JOHNSON. Fine Jewelry--Latest / ' 'Indigestion, Biliousness, C ion, Dysentery, disorders of the Stonach, ART OOD TOTES Sion, Plessusk gu take OOOO YI 10 Spruce Street, Everything Warranted as REPAIRING in first-class Workmanlike manner at REGULATE THE = TOMACH, LIVER »~» BOWELS, PURIFY THE BLOOD. A RELIABLE BLE REMEDY FOR Chronic Liver T : Che pre = a Tabules contain the trial bottle sent by mail og receipt of 15 cents. Address THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO., Dieseld's Diamond Hall. JUST OPENED OUT A Kine Stock Styles and Patterns. FINE GOLD WATOHES---Latest Styles in Cases, The Latest Styles in Ladies' and Gent's CHAINS, CHARMS, BUTTONS Forty dozen SPEOTACLES and EY E-GLASSES, from 25 cts to $6. REGULATORS and OLOCKS in great variety. Represented. DIESFELDS' Headache, Liver and Bo avy - New York City. Upon the a twos ory Nas dwlling house with stone cellar and wood shed attached ; splendid well and cistern, both in good excellent gurden and a large number choice fiuit trees, &c.. The Drogen well fenced and is in every 7y way d being situated on the eli located street in town, the views infu the [ies grand and the locality health. By paying a small amount down the purchaser can have a number of years in which to poy the balance. For further particulars, a apply fo I ON. mises. on the pt Port Perry, Jan. 16, 100s" TFOR SATH. | Foz, NE, TouNG, NEW, MILCH COWS, for Asrs LLINS, Sa: Sougog, Jan. 3% 1000. J vy

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