Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 18 Oct 1894, p. 3

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yw lies To most | : rious co tion, 'from three severe Bounds in the head, inflicted witha stone "hammer or the gaol keys. The after disabling the 'turnkey, took the keys from bim, closed the pautrydoor, wet intothe second storey Ls changed his gaol clothes for his own, and ran towards Whithy harbor. Arnold's description Height, 5 feet 11 inches; light and straight build : weight, 140 pounds ; dark brown hair, brown moustache, high cheek bones, slight scar on right cheek ; high, narrow forehead ; pale complexion, red epot on checks, bad front teeth, age 28. Clothing--Bluck worsted frock coat, black vest, brown striped pants, black Christy stiff bat, old noid mots, soley worn through. 'true that China is suing for mercy it signifies the greatest and most complete national collapse that history records, That a giant empire, such ax China is, with a population numbered by hondreds of willions, should be brought to her knees within a few weeks by a nation very much inferior numerically, and separated «from her . by a wide sea, is one of the most re markable eventd that could be con- ceived of. A huge, unwieldy and help- less monster such as China has proved jtself to be cannot exist. and unfor- tunately it is likely that there will be grave complications over ita dying struggles. --Globe. A ge LL Three Home Seekers' Excur- : sions ' To all parts of the West and North- wost vin the Chicago, Milwaukee § St. Paul Railway at practically half rates. Round trip tickets, good for return passage within twenty duys from date of sale, will be told on September 11 and 25 and October 9, 1894. For further information apply to the nearest coupon ticket Rgent or address A. J. Taylor, Canadiac Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont, re Cg ir A contemporary gives an interview with a western lumberman, who says that the loss from the recent fires is not so heavy as has been supposed, "Fire" he says, "does not burn the body of a pe tree ; it only burns off the bark and foliage. The trunk of the burned tree is as good as ever it was, with this exception. The tree, after it is burned, must be.cut the sue- ceeding winter, else it will become worm-eaten and worthless," He even maintains that the fire is a blessing in disguise to labor, "Every owner of Turned pine stumpnge must go to work thie coming winter and cut every foot of it, and many of these owners are foroed to cut perhaps hundreds of millions of fet of stumpage they would not otherwise have cut for yeara to come: They are forced to employ im- mensé crews of men they would not otherwise have had use for," Blackwater, Ont., Oct, 13.--Last Wednesdny night William 'Thompson, of the second concession, Brock, while working a hay press, met with what proved to be a fatal nccident, He was driving the team attached to the arm of the machine when the bolt came out of the clevis, allowing the arm to fly back. Ivstrack Mr. Thompson with great force across the atomach and bowels, inflicting injuries from which he died on Saturday night. s BE if W Cin ~ MARRIED. : Manarry--HeaTLE --On the 3rd inst., at the Methodist pursouage, Bowmanville, hy the Rev. C. Parker, John W. Mahafly to Mies Ida Heatle, all of Cartwright. Port Perry Market. [Quotations by Menon: A. Ross & Son.] Thursday, Oct. 18, 1894. Fall Wheat 48c to 48¢. Spring Wheat 45¢ to 50c. Goose Wheat 45¢ to 46c. Birley (6 rowed) R0c to 40c. Qats 23¢ to 26a, Peas--Blackeye 55¢ to 55¢, % Peas--Mummy 85¢ to 55¢c, 'WW Peas --8mall do to 50c, Buckwheat 40c to 40c, Beans §75 to $90, Alsike Clover $4.50 to $5.50, Red Clover 85,00 to 85.25, Grass Seed $1.50 to $2.00 50c T A the as Fe Petry aud sur- uur ia talopts 2s 'Kron Prinz Frederick Wilhelm, BAY OF QUINTH ING_HOUSE! to announce to ee a Shera deelh a serve Testotally with' my. o cents n es i of| COUNTY OF ONTARID: canned foster Tenn goed dns. over 1894. te | WAS, the price ridieulons| chen = h TER len was' hen. No. 1512 EREE a uA] of evs. Ea jou Bi . PIF 5 to the anv a {ou y lk Have much pleasure in stating that my facilities for business have been largely increased and I am now prepared to supply everything in the Gent's Furnishing Line of Superior Quality, Latest Styles and Lowest Possible Prices. A call pospecsully solicited. SEL, BTL.ONC. Port Perry, Oct. 103 1804, EE ~ IMPORTA "TRVOINGENENT 1 wish to inform the plblic that I have 'a full stock of the Hard Times \ HAYWARD & Hid it. People apprecinte them, a Here 18 A SampLe oF How we Si DRESS GOODS-- All-wool Tweed LADIES' MANTLES---$2.50 Conte; wh MEN'S OVERCOATS--$3.50 was. hed--= Cheap Goods comes our way. Keep this fact md came here to sell off our New, Fresh Goods. Is it BO per cent. on what you IARD & COS. in mind -- We are going out of Stock ; that's why we sell so 750 wur $1 to $1.20 ; 44 inch 200 was 30c; 15c was 30c. 40 heavy all wool Serges, 46 inch, 500 wag 70c. Mixed Tweed, inch all-wod! Serues, 20¢ was. BOc Was 70c ; 44 inch, 40c was He width 450 was 600. Plaids 20¢ was 35¢c. Nice Blue Berges ¢. Flannels, all wool, 26 inch, 15¢ was 20¢.; 14c wus 18c. Flan , Bc was Tc; Tc was 10c ; 9c was 12}c. All 10c Sheeting fof Bo} 10¢ Prints r 10c ; 15¢ for 1140 for Tic ; 12}c and 15¢ for 1c. 50 ; £3.50 was §5 ; £4.50 was £6; k8' Fur Cares--$19 was $25; £5.50 was 87 50; $7 was 810, $12.50 was $18 ; 87.50 wns $10. ) wan £7.50; £8.50 was £10. Ulsters, £650 was 9; $7.50 ; $8.50 was $11.50 was $15. Youths' and Boys' $3.50 was $5 was §7.50; €2.50 was $3.50. Childrens' $2 wax $4. Men's Sei 50 was 85; $4.50 was £6.50; £6.50 was 89 ; $10 was $15; Bla s--812 was $16. Men's Pants $81.25 was $2; $2.50 was 8! « we and sea for yourself Apples and Potatoeg wanted, nt Celebrated@ Scranton@Coal which is credited with being the best coal in the market and worth 50 ce per ton more than any other Brand. Be sure and get the best. I havea in stock Blorsburg Smithing and Briar Hill Soft Conl. 1 also keepa F = Line of Dressed and Undressed Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Hard and Soft W oot Water Lime, White and Grey Lime, Cement, Plaster of Paris, Plasterer® c., &o. BF Prices quoted on application. Thanking my numerotis customers for past patronage, CI. VICKERY. Port Perry, Sept. 5, 1804, Canadian Mutton. Church of the Ascension. REV. JOS. FLEI'CHER, M.A, INCUMBENT. Sunday--Mating, 10.30 a.m, Evensong, 7 p,m. Sunday Sehool, 2.80 pam. Wednesday --Evensong, 7.80 p.m. London, Oct. 15. -- (Telegram eabhl:) -- Eighteen hundred live prairie sheep have just be received at Islington from Canada. The price received is four shillings a stone, or sixpence per pound, excluding the offul. It is claimed that this mutton wil find more favor here than fiozen Australian mutton, GRAND TRUNK BUSINESS. The weekly return of traflio, to be issued hy the Grand Trunk railway aus thorities to morrow, will probably show a decrease in receipts of £30,000 © The half yearly report will likely be issued about the 22nd inst., later than usual, Methodist Church. REV. R. CADE, D, D., Pastor, Sabbath Services, 10:30 and 6.30 Week Evening Service. Thursday 7:30. Strangers weloome and conducted to seats. i ' St. John's Church. (PRESBYTERIAN,) REV. RICHARD WHITEMAN, B.A, PAsToR Sabbath Services, 10:80 and 6.80 Week Evening Service, Thursday, 7:30 erin New York, Oct. 15.--The steamer from Naples, with »ight cabin and 499 steer. aye passengers on hoard, was defained at quarantine to-night owing to the de. tection of a suspicious case in the per won of a steerage passenger believed to be suffering from smallpox. « The pas- senger, having been found mingling with his fellow-passengers, exposing all to the disease, the whole number. of the steerage passengers will be vaccinated and transferréd to Hoffman Island to await the development of the 'disense for a period of fourteen days. The Baptist C! Church. REV. J. GOODWIN, B.A. Sabbath Services, 10:30 and 6:80. Week Evening Service, Thursday, 7:50. PasTOR, PROF. 8. J. CHON, RACTICAL OPTICIAN and Eye and Bar Specialist, 176 Wilton Ave, Toronto, 3 visit Port Perry once in six month.-- 1 'orders entrusted to him warranted to A a J in amas Ww. cGill, Mr. D. J. Adums and Mr. John Nott, Port Perry, Fashiona oe se % ® FULL STOCK of Fall Goods to hand, including Suitings, Over Coatings, Worsted Coatings, early, and bought largely and with diserimination. IN SUITINGS OUR FITS warranted. Port Perry, Oct, 3, 1894, aspiie) All = - 1894, "Soe EEE es English, Scotch and Canadian, Tweeds, &c. Anticipating a busy season, we secured our Fall Stock our Stock is noticeably fine. are becoming: celebrated for their Neatness--they always retain their shape and wear well, while our prices are the talk of all. Superior workmanship, the Newest Styles and Perfect Fits WEITBY. Blong Block. enlitn passengers were sent to the dock this morning. Notice to Farmers. Heart Disease Relieved in 3 Thirty Minutes. The undersigned begs to intimate Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. gives to the farmers of this district that he has just purchased a new Threshing [ Machine from the Works of the Me- Donald M'f'g Co , Stratford, which has all the latest appliances for threshing grain as it should. Ic is so constructed that in threshing peas it does not split them, Orders for threshing solicited. F. A. BAILEY. Blackstock, July 11, 1894, HARNESS perfect relief in all cases of Organic or Sympathetic Heart Disease in 30 minutes, and speedily effects a cure. It is a peerless remedy for Palpatation, Shortuess: of Breath, Smothering Spells, Pain in Left Side and all symptoms of a Diseased Heart One dose convinces. Sold by A. J. Davis London, Oct, 16.--A despatch to The Times from Brussels says that the result of the elections is the complete overthrow of the Liberal party save in the capital, The first application of the principle of universal suffrage has, therefore, justified the forebodings of the doctrinnires, who foresaw in it the downfall of their cause. What "they failed to foresee was the immense suc- cess of the Socialists, with whom the Catholics have now to reckon alone. London, Oct. 16.--The Times this morning says, editorially : By degrees the world his learned the troe signifi cance of the Cubinet meeting hastily summoned recently, It does notap- pear that the Government found a single power willing to co-operate in an attempt to meditate to stop the war between China and Japan. The Government incurred a needlessly humil- inting defeat, which cannot bat inipair Great Britain's capacity to intervene with effect, should a fitting ocengion | J arige. They blundered incredilily ighor- ed the most obvious elementary con- siderations applicable to the case ahd courted a rebuff which ou ht tohave heen recognized mt once as inev ital le. Possibly the rumors of overturn 5: for peace are based on some sounding of oar Covernuiont, 2 he British. ERO = returning thanks to the public for the patronage extended to me for over 30 years, I would respectfully intimate that 1 am, as usual, now ready for businces, and have a OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS which I am determined to sell very CHEAP As an inducement to Case purchasers A Ti of 0 or ue "| will be allowed on all Sales from now until "Jan. Ist next. All work being MADE: BY HAND, and no factory work kept in stock, the superiority of my goods will at once become apparent. ntending purchasers will find that hy giving me a call before looking elsewhert they can he suited in quality and price, my long exp-rience in the trade being an indis- utable guarantee that perfect satisfaction will be given by any article used Everthing in my line of busines Sept constantly on hand and repairs neatly and promptly attonded to. JOHN ROLPH. Port Perry, Dec. 1 Never was theres a country "hers, or a tine when, people could live aswell for as little money as they can ip. this country now, Of course the increased purchasing Res. | Power of a little money is a subject that does not interest people who lack the little money. Times are hard for them, but for people whose incomes are i: Tene moderate and steady, times were never "The luxuries of a few years ago have as the necessaries are not old can iw 'mich or extra- y thefe ables H. Poe --AND-- Reliable \ et He keeps constantly on had a full stock of Flour, Deal & Feed of all kinds, Cheap y for Cash. a 2! £7 Barrel, Sack, Dairy and Table Salt. A pep T y v IGHEST price in Cash paid Butter, Oats, Beans, Flax, &¢& Port Perry, Aug. 28, 1804, T «| GRISTING & CHOPPING IN FULL BL ART | { -- HE nndersigned takes this opportunity ot returning his sincere thanks for the large measure. of patronage be- stowed on him since commencing business in Port Perry, and would beg to state that having, at a large expenditure, thoroughly overhauled the entire Mill dnd introduced the best, most approved and modern machinery including the ROLLER PROCESS for the manufacture of Flour, i is prepared to do Expeditiously and in a manner that cannot fail to give satis- faction to my patrons, The Trade gtipplied with Flour of the finest brands. THE PLANING FACTORY in full operation and ¢an supply all kinds of Dressed Lumber, also Lumber, Joists, Scantling, Boards, Pick ets, Shingles, Posts Dooks, Sask, Mouldings, Bannisters and Neel Posts. EZ BILL LUMBER A SPECIALTY: All kinds of TURNING and SOROLL BAWING done on short notice, JAMES CARNEGIE. Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1891. DAVIS' PHARMACY The Subscriber has just received a Complete Assortment of FANQY + GDNIDS TOILET SETS in Plwsh, Persian and Oxidized Silver, Leather, §e. PERFUMES from the best makers, in Cut Glass Bottles, Bohemian Ware, §e., at all Prices. FANCY CUPS AND SAUCERS, VASES, §e. PIPES and CIGARS of the Finest Quality. A. J. DAVIS, Chemist and Druggist PORT PERRY AING & MEHARRY HAVE AGAIN BLONG BLOCK, OPENED OUT WITH Ae Magnificent Large & Assorted Stock| =------ PORT PE The undersigned begs to announce to the! fuhabitants of Port Perry and Sittings of the Division tush to] vicinity, that he has opened out in the Stove and Tinware business in the Store lately occupied Hy Me, Wright IN THE BLONG Where he will keep in stock everything sell at Prices that cannot fail There will now be no necessity for pole 3 e purchasers. vicinity going to Uxbridg be tothe advantage of th 9 purchase Stoves, Tinware, &o.; in fact, nything they may require i idgeites, and all others, to secure from' Having had Twenty years' experience | to me may be relied on to give satis 0 if! RRY! to the business and will occupy the extensive premises just vacated by Mr. B. F. ACKERMAN, where we will be better prepared than ever to supply our customers and the public with everything in the WHICH FOR . eo n Durability and Cannot be surpassed in the County. ~ Bavetroughing and | ET Al Y sohsited. Don's forges ¢ | Whitby" Deo. 30, 1693. : &o., inabundanes. Prices Qourtet or Perry, oh 8, 1894. Port Perry, March 9, 1892" MEE: RY £0 10: 101% Stoclkk of everything in their line LAING & MEHARRY, + : ye v i or © REMOVAL 8&2 © We have Moved our business to the South side of Queen Street and now Harness Line CHEAPNESS, STYLE. STRENGTH, be Ble, Bl, Trunks BEATTY & BONGARL i BOOTED! People Say » it is Hard Times! Well, if that is the case I will make it Easy Time "" BOOTS of Superior Quality at a reat Reduction i in Price that will surgise you, = ALL SIZES-HY OWN MAKE, Keep no other--No Indoric Sto Stock. I nt sizes made up, all of PBo0rs nat Ji hear the prices you wi chi Repairing « of all kinds done with neatficss. and dis; be sure to | Loo Polish and Waterproof Blacking, Rubber Overcoats and Rubber Boots ie- paired. sar Next doot to the M rel, 3 WAL. POND, Port Perry, Nov, 14, 1803, ' PAINTING KALSOMINING &C: HE undersighed oul( take this oppor- thinit§ of. thanking his uamerons pat rons for their liberal and still increasing patronage during the time he has carrizd bh the busiuess of PAINTING in Port Perry, aid would state thut he is setter preparedl than ever to execute all orders for Painting, Kalsomibing and Paper Hanging Pirties entrnsting thelt Work to me may rely ot having it neatly and promptly exe. sated, My charges are moderate. 1 am also prepared to supply Paints, &e,, when contracting. A continusuce of fab lic patronage sali sited, WM. TREMEER. 23, 1803. STILL LEADING! "TYHE UNDERSIGNED begs to retury thanks for the liberal and still iiscrens- ing patronage bestowed oy him since com; menving the Butohering Business and would state that he is better prepared than ever to supply the pubdic with JUST SUCH MEATS 18 cannot fail to meet the requirements of dl, and trusts by offering ouly Crorek Mats at moderate prices, and proniptnisn in husivess to receive a liberal share. of publie patronage, sar All orders left at my Stall in the Market Building, or with me on my round# with conveyance, will receive immediate and careful attention. ISAAC.J. WHEELER Port Pores, Aug, 16, 1893, Port Perry, Mar. Wo dB \ \ ISHES toinform the public of Porg /Y Perry and surrounding county, that. after four years experience in prosecuting his business in some of the largest oitics of the United States, he is better prepared than ever to executo any of. the following Lranches of his trade ;--Stone Masonry, Bricklaying in all its branches ; Piniy and Uroamental Plastering. Alsa Arvth Stone Walks, that will remain pe. a wd will endure any, Weather: Brick Cisterns without, any wood in their eofi: straction to decay or give out. If you are in need of any of the above, come to me and Jbtain prices, All material required in my, line will be kept constantly on hand, and for sale after the first of next April, GEO. GARUNER/ Port Perry, Jan. 3, 1804. EN O T ENE Hr FOLLOWING Prices for CASH os Parlor Buite-- 6 Pieces Moguette Plush @ $30. Parlor Suite-- 6 Pieces French Brocattelle @ 6 Pieces good Moquette Plush @ $38. Parlor Suite-- RE 6 Pieces best American Hair Cloth @ $35 Parlor Buite-- 6 Pieces beat American Haid Cloth, fras gilded @ $37. Parlor Suite-- 6 Pieces best Queen Pash, spring edg and back, very large set @ $55, £7 Above are Solid Walnut : Frames and" well mined. Also Bedroom Sets as low as $11.78 4x A Carn SevtciTev, J. W, DAVIS; Furniture Rooms, Queen St. Port Perry, Sept, 29, 1892, i JOHN UNDER? & SEER. Funeral and \/

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