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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 29 Nov 1894, p. 1

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dN ¥ ARCHER, M.D.C.M. Victoria ¥ : 3 iar eke) Western ban 8 i 5 8 J gg lege Of gi Re ; ®at.; Licentiate of of Surgeons, Edinburg; Licentiate Joyal College of Physicians, Edin- ember of the Faculty of Ph ier Surgeons, 3 te | ent apil of the Rol Hospital, Dublin, "for Women. Office over A. J. Davis' Drug 3 Store. Residence on cornér of Cassimar and John streets, opposite Catholic Church. "Office hours--9 to 11 a.m., aud 2 to 5 p.m, B "and Residence, Queen St., Port Perry Office hours--S8 to 10 a.m.; 1to3 p.m, and Evenings. -* and day over the lines south, connected With the residence of G. L. Robson, V.8. Port Perry, Nov. 15, 1894. N. F. PATERSON, ©. C.|Port Bay, April 4, 1868. 'I)ARRISTER, &c., after two years spent + in England has resumed practice at 136 John St., Toronto. a y E. FAREWELL, L. L. B., Count . Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol- eitor, &c., Notary Public ajid Conveyancer, Dffice--South wing Court House, Whitby, Ont. OHN BILLINGS, Solicitor; Notary Public, Conveyancer, &c. Solicitor or the Ontario Bank. ## Office over the Ontario Bank, Port Perry. Jan. 29, 1887. ee men i J. A.. MURRAY; DENTIST, now putting in Upper and Lower Sets of Teeth at from $4 T0 $75 EACH SET. Having just purchased the largest stock of tooth ever brought into North Ontario Iam satisfied I can suit you both as to quality and price. Come and see. Rooms in the Blong Block, over Messrs. Forman & Son's Store. . Port Perry, Oct. 28, 1801. DENTAL. A. SANGSTER, L.D.S. (Licentiate of Dental Surgery,) has opened an office over Nichols Drug Store; for the pra- ctice of Mechanical and Operative Dentistry. Special attention given to the preservation of the natural teeth. No etharge for office consultation. Leod work guurantesd; and JBSON, V. 8. Col LR RADUATE Ontario Veterinary Col- "{ege, Toronto. Office and residence 'VERGREEN COTTAGE, two miles south of anohester. 14 years practice, Tele- phone in the house--free communication with Port Perry, Manchester, and elevator. Telegraph calls to Manchester will be for- warded by telephone. All Veterinary Medicines in stock, AR, NO. 52 Port Perry Agency. Savings Bank Department. Telephone infos and bout, open ht | gi rE Claes ried o each depositor semi-annually. BANKER AND BROKER. Good Note Discounted. Has any amount of Money to Loan At 61 per cent. on good Mortgages. INSURANCE effected at the Lowest Rates in Good Port Perry, May 10, 1885. Evergreen Cottage, | Jan. 2, 1888. Veterinary Surgeon. HE underzioned having completed his full Course at the Provincial Veterinary College and obtained a Diploma as Veterin- ary Surgeon, would announce that he has tpened an office for the practice of his pro- fessionat Port Perryy whereall calls personal by letter of telegram, by day or by night Will be promptly attended to. All Noam of animals treated in the {atest and best known system && Telephone eonmertit. fres of charge. ORR GRAHAM. Port Perry, April 8, 1884. WM. SPEINCH, Township Olerk, Commissioner, &c. is prepared to Loan any quantity of Money on improved Farm Security at 6 and 7 per tent Crrast funds). All kinds of Conveyancing executed with tieatness and dispatch. Office--One door west of Town Hall, Martchester. Manchester April 11, 1888. H. McCAW, : . ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES; Port Perry Ont, Port Perry, Deo. 19, 1883 PROF. 8. J. COHN, RACTICAL OPTICIAN and Eye and Ear Specialist, 176 Wilton Ave, Toronto; will visit Port Perry once in six month.-- to him warranted to All orders entrus ve satisfaction. ~~ REverENcEs--Mr. W. oGill, Mr. D. J. Adams and Mr. John Nott, Port Perry, R. NELSON, (GRAIN MERCHANT), neer & Valuator. Aucti 'be made at the office of this paper. dge, Sept. 12, 1894. SWAIN, ensed HAuctioneer DURHAM. -- terms OR THE COUNTY Satisfaction guaranteed and y attetion » % GEO JACKSON, Licensed . Vishes to inform the public that hes attend with the utmost care t in the Te ue, pure-bred Plymo If any doing ih fist an for prices or come No. = ™ g f Bi lolol 28 [23322 a3 Oshawa | | 3 14 | 4 3 | 4 o [Brougham| 8) | 8| | 3 | 9 3 * [Pickering 3. Port Perry(2d| | 8) | 0] |i 4, Ushridge 130] [14] Dal | 17 5.Cannington|31| [15 [16 18 6. Beaverton 16) [17 19 7.Uptergrovel 17! 18 20 Whitby, Dee. 30, 1893. Sunday--Mating, 10.80 a.m, Bvensobg, 7 pf. at lowest rates. -- Corner of Brock and Cedar streets, Uxbridge. Telephone connection. Br Arrangements for dates of Sales, &c. Offion and. residence at Ciesares. Orders foft, with Messrs. Monro Bros., Blackstock, d Auctioneer. PORT PERRY, PROVINCE OF ONT «Jt is Hasier to Mista OF CANADA. JENERAL Banking 1 Sind. Special atten W. McGILL, NAGKR. PORT PERRY. English Companies. £7 Agent Allan Line of Steam- ships. Port Perry, Oct. 1889. MONEY TO LOAN FYHE Subscriber is prepared to LEND ANY AMOUNT on Farm Security AT 6 PER CENT. #2 Also on Village Property. &4 MORTGAGES BOUGHT. ®} HUBERT L. EBBELS, Barrister. Office next to Ontario Bank. Sittings of the Division. Courts COUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1894. By Order... J. B: FAREWELL, Clerk of the Peace, Church of the Ascension, REV. JOS. FLEIOHER, M.A., INCUMBENT Sunday Sehool, 2.80 p.m. Wednesday--Evensong, 7.80 p.m. Methodist Church. HEV. KR. CADE, D.D,, Pastor. Sabbath Services, 10:80 and 6,80 Woek Evening Service. Thursday 7:30. welcome and to seats. 8t. John's Church. (PRESBYTERIAN, REV. RICHARD WHITEMAR, B.A, PAsToR Sabbath Services, 10:80 and 6.30 Week Evening Service, Thursday, Baptist Ohurch. REY. J, GOODWIN, B.A, Pastor. Sabbath Services, 10:30 and 6:30. Week Evening Service, Thursday, 7:90. W.M. WILLCOX, Licensed ' Auctioneer YOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHIP OF CARTWRIGHT. VALUATOR, &c. REAL ESTATE A SPECIALTY. TAKE this opportunity of returning thanks for the very liberal patron: which I have received in the past. The ingest Lasporionse and extensive practice which I have had will bo, turned to the ad- vuntage of patrons, and parties favoring me spared to make it to the advantage of par- es to place their Sales in my hands. antee or no pay. Terms liberal, Port Perry, July 13, 1893. WM. GORDON, Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator &c. . WM. GORDON, Sunderland. 1 Presi - Brother, the Rev. Wm. N. Cleveland certifies to Mr. John D. Rose's sickness and cure. Mr, Rose's statement is as with their sales may rely on their inferests being fully protected. No effort be Sale Bills made out and Blank Notes furnished free of charge. Satisfaction guar- Fhe Torn of Brod: Uxbridge, and Eldon 2 Troe Partiescutrusting their Sales to me may : fol ob the utmsot attenfion being given to heir intresgs. Dr, H. F. Morrill Results Astonish | MEN OF SCIENCE. Sarsa- | re . A \ ER parilla pil A MEDICINE Statement of a Well Known Doctor | a, | « Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is without an equal | as 4 blood-purifier and Spring medicine, and cannot have pralsé enough. Ihave Watched its effects in chronic cases, wherd other treatment was of no avail, and have beert | astonished at the results. No other blood | medicine that I have ever used, and I have | tried them all, Is so thorough In its action, and effects 80 many permanent cures as Ayer's Sarsaparilla,"--Dr, H, F, MERRILL, Augusta, Me. Ayer's ans; Sarsaparilla Admitted at the World's Fair. dAyer's Pills for liver and bowels ---------------------------------------- SS Last week two hunters from Toronto had the good fortune to shoot a fine black bear and two wolves in the town- ship of Anson, about eight miles from Minden, which they sold to Mr. R. Davis, of this village. Quite a few o of our citizens paid a visit to the pre: wises of Mr. Davis to see the wolves, which were both Lig brawny beasts, #hose jaws seemed capable of crush ing the leg bones of ox.--Minden Echo, nd follows : -- 'I, the undersigned, fee to digest any food except an occasiona be unable to walk about without stag '|gering. Having seen in a Toronto curcd through my sister, a bottle 0 your Medicine. Upon trying it I be gan at once to mend, and in a shor time entirely regained my health am well and hearty, which blessing Yours truly, Joux D. Rosk. Ohanmont, New York The Bull Won the Toss. medicine, K.D.0. + Now, look here,' said the professo etior in mind. Let us arbitrate thi better of our coutroversy.' for it.' Later--the profesor lost. A Baby Saved. cough: The doctor sald it was Whoopin baby was just like a skeleton. When hi was four months old T tried Milburn's Co --_------ that exfilosion ¥ lucky about that.' It is his right arm, you know.' «Well, what if it was his right arm * Why he was lett-handed.' A For Over Fifty Years, Mee. WinsLow's SoorHiNG Syrup h children ile teething. If disturbed you liv f| constrained to bear festimony to the value of your remedy for Dyspepsia. Last summer my stomach failed so cracker j meanwhile, I was reduced to a skeleton, and became so weak as to paper your remedy advertised, I pro- to the infuriated bull, 'you are my superior in strength; I ain your sup matter und see which should have the a * Oh, no,' said the bull ; let's toss up DEAR Sprs,--My baby had a terr'ble Coagh, but it got worse all the time unti Liver Oil Emulsion, and after using one and a half bottles my baby was entirely cured. other remedy but the Eniulsion Was used and bahy Teno apron am] bea thy, 3 - 2 Dominion o : MKS. J. G. THOMPSON, Callender, Ont. give by 00 Sid bio seen to be admired. The subject is a group of «This man Lobbs is one of the|nnaren to the birds. It was painted luckiest fellows I know of. You heard of his arm being blown off Inst week in «Yes, hut there is nothing very y been' used by millions of mothers for their night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cut- Teeth send nt once and get a bottle of He'd Promise. {a «Tom, you ask me to be your wife 2 -- to give yqu my heart, my all. Thin : well of What you say, and then tell mé if you will grant me one small favor, ¢ Anything you ask my love. Then promise me that you will never smoke another cigar 8s long. selves, neruous, weak and exhausted, who Mental depression, premature old age, Toss | emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kid- neys, headaches, pimples on the face and scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness, | muscles, eyelids dnd elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, Young, old or middle aged, who find them- Post THUR OF THE JAPS. For*18 Hours. 0, Nov. 24.-- Despatches have geived here stating that the Port Arthur on ik REPORT CONFIRMED. ft m, Nov. 23.--A despatch to hes from Ohe-Foo says that hur was taken Wednesday are broken dowh froin excess or overwork, | evening. The fighting was continuous resulting in maby of the following symptoms: | from poort of the 20th. The Japanese of vitality, loss of memory, bad dresmsy| fleet did dot take part in ths engage dimnees of sight, palpitation of the heart ment, though the torpedo boats attach. ed to the flast did: The despatch adds body, itching or peculiar sensation about the | ¢},4¢ the Jupunese are now leaving Port spegks before the eyes, twitching of the | Arthur A Blanghsai despatoh to The Times : alr tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and confirms the report of the capture of 1 flabby muscle rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of | desire to sleep, failure to be | pot Arthur. It says thau the Jap- hearing, loss of voige, desire for solitude, ex- | anese torpedo Loats distracted the forts citability of temper, sunken eyes, surround: | ed with LEADEN OTRCLES, oily looking skin, | eto., are all symptoms of nervous debility | that lead to insanity ubless cured. The | spring or vital force having lost its tension | every function wanes in consequence. Those | who through abuse committed in ignovanct; | way be permantly cured; Send your ad-| dress for book off tligeases peculiar to man, | send 10c in stamps, sealed. Address M. V. | | LUBON, 24 Macdomnell Ave, Toronto; Ont., Canada. | amen A long, lose joihted pilgrim, in a faded brown hat and venerable over- | coat, strayed into one of the parks the | other 'day where a hotly contested game of footbiall was in progress. He | watched the players for some time in | silence and at last asked 4 by-stander, | 'What d'ye reckon that thing they'rel | fightin' fur is wurth¥ "About two | dollars and a half, perhaps replied the wan to whom he had spoken. 'They | are a pack of blamed fools I exclaimed | the pilgrim, stalking away in disgust. That soft glossy schene, so much ad- wired in hair, can be secured by the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor. All the the hair strong, beautiful, and paration, Warden--How's the campaign go- ,|ing on your way? Sort of close con- "| test? Sellers (gloomily) --Closest I ever saw. Neither side is giving up a cent. Heart Disease Relieved in 30 Minutes entirely that T was unable for weeks | 43" ues of organic or sympathetic heart 1| disease relieved in 30 minutes and quickly ctired, Hy Dr. Aguew's Cure of the Heart. One dose convinces. Sold by A. J. Davis. Bewnre of the man who smiles when he's angry; he's likely lo prove dang- erous. And beware of the man who looks glum when he's glad ; he's prob f ably a humorist. t Beyond Dispute. ' There is no better, safer or more pleasant gating inf eight days 13 lbs, To-day I | tough remedy made than Hag§ard's Pectoral Balsam. 1t cures Hoarseness, Sore Th oat, + | Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis and all throut and under, God, I owe (as 1 think) to your lung troubles, + Do you think-Skinner can make a living out there ¥ + Make a living! Why he'd make a living out of a rock in the middle of the oceani--if there was auother man r 8 / Saturday Night nisy well offer to place their Christmas Num- ber of thi year alongside any- thing produced anywhere. The book itself is ex- tremely hand' some. The cover 1s designed by Mr. John D. Kelly, of Toronto, and isone of the most brilliant and attractive e d Tr at assistance that nature requires to make | things in the way of a cover ever donein the |. Patent little sufferer immediately, Depend upon tin 4 Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. It will relieve the poor it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. ft cures Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for childven geething i pleasant to the taste aud is male physicians ard nurses in United Ahir . Frise Awenty five Sets, = bottle. I'Sold by all druggists throughout the worl Be ye aE for gi : SoorHING SYRUP." Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gi¢és tone | ii the prescription of one of the oldest and best WINSLOW'S 0. Pills tone and regulate the ro din | while theltroops entered the town. DESCHIPTION OF THE FORTRESS. { Port Arthur, the native name of which is \Lu-Shun-Kou, is the chief naval station of China. Eleven or | twelve years ago it was simply a good | wind<bound harbor for the junks that traded along the coast carrying timber from the Yalu river to ports in the | | gulfs of Pechili and Liaotung, or those | of a larger class from the south en route to New Ohwang and West Chin-Chou | At that time the village consisted of about 60 to 80 mud houses, with a few shops 'and three or four inns, which afforded accommodation to travellers to and from the north. The port is the - valleys between being well eulti- vated: The town at the present time has increased to nearly 1,000 houses and shops, and, exclosiveof the garrison, the population is estimated at over 6,000. There are two principal and an native banks, two large temples ¥ [EO iC 18 an "d to construct a dock and refitting fii there. After more than one failure the work was given to foreign contractors; and in the early part of 1887, French company secured a con- struct the necessary works needed for anaval dock yard. At the end of 1890. the contractors completed the task entrusted to them. The entrance to the port was deepened and a basin constructed inside with a depth of 25 feet at low watér: The port contains spacious wharves and quays fitted with steam cranes and connected by a ral. way with the workshops, There is a dock over 400 feet long; bavitg 25 feet of water on its sills at low tide, which can be emptied in a few hours by means of a steam pump. There is also a smaller dock, suituble for torpedo boats, "The foundries and workshops contain the most modern machines, engines, eto, The dock yard can be lighted by elestric light. For the last six years dredges have been employed to deepen the patursl harbor, The bar has been deepened from 12 to abot 24 feet to ecable permanent moorings to be laid down for the larger men of war. About four miles north of the port there is a spring of fresh water. This water is now run through pipes to the dockyard and the town is also partially supplied with water in the same way. Althongh t is free from ice during the eo- for ordinary paint to dry. . THE DEFENCES. Port Arthur. Talienwan and Kin- Ohow 'were both captured, after which almost surrounded by ranges of hills |, army again combined, and the varying from 300 to 1,500 in height: | oro on Port Arthur was comméhced several engagements of minor import- ance took place along the route, but, | according to the reports, the Japanese "winter, ships cannot be docked for ng aud painting purposes between sniddle of November and thé middle ch, as the weather then is too of the port consisted cted forts armed with are spread over mote iles of seaboard, and con- t 12 batteries, equally on either side of the en- the port. The armament more than 40 Krupp guns, from 6 inches to 9.6 inches, some rifle mortars. In here is a torpedo loat sta- an elaborate system of sub: The western side of the ced by the shoaling of the garrison was said to con- men. The second Jap- under] the command of | continued through the night and until Count Oyama, Minister | the next morning when all the coast isted of about 30,000) forts were in possession of the Japan- vhen this force arrived oft | ese, The Japanese losses wera heavy. Sword promotory, it was | hat it is thought that the Chinese lost two detachments, one of | 20,000 men. by a part of the Japanese Result of a iow. , in one of the local nan standing by had it all the same. 'Well, I found the old boy down in his cellar, and was gratified to hear him say that he could pay the bill at I haven't that much cash with A REPTILE SWALLOWED WHILE DRINKING IN THE DARK. J water drank a portion. As she did sg she felt something go down ker throat: kicking and told her mother so at the time. Little she thought of the agong- { in store for her through drinking water | from a pump in the dark, for a female; Neglected Cold. me,' he said, 'but just wait a moment.' | lizard found ite way into her stomnch: 'He felt around 'as if looking for a land brought forth a brood. .After. & DI SEAS ED LU NGS piece of paper, and I was just about to| while the sight of milk would make her A Dm offer him some when his eyes lit on N tremble and she had to giveit up. The 'Which Doctors Failed to Help, CURED-BY TAKING AYER' 1 contracted a severe cold, which settled on my lungs, and I did what is often done fu such cases, neglected it, thinking it would fo, away as it came; but I found, after a ttle ©; while, Hint the slightest exertion finally I did as he said, pained me, I then Consulted a Doctor who found, on examining my lungs, that thé bi affect He gave me some medicine which I took as directed, but it did not seem to do any good. Fortunately, I happened to Almanac, of Hoc ive ita trial. After taking a few doses my rouble was relieved, and before I had fin- ished the bottle I was cured.""--A., LEFLAR, watchmaker, Orangeville, Out. Highest Awards at World's Fair: Ayer's Pills Cure Indigestion. piece of beard about eighteen inches | square. t¢Just the thing,' he said, and with Cherr y that he picked it up a Pectoral. queer-looking marks on it. piece of plank dubiously enough, I can ect that Ayer's Cherry ment, seventy-five atermined to pounds. Then he laid the board upon | a shelf and that was all there was about | smothering fee 3 it. Ayer S Cherry Pectoral a system of signs, all his own, his bankers had agreed to respect, the same, that bank cheque seemed | disorder increased go that the very sight | of tiiilk would produce effects bordering on convulsions. She lost her appetite: but would feel so completely gone ad nd made a lot of | the stomach that she had to eat a craker and tuke some barley soup fre-. quently to quiet the disturbance within * 'There,' he said, 'take that to my | She took medicine for dyspepsia and bankers and it will be all right.' 'I protested, but he insisted, andro relief: Sle changed 'doctors and. 1 handed the | the 'new doctor having had an exper- every known stomach disease, but goti jence of this nature before, gave heir medicine to kill and expel the lizards, tell you, to the paying cashier, but | For three years the poor woman soffirs ted. | what was my relief when he merely | od all kinds of physical and mental, smiled, studied the hieroglyphics a mo" | agony. Hee whole system, kidneys, | liver and stomach were all out of order. | Her heart ®ould flutter and palpitate, | so faintly as to he imperceptible, and & ing would come over It tranzpired that the old man had | her, that it was often thought she had which | given her last gasp. Her memory was All almost gone, her nerves shattered ~o; that the least sudden movement would. bring on collapse through extreme wenk- curiots even to them, and it is hanging | noes, Sitting or standing she would lw were invariably successful. The roads lending northward from Port Arthur were supposed to have heen manned vy the Chinese, and the Japanese com- \ L k of marching his troops aloug them. Consequently they were compelled to cut roads through thé forests to allow the passage of their artillery, ammuni- tion trains, ete. The march was thus necessarily slow. Despatches received a few days ago stated that the Jap- anese wero close to the city and had attacked the Chinese outposts, driving them bck to their entrenchments. It was also said that the Japanese attack: ed the entrenchments three times, but were repulsed each time. It is evident later sttacks. must have been made and that the ouposts were compelled to fall back upon Port Arthur, Several times the town is reported' to have been captured, but later despatches have shown that these reports were inaccurate and that the Japanese were donducting their operations against the place with great carefullness, and that they intended when the real at- tack was made 1t should be successful, Ohefoo, from which place the des patch announcing the fall of Port | Arthur was sent is a Chinese city on the north coast of the Shan Tung promotory some 90 wiles south of Port the gulf of Prchill, ister at Tokio confirming the capture of Port Arthur. REJOICING AT YOKOHAMA. Yokohama, Japan, Nov 24. Port Arthur was captured on Wednesday last, November 21. There is great re- joicing here over the Japanese victory The Japanese attack upon Port Arthur commenced at daybreak on Wednesday. It was directed against several forts in the rear of Port Arthur; The first army advanced from the right side and the Kumam- moto brigade advansed from the left, while the heavy artillery was concen- trated in the centre in order to bom bard the castle, The first army cap- tured a fort on the west at 8 o'clock in the morning and entered Port Arthur at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The Wagonsan fort was onptured at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. |The Kum- ammoto Urigade took the eastward forts at 11 o'clock. The fighting was ap et. Cold in the head--Nasal Balm gives divected ils forces | inotantrelief ; speedily cures. Never on 'the western side ro sous wil or) RU Ls SR FPO fails. up in the bank now.' Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when | hold work and feels as well as ever. rightly used. "The many, who live bet- ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly | feels very grateful for the great good adapting the world's best products to | resulting from the use of this wonder- the needs of physical being, will attest | ful medicine. the value to health of the pure liquid Iaxative principles embraced in the | onthusiastic over her own perfect re- remedy, Syrup of Figs. ' Its &xcellencd is due to its presenting in the form most acceptab'e and pleas- af¥ to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax- ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. troubles arising from a vitiated . condi- It has given satisfaction to millions and | tion of the blood or a shattered nervous met with the approval of the medical | system. Sold by all dealers or by mail, profession, boennso it ate on she Xia. | from, Dr. Williams Medicine Company, ver and Bowels without weak- | a ho ening them and it is perfectly free from | Brock ille, Ont., or Scheneetapy, N. every objectionable substance. 1 is for sale by all drug. ere 4 " it ttles, but it is manu |and substitutions against which the factured by the California Fig Syrup | public is cautioned. Co. only, whdse niiné is printed on every i package, alo the name, Syrup of Figs and being weil informed, you will no socept any substitute if offered. : E | tralia of & remarkable specimen of | London, Nov, 24.--It is announced |, i,q) history called & 'whistling| 'Na. 1 wasna born in this parish to be outdone, Sir William Macgregor, of British New | noo. Guinea, is now in the field with an | other extraordinary discovery -- a Guinea from snake bite. istrator points out that the island is infested by a small species of black snake, which is very fierce. The nat. ives declare that whenever a man gees near one it rushes st him, uttering sounds which they describe as resembi- 'Shortly before I was at the Government station,' writes Sir Willinia Macgregor, 'one of these : Gavernment agent, but was killed before it did any harm. A little while before a boy of | dizzy and experience most depressed. feelings and lowness of spirits. After the removal of the reptiles, the doctor sanctioned the use of Dr. Williams, Pink Pills and she took three boxes. but found no apparent relief. She then gave up their use believing she was past the aid of medicine. At this time a Mrs. Haight who suffered twelve weeks with Ia grippe, and who was com- pletely restored by taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, urged Mrs. Westfall to begin the use of Pink Pills again. She did so and soon she per-. petite began to improve and for two, months she has steadily gained strength, health and steadiness of nerve and memory: She can now do her house- She says she cannot speak as strongly. of Pink Pills as she would like to, and. Mrs. Haight, before referred to, is covery from the after effects of la grippe; { feeling ns well as ever she did in- her life, She also coaroborates the ahove, statenjent tegarding Mrs. Westfall's dure. These pills are a positive cure for a'l. at 50 cents a box, or 6 boxes . for | £2.50. There are numerous imitations, { pee { A Divided-Up Native. | XE . | *Are you a native of this pansh | asked a Scotch sheriff of A witness who'. | was somimoned to testify in a case of tu The discovery of the Horn expedi- | illicit distilling. : Arthur, from which it is separated by | tion to the McDonnell ranges in Aus { "Maistly, yer lionor," was the reply. I mean, were you born in this parish? that the Earl of Kimberly, the Secre- spider, whose peculiarity consists in | but I'm maist a native for a' that tary of Foreign Affairs, has received . | producing a whisthing noise by the | short dispatch from the British Min- | simple operation of drawing its fore- | child, I suppose y 'You came here when you were a ou mean? said the leg across its jaw, seems at the moment | sheriff. 'No, ¥ir: I'm here about #ix years "Then how do you come to be nearly a native of the parish ¥ "Weel, you see, when I came bern whistling snake, "Tn his latest report] o oa'sin' T just weighed eight stane, Sir William points out that a large an' I'm seventeen stane noo, sae yr sea, number of deaths occurred early this year in the Higo district of New | The adwin- that about nine stane of me Lelongs to this parish an' the ither eight comes froin Camlachie." Husband -- H'm--er -- what's the matter with this cake? Wife (angrily -- Nothing at all. The cook-book says, it's the most delicious cake that cin be LSE omnia 8 Instant Relief, Permanent leeived theirBameficial effects. Her aps, 14 years was in the bush near the station, when one of the snakes made a rush at him with the usoal peculiar whistling sound. = The boy thought the noises eminated from some cocka- toos in a treeand began to look for them. He did not discover the mis- take until he bad received a bite from the reptile from which he died ina little while in great agony.' Dear Sirs. --! have ased Yellow Oil for two or three and think it has no equal for croup. fee. J. 8. O'Brien, Buntariie, Cure, Failure Impossible.

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