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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 8 Feb 1900, p. 2

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pass the tion. We recommend that this be supported as it will tend to raise the standard.of the Public School. The committee recommend that any suggestion for depriving the County Councils of their right to ap- ving Examina.| Doyle; mo: tha 2. i Council adjourn it stands adjourned until the first Tuesday in June next. ~Carr : Mr. Gerow, seconded by Mr. Smith, moved that the select com: mittee on selecting the site for the House of Refuge,and also the Build- ing Committee receive the usual per diem and mileage allowance.-- His entrance many things h he was last seen i Greenway Gove swept away, and the son of Si c colleague firmly establishe The chief city of as thrown off its allegiance -| point "Trustees for High Schools shall be strongly of 4 | Your committe have naticed that it has been suggestsd that the Act .| respecting High Schools should be changed to provide that in one en and Council of the {third or one-fourth of the High on of the County of On- Carried. Mr. Doyle, seconded by Christie, moved that the Counci now adjourn -- Carried. The Warden left the chair, NORTH ONTARIO OBSERVER PORT PERRY, FEB. 8, 1900. a House Meets. Minister of the Interior to Ottawa a strong oppon : o | Sifton to take the place o Ki porter eleeted two years ag se] a thousand majority. The pe Government of DButish Co at its last extremity. The Mi in Prince Edward Island, existed to do the political Sir Louis Davies, has re death blow, and only wai meeting of the Legislature voted out of power. The Government has suffered after disaster, first in the courts. and afterwards at th The Government which Mi tsét up and controls in New wick has been condemned w last appeal was made and wi the House with three su; less and three opponents mo it had at the last session, servatives of the E are exulting over 5 Government in Sl ucTioN SALE oF FURNITURE. -- | enti will be seen by the bills that Mi; as authorized Mr. Swain Schools the departments of Classics and Modern Lang: 'be 'discon tinued and that instead that provi- sion be made for giving instruction having a practical relation to agricul ture, manufacturing, mining, com- mercial pursuits and' manual train- ing, and we recommend that in view of the large amounts of money invested in the Fo baie on and be a good ity to secure good furniture at Auction price. Earty VEGETABLES. --Mrs Curts, | of i Grange," Port Perry, will please accept our thanks ®| for a basket of lettuce and radishes just harvested. Indulging in dainty | hyn land delicions new tables at this| | season of the a the themo | meter registers 20 below zero, isa Juxury within the reach of few. | Mr. Tarte, frustrated ia his at tempt to stop the sending of Cana' | dian volunteers to South Africa, turns round declares himself an | ark ¢ Standing Commitee or Propesty. 2 Gaol Man nt beg e to report as fol- - Your committee learned. from Gaoler's that there have confined in the gaol between 3st day of June aud the 31st De , 1809, forty-three were male: (Sessional Correspondence of the OBSERVER.) Orrawa, Feb. 3.--A little over five months ago parliament pro rogued, und here we are. again. Everybody, including thé Ministers, thought when Lord Minto sent the members away last August that he would see no more of this Parla ment. It is said man proposes and 3 another power disposes, but jour training, would : recomuiend that Ministers both propose and dispose. such proposal be supported by the Yet it may be said that if they have said Association changed their mind on the sub) a! - 3 * 'fof an appeal to the people the Teatons. : "eo. The. of the Provincial elections and leaders, bh elections, and. the general feeling | belore Parliament to that is abroad in the country seems {11 that the only matter ofpri to justify the prudence of the Gov- {portance which has been ernment in keeping away from the them: they have abandoned A country as long as it can. own declared policy and ad; OTHER CHANGES OF MIND. that of their opponents. In t Sir Wilfrid Laurier 1s in. a posi- circnmstances it was not Suephisia tion to say that he has changed lis that Sir Charles Tupper should face mind about several other things as the Government w:th a-smiling face well as about the dissolution = For | and that his supporters should con instance, he announces in the Speech | gratulate him and themselves and from the Throne that "it appeared | their party and theircouiitry by the « expedient to anticipale the action | most enthusiastic demonstration «of Parliament by preparing and that the rules of the house allow. « forwarding two contingents THE. PROGRAMME. "of volunteers to the seat| There is none. There is a speech "of war as a practical evi-|from the throne, which for period "dence of the profound devotion | after period tells the story of what 'and loyalty of the entire people of | has been goingon,and of some things "Canada" ~~ When Sir Charles | which have not been going on, v4 Tupper and other loyal Canadians | the world. There is a tradition were first asking Sir Wilfred to offer | that the government programme for a contingent on the above grounds| the session is to be lorecast in the as other colonies had done, "it|speech placed in the mouth of the seemed expedient" for Sir Wilfrid | Governor General. That is sup: to say that the Canadian Militia Act | posed to be itscssential purpose. But did not allow the troops to be em-| this almost interminable chronicle ployed except for the defence of|of the year contains only' such Canada "There is no menace to| vague suggestions that if the gov Canada," he added, "and although | ernment introduces no legislation | we may be willing to contribute | beyond the routine measures no one, troops I do not see how we can do| could charge that the programme, so." It also seemed expedient to|had not been carried out. The the Premier to say that Parliament | census must be taken next year, and had voted no money for this pur- | of course legislation must be obtain- pose, and that without such a vote|ed for that, and as usual there are « we simply could not do anything." | to be amendinents to the criminal It seemed expedient to Mr. Tarte to| code and banking iaws. These we give over his own name * the most | have always with-us. Lastly; it is! positive assurance" that the Gov- announced that the estimates will ernment had not decided to send |be prepared not only-with regard to troops to the Transvaal, and to economy, but also with regard to condemn Sir Charles Tupper's pro- | the rapid growth of thé Dominion position ia this way: The merits | Duringthe last threeyearsthe growth «of the dispute between England |in the expenditure has 'been more: tand the Transvaal are one thing|than tropical in its luxuriance, an «the interference by Canada in the | this intimation is intended to pi a «foreign wars of the Empire is an-| (he mind for still 'gréater" expansio "other. It is sought to create |Your correspondent has met seve « precedent which would have for | members who believe that the imi "result the compulsory participa |isters do not keep their. prom: «tion in the future by Canada in|buttney all agree that the promi « any and all the conflicts which | 3 rapid growth in the expendi "may sweep over Europe and over | will not be broken. ; «he various parts of the world in WILL THE TROOPS BE PAID. « which the large European govern The speech says that "a bi « ments are interested." "be introduced making pro «It seemed expedient" for the| «for the cost of equipments same Minister to ask through|«paying the Canadian contingen his personal organ: ' What} Does this mean that the governm « have we to do with the afairs of | will pay the troops while in Afr « Africa? What interests have.we| or will adhere to the C. O. D pi «in the Transvaal? Why should ciple? No ome kuows. If « we take the money and the blood | Charles Tupper knew he woul «of the ratepayers of this country|in accord with the promise he: and squander them in these far- | that he would introduce a resol "away regions?" ' in favor of the payment if the EXPEDIENCY ONLY. ernment failed to announce that® Confronted with the indignation | tention. The government announ of a loyal people who thought that| ment may refer to payment of they had something to do with the | men in Africa, or to payment © affairs of South Africa and all parts| while on the way to Africa. of the Empire, "it appeared expe-| course the double 'meaning of. the large number of people' engaged in them and the small amount of money expended in the provision for giving instruction 'te those who are engaged in the wealth produc- ing avocations, compated; with the amount "expended rofessional fort d three femles; oF tie number three were insane and sixteen were nt ory. thie persons técsived gaol vatice during an aggregate days, at an average cost of o cents per day for each. a the first day of Javuary in- i Association advocating the above change, and recommend that five hundred copies be printed for distribution to the Members, school trustees and school teachers of this County. : g Your committee have considered pu the Memorial from the United Count and cap for the performance of his| iés of Stormont, Dundas and 'Glen- duties as constable, also $5 lor |gary as to abolishing certain fees for stationery and age. /Jexaminations in the High Séhools., 3 Your committee has had before] and we are unable to recommend it 2 communication from. Jasfies | that the same be concurred in, as and wile, making application | in our opinion persons who are pass- for position of manager and|ing examinations with a view to matron of the House of Refuge. We | entering the professions or as Uni- recommend that this application be | versity students should contribute laid over until the June session of | a reasonable sum to the expense ol this i such examination. 4- Your committee recommend| 5 Your committee recommend that this Conncil purchase the type | that on the adoption of this report writer mow in Treasurer McKay's|ihe Warden be and is hereby author- offic: for County use, at a cost not | ized to grant his order on the Treas to exceed $60. urer for payments of the amounts 5. Your committee recommend | mentioned. that theClerkacdvertise for tendersto| All of whichis respectfully submit- supply twenty cords of stone for the| ted. gal; the broken stone which was in the gaol yard having been sold for 75 cents per yard, quantity 120 6 The following duly certified accounts have been examived and found correct. Your committee re commend that the same be paid by the Warden's order on the County | Treasurer :--Gioss & Granger, 1 bbl w©oal oil, lumber and nails, $14.81 ; Creelman Bros., stationery, $4.10. 7- Your committee recommend that the County Clerk be authorized to procure one dozen pairs of hand cuffs, latest design, for the use of the County. Th ose: shat. the easurer of the Presby Utica, is prepared to receive nders for y irs to Church. Pure Seep. --It will be seem by r. Beacock's advertisement else ¢ in this issue that he has for 200 bushels of a new variety of its that are regarded by compe tent judges to be unequaled for quality or yield. White Abundance are pure and true to name. 'Alter an illness. extending only over 2 period of three days, Charles G. Hooper died in.the General Hos- l, Toronto, Wednesday night a im to blood poisoning. The ill- originated in a peculiar way, having been in best of health ill Sunday morning Jast when face broke out in a rash. He onsulted a physician, and learning iat his condition had all the symp- »ms of blood poisoning remembered that it must have started from a ore which appeared last week on cheek, and which he broke by ueezing it The physicians say finger nails coming in contact 'with the blood produced the fatal Eo 4 7 3. Your committee recommend that $20 be granted to High Con stable Calverly for the purpose of ing a suitable suit of clothes to Pp ted result is cp frons the authorities of thie fowpital | in which he & at fmol) comes the sal intelligence that dere is no hope of his ever sevarmimg to) * his family alive ; the ff wall stezitn| on his resources, owing to his lomg)| illness, has been sock as to meres tate the strictest economy; ow the part of his family, awd fe (ie. Bow ard) would deems ® 2 gracions act on the pars of the Councill fo semi Mr. Lattimor's tases. Oi Hg of MWe. Well awrfilim : seconded by Wr. i. die ew | WT erend gentleman's vegesy was, Cones wofh. he Conny Tweasurer, granted. | ower Sllisitier, Soc -- Wie. Weliow, Mr. On motion Me Selaaghifv. : seconded by Wr. Thomsen ig was' ordered to be paid to the Wanna World for Placards supplied as per | order of the Local Bousd of Bef. | a Mr Thos. Browm, purfwasves | a tr To Tie." emia aot 4 Hifi, tae lfc would not fur out at the PORT fynfr and 2 mh glaik and cedar time to do his statute Eber -- luv seaming at astaiel tate was acoept- year he did not pesformn his work 8 J til some time ip December. _ | Ow swiion ol De. Yiellow 2 com- peachment amd charged die put vie: cmtgaiseet af tue Soa. master with now performance of bis 6 up ammsifier own statute Fabor--if done, Re i off Col 3. F Paterson, QC se Vilage lotsacdionmed to. wee pon, ail i Peter Curistiz Chairman. Mr. Christie, seconded by Mr. Gibbs, moved that the second re port of the Committee on Education just read be adopted. --Carried. Mr. Gibbs obtained leave that his notice of motion for leave fo 'intro. duce a Bylaw to confirm Bylaw No. g25 of the Township of Brock do stand for the Junc session. Mr. Webstcr brought in the third report of the Committee on Finance and Assessment 'The report was received and read. To the Warden and Council'of the Corporation of the County of On: tario: Your committee have had before them for consideration the report 6 the County Auditors from May 2oth, to December : 3 Est, 19005 n= usive, containing, 3 1. Abstract statement of receipts and disbursements. A 2. Detailed statement of receipts and disbursements. 3. Statement of assets dnd liabil- ities Dec. 31st, 1899, said report is duly certified and "signed by S. A. Flummerfelt and A. C. Neff, F.C.A,, respectively, who are the duly ap- pointed Auditors for auditing the accounts of this County. Your committee on examining said repoft find the following typo- graphical errors: -- (1) Walter Coul- thard, 1 day and mileage, should be l6 days and mileage. (2) William Broomfield, 1 day and mileage, should be 6 days and mileage. (3) Peter Christie, 1 day and mileage, should be 6 days and mileage. (4) ames Carnegie, 1 day and mileage, Should be 6 days and mileage. (5) James Carnegie, per day Co. Pro perty Committee $24. should be 3 days attending Charities and Cor- using six boxes 1 could see t was a slight i #2 Look out for the Great ional Patiotic Concert to be held in the Town Hall, Port Perry, 'the evening of Friday, Feb'y he proceeds of which are to be given for the benefit of the widows, orphans and other dependents" of | s and men of the Military ces of Canada who may unfor- ely lose their lives in con ion with the war operetions in Africa =~ Some of the best 1 alent in this County, as| 8 Your committee visited the Gaol an Court House and found the same clean and well kept, and the officials courtecus and obliging. se 8 of the first x of the Standing Com mittee made at the Juve session, 189g, with reference to theCanadian Charities and Corrections Associa tion, laid over till this session, and secommend that the Clerk be a delegate to attend the same. 10. Your committee have had be- fore them a petition to this Council from the Township of Scott relating to ibe Ilouse of Refuge, and having considered the same recommend that no action be taken thereon by this Council 11. Judge G. Y. Smith has been before thiscommittee asking to have fitted up for his use. Your recommend that this snatler be laid over until the June session of this Council. All of which is respectfully sub- ae iot oe| t At the 7c « promised their assistance | n this occasion 'to male it one of he best ever held here; and the sen who went out at the time of e IFenian Raid in defence of their ountry will be presented with edals that night by Lt. Col arewell Let this be one of the iblargest concerts ever held in Port Perry The funds aze for one of the best causes you were ever called on by to contribute to. Show your pat- iotism that night. ee Fenian Raid Medals requested aid of tle Conseil aw orcs | Alberta, is nothing these days if it to assist iw oy the expres | 4mot patriotic. It and the surround- ing settlements supplied some thiry- Medals for 34th Batt. are now artly to hand at the headquarters of the Batt , and will be presented at the Patriotic Concert on Friday levening, February 23rd, by Le | Oo Col. Farewell to the following old members of the Batt. who were at he front for the defence of their ountry at the time of the Fenian Raid, araong others, viz: a room incurring iw James Caxxrcie, Chairman. Mr. Carnegie, seconded by Mr. Broomfield, moved that the report " of the Committee on County Pro- e and Gaol Management just be adopted. -- Carried. Mc Gibbs, moved that to Miss Ray the sum of a ries type writing Bylaws wd teports for this Council-- Castied Ms. Christie up the second of the Committee on Educa ~The report was received and Warden and Council of Walker, seconded by Mr. this Council Broomfield, seconded by Mr. 'moved that tlie Auditors be of the County rection Convention at Toronto, and mileage $14 ; 2 days County busin- ess and mileage $10. Your committee recommend that the said Auditors' report be adopted believing as they do that the report is correct with the exception of the typographical errors herein pointed out and corrected. Your committee also recommend that on the adoption of this report the Warden be and he is hereby $5 Treasurer for payment of the ac counts herein recommended. All of which is respectfuly submit- ted. B : R. S. WeBSTER, Chairman. _ On motionof Mr. We ed by Mr. Christie, ecoud report of the the of w NO authorized to grant his order on the ,second- dient to adopt Sir Charles Tupper's policy and let the Laurier and Tarte policy go. It is apparently a ques- tion of expediency aitogether. Some light was thrown upon the real pos- ition of the Government when the House met. It is the custom to formally introduce in the House any member elected since the pre- vious session, and the introduction is usually made by the leader or Minister most closely associated with the candidate Thus Sir: Richard: Cartwright and Mr. Mulock intro- duced the new member for Ontario. Sir Wilfrid and Mr Tarte introduc- ed Messrs. Archambault and Geof frion, Sir Charles Tupper and probably Sir Adolphe Caron will introduce the mcmber for Sher D1 is intended to perplex the house the country, and to stave . matter oft until the governm makes up its mind-- or rather its ious minds. Sir Wilfrid IL dees not know what he means Mr. Tarte is sure that the go ment will not pay the men in Afr Another minister is sure that government will recommend payment. Until the matter is fou out among the ministers how any one else say what is to ha The people of Canada at a from Parliament Hill will something to do with the have propelled the govern long distance beyond ) distan Me. Coulthard bre port of the committee on and ceived d{ On | seconded by Mr. Grierson, per diem. The report was re- "motion 'of Mr. Coulthard, re- the Government. Monet protested against the course adopted, and though he did not re sign, he declared he would vote against the Government on that their heels i oun ing back for all they are the people are the grea {his tug of war. : "| port was adopted. , The Clerk-called the attenti the Council to the resolution six of the minutes, Special he i was understood that on the ng of the Bylaw of the Vill ort Perry for granting $5, efuge by the Temistad Chairman of the Fi the | hailed by the Laurier and Tarte | And on Thursday, to crown all, Mr. | Bourassa was escorted in triumph ty in erecting a House issue, 4nd has stumped Labelle Mr. Bourassa. We remember t he election of Mr. Bourassa was organs as a Government victor, Mr. Tarte on one Lr on the other Ly Mr. Tarte as one te following. to the Speaker side and Mr. and introduced with # b +t is gratifying to know 1 Government is endeavouring to make-the Senate youthiul. This actos es. the com so frequently ma iberal | ers on the public platform, that ( are too many old the U House-- men who, thei fon for ng. st home Major Forman, Port Perry. Captain Billings, * - Henry Graham, Wm. M. Jamieson, ** Wm Nott, - Peter Fitchett, Reach. Jas McConnell, Jos Raines, I. Holtby, ohnston Devitt, George Devitt, Jno. Armstong, Geo. W. Pettet, Scugog. Alex Graham, Ashburn: . {oho Bhizht, ww " " ww F323 R de , amoant due Rie lov shed. On motion Mamgein. | pnd : awill lhe sent of We. Thm cine is gs prrzovally. te i

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