Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 8 Feb 1900, p. 3

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Dot al tt 2 | EH PURDY WIHITBY RISTMAS HDLIDAYS.... 2 fl boos wager INTER STO will soom be bere. You have about made up your mind to get that S¥» | with all kinds of Seed Grain, viz :--Seed Wheat, Barley, | Small Peas, Canadian Beauty Peas, Banner Oats, Buckwheat, etc. All Grain selected from first-zlass farms and re-cleaned and sold at Reasonable Prices. CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED bought and sold as usual. #0 Jomg. The place to get it most red] e- gr Highest Price paid in Cash for any quantity of Corre for the Less nt and that i is i ja where you 20a get the 4%) 3 first-class Butter. EH. PURDY. a ears ar _. Task is phy og Fis couneey 1 have also Bob-Sleighs on hand. 2 HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY 7A Port Parry, Sept, 13, 1899, Sr yg EE eli Season, and thanking you dor the liberal patronage A J 001 & Shoe Business REMOY AL: I 1h Pt A Bora I Sl Toot Fo fort, Q I remain respectfully yours, ® "IN ALL ITS DEP ARTMENTS. The nndersigned would take this opportunity of thanking his au. merous customers for the liber patronage received siuce opening business in Port Perry, and would inform the publie Port Perry, Dec. r3, siggy. A WwW. ATITIN. Sob ASS el that he has moved his business from .he Market building to the Store : = Tm Having increased the di 8 of ises, Ih hased and | i i Bmax Toews rox Sucrose Hopf Ontario Obser Observer Hg creased em Samonive oan of Pree 4 Piss Soot Hast of ,% Fiona gn ~ YW a AND where he will be pleased to fiil all orders for Meats in a manner that a LJ] 1] 1 - ! 1 cannot fail to please customers, Having new and increased ES FORUSRND ar ra ing fecilities for the transaction of business he feels confident that he can give better satisfaction than heretofore, and in order FORE PORTE, OWE. i for Men and Boys which for quality and low prices cannot be equaled in to aerify this state he solicits all to give him a call in his new EVERY THURSDAY MOBNING remises. AN X QUANTITY OF this district. wa GAME AND FISH IN. SEASON. H PARSONS I Pave the largest and most veried Stock of BOOTS ano SHOES ever I. J. WHEELER. - opened in this locality for your inspection, and the prices are such as can not fail to ploase. 9 pr SAFETY sfeld's Bx i ----------. Come and see us in our enlarged quarters. My aim shall be to please Die eS RITES anttining Ey -- my customers in every particular, rg IAMOND HALL ADERRD SONENTS qd EE EE | A. F. CARNEGIE" --=" el tor pts : Le i ta i 4 A R D 3 . . ' / D. Pottery, Sept 6, 1899. We are prepared to give SPECIAL BARGAINS in ---_ SS Sinwwmmw[) --------. TE ; woo... FORMAN & SON. REMOVALssssse Gold and Silver Watches BN Gold Filled Cases in great variety, some as smell as. a Quarter of Dollar, nicely Enameled and Set with Pearls, &c. have Moved our Lusiness to the South side of Queen Street and now occupy the Prices to suit you all right. Established 1847. extensive premises just vacated by Mr. B. F. Ackerman, where we will be hetter prepared than ever to NGAG MENT RINGS supply ur customers and the public WEDD NG AN E E J ith hi b | J WER vir Sing in Sos in Pearl, Opal and Diamonds, all fine and New Designs. CrLocks IN GREAT VARIETY VERY CHEAP, asl] Harness Line Knives, Forks, Spoons, Fruit Dishes, Butter Dishes, Cake Baskets, Tea TT WHICH FoR Sets, &c., and some nore to follow. finer edgy Cla | Furniture Business. CHER PN ESS. STYLE EZ Also Fancy Goods. EVERYTHING GOBS CHEAP. "&3 Surgery py Fo RR md, |g ZF Repairing as usual " urability and \ paming ' For the NEXT TWO MONTHS the undersigned will give a Dura y BE ee ron r io) 17 DIESFELD'S amo. 2cxsox. DISCOUNT OF 12 PER CENT. STRENGTH, i Sr Fo Pry. Noe 0.130 Livenwed Avctioneer, Valuator, fc. | | Cl Ld "- = to Ld Ld Ld ww Co Le Alike Clover to Red Clover tw Grass Seed Ld Corn--selling too 'Shespsking tw Ll to CY to " we El -- to to to La to CY Cannot be surpassed in the County, a as On Sales Over Five Dollars. \ GY WY My Stock of Furniture is- large and well assorted. It will pay you to Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks y ) Sealed Tenders. {give me a call. 125 Cords of Wood wanted--Highest Price paid. Kein endance. \ EALED TENDERS} willl be | 3 : 5 received by the'undersigned for tate ue. we olf. ue pains wil le spaced B="1 ax AGENT FoR MONUMENTS. Qomparison of Prices Courted thet purchase of all or any of the a fils gots te melle wll sles entrusted to) ¥ ' ' Parcels-- Farm Properties. --belong:- ies cattates, 6 Hig uny estonins praction JOHN INOTT; ~ BEATTY & BONGARD. y ing to Mr. John Adams, advertised mention ws to This allillity. AU Seles Next door to the St. Charles Hotel. Port Perry March, 3) . ) 2 to be sold 'by auction on the 23rd iin Tous lind ftw fis willl lhe attended to § ' November, and withdrawn at the dh. Sale liste . . sale. be go pt supyitied ire, | 3 y . McGILLIVRAY am pit. TICE is hereby given that the Cor- J- A.V > ' Chan e of Base. Parties willing to engage i - N poration of the Village of Port Perry | | Tem, le Building, Toronto. recess Carnegie®s Ne othe Togitlss wuniyf| |W. H. LETCHER, || or jonN' ADAMS, i 2 hua ovine at its next sess eturning sincere thanks fo hee 3 fora Act ratifying and confirming By. i PORT PERRY, Port Perry. Ww the liberal putronage heretofore ex: muds aanoygemnntie, qr write to lis ad dross. 0. 452 of the said Village being a By-law UKDERTAKER AND EMBALMER, Nov. 30, 1899. tended to them, the undersigned would beg ovide for the borrowing on the credit [ to awnounce that they have purchased the CHARGES MODERATE. Municipality of the Village of Port L Stock i TM L Mr. F. M. business and good-will of Ss mnuel, afin Nett Phgmoneth Rocks) the sum ef $5000.00 to aid the hnild- arge Stoc of Ca Caskets, Robes, ONEY TO LoaN. -- Mr. X. [ie 1 bli f ' off nth fir salle. Wisiicns weasondlile, | Mi L S er para Hetine &c. First-Class Hearse. || | Yarnold, Solicitor, has any amount Mr. Ww. J, HAYCRAFT a Fig] Best attention given to of money to loan at lowest rates of | ra ity EY a Te Ton momio, the this branch of busi- interest, in sums to suit borrower. and moved {ato the premises lately oddu- | IN FU L BL ; hated sun'of $3000.00 by the issue of ness. Night calls esr een Died by hi 4 | Dx . vidi or " > L AST | [Bim einer eropynen prompily at SRR Sh On Queen Street Port Perry, Jan. 17, 1900. FRICA of the said Village on tended to. 1899. pr 5 EY nn x tr % fr wre 1 H x fol 'required to 2 : Canadisn ha ds branch in | their numerous patro - = ar . ; intention of th aid By law. 1441 iad S ul for 8 RES an tn Immense | fo)ly solicit the patrons he 2 Gi op > o ig in J "P.M. YARNOLD, Sittings of the Division Conrts puboril Tellme Seedy superior, sed craft's former customers. or for the Corporation of the COUNTY OF ONTARIO. vival work. 80 rare area of this that il "raat fron | thanks for the large meas: bestowed or comparison our anyone M anks for. f ye. ves re of Jutonige ne " 5 rt Barry, Jamsary 100, 1000 rry. A 900 oO. dre Pe iahing Crean a 7% Onan Am. fr esh and Cured al beg to state that having, at a large expenditure, thoroughly ; -------------------------- Of the best quality Will always be found PS 2 § . : 1. WHITBY--Clerk, D. C. Macdonell, Whitby --J: ii their Stare, overhauled the entire Mill and introduced the best, mos ution of Partnership. 3 3 eas Clr Aprils: Mag! Jussi | GHURCH OF THE ASCENSION; | Orderd will receive profupt attentiti approved and most modern machinery including the : See 1 YTICE is hereby given that| OSHAWA-Cler.D.C ur Let Whithy Jam a TERE Sucumbet (ame and Fish iil Séasofl, ROLLER PROCESS # pi nde | EE HRTF Sg On ot Bo i, Wid im +B and W. P Jones as ee i : for the manufacture of Flour, and is prepared to do i Dealers is this day dis-|* "vs Warns, aay 10, J I To TR 8 i uly 4 Sep 7. Nov METHODIST CHURCH. Port Perry, Sept 14, 1598, ed "by mutual consent and all re Gristing and Choppingi- 08h the Partnership are to be 4 FOIE FEAY.O0) LY een Liter | ee ow Namen. race e the 15th day of Feb-| 1X Sabbath Services, 10.30 and 6.30. Week Eveaing i Expodiioudy and in a manner that cannot fail to give Tuarf NR ri Mat, ny 5, i, Bares Sinner io cond i ns Central Live : Soptowber WM L. MARSHALL, n B. Novem EE} Saved it ra ot pre. FETE Ame Em PORT PERRY. i FINEST BRANDS | 6. BEAVERTON -Cletk, Geo. ¥. Bruce, Bew REV. W. COOPER, B.A, Pastor. ; Jubuary 18, March 2, May 3, Bepeiubor 15, Nov. | Ssbat Serviesn, Zand 1.00, Wee Eventi KARTILY sing the pubis for th ! IA 1. UPLFRGROLE. Clo Thou, P. Host, Upten -- i. oy ad G F A y : --_-- pikes ig BAPTIST CHURCH. ment iu Port Perr THE PLANIN A ( "TOR Inde; er for Sale at J. E. FARFWELL, REY. MR. MCFARLANE: Posto : fine Timbered L : iu Srviom 102 and 00. in full operation and can supply all kinds of : 2 posed of ors re Dutsd ai ou tna a oe wl Bir ae fd | Dressed Lumber, also Lumber, Joists, Scantling, Boards, Pick of ot ana heaiiy tm | JR OQMS TO RENT. 2. 0. SHURCH. and is heavily tim- ets, Shingles, Pozts Doors, Sash, Mouldings, od cedar, habe alrck 3 Roomsand a Kitchen to rant, i 3 REV. A OMALLEY. Bannisters and Neuel Posts ~ |and Bo d. The whole or any | post so Cochrane Street. Apply at ; £7 BILL LUMBER A SPECIALTY. orn dint cannot ta to please the| Por Perty, Dec. 6; 1805. All kinds of TURNING and SCROLL SAWING done on short notic | Es, hoply to: the A Tor UND nS hi > 3 : vLAND, Oshawa, or {¥ dare and itby. 1

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