| CURT IN RAISERS | IMPERTINENT ; PR CG Ys AIN I . Jaa a 'MAN AND HiS MONEY.| | ------- Ad Ekperionee tn the { Youlss Drew, daughter of John Drew, i » - has made ber debut as a player. On the occasion of of Nat Goodwin has had s play written monkey temple at Baafes, sen We Were Twenty-one." provided ourselves with to ex of the late otiger goodies which we expected 1 Be disposed of Yer their holinesses. But the " not glve ua hance el i that the surest precaution 'witcheraft was to wear the ng wrong side put, | This to another kind of superstition 'with the harmless, necessary value, whea properly worn chars THE VARIOUS WAYS IN WHICH BILLS ARE CARRIED. 4 age, properti How the Mam Who Uses & Rubber alyinl are to Band Around His Wad Fixes Up His ; . am P ping the di \ ' R to carr apart In the various divisions of thelr i i ig an a pocketbooks. This method tacilitates ON HOS ney Cohen, the search for the desired sum when | "ip "oi 'With the Auburn Hair has cellent Imitasion of the making a purchase. This Is almost 8 * ot New York afire ax she did Chica- sure guard agalust passing out 8 BAL po" "6.0 naner anys it Is a pity the mana- | after we bad taken several pletures B B i of the wrong denomination. ger did not engage for the act a good ' another personification of {upudence "| Then there are wen who make & jooking Woman or atleast one who could picked up a little block of wood Which rapldly exchanged a smile of Inteifootbache. that "hell of a' diseases." | | 00 1) of all thelr bills. The first is sing. | lay upon the ground and with it tock gence with the Indy apd then sat dowl® Burns calls It. is no respecter of Per | 0) py ituelf to about the size of a | Edward A. Emery, who plays Lord 'geveral snapshots at us. opposite her, knee to knee. ous nor assuredly of stockings or e®8. | oq pencil, the next Is lapped about Robert Ure in "The Christian," and Flor | = A" tnird fll conducted simian (& Yahi "Look sharp." I sald to myself. "Th Notes and Queries, It, and so on to the end. Then & rub- | ence Simpson, the Betty in the wim female, who deserted her infant for Is golng to turn out Interesting." Teh ber band is placed about the entire play. Juve Wiied. gg A agli "| the purpose) grabbed from my shout Naturally the big elderly man, a Equal 10 the hearin 1s. | lot. Wlen It is desired to use one of | cer of dig nctlo | ders a red chuddar scarf and in a few worbed Mh his paper, had aoticed nol Deople Po Sov Shey bro "a RR the bills, the rubber fs removed and | M "Linck, pleasantly remembered | fiylng leaps carried It to a lofty wing. ing. The whistle rounded, the, traffic, of SUID too nich. A cern | pe cad of the frst bill caught(be | MAT CPN ine Castle Square FEL Thre she BOL TOD id extatly started, and the fair young man, nik wok tween the thumb and forefingei of the | ly in its season. is resting at | "fancied herself" immensely. sh doubt to appear occupied, began df laggow Sharh as 2» A right hand while the roll is beld be- Eg fig Ay She has been under a | was not allowdil to retain her prize. turn the leaves of the voluminous dodk.. tag brig Jo door | tween the thumb and forefinger of the In about three minutes at least 40 won- ument in the leather case. But ever : tekl | doctor's care, but will be buck at her | Pa | os left hand. Then the bill is quickly un- | gnging before long. keys hal a piece ol now and then he raised his eyes, ani nd gropped Jb spp. an she wound, none of the others being dis Eugene Moore of a Milwaukee stock | ehuddar. then it was easy to see that the ladf | i" sen bh hi turbed. | company wade a fying leap from the Then our native guide Informed we | with the patch smiled at him impe or the Prva on Te officlat- A great many men never CArTY & | ruined castle in one of the hair Falurra | that the monkeys were very foad ol ceptibly. It would have been Impossl; 9 irl \Ppo { the Dr. H. whom pocketbook. One reason for this Is | given there, Josie Jracng the vuery | scarfs and that they captured a great ble to be more imprudent, and this If he Yoh re wh On inquiry she | that a well worn purse more sally | lustead of 8 bros bi pki { Tomi pais Jose Boats" peat Ue tle maneuver, barely concealed, ran d that she had entered the wrong | ¥Ips from the pocket than a rod! © | "As You Like it," "Peg Woffington" | temple while thelr owns } iq great risk of being discovered by th Dun h 1 bs as not yet too late to hear bills. Then, again, the bulk of a pock- | i s revival of "Romeo and Juliet" are | Ing fn the river. Perhaps on the prin. man with the terrible eyebrows. rurch. hid " J _ | ethook is annoying. It takes up too and 8 "harles Frobman at the Cri- | ciple that "misery loves company, he My soul Is Instinctively lenlent to hig. preacher ail eholsu, bu, the sie. much room, especially where the pap- | promised by Chari Mande Adams as the | seemed to think bis Item of news man weaknesses, and at the bottom off ipl go 1d be clear loss. The | taloons are made snug. When pocket | [0 nC omeo's name is not given, | ought to console me: but, although the my heart | always find a secret pleas igheiigghon al to the occasion, | books are not carried, & favorite re | yu ihe part will hardly be taven by Fav- | "monkeyshines continued 'us long as ure on learning that the corporation of oman ay ou the gallery stairs, ceptacle 1s the watch pocket. When | oryham. we stopped In the temple 'compound, husbands counts one more victim. Rlowly niin hs i ox NT and this 18 Used, the bills are made up into 1 no longer found them quite so lu- as far as was possible I decided to he ee EO ctatin elder.-- | ® little, hard bunch. Thelr presence dicrous.--Chautauquai. ! come to the assistance of the sweet ceive t Tom © © i "| is always felt ugaiust the body. In # ; hearts by attracting the attention o outh's Companion. crowd there Is no danger of losing the husband. Seizing the first sligh them, and when traveling with any | | pretext, I engaged him In conversi considerable sum this Is a safe de- tion. As we approached Asnleres I u pository. | tered a reflection that suddenly pas: Some men have a fad of carrying a | through my mind: Ltmare; a of cross and pin. seacres ave also been heard to de are that If you will always put your stocking and shoe on first you will starting a band: bl . njoy immunity from toothache, This, low, , jugs oad Janos. lowever, the most superstitious of mor- arm, sprang Inside breathlossly. H his will likely take leave to doubt. ¥ 4 4 Too many men in their twenties are bald. This is absurd and all unnecessary. Healthy hair shows man's strength. To build up the hair from the roots, to prevent i AYRTY Har 10 ness, use-- It always restores color to faded or gray hair. Notice that word, "always." And it cures dandruff. $1.00 a bottle. All druggists. " My business calls me out amos strangers a great deal. I woul ly feel ashamed every me ed his 7 i £ \ e 8 3 ol ds BY ig popes "et whet h moBkey seized Sa iE sind ] He ad 9 doubt obliged to me f | tng end, pulled It out and | ga ying on ank ving left the seat opposite him und 0! Department, cupled. Af the moment the traln | otis, sowe of ut End Fol : Deposits received at the highent current sara. I loul; d a: dited to on 2 o handling Commercial ? ugnt 1 busi of to g, and the di ing of Farsers' Sales Notes at1easonable Yates of interest. _ Careful and prompt attention is also given to the collecting of Notes, etc. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Special Attention is Directed te the Following Advantages offered by our Savings Bank: Deposits of One Dollar and upwards . received aud interest allowed at current H. G. HUTOHESON, Port Perry, June 26, 1897. Muvages, £10000 {British Capital) To lend at 4 45 and 6 per cert on good Mortgage security. Apply to DAVID J. ADAMS Banker and Broker, Port Perry, Ont. © rates. Interest is added to the deposit Twick im each year, at the end of May and November. The Depositor is subject to no delay whatever in tke withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the deposit. No is made on withdrawing or depositing money. Port Perry Branch G. M. GIBBS, Manager. R. D. ARCHER, M.D.C.M. Victoria University ; M.B. Toronto University, Membar or the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont.; Liceutiate of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburg; Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians, Edin- burg; Member of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons, Gl Eve Resident TOWN TOPICS. | Chicago is apt to quiet St. Louis by | annexing her.-- Baltimore American. In Kansas City, with respect to cases it is aid to be almost ab even ching be- | tween beer and smallpox.--St. Louis Star. take off my ia hal ana Hie Nala spots fuly. 6 use r less than three 1 find I have as r as I ever had, body what I used, and it must be a wonderful GEO, YEARL, Chicago, IL. CUTTLEFISH INK. | The Peculiar Liquid, Which This Cal rious Animal Ejzcts. The cuttlefish are caught In great April 22, 1897. Ton eve: oy say remedy 1" Dec. 14, 1598, New York's Shopping Distriet. At last Grace church, with its clean 8 ght stohe, Is reached and the green St. Paul burglars are impartial. They | ASgOW Pupil of the Bolas for Women, Queen Street. Office hours--9 to 11a. snd 2 to 5 p.m, and evenings. I have taken as partner, my brother, Dr R. Archer, M. D., C. M., Member of Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Out. Port Perry, June 9, 1897. Hospital, Dublin, Office and Residence, second door west of Davis' Furniture Emporiam, MONEY TO LOAN. HE Subscriber is ANY AMOUNT on Farm Security AT 6 PER CENT, ar Also on Village Property, 4F MORTGAGES BOUGHT. WA HUBERT L. EBBELS, 1ister, R DR. E. L. PROCTE D C. in Mivge Wrive Toronto, with Honor Certificate. Fellow of Trinity Medical College, Toronto, em. of Col. of Physicians and Srtzgeon Licentiate of University of State of New York, Office Opposite Town Hall. PORT PERRY. Ont., and residence on Dr. Clemens' old site. Office next ¥o Ontario Bank, Port Perry, May 10, 1885. : 4 hid undersigned takes this opportunity of returniug thanks for the very liberal patrcoage he hus received as Auctioneer in the past. The increased experience and extensive practice which I have had will he turned to advantage of patrons, and parties NOTICE. n and Accoucheur, and Dr. W. A ngster, Dentist, may on and after ro-day, be found iu their new Surgical aid Dental Offices over the Post Office, where they will repured to attend to their respective professions iv all their D J. H. SANGSTER, Physician, Sur L be found as heretofore, branches. Port Perry Dec. 8, 1897. favoring me with their sales may rely on their interests being fully protected. = No effort will be ei Ph make it profitable for partivs placing their sales in my hands. My Sale Register will be found at the Leland House, Cmsarea. : THOS. SWAIN. Cemsarea, Aug. 26, 1896. WM, GORDON, DR. 8. J. MELLOW, Paysicias, SurGEoN, &o. Office and Residence, Queen St., Port Perry Office houta-8 to 10 a.m,; 1to3 p.m, and Evenings. Telephone in office and house, open night and day over the lines south, connected with the residence of G. L. Robson, V.S. Port Perry, Nov. 15, 1804. Licensed - Auctioneer, Valuator &e. JOR the Towashi 8 of Prock, Uxbridge, » T s » Rama, i IL; Seok oral ara, Rama, Mariposa Partiesentrusting their Sales to me may rely on the utmsot attention being gi their intrests. 9 fire bo WM. GORDON, Sunderland. N. F. PATERSON, 0. C, J. A. MURRAY, DENTIST, [Rooms over Allison's Drug Store] PORT PERRY. "All branches of Dentistry, Crown and Bridge Work successfully practiced, * Artifical Teeth on Gold, Silver, Al . inel- ding Barrister, Solicitor, Not Public, &e., stay Nos. 310-311, Temple Building, Cor. Ba and Richniond trente Toronte y Toronto, March 81, 1868. E. FAREWELL, L. L. B., Count J. Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol. sitor, &e., Notary Public and Conveyancer Jffice--South wing Court House, Whitby, or Rubber Plates. Fillings of Gold, Silver or Cement Painless extraction when required: _ && Prices to suit the times® ~~ ort Perry, Feb. 1897. Ont. OHN BILLINGS, Solicitor, Not: A bo Tai ih or the Ontario Bank. ## Office over the Ontario Bank, Port Perry. Jan, 29, 1887. SANGSTER, "ale SODA, of Tebonto 'University. McCaw's. Store. on f | cen W. BURNHAM, Clerk of the Third »J Division Court. Office in Pwot Office Block, Port. Perry. * SA Perry Ont. Port Perry, Dec. 19, 1883. Pork PROF. 8. J. COHN. RACTICAL OPTICIAN and E. P Ear Specialist, 176 Wilton Ave, Ten will visit Port P ' All orders, ensued ve sal on. . REFERENCES eGill, Mr. D.'J Ad Noth, Port | Adams in once in six month, -- to him warranted to --Mr. W, Mr. John WM. SPENCE, Township Olerk, Commissioner, &c. is prepared to Loan any quantity of Money i ed Farm Se Ly + (Tras ag ty at 6 and 7 per | All kinds of Conveyancing ex er Sao oa aing sxseuted with | Office--One door west of Town Hall, Manchester April 11, 1588. repared to LEND 'We have a book on The Halr and Scalp which we will send free upon request. If you do not obtain all th benefits you yapoeted from the use the Vigor, write the Doctor abo eas, 'Dx. J. 0. AYER, Lowell, Mass, v of ut "To think that that bridge was cut, 1870! with Mont Valerlen just opposite?" iv hUSINA COMES TO SEE US, wH Rain may fall a pouring torrent, Skier above be dark and drew wi hol with sound a Oh, the music of her laughter! hy sunghine in her eyes! How it lingers, long time after! When Rosina comes to sce us, Gladness comes, and discord dies Oh, the sympathy and sweetness That she has for every onel Borrow flies with sudden fleetness When Rosina comes to see us, As the mists before the sun. Bhe's a bit of heaven's own beauty, And to her what fs is best. Life means love, and sweet is duty, When Rosina comes to see us, On that day we have been blest! Housekeeping. OX PO OX & THE BEAUTY PATCH A RAILWAY COMEDY. BY RICHARD OMONROY. ® The Saint-Lazare station Is a gay sta. tion in the heart of the city, a stone's throw from the Opera and the boule vard, five minutes from the Champs Elysees, 20 minutes from the Boils de Boulogne. In the waiting room, the Hall of the Lost Footsteps, lined up before the booking offices or seeking quem devorent, there are always a lot of pretty girls with extravagantly yel- low halr crowned by marvelous hats. They walk down the Rue d'Amster- dam, their noses In the air, striking the echoing curbstones with thelr little high heels and generally carrying small leather bags, supposed to give them a countenance. What a counte- nance! Hence trips to Saint-Germain or Versailles, starting from the above mentioned gay station, are true pleas ure trips. Yesterday 1 was obliged to go to Ver sallles, and, profiting by my experience in garrison there for several years-- : 1p and down, In o e to choose my compartinent. The rallway carriages standing high above the ley- el of the platform, the women passen- gers have to practice regular gymonas- ties to get aboard, and there are, there- fore, all sorts of pleturesque sights to be seen, not to speak of services to he rendered. [For the latter purpose the best thing to do Is to_stand opposite the revolving platforms. They make the steps at least a foot higher--enough 'to make one quite dizzy climbing ln. 1 was on the lookout for a pretty fellow traveler. | might even ad that | had the embar of It ak most looks as If the Western company has the monwpoly of gool looking ticket holders. But. alas! Not one of them was alone. Naturally 1 avoided cavalry officers: they all go to the terminus of the line. The Infantry add to the chances of a tete-a-tete, for they gen- erally get off at Courbevole, St. Cloud or Ville d'Avray. As to the artillery-- that's a risk to run. There Is a battery Aor Register at solicited. at 8 but there are two regi- ments at Versailles as well. 1 was at this stage of perplexity when, in one of the last of the first class compartments, I caught sight of A pretty brunette--to be classified among the piquante Jrsettes velvety | with long lashes, a faint- and above the rated gentleman. "At that time I wi Le Noury. mitted during the s lege of Pa ¥ 4 5 FTO, "tert ridge 111 0 Brrr the fair man, and he went on course in tactics with broad the gilded dome of the Invalides, ed gentleman, "that we ing the region near Clichy." But 1 bardly heard him, for | sa with terror that, profiting by my m neuver, our two lovers had begu whisper in smothered tones, The | knees, for the looks of the thing, but along. aud the soldier, absorbed memories, went on with his dl listen to most devoutly, 0 as to dra tine. the sound of a kiss. When out again Into the light, | cast a at tbe fair haired man, who more decply absorbed What do 1 make out on hls left but a funny little black spot! ti! It Is the patch, the killing that in & thoughtless contact ha ened and passed from the lps of dark beauty to the nose of her. I foresaw a borrible tragedy, tactician turned a questioning plelous look upon the lady, as If found something altered in ler ance, be hardly koew what. have given worlds to have whisper to the good look: man, "or heaven's sake, rel compromising patch at on are betrayed!" Unfortunatel quite out of the question; seal was al a distance. So it secwed w AR war of 1870 and, the heights of Vi flay. But he no longer pald any hi to me. He chuckled in a sinister wa, behind his fierce mustache, gazing the bepatched nose of the fair youn man. 3 ; As for the woman, crimson, ov come with terror, she began to fan "herself violently, a most distressing sight. What was going to happen: What terrible sentence was the | placable judge going to pronounce © the guilty wretchem cowering beneatl his gaze? Was | going to be obligye to look on In this narrow rallway cas riage at a challenge, a boxing match perhaps a butchery, a massacre? relief, tile "Judge of my stupor on scelug take the fair man's arm and along at his side, while the decoral geilenian sald to we as Le saw the pea 3 are charming. 1 What was the good of It, pra, "It was Idietic," returned the deed' on the staf of Admiral La ol You have ne conception gr, of ull the mistakes that were com pointing out to me the magnificent I horizon, the Seine tke a silver ribboi was easy to see that he no lounger even cast a glance at It. And the tril 1 spe on military history that | feigned t his attention to the left side of tig We reach Bt Cloud; we enter th tunnel, and fo the piteh dark 0 my word, | would swear that | hear ) to recall the officer's thoughts to the brass and shrubbery In front of the nteresting looking Gothle rectory. A wort distance below the bend all the ores were wholesale. Now they are thcoming solidly retail. Instead of b\yers the people along the street are migtly shoppers. Down there were very few women; up Lere are very few mel . Ths I8 especially noticeable when fea urfe, In front of La fomes Leads around whether they vaut to look or not, causing them to nn you down and making them deaf to your apologies for It; big dry good: at the foot of the green slopes of Cour: ddl Tap on. a oo bevole. and, far in the background, upg) stores and department stores and Paris, with its houses and [t8 moous [the places where the sidewalks are ments, among which stood out the gh wowded with what is known to the gantic silhouette of the Are de Trl rade as "Louls Fourteenth street fur- omphe, dishonored by scaffoldings, and piiyre." All this accounts for there [being more restaurants now and dif- "Rewember," continued the decorat- torent smells and another feeling In were occupy- the alr.--Scribner's. w An Awkward Uncertainty, a: Sir Willlam MacCormac, the presi- to dent of the Royal College of Surgeons ef of T.ondon, who Is best known to Amer- was still spread out on the young man's icans by his many admirable works It upon asepsis and Red Cross labors, is |at times quite absentminded. He Is an indefatigable worker and often to save |time when studying in his laboratory has a light luncheon served there. Once his assistants heard him righ heavily and, looking up. saw the doc- tor glaring at two glass receptacles on his table. "What Is the matter, doctor?' asked one of the youngsters. "Nothing In particular," was the re- ply: "only I am uncertain whether I drank the beef tea or that compound 1 am working on." Horsen were Introduced into Egypt by the shepherd kings less than 1700 B. OC. No horse figures appear on the early monuments of Egypt. A woman's logic comes out even in her sharpening a pencil. She makes ber point In such queer ways.--Phlis- 4etvhia Times. You Make A Mistake i If you have Pals, Greenish, or Sallow Complexion, Cold Hands and Feet, Loss of Ap- Dulfn square Is reached, with cable clanging around Dead Man's fayette's statue. lot of new bills In an envelope that Is kept In one of the inside' pockets. Now robbed two or three saloons, the Y. M. C. A. rooms and a hospital al and then a man Is found who keeps a | 5¢ 24 hours.--Minneapolis Times. few bills In every pocket. Ke goes on the theory that if he is robbed of one lot a sufficlent amount will remain to last him until be reaches home. He starts out feeling that he is going to be robbed and makes provision to meet every possible emergency. He usually makes three folds of his bills and tucks them away In the corners of his pockets with extreme care. He does surprised. ii teat 1 LETS or are COLON Ts OTH appeared, as he expected to be robbed, Any number of men are found who keep only a little working capital in thelr trousers pockets, the bulk of their funds being concealed in broad. fat wallets in the inside pocket of thelr waistcoats. These bills are always of large denominations and folded once. When a man brings forth his reserve funds, It will be found that all the bills bave a smooth, bright appear- ance. They have been with him so long that they are as flat as a sheet from a letter press. Very few men in this country carry coins In purses. In England purses are common. The material Is generally pigskin, but undressed kid is also used extensively. The former have two compartments, one for small gold coins and the other for silver. It is some- times amusing to watch a man with a little undressed kid bag pay his fare on the street cars, especially If he Is wearing thick dogskin gloves. Only conductors with great patience can watch the proceeding with complacen- cy. A woman can pick out five pennies from beneath a roll of bills In con siderably less time than It takes the man with the kid purse to bring forth a nickel. One reason that the kid purse is not popular Is because It feels like the half of a small dumbbell In the pocket when fairly well filled. In london it Is the proper thing to carry a pigskin owing to the large circulation of sovereigns. It Is essential to keep the gold and silver separate In order to avold mistakes. There are coln cranks as well as pa- per money cranks. Some years ag: there lived a little, round faced mar over In the Back Bay who came loto the business district every week day morning at precisely 9 o'clock. In paying his fare he always passed up & bright, new nickel that looked as If It had come to him fresh from the mint. Where or how he got them was a mys- tery to the conductor, but he finally de- clded that his customer was connect ed with some banking lostitution and that the new money was used to es- eape the chances of contracting disease through the handling of money that had heen In common use. There are ny tumber of people who cannot let go a new coin without ex- periencing a pang. They will hold on to a new half dollar until the last ex- tremity. Then there are those who vigit the subtreasury every few days and get a pocketful of new 10 cent pleces. They experience a special de- light In passing them out, as they feel that those who recelve them will won- der "who that man is."--Boston Her ald. > Fixennable, Wickwire--From a superficial notice I ®hould ray you had a holy terror of water. Am | right? Hungry Higgins-- You are. And If you'd had a wife that made you carry all the wotter fer the warhin she done fer five years and kept you so busy at it vou didn't have time to run away you'd hate the stuff, too, you would.-- Indianapolis Press. Evidence. Riunday Rehool Teacher (In Chicago) ~Why did the wise men come from the east? Seholnr-- Because } they were wise =en.~ Philadelphia Record. Geese are the emhlems of conjugal bliss In China, and a pair of geese are considered a handsome present from & gentleman to the lady of his clivice. he fluids upon Il in the course | are | for That New York Society For the Pro- | ebrated. motion of Health and Happiness should | rua] mouth, begin its career by abandGning New York | sucker with which It ad pumbers off the Coruwall coust and used ds ¥ balt for the cougel wel, which this part of the world is vel: The cuttlefish possesses 00 but has a long, cylindrical #.res firmly w tor some less stressful bome.--St. Louls | oe bait. The method of capturing the Rey hlie. The Tew.. funeral. held in Deadwood was on Oct. I>-af last year. This is the most remarkable recoid ever chronicled in a city of the population or Deadwood. --Rious City Jourunl Four million dollars is to be expended be OEY Ts RTOW hat t thing besides the commercial side to mu- nicipal growth.--Cleveland Leader. A marriage license was taken out at Chlengo one day this week by a man 84 years old. IT everybody in Thiengo took that long to consider before assuming the conjugal relation, there might be fewer divorces in that city.--Kansas City Star. THE ROYAL BOX. It Is said that the latest portrait of Queen Victoria brings out in a striking way her resemblance to the Studrts. The German emperor has a great love of new inventions, especially of those, however humble, which affect or facili tate the dying of business. Wilhelmina, the queen of Holland, is spending much of her time in skating on the ice covering the ornameutal water in the gardens of the palace known as the House In the Woods, where (ue prace sonference was held last year. Don Carlos, the king of Portugal, bas an importance just now out of all pro portion with the power of his state. The king's title is almost as big as his do- main is xmall. He is "king of Portugal and the Algarves, within and beyoud the seas in Africa, lord of Guinea and of the navigation and commerce of Ethiopia, Arabia, Persia and the Indies." PITH AND POINT. After a man passes GO all that he bas to look forward to is an ache in a new place, The great objection to hypocrisy is that it is not necessary. No man ever prac ticed it successfully. When a man starts to tell you a funny story, you cau always get rid of him by saying, "I've heard it." You must behave yourself if you hope to avoid worry. No guilty man can avo.d worry over his misdeels. Keep your nose too close to the grind- stone. and some of your relatives will bury it and the rest of youl at the same time, It is doubtful if any one ever had a real friend; therefore be your own friend and take care of your interests and your rep- utation,~ Atchison Globe, 1 Fig Pudding. Break fine slices of bread into one pint of milk, add one-half of a tea- spoonfulf galt, one-half of a cupful of sugar, one cupful of suet, three table: spoonfuls of flour, three eggs, ohe-half of a grated nutmeg, and 18 figs chopp- ed fine. Pour into a mold and steam 81¢ hours. Sefve with a fruit sauce or with whipped cream. Corned Beef Hash. Two bowls of corned beef, four bowls of boiled potatoes chopped fine, a dash of pepper. Grease a baking dish; put the hash in it to moisten with a cup of water. Insert a knife all over the top and put dots of but- ter in. Bake an hour and a half. To Clean Brass. There are numerous patent pastes and liquids for cleaning brass, but nene of them give better results than rotten tone and oil made into a paste. Apply with a cloth, allow it to re main on for a time--an hour, say-- then rub vigorously. Banana Foam. Take one banana for each person, mash fine with two tablespoonfuls of sugar and add to a cup of whipped cream. Serve immediately. If we did but know bow little some enjoy the great things that they pos- ress. there would not be so much entry in the world. { | | | which are suspe geh 1s as follows: A long line frow nded from 200 to $00 | hooks baited with portions of plichards (almost the only bait the cuttlefish wil take) 18 let down into the sen aud al lowed io stop there for about i hour, ~ 1t 1s then drawn up. At re Iv some- | cuttlefish are found hanging Dy ui of their suckers to the bait. The moment that they leave fhe wa- ters they eject with considerable force a great quantity of deep, black. viscous substance which Is alut the consisteil: cy of treacle, and the stala made by it upon the clothes of the fishermen is permanent If it happens to fall upon them. y 1 had a conversation with one msi who has several times recelved a full charge In his face, and he assured mé that beyond the gmell. which is most nauseous, he felt no inconvenience at all. no smarting or pain In bis eyes nod no bad after effects. It any of the liquid gets upon the fits, It rots them beyond repair um less it Is washed off immediately. An- other curious fat is that this fluid will not injure cloth in the slightest degree beyond making & permanent stain. Oue man told me that be Lud used a jersey for several years whick had been squirted all over at different times by these cephalbpods, but that except for the cloth being stained ir was as good as ever. p When this "ink* Is ejected ubder wa. ter, It hangs in a sort of-cloud and does not spread.--lLondon Leader. Browning and the Cool To Robert Browning a man was § man, whether he was served by niady people or was the servant of others. On one occasion his son Barrett had hired a room In a neighboring house to exhibit his pictures, and in the tem- porary absence of the artist &r. Browning was doing the honors to & roomful of fashionable friends. 1I¢ was standing near the door when au unanpounced visitor wade her appear ance, and of course be shook hands with ber, greeting ber as he did thie other arrivals. a: "Oh, | beg pardon!" she exelnitifed. "But, please, sir, Pm the cook. Mr. Barrett asked me to come and is pictures." lis iRaiius "And I'm vers glad to sce 0 turned Mr. Browning, with ready : tesy. "Take my arm and | will see you round."--=New York Press. WA Quinn-- What is the ewrrency fluestion bere in Chicago? De Foare--old yer give 4 poor wun a nickel? cago News. | z 3 5. Current (Question, Oli and New Times. Old times wuz good, 1 feckot, As good as good could beg But these new times sir Fer this ole worl' an Old friends wuz good, | As any friends could be, But these new friends the Air good enough fer mel We're livin in the pressiit An dyin in the past; The ole worl's rollin pleasant, Au we'll ceach home at fastl ~-- Atlanta C A Short Panst. A "But has elie observid the nsnal\pe of mournitig for her last hosband 7" "No: barely the i this Detroit Journal. ' Oom Paul's Defi. You may batter me with Iyddite and bore me through And seek to take the wind out But I'll never make an effort