Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 7 Jun 1900, p. 4

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en eR i and exp! [EME THAT WORK: | that 1 would ty to restore his nose as | FOR AWHILE. far as 'by performing a slight op- sation and inserting an artificial sup- | Pol 5 Very Important | "To my astonishment he objected flat- | and His Last ly and lsisted on letting it heal exactly 'ager Brought Ruin 85 it was. 'But you will be frightfully In Its Wake, ishgared. 1 Brotested. '1 doubt bi your ends recognize you." Strange who lives In the Blue | to say, that assurance seemed to render d who has been a very ex- | him only the firmer, and I was compelled traveler has a silver sefvice so | to let him have his way. It was nearly t In design and heavy in penis: | be Sus Yell, and, 43 a a ctly lik ght that Its peers in the whole ey, Oe Op come battered bruiser of the prize ring, rorld may be numbered on the fingers "I never saw the man again, but six 'of one hand. The owner is even now, OE yas Showh the Photo: When past middle age, a "good fellow," | ag padly santed or big embezzle- Who loves conviviality, and no game 18 | ment. 1 put my finger over the nose and R00 hazardous for him if he bas the | recognized my late patient. He had amount of the stakes. He takes pleas- | walked aboard ship right under the eyes "ure In telling the history of his serv- of detectives and sailed for the Argentine ice, ms it concerns the most audacious Republic. They had his photograph. but _ game of chance he ever witnessed. hexer dreamed of connecting it wil Sue *When 1 was In Bolivia some years tenance of that particular ago," he always begins, "I got in with | * "Did he get somebody to break his 2 crowd of men, English and natives, | nose on purpose?" asked the reporter. whose passion for gambling knew no "I pever sscertained," _aid the sur- bounds. Strange as it may seem, none | geon. "of them knew poker, and I made my- self solld with them by teaching them, DOFFING THE HAT. _ but thelr great game was roulette, Te = "There was a little shop In. Bogota, svhere they had a miniature Monte Carlo, and many nights did we spend American Men Do Not Salute Each Other as Do Foreigners. "Walking bi Fifteenth street recent. Iy," said a Washingtonian who has tray- eled extensively, "1 obse remove his hat to t di so | matie corps. ~~" C : "As we all know, the American style of salutation when two or more gentle- : ¢ nieéh meet is an inclination of the head or "There is a worm down there I | 4 wave of the hand. The hat is doffed that climate that gets into furniture { to the gentler sex only. On the contl- and bores until nothing but a shell i$ | nent it would be an insult for a gentle- left. You aay sit on a chair that | man to pass an acquaintance without res looks perfectly strong, but at the first moving the hat. If they are friends the © touch it'collapses. This seems irrele- salutation is even more formal and in- vant, But it ia uot, as you may sec | GUE 4 SUC CC Lich ary remarks later, 1a fact, that worm plays the "The French are accounted the most title role In the tragedy I am going to punctilious and ceremonious of people. I tell think the Belgians are even more so. , "There was a wealthy Bolivian plant- | Their customs are French, however. er who had been a general in the war | They bave a language of their own, but between Bolivia and Chile back in the | the names of the wig in Brussels are early eighties. He was never absent | both rene and 'Belge' on the same = night from our games, but he would | #ET00TC " . reauently stand about for a week and | ne TE 1 Kineriean oge Hover Sa 44 Der Jurger than fis tion piloted me about. 1 made the ac- en he would suddenly cry out just | quaintance of many Belgian gentlemen, us the operator was about to lift the | and the salutation between my diplomat- cover and register the highest bet the | ic triend and those he met was something house would permit. Next he would { lke this: place all the money be could find tak- | _ 'Ab, count, I am delighted to greet ers for rmong the gentlemen present. "A cordial smile, a ceremonious lifting Before {he season was far advanced of the hat, a hearty shake of the hand he had won great sums, and we bad | and an inclination of the body in a polite all felt the results of his freakish luck. | bow. It seemed that when he played 7T-- "Ny dear Colonel --, the pleasure is black he could not lose, and he seemed | wholly mine. 1 amin rejoiced to see you. to realize It, for when he did call that | I trust you are very well." Same for- mula. pumber he would put all he owned In "Sy friend, Mr. of Washing the balance. har 8a f ula on my part and that "Still he was a gentleman and a fa- wg ont, orm y Pp mous duelist, and no one cared fo "After an interchange of mutually question Ais methods. It went on this | complimentary remarks the ceremonies way for two months. Then one night attending the introduction were repeated * the wheel stopped, and there was the | as we respectively said 'au revoir' and re- :gilence of the prairies in the room. placed our he pats for the last Sue upon our heads. t was a novelty a rst, Re Coil leq: the wen Tal) me oe but when I repeated it 18 times an hour pa ye I experienced a crick in the small of my hear the distant tinkling of a mandolin. | pack. "The planter leaped up as from a cata- "My friend cxplained to me that con- lepsy: 'Seven--black, senores. 1 will | tinental gentlemen of high social posi- take all any of you or all of you will | tion were not pressed by political and thet' Well, I had been winning strong | financial affairs as are Americans in sim- n ood that 1 | ilar walks of life, and the hurry and "and was so much to the good that haste we display ate unknown to the," "was reckless. iw ba e 4 y a " 'Five dollars,' T said. : Washington Star. cu \ 'Good, senor,' he replied. ver or Sepbseredide. "Hg placed his entire fortune In dif- Two passages from a recent examina. (ferent wagers. There werc a number tion 'paper placed before the pupils at a gers. i and they all | yondon school of eookery- ave amusing. "big flush. Then slowly, 45 a | One question was, "Describe o ther priest officiating at some solemn, bar: | mometer and its notation." barle ceremony, the banker removed | It brought forth this answer: "A ther- the top. We all stood for a moment, | mometer bas two good points--the boil- and the tension was such that a car ing point and the freczing point. The riage wheel on the cobblestones out- | former is useful for potatoes and the lat- ' ter for ice cream." side made us all start. 'Red' came The other reply was elicited by the lec- | the announcement. turer in giving a practical lesson on fish "The Bolivian was white as 8now, | ery, who said: but his volce was unshaken as he sald: "First, you take the fish and wash it 'Gentlemen, you shall all be paid. AS | well, and then" -- for me, | am ruined.' Adult Pupil (interrupting)--How ab- "That night he shot himself, and his surd! Just fancy having to wash a fish-- will, which had been written just be- | and after it has spent all its life in wa- fore his death, arranged for the pay- | °F too!--London Answers. ment of all his debts. 1 was to re celve the service for my share, though MEN OF MARK. it 1s worth much more. But what I o_o valued much more than that was a John o. Bockefdler Jr. has a Sunday ju gchool class o young men a the Ini 13 note in which he expressed his attach A Btiat ehurels New York. ment for me and asked me to accept " Frederick B. Whitney, the business the silver as a gift and not a debt. zor of the Boston Transcript, wh "He left also a curious manuscript, manager of the Boston Transcript, whp died recently, had becn connected with written some time before, which seem- | myo Transcript for 87 years. ed to be n sory of private journal. He W. A. Pinkerton, the detective, is an stated in this" that his ears were 80 | advocate of the whipping post for foot- accurate that he could detect the dif- | pads. He says that burglars deserve ference between the fall of a pin and a | the samé treatment as murderers. needle. One night, so he says, he heard Ex-Senator Gorman of Maryland said the ball fall into the compartment with | the other day that he did not seem to a hollow thud, and when the machine look like a politician. Invariably," he was opened be made note of the num- said, "strangers mistake me for either ber and color, '7--black.' Later, when a diplomat or a Priest. ant eqn 0) nd n t th Joseph Chidester of Lynden, Clay coun- alone for a moment, bie found that the | "a; © cqjis himselt "the solid Repub- aforesaid worm had bored under that | jl "iia or that town." Out of 262 compartment. He sounded the excava- | votes in Lynden he was the only one who tion with a straw and found that it | voted for McKinley in 189G. The other extended no farther than that one | 261 voted for Bryan. pumber. Then all be bad to do was Frank Gould's horses are to have a to listen and when his acute hearing $90,000 building, in which they can take told bim that his number bad come to indoor exerciee, a ror purpose a plo! E - get all the TO , posse - 0, plans tocratic part of New York. The pricp-of oo ui ibip Then sas only one the site alone is $80,000. . laid to perfection. . Andrew Carnegie's reason for giving weak spot in bis calculations. He for | poo pon0y to establish libraries rather got that those worms could keep 0D | than for other charitable purposes is be- boring." ! cause "libraries give nothing for nothing. tet In order to get benefit. from them a man { Not Responsible, must help himself, must read and study." "Bay, what right have you got to Galusha A. Grow of Pennsylvania has Kick asked been a mem of congress off and on R fhe imag. "You. never since 1851. prop sent term will expire 21,885, Vol 18, A. T. Ry Lately known as Black Mack, Tue PROPERTY O 30, will leave hisows Josian. Thursday i Large & : Assorted Stock Aj sta (og Ar A , afLerni ort Perry, Thursday night, ve: Monday night. Purple Hil, Friday i : S 8: (us tlie ? OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS Eas moor Fike, Yee which T am determined to sell very CHEAP rite, Wednesday wight. As an inducement to Casu purchasers PEDIGREE AND DESCRIPTION: Middleton 2850, ho by M 's dam was Bive Bell PENVILLE BOY i? was sired by Lif Hddieton 153, he milton as a sire of trotters and high-cluss: 2.163, Lottie Bruoe, 3 yw: o 8 Lay Watson 164, ar 0'd record oe Gea) Tee 2 nfs Btanton, rin} 3.0, Black Jowell, and a yearling that was sold for le y 5 ton. Do: second dam was 8 Ro a Jeorge. Hod Boars dam was i on. 8 is third dam was Job Morris' trotting w.s.c Bon! ter to Stayner Boy 2.28, bv Whalebone, by iniporte 1 Knight. = Fourth dam, Ba back hci oar. ee 58 Antero BA HOUSE AND LOT on Simeoe Street, t cn seen that producing sire and dam uniformity, a he ivherits the Hambletonian un Hamilton, and the Royal George aud thorough-bred blood of Lexiukton, that one acre on which there are a bari, d gto {a nickeds » well with trotting-bred sires from the great brood mare Lizzie B. Orchard and a well. Tmmediate possession. Sole Dealers in 5] PENEVILLE 24,88, (Intely known a» Black Mack) wae bred by Wm. Bruce Also for Sule a Geueral-Purposa Horse, § of Penville, Or 00 County. Was foal: d April 26, 1692, In colorheis % &if so for Sule a Genera P oraed AA Samara > I a he . io 1215 He h nd HIE Bugey and a Set of Single Harness --will be 9 A han , weighing h 3 i rx! r liv Borer fre from blomiahés, Tia gait W per: ~ |a0ld cheap or will exchange for other live] Underwood Typewriters. , t, smooth, fractionles: fet ing quarter boot He was handlad about six weeks when a two years whol Apply nt the Office of this paper. n tho Bro: ders' take open to tho County of Siuwoe, for \woyear- | = " ne will, within a few days, open hi g it | ight boats | . Not ish lou ila Q7 he "0 n a few days, open his P + an 1 ececrary aus foations Jo oko hh Hp ° bat LA i» _ | Port Parry, April 5, 1890, (, A 4 6 { \G ( \G AENEAN new Livery Establishment on his premises; {ratter hin-el hin aro ba i rotor. and a producer of tro.ters. His dem, | i S > J Nig Oo Perry street, where hie will keep for hire, a Parties wh tend breeding mares this season will e no i Pat-onizing ¥ NVILLE BOY for the followin ¢ reasons by LN 00 00 color, snd and hi d to bea vey Its are admired by all who see them, having good siz: mud ar " a : . nity. is sir m are both registered and d animals beving | : FOR SALE IN THE b) ee public patronage is PENVILLE BO st Prize - fc dn Za 8 2 Te rains; a SVE BO be, srt Bon Baty Engl Suse Township of Reach. 2 Coney seen on, JAMIESON. M. Ce of 1he greatcst sires of Roadsters in the Dominion 3. His sire Pio the Fo hi atronage extended to me for over 3C years, I would respectfylly intimate that 1 am, as usual, NOW fr r business, and ven LJ returning thanks to the public for the r Grauam, Paxton & Coll P Port PERRY. ~3=@\ hE Deli SEASON 1goo. 1! 1 Hawai | Islands, and' th tropical Countries come, at least for the United States. Already 1 | number of subsci without much effo! 1st I intend starting 4 tt'o Hamilton 23124, ho b -A Discount of i i wl by [ambletonian 10. * Ha e was the sire of 55 trouters and will be allowed on all Sales from now unti Jan, 1st next. All work being MADE BY HAND, stock, the become St wl rnutee that perfect satisfaction fir by any article purchased. Tvorthing in thy line of business kept constantly on had and repairs neatly and promptly, attonded to. JOHN ROLPH. Port Perry, Dec. 1, 1892. 1,200 trotters and 71 pacers pacers. first dam was Lizz'e B., the dam of 2.35, trial tra, thorough Lred son x edonia Chief 2.39, tho sire of four 2 f three. by Blood Royal; lte by Douglas' Royal George, haby by Sir Tatto: House and Lot for fale orto Rent. are, je untrncod. PENVILLE BOY'S pedigroe that he is bred from a , ought trot faust and Troduce trotte: Port Perey, for Sule or to Rent. The ue Bull an his sire, 3 house contiins Hv ¢ rooms. The lot contains s and rapid. Ile goes with light shoes, A © | stock. County when I wi take your name { work. ¢) es--new and second-hand--from $25.00 up. All Machines fully guaranteed. Samples of work on application CREELMAN BRO'S TYPEWRITER CO. | amem 15 Adelaide St. East, Toronto. JAMIESON'S rus undersigned wonld beg to state that: full variety of reliable rigs. + Charges Mods as grand action. 2. He has pro; His 8700K 18 Hrs BesT I MM =NDATION --Although PEN VILLE BOY YHE undersigned offers for Sale 32 acres has, to a very considarable e: 3 in conta t with very ordinary ma his stock hs invariably re nw rising three au geling at figura nv. Leforo paid for youngsters n the Roadster oluss ti olds ,a gelding, was the 03300, owing, in part, to iis superior style and grand action. TERMS, to be return ed in foal or art es t charge: ir.surance whether in foal or no . Parties disposiug of mares befor 0 fore Janu: ry will be charged full insurance 1 nless rntifactory proof wo. duced of tL.eir not being in foal. All accidents ot isk of cw insure a foal $10, payable Ist January, 1901 gulariy to the horse or they will Le cha-ged insurance whether bro hover and hip progeny, somo of which being part of lot 4 in the 3rd con. of d four yoars. are in aroat ud ind me readily y Reach, About 13 acres ave cleared. On at has traveled in ts dis rict. yi AES, the premises are a small dwelling Louse, other day fold xan Ameri an ' goad barn, orchard of about 30 trees and a : quantity of ce Tosured mares trying nares a d not roturning them regnla-ly will bo ! Further puiticulurs may be had from F. M. Yarnold, Solicitor, Port Per the proprietor on the promises, GEO. CAIRNS, v, or of aers. OLN BoE, Manager. June 22, 1895. Utica Scofland he became minister Park church, Liverpool, in 1880. The Presbyterian board of sheet, carrying over no debt to the nest fiscal year. The board of foreign mis- | sions is behind, but hopes to pull out. The Moody Bible institute of Chicago | fons for their. liherat and still is considering the inauguration of a sys- | " sions comes out with a clear mee | Kalsomining, tan to teach the Bible and t mail, a sort of correspondence Bible class. The idea was suggested by the AE wel PAJ number of letters received by of trustees from people outside of the in Port Perry, and w city asking for instruction. RECENT INVENTIONS. | Painting, Kalsominiug a Potatoes are rapidly dug, cleaned and Parties entrasting thei sacked by a new apparatus, a plow to unearth the tuber and potatoes falling into an en clevator,, whieh delivers them per, which removes the dirt the potatoes into a bag. Water reservoirs are automatically kept at the proper level by a gate, which is pivoted on cither side of ------ the outlet, with a pocket attached to the £Z Klondyke, Britis: gate at right angles, to be lifted with North-\Vest "Territo the overflow, the weight of overbalancing the gate and all open. Leaves can be rapidly and cleanly pick C P.R ticket agent cd up from lawns by an Ohio woman's rates, &c. invention, which has a large hopper mounted on wheels, with fan in the mouth of the hopper close to the ground, to be rapidly revolved inside the wheels, thus fanning the leaves into the hopper. THE CYNIC. A $20 suit looks better in serves most men better than a you talk about othet people? the way they talk about you. This world will never be share. in the night "He was pHiginally elect. apswering one q ask! ther. He was recently. "Has the theater any other mission than to amuse?" Sir Henry replied, "Has food any other mission than to please the palate?" ! Senator Baker of Kansas says ho started his on, E, Burgoyne Bakes, in by fei) RT ders. The dirge, is tn Ireland com- intends to keep it up or to go into other profession. ge b General de Villebols-Marenil, who was recently killed while in the Boer service, 'is said to have amused himself in - by writing some love stories fo Pa- risian papers, which he never allowed to He wax nlso the author of chance to recover ?--Boston J Stephen Crane says that America has ever produced. news to America. America than a $40 suit does on your back. Make your business talks as short as © your prayers and you will be a winner, | The fear that people will find them out ' Persistence in doing one's duty ends in liking it, something like acquiring a § 7%; 0ng Creat Stans taste for olives. 1 J C08 FIYHE undersigned offers for sale at You know how freely and recklessly UF=Send a Postal for 8 P ete, bargain his fine property on Lorn to cross old people until children regard work as they do pie and demand their A man's memory never gets so poor that he fyrgets to tell his children how often he has walkad the fAane with them IMPERTINENT PERSONALS. has written a book Rudyard Kipling's enrrent South Afri can effusions ave neither journalism nor literature; Can po one gag him for awhile, to give his reputation a fair > ham, the poet, is "the atest man journalism is the best of 'training for ah . ji a any young man, no matter whether he | the impression that Mr. Crave was her Agricultural Machines of Sefton home mis- } { HE undersigned would talks this: tunity ot thanking his tunes patronage during the t heology by | the bu [YHE undersigned keeps on hand and for sales the following Agricultural Mach- ines and brplements manufactured by the DOTA BAMILTON WT OF PETERBORO: Binders, Reapers, Crown Mower, Daisy 5 Seeder," Tiger Hay Ruke, Two Furrow 1i Plow, Three Furrow Gang, Combina- ge sob] ion Plows, Champion Plows, 8. T. Cultivator, 8. T. Harrow, Land Roller, Steel Frame Spring Tooth Cultivator, Binder Trucks, &e. | better prepured than | orders fi which hag rely or having it neatly" s, the dirt cuted, My charges ave dless chain 1 am also prepared to into a bop- when contracting. By and drops A continuance of pu cited. new waste Port Perry, Mar. 23, 18! also the following, the munufacture of JOHN ABEL, Toronto High class Threshing outfits, Tractio Engines and Machiues, Victor Clover Huller, Portable Tvinmph Engive, Tam prepared $3 supply everything the farmer requires in way of Machines, Tmple ments, Repairs, &e. #2 A call solicited, One door West of MebDonald's Hotel. the water owing it to itoba. Parties gon above paris call on blades set \W ANIED-SEVERAL T A sons pi state to their own and nearby cous by gearing (OF G0 ttted ab home. R. K. BRYANT. Sunderland, Amil 8, 1863. DESIRABLE PROPERTY IN PORT PERRY | a window conscience. POR SALE! Street. Port Perry, consisting of a commo. dious Dwelling Bouse, containing six rooms. hill nnd three closets ; there is a good stone colar ander the main part and fonadation Atl in a wood state of hier Tots w Well, that's | satisfactory : The Subscriber has just received a Complete Asrortment of TOILET SETS in Plush, Persian and Oxidized Silver, Leather, §e. HAE undersigned offers for Sale or to PERFUMES from the best makers, in Cul Glass Bottles, Bohemian [ { Ware, §ec.. at all Prices. FANCY CUPS AND SAUCERS, VASES, §e ics, § aves of which 'TANCY + GODS i ar. - The property is situated near * Cairns' Mili" about 13 mile south of Utica: ER erate. Port Perrv Aug 1, 1885. Tabustle Progrty for Sals ah hah 22.415. cose od 5 i S25 consiurs oF TOWNSHIP OF REACH. Rent that fine property situated on mile south of Port Perry, being part of lok 19, con. 4, Reach, coutais c PIPES and CIGARS of the I'inest Quality. a good state of cultivatio i; ; mises there are a first-class uk Und ] House, 30 x 20, with projection 18 x 16, with A v J. DAV 1 S, good cellar under the whole build Mr fn 7 Jf «I Kitelien 18 x 14 § gond Cistern, 2 gol 3 5 Chemist and Di ngQLl with Foree Pumps. There is u first BLONG BLOCK ; "PORT PERRY rebar of alwut 67 Trees n 3 ---- onrnal, Mr. Mark- TH, any Caserr Uxbridge, Ont "This iis was under Btranger--I notice there policemen gathered at that The Hub's Finest. ; § are several Don't Spend a Dollar | ny for J. Db] ONE GIVES RELIEF. taro Street. Ou th 'class Dwelling : Cellar, Hard and Soft Water, it: Stable and Driving Shed and fine Gard wes-- Cherry, Plum. ani Wd Cureant Bushes, &e. 'Terms to enit parchisers. Ro v further particolars, apply to Di J Adams, Exq., or to the proprietor on the E. J. "WHEELER. premises. Medicine is until you have tried -- Wine -- TRUSTWORTHY AND active gentlemen or ladies ta travel for responsible, established housedn Ontario, Mouthly £65.00 and expenses, Position steady. Re ce. Iaclosesclf-ndd stamped envelope The Dominion Com pany, Dept. Y Chicago. CTIVE SOLICITORS WANTED EVERY here Tor "The Story of the Fhiippiens by Murat Halstead, commissioned by fl Government as Offfcial Historian (a the Wa : The book wie written | my eamps at Sa You can buy them in the paper 5-cent cartons Freie uh the nie with Gendral Mers ' -" a itt, in the hospita's at Honoluln, fn Hon T. T, . ~ 5 oh Kong, in the American Lroticlies i Mant Yad nthe Ingnrgent o PR wit ninaldo, en Tables for Five Cents. Dea ct: miH the roar of battle a' the fall of Manila, anza for agents. B imful of original plein token by government photographers: on If you don't find this sort of i Ke ten. Drop mi [naam Ripans Tabules his sort is put up cheaply to gratify the universal present demand for a low price. but a straight fact, when w the greatest help to the live TRADE At the Druggist's || = & general storekeeper in C Chicago. Send Five Cents to THE Ripans CHEMICAL CoxpANY, No. 10 : he Canadian Grocer. Spruce St,; New York, and they will be sent to you by mail; or You cannot read it witho 12 cartons will be mailed for 48 cents. The chances are ten to ¢ one that Ripans Tabules are the very medicine you nced, corner and onversing In an is the trouble? 'What

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