Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 30 Aug 1900, p. 4

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ring course. yours is a repeating Let's have the rest and repeating whtch com- the detective, "belonged to 0 most notorious of the swagger of short card players who used to ocean steamers. He's been ten years now, and as his fam- good people, I needn't men- He was the champion of class, y "This card sharper bad this ring I'm rearing made in Switzerland for a pur- 'e made many thousands of dol A "with it. game was this way: a gang of men on one of the oyage, on any old thing, he ly butt in with a erack to the there wasn't one man out of d that could properly count off hat is, that could exactly, or like exactly, apprehend the : of 60 seconds. "This would lead to a discussion, and sharper would attempt to prove his pment by referring to the fact that referees of prizefights are able to ount ten seconds over a prostrate fighter anything like accuracy. 'Then 'd be more chaw on this point, and the sharper would suggest that all present chip into a pool, say, of 00 each, the whole bundle to be walked away with by the man ip the pool who 'could count the nearest to a minute. The * crowd never failed to bite. "Now, if you want to experiment, you fet your wife or seme one hold a watch for you, and you try to count a minute. you come any nearer than fiye seconds to the minute without plenty of practice, you may call yourself a man with a 'pretty good idea of time. There are few things harder to do than to agree with ~ the second Land of a watch in counting te seconds. "Well, they'd all go Into the pool, and some disinterested chap'nd be brought in to hold the ticker, and each man's count would be set down on a slip of ~ paper. As the man who suggested the 'pool, the card shark would modestly wait until they'd all had their trials be fore he essayed to count his minute He'd rest his head in bis left hand and watch them amusedly while they tried to make an even up minute with the watch, and it never happened that any ot "em got within better than three sec- 'onds of it, one way or the other. They were always at least that much shy or that much overdue. 4 ill leaning his head ia his left hand, this crafty, cheerful worker of the ers would wait for his turn, and with this almost inaudible but au- 3 enofigh. hit of a ticker close to his he'd wade fn und count 60 seconds he dot almost. He wever did it ex- voto dot, because he didn't want to cxeite suspicion naturally, but he al- vavd got under the wire a winner by a svcd or so from all the rest of the 0000000000000 Procrastination... FEETTECTERTEsse IS THE THIEF OF it is also the robber that steals from many a bu 8i- ness man the opportunity tobecome wealthy. It isn't a bit to early to plan for something good in advertising for fall business. } victims ever suspected r £8 Port Perry's Fair.--A number of fluential and enterpri men' have formed a s the purpose of holding a ou a magnificent scale on Exhibition Grounds this energetic Board of Dir been appointed, and means devised for raisi unlimited funds for carrying out object in a manner never bel tempted in this district. fixed on are Sept. 12, 13 and TICKETS TO ALL PARTS WorLp.--Mr. W. H, McC Perry, is now in a position t tickets to all parts of the worl to supply all necessary infor to parties asto the cheap best routes, &c. In addition numerous Ticket Agencies fo road and Steamship lines, been re appointed Ticket Ag the Grand Trunk Railway. Par intending to travel will consult t own interests by consultings McCaw before embarking on ate GEO. + GARDNE oe \ A ISHES to inform the public of Perry and surrounding country z TIME-- after four years experien h his business in me Geos liste Yak branches of his To Bricklaying in all its bran Ornamental Plastering. Also Stone Walks, that will remain pert and. will endure any weather. Cisterns without any wood in their struction to decay or give out. Ifyou ae ik "Brick | pro ability of samo. How to obtain a patent" so secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receivo special notice, without Tue Parext Recor, an illustrated and by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. / '(Patent Attorueys,) Evans Building, WA N returning thanks to the public for the patronage extended to me for over 3C 1 would respectfully intimate that 'as usual, now ready for business, and have a arge & Assorted Stock f DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS job I am determined to sell very CHEAP A an inducenient to Casu purchasers Jaonnd of 1 pr ode I bo allowed on all Sales from now unti Jan. Ist next. All work being ADE BY HAND, "factory work kept in stock, the rity of my goods will at ence become - n 43, 24 or rr any article purchased A IA g in my live of husinces kept UW \ y on hand and repairs neatly and y ; ly attended to, ji | concerns JOHN ROLPH. 4) cheap, wri 1, 1892. Port Perry, Dec. Iryou fig in need of any of the above, come to mo an tain prices, All materi required in mi line will Ye kept constantly on hand, for sale after tho first of next April, 1 GEO. GARDNER, § Port Parry, Jan. 3, 1804. in each town for this porpose. Ve have several hundred will close out at 53 each; also some eho; OUR RELIABILITY is unquestioned. We, 0d you lottors of ref: from nis aad these speelal railroad com) , We will sei SEND YOUR ORDER pp House and Lot for Sale orto Rent. today." Tals low price J. L. MEAD CYCLE COM HOUSE AND LOT on Simcoe Street, Port y, for Sal Rent. The 3 Fi *% | without much effort, but abou iver LG BE O10. equal i TE EY : a isa AGE: wir SETS paves, ? ANY, y Okicago, ID W, D. C. § . opica 1 + " 'hav IGYCLESESTFREE ai HOUT A CENT IN ADVANGE. ye Shusined 3 lenge, 1st I intend starting on a tour Jute County when I will be pleased to take your name for a copy of the work. 5 JESSE IRELAND, Port Per s. The lot contains one fefa-on which there are a barn, a good Orehiard and a well. Immediate possession. Also for Sale a Generali Horse, Baggy and a Set of Si "Harness --will be soldGheap or will exchange for other live stock. Apply st the Office of this paper. Port Percy, April 5, 1899, 3 leor to house gontains five roc yatentable. Rejected epplications have often n successfully prosecuted by us. We condnct fully equipped offices in Montreal and Washington ; thisqualifies us to pronipt 1y dispatch work and guickly scure Patents; asbrod as the inventicn, Highest references furnished. Patents procured through Marion & Ma- rion recelve special notice without charge in over 100 newspapers distributed throughout the D minion. Specialty :--Patent business of Manufac- turers and<Engineers. MARION & MARION Patent Experts and Solicitor New York Life B'id'g, I Offices : { Atlantic Bldg, W. shington PAINTING HE undersigned would take this oppofs tonity ot thauking his vumerous pal rons for their liberal and still increas patronage during the time be has carvied the busindss of PAINTING in Port Perry, and would sk 3 "WALUABLE PROPERTY Typewriters All makes--new and second-hand--from $25.00 up. FOR SALE IN THE Township of Reach. HE nodersigned offers for Sale 32 acres being part of lot 4 in the 1 con. of Reach. About 13 acres ave red. the Premises are a small dwelling Louse, good barn, orchard of about 30 trees and a quantity of cedar. The property is sitnated near *" Cairns' Mili" about 14 » south of Utica. Further parti may Le had from F. M, Yarnold, So! Port Perry, or of thie proprietor on tlie premises, ~ . = viees, mys, | Sole Dealers in B32 June 22, 18903. [7 Machines fully guaranteed. application. CREELMAN BRO'S TYPEWRITER CO. Underwood Typewriters @ Kalsomining, &¢ oy Agriculture] Machines AND All Samples. of work on 15 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, JAMIESON'S LIVERY F{YHE undersigned would beg to state that ne will, within a few days, open his vew Livery Establishment on bis premives, Perry street, where he will keep for hire, & full variety of reliable rigs. Charges Mods crate; A generous share of respectfully so icited. £2 Conveyences to all trains, WM. JAMIESON. public patronage is Port Perry Aug 1, 1805. Taluatla Progeny fer Sul orto Rent IN THE TOWNSHIP OF REACH. "PVHE ondersigned offers for Sale or to Rent that fine property situated nile sonth of Port Perry, being of lot 19, con, 4, Reach, containing 9 acres more or less, 6 acres of which are cleared and in + good state of cultivation. Op the pre- mises there are a first-class Brick -Clad House 80 x 20, with projection 18x16, with: 200d cellar under the whole McMULLEN'S SUNDERLAND HETTINGS AND LAWN FENCING sales 0 building § Kitchen 18 x 14 ; good Cistern, 2 good Wel E30 #ith Force Pump There is a first Yrehard of about 67 Trecs--Plom, Pear Cherry--also curraut and goosgl hashes and about quarter of an aer Raspberries and Shrubs, N Lota in th on H are not "surpassed in the World.-- The Woven Wire Fexcincs have stood over fifteen years of very suc- cessful testing on Fars and Ran WAY. Special offers made this year on Hoc Fencing. * These goods are all manwfactured by the Ontario Wire Fencing Co. Z Limited, of Picton, Ont, Tue DiTAnio Wine Fencing ©o., Lo. For sale by Hardware Merchant: and General Dealers turoughout Canada, Also by Can. Hardware Job bers. Gen Agents:--The B. Greening Wire Co. of Hamilton & Montreal. Agent for Railway Fencing :--James Cooper, Montreal and Twpl d TA SRMRTOY MT OF PETERBORO: Binders, Reapers, Seeder, Tiger H Plow, tion Plows, Cultivator, Roller, Ste Cultivator, Painting, Kalsomining and Parties entrusting their work. rely on: having it neatly and proj cuted, My charges are moderate, 1 am also prepared to supply Pain when contracting. A continuance of public patronage: cited. WM. TREMEER On the premises th Dwelling House with Cellar, Hard and Soft Water, sunita! stable and" Driving Shed und fine Gard, of good Fruit Trees--Cherry, Plum ai Apple--Berry and Currant Bushes, &e, Terms to suit purcha 4 A For further particnlars, apply to D. J Adams, sq. or to the proprietor on the premises, ' E. J. WHEELER. Port Perry, Feb. 21, 1599, 36i6e way of keeping 'es. » worked this trek ty enough, a Scotian rg \ are, ms a rule, pr pe tise and 2 and ASAI" Yard man was an ex stile to the tule, and he tumbled to the s little stall. The Scotland tive was in a minute guessing 1 for a' £5 note himself, and the atti- of fhe short card man in counting ¥ precise 60 seconds struck him ak "a bit peculiar. He didn't say any- ght then, but after the short card d gone out, after gathering up the 'be mentioned his suspicions to = couple of other passengers. When the whort card player returned to the card cabin, the Scotland Yard man, sure that was right, walked up behind the » who was sitting down, and sud- grabbed his left wrist, saying: 's have an Inspection of that ; sharper promptly jumped to his and knocked the Scotland Yard man Hl Crown Mower, Daisy Rake, Two Furrow row Gang, Combina- YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE Soo =a S333 ER Be Son tl Magufactured and Sold by Port Perry, Mar. 23, 1503. a 73 EZ" Klondyke, British Colu North-West Territory and itoba. Parties going fo any of above paris call on A. |; C.P.R ticket agent, for informa rates, &c. DESIRABLE PROPER FOR pee undersigned offers for 'sale bargain his fine property on Street, Port Perry, consisting of a ef dious Dwelling House, containing six ball and three closets ; there is a good si cellar under the main part and founda under the kitchen, all in a good 8 repair, . There are three lots whi heen converted into a splendid Garde which are a large number of choice, ing fruit trees-- Apple, Cherry aud Ply Grape Vines, Berry bushes and other sm fruit in abundance. There are also premises a. good biicked Well and Cis and convenicut Stable: Lots 108, 109, 110 on Ella Stre ready for crop. 2 For particulars apply to GEO. GARDNE Port Perry, Jan. 22, 1806, 1 : also the following, the munufacture of JOHN ABEL, Toronto. igh class ANTED -- TRUSTWORTHY AND active gentlemen or ladies to travel for responsible, established house in Ontario, Mouthly £65.00 and expenses. on steady. Reference. Facloseself-addresscd stamped envelope The Dominion Come pany, Dept. Y Chicago. x pool, a large space in The Observer or a Circular, or something of the kind, and it is always bet- ter to be early than late. Threshing - ontfits, Traction and Machines; Vietor Clover Haller, Portable Triumph Engine. I am prepared to supply everything the farmer requires in way of Machines, Tmple- ments, Repairs, &e. Ll + ¥= Correspondence with the manufacturers invited. CTIVE SOLICITORS WANTED EVERY where for "The Slory of the Philippiens ny Murnt Halstead, commissioned hs the dovernment as OMelal Historian to the War I'he book was writien ih army camps at Sun Franelsen, on the Pacific With General Mer- ritt; In the hospitals at. Honolulu, in Hong Kong, in the American trenches at Manila, in the Insurgent camps with Aguinaldo, on the deck of the Olympia with Dewey, and in the roar of butile at the fall of Mania. Bon. wnza for agents, Brimful of original pictures ken by government photographers on the spot. Large book. woprices, Proight paid. Credit given. Drop ome: Andree if - solicited, Hotel. One door West of R. K. BRYANT, Sunderland, April 8, 1863. 8 Webster's internationals Dictionary S 18: The One Great Standard Authority, | 80 writes Lion. 1). J. brewer, 8 A cn AcDonald's "The cat was out of the bag, how- the sharper to show up very much aggrieved pulled off the ring on his and threw it on the table, anofficin} war books, Untfit free ONE GIVES RELIEF. rbe Don't Spend a Dollar for 'y., Bitar Insurance 'Medicine. ||==------ until you have tried it's a strong Statement id der sg hpddg bu REELR TAINS 8 RETA TB UL ES 0666006660666 6O right to doubt his integrity. got through examining rin without finding anything un- mal about it, he took it back, laid it-on ts again, got a hammer and broke It was just a plain cameo ring, 8 no works or anything else inside of 5 Q Jusiico U, 8. Rupréme Court. LQ {IT Scad a Postal for Specimen Pages, etc. Bo Successor of the * "Unabridged." Standard rit and general storekeeper in Canada is "The Canadian Grocer." 3 You-cannot read it without getting some valuable information. Spend a cent for a post card and send for & _ sample copy and be The MacLean Pub. C 4 THE SEBERT HOUSE In returning thanks to the general public and the farming community in particular for their generous and kind patronage since 1 embarked in the hotel business, I beg to announce that I now have more commodious and far superior facilities for enter- © taining the public than I ever possessed in the past ; having lately taken possession ot the Oriental Hotel which will in future be known as the SesertT House, and have spared neither skilled labor nor expense in order to remodel and fit it up in a manner second to Fs Ripans Tabules | _At the Druggist's | Send Five Cents to Tie Riv; Spruce St., Now Yuk comfort of guests will be the first consideration and no ex or labor will be spared in order to meet their requirements and win their approbation, so that their good opinion of the *Sebert I{ouse" may be heralded throughout the entire Dominion and the traveling public thus made acquainted with the fact that Port Perry possesses hot ferior to none elsewhere to b 12 cartons. one that i

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