opportunity for repartee, how solemn the occasion or 4.8 Boge Creeps tuto matters connected with the assisting an old friend of the rector of a church in Ireland, e Sunday, and before the service wo in the vestry room/ putting on our with the old sexton, a shriveled n of the perfect type, as- My friend, svho was some- was a little testy that morn- somehow the sleeve of his 'surplice got mixed up. Notwithstand- i the assiduous efforts of the old sex- ton to direct his arm to the right hole ite 1 i what old, and ¢ 8 the two would bt connect. Finally, dosing i my frien$ said sharp- only time I ever heard a congre- -- laugh vorestralnedly during the certain Fire broke out at whodt 11:45 o'clock a. m. of that day by common time and about two and a balf minutes after 12 o'clock by standard time. The court held that the Insurance was still in force. It did not appear that any statute had enacted any change in the ordinary rule which regards noon as the time when the sun crosses the meridian. There was evidence of the customary use of standard time at that place, but this was held not suf- ficient, The court says: "It was not only necessary to show the customary use of standard time, but that by cus- tom of the place at 12 o'clock at noon meant at 12 o'clock standard time." " | -- EALED TENDERS for the re- construction of the Methodist Church at Shirley will be received by the Trustees until September 29th, 1900. Specifications can be seen at the Post Office, Prince Albert. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. All tend- ers to be addressed to Rev. M. E. Wilson, Prince Albert, on or before the above date, 4 G. GRAHAM, Secy Trustee Board. For Over Fifty Years MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been used by millions of mothers for their children while eothing. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Tecth, send at once and get & bottle of ** Mra. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon It, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures Diarrhess, Regulates the Stomach and Bowls, Cures Win.( Colic, Softens the Gums, Reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children Teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the O/dest and best female physicians and nurses in tie United States. Price tweuty-five cents a» bottle. Bold by all druggists throughout the world. De rure and ask for "MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. ---- A WELL-DRESSED Horsg. of a horse one Trandred per cent and is an investment never to be regretted, Beatty & Bongard turn out just such harness. What a ptylin suit of clothes is to} Having had the commod ally, I am satis| Stores in the Pr and extensive s addition to my exten: i : Goods, a full line of: While returning tha an invitation to all to Port Perry, Sept. 12, 1900. WANTED ing to 'Mr. John Adams, to be sold by auction on the 2: November, 3 withdrawn at sale, J. A McGILLIVRAY, Removal Y The undersigned would take this opportunity of thanking his nu- merous customers for the liberal patronage received since opening business in Port Perry, and would inform the public that he haa moved his business from the Market building to the i services 'in a cathedral was "back In the eighties, when I was a gesident of dear, dirty Dublin. On one Sunday morning the bishop of Cork 'preached. He was a splendid man, an Irishman to the backbone and possess- $86 for which the Highe: Temple Building, Toronto, or JOHN ADAMS, a Port Perrt, Nov. 30, 1899. ed of as fine a brogue as ever distin- guished a son of Krin. His congrega- "tion was made of the very essence of fashion In Dublin, which, in those days, was one of the greatest soclal centers of the world. Notoriously, peo- ple were living beyond their means, for the Income from the landed estates of Ireland had taken a big tumble. But that made no difference, and good dressing went as a matter of course and was one of the smallest of the ex- travagances. The bishop preached on the subject of extravagance and spoke particularly of overdressing. His ser mon was a bitter arraignment of the sin of debt and the wickedness of set ting the heart on fashion and dress. He attacked the overdressed woman and wound up this particular reference this way: "Now, supposing every one of ye-- every ome. man and woman--should stand up In this church, take off the ¢lothes ye have not paid for, just walk in out with the things on your back ye have pald for--a pretty lookin lot of scarecrows ye'd be. "There was a pause until the real significance of the suggestion had per colated through the members of his congregation, then some one snickered Every one was picturing to himself 'and Dierself the real scene that would occur should the bishop's idea be carried into effect, while wife looked at husband and members of each family nudged one another. The ludicrous side was frresistible and the laugh was general "I once attended church at Whalley, "a little ilage, ou the borders of Lan- h . and 1s today ) ng sacred edifices In' Great Britain The vector was a Mr. Whittaker, very old, very stout and very deaf. He had occupied the living for 30 years, and while he generally appeared in church and took some part in the services, he was able to afford the luxury of a cu- rate and was always glad to secure the services of a friend to preach. On oue occasion a gentlenian 1 knew very well was to officiate. It was his custom to 1im#t hls sermon to 20 minutes, preach- ing ex tempore, and always took out his watch and his pocket bandker chief. placing them beside bim before commencing. This be did as usual and, @nding a very convenlent little round receptacle, stuffed the bandker- chief Into it, laid the watch on top and fired away. "The congregation was surprised to see the old rector, who was sitting at the bottom desk of the 'three decker erection. which I suppose still stands right In the center and half way down the alsle--not In the chancel, ag in the modern churches--become very uneasy fn bis seat. He squirmed around and looked up, though every one knew quite well that be could not hear a word of the sermon. Finally he beck- oned to the black gowned old verger, whe carried a long wand, and whis- pered to him. The verger ascended the pulpit and In turn Interrupted the sermon by a whispered conversation with the preacher, who was seen to suddenly grasp his pocket handker- chief and watch, smile and nod, and then proceeded with his sermon. He bad filled the recelver of the old rec tor's ear trumpet, which connected . witha tube to the lower desk, nnd the rector bad been ainable to tell whether ' 1 bet : for ant! medicine; but it's no good. I've ed everything und I just keep get fatter. I'll give it up now and go 'on and weigh a ton If I have to." on don't get discouraged. Come "over and try our boarding house for a | Usually, when you pass two women, can hear one ask, "Did you make a pattern?'--Atchison Globes without ; 'COURTS RULED BY SUN 1 IME n Various sta States Refuse to coept Standard Reckoning. n ever expect to go to law over jon in which' time Is involved, slightly, don't monkey with d time. It won't go in tbe be sure, you can't catch ia don't use standard time will miss the verdict Illinery pening We beg to announce to the ladies of this entire section of country that our Fal! Millinery Opening will take place on Wednesday and Thursday next, Sept. 26 and 27, when we will be pleased to show our visitors the very Newest Creations "in Mill: inery. Misses L. & J. Stonffer, Port Perry, Sept. 19, 1900. Is drawing to a close, but as we are Always looking after the Public Interest we are now receiving an Immense Stock ot Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, &¢. Just the thing for this cool weather and have much 'pleasure in intimat- ing that our selections for the coming Season are some of OUR BEST and every one knows that we keep one of the Largest and Best Select- ed Stocks in Ontario. Our Grocery Business is also growing so fast we find" it requires extra work to keep things up to date and Prices Ricur, but 60 Years Experience in Ontario says a great deal for us, and al though prices in almost everything |are advancing we will do our beet to give you full value for your Marriage License Office. Port Perry, Sept. 19, 1goo. FINALITY COURT =: Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held, pursuant to the «Voters List Act," by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of tire United Counties of Northum berland and Durham, at the Town Hall in Blackstock, on the Fourth day of October, 1900, at Eleven o'clock, to hear and de: termine the several complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the Municipality of Cart. | wright for goo. All persons having business at the oa | Court are required to attend at the ; dpc : em 14 Pigs 7 months 15 Pigs we THE FRUIT SEASON! :: AUCTION SALE! FPYHE undersigned instructions from ADAMS & GERROW to sell by Auction on lot 21, con. 8, RE ACE (East of Rose's Corners) On Thursday, Oct. 4,1900 The following Clydesdale Horses, Sherthorn Grade Cattle, Cots wold Sheep, Pigs and Farm Implements : HORSES, Fan. 6 yaars old in foal to Lord Erskine. Joss, 5 yours ol 1yer old, Hane, aged. ir foal to Lord Ruskin. Billy, 8 yenrs old. sro Un n Mare, Lucy, 4 years oli 1 Brown Othaine, dre 4 years ld 1 Black Mare, Polly, aged in foal to Lord Erskine A number of the mares are el gible for Registration. SHORT-HORN GRADES. 2 Thoro-bred Short-Horn Bulls. T Rid and White Cow, Spot, 7 years old, due to calve April 6 Red Gow, Wildy. 7 yosrs old, due to calve April 22. \ Red Cow, Star, 5 years old, dua to calve April & 1 Red Cow, Hed Bird, © years old, due to, calve March has received 1 Brown Mare, 1 Brown Mar. 1 Bay Filly, 1 Tirows Mar g ld 1 Red Cow, Dot, 5 years old, due to calve March 30. 1 Red and White Cow, Maury, 4 years old due to ealve April 11 1 Red Ouw, Lily, 4 yeaars old, due to calve March 23. 1 Red Cow, Cherry, 4 yours old, dne to calys March 20. Zyears old, due wo calve April 17. 5 vii) g 3 years Heifara rising 2 years, iTeffer Calves. 2 Steer Calves, COTSWOLD SHEEP 10% 1 Yearling Ram. 8 Ewe Lambs. 3 Ram Lambs, PIGS. 1 Berkshire Breeding Bow 1 Yorkshire Byesdink Sow. old. IMPLEMENTS, on oxon tof Det (combined) 12 hoes. Noxon Cultivator, i Brantiond Mower, 1 nd Roller, 1% Thy na) Rake, I Chatham Fanning Mill 1 Lumber Wagon. 1 Top Buggy. 1 Cutter. 2 Hay Racks 3 Plows, "Whiffletrees. Dismond_Harrows Rakes, Hoes, Chains, and other nunierons to mention About 15 tons good Mixed Hay. 1 Forks articles too Sate AT ONE O'crock, SHARP. TERMS OF SALE ~ Pigs, hay and all sums of 810 A; over that amount 12 months' credit purchasers finrn ishing approved notes. unt will be allowed for cash on sums JOHN A. McGILLIVRAY, Bolicitor for John Adams. Sitt ings of le Division Courts COUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1900. Clerk, D. 0. Macdonell, Whitby --Janu ary |, March 1, Aprild, Moy3, Jane 1 ptember 4, October 3, November 1, Dec: ember 4 OSHAWA Clerk, D. 0. Maodonell, Whitty Janu ary 4, Febmary 2, March 2, A May 4, July 5, September 5, Sotobor br November by bee ember 5. , BROUGHAM---Clork, M. Gleeson, Greenwood --Jant: ry 5, March 8, May'10, July 6, Soptember7, Nov ember 7. PORT PERRY Clerk, J. W. Burnham, Port Perr ~Janusry 16 March 7, May 12, July 11, Septemb e 13, Noveniber 9. UXBRIDGE Clerk, Jos *B. Gould, TUxbridge-- January 19, March 21, May 23, July 12, Septewbe: 20, November a8. . CANNINGTON~Clerk, Geo. Smith, Cannington -- January 17, March 22, May 22, July 13, September 19, November 22. BEAVERTON Clerk, Geo. F. Brace, Deavertori-- Junuarg 18, March 25; May 25, Bepteinber 18, Nov ember 23. 7. UPTERGROVE-Clerk, Thos. P, Tart, Uptergrove March #, Muy 26, Seplember 17, Novem bor 54. By order, J. BE. FAREWELL, . Clerk of the Peace. Dated at Whithy, Oct. 12th, 1699. SUMMER HILL ROVER rd. TILE. un Keeps. pe for service hin since, lot 21, Yorkahirs White Bokr, enter Hl Rover 3rd bred by Fiate & Son, Mill Grove, Unt. His may be seen on application to the own r. LL 2 retain my aelebrated Aged Boar of the same 80 parties can these grand can have their choice of ene Bor 12, 1900. WM. MEDD. Washing and House Cleaning 1 wish to state that I am prepar- ed todo Washing or House Clean- ing on shortest notice. Charges moderate. Residence north of Foundry. MRS. E. WHITE. Port Perry, April 26, 1900. | PORT PERRY, | UNDERTAKER ANI AND EMBALMER. Market will allow Seed Cleaned. to perfection, for which a Moderate Charge will be made. | E. H. PURDY. Port Perry, Aug 16, 1900. Clothing and Boot & Shoe Bi ISIness IN ALL [18 DEPARTMENTS. a Having increased ea i of my; at 1 have purchased and READY-MADE CLOTHING fey for Men and Boys which for quality and low prices cannot be equaled in this district, I have the largest afd most veried Stock of BOOTS axp SHOES ever opened in this locality for your inspection, and the prices are such as can- not fail to ploase. Come and see us in our enlarged quastess. my customers in every particulr, A. F. CARNEGIE AVN Nr HO AD AVIVA AVAVAVR Istablshed {847 CAN SY AVAIL ATAD My aim shall be to please Port Perry, Sept 6, 1899. FIRST--The subscriber has on hand of Furniture suitable for Hi Gilt Moulding for Pictur good and well selected Stock keeping. Also a large quantity ming, SECOND---In my Undertaking D ent every Branch|is complete-- such as Caskets, Coffihs, es, &c. Having purchased my Funeral Goods before{the dvance in price, I am prepared to give my customers fthe Benefit of my fortunate purchase. 1 have one of the bes§ap, ed Hearses in the County. My motto is fair dealing to afl. jes as low as any. ==" [ aM AGENT FOR MONUMENT! St. Charles Hoel. Store the Post Office premises. wi. GAME AND FISH IN SEASON. We are prepared to give Prices to suit you all GREAT VARIETY VERY EZ Also Fancy Goods. Port Parry, Nov, 30, 1598. B&F Repairing as usual, First doorEast of SPECIAL BARGAINS in Gold and Silver Watches Gold Filled Cases in great variety, some as smell as a Quarter of Dollar, nicely Enameled and Set with Pearls, &c, right. WEDDING AND EGACEMEN] RINGS in Pearl, Opaland Diamonds, all fie dN ow CHEAP, / DIESFELD'S| where he will be pleased to fill all crders for Meats in a manner that cannot fail to please customers, fecilities for the transaction of business he feels confident that he can give better satisfaction than heretofore, to aerify this state he solicits all to give him a call in his new Having new and increased and in order I. J. WHEELER. Diesfeld's CLOCKS IN Knives, Forks, Spoons, Fruit Dishes, Butter Dishes, Cake Baskets, Te Sets, &c., and some more to follow. EVERYTHING Goes CHEAP. ©) North Ontario Observer A Weekly Political, Agricultural and Family Newspaper I8 PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT. EVERY THURSDAY MORNING BY H. PARSONS, TERMS, $1 per annum, if paid in advaoe # not 81.5 will be charged. No subscription taken for less than. six months; and no. paper discontiuned until arrears sre paid up. LETTERS containing money, when Oftice, prepaid and registered addressed oO this will be at our risk, ADVERTISEMENTS measured by Nosacoly and harged according to the space they oc ADVERTISEMENTS received for out, specific instructions, will forbid and charged accordingly. ment will be taken out until paid A LIBERAL discount allowed to Merchants and othb who advertise by the year or half year. blieation, with inserted until (0 Mvertises for. THESE terms will in all cases be strictly adhered tg JOB DEPARTMENT. Pamphlets. Hand Bills, Posters, Programs, Dodgers, Bill Heads, Check Letter Heads, Wedding Invitations, Receipt Books, Business Card Assembly Cards, Visiting Cards, &o. of every style and col executed promptly ai ue low rates as any other establishment in the County..... Blank Forms, Books, Ciroulars, AGENTS WANTED.-FOR "STORY OF AFRICA" by 4 Clark Ridpath, LLD., Fears tri South Africa Wh nineteen ? year, ging advantage in procuring photogra authorship letterpress and engravings are superior, and a Jontingents better illustrated then in any So sure are we of this that will mail free for comparison our hres ectus to anyone possessi rival prospectus. Circulars and terms free. World Publishing Company, Guelph, Ontario, thanks for the manufacture of Flour, and i Expeditiously and in a manner that sutisfaction to my customers TRADE | Carnegie's ROLLER MILLS IN FULL BLAST! s prepared to do Gristing and Chopping cannot fail to give Supplied with Flour of the The undersigned takes this opportunity of returning his sincere for the large measure of patronage bestowed on him since commencing business in Port Perry, and would beg to state that having, at a large expe nditure, thoroughly overhauled the entive Mill and introduced the best, mos approved and most modern machinery including the ROLLER PROCESS & FINEST BRANDES We have Moved onr husiness to the South s! extensive premises just vacated Bi where we will be better p supply our customors # w.th erepyehind 'Btrest and mow occupy the ACKERMAN, to Ha CHEAPNESS, 8TY --WHICH ets, Shingles, Posts §7 BILL LUMBER A Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1891. Doors, Sask, Mouldings, Bannisters and Neuel Posts SPECIALTY. THE PLANING FACTORY! in full operation and can supply. all kinds of Dressed Lumber, also Lumber, Joists, Scantling, Boards, Pick All kinds of TURNING and SOROLL SAWING done on short notice, JAMES CARNEGIE JOHN NOTT, UNDERTAKER, and Funeral Director, PORT PERRY. Change of Base. V the liberal patronage heretofore ex- tended to them, the undersigned would beg to announce that they have MOVED INTO PURDY'S BLOGK where they will be in a better heretofore to meet the req; their numerous patrons fri they yh patronage of Fresh and Cured Me £ the best quality wil be fo of thet quality always "oman OF THE ASCENSION, EARTILY & liberal pa Port Perry, Central Livery ur pe." |