any hammer work that 3 of the circus men driving were bout six feet In inch aud a balf to two inch in diameter, oth : Sortie around the % to ent splitting or fraying uns - at blow, aud shod with a steel point to preserve that end sud make it easier to ive the pin into the ground. These giant tent pins were to hold each a rope coming down 10 it from the edge of the great canvas roof. aud they must bold it securely, and to do that they must be driven deep. As a matter of fact each one of them was sunk until only about six inches of it remained above the ~ pround. Formidable a task as it might 'have seemed to be to put those pink down; they were sunk to their heads with the greatest apparent ease in considerably Jean, {han a minute apiece by a gang of wuen numbering eight or ten and working all together, who moved steadily along from pin to pin until the work was done. "They were stalwart men. every one, and superlative experts at pin driving. One pin driven, the boss of the gaog would move out toward the next, the rest 'of the men sauntering along with him and-afier him, gach man carrying a ten pound sledge. Ticking up that next stake from where It lay on the ground, the Loss would stand it on end, with itx point where it belonged ak indicated by the skewer with the bright rag in the top. AVhile he war doing this the rest of the gang would be closing up in a ring around him and the stake and sort of settling lo-. to place in a perfect formation. "When the boss had got the stake up- ended, in a vertieal position and with tha point where it belonged, he would bit it one whack on the head with his sledge, driving it in far enough sg that it would stand steady by itself, though that would leave it still standing about as tall as an ordinary man. The other eight or nine men bad by thix time got settled into a true fing around the stake, and in (he next Instant after the hammer.of the boss dropped off It. the hammer of the first man to his left game down upon it. This man's sledge 'been going up aod over and down through the air to fall upon the ~ stake as the boss stepped back. sledge al first striker drop- e the sledge | 3 nds that the hammer strokes made on the stake were not like the beating of a "roll on a drum esactly, but they were something like the drummer's heating of dad dy-mam-my, if that conveys nny idea to you, just before he merges, with a still quicker movement, that quick suc- cession' of strokes into the roll itself. Or you might say that for rapidity the ham- 'mer strokes were like the sounds of the buckets of a steamboat's paddle wheel striking the water, except that there was wo lowing or quickening ns there ix in paddle wheel strokes. The strokes of the bammers were absolutely truly spaced, while the only variation in sound heard bere was in that of the stake when struck, which varied a little in pitch, its inflection rising as the stake went doyn. "The strokes swept round till it eame the bors' turn. He had long since settled into hin place In the now perfect rinw, and when bis turn came his sledge de- ascended [n trae succession with the rest, and, sweeping on beyond, the strokes went ronnd again. Looking at the men pow they seemed like some strange ma- chine with ten arms radiating from the center and operated from there by some body playing on a keyboard and touching the keys as rapidly as he could in regular succession. Twice this wave of stokes swept round, and the stake was driven home. Then once more the boss appears «ld, moving out from the mow irregular | tunch of men to the next stake, where precisely the fame thing was repeated, "And that's the way they kept a-going, right along to the finish, with machine. like regularity and precision. I didu't | count them, but I should say there might have been from (0 to 80 of those great tent pins, set about ten feet apart and forming in outline a great oblong, and they drove them all in less than an hour, "How do fhey get the pins up again? With a very simple contraggion that a stump puller." 3 dna Refore the Storm. Tom Brown, back . orm ceased, he rode away and met a friend, who shouted out: "Hello, Rrown! 5 the nt How is it that you | i : visitors expresse &e., and prices are such as. to please. DRESSHAKING =~ ss [JEPARTMENT Is completely equipped for the season, and all the newest designs and creations pertain- ing to the construction of Suits and Dresses are incorporated in our System of Cutting and Manufactmre, and every gar- ment leaving our establish- ment is guaranteed as repre- sented. > Misses L. & J. Stouffer, Port Perry, Oct. 4, 1900. ING my Livery dation on Perry St. curtailed, it being far too small to meet, the re- quirements of my rapidly increasing business 1 have leascd for a term ol years and 'taken possession of the commodious Livery Offices and Stables On Queen Street --entrance adjoining the Canadian Bank of Commerce property--where I will constantly keep for hire a complete variety of rehable rigs at moderate Charges. Constant at- tendance night and day, so parties may rely on having their require. ments met at all times, Patornage respectfu'ly solicited, Conveyance to all trains. Wa. Jamisox. Port Perry Sept 26, 1900. Stray Sheep. CANE into the premises of the undersigned, lot 12, coo. 9, Resch, about the middle of Angust last. A EWE AND A LAMB. The owner ls requested to o me, claim property, *Xpotses and Take the acimals away, "otherwise they will be sold as the law di ects. : JOHN BEARE. Reach, Oct, 3, 1900. FARM FOR SALE HAT Valuable Farm compris. ing 75 acres, being known as the Foy IFarm the South half of lot No. 5, in the 5th concession of the Township of Mariposa, is offered for sale by private tender. Terms $500 cash--balance to be by mortgage bearing 5 per annum. re ora LRPEEEBRUNEERR delighted with our display of| bi Millinei h sles 'Rubbers, &c | Just the thing for this| cool weather | and have much Ipleasure in intimat- "ing that our selections for the coming Season are some of _ OUR BEST and every "one knows that we .. keepone ofthe ll Lar, est and Best Select- ed Stocks in Ontario. ~ 80 Years Experience in Ontarlo says a great deal for us, and al though prices in almost - everything are 'advancing we will do our best to give you money. T. C. FORMAN & SON. Marriage License Office. ~ Port Perry, Sept. 19, 1900. IMPORTANT FARM FOR SALE THE homestead farm of the late Thomas Coates. con- sisting of lot 24, 3rd concession. TOWNSHIP OF RFAGH, 230 Acres more or less, will be offered for Sale at The {chert House, Port Perry, On EBaturday, Oct. 13th. at 2 o'clock. The roil Is cley loam, commodions Luillings, con- venient t., Ohureh, *chool and Post Office, Two thirds of purchase money way remain on Mort. gage at 5 ye cent. or the whole muy be paid in cash, ss the pure chooses, = » The xalo is made to get a division of the estate. Full purtioniacs may be had on application to the Vendor's Solicitors. y D. Howden, icy, F. AM. Y.ruold, Fort Perry, or at the promises DOW & M-GITLIVRAY, Veudor's Solicitors, 'Whitby. Finality Court. Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held pursuant to the + Voters' List Act," by His Honor. t of the County Court of MANCHESTER, at Ten o'clock, to hear and deter- mine the several complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the Municipality of Reach for 1goo. All persons having business al the Court are required to attend at the said time and place. Dated the Twenty first' day of September, 1goo. WILLIAM SPENCE, Clerk of the said Municipality. Sittings of the Division Courts GOUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1900. 1. WHITBS-Clerk, D. C. Macdonell, Whithy Janu ary 3, February 1, March 1, April 4, May3, June 1 Ju y 4, September 4, October J, Novewber 1, Dec- ember 4. O3HAWA - Clerk, D. C. Macdorell, Whitby--Janu 33h February 2, March 2, April 5, May 4, June 4 July 3, optonber 5, Uctober 4, November 2, Dec em 2. BROUGHAM--Clerk, M. Gleeson, Greenwood --Jant. wry 5, March M 8, May 10, July 6, September 7, Nov ember 7. 3. PORT PERRY Clerk, JW. Burntam, Port Perr ~Jwyory 16 March 7, May 12, July 11, Beptewb e 13, November 9. 4 UXBRIDGE - Clerk, Jos Gould, Vxhridge-- " Invuary 19, March 21, hay 23, Juiy 12, Sopleibe. 2), November 21. " us 5. CANNINGTON Clerk, Gen. Smith, Cannington -- January 17. March 22, May 22, July 13, September 18, November 22. 6. BEAVERTON -Olerk, Geo. F. Bruce, Beaverton - Jui 18, March 23, May 25, September 18, Nov em) 7. UPTERGROY E ~Clerk, Thos. P. Tart, U) ~March 24, Muy 26, Bep.ember 17, Novem By order, ve J. BE. FAREWELL, Clerk of the Peace. Dated at Whitby, Oct. 12th, 1599. : vice al bis place, lot.21, - id, Young, Tm) ser Bi over rd bred by Ome. His Reg. Certificate to the awa rv. Aged Boar of the same Lave their choice of these grand Bonys, Hept. 12, 1 WM. MEDD. Washing end Ecuse Cleaning ) Charges moderate. . ~ Residence north of Foundry. 3 i > MRS. E. WHITE. full value for your| Tay oy 1, 0 1 wish to state that I am prepar- ed to do Washing or House Clean- | ing on shortest notice. Having had the ially, Ia | sa Stores in the Provi "and extensive p addition to my ext Goods, a full line of While returning th an invitation to all tc Port Perry, Sept. 12, 1900: Port Perry, Aug 16, 1900. for which the Highesf Price the Market will allow will Seed Cleaned... to perfection, for wh Charge will be made. ie of the best appointed Drug : taken possession of my new I have opened out, in Drugs, Chemicals, and Fancy [BOOKS AND SUPPLIES, umerous patrons I would extend ge me in my new premises, A.J]. DAVIS. e paid. for Men and Boys which for qu this district. 3 I have the largest and most v opened in this locality for your i not fail to ploase. = Come and see us in our enlarge my customers in every particule. Port Perry, Sept 6, 189g. Clothing and Boot & Shoe Business "IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS. Having increased the dimensions of m: k opened out an Exte mises, I have purchased and Si { No AND * Tumishings tock of BOOTS axp SHOES ever tion, and the prices are such as can quarters. My aim shall be to please F. CARNEGIE FIRST--The subscriber has o of Furniture suitabl Gilt Moulding for P such as Caskets, Funeral Goods be to give my custom 1 have one of the My motto is fair dealing te J stablished 1841. "Prices as low as any. | ATR IX SAVE LVRS ARTA AD AF SAAS ARTY ~~ or Two. = a good and well selected Stock ousekeeping. Also a large quantity Framing. ' tment every Branch is complete-- Robes, &c. Having purchased my 'late advance in price, | am prepared benefit of my fortunate purchase. nted Hearses in the County. OHI INOTT; oor west of the St. Charles Hotel. We have Moved our business to the extensive premises J where we will supply lof Queen Street and now occupy the MR. B. F. Ackkrmay, ared than ever to the public the : TT sl rr r t LT The undersigned wonld take this opportunity of thanking his nu- merous customers for the liberi patronage received since opening business in Port Perry, and would inform the public that he has moved his business from the Market building to the Store the Post Office premises, ta GAME AND FISH IN SEASON. DI Gold SA Kaives, Torks, Sets, EZ Also Fancy Goods. Port Parry, Nov. 30, 1898. ya : a They Bear Inspection because we know that every stitch put upon them is right. The making is as carefully looked after as the style and fit-- and they are perfect. If you are a careful dresser let us please you. If you are not you need our attention and - we can benefit you. ' First doorEast of where he will be pleased to fill all crders for Maats in a manner that cannot fail to please customers. fucilities for the transaction of hysiness he feels confident that he can give better satisfaction than heretofore, and in order to aerify this state he solicits ull td give him a call "in his new I. J. WHEELER. Diesfeld's JNMONID 'e are prepared to give SPECIAL BARGAINS in and Silver Watches Gold Filled Cases in great variety, some as smell "as a Quarter of Dollar, nicely Enameled and Set with Pearls, &c. Prices to suit you all right. WEDDING AND ENGAGEMERT RINGS in Peatl, Opal and Diamonds, all fine and New Designs. Crocks InN GREAT VARIETY VERY CHEAP, " Spoons. Fruit Dishes, Butter Dishes, Cake Baskets, Te c., and some more to follow. EVERYTHING GOES CHEAP. "©F §&" Repairing as usual, Frag ed Having new and increased DIESFELD'S sutisfaction to my customers TECH } TRADE Carnegie's ROLLER MILLS IN FULL BLAST ! The undersigned takes this opportunity of returning his fincere thanks for the large measure of patronage bestowed on hem since commencing business in Port Perry, and would beg to state that having, at a large expenditure, thoroughly overhauled the entire Mill and introduced the best, mos approved and most modern machinery including the ROLLER PROCESS & for the manufacture of Flour, and is prepared to do Gristing and Choppingi#- Ezpeditiously and in a manner that cannot fail to give Supplied with Flour of the FINEST BRANDES Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1891, THE PLANING FACTORY in full operation and 'oan supply all kinds af Dressed Lumber, also Lumber, Joists, Scantling, Boards, Pick ets, Shingles, Pozts Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Bannisters and Neuel Posts £7 BILL LUMBER A SPECIALTY. All kinds of TURNING and SOROLL SAWING done on short notice, JAMES CARNEGIE CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION, REV. JOS. FLETCHER, M. A., Tncumbent. Behool, 2.30 p.m. 'Wednesday--Evensong, 7.30 p.m. METHODIST CHURCH. REV. G. W. MoOOLL, B A, B.D., Pastor. Services, 10.30 and 6.30. Week Evening Bervioe, Thursday 7.30, Strangers welcome and conducted to seats. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH. (PREEBYTERIAN.) REV. W. COOPER, B.A, Pastor. Sabbath Borvi es, 10.3) nd 7.00. Week Even! Bervice, Thursday 7.30. BA OHURCH." REY, MR. MCFARLANE, TAston. . wend Ring Rarer, Taare, 130 O'MALLEY, Sunday Matin, 10.30 s.m: Evensong, 7 p.m. Sunday Central Livery PORT PERRY. HEARTY thanking the public for the liberal patronage received during the many years | have kept a Livery Establish went in Port Jurry. Shave much pleasure in 8 'have removed MY LIVERY ! Water Street about to largely extend in- crease fucilitien so that the public may he better nocomunc pleasantly located; at the Union Apply at Snes to: sale. di A house, with garden and orc d Prince Alber RS. ANN S. EDGAR. Avenue, Prince Albert Aug. 23. Sealed Tenders EALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned for the purchase of all Parcels--Farm P J. A. McGILLIVRAY, Temple Building, ~~ Torontde or JOBN ADAMS, Port Perry. Nov. 30, 189g, North Ontario Observer A Weekly Political, Agricultural and Family Newspaper IS PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT, EVERY THURSDAY MORNING BY H. PARSONS, TERMS, --#1 per annum, if pald in sdvance ; If nov $1.50 will be charged. No subscription taken for than six munibe; and no paper discontin until arrears are paid up, LETTERS contateing money, when addressed to this Oitce, prepaid and registered wili be at our risk. ADVERTISEMENTS meesarcd by Nonparie', and charged according to the space they occupy. ADVERTISEMENTS received for publication, with out specific instructions, will be inserted uni forbid and charged wecordingly. No advertiss ment will be taken out until paid for. A LIBERAL discount allowed to Merchants and other who advertise by the year or halt year. THESE terms will in all cases be strictly adhered to JOB DEPARTMENT, Pamphlets. Hand Bills; Posters; Programs, Dodgers, Bill Heads, Clieck Letter Heads, Wedding Invitations, Blank Forms, Receipt Books, Business Card Books, Cliovlars, Assembly Cards, Visiting Cards, &o. of every style and color executed pr mptly and at as low rates as ny other establishment in the County... ...Parties from a distance getting hand bils, keg printed can have them printed to take home wilh (hewn H, PARSONS. AGENTS WANTED. FO Als foo pa "Canadian Magazine," Torcuto, and J. H. ndon, Ont., who has retumed this week fro goa traveling fn South Africs or ta. We ars ihe Danndian a branch in Ig us an unptne authorship, Canadian Conungents better iilustras rival wors. Bo su ¢ are we of this th for comparison our, prospectus to wiyone, por rival prospectus. Clroulars and terms free. World Puulishing Comps uelph, Ontario. JOHN NOTT, UNDERTAKER, and Funeral Director, PORT PERRY. Sars, a --- -- --- Change of Base. THILE returning cincere thanks for W the liberal patronage heretofore ex- tended to them, the undersigned would beg to aunounce that they have MOVED INTO PURDY'S BLOCK where they will be in a better position than heretofore to meet the requirements of their numerous patrons and they resp fully solicit the patrouage of all Mr. met Fresh and Cured of the best quality will always be found: their Store. Orders will receive prompt attention. Game and Fish in Seasen. Second door East of Mr. Pardy's Grocery. 8. T. CAWKER & SON. Port Perry, May 21, 1900. > GEO. JACKSON, Licensed Anctioneer, Valuator, &ec. FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHIP OF CARTWRIGHT, pe Vy sums at this the commencement of another Auction Sale Season to re turn thanks to his numerous patrons fu past favors, In requesting their ex and continued pat he de state that ne effort or 1S will be on his part to make all sales cutting him successes. His very extensive p in the past should be a sufficient mendation as to his abil gen into hie Sharks with prompinces and made out a d blank will dispatch. on application, ; Parties ted with safe and desir- |