Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 10 Jan 1901, p. 2

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- mites NORTH ONTARIO OBSERVE Municipal Elections: |S © 5 PSR ae 3 eT How Suffering Call| porT PERRY, JAN. 8 Overcome: = SER 2 re ie Te CANADIAN BANK oF COMMERCE has completed the purchase of the Bank of British Columbia, one of the most prosperous Banks on the pugiments To Restore His|picific coast. Ht capital was $2,920, 'HeaLt--Dr. WiLLiaus' PINK | 000, and reserve fund $486,600. It Pies Actep ~PTONPTLY AND | had branches at the following points ~ EFFECTIVELY. namely: In British Columlna--Vic Good health is the chief requisite | oria, Vancouver, New Westminster, | R 3 to happiness, low spirits, morose-| Nanaimo, Kamloops, Nelson ( Koo For Reeve: -- can in most|ienay' Rossland and Sandon. In CARTWRIGHT 30; 1901, Anson Taylor, Reeve by acclama- eq tion. For Councillors:-- as. E Beacock....... . L. McLaughlin Thos, McKee... Robt. Jobb.... R. Thompson. : TI ANVOOdS: va as siaics 4 Port PERRY. : ) RATOR WHO SUFFERED os Kipysy TrovsLe SPENT Dovrars in Useress Ex ness and ititability E. iu Fardy ) _ cases be traced to ill health, and in {he United States--San Francisco| Dr. Mellow I mot a few instances arc tirect symp {and Portland. In England--Lon-| For Councellor; -- touds of kidney trouble. Thest.! don. These are the new Branches | Ww. added to severe pains inthe back|of (he Canadian Bank of Comunerce. | H. B. Clemes which accompany the disease, make | This institution has now increased | I L.Forman.. the life of the suff rer otie of abject | its capital from $6,000,000 to $8, ohn Nott misery. One such sufferer was Mr. | 00,000, and its reserve fund from | 34 Datius Dean, of Jordon, Ont. Mn | $1,250,000 to $2,000,000. The! Members of the Board of kduca- Dean in an interview with a report: | Capital is all paid up and when | tion.-- Messrs. Wm. L. Marshall, er recetly gave his experience as| added to the Reserve totals the nice { Chas. Parish and O. Graham, ? ws:--*] am a saw ard giist little sum of $10 000,000. With | fnill operator, aud naturallya strong | (hus capital and its 67 Branche S, | Mclntyze, J. Duncan, A, W, Talbot man ; but the life of a miller is a|The Canadian Bank of Commerce | Jas Abbié | hard one with long hours of labor | now ranks as one of the most prom |" CanningTon.--Reeve--Dr. H. S. | and frequent exposure. Some years |inent financial institutions in the | Bingham. Councillors-- Richard | RED a8 2 wah des rouble] |r, Dr Cv Conanions was al | 1]. derson. ( > Ss and although I spent much money| Port Perry on Saturday last was | Brock division--] T. Edwards and in various remedies 1 did not find a {honored by a distinguished visitor, | Wm. Gibbs cure until I was persuaded to trylhe being no less a personage than| Uxprioge.-- Mayor--C. Kelley. Dr. Willams Pink Pills. In the Mr. Johnston Paudush of Hiawatha, | Councillors-- Noble, Nix, Re f trouble began | (Rice Lake) son of the of Mis-| Nj atm, Ri € form. I|sissauga tbe - fei uncilors--Harman and Webst pains Paudush is a fine spe¢imen of the| jrol ably elected. 2 of drowsi- | noble red man, 48 highly intelligent,| West Wiitey-- Redve-- John d: so severe was thela fluent conversationalist and a! Vipond. Councillors-- Dr Mate, | pain that many a night I scarcely | athlete. He comes of historic fame, | W, Oke, W. Brash, John Bright. closed my eyes. My 'appetite was| his gg grandfather being the val | PICKERING -- Reeve -- Poucher. poor, | suffered from headaches, lost | liant Bald Eagle who fell at the | Councillors--McBrady, Underhill, flesh, was miserable and wholly un-| Battle of Queenston Heights. Mr. | Todd, Hugh. fit for work. It was while in this} Paudush is Secretary ol Mississauga! * Brock -- Reeve-- George Turner condition that I was advised to try] tribe and reports the several bands | Councillors--]. F. Lavery, Sam Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and pro-|of that tribe as prosperous and | Pangman, M. Fair, and H Purvis. | cured three boxes. Before 1 had happy; he is also President of| WaiTey-- Couiicillors--Capt. W.{ finished the third box 1 felt much | Christian Endeavor. | J. R. Richardson, E, R, Blow, Thos. | better, and I then procured a half] ES. The Methodist Church of | Deverell, Wm, Robson, John Smith, dozen boxes more. 1 used all these) this place have fixed on Sunday | Thos. G. Jackson. but before they were all gone I felt} next, Jan, 13, for holding their An- | Osuawa--Mayor--F. L. thal mn health was Joly, Jestored, | niversary Services and they have | (acclamation). Aldermen--C. French n the intervalsince then ve had | J ss 3's alent and so arrange _ F. Grierson, O. Hezzelwood, J. ea ep ul 70 oh 24 5 En Fumo, Bo and Dr. Williams Pin i SOOT drove this out, and my health has taking part in it. The Rev. Dr. J : Re: "H~-- Reeve ga John Boys since been the very best. I have Burwash, of Victoria College, To { Councillors--John T. Doble, John gained much in weight, eat and routo, who will conduct the services, | Jeffrey, R. M. Holtby and Jas. sleep well and consider myself aso 1. and evening, bears the | Munro. healthy 3 Pe BS lity 3 in the reputation of being an accomplish county ; an rec 3 M. Williams | fail in proving advantageous to all | Rows pdm : rs ,|ed pulpit orator so that very large On Monday last Mr. Henry feel 1s entirely due to Dr. Williams audiences may be expected to hear Laidley of Omemee sold his flee : a) | 2 a Xx] et Can Pink Pills. . ' Pink Pills i |the accomplished stranger. The] foot: a pacer Tadysimith, Dy San / ase | : boda 3 atrass a yams i he : { the bl we | choir will supply an abundance of Hl it re io : 3 Br adsomne price e supply and richness 0 he 1HO0C Whilibroke a B B, and in this way cure physical and | over three centuries, and that after functional weaknesses. Most other | All will regret to learn that the €n- | ising a race. Ladysmith has been medicines simply act upon the terprising firm known as the Jessop | quite a success on the turf so far, symptoms of the disease, hence | Furniture Co., Port Perry giving up | winning most of her races and her twine is discontinued | business, but such is a fact, and it} new century effort was the onl when the medicine is discont | y new y y the patient is soon as_ wretched as|will be seen by the mammoth ad |{ime she has finished. outside the ever. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills go vertisement elsewhere in this issue | money. This did not bother Ira at directly to the root of the trouble | and large posters that they purpose | gli, as he had an eye on the little and cure to stay cured. Hence it [holding a great Furniture Sale at | pacer all fall and is unwise to waste money in experi | fabulously low prices in order to|good enough for him after Furioso ments with other medicine. These |clear their immense sto k to the | was gone. He will in all probability i salers or will|lowest possible ebb. Their store|p sr in shape for Port Perry pills are sold by all dealers o tk F put her F y be sent postpaid at 50 cents a box | is packed with furniture that would | meet or six boxes for $2.50 by addressing | grace any mansion and they are | The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., | noted for the superiority of their | Brockville, Ont. | goods so that parties in making a purchases can rely on obtaining the | races. So far this winter he has | best that can be produced, the been "out of the game," $0 to speak; | tanape Sompany bei ! | manager of the Company being one t he wi so : i i rons ve day that h os i king their own interests by inspecting the v that he went gunning % % : y. tnSpy g fter Mr. G P. * "he Canadian pork-packing business. | stock and taking advantage of the | 2 ior MT: G1€0 oweil witha long roll of good Canadian currency and The pork packers say that the farm- | greatly reduced prices. : long before the breedy little bay rs are now being paid too much y z . for their hogs. pl pax forming hi Mr. Wm, Graham, Springwater|gelding had time to digest his oats Gombine they hope to reduce the Farm, Scugog, has lately: disposed | he was on his way to Cambray, Cost of the material and materially | °F a number of members of his| where he is now "at home' in the increase the profits of the pork-pack- | famous Shorthorn herd for which | favorite stall formerly occupied by ing business. With a pew | he obtained handsome: sums. Mr. |such good un's as Evergood, Even a strong company, capitalized at [J D. Howden, Whiby, secured two tide and Fortunate. May his from three to five millions, engaging | fine heifers ; Mr, Jesse Doan and |shadow never grow less.-- Lindsay ih the pork and dead meat industry John T. Coates, Reach, were also| Watchman-Warder. choice music. Mr. W. A. Fanning of Cambray is not comfortable if he is minus something good for the harness Against the Farmer. le Incanh Leiter the famou and the Scugog was held -- pursuant the town hall, Port nesday, 9th inst. Thos. Graham (Seu chairman appointed Se: retary. dent Ts showing a satisfactory § affairs and a handsome $106 in favor of the motion Parties present tion of officers was proc and resulted as follows: dent; A W. Willams, President ; Thos. Mande Vice-President. BeaverToN.-- Councillors--- Wm. | Carnegie, E. H. Purdy." thought she was| in the Province, there ought to be a ig impetuous given to the business On the other hand, the reduction in prices to the farmer will almost neutralize the advantage to the community of the greater business. On the whole, Canada has very little to gain from combine-promot- ing capitalists like Joseph Leiter: A Glimpse of Churchill. The Montreal Sunday 'Sun, in speaking of Mr. Winston Cburch- #il's lecture, says :--"Indeed Mont real has not enjoyed a more delight- fl lecture than that of Mr. Church ill Mr. Churchill loitered on to the st. in a way that indicated ease; lack of desire to attract attention and genuine Old Country politeness hen with a lage crowd as he was, and which latter seems to be mis- taken by some critics for slouchiness That fashionable audience saw a 'tall,blond complexion young man broad chested, in dress suit, on which alone was conspicuous a ch chain from pocket to pocket the waistcoat. Five and twenty more than half of them filled h strenuous work towards higher ave printed their mark on a ive stamped it wit {ember 16, but this year for the beginning and half 'of his lecture " ge | to send their sons to an institution | mistake in giving vent to such fool- fortunate purchasers, secured two heifers and one. Mark Twain thus salutes the twentieth century : "I bring you the stately matron named. Christendom returning bedraggled, the the former latter and the Philippines, with her soul full of boodle, and her mouth full of pious hypocrisies. and a towel, but hide the looking- glass." Another heavy South African order has been placed in Canada by the British War Office. The purchases will be made through the Department of Agriculture. Even if reduced to a financial basis Canada's sacrifices for the empire in the present struggle has not been vain, for $1,000,000 has been spent in the Dominion in purchasing sup- plies. La Patrie is carrying on a vigor ous fight for the increase of the sal aries of Quebec school teachers, many of which are less than $00 a year. Thisisa work of genuine patriotism, 3 Sympathy for the soldiers in the field in South Africa has apparerent- ly more act than gift of ¢ he somewhat fashionéble a ar ago. Krom the postoffice in don. Eng., twelve months ago 29,114 parcels were sent to South africa in three weeks ending Dec- corresponding period the number exceeded 65,000. The Brockville Times says :--*It looks as if Principal Grant's pro Boer sentiments were for advertis: idg purposes ocly. Nevertheless, the clever Principal is making a ish talk. ns will net care presided aver by a man with such besmirched and dishonored from pirate raids in Kiaochow, Manchuria, South Alrica Give her soap The Elmvale Chronicle says :-- Mr. W. A. Sneath, merchant of this place, while on a train lately met an old acquaintance, whom, he had not seen for a quarter of a century. In the course of thier con- versation Mr. Sneath learned. that his friend had passed through the deep waters. Mrs. S, had married a minister, and was blesséd with three sons. One was in business in California, one at college and the youngest at home going to sehool. Her husband went away to preach a sermon, took ill and died before he reached home. Her son in California contracted fever and died. Her son at College took suddenly ill and died before he could be brought home. Her last and only son fell down cellar nine months ago, and broke his neck. In Polling sub-division No.1 (Ryan's school house), Rama. at the last Domiuion election the Deputy Returning officer refused to allow a boarder on the reservation, who does not enjoy the privileges and immunities of the Indian, and whose name was on the voters' list, to vote, because he would not swear that he did not reside on the Re. that there was "no s | a the Indian and the rights of the] white. Of course it was understood that the elector was a supporter of Mr. McLeod, the Conservative can- didate and no doubt the returning officer was "acting up to his light" But is it not a disgrace that men with so little idea of their duty should be placed in positions of responsibility ? . Oshawa, Jan. 7.--At the munici- pal election here to-day the ballot was discarded, and the Imperial | automatic machine was substituted therefor. There was a large vote registered and the result was known lin every ward in one minute after the close, while the result of the entite for the town was an- nou at seven minutes past five. Under the old system it usually! cugog Agricu The Annual ge On and Mr. read the Audito the report wai now membership fees after wi Thomas Graham, (Sec Directo Browne, & W. Meha Forman, C. C. Kellett, G H. Brown, W.H. M Hon. Presidents -- Dryden, Wm. Ross, M. Davidson, ex M.P., Wm, M.P., L. Burnett, ex Mg Christie, Esq. correspondent 'to lay 8. few moments at what Christ and His 2 Apostles did teach." ) 1 think but if 1do accede to his wishes I would ask your correspondent to put them on, for he needs them, his are too ancient, or his mental and spiritual vision too dim to form any- thing like an adequate conception of the Christian Church. E | to me that within the realm of his obser | Cation he can see nothing but "sects" and them in a former communication he com- Z Prt," sce his reference to II Epistle of John, and iu his last article *'to the mother =f harlots and abominations of the earth." -1See his reference to Revalation contex. I acknowledge but the Soriptural roference corrvspondent in future as "Unity" as he | has made choice of that name for himself '1 1t certainly is not his real name, it must | dic rock will I build my oh Hon. Directors-- John 1 Geo. Real, Geo. Byer son, J 0) . se, H. G.'Hutcheson, O B. Clemes, Port Perry. An informal discussion took placg as to the advisability of holdwg fall fair in which a number took pat all expressing themselves favorable to the holding of one. At the close ot the Annual meets ing the new Board met and res] elected Mr. J. H. Brown, Secreta and J. C. Browne, Treasurer, an re-appointed the auditors of 1900: The Board next opened negotiad tions for the rental of our magnifi Fowke | cent fair grounds which were $00 # | closed on favorable térnis for thi Society, so that now it 'is beyond doubt that there be a fall fair th will do credit to all concerned. TI prompt action of the Board in this} * respect is commendable, and such a a display of pablic spirit will secure and warrant the community ig giving them the generous assistance | which their well directed efortSEyg ihe nuiverse? "Have uot the greatest | new deserve We know of no township | are better conducted than Scugog. that of "Man chester. LECTURE AND Grand Concert and Lecture will bef the auspices of the Methodist Church, Manchester, inl moments? ** Unity" might as well ask me | to inspect my Manchester, on the|to produce held under the town hall. | evening of Tuesday, Jan. | Mr. Hamar Greenwood, | of Gray's Inn, { will deliver one of his 15, 1901. land." ultural Society whose affairsfs B. A, of London, England;| possessed the doctrine of Christ. Their famous lec tures, entitled, "The Great Mother: Mr. Jas. Balfour and Mr. Mr. Epitor--I am asked odern spectacles, and look for lcan d [ without laying them aside, It appears es to * deceivers, and to auti- fosence je 17 and he above ure not his express ons are implied 10 bis will refer to your be an assumed name for it dues not repre- gent him iv the least, but we will call him Unity." I 'would ask **Unity" if Christ not say--Matt. } 8-- "Upon this ch, ani the gates of hell shall not hy sEaloss it it % Have the gates of hell prevailed against it and a statément of Christ? Or Unity" sees nothings but *'sect e doctrine of Christ." 1ask no such 2g and would refer *'Unity" to Matt. 7 : 1, Ye shall know them by the'r fruits * to Matt. 16: 20, "And they went forth d preached everywhere the Lord working ith them, and confirming the word with signe following." Their sayings and r doings have been preserved from the ting influences of time, and handed u for the guidence and emulation of the aning millions, Will "Unity" tell us pint doctrine preached by Christ and His jpostles was omitted by these eminent #v ints of God 2 What Gamalidl said on alf of the Apostles, Acts ; 38-39 may I be said respecting such faithful, zeal servants of God--** And now I say unto on , refrinn from these mien, and let them fone ; for if this counsel or this work be of , it will come to naught : but if it be od, ye cannot overthrow it ; leat haply be found even to fight against God."-- "Wesley and Whittield, who stirred up tWo continonts with a holy enthusiasm of ty the influence of which still lives have Jeft among their successors an evidence deep picty and devotedness to God, ve no hope of producing any proof that I convince ** Unity." lsuott if all the churches, and their fame as wide es, the sublimest poets, and the purest or been among their faithful followers ? 1 Did they nut go forth with their Bibles in their hands, and with the message of salva- tion apou their lips nnd the glory of God for their aim, crying ** Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world.' Did they not believe in the doctrive of CoNCERT,-- A | Christ, sing the doctrine of Christ, pre ch | plum the doctrine of Christ, defend the doctrine of Christ, and die bearng testimony to the 'Dower of the gospel to sustain iv life s last proof that the eaith moves, that the sun shiues, that the wind blows. or that the birds sing, as ask me to produce proof hat these men were men of God, -and record is on high heafen and earth pro- claim them God's faithiul ones. ** Unity" says after refering tothe grace of love which I contend as strongly us he, is the George Isaacs, of Port Perry, will evidence of oupdiscipieship, 1 ask your Mr. Greenwood, was at one tim Master of Manchester school ang eneral regret was expressed h a Ts- TApITy 4g the ladder of fame as a lawyer lecturer he has already acquir enviable reputation, having extensively throughout England the wonderful resources of native country "Canada," and adians have every reason to proud of Mr. Greenwood, aad people of Manchester and surroundings are doubtless anxi for an occasion to do him honor will embrace the first opportun by turning out in immense nuthb to hear him lecture on so importan a subject. To show his popularit in the land of his adoption ; he Wi unanimously chosen to contest: City of Grimsby at the last. elect) for a seat in the British House Commons. It is rare that @ distinction is conferred on a € adian. Doors open at 7.30. Adin sion 25 cts ; Children under twelvi years, 10 cts. All are cordially vited and a rare treat in store « all who attend this Lecture, = = London, Jan. 6.--South continues to hold the field. Kitchener, who was credited by admirers with being an iron-hand soldier, without sentiment or ness, has astonished his critids timely display of conciliation statesmanship. ~~ His temp language at the burghers co ence in Pretoria has been {oll by a suspension of the order burning farms, and the way 18 ing for negotiations for. pes Lord Kitchener happily has dis pointed expectations based his conduct in the Khartoum paign, and is carrying out Roberts' policy of patient with remarkable discretion. military adviser who often. w. this man is denied the privileges of | offers th recent raids: -- RH «Lord Kitchener knows that has three points in the Camp namely, to capture De Wet, D and Botha. He is concentr: his energies upon bunting accomplished he mounted forces against the. two Boer leaders.~He has not lowed himself to be the pursuit of De Wet. saiders os ; Or: he ony, fly, for he sufficient force to yet Db rt pop ass the seditious has been a thorn in give a number of choice selections |eoerespondent re these bil mons, | ng less than the '* presentation of every jv De Wet, and when that 'result is verted from When the e doctiines em- hd Spurgeon, Whitfield, Wesley, "Knox. &c." Tanswer in the atiirm- nd. for a proof of this I refer tian Perfec- Id and his ser- h 1 sa 8 vision in clear, that they preached for and aimed at noth man perfeet in Christ Jesus." Christ and 'Him crucified, Cluist and Him Glorified, Christ the way the truth the life, Christ all and in all, *' Unity" is now gone off to South Africa and Russia, I have no dixpo- A sition to follow him, and I decline to en- dorse his views respecting the war. I hope he will return in safety and with his eyes pen kee more than '"sects" such as he hus Neen disciibing iu his communications. -- In conclusion, us this is my last article ou the subject. I would bid God speed to all the lhanches of the one chuich of Christ in Port Perry and in other places, The services in the Methodist Church on alibath last were of more than usual in [tevest, being the first Sunday in the year nd century. Rev. Mr. Meaiing proached in the morning, to a congregation larger an usaal, from Pealm 90: 12--** So tea h 8 Lo number our days, that we may apply r hearts unto wisdoni." In the evening pastor preached with his usual energy ind acceptance, and held 8 covenunt and ception service, Two were received by etter, and two on profession of faith, We trust that this is the first fruit of a harvest souls, the droppings of a shower, the wn of a brighter day, Prayer meeting very night for the present week, - The Late Mrs Beswick. Many friends - in this community e learned of the death of Mrs, wick, widow of the late Geo. wick, at the residence of her n-in-law, Mr. Andrew Reid, of ie township of Uxbridge. She born near Scarboro, England, 1810, and closed her earthly pil mage Dec. 2nd, 1g9co. She d with the Methodist church yer native country, and for more p seventy years was a devoted and unassuming, pre- 'the affairs of her own With patient fidelity | self forgetfulness did res and er. Her the fragrance of the ade themselves felt ion or display. For years she was de- for nearly eve: never mur g God's will. S| work assigned to called to a higher sunset was beautifu do so with their eyes shut, for we will not sell apoor article at any price. --A. F. CARNEGIE, depend upon it that you will get the t greatest intrinsic value that is pos sible for you to rcceive.-- Diesfelds. ers that we are selling the best boots and shoes in town. We want everybody to know it.--A. F. Car NEGIR. in £3. People who buy from us can ES. No matter how low we quote, EZ It's no news to our custom- WARM FoOTWEAR FOR WOMEN. -- Ladies are appreciating more and more every year the value of a soft, | warm foot covering for home wear We have got the article you so much require.--A. F. CARNEGIE. = to buy can be obtained at W.H. McCaw's. E2 The best is the cheapest, in the long run, but Car- negie prices make his Clothing cheapest first, last and all the time. g7 Like a wellknown, old-time manufacturer, we can always English hat call ourselves "universal sympath- izers" because we have "felt" for every one.--C. L. WHITBY. 7 Lapies--The Misses Stouffer are receiving their holiday goods -- they are beauties and much admired by the fair ones who have already inspeoted them, gZF Bring your boys here for fabrics, fresh from the miils, manufacturers prices--and on iron- clad guarantee. 'Nough said. --A. F. CARNEGIE. : g&Y Our store without Bargains, during the holidays, would be like a pudding without plums-- Diesfelds. Tue public are cordially invited stock of Holiday Presents. Not necessary to make a purchase.--W. H. McCaw. E35. Shirt tails, like fairy tales are not always founded on facts. Every dealer claims his Shirts are best.-- Some may be as good as ours, but not as cheap.--C. L. WHITBY. E32. Nobody has yet caught up to us in value givi ing. the to beat our best.-- Diesfelds. «For Holiday Presents, new and novel, go to W. H. McCaw's. Neckwear that's stylish, neck wear that's effective, neckwear that's dandy in design and finish, and in every way desirable, can always be found at Whitby's, £3. Everything in the Jewelry Gold and Silverware lines, fitted and acceptable for Holiday Gifts, at Diesfeld's. EZ Fruit Dishes in Cut Glass in special designs at McCaw's. && Have you seen Forman & Son's immense stock of holiday goods ? All should see their holiday goods, the sooner the better, and order your supply at once, the prices are such as to ensure rapid sales EZ The Bisque Figures a Mc¢Caw's are beautiful and are ap- propriate and desirable for holiday gifts. EZ" K=" Holiday Presents, the newest, prettiest and best ever offered in Port pho, are to be found at Diesfeids. THOUGH our prices are lower than elsewhere, neither the quality nor workmanship are sacrificed. That's not our way to keep your confidence. C. L. WaiTBY. : &# Every garment we put out is built to give the wearer perfect sat- isfaction--in fit, styie and durability our Clothing is second -to none--and is good value for the money we are is made to no value to equal it. is not noticeably higher. BF Most of the Clothing of to. day ought to be called "veneered" little work on the outside We and through.--A. F. CarNEGIE. | x Gem and Wedding Rings in promote, | fairs mig to 1 sw Lord Kitchener Pretoria. The Burghers, however, desire to continue the struggle. and are being kept in the field by the promises made by the Government } officers. z |b Jardinaries, Pitchers in Genuine We Tuat Christmas Present you want A | Dramatic "ig factory made harness and the price| because its sightliness is merely a} don't have that kind--ours has the H good, old honest tailoring through} all the latest patterns at McCaw's. | looks: | success | hem Agricultural fairs. despatch iabworvescriass| Ba op § d four &F Five O'clock Tea Sets, ream and Water{ vood at Il persons members o are entitled to be present. them a large gathering. Rev. J. FLETCHER, President. A Younc Lapy--competent short hand reporter and type writer--is desirous of obtaining a situation. For further information apply at the office of this paper. AN OVERCOAT OR a CoLp -- Which is safer fo carry? You should buy an Overcoat now, because this weather demands an Overcoat, and because you get a better assortment now than later on.--A. F. CARNEGIE p=" They fit. They wear. They hold their shape. They fairly bristle with style. Our Collars possess all the foregoing repuisites. A. F. heir praise | oo cell look-well Suits in crisp | oypeip £7 Diesfelds have the largest and best stock of Diamond and Sem Rings in the County. See them. ES. Go to A. F. Carnegie's and sec his beautiful assortment of Gent's Furnishings and when there don't go away without securing one of his fashionable outfits. Purchase op Mitk Route.--I have «purchased the Milk Route from Mrs. Still and am prepared to supply all requiring milk in Port Perry with a first-class article-- pure Jersey Milk. --EDwARD BLIGHT. EZ Who wants a good Cow and a pit of Turnips ? Apply at once to, Mr. J C Campbell, Prince. Albeit. "ES Under the auspices ub will, sometime in January, present that popular and laughablé comedy "Our Boys." The Company is composed of ten young ladies and gentlemen and they are spareing no pains to make the en- tertain ment a grand success, Por Over Fifty Years MRS. WINSLOW'S BOOTHING SYRUP has been used by millions of mothers for their children whils teething. If disturbed at night and broken of your ret by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Te. th, send at 0: ce and get & bottle of " Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately, Depend upon ii, mothers, there is no mis ake slout it. It cures Tiarrhees, Regulates the Stoma h and Bowels, Cures Win:( Colic, Roftens the Gnn 8, Reduces Inflammation, and gives tong and energy 10 t 1+ whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's So thing Syrup for Children Teething is pleasant to the taste and is the pre cription of one of the aldest and best female physician and nurses in the United States. Price twe ty-five cents a hottle. Bold by all druggiets thronghout the s orld. Be sure and ask for "MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING BYRUP. "TENDERS FOR WOOD WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to the 21st of Janu: ary 1go1, for THIRTY CORDS of 22 inch Maple and Beech wood, all to be delivered in the yard of School Section No 7, Prince Albert, not later than the 1st of March now next. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. . Joun Jeveacy, Ir. Sec-Treas., School Sec. No 7. South Oracio Tormen' nati WiLL HoLp MEBETINGS As FoLLows . we | Tuesday, Weis L pe BEST FARM IN THE PROVINCE tor Sale or Rut atonce, Ibis t ; about & mile and « half north-east of Sonya, on f concession of Mar . "Give | fustant at the hour of two o' afternoon. All accounts to be laid before the Conneil must be forwarded, properly certified, to the Clerk, at {east three days before meet ing of the Council. JNO. BE: FAREWELL, County Clerk, County of Ontario. Sittings of the Division Gonrts OOUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1901. a 2 sRoflon Clerk, M. Gleeson, Js Gi 'March 6, May 10, July 8, Beplem! ber 7. reenwood-- . ber 9, Nov. PORT PERRY Clerk, J. W. Port Perry 3 POR PRY Ce ay 15. July 5, September 13, Novetaber 11 UXBRIDGE Clerk, Jos E Gould, Uxhridge-- CBRE Cenk, Je Tr. Soy 11, Bapiasiber 18. November 18. 5 CANNINGTON--Olerk, Geo, mith, or A ark 28 ly 10 Septambor 16: November 20. &. BEAVERTON Clerk, Geo. ¥. Brace, Beavorton-- Bry 1. March 25, May 9, Baptember 3, Nor- amber 1 UPTERGROYE- Clerk, Thos. P. Hart, Uj ? hy 43, May 30, September 31, Novem! order, Bs J.B. FAREWELL. Clerk of the Peace. Dated st Whitby, Oct. 23nd, 1900. PORT PERRY RACES Winter Meeting The Thirty-first Annual Meeting o the Port Perry Trotting Association will be held on iy LUV iy ' % LAKE SCUGOG. I0E TRACK, MILE COURSE, KITE bHAPE. FIRST DAY. No. 1--2.50 Class.. .. .. $100 No. 2-+2.20 Class.. .. $100 Colt Race, Open to two-year old Colts; half-mile » $150 SECOND DAY. No 3--Free-for-All No. 4 - 2.35 Class... THIRD DAY. No. 5---Open to horses that never started in a race for public money .. 6- Open t Cartwright, Manvers Reach, Ux « briige, Orillia, Barrie $50 Al! Raco< Open to Trotters and Pacers, CoNprTioss.--~Eutrira 10 be addressed to ts Becre- wary at 'ort Perry Four w enier, three to start: no conditional +n 1y accipted. Races calied each day at 130 p.m, sharp. Hears trotted 8 terns ly t three in five Purses divi ed 60 2 , and 15 per cent. National Russ 1ogov ri, Judges Ware power fo. v sivone In i , frons January 19th av Ten .m. Rely. M16 Spiries Realuced Fares ou Railways. Crack clear from die of hill. Matance every rday -t Two o'clock. Mr. B. F. . randeii, Track Maoager. 0. BROWNE J.D. PAXTON. Port Hope. Bellonlle, Napanes; and Ottawa ode : . ane he-o Racce, This will be & good opportunity to dispose of Ing trotters. Fort Perry, Deo. 36, 1900. Sealed Tenders EALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned for the purchase of all or any of the Parcels-- Farm Properties -belong- ing to Mr. John Adams, advertised to "be sold by auction qn the 23rd November, and withdrawn at the sale. J. A. McGILLIVRAY, $150 .. $100 $50 PICKERING -- 8th. ARES ws Jam 2 hues --]Jan. 24th. CHESTER -- Jan 25t Temple Building, Toronto. OHN' ADAMS, oe

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