Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 17 Jan 1901, p. 2

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JAN. 17, 1901 The Awakening of Ontario. Ontario is just about to wake up and find herself famous. The news of the vast wealth of our north land is just being voiced abroad, and American and n capitalists realiziug the possibilities of our vast stretches of timber, mineral and agricultural lands are flocking in to invest their nioney, the Clergue Company with their tweaty millions invested around Sault Ste. Marie, De. [the new smelter at Midland, the Cramp iron and steel industries to he | be established at Collingwood the he pills. Mr. Johnston's as follows: "About uded | stance, the report 12% foc to do any good. went to a doctor. His medicine me at first, ly after a short ~ timglost its effect. He then changed the medicine, but with no better About this time a clergy- man who calied at the house advis- wl me to try Dr. Williams' Pink I got a box and used them, did not materially benefit now been some weeks and was feeling desperate. A iend advised me to go the hospital for treatment and I had just about decided to do so when an acquaint ance learning of I had taken bat one box ofthe pl su :gesel that I should try three boxes more before diving them up. The matter of of aney decided me on trying them again. I got three boxes and when used I was quite a bit improved. Could eat light nutritious food slept better, and noticeably stronger 3 Hut I was still an vowell man. As ills were doing a good work, wer | sent for eight boxes fhore. I continued using them till all were gone, when I felt that I Was restored to health. All m Stomach ble had disappeared, was fully as fleshy as before the first attack of la grippe, my nerves were solid as'ever, and I knew that work 'would give strengthto my muscles. So, after about six mouths, I went boxes {the several iL : I ) e worth more than any Id © for all that a man hath e will give for his life." Dr. Williams® Pink Pills cure by ing to the root of the disease. . | vigorous $2.50, Williams' ) George A613 he fastest -- i Potiand, Me. "Thomas W. Lawson won $1,410 in prizes at the New York horse show. Ohio "oil man" 1 he Praytell, 2:003. He Contralto, 2:10, the champion 4- of 1900, goes to Europe; the fifteen new 2:15 Cali- trotters Dalmont, 2:10, at ta Rosa, July 5, is the fastest. vet | brings news of a _ pulp factories of English capitalists at Sturgeon Falls, the English and American ming com. pant king | ious in Ontario the recent offec of an English cap- i alist to buy up and colonize one hundred thousand acres mm New Outario--all these are but instances of the way we are beginning to at tract the eyes of the rest of the world. . And every day is bringing to us news of vast umexploited wealth to our borders. Yesterday for in- of one of the vas Government gy ha] Christian Unity. Editor of the OBSERVER: When 1 undertook a slight crit. icism of your Prince Albert corves- | pondent's reference to the Port | Perry union meetings I did not ex- pect him to readily agree with either my inferences or conclusions-- neither did 1 expect him to beat so undignified a retreat nor sec! such a refure as contained in his last in his flight. Had he not asked me a b very pointed ques tions in what he assures us is his "last article on the subject" I should have allowed it to go altogether un answered as I think his position is very clearly defined. But the gist of his questions 1 will, with your kindly permission, seek to answer. My reference to "spectacles" was pointing to the various schools (or sects) which have arisen since the days of The Christ and His Apostles. Many are inclined to look at the teachings of Christ through the teaching of the school in which they have been drilled, regarding the latter as an aid to their mental vision just as some recognise "'spec- tacles" as an aid to their physical eyesight. We thus have Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist, Episcopalian, Roman Catholic, Lutheran. Russian, Greek, &c., &c., spiritual "speclac- les," all of which are used in loo tates ite pine ti still larger wealth of pulp ti 3 splendid water power scattered all thi the country plenty .of good mineral land and hundreds of square miles of agricultural lands as good | as can be found any where in the province. Half a dozen other ex ploration parties are sending in similar reports. And yet few people in Ontario have any adequate appreciation of our almost inexhaustible wealth of timber, mineral and agricultural lands. We are waiting for foreign capitalists to come and exploit our resources for us, achieve wealth for themselves and then wake us up to show us just how great a counlry we have ri -- Majuba Day. The days between the 18th and 20th of February, 1900, will be memorable in the history of the South Atrican war. The part taken "| sample they would by the Canadian troops on that day when the "lion of the north" --Gen- eral Cronje--was forced to surrender will be spoken of as a work worthy of any regiment. The position they | occupied is clearly depicted in the | picture which The Weekly Globe is giving free to its yearly subscribers. A sample copy can be seen at this office. Itis certainly worthy ofa place in every Canadian home. Dirtribution ot Samples of Seed Grain and Potatoes Editor of the OBSERVER, During the past twelve years samples of those varieties of grain, &c, which have succeeded best on Experimental to farme: x inion. The object in > in this distribution has been to add to the productivness and improve the quality of these important agricult- ural products throughout the coun- try, by placing within reach of every farmer, pure seed of the most and productive sorts. This work has met with much ap- preciation, and a large measure of success. Under instruction of the Hon. Minister of iculture another distribution will be made this season Owing to the very large number of applications annually received, it is not practicable to send more than one sample to each applicant,-- hence if an individual receives a sample of oats, he cannot also re- ceive one of wheat, barley or pota- toes, and applications for more than one sample for one household can- not be entertained. These samples will be Sent only je hose who apply personally, lists names i . individuals cannot be considered. The distribution will consist as heretofore of samples of oats, spring wheat, field peas, Indian corn and potatoes. Applications should be addressed to the Director of Experimental Farms, Ottawa, and may sent any time before the 1st of March, 1901, after which date the lists will be closed, so that the samples ask- ed for may all be sent out in go time for sowing. writin, will please mention the sort prefer nami 3 e Dom- your cor dent are Sermons and Christian Perfection both of which I decline to put on-- just as your correspondent would decline to put on Roman Catholic spectacles. If 1 am correct in placing your correspondent as a follower of John Wesley he knows quite well he is practically unchurched by the Baptists who would not admit him to their fellowship unless as a mem- ber in their duly prescribed form-- to them his heart is not right with God. Actions speak louder than words. It is these "sects" 1 have mentioned that] see and cannot avoid seeing--not only in Canada and in Russia but throughout that *"'uni- verse" where Prince Albert suggest Wesley's | NOUS the igh o> hey nei as find in the chur church we find in the nation and the of love and goodiello rivalry, competition, = dri k | tween man and man, ration. Many of the chers in ] nada but elsewhere uphold yes and are tice war while prof the Prince of Peace. Tk "all men" see today. Albert says he caungt views respecting the war, ask him to do so; I spoke terms. Heas a pro of The Christ refuses the teachings of Christ | horrible thing we call your enemies, do good tot hate you ™ Rev. Principal Cavan College says this: "If to obey the laws of scrip ity such a thing as war we impossible. con murder on a large scale. see that vations have er | du been appointed a act in conjunction witha committee to be appointed by Reach Council | be Christie. behalf of the re. tee at Prince Albert -| kindly invited other members of the Couucil together with the Clerk t at Nr. Morley Re : On motion the Council adjourned. Scugog Council. The Council for 1901 beid its first to adjust the expenditure by said municipalities on the 1 ring 1900. The Clerk also read a petition {from the Reception Committee a which has charge of the gon J y 14! S all t and subscribed to the Peciations required by the Mun- icipal Act. 3 pat ications received from demonstration inaugurated to give Trooper Morley ot the « | Canadian Mounted Rifles a flitting reception on his recent re {turn from South Africa, and where: | during the present Boer war he wore than once in fourteen engage ments in | which he participated the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, and the Ontario Beet Sugar Assciation. On motion of Mr Jackson, a Bylaw was introduced and passed appointing Mr, W. C. Platten, Assessor, at a salary of $20. Mr. Aldred put through a By Ii in a r himself and right to decide their any more ent] e e e doctri Christ on war." the Dukhobors driven from Russia by a nominally christian church a d government 1 believe Prince Albel may see much in their doctrine and practices conformable to those i the early church I have herein refer red to. They will not practice wi prefering persecution They tea the Fatherhood of God and brothe hood of men and so far as iath province lies they practice lov helpfulness among themselves and others. As God has chosen t weak, the base, and dispised thing to confound those that ar: mighty! may be that He has seat the Duk hobors us to teach a he has traveled and fouud the fame of Spurgeon, Whitfield, and Wesley in "all the churches." Strange that | he should be so ungenerous as to refuse to follow-me in Russia and! South Africa, when he claims such | latitude and longitude for himself. However in his oratarical flights he has forgotten to be accurate, for he knows as well as 1 there are many "churches" throughout the "uni verse" where the names of those he sxomplily His own mind and wilk Thanking you Mr. Editor ant trusting your Prince Albert correst pondent and readers may lose nothing but profit 'much by our' brief conferences, I am as ever your's | creditable alike to Mr {$25 was made. ; _ Mr Holtby introduced and carried Watching carefully the history of t ough a By-faw appointing Messrs D. L. Williams and Chester Asling, itors for 1go1. Mr. Doble introduced and carri- ed through a by law appointing Mr. | Richard Cragg of Grecubank assess- Hor for 1901, at a salary of $100. r. Maoro introduced and A cantied through a By-law appointing Mr. Allan Stuart a member of the Local Board of health. Ar, Jefirey introduced and carried through a By-law fixing days for holding the regular monthly meet- fags. The second Monday of each {month was fixed on to commence Slat ten o'clock a m On motion of Mr. Holtby, the Council resumed in committee of '| the whole on By-law to lincense the running at large of dogs and bitches and providing for compensating owners of sheep destroyed by dogs, &>. Mr. J. fifey in the chair. for Re UNITY. | Port Perry Council The members elect for the Port glorifies have never been heard. He | is also inaccurate when he either; charges or insinuates that I have; referred to the "sects" which I see| as either deceivers, anti-christ, or| the mother of harlots and abomina- | tions of the earth. Any suchinsin | uations originate in his own mind. He, himself, said that some within | these "sects" had no part in the, matter of Christian life their hearts | not being right with God. I did not | say so, and would not say so. I know that men and women within these "sects" think differently of the docttine: A who believe that few will be brought to heaven and to God, while others believe that the ultimatum will be that all shall be turned to God and to righteousness--that God will be all and in all. All that I am anxious to know is, Who has the doctrine of Christ ? Your correspondent asks me, Did not Christ say "upon this rock will I build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it?" 1 answer, He certainly did. He asks me, Have the gates of hell pre: vailed against it? I answer, cer- tainly not--not against the church of Christ. He then asks and I echo the questions, Where is the true church of Christ to-day? Where may we who are anxiQus to belong to it find it? He then undertakes to answer the questions he propounds for me and more than hints that the true church is found in the followers of Whitfield, Spurgeon, and Wesley. He says that we shall know them b: their fruits, and then undertakestot me what their fruits are, al id Perry Council for 1gor--except M Clemes--met on Monday last, ps suant to Statute. The Clerk pn tem submitted the necessary declars ations. The Reeve took the ch and the Council was formed. 3 On motion of Mr. Forman, the | | Standing Committees for the pres year were struck as follows » - | ance--Bateman and Clemss; Fire and Light--Williams, Clemes and! Forman ; Poor -- Bateman a Forman ; Streets--the whole cil to the Public' Li ; On motion of Mr. deputy returning officers lor at the late clection were ord be paid $3 each, Also $2 to & Lang for use of polling booth Mr. Williams gave notice will at next regular meeti Council, or at a special m introduce a By-law for the pi of raising money to assist in lishing a Canning Factory Creamery within the limits corporation. On motion of Mr. Forman, ! use of the road scraper was gral to L. Sebert on condition th becomes responsible to the co tion for any damage thereto i On motion of Mr. Wilk Reeve and mover were appoint committee with power to surplus shade trees on the should they deem it desirable. On motion of Mr. Bateman. 4 : J ority was granted to advertise : lease of weigh a of his claims I put the simple state- ment of Jesus, "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples if ye have love one to another," John 13: Had Prince Albert not retired the controversy I would ask him, Do ail men know that those who claim to follow Whitfield Spur- geon, and Nesley are followers of the Christ throug the loving ae Re int: carried through a By law app | H. Brown a member of Mr. Forman introduced and ried through a Bylaw appoi E D. Rogers, Assessor for 19 a salary of $50. ' Mr. Williams introduced a law. to appoint Auéors. ittee of the whole, Mr. they manifest one t But I will do as he does and answer my own question by saying that they do not. Prince Albert says he two or three different varieti their choice. Should the available stock of all the varieties named be as y as I do that "the grace of love 1s the evidence of 2 disci ip" and maintains this ag REAM Ow So in the chair. For the first the Reeve nominated J. W. Meh --lost; Mr. Forman nomi 3 »! motion carried. Nr. Holtby moved that the com- ittee rise and report the; Bylaw with the blanks filled up,--yeas, Holtby, Doble--nay, Boys, Munro --The Chairman voted yea and declared the motion carried. Ou motion of Mr. Holtby the By- Jaw was read a third time and passed, Mr. Munro voting nay. On motion of Mr, Holtby a grant of $5 was made to the Sick Child ren's Hospital, Toronto. On motion of Mr. Doble $2 was 'refunded to Mr. Thos Cragg and $1 to Mr. D. McDonald, being amoun paid by them in error as dog tax. On motion of Mr. Holthy $1 was rdered to be paid to Mr. W. Spence for buuch of shingles suppli- zd the corporation. On moti Mr. , $1.50 e paid to Mr, Jas. by for ying material and repairing culvert opposite lot 14 | con 4. On motion of Mr. Holtby, $15 was ordercd to be paid Allie ous ton to suitably clothe kim and pre. pare him to take situation at Hunts- ville. Mr. Doble moved, the Council in committee of the whale to reconsider Bylaw No. 1175, appointing an Assessor for 1gor. The yeas and Nays being de. manded, Yeas--Doble and Munro. Nays--Holtby and Jeffrey The Reeve voted yea and declared the Council in' Committee of the 'whole the Reeve in the chair. Mi. Dobie moves that thé name, Richard Cragg be struck out as if Assessor, and the name Norman Stuart be inserted instead thereof. Yeas----Doble and Munro. Nays -- Holtby and Jeffrey. The Reeve oted yea and declared the motion carried. lL Mr. Doble moved that the com ittee rise, re| the By-law as mended. eas -- Doble and unro. Navs--Holtby and Jeffrey. | The Reeve voted yea and declared motion caried. The reception and adeption of the Report of the Committee was carvied on same division, Mr. Peter Ganton came before he Council, he asked for a grant on he big marsh, con 11, opposite lots 3 and 4,--it required gravelling-- jas time now to obtain law to appoint Mr. Wm, Juckan a member of the Local d of Healt. SRE ? Ww ant d passed pointing the following persons Pat masters, Fenceviewers and Pouad- keepers, viz: 3 Pathmasters and Fenceviewers-- Road Div No. 1--Wm. Redman ; No. 2--Thos Henry; No. 3--Jas. Davey ; No 4--Wm. Reader; No. 5--Jobn Gerrow ; No. 6--]Jas. Jack- son ; No. 7 -- Henry Demera ; No. 8 --Péter Lansing ; No. g --George Sweetman ; No. 10--John Reader; No. 11--S. E. Fralick ; No. 12--W, Pogue. Poundkeepers : -- No. 1 -- Isaac Rodman ; No. 2 - Chas. Hope ; No. 3--Geo. Crozier, sr. On motion of Mr. Jackson, the whole Council was appointed Road and Bridge Committe: for the year 1901. On motion of Mr. W. Sweetman, the sum of $5 was donated to the Hospital for Sick Childter, Toronto, and the 'reasurer was instructed to forward the same. On motion of Mr. W. Sweetman, the circular from the Ontario Beet Sugar Associaton was laid over till next meeting for further considera tion. Mr. Alldred moves that the first meeting of the Court of Revision be held on the last Saturday in May next at one o'clock, p.m.-- Carried. Council adjourned till the last Saturday in May. Cartwright Council. Town Hall,"Cartwright, January 14th igor. Members elect met pursuance of the Statute. The following named members made and subscribed thedeclaration of Qualification and of office:-- Reeve, Anson Taylor ; Councillors, G, L. McLaughlin. Thomas McKee James E. Beacock, and Robt. Jobb. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. Commnnications were read as follows: > From the Clerk of Manvers inclos: ing $9.45 as balance due Cartwright for work performed on the boundary of Manvers and Cartwright in goo. : From the unties Treasurer advising as to the amount of Legis: lative School Grant $218, and absentee land taxes $34.26 paid Township Treasurer Mr, McLaughlin brought in and carried through a By lay to appoint an Assessor ; read a first time on the second reading of the By law, Daniel English was appointed Assessor for the year 1go1, at a salary of forty dollars. Mr. cock brought in and carried through a By law to appoiiit a member of the Board of Health and Wm. McLaughlin was re: appointed member of the Board of Health for the term of three years. Mr Joth brought in and carried through a Bylaw to appoint muni cipal auditors for the current year rear, Mr. Arthur Van Camp and Mr. Frederick Hyland, were a inted Auditors at a salary of Six llars each. William Toms claimed compen- sation for two lambs killed by a dog or , which on oath he values at $3 60 each andan order was granted for § the value. CR John Jas. Sloane applied to have the North half of oflot No. 19 in th 8th concession detached Section No 7 and have the same attached to € Section Bei 3 Bi i Gn Sh izes paid ptevious years. Rent SPE Wheyiows RRA Priuting accoant, 1899 .... " Li 100 +... Secretary's servic: Postage and Stationery .... F. Hockens, meals........ R. Crawford, care of hatl.. I'. Davidson, constable .... as. Nasmyth, account. ... reasurer, postage... awarded 900. with and resu as ollows : -- President, Jos Campbeli ; Vice:President, N. Marlow ; 2nd Vice Fresident, Thos. A. Wright; Directors -- Wes. Mountjoy, John Wright, G. L. McLaughlin; And. Devitt, Anson Taylor, Jas. Malcolm, J. H. Devitt, Teas. Whitfieid, Jas. Coates. Honorary Directors--Robt. Beith, ex-M,P , Bowmanville ; W. H. Reid, M_P., Clarke; Wm. Ross, M.P., Port Perry + G. M_ Gibbs, Manager, Bank of Commerce, Port Perry; Dr. Na- smyth, Lotus; Henry Henders, Manters ; Wm. Conlter. Pontypool; Jas: Nasmyth, Blackstock. At the close of the Annual Meet- ing the Directors met and appointed Jas. Parr, Secretary ; Ro't. Philp, Treasures, and J. H. Devitt and Jas. Nasmyth, Auditors. On motion the Board adjourned. All repaired to the Royal Hotel and partook of an excellent oyster supper provided by the genial and popular host. - The cloth being re- moved a number of excellent speeches were delivered ; an abund- ance of choice vocal and instru mental music, interspersad with appropriate recitations, &c., &c., were not the least pleasing features of the festive occasion. etl ExcouraGed To ProcEED.--The great success which hasso far at- tended the Jessop Furniture Co's "Giving np Business sale"-- one day this week Sales exceeded $250--has induced the Company to make a still further cut in prices They give immense bargains, go and see them. } CroTuinG AT Cost,--Mr. Purdy in order to make a complete clear ance ot his stock of Ready Made Clothing is selling at prices that cannot fail to accomplish the object he hasin view. Don't fail to take advantage of the great reduction sale of clothing. (See his advertise- ment,) ' Hockey.--All to the Rink to-night and witness the greatest game of the season. Our club cross swords with the champions of the Toronto League--the Excelsiors. Y=" Forman & Sons tremendous d scount sale is now in full blast. The cut in prices is such asis rarely met with for first class goods--some figures being cut in two. (See their advertisement. Mip- WINTER SALE OF FURNITURE -- Mr. John Nott being overstocked owing to surplus of Loliday goods has inaugurated a thirty days sale at prices away down, One 'of the charges against Mc Neill, the Tory candidate who was returned for North Bruce al the late Dominion Election is that two tories pawed off with two grits but broke their pledge and voted. - The same game was played in South Ontario in the grit interest. WeeL Done Scucoc.-- The 'pros. perous and wealthy little township of Scugog had not a cent left tn- collected on its tax rollon 14 Dec. last. Mr. J. W. Crozier returned his on that day paid in full £2. Who wants to purchase or rent a first-class farm. r. McDonald's advertisement elsewhere in this issue. 75 | beautiful holiday 3 wonderfully low prices. play. Don't fail to take advantage of their ~E®. Perhaps you want a little of 0 everything--maybe: only 'a ; button. Glad to see y only want to pay your respects.-- Diesfelds 0 20 Fine greatest inf alue that is pos: sible for you to receive.-- Diesfelds. - EZ It's no news to our custom: ets that we are selling the best boots and shoes in town. We want everybody to know it.--A. F. Car. NEGIE: Wars FooTwear FoR WOMEN.--= Ladies are appreciating more and more every year the value of a soft; warm foot covering for home wear. We have got the article you so much require.--A. F. CARNEGIE. . g&¥ For all that is uuique and beautiful partaining to ladies requir: - ments in holiday goods, the stock of the Misses Stouffer is not equaled in this district, ? Tuat Christmas Present you want to buy can be obtained at W. H. McCaw's. E=. The best is always the cheapest, in the long run, but Cars negie prices make his Clothing chieapest first, last and all thetime. EZ Like a wellknown, old-time English hat manufacturer, we can call ourselves "universal sympath= izers" because we have "felt" for every one.--C L. WaiTBY. Neckwear that's stylish, neck: wear that's effective, neckwear that's dandy in design and finish, and in every way desirable, can always be found at Whitby's. : E&Y Bring your boys here for wear well, look-well Suits in crisp, . new fabrics, fresh from the mills, manufacturers prices--and on iron- clad guarantee. 'Nough said.--A. F. CARNEGIE. #25 Our store without Bargains, during the holidays, would be like a plum pudding without plums-- Diesfelds. gE" Diesfelds have the largest and best stock of Diamond and Gem" Rings in the County. See them. ES Go to A. F. Carnegie's and see his beautiful assortment of Gent's Furnishings and when there don't go away without securing one of his fashionable outfits, PugrcHAsE oF Mik Rovre.--I have purchased the Milk Route from Mrs. Still and am prepared to supplyj all requiring milk in Port Perry with a first-class article-- pure Jersey Milk. --Eowarp BLIGHT, EZ" Who wants a good Cow and a pit of Turnips ? Apply at once to, Mr. J] C Campbell, Prince Albert. A Card. WE, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on a s50- cent bottle of Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails to cute your cough or cold. We also guarantee a 25-cent bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded.~--~C. H. Allison. ES. Shirt tails, like fairy tales are not always founded on facts. Every dealer claims his Shirts are best.-- Some may be as good as ours, but' not as cheap.--C. L. Wiitsy. BN has yet ca

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