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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 7 Feb 1901, p. 2

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en se EE | present case. It is still probable' Israel Tarte have taken the oath of| ip -- } } that the other title will be conferred. |. A fore) a Dents Bue Parliament of Richard the second allegiance to King Edward before linnted the title the Earl of Chester |OP€ another, on a volume of the in the same way, but"that whole |* Life of Napoleon 11." Jarliament was repealed" says| AND Poor Avike Fain Its Parliam: P! ¥ The game wardens are after the Selden and one may conclude that sortans 5 s-- How T D : : eX | smen ho kill rabbits--or, UBLE BE Best with the Earldom the principality | P! w miption has been wellnamed §™2Y be allowed to shiit { more correctly, hares. SU § great white plague. One sixth |= ----T------ SE fof this ternble disease. Its victims | oom ~are found among all classes; rich} opr PERRY, FEB. 7, 1901. id poor alike succomb to its in- ore or "sidious advance. Only a few years = : a : the victim of consumption was | It is not often that a loss falls on the reverend gentleman as of the Irishman's flea. stricken fends watched the loved "ove day by day fade away until 'death came as a merciful release {emotion than that of Mr. Frank M. |givicg a pressing invitation to all to | state of political debanch Now. however, it known that taken Yarnold in its earlier stages consumption is . : N ce of 5: de: g sicia ; Susable. End thas Dope a his death, all but his physicians of the: church 'on the evening of the blood keeping it rich, red v n ee pure--those who are pre disposed : I'nesday next, Feb. 12. After sup- | to disease escape its ravages. Con [tion of his weakness which buoyed |per a good program of music and sumption it now classed among the | ir hopes, might promise restora- | addresses will be rendered. A really preventable diseases, and those who on to health ; but they knew but | agreeable social time may be relied are pale, easily tired, emanciated, RD or show any of the numerous symp |too well that his 'ailment was too |©™ Very many will accept the hos. pitaliity of the ladies. Sleighs for toms of general debility should at i once fortify the system by enriching the accommodation of all who wish punfying the blood--thu- | was obliged to give up attendance | 4 go will leave Port Perry at 7 J - : and take part in an interest- Until the day preceding | "°™¢ and take part in ing Oyster Supper in the basement hoped that the temporary allevia- serious for their skill. Mr. Yarnold suffering, was still able to manage | ers. eat d deat fom Sstmption his business, the trouble being at| It will be seen by the card else- § TS. obert cCracken, of : \ . 3 i ' ; i erely . where in thisissue that Mr. Wm, H Marshville, Ont. Mrs. McCracken | first considered merely to require n Cre Eo I he a i artis, B.A, .B., who for e gives her experience that it may be {care and time ; but with the devel: ars, 0 r WH of benefit to some other sufferer, : : time past has been successfully She says: opment of the disease his physician "a few years ago I began to ex-| was enabled to grasp its serious and perience a general weakness. My appetite was poor; I very pale; . was troubled with shortness of|onto was callled in by the family |many will remember him while an breath and " Ficthering feeling in physician ; and his confirming the | attendant at our High School where my chest. esides these symptoms i . I became very nervous, at times | Opinion of the latter, all further dizzy and faint. and my hands and | hope, save by miraculous inter feet would get cold as ice. As the trouble progressed I began to lose flesh rapidly, and in a short time |grew visibly weaker, and the end |all who know him will be ready to 1 was only a shadow of my former ! mercifully came on Monday even admit that if superior ability, strict self. I hadeood medical treatment, | ¥ I but did not get relief, and as a harsh | ing, the 4th inst., when he passed cough set in I began to fear that|, way from the loving companion- : in ¥ consumption had fastened upon me.| ~~ : antees of success, his complete This was strengthened by a know- [Ship of his family. ledge that several of my ancestors / Mr. Yarnold having always lived had died of this terrible disease. In| oie: vo Si i : this rather deplorable condition Im Port Perry and Prince Albert AcaiN.--Our Team collided with was advised to try Dr. Williams' |the universal regret that has been the Linidsay team on the rink of the Pink Pills. I at once procured a suppiy and bad not taken them | oye ; ; : long when 1 noted a change for the [for his death is the stongest evi Result--Port Perry victorious.-- better. a By the ime I had paken | dence of his true worth, At our | Score 12-3, six or eight boxes was able to| : 8 7 IE Don't forget * People (3 1 the house ag: nd | schools Mr, Yarnold wasa faithful | EZ Fes . os 2 % I { move around the house again and | | We Have Met" Fiiday, Feb. 1s, | > = 0 ' . v felt better and stronger in every |gindent, she wing early that con- ? | way. 1 continued the use of the | who ve escaped practising his profession at Camp bellford, has decided to open a law fatal nature. A surgeon from Tor- | office in Port Perry. Doubtless he distinguished himself in many branches of study and all will wish him much prosperity in his impor- position, was barred; Mr. Yarnold| (ant und honorable profession, and attention to business and an up right, honorable course are guar- success is assured. Hockey --Port Perry oN Tor felt for his sickness, and mourning [latter on Tuesday of this week. | Presbyterian Church. | pills until I had taken a dozen boxes | scientiousness which characterized [ when all my old time strength and |his life; and the same quality dis-| To My People Beyond Seas. vigor had returned: and I was as -- | \. well as ever. During thetime I was | MEssaGE FroM Kine EpwarDp To| using the pills my weight increased [tion. As a lawyer he was careful | twenty-six pounds Several years { have since passed, and in that time { : : } not a symptom of my former trouble | of his clients, ard his thorough re- | has made itself apparent, so that I | am safe in saying that my cure is 4 ~ | British colonies an dependencies :-- Permanent I believe Dr. Wil. |sellor. He enjoyed a large practice; | To my People Beyond the Seas: -- | fa Pills saved my life, and| those who came as clients remained| " The countless messages of loyal ly advise ailing women to ive trial." + ee mimti tinguished his career in every posi- { GREATER BRITAIN. and attentive to the true interests | LonpoN, Feb. 4.--The King has {liability made him a trusted coun. Mr. | sympathy that I have received trom For many yea Mr cars ' F ill; e al pre 'blood from' the | a to the st 2nd thus bring ping; and he took a deep mourns the loss of my beloved and stre 0 every Organ |interest in everything pertaining | mother. in the body. he genuine pills are | a sold only inboxes with the full|to the advancement of our schools. In the welfare and prosperity name-~Dr. Williams' Pink' Pills | 1, politics Mr. Yarnold was a con. | ©! her subjects throughout Greater por Pale People," printed on the servative. Tt is nofoften that | Britain the Queen ever evinced 2 a, . n a . - . wrapper. If [your dealer cannot Halaman | eartfelt interest. She saw with y d diregt to the Dr. Will | ca ¥ 5 on | | 30 send ot E30 411g Do. yy illipne can hold fearlessly to his opinion | thankfulness the steady progress | the pills will be mailed post paid at which, under the wide extension of | 50 cents a bax or six boxes for $2.50. | was his lot. His genial, kind sym- | self government, they had made --- pathetic nature, and uncompromis. | during her reign. She warmly ap-| preciated their unfailing loyalty to| and yet have no enemies; yet such Much interest has been aroused | ng principles, (the gifts his parents | about the title of Prince of Wales, | gave him) were. sof blended as to her throne and person, and was | which many thought would immedi- proud to think of those who had so| ately descend to the Duke of York | Secure him hosts of friends, and | nobly fought and died for the em- "on the accesion of his father to the | friends who respected him. But| EB ec Ja, ogc i attr nd he a1 ve aby dsr ht son of the Soverign is Duke of Corn- | which his other qualities were most | Will be my constant endeavor to wall. The title Prince of Wales is follow the great example which has only conferred by patent. Sir H. devo hristi b . |been bequeathed to me. In these Bisholas Snoumerates Siz. Royal voiion as A cwisiian, unobirusvie endeavors I shall have confident Who were never created Prince of ? trust in the development and sym- 'Wales ; they included Kings Henry white flower of a blameless life. It pathy of the devotion and sympathy VI, Edward VL, the "Old Pretend- is needless to say that his parents|of the people, and of their several " r } : it 20d theee sons of Hiemy V ul, and sister, from whom in the vigor | representative assemblies through third when seven weeks old. This|of early manhood he has been re- out the vast colonial dominions.-- title of Prince of Wales was origin- | moved, have the heartfelt sympathy With such loyal support I will, with ally borne by those native rulers of the blessing of God, solemnly work 3bat territory who governed it as for the promotion of the common suzerains of the English crown and though it cannot restore their loved | welfare and security of our great the commonly received though not i empire over which I have now been 'wholly undisputed story of the one to their tender care, and had to reign. 3 of the title to the' heirs of |the holier sympathy of Him who Epwarp," ihe Crown 35 that Edward he First | doesnot willingly afflict, will we trust = ingsthe bir a yr : 3 's Death. Doni the et people to pet shine through the mist of their tears, Queen Victoria 8 th hem 2 Prince "free hom 20 Yea until the time when all tears are| There never eas such interest upon his honor and unable to . aroused over the death of one speak a word of English." and that wiped away. monarch and the accession of he then sent at once for Queen another as in the case of Victoria Eleno hose child was duly Born A week before Christmas a Grand Rv Eo Fazily 824, and | Trunk train killed three people treal, is being ] pire's cause in South Africa. adorned, was his consistency and | but nevertheless sincere, he wore the of the community, That sympathy d three more peo. | treated of these two important i [ six jevents. o other paper on the murille: (Thus Six American Continent ever approach- e eldest son of Edward |dents within a little less than alin the completeness of its reports a the death of his | month, and probably the individu |and profuseness of its illustrations. and at his acces- en made a dis | within virtually one month is a little | emergencies deserves success. investiture. above the average, but the average : \ is fearfully high. The Ontario civilian who carelessly drives over | Circle, No. 8s, C.0.H.C., next Tues- | ¢ a level crossing in covered buggy takes larger chances than the sol in order to make a complete clear-|t advantage of the great reduction ment,) I PL \GUR on has not been 'observed in the; Ox Dirt :-- That Sir Laurier and POLITICAL DEE Election Won by 1 | Queen's election for the D It is said that the Rev. D. C|House of Commons was void Attorney-General of Legislature, who was decla ed over Mr. Martm, Co AN InviTATION FROM THE LADIES. [On a recount by means of --The ladies in connection with [box of one booth having b garded as incurable, © and horror |, community through the deathof|the Ladies' Aid of "the Meth-|in transit to the sheriff isu 1 . } in Can- NRG. & A. Roc n \ Hossack is going back to the pulpit. | 4; ;, and Mr, McKinno Randall mie doe ote ravases| NORTH. ONTARIO: OBSERVERS: wbout ashe to keep tack of ron one on one of its members, that stirs deeper | odist - Church, Prince Albert, are|To-day's evidence revealeda ti ! during polling day, in every not oy the luvgs. | .¢ his office ip Decdiber, but though o'clock. For. particulaca see dodg wend, ou ; e Fon] ; i r rt of domipions over). Concger.--4 Grand-Cos acl y Rar of my, domipions, grief | be given under the auspice in which the whole empire now | Sons of England, Blackstodh of Toronto's favorite Musical B . 4 ment have requisitioned the co v, lives have been taken in two acci- . operation of the British forces in sles ed Family Herald and' Weekly Star order to deal with the invaders. g merged in the | tario would bring the total casual. Herald is increasing by leaps and | concerning the alleg "th at : ; bounds. It is no wonder. A paper | yp last at Klipfontein of T: 1 day it has|ties uptoten. A loss of ten lives), ic superbly equipped for all on dsmidt and Coltherd by ae mandant Theron and some of hig . men have been concluded. Weg EF Regular meeting Port Perry | sels, who is accused of the crime,' day evening, Feb. 12. seen CroTHING AT CosT,--Mr. Purdy |A farmer named Owens stated that | yj dier who faces the Boers in South | nce ot his stock of Ready Made |he called Theon's attention to Africa. Clothing is selling at prices that|fact. The Boers, he aids _ seeing' : Sat to accomplish the object | the troopers 2proaching, id th he has in view. Don't fail to take|horses and waited nd a kral IN EAST QUEENS, Liberal Member, Declared Void { Charlottetown, Feb. was shown that just before which evidence was given, mi was freely used, and that men's seen lying drunk on the side ¢ road, the work being done bys "Lib- eral workers. It was proved Liberal agents would go to ¥ non's office and ask for They would in some in: refused, but in every Presentation. A considerable number of the many friends of Mr. C, L. Whitby assembled in the comfortable parlor of the Scbert House, on Friday evening last, with the object of bid- ding him a heartfelt tarewell and to | as follows : present him with a memento of the -|esteem in which they held him, in the shape of a gold-headed cane, bearing the inscription "To Mr. C.|for advertising. L. Whitby from his Port Perry , | friends, Feby 1st, 1901," Cartwright arrears of taxes in 1gor. The address was read by Mr. H. | drill shed per agreement, G. Hutcheson and the presentation was made by Mr. W. S. Short. Mr. Whitby replied in a very neat speech, though brief, in which he expressed his appreciation of the kind remembrance but more than that he which prompted the gift. ed his friends that Port Perry would always be green in his memory, and on behalf of Mrs. Whitby, he invit- them in their new .| home at the "Soo", but not all to come at once. : After some very fine instrumental - led all to visit given could be presented to a siloon keep- er, and liquor would be obtained. Dr. Pugsley, counsel for respond- ent, at last declined to cross-exa- mine any witnesses, and finally applied to the court for an adjourn- ment until after the session, alleg- ing that respondent would require to attend the House. He admitted that the evidence showed that the seat was voided, but claimed that on a reciminatory case he could show that Martin's election would also be voided. Stewart, K.C., for petitioner, asked time to consult, 'and the re sult was that he withdrew the claim for the seat, which was then'de- clared voided, and a cross petition against Martin was dismissed. Personal charges against McKinnon | were not pressed. Judge Hodgson, in delivering | judgement, declared that the depth | of corruption and debauchery proved |was a disgrace to any country, and made one feel: ashamed to live in a province where it existed.: He said that all parties who were be reported, and a strong report i the matter sent to the speaker, udge Fitzgerald was even stron | 5 g of corrupt acts. Blackstock. Ba "the oc, on evening of Tuesday, Feb. 12.§ he Managing Committee have pleasure in announcing that' have been fortunate in securi hey Entertainers. Harry Bennet calist and Humorist. Profil W. Payne, Inimical Imitator of birds musical instruments, &oc. Emest Bowles, Pianist, will render a nam- ber of choice selections. Admis- | are cordially invited. Committee-- Dr. Fish, Jos. Rolson, R. H. Prust, Isaac Whitfield. God Save the King. wid ---- - Newtonville, Ont., Feb. 4.--The funeral of the late Mr. R.J. Reid, ]. P., who died on Wednesday last, after four days' illness, from rheu- matism, which developed into par- alysis, was the largest and most impressive ever knowa in this section. The procession was head- ed by bands of music, 200 Orange- men in full regalia, and a very large number of friends. Service was conducted in the Methodist church by Rev. M. E. Wilson, of Prince Albert, the former pastor, assisted by the present incumbent. Col. Sam Hughes took part in the cere- mony conducted by the Orangemen at the grave. Deceased was 63 years of age. London, Feb. 6.--Rumors were current in London last night that the Boers had m ade D to Portugy ect, t at the Portuguese Go ! S ! London, Feb. 5--A despatch |; he became | 16 1illed at level crossings in On-| The circulation of the Family |from Kroonstadt says the inquiry ed murder on he only one of the who ¥ he white flag was flying, and tha When the troopers were close by!d sale of clothing. (See his advertise- | they fired and killed the two men{ : whose deaths are now in que ; nemory. "" Her Court was pure, her life serene God gave her peace, her land reposed He assur- ompany dispersed after many sin- re hand shakings and wishes of rosperity and happiness in the Sons of England. t the regular meeting of Old bgland Lodge, No. g, held on Thesday, Feb. sth, it was moved by Bro J. Nott, seconded by Bro. CJJ. Pearse, and carried by a stand- in§ vote, that We, the members of Old Eng- lagd, No. g, S. O.E. B. S., desire to express our sorrow, on the death of | 5, goved and gracious Queen Vic- tia, of award, rn consideration.--Carried. for the year 1901, Hillman's premises Thos. White, Colléctor A thousand claims to reverence closed | Fred'k Hyland, do In her as Mother, Wife and Queen. *" And, moreover be it resolved, |then to meet at one o'clock. | proved to have been guilty would| that we give expression our allegi- ance to His Gracious Majesty, King Edward VII, who has succeeded to the throne, and trust that he may be er than Judge Hodgson, and 'said long spared to reign over the whole he would not have hesitated in 'dis-| British Empire, and that his reign | sent the following message to all the | qualifying all persons proved guilty may be peaceful and prosperous, [JOUrPment. The Warden characterised by the same goodness chair. Members all present. nd truth which endeared his illus- rious mother to millions of hearts." | confirmed. The lodge was highly favored by an official and fraternal visit from S. G. Vice-Prest., Bro, J. Aldridge; S. G. Secretary, J. W. Carter, and|Paving all been adopted. S. G. Auditor, Bro. H. Furze, who . eat | favored the lodge with highly enter. | S°™ moved that this | taining and instructive addresses, [J2UT™ until Tuesday, the two full of encouragement for the future at two o'clock jp.m., an i iblic | welfare of the Order, and urgent in- members be allowed thei Vo. | centive to the brethren to continued fare going home fand retu | efforts in the up-building of the| The yeas and hays bein s | lodge. During the . exercises, the S. G.|Coulthard, Carnégie, Chr on behalf of the|son, Harman, J¢hhston, " : members of the lodge, presented the | Smith--8. Nayjs--Mes sion 25 cts. Children 15 cts. All| Secretary, Bro. T. J]. Widden, with field, Edwards, {Gibbs |a very flattering addiess, accom-|McRae--5. Thie moti panied by a beautitul Jewel of Merit, clared "| The Vice President, as a slight recognition of interest |the chair. taken and services rendered to the] When the C lodge as Secretary during the past eight years. This was very feelingly replied to by the recipient.--Com. KES. People who buy from us can do so with their eyes shut, for we price.--A. F. CARNEGIE, E35. The best cheapest, in the long run, but Car- negie prices make his cheapest first, last and all the time. EZ It's no news to our custom- [i that we are selling the best ts and shoes in town. We want jressboty to know it.--A. F. Car EGIE. EZ Dieslelds have the largest nd best stock of Diamond and em Rings in the County.: shotld' ead' Mr, advertisement in another .) --18 g a situation. n- apply at [speak County Couneil. SATURDAY, JAN. 26 ed there were for) the moti each one Leing voted down. and McRae. Johnston, Town Hall, Blackstock, Feb. 4, 1901. Regular meeting of Council.-- Members all present. The minutes previous meeting read and confirmed Communication read by the Clerk From the County Treasurer, with a list of lands liable to be sold for From Jas. Gale with an account Mr. McLaughlin handed to the treasurer the sum of $10 paid by Riches aud Mahood as rent for the The Board of School Trustees of School Section No. 5, applied to the Council to issue debentures on the credit of the Section to the ex- tent of $1,000 for the purpose of the purchase of a school site and the erection of a school house there the friendship |on in said school section. A petition was 'presented signed by 24 ratepayers of School Section No. 5, praying the Council not to comply with the request of the School Board of said School Section as the petitioners claim that the matterof a school site in said section was finally settled by arbitration five years from date of publication Section No. 5 for the passing of a ; By:law to issue debentures for the sum of $1000 be laid over for further Mr. McLaughiin brought in and carried through a By-law to detach the N{ of lot 19 in the 8th con. from School Section No. 7 and attach the same to School Section No: g. The Auditors submitted their report of the Treasurer's accounts Moved by Mr. McLaughlin, se conded by Mr. Beacock, that the Auditors' Report be received and adopted and that 200 copies thereof | be printed for circulation.--Carried. | motion the Reeve signed orders on the. Treasurer for the long and beneficial | following amounts: rfle has endeared her not only to in Morrisio r subjects, but the people of every Crozier, indigent aid... .. htionality, over the civilized world | ahd whose influences roghout John Morrision and James Jas. Gale, printing account. . | Thos. Brown, cutting brush.. will be felt {John Hughes, assisting M JH. immense Empire, Officer, disinfecting hen ber name is but a cherished | Dr: Mitchell, disinfecting Mrs W. A. Vancamp, Auditor... Ann Council adjourned till 'March Wm. Lucas, T'p Clerk. . The Council met pursuant to ad- minutes of yesterday were read and The first report on Roads and Bridges, second report of Educa- tion and first report of Legislation, Coulthard, seconded by {Mr. Grier- was de arden left uuci{ met again on Tuesday, after adournment, Mr. Harman introduced a motion re- affirming the principle of building a House of Refuge, and stating that the location should be forthwith selected by the Council and that the will not sell a poor. article at any | whole expenditure . should exceed $25,000. This motion car the | ried, the following voting against it --Broomfield, Edwards, Grierson Clothing | Gibbs and McRae. Following this came motions to locate the building in various places, Uxbridge, supported by Broom- field, Christie, Harman and Webster. Oshawa, supported by Broom field, Christie, Coulthard, Grierson , supported by Harman, Loom Saith al Wao Dr} LonpoNn, Feb. 5.--Prof. Sir Felix Semon, physician for diseases of the throat in the National Hospital for Epilepsy and Paralysis, asked the Associated Press to say there is positively no word of truth in the story Eiblistied in the United States that Kin, Ellen Terry denies once more the rumor | that she is about to retire from: tive stwge | because of growing ill henitl. In the days of their greatest prosperity Gilbert and Sullivan are seid to have di i ; i § il EEE Ii iH i IH i 1} i f ! i li FF l ! | more profitable thaw iff left to their own devices. built for the purpose by the Beew. aw they build it to stove honey im. But it ner HF | i ed the queen will fll the eeily with denoe | eggs, sud the hive will be overstoeiiedl. | THE CYNIC. The only use some people Hove for friends is to make servants of them. # Doors that refused to stay opew lee August are now refusing to stay shar. | You talk a great deal about the impor tance of truth. Do you know the musi about yourself? I In some families of girly it seers to He | -----y sgreed that certain ones shall wouls while | others play the lady. | initial on it is nest to getting « letter bearing a coat of rms We bave noticed that kidnepers never carry off & married man. Probably they realize that no one would give © quwrrer| Madill 60, Gertrude Barry 50, Lydiz Moore 50, Hazel Pike 50, Bessie Spence 50, Clarence Vi 40, Willie Gardiner 40, Marjorie Wellow 30, Edna Gillard jo, Eva Camnegie Christian 10, Basil Mills -- Junior 33d --Henry Ellis 70, Clas ence Purdy 60, Albert Roberts Aleta Still so, Ira Andersom Sarah McMillaw go, Myrtle Bongand 40, Harry Nott 30, Roy Cool zo. ES. Who wants to purchase rent a firstclass forme. See Alex. McDonalds i apf i i - ft 9 RRERRRIERT iH £ § LL) fi i }

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