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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 14 Feb 1901, p. 3

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» PORT PERRY, ONT. EVERY THURSDAY MORNING HAVING PURCHASED B ee ow LWHITBYS STOCK == === AD yecian ofthe Sanatorium was called m. When it bec known that he had consumption, itr was fonnd impossible to get attend |g] ants to wait on him through fear Neat of contagion. The hostler of the hotel was asked to help and on his §5SEEEEEEEEE Josirucions Bp nd a | acter of the Ea ott will be tak be cordiogly. | No sdvertise | ed by the quality of Tatly 4 - and to obtain fhe best re A A voraehy he Jens blr pone snd ohof | (ould have its germinating. pow : : THESE terms will in all cases be strietly; adhered to ubimparied, so that when plac the soil the Young plants may a prompt and vigorons start. itis very important that fa FOR : 30 Days. In order to make room for Spring Stock of Ready-made = Clothing, I will sell for Thirty Days the balance of my WINTER STOCK of Ready-made Clothing EEXSEBECERSRESREINESEES JOB DEPARTMENT, Pamphlets, Hand Bills, Posters, refusal he was offered $1.00 a day ; : ra bat prin 0 give up hi First-classFarm rSe) » + ost for Cash. You can save 15 to 20 per gant by buying at this time of the n rather than expose himself ought, to the danger of in the patient. The physician from the Sanatorium had duties of nurse and ~ die'in. = doctor oko er him for some days, remaining with |a him on his last visit until one 0 'clock in the morning. The poor sufferer was found next day in his bed be yond the need of further help. Telegrams had been sent to his - friends, and his sister, a fine young woman, reached Gravenhurst only in time to take away the dead body of her brother. Various proposals have. been made to erect suitable structures to commemorate our late beloved Queen. When her Diamond Jubilee was celebrated four years ago a large hospital undertakings were begun in London and elsewhere with her special sanction as the best expression of the natioa's con- gratulations. To make it universal, shilling contributions were called for. The National Sanitarium Associa- tion. has now provided a place in Gravenhurst for patients who are able to pay, and this has proved its u efulness by saving hundreds. of lives since it was opened three years ago. A free hospital for poor patients who cannot pay and who are in the early stages of the disease is now in process of erection near the Sanatorium. Victoria HospiTaL ror CoNsuMp- TIVES. To round up this work the Nation al Sanitarium. Association desires to build another hospital, near To- "ronto, for incurable consumptives. 'What better memorial could be erected than a "Victoria hospital " for such cases? All the large cities of course, will have their statute of the Queen, but this will not be a national undertaking. We can, however, have the "Vic- toria Hospital" under the auspices of the National Sanitarium Asso- ciation, and this might be built by contributions from all over Canada. Every village and town could send to it consumptive patients and thus benefit by a memorial to the Queen, to which they have contributed. Humanity demands that some: thing should be done; Self protec- tion against the danger of contagion demands that something be done ; but the very doing of this by excit- ing dread of the disease makes it more difficult for its hopeless victims to receive the attention necessary to enable them to die in peace. " For God's sake, get me a place to die," is a call t hould be no longer left unansivered. Your dol lar will help to answer it. Contributious are already coming in for this much-needed undertak- ing. % ? THe NATIONAL SANITARIUM ASSOCIATION. . Toronto, 190%. Note.--Those desitous of belngiy are Sieh 'hard | > Henty has captured 45 prison- fin. Yop columns are converg- Gen. Fi The undersigned jgned offers for Sale is Splencig Farm--more particul- of the south-half of Cartwright, w ood I 0 secure et s gosionne the Drape) owing to failing health, is desirous of retiring from farming. This val. uable property is situated ob the leadin, taved road of the town: ship--being about 6 miles from Port Perry; 16 miles from Bow. manville ; 4 miles from Burketon station on the C.P.R.. and one. mile from Blackstock. For particulars apply to the proprietor on the pro perty. Juieding possession given. ELSON MARLOW. Blackstoc Jan, 22, 1901. Tremendous [iscount SALE Boats, Shoes and Rubbers CHE AP SIDE HE subscribers having just finished Stock-taking and find- ing that on account of the mild season they. have too many Boots and Shoes of all kinds on hand, have determined from now till March 1st to offer their whole stock at Roduotines of 16, 0, 25 & 60 paneunt --of the latter there are only broken lots and not a full assortment of sizes --such Be as are left G0 AT HALF PRICE Boots and Shoes that were $1 for Bo cts, those at $1.25 for $1, those that were $1.50 for $1.25, $2 Boots for $1.60. Men's Heavy Boots of all kinds 20 cts. off every dollar. Men's Heavy Rubbers and Sox, 20 cts off every Dollar, &c., &c., &c. Purchasers of Groceries will bel dealt most liberally with and Crock: ery and Glassware of all kinds at 20 cts off the dollar. InChinaware, Lamps, &c. we have some beauti- ful goods left and all go at big reductions. REMEMBER + t t these reductions are for Cash down and bring your Dollar Bills and secure the bargains. T. C. FORMAN & SON. Marriage License Office. Port Perry, Jan. 16, 1gor. Sealed Tenders. EALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned for the purchase of all or any of the Parcels--Farm Properties---belong- ing to Mr. John Adams, advertised to be sold by auction on the 23r¢ November, and withdrawn at the sale. xs Au MCGILLIVRAY, TT ple Building, _ Toronto. FOR SALE OR OR TO --. HE rh Sifere fou for. Rens the the ey on rench. They are| Epsom. Boers towards the y known as the Medd Farm--|. mposed see for your Port Perry, Jan. 16, 1901. | determined to Clear Out the the Whole Stock Removal 7 The undersigned would take this opportunity of thanking his hue liber:l patronage received since opening businéss in Port Perry, and would inform the public that he has moved his business from merous custsmers for the Store First doorEast of the Post Office where he will be pleased to fill all grders for Meats in a manner that cannot fail to please. customers. of bh Having new and increased he Marko budiog tothe FIRST - CLASS TAILOR ve been secured and Perfect Fits guaranteed. 'WM. PARR. , 1901. fecilities for the tr he ean give better satisfaction than heretofore, and. in order to aerify this state he solicits all to give him a call in his new premises, t ta. GAME AND FISH IN SEASON. I. J. WHEELER. fideut that lL ESTABI ISHED 1847. ID-WINTER Programs, Dodgers, Bill Heads, Check Latter Heads, Wedding Invitations, H, PARSONS. GENTS WA hod a Aros a ba to itouch, OF soUTH oar avai 1 So South Africa Wes Danacinn Publishers whe Dace South Afrioa for nineteen years, es," Sdvantage in. procuring phot. head material. Our Iu TPress al engravings are Oanadian Contingents better illustra AEpetior; os ag work. Bu sun re are we of his that will mall So oul anyon al prospectus. Ohiondnen. and. Ly Publishing Company, Guelph, Onta ee Analy Central Livery PORT PERRY. HEAR LY thanking the public for the liberal patronage received during the many years | have kept a Livery Establish ment in Port Perry, Ihave much pleasure in announcing that I have removed MY LIVERY! to my former place of business Water Street REMOVAL Having had the commodious Stare in the Currie Block fitted up espec- ci i Furniture Sale But Not(t) Giving Up Business. a surplus Stock left over the Holidays, I will give Great Bargains Next Two Months, for Cash or Credit untii next fall to re- ble persons. Undertaking Dej artment every branch is complete--such as 8, Coffins, Robes, &c. Having purchased my Funeral Goods the advance in price I am nrepared to give my customers the it. I furnish one of the | est Hzarses in the County. Prices low as ially, I am satisfied I have now one of the best appointed Drug any} My motto is--fair dealing to all. Storesin the Province, and have taken possession of my new and extensive premises, addition to my extensive stock of Drugs, Chemicals, and Fancy Goods, a full line of SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES. | where 1 have opened out, in E="[ am AGENT FOR MONUMENTS, JOHIN IN OTT, Warerooms--one door west of the St. Charles Hotel. boi erty, yk 15, 1901. taken in exchange. While returning thanks to my numerous patrons I would extend Di x 1 ® an invitation to all to call and see me in my new premises. es ie go o FH Port Perry, Sept.2, 1900. A.J. DAVIS. Clothing and Boot & Shoe Business TIN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS. Sie Having increased the dimensions of my premises, I have purchased and Raves, Forks, Spoons, Fruit Dishes, Butter Dishes, Cake Baskets, Te opened out an Extensive Stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING hy for Men and Boys which for quality and low prices cannot be equaled in this district. 1 have the largest and most veried St opened in this locality for your inspection, and the not fail to ploase. ¥ ; Come and see us in our enlarged quarters. My aim shall be to please my customers in every particulr, tock of BOOTS axp SHOES a prices are such as can. We are prepared to give SPECIAL BARGAINSZin GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Gold Filled Cases in great variety, some as smell as a Quarter of Dollar, nicely Enameled and Set with Pearls, &c. Prices to suit you all right. WEDDING AND ENGAGEMENT RINGS in Pear, Opal and Diamonds, all fine and New Designs. Crocks IN 3 Great Varisry VERY CHEAP. Sets, &c., and some more to follow. lez Also Fancy Goods. EVERYTHING GOES CHEAP. &F 8&F Repairing as usual, DIESFELD'S rry, Nov. 30, 1808, Carmmmegie's ROLLER MILLS which Iam about to largely extend in- creasc facilities so that the public may be better accommodated with safe and desir- able RIGS AT MODERATE OHARGES R. VANSICKLER, Port Perry, June 21, 1900. Change of Base. HILE returning sincere thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore ex- tended to them, the undersigned would beg to announce that they have MOVED INTO PURDY'S BLOCK where they will be in a better position than heretofore to meet the requirements of their numerous patrons and they respect- fully solicit the patronage of all Mr, fay. craft's former customers, Fresh and Cured Meats of the best quality will always be found at their Store, Orders will recelve prompt attention. Game and Fish in Season, Second door East of Mr. Purdy's Grocery 8. I. CAWKER & SON Port Perry, May 21, 1900. JOHN NOTT, UNDERTAKER, and Funeral Director, PORT PERRY. That Improved Yorkshire White Boa ul Summ HILL ROVER 3rd. =. REMOVALseoeco | The undersigned takes this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks for the large measure of patronage bestowed on him since commencing business in Port Perry, and would beg to state that having, at a large expenditure, thoroughly overhauled the entire Mill and introduced the best, mos Washing ud re Cleaning I wish to ate tate that I am prepar- ed todo Washing or House Clean- ing on shortest notice. Charges seeds. 11 should ascertain whether the they are holding for seed the yosiiy necessary to: Ee have iy can et iy inform: he seeks, by forwarding to the Direes tor of the Experimental Farms Ottawa, samples of such grain "of. Samples may be sent free through the mail and an ounce of two is sufficient for the purpose: About two weeks are required to complete a test. It is hoped that all who desire to avail themselves of the provision offered will send in their samples early so that the work may be completed in good season. Wht, Saunpkrs, Director Experimental Farmé:- HOLIDAY FASHIONS. Di aa ne are many ladies who find in millinery their grontest. pleasure, We Trim Hats for Special Occasions. Yo hakes 3 feature of of those, nos "about them ; Sok the nr Misses L. & J. Stouffer, Port Perry, Dec. 12, 1900. Sittings of the Division Courts OOUNTY OF ONTARIO: 1801: L WHITBY--Olerk, D.C. Maconall, W3 Whitby Jani sms, February d March 8, Ji Juy mber 4, Dotober 3} Me ge: it OSHAWA Clerk, D. C. Macdonell, nit Yr al ATE TR 2 BROUGHAM _Olerk, M. Glveeon, Gréenwood--Jan mk Maze h 6, May 10, July 8, September §, Nov, rl. 3. PORT PERRY. Clerk, J. W. Burrtham, Port Pers --January 15, March 7, May 13, July §, September 18, November 11. 4 UXBRIDGE Clerk, Jos. E Januagy 16, March 20, 18, November 19 8 CANNINGTON Clerk, Geo. Smith, Cagn 0 Tan, 17, March 3. May 28, July 1, ovem E. Gould, Uxbridge< May 27, July 11, September 6. BEAVERTON --Olerk, Geo. rot -- Juguary | 18, M; 23, May % Beebe dn Nov 1. UR Clerk, Thos. P. Hart, Uptergrove March 23, May 30, September 31, Novel wher BB. . By order, J. E. FAREWELL, Clerk of the Peace: Dated at Whitby, Oct. 22nd, 1900. INDING my Livery accommo dation on Perry St. curtailed, it being far too small to meet the re quirements of my rapidly increasi business I have leased for a term moderate. Residence north of|years and taken possession of the Foundry. commodious Livery Offices and MRS. E. WHITE; Stables Port Perry, April 26, 1900. GEO. JACKSON, Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, &. Fin we have Moved our business to the South side of ee Street and now occupy the nat d by Mr. B. F. ACKERMAN, q be better ores than ever to : ply our customors and the public . approved and most modern machinery including the ,ER PROCESS ® cture of Flour, and is prepared to do : corner ofthe Trans- Ong farth cult between Natal and Swaziland. TN Hi o was found in the districts|Jan. 14,1001. Vn » where we 'with everything in the . «Farm for Slr i Harness Line a WHICH FOR = GHEAPNESS, STYLE Durability and ~ STRENGTH, Shesmb Se spss fo Se Gore's. ns Bo, Ss, Truks | --entrance adjoining the Canadian 3 Bank of Commerce on TES UY & SNTARIo AXD TOWNSEND | § will constantly Fo Beh for hire Sr yisues at thin the complete variety of reliable. rigs another Auction Sale Season oe tur thanks to his numerous trons for Sor tendance night oo day, so In requesting their esteemed | may rely on having and continued patronage he desires to atabe that he olont oF pains will be ments met at all times. foie pars to Dukes sales entrusted to im successes, oti "PLANING FACTORY |i eit oe given into his 'will be Mtaided $e to with prom Sale TE a Supplied with Flour of the FINEST BRANDS = "in full operation and can supply all kinds of Lumber, also Lumber, Joists, Scantling, Boards, Pick ets, Shingles, Posts Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Bannisters and Neuel Posts L LUMBER A SPECIALTY. of TURNING and SOROLL SAWING done on short notice JAMES CARNEGIE made out ad blank 1 on 4 a] eatin: HE Oct. 1, 1891. 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