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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 14 Feb 1901, p. 4

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¥ ALL YOU NAY. » NO BUCH THING AS A "TIRED BRAIN." Plles---ltching, Blind and 'Bleeding --Oured in three to six nights. Dr. Agnew's Ointment is peerless in curing. One application gives instant relief, It cures all itching and irritating skin diseases, Chaf- ing, Eczema, etc, 35 cents.--143 Sold by A. J. Davis. hen a Man Thinks His Braid Ta Wired, It Is Really His Stomach * What Is Overfed or Some Other Vi- _%al Point That Is Weakened. © Every man should have impressed upon him the fact that the human 'brain is capable of absolutely unlimit- ed development. It can be developed easily, more permanently than the muscles. Like the muscles, it is developed by exercise, but uhlike them there is no limit to its possible develop- ment and there is no age limit to the growth of mental faculties. If you go to a certain hotel in Chi- cago you will find at the door of the large dining room a colored gentleman who takes your hat, overcoat and um- brella. He gives you no ticket. When you walk out again, to your intense amazement he hands you your prop- erty, identifying you among hundreds . of other guests and Immediately as- sociating you with the proper hat and coat. In a big store in Twenty-third street, New York city, a small negro lad, 14 or 16 years old, works for a living. Due day at that store this writer asked A book Apparently seldom pur A finished sailor is a much more ex- pensive article than the finished sol dier, as a soldier can be trained io & year or two, while a saflor 1s a technic. al craftsman, whose education is long and elaborate. nothing else.~Atchison Globe. FARM FOR SALE HAT Valuable Farm compris- ing 75 acres, being known as the Foy Farm. the South half of lot | No. 5, in the 5th concession of the | Township of Mariposa, is offered for sale by private tender. | Terms $500 cash--balance to be! secured by mortgage bearing 5 pe cent. per annum, | For forth or particulars apply MY ii Solicitor Perry, or to JOHN A McGILLIVRAY, The Temple Building, Toronto th ked the colored Witbout » moment's hesitation pointed out certain balcony on the east side of tlie store and told ex- actly where the small volume could be fonnd. Every one of the thousands of books in that store was located in a definite spot In that young negro's mind, despite the fact that he probably had seen the insides of very few of the volumes. The two instances quoted are not unusual. They indicate merely the most superficial sort of development of one particular mental faculty, that of recollection. A move remarkable In- stance of such development was shown by Houdin, the French prestidigitator. He could pass a shop window contain ing perhaps scores of different articles, uid A SIGN WARNS HER THAT HER TIME HAS ABOUT COME. So Between Sohbs She Has a Litlle One Sided Talk With Her Devoted Husband About the House and the Things That Are In It, (Copyright, 1900, by C. B. Lewis.) i When supper bad been conclude: east a glance at the window as he ' pl _ ded, Mr, Gallup sat down to read a pain- went by and enumerate without error | | 3 : phlet descriptive of the Wiggins wash- everything in it from that one glance ) ing machine, and Mrs. Gallup flung a Some men learn a score or more of ) shawl over her head and ran over to & languages. Yet the greatest development of any human brain has never taxed even to neighbor's to give warning that the chicken pox had broken out In a town only ten miles away and would proba- the slightest degree the actual capacity hoa IY ; bly sweep the whole country before it of the mind. i bar i could be staid. It was bardly a quar- No matter to what extent you may np i N | ter of an hour before she returned, and train your mental faculties, no matter yf, N oy how much you. mas use your brain, you ber first action was to pitch forward uch yo 3 ¥ » J on the lounge and roll over three times will still be like the map who bas spent B or 6 cents and has a million dollars in the bank. We are justified in believing that we before she got settled down into & com- fortable position to do some weeping. Her conduct ought to have immediate attention, but it didn't. Mr, ine marvelous nts ' a Gestined ; i ! a ous bon ntal Gallup was reading a declaration from 3 3 re, when we pcliievements, In the future i the sole inventor and proprietor that consider the instrament of thought : the Wiggins washing machine had sav- that has been given to us and which BE od ! is so little used at present A scientist named Melnert calculates that the gray matter of the brain con tains 600,000,000 cells. That in Itself seems quite complicat ed. If we only had one thought stored away In each cell, we would know quite a good deal. But you must remember that each cell is divided into several thousand molecules separately divisible. Every one of these molecules con tains many millions of atoms. Un questionably each separate atom plays its part in the working of the brain Figuring on a very modest basis, you find that your brain contains 18,000, 000,000,000,000,000 separate atoms. The theory that the atom is an Indl visible particle of matter, which Is in dicated by its name, meanimg uncut ble, is only a theory not by any means demonstrated. There is no reason to belleve that there is any limit, to the universe in the direction of bigness or littleness. What we call an atom may be In effect an indivisible particle of matter or it may be a small universe in itself. However this may be, don't You think that with a brain organized as above you ought to be able to devel op a good deal of mental energy and be quite free from any worry about overworking the machine which has been given to you to do your thinking? When a man thinks bis brain is tired ft is really lis stomach that is overfed or some other vital point that Is deplet ed or overloaded. Keep the rest of your body in good condition, and your brain will never feel any amount of work that you will be able to give it "SHE BUST INTO TEARS," ed the public 1,000,000 pounds of soap in the last year, and the family clock might have stopped without his taking notice of it. When about 50 sobs and sighs and groans had failed to arouse him, Mrs. Gallup sat up and sald: "Samuel, you know I went over to see Mrs. Taylor. As she bas leven children and js allus willin to lend me ou Make » n | Ee The Practical Joke. M istake ] The practical joks Is a remnant of barbarism. Hunted back to its origin, it 1s a survival of the methods of tor ture in vogue with savages the world over. The idea behind every practical §oke is the Infliction of palin, shame, fear or ridicule upon the victim. It is not often that tragic effects follow a Joke, repeating the news chronicles of the daily press, but when one reflects that the real object of every alleged . *joke" of the practical kind is simply to inflict physical or mental pain upon some one It seems as if it must be time, by the clock of the ages, for the prac 'fce to end, at least among civilized and. balf civilized people. -- Ada OC. Bweet In Woman's Home Companion. If you have Pale, Greenish, or Sallow Complexion, Cold Hands and Feet, Loss of Ap-' petite, Dyspepsia, Laok of Energy or Stomach Troubles, ' You Make A Mistake When you do not use Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills to counter- act these conditions, Why? Be- cause they contain all the natural ; bud That Some Time, n system. to a cure lies hb the stomach to the blood and nerves, All food is acted on by the stomach aud pre- pared for absorption into the system. Dr. Ward's Pills give just the pro. wig to a tired system, and dif- Persia bas the most famous turquoise mines in the world, which have been v no less than eight centuries. pretty stones, however, arc to be found In many parts of the world, io- glow of bealth through the . eluding Saxony. -- whole human frame. ia : Ser You feel yourself getting well Moax--My wite is never bappy unless when you take Dr. Ward's Blood 1a trouble. and Nerve Pills. 't you cure ber? a ' pr 8 ata. pec box, five boxes for rag as Bas Willan & Go.. Toroutd, Oak ax~Not much. When she hasn't Sold by A. ]. Davis. He who makes no mistakes makes' i was booked to death by a MRS. GALLUP MOURNS attracted | wp the pion Lave Lauiche at Lockemithe™ By South Ameri disease. Aen the seemin, iy Tp doors to disease that it un that mak its cures almost incredible. But ro e care to in cure there is a proof if specific and it gate. It is a liquid never fails, Makes and men * fit" and well. --142 Sold by A. J. Davls. her flatirons, 1 thought it only right to tell her that the whole "leven might be taken down with chicken pox any min- it. I hadn't bardly got my mouth open before she bust into tears and put ber | arm around me. She wasn't cryin on account of the chicken pox, but on my account. I bad bad news for her, but she had badder for me. Don't you want to know what it was?' Mr. Gallup didn't. He was reading a testimonial from the wife of a gov- ernor that the Wiggins washer had brought joy to her household when ev- erything else had failed, and he was deaf to the outside world. Mrs, Gallup waited a reasonable time for a reply and then sald: "The news she had to tell me, Samuel, was that I had but three days to live. If I hadn't gone over there she would have come over here, as she thought I ought to be makin ready. That's Mrs. Taylor all over. She's allus doin sunthin for other folks. You must | remember when Saray Ann Spooner died? And you remember when Uncle days Sg h of 'emn was . goin to perish. on clock suddenly | stopped with a whirr-r-r, and both hands p'lnted In & certain direction. At | B o'clock this afternoon the clock stop- ped ag'in and the bands p'inted right | toward our house. That meant me. In three days from now I'll be sailin around among the clouds." Ar. Gallup didn't dispute It. He was reading that the Wiggins washer would do the work of ten women at the washboard, and he was giving the inventor credit for being a bigger man than P. T. Barnum or Dan Rice. "I'm glad It's come, Samuel," con- tioned Mrs. Gallup In more cheerful tones. "You know 1 bev bin cxpeetin [ to die any minit for the last 25 »ars, and it bas kinder kept me up . You'll be glad, too, because you don't lke the smell of camphor and mustard plasters around. You may feel a little lonesome for two or three days after I'm gone, but with playin checkers, goin to the debatin soclety and lookin around for a second wife you'll soon chirk up and git your appe tite back. I ain't goin to ask you who you 'shall take for your second wife, but before 1 go | want to talk with you about the bouse. Will you talk with me, Samuel?" Mr. Gallup refused to commit bim self. That Wiggins washer was being sold for $10 when other and inferior machines were foisted on the publie oi $15, and he war saying to himself that Wiggins ought to bave tife gratitude of the nation. Mrs. Gallup shed seven or eight tears, caught a sob between her teeth and went on: "In the first place, the oven door to tbe stove needs a new hinge. It got broke seven years ago, but 1 have got along with It so as to save expense. Then the snout is broke off our two quart pitcher, and the handle is off the gallon jug. If I was goin to stay right along on earth, I shouldn't tell you that we ought to hev a new set of tea spoons or that there are three holes in the dishpan, but I'm goin fur, for away, and your second wife won't put up with things as [ hev. We are still sleepin on the same feather bed moth er gave me when we was married, and the feathers ought to hev new tickin. If 1 was to live on, 1 could make the old sheets do fur a year more; but as it is, 1 guess you'll bev to buy at least two. You ought to hev some pil larslips too. Down cellar you'll find half a barrel of soft soap, two jars of peach pickles and six gallons of apple butter. I hope your second wife will be as careful of em as | hev bin. Many a time I hev wanted a peach pickle in the middle of the afternoon, but I wouldn't go down arter it and be a pig. Did I tell you about the cider vinegar, Samuel Mr. Gallup was holding his breath over the statement that the Wiggins washer washed a shirt for the govern- or of Arizona in 13 seconds, and of course he didn't answer. "The cider vinegar ain't no good, Samuel, It didn't work, and you might as well throw It away, Before you marry ag'in you ought to fix the leak in the roof, git a new pump for the well, whitewash the kitchen and buy a new mop handle. First wives can git along most any way and make one mop last for 20 years, but second wives begin to kick right away. I ain't tellin you these things because I'm jealous, Samuel, but because it's my duty as a dyin wife. I don't want you to hev to go huntin the house all over after I'm gone to find things. Rewember, your . dyin wife, who hain't asked you to buy her a balrpin for 17 years, tells you that you've got three shirts, four pairs of socks, five collars and two bhandker- chiefs in the bureau, and hangin up in the clothespress is two old suits and one old hat. In the top drawer of the bureau you'll find a plece of crape for your hat, and fu the bottom drawer is pome farewell verses I writ out a year ago. 1 don't owe none of the nayburs no tea or coffee or sugar, and none of 'em owes me anything. Now, that's all, and if you want to kiss me and say first time. His eyes were still glued to that pamphlet. It was stated that the Wiggins washer was wo constructed that it could be attached to a potato slicer or an apple parer and no reader's {rrterest could belp but grow. Mrs. Gallup waited 60 seconds for an answer, and then as none came she softly rose up and wen! out into the kitchen and began to get things ready for breakfast. She had been gone ten minutes when Mr. Gallup smiled. He didn't smile because he heard her sing- ing a verse of "The Old Oaken Bucket," but because Mr. Wiggins finished his pam; t with the declaration that no mattéf who wrote the poetry of America, be proposed to wash the shirts of the nation. M. Quap. CEYLON AND INDIA TEA GREEN OR BLACK. There is nothing artificial .about these teas. The purity is unquestioned, the flavor is delicious, the bouquet is a revelation. If you have never tea drinkers try Ceylon Green. tasted British grown teas a treat awaits you. toon | K No other diszse fs 80 p the nutrition of sexual urine, deca, ay of gaus, p poudency, Arekmiald pal hese Teduit in complete aged me are troubled with alicted with it, don't me e and Stricture wi taken at home privately. 2 Stricture and Gleet. Ee i Kidneys All sexual complaints affect t] of disease. Have you aching of urinate frequently, deposit inn url She merning. Don't neglect yo is guaranteed to cure any disease A recommend you CURES GUA! Before Treatment. We treat and cure Nervous D ilis, Slests Weak Parta, Spuory Hx ooks Free. Write for Ji it interferes with [48 mea throkgh the Clon, aad comb Ratlam: £0 on of sands of young and da Br eatryry and ait sere Tope © , NO CURE NO PAY. o After Treatment, TRY K TIME I ABLE WHITHY JOT. AND MANILLA JOT. TICKETS TO ALL PARTS OF THE WorLp.--Mr. W, H. McCaw, Port Perry, is now in a position to issue tickets to all parts of the world and to supply all necessary information to parties as to the cheapest 'and best routes, &c. In addition to his numerous Ticket Agencies for Rail- road and Steamship lines, he has been reappointed Ticket Agent for the Grand Xrunk Railway. Parties intending to travel will consult theix own interests by consulting Mr. McCaw before embarking on a trip. GEO. GARDNER. \\ ISHES Jostens the public of Por, /Y, Parry and surrounding country, that than ever to execute any of the branches of his trade :--Stone Masonry In returning thanks to farming community and kind patronage business, 1 beg to annod commodious and far superior facilities taining the public th having lately taken poss which will in future | and have spared nei order to remodel and fit none in the province, modern water wor ks y times be fully supplied wi ie general public and the jcular for their generous embarked in the hotel that I now have more for enter- an lever possessed in the past; ion ol the Oriental Hotel mn as the SeBerT House, illed labor nor expense in up in a manner second to Having introduced the most stem, every room will at all hot and cold water. The in pa sinc' re kn ther 8 comfort of guests will be the first consideration and no expense or labor will be spared in order to meet their requireme nts ar their good opinion of thé**Sebert House' throughout heralded 1d wil their approbation, so that ' may be the entire Dominion and the traveling public thus made acquainted with the fact that Port Perry possesses hotel accommodation in- ferior to charges, as in the past, moderation. In ord and shed accommodation far all, especially on m days I have purchased none elsewhere to be found, and my will continue to be noted for er Phende ample yard, stable arket i the lot to the north of my already spacious premises and have had erected thereon large and comfortable sheds, and my patrons will find at their ser hostler. will be fully appreci vice an attentive and obliging I have every: confidence that my enterprise iatediby a génerous public and that all will gladly avail Aber rvcs of the superior accommodations I have provided. fi L. SEBERT. Bricklaying in all its branches; Plain and Ornamental Plastering. Also Artificial Stone Walks, that will remain permanent and will endure any weather. Brick Cisterns without any weod in their con- struction to decay or give out. If you are in need of any of the above, come to me and obtain prices, All material required in my ine will be kept constantly on hand, and or sale after the first of next April, GEO, GARDNER, Port Parry, Jan. 3, 1894. PAINTING Ka somining, &c THE undersigned would take this oppor tunity of thanking bis numerous pat rons for their liberal and still increasing patronage during the time lie hay carried ou the business of PAINTING in Port Perry, and would state that he is better prepared than ever to execute all orders for Painting, Kalsomining and Paper Hanging Parties entrusting their work to me may rely or having it neatly and promptly exe. cuted, My charges are moderate. 1 am also prepared to supply Paints, &e,, when contracting. A continuance of public patronage soli cited. WM, Port Perry, Mar. 23, 1593. TREMEER. CANCER CURED AT YOUR OWA HOME. For particularssend Two 2c. stamps to 8. C. SMITH, Tnurx Caxokr CURE, Uxbridge, Out. Canada Our fee returned if we fail. any invention will promptly ability of same. secured through us advertised: Patents taken out through Tax PaText Recorn, an ill Send for sample copy FR VICTOR «How to ob le at our expense. R Adires, : & COo., Attorneys) ¥ one sending sketch and description of our opinion free concerning the patent- a patent" sent upon request. Patents ive special notice, without charge, in d sud widely circulated journal, consulted WASHINGTON, D. C. PROMP TLY SECURED Write for our interesting books ** Invent= or's Help" and. ** ou are swindled." Send us a rough sketch or model of your in-, vention orimprovement and we willtell free our opinion as to whether it is Noha have oHen een successfully prosecuted by us. conduct fully equi d offices in Montreal} and Washington ; this qualifies us to prompt- ly dispatch work Ai quickly secure Patents] #8 be broad asthe invention. Highest references urnis Patents procured through Marion & Ma- rion recelve special notice without charge in over 100 newspapers distributed throughout the Dominion. Speci :--Patent business of Manufac- turers and Engineers. MARION & MARION Patent Experts and Solicitors. : New York Life B'ld'g, Montreal {ottice: { Nilentic Bldg, Washington D.C: STYLISH, RELIABLE ARTISTIC Recommended by Leading You can buy them § Bhs pont 1s put wp cheaply 40 RELIEF, d a Dollar icine haye tried RATA Di 5 They Always Please. MSCALL Address your nearest point E THE McCALL COMPANY, 2 13810 146.W. 14th Stroat, y Now York BRANCH OFFIC 9 Pifth Ave., Cl cag 0, and 3 or Market St., San Francisco. DESIRABLE PROPERTY IN PORT PERRY FOR SAILEHI bargain his fine property om Lorne Street, Port Perry, consisting of a commo- dious Dwelling House, pg six rooms, repair. been converted into a splendid Garden, in which are a large number of thriv- ing fof ros pele, Cherry and Plam-- Grape Vines, Berry bushes and other small fruit ne dim Bel There are also on the Port_Perry, Jan. 22, 1896, When ns to manage our Or duane own a, pl Js mainly ork Cased of Some x ae us [HE undorsigned offers for sale at a . There are three lots which have N returning thanks to the public for the patronage extended to me for over 3C years, I would respectfully intimate that J: am, as usual, now ry or business, and bave a Large & Assorted Stock OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESE which Tam Sstermined to sell very CHEAP, Ax an ind Casn p A Talo 1 pr unde will be allowed on all Sales from now unti Jan, 1st next, All work being MADE HA and uc factory work kept in stock, the super ority of my goods will at once become rent. ntending purchasers will find that by giving ve a call yefore lookin, elsewhere can be suited in JOHN ROLPH. Port Perry, Dec. 1, 1892. Houseand L o' fcr Rent. fa «rto HOUSE AND LOT on Simcoe Street, Port Perry, for Sale or to. Rent. The house contains five rooms. The lot contains one acre on which there are a barn, a good Orchard and a well. Immediate possession. Also for Sale a General-Purpose Horse, Buggy and a Set of Single Harness --will be sold cheap or will exchange for other live stock. Apply nt the Office of this paper. Port Parry, April 5, 1899, Agricultural Machmes mie AND IMPLEMENTS EREREY Stes SUNDERLAN D THE undersigned keeps on hand and for sales the following Agricultural Mach. ines und Implements manufactured by the MHA EAMILTON MTG CD. OF PETERBORO: Binders, Reapers, Crown Mower, Daisy Seeder, Tiger Hay Ruke, Two Furrow Plow, Three Furrow Gang, Combina- tion Plows, Champion Plows, S. T. Cultivator, 8. T. Harrow, Land Roller, Steel Frame Spring Tooth Cultivator, Binder Trucks, &e. also 'the following, the munufacture of JOHN ABEL, Toronto. High class Threshing outfits; Traction Engines apd Machines, Victor Clover Huller, Portable Trinmph Engine. T am prepared to supply everything the farmer requires in way of Machines, Imple ments, Repairs, &o. #a A call solicited, McUonald's Hotel, Ona door West of R. K. BRYANT. Sunderland, April 8, 1893. » e Dictionary The C One & Great Standard Authority, Hon. 1. J, Brewer, tes 15 . Supreme Court. Send a Postal tor Specimen Pages, atc. Successor of the Unabridged." into ony thts muh of hear 3 A Bohootbockn. | Warmly Commended THE BEST FOR JEVERYBODY a easy to o ul on. 4 trace tr. a word. t is t is HH is casy to It Is easy to learn whi SE won TY RNDARD: 8 J of ming reco nost rel able a dltionary published. ee primary fu of nto. phere formation of great ai ra MERRIAM CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., U.S.A. IE rere oe -lb. bags, {ree through rmers in all parts of the Dom oy Dom- tig The object in view in this distribution has been to add to the productiviess and improve the quality of these important agricult- Aral products throughout the coun- ty, by placing within reach of very farmer, pure seed of the most vigorous and productive sorts. his work has met with much ap- preciation, and a large measure of ucceess, Un'er instruction of the Hon. Minister of Agriculture another distribution will be made this season Owing to the very large number of applications annually received, it is not practicable to send more than one sample to each applicant,-- hence if an individual receives a sample of oats, he cannot also re- ceive one of wheat, barley or pota- toes, and applications for more than one sample for one household can- not be entertained. These samples nt to th ho Tone ry wheat, field' peas, Indian corn and potatoes. Applications should be addressed to the Director of Experimental Farms, Ottawa, and may be sent any time before the 1st of March, 1901, after which date the lists will be closed, so that the samples ask- ed for may all be sent out in good time for sowing. Parties wriling will please mention the sort of sample they would prefer naming two or three different 'varieties of their choice. Should the available stock of all the varieties named be exhausted, some other good sort will be sent instead. The samples of grain will be sent early but potatoes cannot be distri. uted until danger in transit by ¢ frost is over. No provision has been made for any general distribu- tion of any other seed than those named. Letters may be sent to the Ex- perimental Farm free of Postage. Wu. SAUNDERS, Director Experimental Farms, 40 Gems, 10 Cents. Dr, Agnew's Liver Pills cure all troubles arising from torpor of the liver. Easy and quick, banish Sick Headache, purify the blood and eradi- cate all impurities from the system. The demand is big. The Pills are little, easy to take, pleasant results, no pain, 40 in a vial, 10 cents, --141 Sold by A. J. Davis. OHURCH OF THE ASCENSION, REY. JOS. FLETCHER, M. A., Incumbent. Sunday--Matins, 10.30 a.m, Evensong, 7 p.m. Sunds ; School, 2.30 p.m. Wednesday-- Evensong, 7.30 p.m. METHODIST CHURCH. REV. G. W, MCCOLL, B A, B.D., Pastor. Babbath Services, 10.90 and 6.30. Week Evening Horvice, Thursday 7.30. Blrangers welcome and conducted to sents. El 8T. JOHN'S OHURCH. (PRESBYTERIAN) REV. W. COOPER, B.A., Pastor: Sabbath Services, 10.30 «nd 7.00. Week Evenin Service, Thuraday 7.30. BAPTIST CHURCH. 4 REV. MR. MCFARLANE, PASTOR, i Sabbath Serviced, 10.80 and 7.00, Week Eve » Thursday, 7.30. E. C. CHURCH, - REV. A. O'MALLEY. Third Sunday at 10 30 s. m, The Light of the World OR Our Savior in Art. Cost nearly $105,000 to produce. Contains nearly roo full page en- graving of our Savior and His Mother by the world's greatest paint- ers. True copies of the greatest Masterpieces in the art galleries of Europe. Every picture is as bedutiful as a sunrise over the hill tops. Contains description. of the paintings, biography of the painters the names and' locations of the galleries in Europe where the or- iginals may be seen. Also contains a Child's Department, including a Childs Story of Christ and His 80 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Mother beautifully written, to fit each picture. This wonderful book matchless in its purity and beauty appeals to every mother's heart, and in every Christian home where there are children the book sells itself. Christian men apidi women wr short time. Mrs. Sackett, our agent in New York has sold over $1,500 worth of books in a very short time The book is printed on velvet fini ed paper, i ef Cardinal Red and gold, and adorn. ed with Golden Roses and Lilies, It is, without doubt, the most beau- * tiful book of this century. Write for terms quickly and get the mana- gement of that territory. You can work on salary or commission, 'and t's a strong Statement hall and three closets ; there stone cellar under the main part wi k oundation but a straight fact, when we say that under the kitchen, - a good state of the greatest help to the live grocar and general storekeeper in Canada is "The Canadian Grocer." You canmiot, read it without getting some valuable information. Spend = promis % good biicked Well aud Clstarn cent for a post card and send for & ute 06, Too 110. on 8 all Sample copy aad 'convinced, mines apply to {me MacLean Pub. Co., Limited: GEO. GARDNER. 5 ye | when you prove your su "we will promote you to the ow Manager an ort permanent salary, to time to attending to o Same on i ence. Wanted © ate Man to of office' a State and manage of the State. Send "for terms, dress-- THE BRITISH, Corcoran BUILDING, Oi Ww

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