Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 20 Jun 1901, p. 4

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x "Yor Over Fifty Years used by millions of mothers for their children whi cost by a sick child saffering and crying with pein of Cutting Teuth, send at ouce and get a bottle of * Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. It 4 will relieve the poor little sulferer immediately. Depend apon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures Diarrhas, Regulates the Stomach and Bowes, Oures Win. Colic, Softens the Gums, Reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole systom. 'Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children Teething i pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Price tweuty-five cents a bottle. Bold for MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. thought of a means. We must do away with the jailer." "But," observed another, "the prison- er will escape." "Well, let him escape and go to the devil. It will be a good riddance." The matter was. referred prince, who approved, and the jailer was dismissed. Excellent! A Fortunate | 22 Criminal. 3 --a Oe @ | mained to await developments. A TRUE STORY OF THE PRIN- © Now at dinner time the prisoner rT CIPALITY OF MONACO. b went out to look for the jailer, but not JOB DEPARTMENT, finding him he repaired to the royal Pamphlets. Huad Bills, Posters, ® kitchen, got his food, returned to pris- | programs, Dodgers, Bill Heads, Check on and carefully locked himself in. Latter Honda, Wedding Tavittions, On the shores of the Mediterranean there lies between France and Italy the little kingdom of Monaco. It num- b fewer luhabitants than a large 4 i nd is in extent BE AREtl fi | ) The next day an identical programme was carried out. He obtained his food and tranquilly dined. As for escaping be bad no such idea. What was to be at in deliberated. us tell Bim. L »» sald one, "that we not want him. Tell him to march." Good! The ministers of justice summoned the criminal and sald: "Why do you not escape? You have d, |} p 0 0 a palace, has a cou ministers, bishops, generals and an army--not, to be sure, a large army, 60 men, still an army--nor Is the revenue ere ne Ye North Ontario Qbserrer toathing. If disturbed at night sd broken of 30u¢ | 4 Weekly "Political, Agribultural and by all druggists throughout the world. 'Be sure and ask | TERMS. LETTERS oon ADVERTISEMENTS charged according ADVERTISEMENTS received for t io to the A LIBERAL discount allowed to Merchants and other It only re | THESE terms will in all cases be strictly] adhered to Blank Forms, ...Parties from a distance hand oy Family Newspaper 1S PUBLISHED AT FORT PERRY, ONT, BY H. PARSONS ------ fi #1 per annum, Jf paid In advance ; if nes $1.50 | it will be 'No subscription taken for less | than six months; and no paper discontinned 0! to this Wheel Up, cleaning and per. before you can ride it. If so Mf; Goodwin would like to give estimate of EVERY THURSDAY MORNING|You will find them very reason in their charges. re complete expert workmen they turn out @ Blong Block. unt Your It wmdoubedly needs a t u aps some repai what is will d With their | repair shop and beifig rst class work withguaranty'bad . Let them call for your mgs r take it to their place of busi taining money, when Office, prepaid and registered wili be at our risk. measured by Nonpariel, and to the space they oocupy. iblication, with ou! nstractions, will inserted unt forbid and charged sccordingly. No wivertise ment will be taken out until paid for. who advertise by the year or half year. FARM FIR SA the Foy Farm, the South half & [ No. 5, in the 5th concession is offered for sale by private tel Terms $500 cash--balance secured by mortgage bearing cent, per annum. Receipt Books, Business Card | rn Perry, or to HAT Valuable Farm co ing 75 acres, being know Township of Marip 0 38 For further particulars app M. YarnorLp, Solicitor | L OHN A McGILLIVRAY] The Temple Bui Visiting Cards, ke. of every pyle sud euiel the County... 5 H, PARSONS. no jaller, no one prevents you, and the prince will certainly not object to your leaving his country." "The prince would not object," re- plied the prisoner, "that 1 quite un- derstand, but where can I go? What would become of me? Your sentence bas forever dishonored me. No one wants me, I have no way of support- ing myself. Why have you treated me so badly? You condemned me to death. Very well. You ought to have executed me, and you did not do It I sald nothing. Then you sentenced me to lifelong Imprisonment and appointed a jailer to bring me my meals. Next you took away my jaller. Still I said nothing, but went myself to get my food. And now you tell me to go. Ab, no, Indeed! Do what you like, but as for me 1 shall stay." large. Duties are indeed, as elsewhere, imposed upon wine, alcobol and tobac- co: but, although the people consclen- tionsly drink and smoke, there are not enough of them, and the princeling would certainly be unable to feed his courtiers and himself had he not the special resource of a gambling house. There people lose or gain, as the case may be, but the keeper always profits and therefore pays heavy dues to the princeling. He can well afford to do so, as bis establishment Is in Europe unique. Similar places formerly exist- ed In some of the German principali- tles, but years o on account of fre- quent catastrophes they were suppress- old. A player, carried away by excite- ment, would lose all his own money and sometimes even that of others and So the Germans then commit suicide. ir me § SLall stag et Again vie forbade their little princes to kee hat was to be ol 4 Wi 2 council met and deliberated. At last it gambling houses, but no one could for- bid the potentate of Monaco, and that is why he has a monopoly. Therefore all the lovers of trente et gquarante rush to his kingdom and for his benefit despoil themselves, "Hon- est toil does not enrich." says the Rus- glan proverb. The princeling knows that the spring from which he drains Is fmpure, but what can be do? It would not be more honest to increase his In- come by raising the duties on alcohol and tobacco. A man must live. 'So the princeling reigns in peace, makes mon- ey and, like a real sovereign, lives sur was decided to offer the criminal & pension. Otherwise it would be impos aible to get rid of him. The matter was referred to the princeling. There was really no choice, and be approved. A pension of 600 francs was decided up- on, and they Informed the prisoner. "All right" sald be, "1 will go, but you must pay regularly." The new pensioner received on se- count 200 francs, bade goodby and left the country. To do so he was obliged to travel by rail only for & quarter of an hour. Havihg bought at a few min- utes' distance from the frontier a little AGENTS WANTED.---FOR "STORY OF BOUTH 3. Kilis, M.A. J. A rival work, Ho su for parison our pi + Worl Ce AFRICA" by John Clark Ridpath, L.L.D., Edward Cooper, Managing Editor of the azine," Toronto, and J. H. Aiken, of nadinn Lonflon, Ont., who has returned this week from 13 | vel i Jsnadisn Publishers who have had a branch in South Africa for nineteen years, giving us su immense urantage in procuring photographs and material. Our ars' travelling in South Africs for us. Wa are the only orship, letterpress snd engravings aro superior, and © are we of this val prospertus Publishing Company, Guelph, Untario. ntral Livery PORT PERRY. I EARTILY thanking the public for the liberal patronage received during the many years 1 have kept a Livery Establish ment in Port Perry, I have much pleasure in announcing that I have removed uadisn Contingenia better illustrated than in any Parcels-- Farm Properties: --belong y that will mail feet | ing to Mr. John Adams, advertised ins and terme free. Awl [to be sold by auction on the 23r¢ a xubcommission. A way was found. rounded by conrtly ceremonial, He re wards, punishes, reviews bis troops, bolds councils and promulgates laws, just like other rulers, only on a smaller scale, Now, some years since a serious event took plsce in the kingdom. A murder was committed. The inhabit- auts of Monaco are péaceable folk, and nothing of the sort had ever before tak- en place among them. The judges met and, as was proper, set about judging. All was done according to rule--publie prosecutor, lawyer, jury, tong and con- sclentions debates. Then, in accord- ance with the law, they condemned the assassin to death. So far, 50 good. The sentence was submitted to the prince Jing. and after bis ratification all that remalned to be done was to execute It. But an impediment presented itself. The country possessed neither guillo- tinue nor executioner. After mature consideration It was de- cided that to obtain the loan of a mas terly cutter off of heads, together with his apparatus, the French government should be addressed and that at the game time inquiry as to the cost of the move should be made, Eight days lat er the answer was received. The French government consented to send the guillotine and the executioner. As to the expenses, they would amount to 16.000 francs. The matter was referred to the princeling. His majesty thought the as- gassin was pot worth that price. Six- teen thousand francs for the neck of a rascal! Ah, po, indeed! It would In that case be necessary to Increase by 2 francs yearly the taxes of each citizen. The people might resist. A council was held, and it was decid- ed to address the same request to the king of Italy. France is a republic, and republics do not respect Cresars, but the king of Italy, & brother, might be less extortionate. The reply was immediate. For the consideration of 32,000 francs, which would also coyer the expense of transportation, the Ital: fam government declared its willing pess to lend the apparatus and special ist This was cheaper, but yet too beavy an expense to incur for such a wretch. Jt would still be necessary to tax the citizens. Again the council met. At great length they debated as to how y matter might be more economically bit of ground, be raises vegetables and on certain days goes to draw his pen- sion. The money pocketed, he repairs to the casino, risks 2 or 3 francs on the green cloth, loses or gains, then goes quietly home. Thus he lives soberly and well behaved. He had the good luck to commit his crime outside the countries which grudge no expense for entting off men's heads or for shutting them up for life in prison.--Translated For New York Commercial Advertiser, MY LIVERY! to my former place of business Water Street vhich Tam about to largely extend in- roasc facilities so thut the public may he setter accommodated with safe and desir- able 21G8 AT MODERATE OHARGES R. VANSICKLER. Port Perry, June 21, 1900. Royal Colors. It is always Interesting to know what colors are used or selected by royal tamilies as being their very own. To England, the only royal family of mod- ern times which has selected it, belongs scarlet, and it must be confessed that it is a most effective color. The royal households of Portugal, Prussia, Swe den and most of the German princes wear blue, Russia chooses dark green, and Austria delights in black and yel- ne low. According to the ususl belief Ch scarlet, as the royal household color of WoL returning sincere thanks fo of Base. red rose of the Plantagenets, but this fs not true. It was taken from the field gules of the royal standard and trom Henry's adoption of the scarlet dress of the yeomen of the guard. In days gone by it was the privilege of the aldermen's wives to wear scar let gowns, but Englishmen having an- nounced In song and story that they never will be slaves the general Eng. lish woman of today is never so bappy as when she has an entire red gown or coat or some touch of the glowing color about ber. England, was chosen because of the the liberal patronage heretofore ex to announce that they have MOVED INTO ully solinit the patronage of all Mr, sraft's former customers. Fresh and Cured Meat J the best quality will always be found cheir Store. Orders will receive prompt attention. Game and Fish in Season. Bismarck on the Throne of France. Bismarck on the throne of Francel Bismarck was once spoken of In that connection. And by Napoleon tool It was during the detention of the de- throned emperor at Wilbelmshobe in 1871, when Napoleon and some mem- bers of his staff were discussing the probability of Napoleon reascending the French throne and news of the do- Ings of the commune was brought in. ended to them, the undersigned would beg PURDY'S BLOCK vhere they will be in a better position than \eretofere to meet the requirements of 'heir numerous patrons and they hg rid ay EALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned for the purchase of all or any of the November, and withdrawn at the sale. McGILLIVRAY, . Al ] Toronto. Temple Building, or JOHN ADAMS, Port Perry. Nov. 30, 1899 LOAN. ort investment or MONEY TO We have funds from private parties! Etrnoqws weloome and conducted to seats. it ngs of the Division Court fE OA 1, J 8 Sapueimber 8, Nov. Sealed Tendars 3. PORT PERRY Clerk, J. W. Burnham, t 4. UXBRIDGE Clerk, Jos. F. 5. CANNINGTON--Clerk, Geo, Smith, Cannington-- 6. BEAVERTON JHURCH OF THE ASCENSION, REV. JOS. FLETCHER, M. A., Incumbent. ating, 10.30 a.m. Evensong, 7 p.m. Bunda METHODIST CHUBOH. ARV. G. W, McOOLL, B.A, B.D., Pastor. Sabb: th Bervioes, 10.30 and 6.30. Week Evenia | Bervice, Thursday 1.30. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH. (PRESBYTERIAN.) REV, W. COOPER, B.A., Paster. + "be th Services, 10.30 and 7.00. Week Evenin Bervice, Thursday 7. "BAPTIST CHURCH. REV. MR. MCFARLANE, PASTOR. Sabbath Services, 10.30 and 7.00. Week Evening Hervice, Thursday, 7.30. R. 0. CHURCH. REV. A. O'MALLEY. Third Sunday at 1030 a. m, i (\OUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1901. WHITBY Clerk, D.C. Mactonell 'Whitby --Japu- Bye "Saptari & Apri art oi A i] Ve 1. 3 J ember 7. --J 15, March 7, May 13, July 8, ry anusry 15, March 7, Ma) 13, November 11. y 5. @ould, Uxbridge-- January 16, March 20, May 27, July 11, Boptentbe. 18, November 19. January 17, March 21, May 28, July 10, Beptember 19, November 20. lerk, Geo. ¥. Brice, Besverton-- roh 22, May 29, September 20, Nov. January 18, Mas ember 71. 7. UPTERGROY E--Clerk, Thos. P. Hart, Uypten ve -- Ma rob 33, May 30, September 21, November By order, J. E. FAREWELL, Clerk of the Pesce. Dated at Whitby, Oct. 22nd, 1900. GEO. JACKSON, Licensed Anctioneer, Valuator, &ec. YOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHI OF CARTWRIGHT, Y ISHES at this the commencement o another Auction Sale Season to re- mortgage at 4) PEM CENT, and those who wish to ; ni * renew old 4 TER buy more laud or build, max turn thanks to his numerous patrons for Toney from ur without suy delay, (snd vers § pRst favors. In requesting their esteemed quietly). have onstomers who waut to bug dni} ind 'continued patrousge he desires to Sroved farma: also thee who would exchange Basi 4 . . If you have farms or other tate that ne effort or pains will be spared Dries for sale, commercial, mechanical, or busine of any kind, please send us price and description of same Fire nnd Life Insurance effected, und a general finance! and brokerage business transacted. LUND & CO. 28 Victoris Street, TORONTO |The Portraits of our Presidents With Biographical Sketches BY General Charles H. Grosvenor, MemBER oF CONGRESS FOR NEARLY 20 YEAR: Contains twenty tour large Photo-gravure Etehing from the paintings indorsed by the fumilies and nea rolatives of the Presidents. Printed on heavy plat paper embossed. A very large bo k ; title page de signed by Tiflany- Biographical sketches printed It Tange, open type in two colors The greatest worl of the 20th Century. So beautifulithat when Presiden MoKinley saw it he subscribed immediately, on agent selling 600 copieain a small territory in Fen vanin. TA million copies will be sold quick, For es will be made this Inangural year, Iligh ola an or woman of good social standing can rake: little fortune in this territory. Territory Ia golni rapidly. Presses running day and night © # orders. A Wanted State Manager to look after co ence and agents, " Address to-day THE CONTINFE! TAL ConcokAx B Washington, B.C. Sn his part to make all sales entrusted to im successes. His very extensive practice Removal ? First doorEast of the Post Office or Fi whi seven years married and 3 Ber} recs miaand Dr. K.& K-10 my i fellow men." ANE tate. Sy pull SD retsos aad all diseases of Men and Women. aN NAMES USED FirHODY WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIV. names velopes, Everythlug oS as = of treatment, a A Varlcocele, Emissions, Nervous Debliity, Seminal Weskacss, s Belt Abuse, Kidney and Bladder EX PN ot ears, 1 would respestfully intimate thatl Ion as usual, bow Fosdy for business, and 4-1 Hal of K will be allowed on all Sales from now uti for over 30 15 returning thanks to the public for the P atronage extended to mi BN Large & Assorted Stock DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS ich 1 am determined to sell very CHEAP, * As an ind t to Casn purch 0 pr ooh an, 1st next. work bein MADE BY HAND, and no factory work kept in stock, the super ority of my goods will at ence become rout. tending purchasers will find that by ving 08 8 of 1" before Jookit a in riven by rt Everthing in my live of business = constantly on hand and repairs neatly and promptly attended to. § JOHN ROLPH. Port Perry, Dec. 1, 1892. The undersigned would $ake this opportunity of thanking his nu- merous custemers for the libersl patronage received since opening business in Port Perry, and 'would EF torm the public that he has moved his business from che Market building to the Store h: A HOUSE AND LOT on Simcoe Street, Houseand Lot for Sale orto Rent. Port Percy. for Sule or to Rent. The ouse contains five rooms, The lot contains one acre on which there are & barn, a g Orchard and a well, Immediate possession. Also for Sale a General-Purpore Horse, Buggy and a Set of Single Harness --will be sold cheap or will exchange for other live where he will be pleased to fill all crders for Meats in a manner that cannot fail to please customers. Having vew and increased fecilities for the tr: tion of busi he feels fid he can give better satisfaction than heretofore, and in order to aerify this state he solicits ull to give him a call in his new premises. wa GAME AND FISH IN SEASON, 1. J. WHEELER. i in tho past should be a sufficient recom mendation ax to his ability. All Sale b diven into his charge will be attended to With promptucss amd dispatch, Sale list made out %d blank notes supplied free. wn application. Parties withing to engage his servicer nay consult hia SALE REGISTYR either at he Observer or Standard Offices, Port Perry, for dates claimed for Sales, ané make arrangements, or write to his uddress CHARG MODERATE. lot of Plymouth Roel Prices reasonable GEO. JACKSON, Seugog PLC Ax usual, a choi of both sexes for sale. Sept. 6, 1599. PAINTING Kalsomining, &c [hE undersigned would take this oppor _ tunity of 'thankivg his numerous pat obs for their liberal and still increasing »atronage during the time he has carried ou the business of PAINTING un Port Perry, and would state that he i: setter prepared than ever to execute al orders for »ainting, Kalsomining and Paper Hanging Parties entrusting their work te me may ely on having it neatly and promptly exe uted, My charges are moderate. 1 am also prepared to supply Paints, &c,, LIVE RY REMOVAL INDINGm y Liveryaccom m : dation on Perry St. curtailed, ii being far too small to meet the re quirements of my rapidly ncreasin; business 1 have leased for a term o years and taken possession of the commodious Livery Offices an Stables I will constantly keep for at | ments met at all times. Patornage respectfully solicited. Conveyance to all trains. Wu. JAMISON. Port Perry Sept. 26, 1900, On Queen Street --entrance adjoining the Canadia Bank of Commerce property--wherc quiont hire + complete variety of reliable rigs a! V : moderate Charges. °, Constant at special notice, S tendance night and day, so parties Scientific Ame may rely on having their require yhen contracting. A continuance of publie patronage sol Aited. WM. TREMEER. Port Perry, Mar. 23, 1503, RSS B80 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trak MARKS DESIGNS CoPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and descri] may ascertain our opinion free w! jor an patentable, Communiea- Handbook on Patents for securi taken through Munn & without charge, in the he rican. A handsomely {llustrated weekly. poten 'erms, Largest cir. oulation of any tio Journal, T - ui four months, $1. Bold by all newsdealers. JUNN & Coser New York THE SEBERT HOUSE SP In returning thanks to the general public and the farming community in particular for their generous and kind patronage since 1 embarked in the hotel business, 1 beg to announce that 1 now have more commodious and far superior facilities for enter- taining the public than I ever possessed in the past ; having lately taken possession of the Oriental Hotel which will in future be known as the SEsert House, and have spared neither skilled labor nor expense in order to remodel and fit it up in a manner second to none in the province. Having introduced the most modern water works system, every room will at all times be fully supplied with hot and cold water, The comfort of guests will be the first consideration and no expense or labor will be spared in order to meet their requirements and win their approbation, so that their good opinion of the "Sebert House" may be heralded throughout the entire Dominion and the traveling public thus made acquainted with the fact that Port Perry possesses hotel accommodation in- ferior fo none elsewhere to be found, and my charges, as in the past, will contir.ue to be notdd for moderation. In order to provide ample yard, stable and shed accommodation for all, especially on market days I have purchased the lot to the north of my already spacious premises and have had erected thereon large and comfortable sheds, and my patrons will find at their service an attentive and obliging hostler. 1 have every confidence that my enterprise will be fully appreciated by a generous public and that all will gladly avail themselves of the superior accommodations Time provided. L. SEBERT YAEL AS) any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent- ability of same. secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receive by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. (Patent Attorneys,) Evans Building, ~ Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description -of «How to obtain a patent" sent upon request. Patents special notice, without charge, in Tae Pater RECORD, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted WASHINGTON, D. OC. stock, Apply at the Office of this paper. that | port Parry, April 5, 1899, Agricultural Machmes ee AND IMPLEMENTS tet ATT me SUNDERLAND THE undersigned keeps on hand and for sales the following Agricultural Mach. ines and Implements manufactured by the MTR EAMILTOR WPGC OF PETERBORO: Binders, Reapers, Crown Mower, Daisy Seeder, Tiger Hay Rake, Two Furrow Plow, Three Furrow Gang, Combina- tion Plows, Champion Plows, S. T. Cultivator, 8. T. Harrow, Land Roller, Steel Frame Spring Tooth Cultivator, Binder Trucks, &ec. so the following, the munufacture of JOHN ABEL, Toronto. "High class Threshing outfits, Traction Radios and Machines, Victor Clover Huller, Portable Triumph Engine. T am prepared to supply everything the farmer requires in way of Machines, Imple- ments, Repairs, &o. ear A call solicited, MoDonald's Hotel. One door West of R. K. BRYANT. Sunderland, April 8, 1893. roosaeaconu0000se0mII { Webster's International Dictionary The One Great Standard Authority, Bo writes Hon, 10. J. Lirewer 0 natice UU. &. Aupreme Conrt. Send a Postal for Specimen Pages, etc. Sucréseor of the "Unabridged." Standard 'onrt, ali the State Anpreme Conris, and of nearly all the qd Bchooibooka. Warmly Commended by State Snperintend- Lon: and BEST FOR EVERYBODY BECAUSE It le easy to find the word wanted, it is easy to ascertali the pronu o it ls easy to trace ti h of n word. it is easy to learn wi BETER ANDARD. ronto G. ya iternatior 41 ng ized 3a the most reli 1a standand dictionary un ehed. a to 1111 e The primATY function nl adie: onary, the [ntcciational contintn #51 Amount of infonoa! Ins lobe sa. mal 18 rapid Tho Ho 'The i 0 vi tion of great valne --Jjan. 11, 188. ©. & C. MERRIAM CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., 0.8.4. BOHC Tp "Horrible--too horrible" exclaimed le petit empereur. And then, after a long silence, he re- { sumed, "1 know a man who, if on the French throne, would be master of Germany in six months." Why could not they employ a proper pt order one of his war rors to cut off the head, since that is thelr trade, and. after all, what else is war? The general spoke to his men, but one and pll refused to perform the task. "No. sir." said they. "We have pot had sufficient practice." What could be done? They reflected and yet again held a council. A com- mittee was formed, a commission and for the death pepalty must be substi A for that of imprisonment for life 2 the sovereign could display clem- 'and at the same time economize. e princeling appreved. But another culty arose. There was no prison tte "His pame, sire?' asked his nephew, Jt Looked Inviting. 1 was visiting a magistrate in Kerry county when a stalwart fellow was brought in a prisoner, charged with pearly killing an old baldbeaded man, whose head was a bloody mass. "What was it this fellow did to you?" asked the magistrate. "Nothing." '"Then what made you do it?" "Well, ll tell yer bonor God's truth. Ye see, 1 came late into the fair, luck was ag'in me, for all the fighting was over, 80 as I was strutting about looking for some boy to cross a stick wid | saw this poor man's bald bead poked out of a slit of the tent that he might cool it, and 1 Jooked so Inviting that for the soul of we | couldn't help bitting the blow."~ & C. Hall's Diary. tr t------ TICKETS TO ALL PARTS OF THE WorLp.--Mr, W. H. McCaw, Port Perry, is now in a position to issue to supply all necessary information to ies asto the cheapest and best routes, &. In addition to his | Ticket A ies for Rail lines, he has 5 road and Steamshi iret Eon Rais to travel will consult their ; by consulting Mr tickets to all parts of the world and for nt for arties Scoond door East of Mr, Purdy's Grocery 8. T. CAWKER & SON Port Perry, May 21, 1900. JOHN NOTT, il YEARLY \ or woman to | i ad IDERTAKER, GEO. GARDNER. Whee to inform the public of Port Perry and surrounding country, that sfter four years expevience in prosecutin, his business in some of the largest cities of the United States, he ia better prepared than ever to execute any. of the following branches of his trade :--Stone Masonry, Brickiaying in all its branches; Plain and Ornamental Plastering. Also Artificial Stome Walks, that will remain permanent and will endure 'any weather. Concrete in need of any of the above, come to me and obtain prices, All materis| required in my line will be kept constantly on hand, for sale after the first of next April, GEO. GARDNER, Port Perry, Jan. 3, 1804, ANTED -- TRUSTWORTHY ANC active gentlomen ble, established house in Ontario Cisterns without any weod in their com-! struction to decay or give out. Ifyou are first or ladies to tarvel To Li of Our Saviour In : 00,000 to publie. N or of Christ and his tr an Mrs. Wi of Ba. No matter how low test intrinsic value that sible for you to receive.-- corn by the car load--a celebrated Ulriches' pt Child's stories tor each picture. lit solly itoelt. oh 1 | depend upon it that Jou will get the: PROMPTLY SECURED whois) f QTYLISH, RELIABLE E ARTISTIC» : IN PORT PERRY FOR SALHI DESIRABLE PROPERTY NHE undersigned offers for sale at a his fice property on Lorne ONE GIVES RELIER y : for Medicine until you have tried You can buy them in the paper 5-cent cartons. Ten Tabules for Five Cents. te sort 10 put up chengly to getty he A If you don't find this sort of Ripans At the yaa -- Tabules Besser by Lo v Sd iets a rk

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