Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 11 Jul 1901, p. 3

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We BIC the CL : ' Wheels in Canada ALE fia Sy Perfect Model 40 : $60 hern Sweet Ensilage and Perfect Model 30 - 50 Improved Early Leaming Dominion - a Prospective purchasers dace cordially invited to indpect our stock. EZ" General repairing attended to. Lawn Mowers repaired as they should be: MAY & GOODWIN. UES AND PROVISIONS FRESH AND RELIABLE. =~ : s & i h ing in the New Styles. UU& Fit G i most delicate digestions, CN NED Toga 18 ALSO A BRITISH PRODUCT, ave just received a Car of Ulriches' Iiispected SL : Seed Corn. : 99 Ceylon Teas are sold in sealed lead A203] packets only, never in bulk. Blacks, |' ncolored Ceylon Green. Sample on application, Address| A, Toronto. ¢ ' & Good Trade Prospects i -- pr Brockville, July 5.--The follow. | Boys 0. 1 1 ng 18 an extract from a letter just : . He 3 : received Mr. James Cumming, Lyn,{ The Great A A PERFECT BE AUTY. Dotinion Teas Commissioner 10) Tustrated ; th Africa, date ietermaritz- i Re oy ' En buses Natt Nay. a4 iantiis pro | of eekly Peper. The new wall papers are making buyers happy. The p ies small contains only 600,000 | ~ 7 T R N variety of the figures and the excelence of thé colors P* ORONTO used will iusure the very best results in the way A papering yout home. The designer has been careful vi winte 60,000 Hindoes, and 600,000 natives, but at present there are SATURDAY NIGHT ~ over 200,000 refuges from Johannes ¥ " : | i : ] to produce colors suitable for any room or for ths in: | dividual taste. We are sure you will ) : which will be sold at Reasonable Prices. Ca oty Mangel, Sugar Beet Mangel a Spetialty. Garden Seeds of all kinds in packet or in bulk. burg and Pretoria filling all the [and you and other enterprising hotels, so that between the military [People hay positively EARN MONEY he refugees all the houses and [handling it. Over Goo boys and |. ete! fal. The = Parliament | lea 15 W. H McCAW Idings and offices are Aig LV] ake Money : the people here are very wealthy | iy this respectable way write for our and spend money freely on sport | pamphlet telliig all about it, Ad- | W4ESEAR4E-AD 4D 4S hie 4nd | and enjoyment. Nearly every : : HOUSE, SIGN LUURAT or 4 SION (ORAT IE ; 4 ! : Graining, Glazing, Paper Hanging: Kalsomining and Sign Writing Executed in first class style and at Moderate Prices. Parties Build: ing or Repairing will receive Prompt attention, Paper Hanging' and Decorative Tinting in all the modern forms and shades. I HAVE THE LARGEST VARIETY OF dress-- house has a tennis court. There isa CIRCULATION Dept, fine park, covering about 1,000 Toronto SaTurDAY NIGHT, acres, and botanic gardens, with C Toron semi'tropical flower; shrubs, trees, Lh i etc. At the hotel wé sit with the DIN STRAIRS SALE of VAL. CH FAPER k of h LE RE ESTATE. ~The Ad- | A Spea ye eembly and be ministrator of the Estate of John Ferguson. GHEAP, b) Hu in Soi : late of the Township of Mari i 3 in th Africa: They arow. tea he Township of ariposa in the here and splendid oranges, pine apples and bananas, but don't en- joy the flavor of the other fruits, County of Victoria, yeoman, deseased, will offer for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION at the SIMPSON HOUSE, in the TowN | LT 20 E 18 booming, OF LINDSAY, on SATURDAY rug 13tH CANADIAN AND AMERICAN all vt DAY oF JULY, 190), at Two oc) ck in the : such as maatjes, peafs, pawpaws, atrton the following valnabie ni and no wonder when you etc. The Parliament here consists| The west-half of lot number 2 on the 1.6 buy brand New F urniture of fifteen Senators and thirty-nine conaession of the Township of Mariposa, . members or commissioners. We | within 120 rods of Lake Scugog. There | 1 Cost Prices. had the entree of the Speaker's | Ar about 94 deres cleared and under cul extensive premises, where I have opened up, in ition to my extensive stock of Drugs, Chemicals, and Fancy BGoods; a full line of SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES. special seats on the floor of the ouse, arid heard the debate on the address; and also the Treasurer's budget speech, We had a cup of tea with the Speaker and his wife, and for the first time since we reached South Africa we were serv- ed by a white man or servant. i have had interviews with the Prime Minister, Treasurer atid Minister of Agriculture. All are strongly in in favor of arranging their tariff so as to give preference other British colonies and the old land, bat at present they ate under a customs union with Cape Colony, Rhodesia and the revolted republics and no tivation and the balance covered with good hard wood bush, The soil is rich clay D> . 1 9 A low, the property is well fenced ; there is Bedroom Suits, were $12 for $9.65. a good' orchard of fruit bearing trees and two never-failing wells. There are erected on the property the following buildings and allio good repair : a frame dwelling hoase, one and a half stories high with frame kitchen attached ull on good stoiio founda- tion and with cellar under the whole ; a frate barn about 00x66 with stone base- ment under the whole and all thoroughly fitteg for stabling ; a frame sheep house and a flame diiving hbuse about 24x40, This roperty is situated in the centre of one of the best agricultural districts in the Pro- vince and is most conveniently sitiated being about vue mile froin the village of Sonya, two miles from Seagrave Station, six miles from Cresswell, nine miles fiom the town of Port Perry and eighteen miles from the Oak Sideboards, were $17 for $11. Iron Bedsteads, were $4.50 for $3.40. Fancy Flower Tables at 63¢, 55¢, 50c, 408, 85¢, 30¢, 25¢: Wilton Rug Parlor Suit, spring seat, spring edges, Silk banded--was $45 for $31.50, Wilton Rug Parlor Suit, was $55 for $42. Everything else in proportion during eur Sacrifice Sale. JESSOP FURNITURE C0. A.J. DAVIS. ever shown in Port Perry, comprising all the leading New York styles' and colorings; such as the. New Tapestrys, Colonials, Moorish, Silk Damask, Pressed Damark, Brocades, Fabric Effects, Varnished Tiles, Stained Grounds, Plain Flock, Lincrusta Waltons, and Ingramns. A variety of over 1500 Patterns from the Cheapest 2c Papers up. All of which are tgor Patterns, and no back numbers, Parties requiting Wall Paper this season could not spend a few leisure moments tg better advantage than to look through my Sample Books at your owti homes, and matchrthe papers with particular room and its surroundings. new atrangement can be made until Toys of indy. Se aren ; W. J. NOTT, Manager. 7 3 erms !--Teu per cent. of the ptrchase after the war and and a new deal money must be paid at the time abi ard rrr tage om is made. This is a wonderful coun- the balance within one. mouth thereafter : UZ try to sell goods. The entire aim | without interest. There will be a reserved Grocery & Provision Emporium. | Int future I shall be located one door north of Mr: Widden's Grotety. : Diesfeld's DEAMDND We are prepared tc give SPECIAL BARGAINS in BADY-MADE CLOTHING fuming GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, Gold Filled Cases in great variety, some as smell as a Quattef, Dollar, nicely Enameled and Set with Pearls, &c! bf the pushing part of the people is bid: Further particulars aud Sondiivns of to mite gold, ahd then. supply. the | 215ct b hed on spain to the wl tniners and. dependents there. When | ATEXANDER FERGUSON. Adminis: pe peace is established there will be trator of Estate, Sonya 1.0, or ELIAS i st $100;000;000 of gold mined | BOWES, Lindsay P.0. i ¥ nd this is the place where ai 'they only buy the best or the cheap- 'est. The whites have the very best and the native the poorest and CANADIAN Foudicet of cheap, tawdry, ornamen : PAC IFIC Y. al fcolors. The land is rich, but very hilly--and such strange hills WILL RUN AT RETURN FARES and hollows--flat on top and tather i * hard to work. Everything is done iit : ~ IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS increased the dimensions of my premises, I have purchased and opened out an Extensive Stock of Flour--No. 1 (warranted) $1.90 per bag. in and Bogs which for quality and low prices cannot be equaled in Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Rolled Oats, trict. Graham Flour, fe the largest and most varied Stock of BOOTS avo SHOES ever| PT1088 10 Suit you all right. ; Rolled Wheat, Rolled Peas, 2 10 thi ity for v i , and tl 8 such as can va, 3 in this locality for your inspection, and the prices ares WEDDING AND ENCACEMENT RINCS his waggon, the farmer under a can: 0 ik Swiss Food, 3 y ; n il to ploase. Moosomry...... Flaked Riek Flaked Bley ' in Pearl; Opal and Di Is, all fine and New Designs. Crock$ Hf' 3 gs pot k ¥ " i 1 ear. al anc amonds, e 8 S ¥ opy or tent, and two natives driving HAMIOTA... .. §dnd see i i quarters. My aim shall be to please | In i Pol an Vanes Very Cogan storers ine . : SN un / Juaker Oats. the oxen. No whitemeu do any- SWAN Rivet .. \ SAO ERE S04 9 4 : Knives; Forks, Spoons, Fruit Dishes, Butter Dishes, Cake Baskets, T Sets, &c., and some more to follow. a | EZ" Also Fancy Goods: EVERYTHING GOES CHEAP. EX ] ] | : hing in Afri h be d b I AT LOWEST PRICES. thing in rica that can be done By Reursions and KZ" Repairing as usual, i DIESFELD'S a ) WINNIPEG, .,.. With oxen, a farmer nevet comes DELORAINE, y A * to market with less than four Suan aren iii teen, and more often eighteen, on ba Ry ic ih NE Ress ERY bien dnd 1) 630 | NEBR crook oF gRogERIES Hd about 3,000 feet ERA " PRINCE ALBERT. et go" : Choice, Fresh, and Cheap. 1 but where we are going next week ( i Uatadry is 4 500 feet up, and some frost will uk ih Macrzen be experienced. In Durban and 1 WW J Rin Dio for twenty mile back from the coast by i rd $40 they can grow any tropical fruit. J Going June 18 R i il Aug, 18 Here about seventy miles back the an Ralors. s. ES ariay a ne unl Aug i is li i H 2 in| 3 he Slimate is like Florida, and 120 IE une 1 en suTn g until Sept. 16 miles farther it is like Virginia so cone sary 25 Retirntng until Sept. 22 4 that within 300 miles you can have |(All Rail or 8. 8 Alberta) , the variety of chmate that would | A.B. NOTMAN, Asst. Gen. Pusst. Agent, take ajourney of 2,000 miles in 1 King Sireot Ens}, Toronto; America. When Johannesburg is again in full blast; and isa city of ,000, and. the people will al: ry ways come down 400 miles to the coast in winter, which 1s now on. y Anyone with energy manufacturing J something that natives can work at Il make money here. Coal is|IS NOW AT THE p, twenty shillings a ton, and BRRALEE SI TOP ROUND he coast. At present every |OF THE LADDER. erty, Sept 6, 1899. Canned Peas | THREE Canned Tomatoes CANS Canned Corn 25 CTS nT EE Dried Peaches, Prunes, agai | | NOVALsosese £2" CROCKERY AT Cost &3 ' Moved our business to the 86uth side of Queem Street and mow occupy the FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS extensive premises just vacated by Mr. B. F. ri where we will be better prepared than ever to supply our customers and the public IN ENDLESS VARIETY-- FRESH AND PURE. PATENT MEDIGINES The BEST and CHEAPEST]. Stock in the County. KS" Wanted--Butter and Eggs Sailors J At25 cts. for kil he highest Cash price , Misses L. &. Stouffer, Port Perry, Nov. 30, 1898. Carnegie's : ROLLER MILLS arness Line jy yuLL BLAST! ! PN ESS STY L EB SEDAN ANT NINN The undersigned takes this opportunity of returning his sinser thanks for the large mebswrs of patronage bestowed on, him since commencing business in Port Perry; and would beg to state that having, at a large expenditure, oraghil overhauled the entire Mill and introduced the best, mo approved and most modern machinery including thé Agr fon ; A FI: Sndeiniqued fre. fos sale. x a. ¥ undersigned offers f 3 11.45 a.m: ) 3 The. the Whitney Hotel oh ditiously and in a manner that cannot fail to' give Epsom. The buildings are in first-ol CR 3 : Hepe Hamsy BE 9 Tepaie aud there are two acres of Js : . : \ tis to my ig lye. a hy fedinte Yoemention,| (Ei iad wi of the. | Binder Twine For further p ROA | Supplied with Flour of the : FINEST BRANDS Jan, 14,1901. - y ior Bn sstyenies ferms 84} | gp Examine Them; Apply oo EZ Try Them and EZ Buy Them EZ" They Are No. 1. wy 4 ¥. SEASON 1901. 1.20 pm : a HE THE PLANING FACTO] in full operation and can sapply all kindsof Dressed Lumber, also Lumber; Joists, Scantling Boar ets, Shingles, Posts Doors, Sash, Mou ; . Bannisters and Neuel Posts £7 BILL LUMBER A SPECIALTY. All kinds of TURNING and SOROLL SAWING WwW FANTED -- TRUSTWORTHY AND YY active a a, hii '% | for responsible, established house in On | Mouthly $65.00 and expenses, ur f steady. Reference. Eaclossself-addre stamped envelope, The Dominion Jaxxs | any, Dept. : FE ae us Stock left over thé Holidays, I will give Great Bargains " Months, for or Credit untii next fall to re. | Department every branch is: lete--such as dc. Having py VE 38 LS 900) Kuan: 5 A urc! uneral Goods or womat am Rg 'my customers the Son y ) Hearses ty. Prices low as | €Uounties; to act

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