Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 8 Aug 1901, p. 3

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statement ; "I was suffering acutel LE. Hall, the dr I could | every move re There strength nor energy loft in me. stant ening over ny Kidneys was most de- | (* © | am quite over commando Mater Ct of te, 1 1s traceable to heir assistance with Dr, Pitcher's Kideey Tablets, GE will promptly relieve the Kiduey and restore your Bn er onsonrs: peter § r. Alex ery, Pel Perth, Ont., whe pa ade wi n back whe 1 using Dr, tchore' ts from F. ache Kidney eo i neither The con- Promesg, 1 started using the Tablets, and e Lumbago ua patistustors aud eau goufi ently reco them for oy "Dr. Ditcher's Bucknche Kiduey Tablets e passage of a Boer into Portuguese ter- ritory is not fully cleared up.-- The section, where the rs are now making a desperate stand is 4 large quadrilateral of mountain- ous country, stretching from De Aar to Stormberg and Beaufort West to Queenston. divided into small roving detach- ments, which are alternately mass- ed and dispersed. The sedtion of Cape Colony exposed to the raids of these bands of Cape tebels and Boets is equal to about half the area of the Orange River Colony. In the clearances of these mountains General French in finding an un- dertaking of exceptional difficulty when the rebels are aided by their fortner neighbors and know every foot ef the ground. A letter from a soldier in South Africa dated Nylstroom, Transvaal Colony, July 6, says the Boers wrecked a train near Naboomspruit on July 4 A hundred and fifty Boers attacked the train guard and 28 Gordon Highlanders were killed, 18 wounded, 10 captured. The conductor, engineer and firemen of thie train were subsequently shot. Commandant Haermanus Steyn, cousin of President Steyn, was kill: ed on Aug. 1, while fighting at Ficksburg. Boers and rebels are resentering the Barkley West district of Cape Colony. Bouth American War. Caracas, Venezuela, Aug. 4-- The Venezuelan Government an- tounces that a force of invaders under Gen: 'Hangel Garbiras, in- cluding 22 battalions of the 'Colom- bian army, was repulsed by the Government troops and compelled to fall back across the frontier after . 88 hours' fighting; July 28 and 20. It is officially asserted that the invaders lost goo men, the Govern: ment troops losing 300. The Govern ment has sent reinforcements to the frontier, London, Aug. 4---The Reuter Telegram Company has received the following despatch; dated Aug: ust 4, Curacoa: *'Advices from Caracat say that 6,000 revolutionists were defeated after 50 hours' fight- ing, July 29, and July 30, with a loss of 8oe men, the Government loss being 300." St. Paul, Minn, Atig. 3.--M. Robert Barbier; Manager of the Russo. China Bank of Pekin, repre- sentative of the Russian Goverh- ment and Manager Manchurian Railway, who is at present in St. Paul, is said to be connected with a tremendous scheme of railway construction, designed to unite Alaska and' Siberia, and furnish ||| Harvesters $d... rail and water connections between |{} Wanted North-West Circle City an Vladivostock, the ghstern termimus of the trans Siberian Railway, at a cost of $200;- 000,000. The enterprise, it is stat: ed has the backing of the Bank of France and owerful money interests in the United States. jckly began to let up, I % To TF have found Fen § The Dr. They are | po rected Gos. ne vr} n 1632 jand restored ulation of the two cities is almost One hundred have been ship South Africa British Army. ------ PORT PERRY MARKETS. (Quotations by A. Rods & Son.) I DAY, Ju $063 thousand mules froth America to or the use of the 1901. #0 FEEESEEE8a- geaugsszs? wa SSESES55ECFEESEEEE E23 SEBEESS8858R8R8E -o : Hts free from A. . Milwaukee has. twice 28' many | $¢ a A" saloons as Detroit, though the ji SALADA Bedroom S lits, Ww Oak Sideboards, were Iron Bedsteads, were $4.50 for $3.40. 4 Faney Flower Tables at 65c¢, 5c; 50c, 40¢, 85¢, 30¢c, 25¢: 4 Wilton Rug Parlor Suit, spring seat, spring edges, Silk| NATURAL L CREEN THA ; T \ny Particle of Coloring Matter; is D : JEvigomlings is the only tea that suits fastidious p gt {19 W, olesome for the most delicate digestions, y IT IS ALSO A BRITISH PRODUCT. colored banded--was $45 for $31.50, Wilton Rug Parlor Suit, was $55 for $42. Everything else in proportion during our Sacrifice Sale. JESSOP FURNITURE (0. Ceylon Teas are sold in sez packets only. Blacks, Mixed Ceylon Green. Free Samples on applicatiohi. the same. « SALADA," Toronto. : P pplication CHEAP, CHEAPER, GHEAPE Trade is booming and no wonder when you En. buy brand New Food at gadymade Clothing at Cost Prices... 6d iis ; $12 for $9.65. $17 for $11. W. J. NOTT, Managér. Co Local Board of Health Moved by Mr. Frise that the Municipality of the Township of Scugog, VOTERS' LIST, 1901. COUNTY OF ONTARIO. OTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN that I the Board is Clerk be instructed to have the fol- lowing notice published in the Port Perry Newspapers. "It is resolved by this Board that action be taken to have all cases of contageous diseases placarded and of the opinion, that the Local Doctors have neglected their duties in this respect and in future the board intends to enforce the Law therein." CHOICE FARM FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS. HE dndersignd offers for sale that fine farn containing 100 acres more or less being the West half of lot 8, concession 7, Township of Sougor. Uti the premises are a good frame dwelling house containing seven oe bh ah stone founda: onyood . This fino property is situated ol 5 por aoa] 2 To A (les gu Fo Rory For particuldrs apply te the proprietor, W. L. MARSHALL Port Pirry, July 24, 1001, T0 SCHOOL TRUSTEES. pag School Trustees of the Township of Reach are hereby notified that their applications to have their School Assessment, placed on the Collector's Roll for the pre- gent year must be made to the Clerk not later than FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, now transmitted or delivered to the Per- sons mentioned in sections 8 and 9 of the Ontario Voters' List Act, the copies requir- ed by said sections to be transmitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant to the said Act, of all persons appearing by the last Revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality %o be entitled to vote in the suid Municipality at Elections for Members of the Legislative Aseembly and at Munici- pal Elections ; and that said list was first posted up at iny office, at Scugog, on the 17th day of July, 1901, aud rewains there or inspection, Electors are called upon to examine the said list and if any ommissions or any other errors are found therein to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law, JOHN FOY, Clerk of Scugog, Dated, Sengog, duly 17, 1901. * FOR SALE OR LEASE. ([YHE McKenzie Livery Barn and premises | TREE Bee SEH i Apply i Port Perry, July 10,1801, Joys = The Great Illustrated Weekly Paper of Canadais.., TORONTO T. J. ASH. NERA next, Will be Run ations jin Oni East of Manchester, July 8, 1901. | FARM TABORERS' BXCURSIONS FoR WINNIPEG \ And alf stations a 1 0 west, West and South. bss YORKTON oi Midiod | MOOSETAW iirosio sod | ESTEVAN AUG. 5th and 12th ger leo WM. SPENCE, In Manitoba --T0-- 'west. Lo Township Cierk. SATURDAY NIGHT and you and other enterprising eople may positively EARN MONEY Bis it. Over 6oo boys and agents at work The terms are very favotable and the paper is popular. Just now running a series of articles on Egypt; Palentine and Italy; and readers are gteatly interested. I you wish to Make Money in this respectable way write for our pamphlet telling all about it. Ad- dress-- CircuraTioN DEPT, ToroNTO SATURDAY NIGHT, Cheapside IS NOW AT THE Nora : ib ETA Voters' List 1901. Municspolity of the Township rtwright, Count of Durhan. 4 erly aid Munici- Members of TOP ROUND OF THE LADDER. 5, in F Our Gentlemen's "Top Round" Boots--in Black and Chocolate. Also our Extra SovereiGN Brands, These Boots beat anything in this part of Canada. EZ Just See Them, . EZ Examine Them, > EZ Try Them and EZ Buy Them EZ They Are No. 1. Also our Immense Stock of ALL KINDS of Boots and Shoes for Spring and Summer Wear. | prices. And 'now 3 THEN FOR GROGERIES a Japans and Ceylon et E Grocery & Provision Emporia, Flour--No. 1 (warranted) $1.90 per bag. Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Rolled Oats, Graham Flour, Rolled Wheat, Rolled Peas, Swiss Food, Flaked Rice, Flaked Barley Quaker Oats. AT LOWEST PRICES. | STOCK OF GROGERI Canned Tomatoes Canned Peas THREE Canned Corn ! 25 CTS esp Prunes, + % ~ Figs, Dates, &c., & EZ Crockery AT Cost FIELD & CARDEN SEED IN ENDLESS VARIETY. FRESH AND PUR PATENT MEDICI The BEST and. CHEAPES Stock in the County, K=" Wanted-- Butter and' for which the highest Cash pr will be paid. W. TUMMONDS Hotel Properly : atEps HE undersigned offers for sale Rent the Whitney Hotel Estat i Epsom. The buildings are in first: Hone and there are two acres of rofiard. Immediate possession, Fot further particulars *P ly to x STU. NORM Just. 14, 1901. WANTED ~-- TRUSTWORTHY active gentlemen or ladies t for responsible, established house in Monthly $65.00 and expenses. seedy, Reforsnls. Encloseself-ad stamped envelope. The Domini any, Dept. Y Chigngo. 2 : ES. "A look iit" then at and the result will be that Yy walk out well pleased with these Crown brand Derbies at --A. F. Carskb1E. slim or stout, it will pay to see those wonderful cl Suits for men and boy Jones & Co's. 6 hold their shape. They fair] with style. Our Collars , the foregoing repuisites A. CARNEGIE. : 9 'School Teacher Was F ANTED a Teacher for Sch Haying had the commodioiis Store in the Currie Block fitted up espec- : ially, I am satisfied I have now one of the best appointed Drug West End @'| ii in ER Bort perry Sept 2, 1900. CANS HE Eh. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. |. Perfect Model 30 - ¥K=" They fit. They weas The | SS Seed Corn. uthern Sweet Ensilage and Improved Early Leaming which will be sold at Reasonablé Prices. Carrot, Mangel, Sugar Beét Mangel a Specialty. Garden Seeds of all kinds iti packet or in bulk. IEROCERIES AND PROVISIONS FRESH AND RELIABLE in the New Styles. Fit Guirariteed. owas nt : 2 ow and extensive preinises, where I hate additioh to my extensive stock of Drugs, Chemicals; Svtie ; Car | ' Load Stores in the Provirte, and have taken possession of my new opened Goods; a full line of SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES. Whilé teturning thanks to my numetous patrons 1 would extend an invitation to all to call and see file in my new premises. A. J. DAVIS, 7 Control my usiness in my own iA name--neither am I associated ; with any trust or Combine. . HGiving Ifi my Undertaking Department every branch is comy Caskets, Coffins, Robes, &c. ery beaneh my before the advance in price I ath pre dred to give my benefit: I furnish one of the best He in thi X any. My motto is--fair dealing to all. Ses me Coney, 3 Wood taken in exchange, K="[ am AGENT For MoNum JOHN IN OTT. Warerooms--one door west of the St, Charles John R. Redma 4 HOUSE, SIGN : JRA ! RINTHIR Graining, Glazing. Paper Hanging, : Kalsomining and Sign Writing Executed fii first class style and at Moderate Prices. Parties Build. ing or Repairing will receive Prompt attention. Paper Hangin and Decorative Tinting in all the modern forms and ha g * I HAVE THE LARGEST VARIETY OF CANADIAN AND AMERCAIN Wall | Paper ever shown in Port Perry, comprising all the leadii g New York styles and colorings, such as the New Tapestrys, Cn 'onials Moorish, Silk Damask, Pressed Damark, Brocades, Fabric Effects, Varnished Tiles, Stained Grounds, Plain Flock; Lincrusta Waltons, and Ingrains. A variéty of over 1500 Patterns up, in atid Fancy Clothing and ocr roscries Boot § Shoe Business i ALL IS DEPRTHENS | Having incteased the dimensions of my premises, I have purchased and READY- ay Poe hy nb: es 2B; opened out an Extensive Stock of his district. not fail to ploase. il Comé and see us in our efilatged quarters. My aim shall be to please my customers in every partictilr. A. F. CARNEGIE Port Perry, Sept 6, 1899. MADE CLOTHING Furnishings Hl for Men and Boys which for quality and low prices cannot be equaled in | il 1 have the largest and most verled Stock of BOOTS AnD SHOES ever Hlopencd in this locality for your inspection, and the prices are such as can- from the Cheapest 2c Papers up. All of which are 1go1 Patterns, and no back numbers, Fhrties requiring , Wall Paper this season could not spend a few leisure moments tg better advantage than to look through my Sample Books at your own homes, and match the papers with particular room and its sitrroundings. I fiiture I shall be lo¢ated one door north of Mr. Widden's Grocery. Diesfeld's We are prepared tc give SPECIAL BARGAINS in GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Gold Filled Cases in great variety, some as smell as a Quarter of Dollar, nicely Enameled and Set with Pearls, 22 a Prices to suit you all right. 4 WEDDING AND ENCAGEMENT RINGS 4 in Pearl, Opal 4nd Diamonds, all fide and New Designs. Crotxs Ix~ GREAT VARIETY VERY CHEAP, AND Knives, Forks, Spoons, Fruit Dishes, Butter Dishes; Cake Baskeis 1 Sets, &c., and some more to follow. ? EZ" Also Fancy Goods. EVERYTHING GoBS CHEAP. EJ §&~ Repairing as usual, BICYCLES We are handling the most superior line of Wheels in Canada Perfect Model 40 - $60 50 Dominion - - 40 Prospective purchasers ace cordially invited inspect our stock. General repairing Sliended to. Lawn paired as they should be. ; © MAY & GOODWIN: DIESFELD'S Port Perry, Nov. 30, 1898, Carmrmmegie's ROLLER MILLS IN FULL BLAST! STU LTD 10 SLANT SAVNEN The ndersigned takes this opportunity of returning his sincor thanks for the large measure of patronage bestowed om i : iim since commencing business in Port Perry, and would beg to state that having, at a large expenditure, thoroughl, overhauled the entire Mill and inttoduced the best, approved and most thodérn machi incl {ROLLER PROCESS ® naiv mises xe are we will be better prepared than ever to supply our customors and the public with everything id' the WHICK POR PNESS, STYLE surpassed in the County, wo : oved asineds fo the South side of Queen Street and now coocupy the M indy 4 vacated by Mr. B., F. ACKERMAN, farness Line Gristing and Chopping Ezpeditiously and in a manner that cannot fail to give sutigfaction to my customers # TEADm | I fades THE PLANING FACTOR in full operation and can supply all kinds of Dvessed Lumber, also Lumber, Joists, Scantling, Bo ets, Shingles, Posts Doors, Sash, Mou Bannisters and Newel Posts £7 BILL LUMBER A SPECIALTY. Al kinds of TURNING aud SOROLL SAWING doss damEs for the misufactivs of Flout, tnd is prepared to do : i Port Perry, Oot. 1, 1891. i YEARLY to Christian man or woman to look after ow g busin s and adjoining, and Co

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