2pat Makes the Life of its hos Haars Butpitasion: Dis Feeli; on, and for Fcod. du Kord" 8t. Jerome. Que. from dyspepsia or bad ion are numerous in this coun- Almost daily one' hears some complaining of the tortures caused them by this malady, and is no common thing to hear a sufferer say "I wish I was dead." And no wonder, the suffering caus by bad digestion cannot be im agined by anyone who has not suffered from it. The victim isa - constant sufferer from headaches, "heart burn, heart palpitation, and "nausea. He has a bad taste in his mouth is unable to obtain restful sleep and has always a feeling of weariness and depression. But there is a sure cure for this trouble ~ and it is found in the greatest of all ~ known medicines--Dr, Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People." Among these who have been cur- ed of this distressing malady by ~ Williams' Pink Pillsis Mr. Alfred Chasbet, a well known farmer living near St. Jerome, Que. Toa report : "L'Avenir du Nord," Mr. old the following story of gestion. After eating I felt if some heavy weight was press- ng against my chest. I was racked with violent headaches ; my temper became irritable ; my appetite un- certain ; my nerves were a wreck and I was always troubled witha feeling of weariness. I was able to do very little work and sometimes none at all, Although I tried mary remedies I was unsuccessful in my search for a cure until'a friend ad- vised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Any doubts I may have had as to the merits of these pills was soon dispelled, for I had not been 'taking them long before I noticed an improvement in my condition. 1 continued the use of the pills some weeks when I considered myself fully cured. To-day I am. as well ever in my life, and would strongly advise all similar sufferers to try Dr, Williams' Pink Pills and I am sure that the will find them as bene- ficial as I have, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure by ing to the root of the disease ey make new, rich, red blood, strrngthen the nerves and thus tone up the whole system. Sold by all dealers in mebicine or sent by mail, post paid, at socents a box or six r $2.50 by adddressing the Dr, NN iliams Medicine Co', Brorkville, nt. SUMMER RESORT... PORT FERRY, ONTARIO. ~This besutiful Town is situsied in the banner tural and Stock raising County of the Dominion--County ef On- tario--on the west shore St Lake Scugog 30 miles from Toronto, on the Midland Division G. T. R. : ne com- he f rounds--Maskinonge immense numbers and party organ only mentioned the troubles of the Minister ot Agricul \ture by publishing a defence framed by the Farmers' Sun, and of this, Pettypiece, M. P. P,, says: --If the Globe has no better defence for Mr. Dryden than the reproduction of the Sun article, 'then Mr. Dryden must stand condemned in the eyes of the Globe's readers everywhere, All the denunciations which have appeared in the Conservative pap- ers are not so damaging to Mr Dryden as the Globe's second-hand defence. Will the Globe speak out for itself and say whether it consid- ers Mr, Dryden's action will be in- jurious to Canada or not. Plain Talk by a Grit Paper. The following article is from. The Goderich Signal--Reform-- "How in the name of common sense is the rank and file of the Lib- eral party in Ontario to keep its feet if alleged leaders of the party will insist upon dqing foelish_ things which are bound to act to its detriment. It is difficult gnough for the rural constituencies ta keep. the party in power without He 'the Cabinet {urnishing powdefana ball to the enemy ; and yet it wuld seem s though some of our\Cabinet Minister y they. al none of "their do gs chould be question And right here we may inform these gentlemen that if they expect sup port from the Reform party they will need to be a little more circum- spect in their doings. There are any number of reform newspapers and thousands of Liberals who are not prepared to swallow the words and actions of the Ontario Cabinet Ministers, and the sooner these gentlemen realize this fact and quit acting as if they were in a bed of roses the better. It will require all the grit and gumption of the Pro- vincial Liberals to hold their own at the next election, and this is no time Hon. John Dryden to go. into Dakota ranching speculations, . or for any of his associates in the Cabi net to engage in other deals that may come up in judgment against the Liberal party at election time The Signal wants the party to win at the nextjelection, and there is no possibility of winning if the men who are looked upon as leaders are going to queer the party by actions that cannot be defended in the press or on the platform." le ------ Fire.--On Tuesday evening last, about 10.30 the alarm of fire | was sounded throughout the village.-- The driving shed attached to the residence of ouresteemed townsman Mr. Hugh Carmichael, was discov- ered tobe on fire. Willing hands soon emptied the residence of its valuable contents. Our steamer | was a little slow in commencing {operations but it was not long tin fu. | Operation before it was plainly evi- dent that the devouring monster would have to *" Jet go" not however - | before the driving shed and 4 por: Mrs. and Mr. F. O. Ross of Sprinfield, Mass.,, have returned home by way of the Pan American. Mrs. (Dr.) J. F. Ross and son of Toronto are visiting Mrs. A. Ross. Mr. J. C. Holden and, Miss Holden, of Montreal, are visiting their relations this week at the 'Old Manse," Port Perry. Mrs. S. C. Strong and son, of Bradford, are visiting at the home of Mr. Wm. Ross, M, P. Mrs. and Mr. J. Bingham of Brooklyn, New York are visiting at the home of Mr. Wr. Ross, M. P. Mrs. Graham, wife of Dr. R. L. Graham of Brockville, is visitng at the residence of her father-in-law, Mr, S. Graham, of this place. Miss. G. B. Ross is visiting at her home for a few days. Mr. J.D McGill, of Toronto was in town on Monday last on official duties in connection with the Audit of the L.. T. B.'Assn. Mr. T. J. Ash delegate from Warriner Lodge I. 0, O, F., is -at- 'tending the Grand Session of the Order at Guelph. Jones . 1 solid 'colors or figured, and sure to give entire satisfaction in the wear. Among the many campers that are gracing the banks of the Scugog with their presence are a number of the leading citizens of the town of Uxbridge, Mr. John McKinnon, of Toronto, and Mr. John Lennie, of California, are the guests of Mrs. Wm. Corrin. Yesterday there was a family gath ering at Sunderland--the Lennies and McKinnons, The sight of so many relatives meeting after so long a separation was a happy one. Mr. Lennie having been absent twenty-one years in California. Mrs. Marshall Tripp, wife of one of Toronto's most efficient guardi- ans of the peace, is visiting at Mr, James Butts, Prince Albert, Miss Maggie Wright of Toronto, is visiting her sister here--Mrs. Jas. Bongard. Jones & Co. furnish particular men with the odds and ends of dress which help in giving comfort and satisfaction. Plenty of variety in their big stock-- collars, shirts, ties, sox, hand- kerchiefs, underwear, gloves, &c., AT POPULAR PRICES, There was a large excursion from Lindsay in town on Thursday last. It was under the auspices of the Sons of England of that town. Two of our former townsmen were of the party--Mr.].. Boxall and Mr. Frank nels for waists, || i HON. JOHN DRYDEN, THOMAS CRAWFORD, M.P.P; 22 | Tr | # Take us back to South Dakoty whar the J) perairie grass is rich." Years. Orimea, Recognized at Cor. N. F, Paterson's Errors. ArTER Muck CorrespoNDENCE HE| SUCCEEDED IN PERSUADING THE War Orrick To Take ACTION. While Canadians have been going wild over the doings of their gallant | soldiers in South Africa, and mem- | orials are being raised throughout | the Empire in "honor of the fallen heroes in that struggle. hundreds of poor worn out veterans have been | | dragging along a miserabje exist- ence that bears the stamp of neglect and forgetfulness of the glorious deeds done in the past. It is sad, but it is true, that it is only the freshly made hero that is honored overshadowed by those of the sent, and the hero of yesterday. into utter oblivion when his counter art of to-day stalks upon the scene. It Got His Reign After Waiting mainly the result of the troubles that he has -- th Francis Gentle, Who Potgh a the pa acts Ries trade with modesty. | fantistic dress is all that marks him |as numerous peddlars of smallwares throu, ble al but- 46 years of ceaseless, but fruitless importuning of the war authorities, he The glorious deeds of the past are pei undergone. He 1s quiet, thoroughly honest and to upon, He does not drink and 'carries himself quietly and His mething unusual among the out the city. Worn out by war and no longer imake a decent living, Gentle sed repeated applications to be a" to the Royal Hospital at for a pension allowance, € was not successful. After old man had about given of obtaining recognition he country he had served so so well. . Finally, on March be applied to Colonel of this city. The good- 'Colonel undertook *to ob- elief for the veteran, and went rk with his usual unflagging [All mens | ih : The Abigust meeting of "the above || Council was held at the town hall, chester, on Monday last.-- nt. Minutes of July meeting réad and confirmed. - The Clerk read a number of com- munigations. From Mr. O. L. he has erected for Mr. 2334 rods wire fence. From the Clerk of East Whitby, stating the meeting of Commission- ers re town line was called in his, absence hence he had no notice of said meeting which accounted for the absence of East Whitby's Com- missioners, From the Clerk of Brock, stating that the estimates for U.S.S. No. 2 Brock and 14 Reach for igor is $330. From Mr. R. W. Walker, stating that there was a bad break in the culvert at McKercher"s mill, the hole in the road is quite a size and the necess: repairs. should be promptly made--and further south the road has suffered--the road machine would be best to make repairs there, From Mr, Richard Corner, path- master, stating that Mr. Will Boyn- ton is entitled to remuneration for ie Byers, stating Ww. H. Bryant ran i o Asling's vel pit in his road div sion. Bik From Mr, R. W. Walker, enclos- ing account, $3, for filling washout, drawing stone and repairing break in culvert on con, 4 On motion of Mr. Munro, $4 was ordered to be paid to Mr, Chas. Mark for drawing material for cul- vert and building the same--on Simcoe street, north of Port Perry, On motion of Mr. Holtby, $58.37 was ordered to be paid to Mr. W. H. Bryant for erecting 233} rods of 'wire fence in conformity with the Wire Fence Bonus By-law. On motion of Mr. Munro, $19.50 was ordered to be paid to Mr. Henry Crwford for work on Bowles' hill and drawing sewer pipe. On motion of Mr. Jeffrey, $12 was ordered to be paid to Mr. S. M. Newton as per account for ad- vertising. On motion of Mr, Doble, indigent aid for the month of August, was granted as follows :--H. Ballard, $5; T. Tucker, $3 ; Pat Thompson, $5 ; Mrs. Stephenson. $5; Mrs. Sornber- ger, $5; Mrs. Arnold, 85; F. Holmes $s. Mr. Munro introduced and carried through a By law to amend By-law No. 737, by expunging the words, *" between 21 and 60 years," Mr. Holtby introduced and car- cried through a By-law to assess and and levy the sum of $2429 to meet the County rate. Mr. Holtby introduced and car- amounts required as per application Trustees. Mr. Doble in troduced and carried through a By:law to assess and levy introduced and car. law appointing Collector, at a bi i ried throngh a B Mr. W. F. Dobsbry, salary of $100. On motion of Mr, Jeffrey, $14 was ordered to be paid to Mr. E. Martin for filling up washout on two hills opposite lot 23 on the townline East hitby and Reach ; also building culvert on townline, opposite lot 22, and that the Clerk bill {os Whitby for one half of said amount. - On motion the Council adjourn- ed. p RCRA Port Perry Council. An adjourned meeting of Port Perry Council was held on Monday last, 12th inst. All members pre- sent except Mr. Williams, The adjourned Courts, re Revi- sion Assessment Granolithic Pave. ment and Revision of Assessment Roll were finally closed. Mr. Martin asked permission to grade under the side walk in front of his property. On motion of Mr, |h Bateman, the request was complied with. The President of the Scugog Ag- ricultural Society, Thos. Graham, Esq, Scugog; made application for a grant for the coming great fair in Port Perry. Mr. Willi Agricultuial Society. J The Clerk was instructed to pre- pare a By-law in conformity with Mr. Forman's proposition, \ On motion_of Mr. Bateman, the Assessment Roll as finally 'revised by the Court of Revision was accepted as the Assessment, Roll of Port Perry for the year 1901. On motion of Mr. Clemes, Mr. McKnight was instructed to request Mr. Bowerman to keep the foot of Queen Street at the water front clean and tidy. Mr. Bateman introduced and car-- ried through a By-law, appointing Mr, W. H. Harris Clerk and Soli-- citor of the. corporation of Port Perry at a stated salary, said sum to be full rémuneration for the performance of all duties devovling on said offices. On motion of Mr. Forman, $40 was ordered to be paid to Mr, E, D, Rogers being balance due him as salary as Assessor for the present ear, On motion of Mr. Williams, $75 was ordered to be paid to Mr. W.H Harris on account of salary On motion the Council adjourned One Week's Good Work. London, Aug. 13.--Under date of today General Kitchener tele graphs from Pretoria to the War Office as follows :--*I am glad to send you tbe largest return I have bad for one week. Since August 5 the columns report 39 killed, 20 of, the several Boards of School] wounded and 685 prisoners, includ- ried through a By-law to assess and |ing F. Wolmarans, late Chairman levy in the several School Sections|of the First throughout, the municipality the! Volksraad, and 85 surrenders, including Commandant De Villers off Waterbeg, a total of 829. = "The columns 'also have captur- ed 24,1700 rounds of small-arm ammunition, 254 waggons, 5,580 ams entered and took | tisement that their M Invader all the Way. Chicago, Aug. 12.--Inyader, the long bodied, clean-lined yacht from Toronto, found the weather and wind to her likeing to-day, and won the second of the races for the Canada's Cup. = She pointed higher and footed faster 'than the Cadillac, The Canadian yacht rounded the turn more than four minutes ahead of the Chicago Yacht Club's repre- sentative, and crossed the finish line just six minutes and twenty-two seconds ahead. Although she was victor to-day by nearly as much as she had been beaten in the first race the result was perfectly logical, and both yachts did what had been expected of them. It was no fluke and no revisal of form, ---- Robert Pye, of Oshawa, claims to ave a mulberry tree which has given over bearing mulberries and now produces plums. It was never grafted, local fruit men are at a loss to account for its strange vagaries, Crosep During Avcust.--It will seen by the Misses Stouffer adver- in days visiting the lead. ing establishments of Toronto, and Buffalo so as to become fully cog- nizant of the very latest styles in Millinery and Dress Making. TICKETS TO ALL WoRrLp.--Mt, Ww. H. McCaw, Port Perry, is now in a position to issue tickets to all parts 'of the world and to supply all necessary information to parties 4s to the cheapest and best routes, &c. In addition to his numerous Ticket Agencies for Rail- road and Steamship lines, he has been re appointed Ticket Agent for the Grand Trunk Railway. Parties intending to travel will consa't their own interests by consulting Mr. McCaw before embarking e trip. FARTS OF THE For Over Fifty Years MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP bas be used by millions of mothers for their childreh while teethivg. 1f disturbed at night and broken of you rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth, (send at once and get & bottle of * Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Childten Teething. Tt will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately, Depend upon it, mothers, thete is no mistake about it. It cures Diarrhoa, Regulates the Stomach and Bowels, Cures Win Colic, Softens the Gums, Reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and euergy to the whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children Teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in tho United States. Price twenty-five cents & bottle. Sold by all druggists throughout the world. Be sure and ask for" MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. Ler May & Goopwin Take Your Lawn Mower. : They'll fix it up for a trifle so jt'} run easily and cut accurately. They will come and getit. Ca at their place of business and Jeay your address. the sum of $3554 for general town- horses and over 33,000 cattle. Most ship purposes. of the captures were made in the Mr. Jeffrey introduced and carried | Orange River Colony. through a By-law to assess and| "General French is gradually levy the sum of $888 as indigent aid. | driving the enemy's scattered bands Mr. Munro introduced and carried | northward. There have been sev- through a By.aw to assesed and |eral skirmishes, with indefinite con- levy the sum of $2597 being the clusions." tion of the annex to the main Build- ing had been demolished and in fact the hungry devourer had eaten its i | way slowly but surely until its de- to mocess | Stroying effects had permeated the k| entire structure. The hand engine also rendered excellent service.-- Dennison. S: Fox, Esq, M.P.P., the popular member for West Vic- toria, was on board; his re-election 1s a foregone conclusion. he words of the song, "It is net|enerdy to bring the British author- what you were, but what you areitics to a sense of their duty. He to-day," are but too true. The acted as asoldier, rather than in his poor old soldier, who has spent the capaCity asa lawyer. and opened best part of his life in the service of{Up communications with London at his country, and whose army train {OBce. All 'his work, and it was a E hief sideli ; ges are one of the c! fet sidelines ing has unfitted him for the struggls great. deal, was done gratuitously, of the farmer, but if prices are -------- ~The mails are despatched from the Post 'Office Port Perry as follows : Going North-- 9.30 a. m, Going South--11.20 a. m, Going North-- 5.15 p. m. ORTH ONTARIO OBSERVER e of his position. He com- 'ments as follows: * Again it is said at Mr. Dryden is too good a man to be turned out for one improper 5 Many a good man has spoiled good work of a lifetime by a e mistep, and it is because Mr. as a good and able Minister iculture that his example be all the more powerful in its e criticism of Mr. Dryden by Press has no doubt, been ditional weight because the ned by a member of the - who is an ardent sup- en (able occasion. Tickets 25 cents. become a resident of our town will be apt to conclude that he bas not cast his lot in a very pleasant ¢om- all sympathise with him in his misfortune. The cause of the fire absent visiting relatives in Canning- ton. Auction SaLe or Horses.-- We would call the attention of our read- ers to the sale of horses to take place at the Sebert House Port Perry, Saturday,Aug. 24. Mr. Hark. ness is thoroughly posted on_the the requirments of farmers and the class of horses that will prove 'the most beneficial to their pockets and he has at a very large outlay secured a select lot--s cars--one car of especially fine ones which be intends to dispose of in' this place. It is satisfactory to know that the horses he is offering are Canada stock having been foaled and raised in the North, West Territories. 'Fhe sale will commence at one o'clock and bargains may be anticipated. Tur Annua Excursion of" i | Presbyterian and Baptist congteg | burn Island on Tuesday Aug. 20. by Steamer Crandella. As this. among the last of the Excursions of this Season, let every one turn out] and make it a pleasant and - enjoy Sunday School Children ' Free; hers 15cts each. Tickets to be- Mr. Carmichael who has only lately | to be kept up for the export trade, farmers will have to market | them fresher than many have been | doing of late. It will be seen by the advertise- munity but he may rest assured that | [Miss Maggie Wright is desirous of remains a mystry, the family were | ment elsewhere in this issue that leasing her cottage om Crandell street. Applicants may obtain full information as to terms, &c., by con- sulting Mr. Bongard. Our estimable townsman, Mr, John Irvin, reports that on Tuesday afternoon while in Darlington he witnessed a very unwelcome sight He was present at the fire that des- troyed the fine barns together with the crop of the present year of Mr. Arthur Lick. The fire took pla from the box of the blower at the threshing. Bargains at Jones & Co's are not all exhausted. -- Every Counter teems with them and from now till September extra induce- ments will be offered. A] remnants will be sold re- ardless of cost. Lots of just such bargains as you are looking for, a | pi : English capitalists propose estab- lishing a big paper mill in New 'Brunswick. © Two hunded men are on strike at 'Twenty-six French-Canadians re- a strike was on. | don, where he was born, at the out- Sydney, C.B., and the ovens of the Dominion Coal Company are idl e. face fused to work when they found that | There is trouble in the Liberal| - samp at Thorold beseuse P Judas, ) % ven a ) on THE | Che Weiland re le in the race for wealth, soon finds that the deeds in battle that made him famous and sought after in the years gone by are utterly forgotten in his present state of poverty. For the last year or more Toron. tonians have smiled at the eccentric manners and fantistic dress of an old man who haunts Yonge street in the neighborhood of Scholes' Hotel. He plies the trade of selling shoe laces and other such wares, and it is only his dress that draws attention to him. This poor old] fellow's dress is not fashioned after the latest mode. Cast.off clothing and that very poor, constitutes his wardrobe. Upon his breast he carries plethora of tin medals and yards of colored rags take the place of the silken ribbon. He carries a cane that is bound from handle to ferrule with many-colored frag ments of cloth. The combination of color and the entire get up of the old man the curiosity of nearly every passer-by. Few have ever stopped to think what has brought this old peddlar to such extremities. Poor old Francis Gentle, thell subject of this sketch, is one of those old heroes who have fallen into evil days. He has been honor ed, and, with his comrades, cheered to the echo, by. a rejoicing po an png CamgEr., | ; _ Francis Gentle was living in Lon. break of the Crimean, war. He enlisted in the Land Transport Corps at 19, and served his country faithfully until compelled to retire. While engaged in carrying ammuni- tion on the Hight before fall or basta he received a kick in the Strathcona. anything but encouraging. and the expense incidental to all red tape matters was borne by him. Colonel Paterson, undaunted by the frequent failures of others to secure nsion in the past, at once open- up a correspondence with Lord he first reply was STRATHCONA'S ANSWER. The High Commisssioner stated that he' would bring the matter to the attention of the War Office, but that in previously considered and declined by the Chelsea Hospital authorities, he coul the face of its having been d hold out but little hope of ~ Purther correspondence ank forms being sent on lonel, but he could not e Questions contained until he had communicated tle's pacple in London. id up the family and, hap- ec ro sufficiont Ye orma ies his protegee, and obtain. cessary praofs to satisfy thorities. As a result of his ence, Colonel Parerson re~ aturday last a letter nor and Secretar' 'Hospital at Chelsea the pension had been Gentle to take sum required for Special School rate, On motion of Mr. Holtby, $4.80 was ordered to be paid to Mr. Chester Asling for g6 loads of gravel On motion of Mr. Munro, $21.25 was ordered to be paid to Mr. Jos. Miller for erecting 85 rods wire fence on Brock and Uxbridge roads in conformity with the Wire Fence Bonus By-law. On motion of Mr. Doble, $2.50 was ordered to be paid to Mr Chester Asling for erecting 10 rods wire fence in conformity with the Wise Fence Bonus By-law. On motion of Mr. Holtby, $10 was ordered to be paid to Mr. Alex Graham for repairing hill on Mast road. On motion of Mr. Holtby, $14.50 was ordered to be paid to ir Wm. Virtue for repairing road, con 2, opposite lots 1 to 5. On motion of Mr. Holtby, $21 was ordered to be paid to Mr. John Burns for erecting 84 rods "wire fence, con. 2, opposite lot 13, in conformity with the Wire Fence us By-law, On motion of Melony $1 5 was to be paid to r. Wm, "road in . 12, and put- id to Mr. ing washout Harris for reducing hill and repair-| d, con. 2 : repairs to two culverts . Doble, $7 was| | i John on BZ" Life is a long walk, our shoes will help to make the way a little smoother--we have a cnt "rate for part of the journey at least.--A. F. CARNEGIE. EK Our spring and summer suits are "old reliable" in quality but * P to-the-minute in style" and the pric. are within the reach of all.--A. F CARNEGIE, 'About 750,000 pounds or Buti: will be produced in the North-west this year. haps their § arents ad thin hair; - per- haps their 4 children have thin hair. But this does not make it.necessary for : e thin em makes the hair healthy and vigorous; makes it grow thick and g. It cures dan- also. ' It always restores color to gray hair,-- \ all the dark, rich color of any life. There is ! no longe 3| 1.0. FORMAN & | Marriage License JARGAINS -- IN -- Camp - Supplies FOR BALANCE OF SEASON " Cheapside Tomatoes, Peas and Corn, 8c per can or 2 for 15c. Pork and Beans 20 d Geneva Sausag can or 2 cans for 15c-- To cts per can. : Lunch Tongues, Cottage Loaf and Cottage Head Cheese. ; Maple Leaf and Anchor Brand Salmon. . Canned Haddie, Canned Mackerel, Kippered Herrings, &c. All kinds of Pickling Spices. &&F And at the same would call SpeciaL ATTENTION to our fine || brands of India and Ceylon Tea-- "| "Glendon," "Kinkora," *"Kolona," "Salada" and "Ram Lal," also in bulk the finest Teas to be had. edi SON. Office.