CURED FREE! abide 5 Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Cure in All Cases. lene received in good condition. I cannot | tell how thanklul I feel for the good derived from it. I wasa slavechained with putrid sore throat and Asthma for ten years. I despaired of ever being cured, = I saw your advertisement for the cure of this dreadful and tormenting disease, Asthma, and thought that you had overspoken your- solves, but 'resolved to glve it a trial, To my astonishment, the trial acted like a charm. Send me a full-size bottle." Rev. Dr. Morris Wechsler, Rabbi of the Cong. Buoai Israel, Nrw York, Jan. 3, 1901, Dra. Tarr Bros'. Mentone Co., Gentlemen,-- Your Asthmalene is an ex- cellent remedy for Asthma and Hay Fever, and its com postion alleviates all troubles which combine with Asthma, Its success is astonishing and wonderful, After having it earciully analyzed, we ean state that Asthmalene contains no opium, morphine, chloroform or ether. Very truly ye th Vv. DR, MORRIS WECHSLER. Avon Serixas, N. Y.. Feb. 1, 1901, Dr. TArr Bros. Mevicise Co. Gentlemen ; I write this testimonial from a sense of daty, having tested the won- derful effect of your Asthmalene, for the cure of Asthma. My wife has been afflicted with spasmodic asthma for the past 12 years, Having e xhausted my own skill as well as many others, I chanced to see your sign upon your windows on "130th street, New York, I at once obtained a bottle of Asthmalene. My wife comme: need taking it the first of November. 1 very soon noticed a radical improvement, After using one bottle her Asthma has dissppeared and she is entirely free from all symptoms. I feel that I can consistently recommendjthe medicine to all who are afflictedwith this distressing disease, Yours respectfully, 0. D. PHELPS, M. D. Feb 5, was troubled "with Asthma for 22 years. I have trie numerous remedies, but hav | failed. TI ran across your advertisement and startes with a trial bottle. 1 found 1 at once, I have since purchased your full-size bot le. andl am ever grateful. I have a family of four children, and for six years wasu! able to work, 1 am now in the best Of health and aw doing business every day. Thil testimony you car make such use of as yon sec fit Home address, 235 Rivington strect, Dr. Tarr Bros 1901. Gentlemen ;7 S. RATHAIL, 67 East 120th st., New York Trinl Bottle Bent Absolutely Free on Receipt of Postal, Do not delay. TAFT BROS.' MEDICINE CO., 79 East 130th 8t., Write at once, addressing DR. N. Y. City. Sold by all Druggist. THE SEBERT HOUSE In returning thanks to the general public and the farming community in particular for{their generous and kind patronage since I embarked in the hotel business, I beg to announce that I now have more commodious and far superior facilities for enter- taining the public than I ever possessed infthe past ; having lately taken possession of the Oriental Hotel which will in future be known as the SeBerT House, and have spared neither skilled labor nor expense in order to remodel and fit it up in a mannersecond to none in the province. Having introduced the most modern water works system, every room will at all times be fully supplied with hot and cold water. The comfort of guests will be the first consideration and no expense or labor will be spared in order to meet their requirements and win their approbation, so that their good opinion of the "Sebert House" may be heralded throughout the entire Dominion and the traveling public thus made acquainted with the fact that Port Perry possesses hotel accommodation in- ferior to none elsewhere to be found, and my charges, as in the past, will continue to be noted for moderation. In order to provide ample yard, stable and sk =d accommodation for all, especially on market days I have purchased the lot to the north of my already spacious premises and have had erected thereon. large and comfortable sheds, and my patrons will find at their service an attentive and obliging hostler. I have every confidence that my enterprise will be Sally appreciated by a generous public and that all will gladly avail themselves of the superior accommodations 1 have provided. L. SEBERT Removal ¥ The undersigned would take this opportunity of thanking his nu- merous customers for the opening business in Port Perry, and would inform the public that he has moved his business from ihe Market building to the Store First door East of the Post Office where he will be pleased to fill all orders for Meats in a manner that cannot fail to please customers. Having new and increased fecilities for the transaction of business he feels confident tha he can give better satisfaction than heretoforé, and in orde to aerify this state he solicits all to give him a call in his new premises, sa. GAME AND FISH IN SEASON. I. J. WHEELER. | , word signifying sumo and dress fom the French ver resser, to make SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL. et od LA Ry Write Your Name and Address Plainly. | to direct. Petticoat comes from the An- Rl SE SAE glo-Norman outdoor garment which was n called a "cotte" and was subsequently There is nothing like Asthmalene| moti ito coat. cout. 1s doe vo pelts i i i i etticoat, or sma. at, is Ht brings instant relief, even in the | sige small. Bkirt is from the Fi worst cases. It cures when all else | Saxon word scyrtan, to shorten. We have fails. come to consider that which covers the The Rev, C. F. WELLS, of Villa Ridge, | lower part of the body as a skirt and the Il, says 5 * Your trlal bottle of Asthma- upper part the bodice, the word bodice liber:l patronage received since oi NAMES OF CLOTHES. France Was the Birthplace of Many | Universal Designations. Some people occasionally feel bewilder- ed by the names the articles of feminine apparel bear and will be interested in learning their origin and derivation. The word "costume" comes from the French being the plural of body, for more than | one bodice is mostly worn. The word "gown" comes from the Welsh - "gwn.' "Corset" is a French word, from "corps," the body, and the di- minutive "ette'"'--namely, a little body. "Stays" express support, from the French word "estal,"" *"Trousseau'" comes from the French "trousse," a bundle. "Hose" is an Anglo-Saxon German word, derived trom the Icelandic "hsa." "Stoce" is the Anglo-Saxon for stocking, which means a trunk. "Garter" comes from "jarretiere," the French word, and "garetto," the Ital- fan, which denotes the bend of the knee. "Pocket" means "poke," a bag or pouch, with the diminutive, the pocket being only a little bag inserted in a gar- ment of any other article. We derive "polonuise" from the Poles, who call their surtout the polonie, but "pelisse" comes from the Latin "pelicea," which was generally made of fur. Mackintosh is the name of its inventor, and "umbrel- Ia" is from "umbra," a little shade. The Great Serpent of all Diseases. --Kidney disease may well be called the ** boa constrictor' disease, unsus- cting and unrelenting, it gets the victim in its coils and gradually tightens till life is crushed out, but the great South American Kidney Cure treatment has proved its power over the monster, and no matter how firmly enmeshed, it will release, heal and cure.--158 Sold by A J. Davis. Sunken: Snakes have never appealed to me greatly. It seems to require a woman to handle them. Nearly all of them will strike at a stranger, but after you get fa miliar with them and they understand that you mean no harm the most danger ous snakes are not vicious, I have a Hin doo girl who seems to be able to do any- thing with them that a mother could do with a child, and it is really weird and uncanny to see her late at night sitting with her bare feet in their box, while they crawl all about her and she talks to them in her strange soft dialect. She has a nasty temper and is disliked by most of the people about her, but*none dare of- fend her, for they remember the time when a brute of a porter struck her, and she went directly to her snake box, re- turning with a boa constrictor, which made every effort to get itself fastened about him at her bidding. He fled igno- miniously,~Frank C, Bostock in Leslie's Monthly. In Heart Disease It works like magic, For years my greatest enemy was organic Heart Disease. From uneasiness and palpitation it developed into abnormal action, thumping, fluttering and choking sensations, r. Agnew's Cure for the Heart fare instant relief, and the bag symptoms ave entirely disappeared. It is a wonder. worker." --Rev.L. EF Dana, Pittsburg, Pa.-155 Sold uy A. ou. Davis, Mirrors and Lions "Lions object to mirrors," observed a keeper in a menagerie, "On one occasion a looking glass in the hands of a small boy so frightened and excited our largest lion that we feared he would injure him- self. The wretched youngster had drawn a hand mirror from beneath his coat and held it before the face of the king of beasts, The latter looked and jumped for the rival whom he thought he saw. The bars of his cage dashed him back again and again, while be.filled the whole house with terrific roars, I have known several other cases in which lions have been thrown into the wildest panic merely by & mirror being held up before them." Peculiar Laken. On the Mangishlak peninsula, in the Caspian sea, there are five small lakes, One of them is covered with salt crystals strong enough to allow a man and beast to cross the lake on foot. Another is as round as any circle and a lovely rose col or. Its banks of salt crystal form a set- ing, white as the driven snow, to the wa- ter, which not only shows all the colors from violet to rosy red, but from which rises a perfume as of violets. Both the perfume and the color are the result of the presence of seaweeds, the yiolet and The Kinks and Twists in Rheu- matics Rugged Road,--For 4 years the wife of a well-known Toronto physician was on crutches from Rheumatism Scourge and not until she began usin, South Ameri- can Rheumatic Cure coun she get a minute's permanent relief i pain. Four bottles cured her, Write for confirmation if you're sceptical. --154 A Sold by A. J. Davis. t T | "By Jaberst® An expression which English writers frequently put into the mouths of their Irish peasants is "By jabers." I have lived the greater part of my life in Ire- land, both in the north and south, but I have never heard it. *"Bedad!" and "Be- gor!" are quite common, but not "By HOUSE, SIGN AND DECORATIVE INTER Graining, Glaizing Paper Hanging, Kalsomining and Sign Writing ing or Repairing will receive Prompt attention. and Decorative Tinting in all the modern forms and shades. AVE THE LARGEST VARIETY OF John A. Rodman "in first-class style and at Moderate Prices. Parties Build- Paper Hanging | Poe jabers!" It would be advisable for Hrg- lish writers to leave the Irish dialect se- verely alone, for they are sure to come to grief when they try to represent it. They generally produce an impossible jargon, built after the conventional stage pat- tern. Basy. *] wonder 2 wy the e, baby cries so | much," said the et aay arid whe tachelox i is it?" demanded the mother. iasinanh is a baby," replied the un- "My Stomach gave out en- Hrely and I suffered untold agonies." This of Mr. D. G. Whidden, De East Wentworth, N.S., after three attacks of La Grippe. Doctors and doses gave him po permanent relief, but Dr. Von Stan's ghia gin eg virile that won him back to perfe harmless but powerul and quick, ag cemia--sic dul by A. J. Davis. Tickets TO ia FARTS OF THE WorLp.--Mr. W. H. McCaw, Port Perry, is now in a position to issue tickets to all parts of the world and to supply all necessary information to parties as to the best routes, &c. In 'addition to his numerous Ticket Agencies for Rail- road and Steamship lines, he has been re appoiated Ticket Agent for the Gran nk Railway. Parties intending to travel will consult their own interests by consulting Mr. McCaw before embarking on a trip. heapest and | D EARING JRABLE rn deaf are incurable, AEDIATELY. ORE, 3AYS: BaLTIAOLE, Md, March 30, 1901. wianiks 10 your eatient, 1 will now give you by our new invention. ; Ou HEAD NOISES. F. A. WER l4men : -- Being entirely cured of e a full 'RIStORY of my case, to be used at ix About five years ago ny right ear b i 1} this kepton gf my hearing in this ear entirely f Eo t or catarrh, Avithou ing worse, until X lost 4p my hearing in the ait Very iy oer Our treatment does not {ntes N, 710 €. Broadway Your its sual o INTERNATIONAL AURAL CUR IT ISN'T A BIT TOO EARLY a to plan f for some- thing good iin adver- tising for fall and winter business, 0 HAVE n THE OBSERVER ho of the vays better to be i fm aii ps ARR A Bandnonely He aby al 5 Wt a iow aif @ F Bt. Washington, 3 EER PROMPTLY SECURED 'Write for outs interesting books " Invents) or's Help" and ** How you are uinite Hy Send us a rough sketch or model vention or improvement diy ire Yells our opinion as to whether it is probablyg patentable. ns have often) been successful ly prosecuted by us. We, offices in ful and Ee ly ea hea ualifies us to prom 1y dispatch wotlk 'and o quick secure J as the invention. Tlghest references, a Dion :--Patent business of FOR THE COUNTY oF ONTARIO AND Towssnn - OF\CABRTWRIGHT, turn iy to his numerons Strangers welcome aud conducted to seats. REV. ra Phen Sanh adi | Wns at this the commencement o another Auction ale Season to re- trons for past favors. In requesting their esteemed and continued patronuge he desires to state that ne effort or pains will be spared on his part to inake all sales entrusted to him successes, His very extensive practice in the past should be a sufficient recom mendation as to his ability. All Sale given into his charge will be attended to with promptooss pnd gid patch, Sale list made out and blank Ta supplied free on application. i Parties wishing to engage his services may consult hie. SALE RxGIsTER either at the Observer or Standard Offices, Port Perry, for dates claimed for Sales, and make arrangements, or write to his address CHARGES MODERATE JACKSON, 1901. on Perry P. O. Nov. 1, METHODIST CHURCH. REV. G. H. COPELAND, Pastor. Babbath Services, 10.30 und 6.30. Week Evenin Bervice, Thursday 7.30. 8T. JOHN'S CHURCH. <u turers and Engineers. MARION & MARION Patent Experts and Solicitors. | {ottices: { New Life B'ld York Atlaatic Bldg, washiagton Der D.C. $ ARAN AA Central very PORT PERRY. E! ART ILY thanking the public for the Hi patronage received during the many years I have kept a Livery Establish ment in Port Per Ihave much pleasure ir, announcing that I have removed MY LIVERY ! to my former place of business Water Street which I am about to largely extend in rouse facilities so that the public may be hetter accommodated with safe and desir able RIGS AT MODERATE CHARGES R. VANSICKLER. Port Perry, June 21, 1900. North Ontario Observer { Weekly Political, Agricultural ana ffanaly Newspaper is PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT. "VERY THURSDAY MORNING BY H. PARSONS x witium, f paid in advance; if not $1.51 ed. N UERMS.-81 § 1 by subscription taken for 4 oan vd no - paper 'discontinned untii arrears are paid up. ETTERS containing money, when addressed to thit paid and registered wil be at our ris) TISEMENTS measured by Nonpariel, and chnrged according to the space they occupy. SEMENTS received for publication, with pecific instractions, will be inserted nti forbid and charged accordingly. No advertise ment, will be taken out until paid for. A LIBERAL discount allowed to Merchants and other who advertise by the year or half year. THESE terms will in all cases be strictly; adhered t JOB DEPARTMENT, Pamphlets. Hund Bills, Posters, Bill Heads, Check Programs, Dodgers, Letter Heads, Wedding Invitations, Receipt Books, Business Card Assembly Cards, Blank Forms, Books, Oireulars, Visiting Oards, &c. of every style and color exectited promptly and at as low rates as an other establishment in the Couiity.... Parties from a distahce o geting band bills, &o srinted can have them printed to take home with them. H, PAF PARSONS. DESIRABLE PROPERTY IN PORT PERRY FOR SALE]! rPYHE undersigned offers for sale at a 1 bargain his fine property on Lorue Street, Port Perry, consisting of a commo- dious Dwelling House, containing six rooms, hall and three closets ; there is a stone cellar under the main part and foundation under the kitchen, allin a good state of repair. There are three Jots which have been converted intd a splendid Garden, in which are a large number of choice, thriv- fruit trees-- Apple, Cherry and Plum-- premises a good brick: Et convenient Stable: Lots 108, 109, 110 on Ella Stros--a| yeasty for Sep : 'or particulars apply to Li 23 GEO. GARDNER Port Perry, Jan. 22, 1896. Sunday BAPTIST CHURCH. . REV. MR. MOFARLANE, Paton. bbath Services, 10.30 and Week Evening -- Thamdag, 7.30. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION, REV. JOS. FLETOHER, M. A; Incumbent. Mating, 10.30 a.m. Evensong, 7 p.m. Sunda School, 2.30 p.m. Nefinssday- Byensoigs 7.30 pm. R. C. CHURCH. REV. A. OMALLEY, Third Sunday at 10 30 a, m, i Fargisfios Monthly to all ovens of Song add Music a vast volume of New, Choice Copyright Compositions by the most popular authors. 64 Pages of Piano Juste Half Vocal, Half Instrumental 21 Complete Picees for Plano a Once a Month for 25 Cents. Yearly Subscription, $2.00. | | ¥f bought in any music store at one-half off, would cost $5.25, a saving of $5,00 monthly. In one year you get nearly 800 Pages of | ; Music, comprising 252 Complete Pieces for thie Piano, 1 Fou will send us the Name and Address of FIVE Piano and Organ Playeis, we will send you a éopy of the Magazine Free. J. W. PEPPER, Publisher, Eighth & Locust Sts., P Phi Pa. and nc ven ue a call oi Yoo nee long experience in the trade heing an indis putauvle guarantee that perfect satisfaction will be given by any article purchased. constantly on hand and repairs neatly and promptly attended to. Port Perry, Dec. 1, Agricaltunal Fachmes IMPLEMENTS | SUNDERLAND ' "\ 7JYHE undersigned keeps on hand and for RUA DAMILTON MTG CD. Binders, Seeder, armer requires in way of MeDonald's Hotel. Io returning thanks to the public for fie. patronage extended to me for over 30 years, I would respectfully intimate that am, as usual, now ay for business, and have a Large & Assorted Stock OF DOUBLE. AND SINGLE HARNESS which T am determined to sell very CHEAP As an inducement to Casy purchasers 4 Diseoust of 10 por oonhee will be allowed on all Sales from now unti Jan, lst next. All work being g&F MAD. UY HAND 33 Wied rics i ) per 3 ent. e ycan be suited in quality and price Everthing in my line of busiorss kep 2 JOEN ROLFH. 1592. mr ANT re rn Ad gricultural Mach ufactured by the _ sales the following nes and Ioplements 1 OF PETERBORO: Reapers, Crown Mower, Tiger Hay Rake, Two Purrow Plow, Three Furrow Gang, Combina- tion Plows, Champion Plows, 8. T. Cultivator, 8. T. Harrow, Land Roller, Steel Frame Spring Tooth Cultivator, Binder Trucks, &c. Daisy the following, the manufacture of JOBN ABEL, Toronto. {igh class Threshing outfits, Engines aud Machines, V Huller, Portable I am prepared to supply Iso Traction tor Clover Engine. ' verythi ing the achines, Tmple- vents, Repairs, &o. gar A call solicited. One door West of R. K. BRYANT. Sunderland, April 8, 1893. PAINTING Kalsomining, &c rPYHE nndersigned would take this oppor tonity of thanking his numerous pat rons for their liberal and still increasing patronage during the time he has carried ou the business of PAINTING in Port Perry, and would state that he is better prepared than ever to execute all orders for Painting, Kalsomining and Paper Hanging Parties entrnsting their work to me may y or having it neatly and promptly exe cuted, My charges ave moderate. 1 am also prepared to supply Paints, &c,," when contracting. A continuance of public patronage soli cited. WM. Port Perry, Mar, 23, 1593. TREMEER. JOHN NOTT, UNDERTAKER, and Funeral Director, PORT PERRY. ~~ GEO. GARDNER ISHES to inform the public of Port Perry and surrounding country, that after four years experience in prosecuting his business io some of the largest cities of the United States, he is better icpared than ever to execute any of the following branches. of his trade :--Stone Masonry, Dreklyying in all ite branches; Plain and Ornamental Plastering. Also Artificial Stone Walks, that will remain permanent and will endure any weather. Concrete Cisterns without any weod in their con struction to decay or give out. If you are in need of any of the above, come to me and ces, All material required in i obtain 1 line will be bento constantly on. hand, first of next A Port Parry, Jan, 3, 1 Vy anmeo -- TRUSTWORTHY ANC active gentlemen or ladies to tarvel for Teapouebs, established house in Ontario Monthly $65.00 and expenses. Position teady. Retronos: Encloseself-addressed tam ped evel e. The - Dominion Com p ny. Dept. Y Thisago, : it's a strong Statement but a straight fact, when we say that the greatest help to the live grocer and general storekeeper in Canada is "The Canadian Grocer." You cannot read it without getting some valuable information. Spend a cent for a post eard and send for a sample copy and be convinced. The MacLean Pub. Co., Limited] TOROAT9, MONTREAL, Klondyke, British Col itoba. Parties above parts call on A. C.P.R. ticket agent, for i aes &c. "Davis, West Territory = Hind going 10 any of the | rFmation| TRARLY to Christian Es Fis | can done 38 your home. Enclose sel | oar Vasko D6. Our Savicnr ur Art The Light of the World | may rely on having t ° | ments, met at all times, atornag LED TENDERS wil 'be 5 ived by the undersigned for the purchase of all or any of the Parcels-- Farm Pre belong ng to Mr. John pertie I Adams, adver % 1 . o be sold by auction os the November, and withdrawn at th sale. J. A. McGILLIVRAY, Temple Building, Toronto or JOHN ADAMS, Port Perry Nov. 30, 1899 J m I ATT MONEY TO LOAN. vo have finds from private, partiesfor Tuvestmént od ge at 4) PER CEN who with to renew old 'wortgnges, buy build, may obtain money from ts w {and very aviotly). We have customers wh wu: uf to buy im- proved farms: ako thie who would exchange busi nesses for the same. If you have farms or other pros perties for sale, cor ciel, mechanical, or business of = and. description of same nd s general financial LUND & CO., 2 Victoria Street, TOKONTO. price and Prakerage Buk) ness hdr ted. The Portraits of our Presidents With Biographical Sketches BY General Charles H. Grosvenor, MeMBER 0F CONGRESS FOR NEARLY 20 YEARS Contains twenty four large Photo-grayure Etchings from the paintings indorsed by the families and near relatives of the Presidents. Printed on heavy plate paper embossed. A very large bock ; title page des signed by Tiffany. Biographical sketches printed ire large. open type in two colors The greatest work of the 20th Century. So beautifuljthat when President McKinley saw it he subscribed immediately. One agent selling 600 copiesin a small territory in Pen- nsylvania. A million copies will be soid quick. For tunes will be made this Inaugural year, Tligh class man or woman of good social standing can make a Mitte optus in this territory. Territory is goin of idly. Presses. running day and night to 8 Wanted State Manager to look after correspond ence and agents, Address to- -day THE CONTINENTAL PRESS, Corcorax BriLbiNe 4 Wasbhingion, B. C. INDING my ny Livery accomm dation onPerry St. curtailed, it being far too small to meet the re quirements of m repioly increasing. business 1 Yee d for a term of ears and taken possession of the col ous Livery Offices and Stables "lon Gro Strect ce adjoining the Canadian Bank of Commerce properly --wheseh ' I will constantly keep for complete variety of reliable moderate Charges. Con tendance night and dar. ei