. ' ; x "The undersigned now return their © most sincere thanks to their Many Friends and Costomers for the large amount of patronage bestowed on them During the Past Year and especially for the Christmas and Holiday Trade, which exceeded 'their expectations, and we trust all 'were satisfied with their bargains. We would now say to one and all 'we are prepared to give you just as fine Goods (and you can get no 'better) and at as low prices as dur-- ting the holiday season having re- sstocked the goods that were sold 'out. ; Our Boot and .Shoe Stock and Fine Groceries cannot be ex- celled and our Motto as h fc 'will be The Best Goods at Low Prices for Cash or its Equivaleat in Farm Pro- duce. Wishing you all a Happy New " 7.C. FORMAN & SON. 'MARRIAGE LicrnsE OFFICE, Port Perry. January 7, 1902. A Nursery Stock ROR memes re gal Ft op Stylish, Up-to-date Furniture, I DARGALYS- ig Laue bela Commencing with Saturday First February, and continuing for 80 days we shall give Bic BARGAINS to ready Cas Buyers, EZ Watch this space every week for Prices. "" 48 " Silk Rug Parlor Suit, = all round; ova ie 'Music Cabinets, polished en x Music Cabinets, polished ....... xvas Lounges, wood frames ......... * Port Perry, February 5.1982. © [CONTINUED FROM SECOND PAGE.] [8 Stone drains are good as long as they last, but they are liable to fill}, up in 20 years or so. Iftiles cannot be had by all means use stone, or|t even wood, but drain anyway. Drained land can be worked much | t earlier than undrained ; wet lands when drained are usually the rich-|t est soil ; the texture of the soil is|t improved. Several other points were touched on by Mr. Peart, reported in bis ad- dress on drainage last week. Mr. Peart said the should join the main and main|{ empty into the outlet ina slanting direction to prevent collision and clogging. For the same reason, branches must not empty into the Golden Oak Sideboards, 45 and 56 inches, good value at $35 go foe $2 i 48 wu " " " Rug Parlor Suit, spring seats, spring edges ~~ " Stuff-over Parlor Suit, spring seats, fringed Couches, covered with French Velour. . Couches, covered with French Velour. . JBSS0P W. J. NOTT, Manager | growth. upon the minimum food factor in deficient should be found out and the fact that almost every farm pro duct draws on the soil fertility in different proportions; therefore an branches | equilibrium should be established as much potash out of the soil as wheat, and about the same quantity of phosphoric acid TIF Hl li ime 5 00 20 oo for 15 00 " 24 oo for 18 75 40 oo for 32 oo " 55 oo for 43 00 wars " 30 oo for 22 go ae " 5 00for 375 " 6 76 for 4 50 " 7 oofor 5 35 " g oo for 7 50 A 5 00for 393 FURNITURE GO. pring on the meadows, stimulates The crop in a field is dependent he field ; therefore the item that is hat need supplied. The sooner a farmer understands he constituents in his soil the bet- er for him. RoratioN oF crops is based on ar as possible, Weight for barley takes twice as and nitrogen, Grocery & Provision Em fy main opposite each other, THOROUGH . 'CULTIVATION next requisite, Therefore if barley were grown con- tinuously on the same land it would exhaust the potash to the detriment is the Heavy clay soil SPRING 1902. I am handling a full line of 'American Nursery Stock. I can 'supply you with almost anything that grows. Our Apple Trees are XX Budded Stock 7 | 2 years old, 4 year old roots, 5to 7 ) feet high, 4 to one inch in diameter, «clean, nice, straight trees ,with the ibest of Roots. If you do not know the difference between Duppep 'Srock and GrarTED Stock order 'those for once and be convinced. "They are the best trees grown 'Money cannot buy any better 1 'have a number of New Varieties that have been tested that are really waluable-- quality counts. Plant ithe best. See me for prices. 1 have here a large stock of Straw- berry 'Plants, some 15 or 20 varie: ~~ jes leading kinds. Red and Black * Raspberries. Norway Spruce, 12 "to 15 inches, imported from Eng land last Spring. C.C. KELLETT, Port Perry, Ont. Box 127, * does not contain much vegetable matter ; it cannot be worked when wet, therefore should not be plough-|s ed at all times, t In a general way clay soil requires opening with a plough oftener than hghter soil which is more porous. Light soils might better be worked with surface cultivation, t As much ploughing as possible should be done in the fall. The frost mellows the soil and pro- vides a good warm seed bed. Plant food is unlocked for the spring crop. Spring ploug hing turns the cold soil up and leaves a cold seed bed, with decreased yield. Every day's delay at seeding time after the soil is dry enough to. work, means fewer bushels at threshing time. Deep and shallow ploughing both have their advocates. Each farmer must work his fields according to his conditions--as to time. year crop to be grown, etc. The deeper the soil the deeper the ploughing if worked in the fall; in the spring plough a little shallow- € Sittings of the Division Courts COUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1902. 1 WHITBY-COlerk, D.C. Macdenéll, Whithy Janu: ary 8, February 4, March 4, April 2, May 6, Jy 4, September 4, October 6, Novem) amber 4. OSHAWA Clerk, D. 0. Macdonell, Whithy--Janu- ary 9, Fobruary 5, March 5, April May 7, June 4 Jilly 5, Bepeeniber b, October 7, November 5, Dec embar's. 2. BROUGHAM Clerk, M, Gleeson, Greenwood--Jant - } ary 10, March 6, [May 9, July 8, Boptesber 9, Nov. i ember 7. 3. PORT PERRY Clerk, J. W. Buraham, 'Port Perry January i4, March 7, May13, July 9, September 12, November 11. 4 UXBRIDGE Clerk, Jos. 'E. Gould, Uxbridge-- January 17, Murch 21, May80, July 11, Septembes 26, November 21. June 3, 1, Dec: Noveutber 20. 6. BEAVERTON Clerk, Geo. F. Bruce, Beavereon-- Japua ember 19. 18, May 27, Beptember 23, By order, J. E..FAREWELL, | Clerk of the Peace. Dated at Whitby, Nov, 28d, 1901. rrr TO OONSUMPTIVES. . sufferers will try his remedy, as it is invalu: able. Those desiring tl prove a blessing, will please address, : Em $9 YEARLY to Christian man! y wing business in this and adjoining £2 ties; to act as Mamager and ores £ pendent } work cua be done at youl ome. d envelope for particulars to H. A. Sher- Manager, Corcoran Build.| "Treasury, Hwan, An opposite United States * ashington, D. C. OR TO RENT. "Nonquon Road--one mile South of Perry--known as the rty | the next crop. "| portant matter. It 5. CANNINGTON--Cletk, Geo. Suiith, Canningten-- January 16, March 20, May-29, July 10, -Septemiber 25, 15, March 19, May $3, ' September 24, Nov- "7. UPTERGROVE--Clerk, Thos. P. Hart, U arch Novenoer Bb The undersigned having been restored to health by a simple means, after suffering for several years with a very-wevere lung affection, and that dread disease Consnmp- "tion, is anxious to makelknown to his fel- low sufferers the means of cure. To those -who desire it, he will send (free of charge) _accopy of the prescription used, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption. Asthma, Oatarrh, Bronchitis and all throat and lung Maladies. He hopes all prescription, «~ which will cost them nothing, and may ¢ $+ EDW F ED oi ny. od TASTY AAAs VST VY, Lor woman to look after ourly A Vilabl Propey In Stl Jpae undersigned offers for sale or to rent that valuable property othe ort A. D. WHDSLER PROPERTY r. Bring as little of the poor sub- soil to the surface as possible. The surface soil is deeper in color owing 'to the humus or decayed vegetable matter deposited for hundreds of years. On avery light, sandy soil it might pay to plough up some of the clay subsoil, as it would supply the elements of plant food that the sand lacked. To retain moisture is a very im- does not pay to work any land when it is wet, but fields should be worked as early as it is dry enough to go on to;them. Ploughing or cultivation nN the spring while there is yet moisture and then surface working persistent- ly every ten days or two week, will form a surface mulch which checks capillary evaporation. With most grains little can be done in the way of retaining mois- ture after they are put in, bnt they «can be given a good start by getting .on the land at the right time. ManurEs may be divided broadly into three classes--stable manure green manure and special fertilizers each having their place in farm economy. On a dairy farm manure enough should be made to keep the soil right ; for fruit culture. other tertilizers are necessary. Stable manure is a perfect, fertili- zer. Whether it shall be stored in the barnyard or drawn out as it is made, depends on local conditions though it is a proposition not to be -| disputed that the sooner the manure can be got into the soil the bet- er. ¥ if the soil is frozen' able to«draw out the manure, as the leachings would waste. Where manure is not taken out in the winter, the heap in the yard should be as high as possible . horse and cow manure should be mixed; not eared all over but kept as square as ible. Manure might firefang, which wastes the amonia but land plaster sowed upon it will take up the ammonia. Weight for weight liquid measure is worth more than solid, therefore as much absorbent should be used as ible. h EN MANURE to be turned in '| is good dor almost all soils--fall rye, clover, buckwheat, etc. It will keep the moisture in the soil, which is of first consequence. § Clovers of the different kinds of peas are the most valuable. as they not only extract fertility from the air for themselves; but store 1t, for ood vighig most desirabl ilizer, ight soils, especiall for fruit trees which are a feeders of potash. Salt has also a place for roots and | some kinds of grains, retaining mois- ture and stiffening the straw. 'Salt attacks the soil and makes it yield of succeeding crops. much into the rotation as possible, as they air. 5000 pounds of pounds of potash, and gooo pounds of phosphoric acid in other words enougb fertility to last 150 years, if all could be utilized, though at any one time not per available. fertility, but it must be handled so as to utilize that fertility. many advanfages--the most pro- minent is that it is ready to wear. There's no wailing--no fuming be- cause you don't get your clothes when promised, and the moment Jou see a ready-to-wear suit you Don't fail to see the suits at A. F. CARNEGIE'S. MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If disturbed at night snd broken of you cost by a sick child suffering and orylog with pain of Cutting Teeth, send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Boothing Syrup" for Chlidren Teething. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend apon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures Diarrhoos, Regulates the Stomach snd Bowels, Cures Wind Colic, Boftens the Gams, Reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and euergy to the whole system. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children Teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. by all druggists throughout the world. Be sure and ask for * MES. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. Von 'Stan's Pineapple Tablets.-- Medical science by accident dis- covered the potency eof the pineapple as a troubles, TH thé pte ; 'comes it would not hos advis- | AY ANTE Tor the LATS the Tae Free ew ot he mane, a the Ay LL 5 ne her prod Mies Paar 100 Duke Duchess of Tel pots. "hell our Eman fo CR ai Eva Crops that take much potash hould be followed by those that ake less. Get clover and peas as draw nitrogen from the In an average acre of soil in On ario nine inches deep there are nitrogen, 7000 more than one hall cent. of these quantities is The soil is a vast storehouse .af #6 Ready-to-Wear Clothing has Flour--No. 1 (warran! $1.80 per bag. Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Rolled O Graham Flour, Rolled Wheat, Rolled Peas, Swiss Food, ! Flaked Rice, Flaked Ba Quaker Oats. : AT LOWEST PRICES. Choice, Fresh, and Cheap. Canned Tomatoes CANS and extensive premises, where I have opened up, an invitation to all to cll and see me in my new premises. A.J: DAVIS, Port Perry, Sept 2, 1900. ving had the commodious Stote in the Currie Block fitted up espec- 5 ially, 1 am satisfied I hive now one of the best appointed Drug Stores in the Province, nd have taken possession of my few in addition to my extensive stock of Drugs, Chemicals, and Fancy Goods, a full line of SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES. While returning thanks to my numerous patrons I would extend Canned Peas ek Canned Corn 25 C Dried Peaches, Prunes, Figs, Dates, &c., 87 Crockery AT Cost &J ¥=" Wanted--Butter and Eggs for which the highest Cash price will be paid. W. TUMMONDS. F. SMITH General Carter Takes pleasure in returning thanks to the public for the esteemed pat ronage bestowed on him since com- mencing the business of Carting and would state that he is fully equipped to do CARTING AS IT SHOULD BE at the very shortest notice and at prices that cannot fail to please the public. Carting to and from the Railway Depot a Shecial): Residence--Brick House, oppo- site the Methodist Parsonage. F, SMITH. Port Perry, Aug. 1901. CHOICE FARM FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS. HE undersignd offers for sale that fine farn containing 100 acres more or less being the West half of lot 3, concession 7, Township of Scugog. On the premises are agood frame dwelling house containing seven rooms, frame barn with stone founda: tion--good stabling, This fine property is situated only 24 miles from Port Periy-- good roads. For particulars apply to the proprietor. | W. L. MARSHALL now whether or not you like it.-- an For Over Sixty Years Mrs, Dr. panacea for stomach it makes it an almost indispensable cases of dyspepsia and Indigestion, One after each meal will cure most 60 in a box, 35 cents,--3a Sold by A. J. Davis, Realistie. why are you shouting in that disgrace like Willle? Elsle--He has to be quiet the way we're playing. He's papa coming home fate, and I'm you. ruthless lash of these relentless human foes. M. a nervous wreck. Six bottles of South American _ Bold by A. J. Davis. MISS HARRISON she is prepared to execute all order: manner unsurpassed for Correctness of Style We shape and mold e material until the finished resembles a work of art, Remember our claims, and see how carefully we. vindicate them. Our charges are consistent with the value given. Port Perry, Oct. 29, 1901. Farm to Rent. Township ot Oartwright favorable R. Goud, on Bold The immense ' tage of vegetable pepsin contained in the in tal chronic cases. Mamma--For goodness' sake, Elsie, ful fashion? Why can't you be quiet Under the Nerve Lash.--The torture .and torment of the victim of nervous jon and nervous debility no one cam rightly estimate who has not been under the i Williams, of Fordwich, Ont., was for four years Nervine worked a miracle, and his doctor con- firmed it.--o8 Dress and Mantle Maker ISHES to inform the ladies that her Rooms at present are up-stairs in the Blong Block where in Dress and Mantle Making in a and Charming Effect. piece of garment J) 250 ppt va wiles a om Burke, opportunity, to the, premises, or to the ORT FP July 24, 1901, - or to Rent. The undersigned offers for Sale or to Rent that fine property situate ed and Rosa Street, Port Perry, lately occupied by Mr. Henry Me: Kenzie. This 1s a desirable property and should find a ready purchaser. For particulars as to price, terms of ayment, &c, apply to, Pay P an BROWN. Port Perry, Oct. 22, 1901. PORT PERRY School of Musi¢ Violin, V oice Production and Singing. Thorough Training Guaranteed. EZ CLASSES NOW OPEN."€3 For terms and particulars apply to g PROF. V. A. WANDLER. Care of W. H. McCaw, Jeweler, KS Port Perry, Oct. 23, 1901. Beg to say that although being driven out of their former place of] business by fire, they are determin ed that the public shall not suffer] for an ample supply of CHOICE, FRES H MEATS and in order to meet the requir ments, have erected a suitable shop} S| Just BasT OF MR. A. F. CARNEGIE'S] STORE, where will be kept, at prices tha cannot fail to please, a full suppl of Meats of the very best grad and cut in dimensions to please th most fastidious. 3 attention. S. T. CAWKER & SO: Oct. 22, 1901. NOTICE. All indebted to me Note, account or othe: will confer a great favor by settling at once as I am in need of money #4 ° Be Ei ar vd tyne lL KE. MURTON, Oshawa, A EE. HP URDY. . x READY-MADE CLOTHING for Men and Boys which for quality and low prices cannot be equaled in this district. I have the largest and most veried Stock of BOOTS ano SHOES ever opened in this locality for your inspection, and the prices are such as can not fail to ploase. Come and see us in our enlarged quarters. my customers in every particulr. lothing and SiR opened out an Extensive Stock of Port Perry. AND Furnishings Having increased the dimensions of my premises, 1 have purchased and My aim shall be to please Wishes to inform the pitti efierally/ 5 ¢ Bi 2 has added po i aha extensive services of FIRST-GLASS TORONTO BAKE the Bum bei the different lines Jf the tr? f Homemade r's Bread and Pastry o up-to-date style a erate prices. pa nother isiness. Evi able] tteady to cater to fle wan\ Brevd I e latest. nd at mod- Parties wishing to try our Home-made Bread, &e., &'e., will please call at the store or on Mr. L. H. Hicks who will have charge of the wagon. Port Perry, Dec. 15, 1901. LADIES... ~oO@vwhile oura@uadv A. F. CARNEGIE. where we will be better prepared than ever to supply our customers and the publlo with everything in the WHICH FOR GHEAPNESS, STYLE Durability and STRENGTH, P House and Lot for SS Cannot be surpassed in the County, Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks &e., In abundanoce. Comparison of Prices Courted BEATTY & BONGARD. | Port Perry IXarness Line REMOVALseseee We have Moved our business to the South side of Queen Street and now occupy the extensive premises just vacated by Mr. B. F. AckxrMAN, Millinery Greations Are of Elegant Design, of the Latest Style, and made of the Richest Stuffs, we desire it to be known that there will be no fancy prices-- WE SELL AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE FIGURE We have on show a splendid lot of Hats for the Fall and Winter Season and nearly all are our own product. The autumnal tints are shown strikingly in a number of the newest IN XMAS # Furniture Sale The uhdetsigned having on hand a fire Stock (of Furniture including some Prize Parlor Sets, Dining and Bed room Sets, all of Caskets, Coffins, Robes, &c. before the advance in price I am benefit. which will be sold Cheap for Cash or approved Credit during the Holiday season. 1 furnish one of the best any. My motto is--fair dealing to all. Wood taken in exchange. JOHN INOTT, K=" | am AdENT FOR MONUMENTS, #& Give me a call, In my Undertaking Department every branch is complete--such as Having purchased my Funeral Goods repared to give my customers the earses in the County. Prices low as Warerocoms--one door west of the St. Charles Hotel. creations. EZ Our Dressmaking Departoient is crammed with orders. IL. & J. STOUFFER: Carnegie's ROLLER MILLS FULL BLAST! LVL LL BN AAT LVN The undersigned takes this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks for the large measurs of patronage bestowed on him since commencing business in Port Perry, and would beg to state that having, at a large expenditure, thoroughly overhauled the entire Mill and introduced the best, md¥ approved and most modern machinery including the ROLLER PROCESS & for the manufacture of Flour, and is prepared to do Gristing and Chopping Ezxpeditiously and in a manner that cannot fail to give sutigfaction to my customers TRADE } Supplied with Flour of the bls, FINEST BRANDS THE KER. AVING had 'considerable experience in negotiating Sales of some of the largest transactions in Real Estate in this district, and in every instance giving perfect satis faction to all concerned, I have concluded to devote my whole attention to disposing ot all Real Estate that may be in my hands for sale. FARMS FOR SALE 1 would call special attention of parties requiring Farms to Four fine properties now listed and for Sale : JW Meharry REAL ESTATE B Experience is Invariably Essential to Success. All orders will receive promp il Three Parms in Scugog. i One Farm in Reach. &@F Parties desirous of di ng of landed properties =r Jill Companies. Prompt attention given to applications. will consult their own interests by placing them with me for sale. * Satisfaction guaranteed. | LOANS without Commission on Real Estate security in sums to suit borrowers, at unusually low rates. Quick action. 5 I represent the most desirable Fire and Life Insurance Port Perry, Sept. 3, 1901. Port Perry, GOLD 7 BILL LUMBER A SPECIALTY. RR | Allkfads of TURNING and SOROLL SAWING doses shore notice; Ml kinds of Diesfeld's DIF We are prepared to give SPECIAL BARGAINS in Gold Filled Cases in great v. Dollar, nicely Ea and Set with Pearls, &¢/ PLANING FACTORY in full operation and can supply all kinds of Dressed Lumber; also Lumber, Joists, Scantling, Boards, Fick ets, Shingles, Posts Doors, Sash; Mouldings, Bannisters and Neuel Posts JAMES CARNEGIE HH ox AND SILVER WATCHES. ariety, some as smell as a Quarter of # 4 Prices to suit you all right. R. [pos rar, No.3, Loe WEDDING AND ENCAGEMENT RINGS in Pearl, Opal and Diamonds, all fine and New Designs. Crocs 'GREAT VarieTY VERY CHEAP. ) Knives, Forks, Spoons, Fruit Dishes, Butter Diss, Caké Bask Sets, &c., and some more to follow. 3 EF Also Fancy Goods. EVERYTHING GOBS CHEAP! &&" Repairing ae usuel, 8 :