THMA CURED FR hmalone Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Cure in All Cases. EE! in SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL. Write Your Name and Address Platoty. | iit It brings instant relief, even worst cases. It cures when all else fails The Rev. C. F. WELLS, of Villa Ridge, | IIL, sa © Your telal bottle of Asthma | it Jeue received in good condition. ) CHAINED ~ FOR TEN { YEARS from it sore throat and Asthma for ten yea's. despaired of ever being cured. 1 saw yoor! advertisement for the cure of this dreadful and tormenting disease, Asthma, and thought that you had oveispoken your- selves, but resolved to give ita trial. To my astonishment, the trial acted like a chain, Send me a full-size bottie," Rev Dr Morris Wechsler, Rabbi of the Cong. Boal Israel. New York, Jan. 3, 1901. | Drs. Tarr Bros'. Mepieise Co, Gentlemen, -- Your Asthmalenc is an ex- { cellent remedy for Astlima and Hay Fever, a «1 its composition Sn all troubles : } mine. guithe TO = "is astonishing wonderful Alter having it curefuily analyzed, we ean state that Asthmulene contains no opium, morphine, chloiofuim or ether. Very truly yours, REV, DR. MORRIS WECHSLER. ti Avox Serixas, N. Y.. Feb. 1, 1001, t Dr. Tarr Bros. Menicize Co, Gentlemen 3 Twrite tustimonial from a sense of duty, having tested the woo- | 1t 1s said that one of the early Hen: rys was so enamored of the sport of fox hunting as to ordain It to be = | royal sport, and the red coat was worn been pointed at as absurd, as In those days scarlet was not a royal livery at * | all. about, and that Is the scarlet coat is | very popular for those who hunt reg- | | ularly, and it must be confessed that I caunot | the hunt fund. The black coat is con~ teil how thankial I feel for the good derived | gidered out of taste to adopt that color 1 was a slave chained with putrid | and the ordinary I! those whose subscription 1s very small indeed,-- London Standard. | mous chicle chewing gum is an occupa- | unattended with considerable danger, | Bands of men, known as "chicleros," | go Into the deep forests, under exe perienced leaders, armed with heavy | | knives of speclal make, pails and ladles for the sap, and each provided with long to be used in climbing the lofty A ais Hand Le i procured. The sap cut in the bark. A camp of chicleros where the sap 18 boiled resembles in | sugar camp. | Jaden with bricklike blocks of aromatic he Red Hunting Cont. consequence. This, however, has One thing there can be no doubt adds plcturesqueness to the scene. $ ; | The question of color seems to be There is nothing like Asthmalene | yery much a matter of taste. It 1s | in the looked upon as an indication of social | position. don the pink if so desired, but it is con- sidered out of taste to adopt that color In the abstract any one can | one does not liberally subscribe to | muftl garment for --_-- LE Gum Gathering. In Yucatan the gathering of the fa- on apparently full of romance, not RE DEAFNESS by our new invent HEAD NOISES. Examination and advice free. INTERHATIORAL AU « ARE F. A. WERK Gentlemen : -- Being entirely. a full history of my case, to be u About five Jets ago aye my bearing in this ea rely. I underwent a treatiuent for © ber of physicians, among others, only an operation could help mie, | then cease, but the hearing in the I then saw your aderrtisement a ment. his ear enti After I had used it only afew to-day, after five weeks. my hearing in th heartily and beg to remain J Yau CAd GH strong rope more than eighty feet | flows from gashes ome respects an American maple After months of work Le chicleros return from the forests | | known as | derfal effect of your Asthinalene, for rhe cure of Asthma. My wile hus been afflicted | gum. The finest gum, with spasmodic asthma for the pust 12 years. Having exhausted my own skill as well | "gicte," 18 collected from the fruit of as many others, I chanced to see your sign upon your windows on 130th street, New | the sapota, mostly by the native wom York, $ atouce Shiuiued a bottle of Sstimalene My wife commenced taking i the i | en, and 1s seldom exported because it | vember, very socn noticed a radical improvement. £ fter usiag oue bottle her 0 oo Asthma has disappeared and she is entirely Improveout, ncn. © I Jeet thus I con® 19° well liked at home. consistently recommend the medicine to all whoare afilictedwith this distressing disease. 2 vuis respectfully, 0. D. PHELPS, M. D. 60 Specialists on the Case.-- p dru In the ordinary run of medical practice & bo Dr. Tarr Bros. Mepicixe Co, Feb 5, 1901. greater number than this have treated cases E Gentlemen ; I was troubled * with Asthma for 22 years. 1 bave trie numerous of chronic dyspepsia and have failed to cure remedies, but have all failed. I ran across your advertisement avd starter with a trial -- but Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets bottle. I found relict at onon. I have since purchased your full+iz: bot le. and I am | {Go in a box at 35 cents cost) have made ever grateful, I have a family of four children, and for six years wus ul able to work, | the cure, giving relief in one day These I am now in the best of health snd aw doing business every day. Thi testimony you | little ** specialists *' have proven their real ean make such use of i merit.--72 Home address, 235 Rivington strect. S. RAPHAEL, An Emetie. 67 East 129th st., New York City. Trial Bottle Sent Absolutcly Free on Receipt of Postal, Do not delay. Write at once, addressing DR. TAFT BROS." MEDICINE CO., 79 East 130th St., N. Y. City. Sold by all Druggist. -- THE SEBERT HOUSE "<p i In returning thanks to the general public and the farming community in particular for their generous and kind patronage since 1 embaiked in the hotel business, 1 beg to announce that I now have more commodious and far superior facilities for enter- taining the public than I ever posse ssed in the past; having lately taken possession of the Oriental Hotel which will in future be known as tLe SeserT Housg, and have spared neither skilled labor nor expense in order to remodel and fit it up in a manner second to none in the province. Having introduced the most modern water works system, every room will at all times be fully supplied with hot and cold water. The comfort of guests will be the first consideration and no expense or labor will be spared in order to meet their requirements and win their approbation, so that their good opinion of the * Sebert Ilouse" may be heralded throughout the entire Dominion and the traveling public thus made acquainted with the fact that Port Perry possesses hotel accommodation in- ferior to none elsewhere to be found, and my charges, as in the past, will continue to be noted for moderation, In order to provide ample yard, stable and sk=d accommodaticn for all, especially on market days I have purchased the lot to the north of my already spacious premises and have had erected thereon large and comfortable sheds, and my patrons will find at their service an attentive and obliging hostler. I have every confidence that my enterprise will be fully appreciated by a generous public and that all will gladly avail themselves of the superior accommodations I have provided. L. SEBERT ' Removal The undersigned would take this opportunity of thanking his nu merous customers for the liber.l patronage received sine opening business in Port Perry, and would inform the publi that he has moved his business from .he Market building to the Store First door East of the Post Office where be will be pleased to £11 all orders for Meats in a manner tha cannot fail to please customers. Having new and increasec fucilities for the transaction of business he feels confident tha he can give better satisfaction than heretofore, and in orde) to aerify this state he solicits ull to give him a call in his new premises, wa GAME AND FISH IN SEASON. 1 I. J. WHEELER. hn A. Rodms fe HOUSE, SIGN A Graining, Glaizing Paper Hanging, Kalsomining and Sign Writing ing or Repairing will receive Prompt attention. Paper Hanging , Sa and Decorative Tinting in all the modern forms and shades. - Sold by A. J. Davis. HAVE THE LARGEST VARIETY OF . \NADIAN AND AMERICA 4 ! TICKETS TO ALL FARTS OF THE one d d in first class style and at Moderate Prices. Parties Build north of Mr. Widden's Groce A tablespoonful of ground mustard rule for an emetic. Mixing Coftee, | One of the tricks of the coffee trade Is to sift the beans so as to get the small beans out of inferior Java coffee and mix them with Mocha so as to sell at a higher price. Sometimes even ex perts will be deceived by this trick. apsoay. The loftiest tableland in the world 1s that of Assuay, in the Andes. An area as big as Yorkshire lies at a height of Lisle Thread. Lisle thread is made of superior cot- ton treated in a& peculiar manner. The waxy surface of the cotton fiber is im- paired by carding, but preserved by combing. The spinning of lisle thread is-done under moisture, forming a com- pact and solid yarn. Eiffel Tower. The Riffel tower is eight inches short- er in winter than in summer, -- En thi The Bug Bible. The bug Bible was printed in 1540 by thé authority of Bdward VI; and its curiosity lies in the rendering of the fifth verse of the Ninety-first Psalm, which, as we know, runs, "Thou shalt not be afraid for the ter ror by night nor for the arrow which fileth by day," but in the above ver- gion ran, "So thou shalt not nede to be afraid of any bugges by night." Ludicrous as this sounds, it is not etymologically without justification. "Bug" is derived from the Welsh word "bwg," which meant a hobgoblin or terrifying specter, a signification trace: able in the word commonly in use to- day--"bugbear"--and Shakespeare once or twice uses the word in this primary sense, notably when he makes Hamlet say, "Such bugs and goblins in my life" ed AADC AA La Fine China. Fine china needs care in washing and drying and should never be placed in nervous or indifferent hands. Treat: ed lovingly, china will last for years and even generations, Only a piece should be put in the tub at one time, the soap should be made into suds be- fore putting anything in, and the wa- ter must be very warm, not hot. Fi nally rinse in water that's just the same--warm. A good supply of fine, soft towels is a necessity, and, thus equipped, the washing of china is not a hard task. China will shine beaut! fully it wiped out of clear warm wa- ter. Looking and Seeing. There is much in knowing how to see sights. The discreet and skillful person, when confronted with a varie ty of attractions, will carefully select those that are for him the best and then will devise means to see them with the least wear and tear. But there are excitable people who set out tire themsel 0. Brown, journalist, of writes: * I have been a sufferer from Throat and Nasal Catarrh for over 20 years, during and List for Home Treatmen DR Bladder Diseases. . KENNE Be KIB Kingly Superstitions. perstitioul remarkable coincidence with certain dates of the calendar. e month on which he wus day of thi oven with born was strangely interw | the days of birth and marriage of his me of his children and thelr d fool who who | wife and 80 wives. But James was an ol made love to young Buckingham laughed in his face and robbed him of his jewels. 4 Napoleon was supe way he put on his stoc! the Great and the great sla were superstitious about Marlborough, both as Jack rti- ngs. sand infidelities. diseased ear hus beea c e tr QUTS. EAR Be Our treatment does not énteifere 3 erstition | to & tumblerful of warm water is the Reig Aopen wan Bl s about dates, and there were Pp s in lis life The rstitious about the kings. Frederick Peter of Rus- dozens of Churchill and thg duke, was supe tious as well as a thief and a traitor. Nearly all the Stuarts were supersti- tious and double dealers in religion, Henry of Navarre was superstitious, but that never kept him from a thou- All the children of Catherine of Medici were scared to death by their superstitions, but they could le, cheat and murder just as well. If Cromwell was a victim of su- perstition, he kept it to ASE IMMEDIATELY. 155 DY SHERGAN So ™ ir vusmeiny St corn. Presently along comes swallows the needle and finds a captive the moment away. fishermen depend on the seafowl they took on ages. To catch them they fishing lines with hooks on the which were attached chunks iiver. The latter floated oil they contained, and mi and other birds swallowing them were quickly pulled in, skinned '¢hopped up. nized as the most obvious time, next to it being the tween one new moon and its blood and generally tone up df, Bismarck and Ci alliance, were called the A B diplomatic art. It is notewo they also vanished from trial sphere of activity in order. PRS Fishing For Ducks. In India an ingenious schems I8pr > ticéd for taking ducks on is attached at one end toa stuck up in the mud, the other ity having a double pointed bone attached to it. The latter by stringing upon it some o he In olden times the Cape: threw The Day. ete tert Dandelions, Dandelions, so it is sald, A B © of Diplomaey, statesmen-founders of | a line, which flexible stick extrein- ds bimse ed largely for bait up- thelr voy- "are £1 HEAD NOISES? ASES OF v sent Ned ARD HEARING CURABLE hose born deaf are incurable. BALTIMORE, SAYS: BarriMoz=, Md. March 30, 1001, thanks to your treatment, I will now give you tion. sing, and this kept on getting worse, until I lost who told me that that the head noises woul and ordeded your treat. oises censed. x1 tored. I thank you ss, consulted a num- | ne to YonT IAN, 7:0 S. Broadway, Baltimore, Md. ith your usual occupation. ata nominal cost. URSELF AT HONE 596 LA SALLE AVE, C4:CARD, RL. [4 Cares nd middle-aged men are annually swept A ough early nbuse or later a Ch 'victims, but was rescued im time. He habit. A change soon came over me. ds noticed it. I became nervous, despon- 'manbition, easily tired, evil forebodin, les on face, back weak, dreams and dra mornings, burning sensat To make e reckless and contracted a blood disease. and medisal firms--all failed till Drs. Kea- wy case. In one week I felt better, and ina cured. They are the only reilable and conatry. tee to cure you or no pay. You rum no nd business at stake. Beware of any case we take tuat our NEW aricocele, Stricture, Weak Parts, Kidney Books free. Call or write for Question Fp 44 Hoast reasves. | In the old days a peacock was per haps the most gorgeous and decorative dish on the Christmas board. This was repared by first carefully removing the skin without losing the feathers, The fowl was then dressed, stuffed with all kinds of good things, roasted and finally sewed Into its skin, still re- taining the brilliant plumage. The beak was gilded, and this dish, fit for a king, was placed upon the table amid 'the blare of trumpets and the raptur- ous applause of the revelers. PRESSE. Sake 1 What He Missed. Mrs. De Style--It's a pity you conld not have heard that sermon today. Mr. De Style--After paying for your Sunday wardrobe I haven't money enough left to buy myself a decent thing to wear. Mrs. De Style--=That's just it, and that sermon would have made you blush for very shame. It was on the #1dolatrous Worship of Fine Clothes." BREA BRR The Jailer Jests. «What brought you here?" asked the temperance advocate who was visiting the prison. "I'm a wife beater," No. 41144 gruffly. | "Another case of Mck'er," murmured the jaller, who, despite his occupation, was & man of no little humor. replied convict What the Baby Needed. "Papa," sald Tommy, "little. brother is a week old tomorrow, isn't he?" "Yes." "Let's you and me give him a birth- day present." "Very well. What shall it be? "Let's buy him a wig. He n {hat more than anything." PERE A Choice of Professions. out to cod the dean," says Dr. Hole of dener in a large nursery or a book: | fice of the three." eet His Gray Halrs, children, always respect gray halr, not. ment)-- What makes you think that? kers.--Exchange. s A Careful City. The authorities of Aix-la-Chapel prisonment a man who carelessly eansed by the act Li on 0 C a songing 8 seat nd Snipe may fot ha gene FER tific Ame 1 n, ERE Ronda neve Nh Tork Be tein rite for our interesting bocks '" Invent or's Help' ani ' How you are swindled. Send us a rougl C! vention orimprovement a free our opinion as to whether it is probal bt have been successfiilly prosecuted by us, conduct fully equipped offices in Mont: and Washington ; this qualifies us to Pte ly dispatch work and quickly secure Patents, 81 wos as the invention. Highest references ed. Patents procured through Marion & Ma- rion receive speciel notice withou Sharge ih it Patent Experts and Solicitors. ¥Oi THE COB STY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHII turn thanke to his pumerous patrons for 'past favors. Iu requesting their esteemed and continued patronage he desires to OF CARTWRIGHT, ISHES ut. this the commencement o annther Auction Sate. i state that ue «fort or pains will be spared on his part to make all sales entrusted to him sucvesses. His very extensive practice in the past should be a sufficient recom mendation as to his ability. All Sale given into his charge will be attended to with pronptoess and dispatch. Sale list made out aad Dblauk wotes supplied free. ul application. Parties wirhing to engage his services may consult his SALE REGISTER either at the Observer or Standard Offices, Port Perry, for dates claimed for Sales, and nuke arrangements, or write to his address CHARGES MODERATE. G EO. JACKSON. Nov. 1, 1801. Port Perry P. O | METHODIST CHURCH. REV. G. H. COPELAND, Pastor. Sabbath Services, 10.30 snd 8.30. Week Evenin Bervice, Thursday 7.30. Strangers welcome and conducted to seats. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH. (PRESBYTERIAN) REV. W. COUPER, B.A, Pastor. Sabbath Services, 10.30 and 7.00. Week Evenin 1. 0 TE SR " REY. MR. MCFARLANE, PasToR. hhath Bervices, 10.30 and 7.00, York Lite A Montreal Atlantic Bidg, Washi gton D.C. A Ce tral Livery PORT PERRY. EARTILY thanking the public for th liberal patronage received during t many years | have kept a Livery Establish nent in Port Perry, Lhave much pleasure announcing that I have remoyed MY LIVERY ! to my former place of business Water Street which Iam about to largely extend ease facilities so that the public may setter accommodated with safe and desir able R. VANSICKLER. Part Perry, June 21, 1900. Family Newspaper IS PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT. RIGS AT MODERATE CHARGES North Ontario Observer { Weekly Political, Agricultural and Wook Besning Soevios, Thumdag, 1.90, CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION, REV. JOS. FLETCHER, M. A., Incumbent. Sunday Matins, 10.30 a.m. Evensong, 7 p.m. Sunda Behool, 2.30 p.m. "a N retarning thanks to the public for' ne patronage extended to me for over 30 years, I would respectfully intimate that am, as usual, now 4 bi ready for busincas, and ave a Large & Assorted Stock OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS which I am determined to sell gery CHEAP. As an inducement to CasH purchascrs and nc super ority of my goods will at once become putauvie guar will be Everthing in my line of busine constantly on hand und repairs neatly and promptly attended to <b Diseet of 10 por onde will be allowed on all Sales from now unti Jun, 1st next. All work being .g&Fr MADE BY HAND®J} factory work kept in stock, the ee thit p J ven by any article purchased. kep' JOHN ROLPH. Port Perry, Dec. 1, 1892. 'Wednesday -- Evensong, 7.30 p.m. R, C. CHURCH. RPV --. RICHARDSON. Third Sunday st 10 30 ». m, to all lovers of he | Song and Music a vast volume of New, Choice Copyright Compositions by ir | the most popular authors. Furnishes Monthly 64 Pages of Piano Music 2 Somplete Pieces for Piano Once a Month for 25 Cents. in- Yearly Subscription, $2.00. be ¥f bought in any music store at Binders, a Agricultural Machines ------AND-- IMPLEMENTS mg A Te rs SUNDERLAND FVHE undersigned keeps on hand and for salen the following Agricultural Mach ines aud Inplements manofactuied by the MUR EANLION NFR GL. OF PETERBOKO: Reapers, Crown Mower, Daity Seeder, Tiger Hay Ruke, Two Furrow Plow, Three Furrow Gang, Combina- tion Plows, Champion Plows, §. 7 Cultivator, 8, 1. Hurtddy, Land Roller, Steel Frame Spring Tooth Cultivator, Binder Trucks, &e. 1so the following, the munufactuve of JOHN ABEL, Toronto. otehif off, would cost $5.25, High class Threshing outfits, Traction & saving of $5.00 monthly. Engines and Machives, Victor Clover In one year you get nearly 800 Pages of Huller, Portable Trivmph Engive. Music, comprising 252 Complete Pieces for the Piano. T¢ you will send te Name and Address of FIVE Piano and Organ Players, we will send you a copy of the Magazine Free. J. W. PEPPER, Publisher, Eighth & Locust Bts., Philadelphia, Pa. PAINTING v 1 am prepared to supply cverything the armer requires in way of Machines, Imple- nents, Repairs, &o, aa A call solicited. McDonald's Hotel. One door West of R. K. BRYANT. Sunderland, April 8, 1893, Sealed Tenders. -- EVERY THURSDAY MORNING EALED . TENDERS will be BY H. PARSONS Kalsomining, &c rIBE undersigned would take this oppor ~ tunity of thanking his numerous pat rons for their liberal and still increasing received by the undersigned for the purchate of all or any of the Parcels-- Farm Properties-~ belong ng to Mr. John Adams. advertised «1¢ I had pot been brought up a Rochester, "there are three other vocations I should have liked to bave followed-- master of a pack of hounds, head gar- seller. I think the last is the best of- Sunday School Teacher--Remember, Tommy Traddles--Well, my pa does Sunday School Teacher (in astonish- Tommy Traddles--He dyes his whis- grit wcueus DESIRABLE PROPERTY away a lighted match in a forest near | tat city, although no damage was FERMS.-- $1 per annum, if paid in sdvanoe ; if not $1.5 will be charged. No subscription taken for les: than six months: and no paper discontinned until arrears are paid up. LETTERS containing money, when addressed to thi Otlice, prepaid and registered wil. be at our risk ADVERTISEMENTS measured by Nonpariel, and chaiged according to the space they occupy. ADVERTISEMENTS received for publication, witl out specific in:tructions, will be inserted unt forbid and charged accordingly. No advertise ment will be taken out until paid for. \ LIBERA, discount allowed to Merchants and other who advertise by the year or half year, [HESE terms will in all cases be strictly, adhered t o JOB DEPARTMENT. Pamphlets. Hand Bills, Posters, Programs, Dodgers, Bill Heads, Check Letter Tends, Wedding Invitations, Bisuk Forms, Receipt Books, Business Card Books, Cireulsrs, Assembly Cards, Visiting Cards, &o. of every style and color executed pr mptly snd at oa low as any other establishment in the County... Parties from s distance getting hand bills, &c pried oan have them printed to take home with ghem: H. PARSONS. IN PORT PERRY BO SATHI FYHE undersigned offers for sale at a bargain his 6ne property on Lorne Street, Port Perry, consisting of a commo- ious Dwelling House, containing six rooms, hall and three closets ; there is ew stone cellar under theanain pact and foundation patronage during the time he has carried ou in Port Perry, and would state that he i: better prepared than ever to execute all Painting, Kalsomining and Paper Hanging rely on having it neatly and promptly exe cuted, Port Perry, Mar. 23, 1893. o be sold 'by auctiop on the 23r¢ November, and withdrawn at the sale. the business of PAINTING J. A. McGIELIVRAY, Temjle Building, Toronto. or JOHN ADAMS, Port Perry. Nov. 30, 1899. orders for Parties entrnsting their work to me may MONEY TO LOAN. We have funds from p My charges are moderate. 1 am also prepared to supply Paints, &c,, vare parties for investment on when contracting. 5 mortgage a. 4} PER CENT, and those who wich to A continuance of public patronage sol | renew old morcgages, buy wore land or build, may cited, obtain money from wr without any delay, (and very quictly). We have customers whe wart to buy ime WM. TREMEER. proved farms: alco theie who would exchange Lusi- nesses for the same. If you have farms or other pro: perties for sale, commercial, me chanical, or Lusiness of ny kind, pease send us price and description of same Fire and Life Insurance ¢ffected, and a general fivuncial aud brokerage busines transacted. LUND & CO. 2 Victo treet, TOMONTO. JOHN NOTT, m ; UNDERTAKER, residents YNPEERAREE, ¢ Portrais of our Fresicents ; PORT PERRY. With Biographical Sketches EE SEER TERE BY x General Charles H. Grosvenor, GEO. GARDNER ISHES to inform the public of Porc WwW Perry and surrounding country, thai after four ycars experience in prose ting his business in some of the largest cities of the United States, he is better prepared than ever to execute any of the following branches of his trade :--Stone Masonry, Bricklaying in all its branches ; Plain and Orpamental Plastering. Also Artificial Stone Walks, that will remain permanent and will endure any weather. Concrete Cisterns without any weod in their con struction os davay or give ont. If you are Contains twenty four large Photo-gravure Efehings from the paintings indorsed by the fumilies and near relatives of the Presidents. Printed on leayy plate paper embossed. "A very large Look ; title page de signed By Tiany- Biographical sketches printed in large, open type in two colors The greatost work of the 20th Century. So beautifulthat when President Haiiiniey saw it he subscribed immediately, One agent selling 600 copies in a small territory in Pen- nsylvania. A million copies will be so'd quick. For- tunes made this lunugural year, igh claxs man or woman of good social stending can makes littlo fortune in this tertitory, Territory ls going rapidly. Proses running day and night to All ors. Wanted. --State Manager to look after correspond- ence and agents, RCORAN BUILDING under the kitchen, allin a | - ntate of [he rupe Vines, He: frnit in abundance. There ai premises a good bricked Well and Cistern and convenient Stable: Lots 108, 109, 110 on Ella Street--all ready for crop. Powder I obf almost, if not entirely, cured me." 50¢.--73 WorLp.--Mr. W. H. McCaw, Port Perry, is now in a position to issue tickets to all parts of the world and to supply all necessary information to parties as to the cheapest and best routes, &c. In addition to his # Ticket Agencies for Rail- road and Steamship lines, he has been re appointed Ticket Agent for the Grand Trunk Railway. Parties intending to travel will consult their own i ts by 1ti McCaw before embarking on a t r. rip. For particulars apply to PPY (50. GARDNER Port Perry, Jan 22, 1896. in n e above, come to m and . GEO. G Port Perry, Jan. 3, 1894. + ANTED -- TRUSTWORTHY ANC active gentlemen or ladies to tarvel © for responsble, established house in Ontario Monthly $65.00 and expenses. Position beac" ya teady. Reference, Enocloseseclf-addressed tam ped envelope. The Dominion Com p ny. Dept. Y Chicago, YEARLY to Chi ristian man or women to lookafter our grow- adjoining Counties Cori ndent ; work A INDING my Livery accom dation on Perry St. curtailed, i your home. Enclose self- t's a strong Statement the greatest help to the live i "The Canadian Grocer." but a straight fact, when we say that grocsr "and general storekeeper in Canada is being far soosial to pd the uirements of my rapidly incre business: I Loki A LA, years and taken possess commodious Livery wl Stab d, ae for particulars Perdis Building, The Light of the World _ Our Saviour In Art 00 to publi. Newly : itory and Man' | Vie pasate | Patornage respectfully ] RR I 'C.P.R, ticket agent, for i ; i © Wh. JAMIESON: ~L rates, &c. Port Perry Sept. 26, 3900: : ~ | MEMBER oF CONGRESS FOR NEARLY 20 YEARS | Address to-day THE CONTINENTAL PRESS, LIVERY RENOVAL