10 NOY | GHRISTMAS § Q . Weak, Nervous, Discased Men Thousands.qt Y8ing and Middle Aged Men are annually swept toa premature grave K fl through ear! indiscretions and later excesses. Self abuse and Constitutional Blood Diseases have ruled and wrecked Wie life of many a promising young man. Have vou any of the following symptoms: Nervous and Despondent; Tired in Morning; No Auibition; Memory Poor 1y Fatigued; Excitable and Irritable; Eyes Rlurj Pid ples on the Face; Dre: d Drains at Night; Res less; Haggard Looking; 2 Diotckes Throat; Hair Loose; Pains in the Body; Sunken Bid Distrusiful and Lack of Energy and Strength. 7 Treatment will build you vp mentally, physically Cures Guaranteed or no Pay. 25 YEARD IN DETROIT, BANK SECURITY. AF-No Nemes Used VWithout Written Consent, A NERVOUS WRECK. --A HAPPY LIFS: . P. Exgr50N Las a Harrow Lscape. ©] five on a farm. At school I learaed an early habit, which bh weakened me physically, sexually aud mentally. Family Doctors said I was going nto "decline (Consnmptiod). Finally, * The £8 Golden Monitor," edited by Dra. Kendedy & Kergan fell into my the fruth and couse. Self abuse had sapped my nent and was cured. My friends think I was and HE Pueblo Indtans of New Mex- ico celebrate Christmas in their primitive tay, and, plthough they profess Christianity, they also observe their religious as | | ne FOR 1902. Receiba from the 15th to the Slst PRINTING AND STATIONERY. THE TURKISH WOMAN. JR EE Her Friday Excursions on the Sweet 'Waters of Asia. o Friday is the only day on' which Tutkish women enjoy a little liberty and release from the dreadful seclusion in which they are always kept, and they are not slow to avail themselves of the chance. On Fridays every one goes to the Sweet Waters of Asia, which consist of a small river running about two miles inland, with trees and mendows on 'each side. Hundreds of boats assemble and glide up and down the river. Every boat or caique has two or more Turkish ladles on board. The sight i8 a very fine one, as each private calque is most carefully got up, and the boatmen wear brilliant lv- eries to match the cushions and the long embroidered cloth which hangs over the stern and trails in the water. The khedivah of Egypt is one of the finest, in crimson and gold, embroid- ered with crowns and fishes. Besides PROMP TLY SECURED the liveries the parasols make a won- derful shotv, and here may be seen all ore Hoty: ui LR Bh | the latest Parisian creations. The la- Send us a rough sketch or model of your in-{ | dies must not speak to men, but the eston I Phau in careful observer can frequently catch sight of vells lowered -or other signal given when a particular boat is pass- sending re nyone a sketcl 1; our adda pera §S opiain tions Bo abdenttar. Hana sent free. Oldest taken 'without a. Scientific a J ely wee) any scientific Fon fais logis Bid) TOR MAN 4.C0, eves Hew York me tentable. Re ns have often u successfully prosecuted by us. We Yconduct fully equipped offices in Montreal pal Washing t! hy Jualifies us to Brent ing, and habitual frequenters can point y dispatch work and quickly sccure Patents) LA RE By eat retire uta | out boats which are sometimes close to each other. It is a very Innocent di- version and would not satisfy western ladies. An hour before sunset the po- ) furnished. Patents procured through Marion - rion receive special notice without pile gon, "do you ebeh say, 'Git behind. me, Satan?" "No, bruddah, Ah do not," said Dea con Green. "Ef Ah told Satan to git behind me, he might stick me when Ah wa'n't lookin'. Ah keeps him right in front whah Ah kin see him." An Offhand Answer, "Who can tell me the meaning of leisure?" asked the teacher. tepent," replied tne boy at the foot of | the class (Centra PORT PERRY. Lian EARTILY thanking the public for the | GEO. JACKSON, | Licensed Anctioneer, Valuator, &c USTY OF ONTARIO AN OF CARTWRIGHT HI I liberal patronage received during the I have kept a Livery Establish ther Auction Sale oir tribal customs, jem many patients, a' von Lo | asic mo Bors Tveng Port. On we Ti nets To wet. 4 | December, 1001, ihclusive, Primer HY Christmas eve the inhabitants of each Consultation Fres, EBooks Fres. Write for Quasticn Bleek for Homa Trastment, | Taxes collocted .... be "ene village assemble at the estufa (place Drs Kenn d & Kergan 148 Bhelby Street, Soars ARD BRIDGES, "a of worship) and elect officers for the ) od y 1] Detroit, Mich. Expenditure OE entry Feavel errernss 830 ¢nsuing year. Men and boys over six- CK BEI MC BRK KB: ) SALARIES. fi Jamey Guroesle, \inber ; ng teen years of age, If the latter have cs a . - uhh ¥ Sweetman, Councilor H W. Crozier, gravel 1C 00 dred, r Crozier, repairing culvert. 2 50 proved their worthiness in the chase, | =--=------ - ere Alldred, Conneilo ); CL ay building culvert : 5 00 select the candidates by a viva voce RE Hood, Re oi Taio H Shoveling Suow tarvevaes shttessenssrveice 0 vote. Women are not permitted in the FOR ONTARIO'S SICK CHILDREN Clerk and Treasurer SCHOOLA $153 86 estufa. The officers elected are a gov- + . se rer 5 es ernor of the Fiilage, war enioh police -- ---- Portage and Bait NAGE, ke. wall odman. School Grant oo 16 x 0 vi ). ly nembers | N ol omeial am % aL or jell Overt Opportunity tor Every Citizen to Join in the Noble Work of Dring | J Mclaren, SOA: ASD pani 1] ER eater of section No.2 Bo of. The governor, by the advice and | ing Health and Happiness to Young Lives. | Stewart, HIE FIR VO romds 1% $154 30 consent of his cabinet, sets the time | - 5 | Btowart, balunce for gravel ....... | MISCELLANEOUS. for the chase, when the entire village | COUNTY RATES. : ae widens se turns out; also designates the time to | | D. McKay, Co. Treasurer 50 irrigate the little patches, the time to | ection No. Yoo Hoh is . go to'work and is ex officio adminis- | Suction Ko.18 4 52 _ Avutor of justice. The war chief di- | Soto a3 5 : ag " rects the pasturing of stock and pre 2 DOGE.AND SHEEP. _ 3» vents depredations upon private prop- Wim. Miloer, lamb killed £3 00 crty. He is the chief of police, con | Total Expenditure ... stable, judge and jury combined. Only | Balance on hand serious cases of crime are referred to ee smn ---- the governor and council | Receipts Dalton Baod «oo... ¢ alo 4 After the election of officers a grand From Jerutry 1st, to December Rent--Hall and Road Allowanc 12 dance takes place The braves are | 15th, 1902, both inclusive. $1968 44 dressed in buckskin pantal ons, with Balance on_hand - $228 10 LIABILITIES. a white cott shirt I'he headdress Rent from Hall for 1901 21 00 or is of the of the deer or fox, the Ys Aware of | Cou itaiss He tail of e animal hanging down the | Loan at § per cent. interest 58 00 | Balaries .... . 132 00 Percentage unpaid Taxes, 1901 2 88 | Gravel. . 58 00 back as an ornament Some of the From Collector of Taxes, 19.2 20711 0 Printing, Fontage and Stationery 27 00 headdresses of the officials are prettily or | Et ees Wes, indigent, © nil A decorated with bright feathers and Ruuda sud Lrideos 13 21 sometimes eagle plumes. Their faces Expenditure. Dogs and Sheen 800 are painted in yellow and white stripes, John Hope, Ceretake Sa RIES. apo aT ad ntoroet 31.50 15% relieved by red spots on the cheeks Genk, rofistoring birtia, artigos and deaths [§ $1884 85 They wear moccasins of leather I'he Williism Jackson, Councilor 5 00 > 'E braves form in a double line and march Yo laton, Amossar px PETER, HOD. und the vill preceded by the George Bweetman, Auditor 3 00 x y officers and the caclque, or spiritual Clerk, 300; Tronsurer, 5) ik JOHN FOY, head. Each brave carries in his left $113 20] I'reasurer hand a gourd half filled with pebbles and nicked at the top. In his right ie hand is a convex stick, which he saws ncross the at the same time gives the or rattle. This exernciating noise is partly drowned by the general chant, in which all join farr d under | door the Hospital The Ontar I'l ng is onotoune, as if the ! to bear | child is a level with the Torontc singer were tell \ story or reciting : nl Io ither has an advantage +e t 1 no i akes a dollar a patient per E: 1c histor ical ete 1 suddenly it ng | maintain the Hosy : T ne Ontaric breaks out into a wild and loud blare, 2 I 1 t s $7,000 a year like the crash of the elements of dis A father I f educat almost seventeen cents per patient rord in the grand opera of civilization ¢ 9 tha I vide the | per day, for there are always at least The dance is a hippetty hop . f mind to ---- ' ' mo went is slow y of these I } k In gain | I breaks is sounded, and then It is deliri | | ous, like a war dance This exercise 2 € 1 ng forth i IE Procrastina 101 continues all 1 or as long as the not 1 [AN LL] braves can stand ur 1g 2M siderable qu of r ---- -- mm 2 SS these cel ns, ar he f mn I EFORE braves fall by the wa The pale haj ot ed and twe unde faces from the surrc I H | atu TE th attend the fiesta, ¢ i € i. ; men their w nd r ' Yen | In the pl or « Tite , | teer nt pa i : are all kinds of games and booths for -- "| rem oT for € : all kinds of drinks. The Pueblo In B 1 1 every chi t from dian is not used to our whisky, and what point he may come And in ad dition to this Toronto citizens donate | nance of for the mainte all his money, clothes an eta, a fev r que, N Pueblo the celeb. byal three d Arge Crov ery numerous, a or sat a | horse racing, cocking mal sports. The gaming table and day One of the g similar to the Americ 4 hidden spring w touches. Another sport is el burying of a rooster in the ing his bead above the surface. The best riders in the villa are selected to compete. They form in a front line at a distance of 100 yards, and charge down upon the rooster. The rider, go ing at full run, leans f his saddle #nd grabs at the head of the rooster. | It he catches the fowl, he is applauded as the victor. He then races for his home, with all the other horsemen aft- | er him, with the intention of depriv BEFORE AFTER pri] pe o Kg NopRL of Duy take | made for that purpose Hospital | 3¢ fowl from him before he react srk cannot be conducted without home, he is shorn of his laurels, and I'o keep the machinery mov in the scramble the unfortunate rooster t jollars and cents of the people is often torn tc eces. Whe a rider f Ontario are needed Nurses, do misses catch! the rooster's head, mestics and officials have to live every one lau y and if he falls from Their wages must be paid is } True, it is, that some have to pay his horse he is greeted with shouts | yes, all who afford it are expected of derision and epithets of "squaw | |to pay--but those who cannot pay and | man." | | | can produce the certificate of a clergy- | There are services in the church each man or known ratepayer of the dA { morning during the fiesta, with the | | vince to the effect that they are too | usual game and sports in the after | poor to pay, can have maintenance and | treatment free of charge is year an effort is being made to | \r away a bank overdraft created | by cost of maintenance. Every dollar | sent us helps to lighten the load that being carried st everyone who can spare a dollar noon and dancing at night. The sery jces are Roman Catholie--all Pueblos | being members of that church. They, | however, observe some of their own rights in secret--the dance being part of their creed worship. e lis I )- | forward it quick as the good Christmas In Jerusalem. thought strikes them, to Douglas Davidson, Secretary of the Hospital Christmas is held in greatest rever ence by the Christians of the east, and Aowhere is its observance more solemn #nd imposing than in Bethlehem, the old town where Christ was Christmas eve the devout of m gather together and flock of the city and march to the h of the Nativity in Bethlehem. the oldest monument of Christian ar- chitecture in the world. There mass is celebrated, while armed Turkish sol- diers stand on guard beside the altar and around the brilliant star, where Christ is supposed to have lain in the manger and which gleams up from the pavement, the most conspicuous object in the grotto. -- St. Louis (jlobe-Demo- crat. ns | for Sick Children, or to J. Ross Robert- 1d | son, Chairman of the Trust, College next | street. Toronto. f Ontario has the privileges as one that me T may live To remove a pasted label from a can or bottle hold over the steam of a ket tle for a few minutes, when it can be easily removed. will clean anything cleanable--clothes and dishes, floors and doors--in fact, anything from cellar to attic. GOLD DUST lightens labor, care. as 4Hade only by THE N, K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicago, New York, Boston, St. Louis. Montreal. pots and pans, EFOFTIM 1s also the robber it that steals from many a business man the opportunity to become wealthy. ... TISNT A BIT TOO EARLY to plan for something good in advertising for fall and winter business. a large space in Tue 0 Circular, or something' and it is always better over 100 pap ug) Patent business of $ | Me ppear and force all women cormes end ingens, led to lons<Eondori Telegraph. Vous oh Eg MARION & MARION Patent Experts and Solloltors. Offices : ew York Li e Bide ontreal{ The Wise Deacon Atlantic Bidg, Wash! D.C. e foe Ce tether 0S "Deacon," began the old colored par- | | "It's a place where married people { | FISHES at this the commencement o | SET = N returning thanks to the public fort ae patronage extended to me for over years, I would respectfully intimate that am, as usual, now ready for busincse, and ave a Large & Assorted Stock OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS which I am determined to sell very CHEAP, As an inducement to CAsu purchasers b Dseeut of 10 por conde will be allowed on all Sales from now unti Jan. lst hext. All work being gZr MADE BY HAND %3 and nc factory work kept in stock, the super ority of my goods will at ence become appa' ent. Frtentting purchasers will find that by call before looking elsewliert ted in qual ] 0 Aq | 4 5 % be Jong expe pul will be given by any article purchase Everthing in my line of business kep constantly on hand and repairs neatly and promptly attended to JOHN ROLPH. Port Perry, Dee. 1, 1892 Agricultural Machmes AND IMPLEMENTS 'SUNDERLAND keer ing Agricultura factured and. for Mach by the 8 on hand rPYHE undersigned sales the ines and Ieplements man: tu ITER BAMILTOR MTR CO PETERBORO Mower, OF . | Binders Crows Daisy many year An Season to re ment in Port Perry, I have much pleasure in | turn thanks to his numerous patrons for | Secder y Rake, Two Furrow announcing that I have removed past favors In requesting their esteemed Plow, J Combina y r | ry | and continued patronage' he desires to | tion Plows, ( ws, 8S. T | M \ [.1 \ ERY | state that no effort or pains will be spared Cultivator S w, Land | SE A on his part to make all sales entrusted to Ro t g Tooth to my former place of business im successes. His very extensive practice | g C° ks t St t in the past should be "a sufficient recom W ater ree men n as to his ability. All Sale |also the following, the munufacture of i giver his charge will be, attended : [which Tam about to largely extend in-| with promptucss and dispatch. Sale list JOHN ABEL, Toronto lities so that the public may be | made out and blank notes supplied free i " " accommodated with safe and desir- | on application High class Thresi thts, Traction able x Engines and Machine Victor Clover actics wishing to engage his services rss an Masi RIGS AT MODERATE CHARGES |mny consult hie Sate Rucistm either at] 1am prepared to sups the R. VANSICKLER Perry. for dates od for Sales an! | farmer requires in way of ple 1 ments, R & Port Perry ne 21, 1900 Bake 2 ¥ address #7 A call solicited On r West of y g I » McDonald's Hotel * GEO JACK 0 \ N n 7 ; y R. K. BRYANT North Ontario Obseryer xo. wo at Sr | septertent, pont 0 { Weekly Political, Agricultural and | | oy | ity Nompager| ~~ Sealed Ten 3 A AINTIND tr TORT PERRY, ONT. | - EVERY THURSDAY MORNING or IS! ALED TENDERS I be i. Kalsomining, CD received by the undersigned for | the hase of all or ( the H. PARSONS THE undersigned would take this oppor | Parcels-- Farm Pr Line tnnity of thanking his numerous pat > Mr. Toh i ' rons for their lihe and still increasing ; JOH BRMS,.-§1 per a hy nage during the time he has carried ou | | CN X : ntinne the business of November, a are - alc LETTERS containing used tot PAINTIN J. A. McGILLIVRAY ADVERTISEMENTS meqvred™ ty Nonpurle i Port Perry, and would state that he i: | Temj:le Building, I'oronto charged according to the space they py etter prepared than ever to execute all | Nov. 30, 1899 | orders for | ADVE SEMENTS re x k Dai fi K i : y ip 0 i | nd. charged 800 + | Painting, Kalsomining and Paper He 4 CoE EE | Poni, ia ¢ and Paper Hanging) MONEY TO LOAN. ) ; i . , Parties ontrusting their work to me may | we have funds jes for investment ¢ A LIBERAL discount allowed to Merchants and other | o}y op: having it neatly and promptly exe cage oi 4 hose xo. wi h 46 ufed, My charges are moderate THESE terms will in a ri y adhere 1 am also prepared to supply Paints, &c, -- when contracting | i e of public pat § oli | ¥ ih for sale { JOB DEPARTMENT. of public patronage R00 | any kind, please s i | mphlet Hand Bills, Posters, | WM. TREMEER. and brokerage business transacted | Programs, Dodgers, Bill H eck | Port Perry, Mar, 23, 1893 28 Victorls Street TORONT Letter Heads, Wedding Invitations, Blank Form Receip Book Business Card f 1 Irae i Sod, | Sou The Portraits of cur Presidents JOHN NOTT, B ee UNDERTAKER, executed pr mptly and and Funeral Director, 3 other establishment 1a PORT PERRY : distance getting hand bills, &c Tw ted take home with them H, PARSONS. GEO. GARDNER W ISHES to inform the public of P Perry and surrounding country, tha after four years experience in prosecutir his business in some of the largest cities the United States, he is better prepare than ever to execute any of the followir IN PORT PERRY FOR SATLHI Stone Walks, that will remain permaner dious Dwelling House, containing six rooms, and will endure any weather. hall and three closets ; there is a good stone cellar under the main part and foundation under the kitchen, all in a good state of been converted into a splendid Garden, in' which are a large number of choice, thriv- ing fruit trees--Apple, Cherry and Plam-- Grape Vines, Berry bushes and other small fruit in abundance. There are also on the premises a good bricked Well and Cistern and convenient Stablei Lots 108, 108, 110 on Ella Street--all ready for crop. For particulars apply to GEO. GARDNER, Port Perry, Jan. 22, 1896. for acceptable ideas. State if patented. struction to ] 8, come wits All r nbd line will be keps for salc after the first of-next April, GEO. GARDNER, Port Perry, Jan. 3, 1894. ANTED -- TRUSTWORTHY AN for res Monthly $65.00 and expenses. teady. Reference, Enclosesclf-nddresse tam ped envelope, p by, Dept. Y Chicago. FYYHE undersigned offers for sale at a branches of his trade :--Stone Masonry, | ence and agents bargain his fine property on Lorne | Bricklaying in all its branches; Plain and | Address to-day THE CONTINENTAL © . Street, Port Perry, consisting of a commo- Ornamental Plastering. Also Artificial CorcoRAN BriLbiNe Concrete Cisterns without any wood in their con dasa or give out. If you are constantly on hand, an active gentlemen or ladivs to tarvel pousble, established house in Ontario Position The Dominion Com With Biographical Sketches BY | General Charles H, Grosvenor, | MEMBER of CONGRESS FOR NEARLY 20 YEARS Contains twe e Photo-gravure Etchings | from the paintir rsed by the families and neat s of the an ok ; tit heavy plate le page de | sketches printed in k large. open type in The of the 20th Century tifulthat w McKinley saw it he 1't | agent selling 600 nsylvania. A ni at | il . unes will be made this 16 of man or wou little fort this territory e 1 is going Presses running day and night to fill ig |! Wanted -- State Manager to look after correspond Washington, D, € nt C d ein ing business In thisand adjoining Counties to act as Manager and Correspondent ; work can be done at your home. Enclose self- addressed, stamped envelope for particulars to A. JI, SHERMAN, Genernl Manager, Corcoran Building, opposite Unlted States Treasury, Washington, D. C. s a strong Statement but a straight fact, when we say that the greatest help to the live groedr and general storekeeper in Canada is THEPATENT RECORD, % mere, Bi of the P, RECORD nm ot Christian on ng, bye boss 40 | BOQ, VEAILY Chitin nan | INDING my Livery accomm b dation on Perry St. curtailed, it being far toosmall to meet the re quirements of my rapidly increasing business I have leased for a term of "The Canadian Grocer." Tonal work cen be done at your ome. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope for particulars to H. A. Sher- Write quick for terms. Wanted. pondenee and 111 the You cannot read it without getting ' commodious Livery Offices and some valuable information, Spend a Th I, ght f th w ld tables cent for a post card and send for @ 6 I 0 6 or sample copy and be convinced. Sar On Queen Street S---- ur Saviour In Art The MacLean Pub. Co., Limited] cost nearly $100,000 to pubis. Nearly 100 superb -- entrance adjoining the Canadian " engravin ot ther by th rty-- TORONTO, MONTREAL, torn GhAlde stories on Eat h piotite. os boat Dank 2 Com eres pepe yiste mie iieesd LIDS MEE ESOS RL mei re Bit 5a WAAVIT ETL SVN, ie. BM ttn aa eal over ¥o00) complete variety of reliable rigs at $90 YEARLY to Christian. many {worth sthoks,-- Fin expotionce. Mra. Sstielf of moderate Charges. Constant at. ! ler Women $0 bork) ates ouryy er HAE tok oh eraere he tendance night And day, so parties growing business in this an joining | first two days. Mrs. Lemwell took 81 orders tne| may rely on having their require Counties; to act as Manager and Corres-£ | first week. Christian man or woman can make £1,000 : : in this county quick. Torritory is going ropidly, | ments met at all times. Cn Manager to have charge of corres- agents. man, General Manager, Corcoran Build-§ dress ing, ite United States Treasury THE BRITISH-AMERICAN CO, Lh ARLE ig D.C. ROORAN BUILDING NAT TATRA SINS 4. Washington, D; © years and taken possession of the Patornage respectfully solicited. Conveyance to all trains. WM. JAMIESON, * Port Perry Sept 26, 19co.