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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 26 Feb 1903, p. 2

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---- x ort Perry Board of Trade vy witlr Toronto Buyers Port Perry Markets ing' on the above date. ighest Prices will be paid for er, Eggs, Poultry and other as well as remuneration ail Se on hand on the opeting a further notice the Market Will begin Thurdays on the 'arrival of the morning train from the City, 10 am, at the Old Market Be ug Si j TP Pe "Wu, H Hannrh § P METHODIST CHURCH. REV. G. H. COPELAND, Pastor, Sabbath Services, 10.30 and 6.30. Week Eveain * BT. JQEN'S ¢ CHURCH. Ce -------- REV. W. COOPER, B.A, Puster. Sabbath Scrvh es, 11.00 nnd 7.00. Week Eveain Service, Thurnday 7.30 nn BAPTIST CHURCH. REV. MR. MCFARLANE, Paston. Services, 10. 30 and 7.00, Work Bren Service, Thursday, 1.30. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION, (ANGLICAN) REY. G. W. LOCKE M.A. Incumbent. ~Mating, 10.30 a.m. Evensong, 7 p.m. Sunday Bchool, 2.30 p.m, Thareday Evensong, 1.30 p.m E. 0. CHURCH. REV -- RICHARDSON Third Sunday at 10 30 a. m, E » rn RX eee THE OBSERVER Has 4 Goob CIRCULATION. sud ls eon: stantly growing in favor. It is the BEST Advertising Medium la the County : is the champion of the Agriculturists and more wonservative and practical clsss of people 4 not n favorite of schemers, bromers and eligues; it is the Oldest and Best Established --founded in 1857--che most original and beet ja its local and genera! news department and is printed entirely in the place of pub licstion-- Port Perry. to 3 per annum to Siren. if not paid la advance, $1.50 Wilke JOB PRINTING 1¥ THE MOST MODERN BTYLES LAND AT LOW PRICES PME wr i AR ARRAN D SIRE I at NORTH ONTARIQ OBSERVER Printed and Published in © ert iter FORT PERRY, FEB. 26, 1903. Mulock Making a Tool of North, Ontario. There is no doubt in the minds of those on the inside, that Sir Wil. liam Mulock's interest in the North Ontario campaign is 2 purely sel- fish one. The gentleman, in truth, has aspirations for the position which Sir Wilfred Lecurier will _shortlo have to vacate, By defeat ing Mr. Foster, Sir William would strengthen his claims for the leader ship, and North Ontariy would be used as the cat's paw to draw the chesrnut: In order to make his ehances of success as strong as possible, Sir William arranged a date for the election best suited to bis purpose. As the allay of John /G. Pritchett, the pioncer of -ballot box stuffing, Sir William worked in % West Huron in 18¢8. He has also RAP ke cod AA a anh sa. a Tie Ee MATE SRE Fw nded his organizersto defeat Foster at any cost,--by fair or 'citixen of North Ontario, "shalt," an injunction which 'yet'been dbeyed by Can- tard the people of at he (Mulock) was rill be seen. .that, Sis, Wil the feelings-of the elec: 3 y contempt. His will is the lal service that 'kND ORCHARD, -- It will be 'séen by _1'Sebért House, in this place, on, Sat be no reserve this will be a grand opportunity:tgBecure desirable live stock and implements at Auction prices. (See. posters.) ing he had a surplus of male birds of his superior breeds of fowls adver- tised them for sale, the demand has proved far "greater than he antici- pated, soon' #1 'were shipped, but the demand 'Gontinues,. so in order that parties wishing to improve their stock 'of fowls niay do so, he has concluded to'$tfl a limited number product of his'bow- famous layers. {Sce adv.) a Concert: in'thé'Publi¢ Hall, Prince Albert, on Reiddy evening, March 6th, to commence at 7.30 0 clock. 5p Grandy, lot" i. & Jamentable condition re- interedt Major Forman the Post Office' Department was in our meagre and unsatisfactory post immediate action would be taken to remedy the de- fect. That Mr. Henderson, is a thoroughly efficient and competent official was soon demonstrated by his 'masterly grasp of the situation and the hap, ris and his un, {amends to alleged on of the. Department, many of which hogréver ;whep sifted have not a leg to stand on. In the case of Port Perry's complaint he tacitly admit: ted that there; was room for im- provement 'and that the matter when presented wauld receive full consideratign. That Mr. Hender- son as an official is a man of the right stamp all meeting him will r :adily admit. During Lént there will be Even song'in the Church of the Ascensi- on on Wedpesday instead of Thurs- day. The Annbaf Missionary Services held in the Methodist Church last Sunday were interesting and suc: cessful. Rev. W. R. Barker, of Uxbridge préached .two sound and appropriate sermons. The congre- gations were good and the offerings liberal. It jis. expected that the total contributions of the Church in Port Perry this year, to the Mis- sion Fund, will aggregate $300. Mesdames F. Smith and Geo. Jackson will give a Social Tea, at the residence of the former, in the interest of thé Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Church on Wednesday evening pexty March 4th." Tea will be served from six o'clock to eight, Mr. Chapman, leadef of the Choir is preparinga special programme of music for the occasion. The public aré most cordially inyited. AvctioN Sate or 4 Fine Farum the: advertisement in- atfotker cpl umn, that a fipe farm and Bichard are to pe sold by Auction at the urday, Marchig4, The properly is situated near Port Perry--is in the 7th 'con. Redch. Full particulars may be ir of Messrs Sharpe & Noble, Barfisters, &c., Uxbridge, the Vendor's Splicitors. ! Auction Shire. --Mrs. William Stephen, lot g3 con. 1, Reach, hav- ing leased her farm has instructed Mr. Baird to sell her stock of horses, cattle, sheep. swine and farm imple ments on the emises on Wednes- day next Mach '4. As there will Mr. Ingram:of this place finding of eggs which he guarantees the £7 The Miséion Band will give AvcTion- Shi. and, and Sir William |i "the : Me. Thon. Sms will be. auctioneer. Turorzany Auction Ssre.--Mr. that qr mail service freffuehcy of connection Toronto, Blackstock, Utica and ot points 'he became much i con- tended that no other place of equal impartance in the Dominion had sicha miserable mail service as Port Perry and he questioned if possession of the facts regarding facu'ty he has of iy eeting in the own "Ho here on Tuesd Li noon next, | arch 3, at two o'c 6) | of all interested in the establish: |v ment of the b beet shydt {it ustey {al} this part of the Provijice. Shiitileortli; Brmetly of the Agri. cultural College, Guelph, and now Agricultural Superintendent of the Ontario Sugar Co's beet sugar fact. ory at Berlin, will be present and explain the conditions upon which beets may be grown by the farmers of Ontario County and sold this present scason to the Berlin factory. Beets grown around Port Perry, after paying feeight,should net gur farmers about §; a ton. Besides thus being a practical proposition to go into a new and profitable crop, there is the possibility that a beet sugar factory will eventually be established at' Port Perry where the conditions for assembling beets, boths by rail and water, are so advantageous. , The \ in thus: racticall Every farmer in "this locality,' van though able to grow only'a quarter acre of beets this season, and espe- ciaily all our business men in Port Perry will ind matter of the utmost importahce in the action taken at the first public meeting held by the Board of Trade and should make it a point to attend. Auction Sarg.--It will be seen by the Posters that Mr. E. Rundle, lot 19, con. 3, Brock, has instructed Mr. Jackson to seli on the premises on Monday, March 16, all his stock of horses, cattle, sheep, swine, farm implements, &. The owner hav. ing leased his farm has no further use for these farm equipments all will be sold without reserve. Don't fail to make a note of time and place and attend the sale. Avctiox SaLx- --Mr. Morrison Mair, (N E. § lot 2, con, A, Mariposa) one of Mari- posa's most successful and enterprising farmers has concluded to retire from farm ing, and leased his farm for a term of years, consequently has no further use for his voluabl stock of horses, cattle, sheep, swine, and farm implements and in order $0 make a complete clearance, be has instructed Mr. Geo. Jackson to sell by Auction on the pre- mises on Wednesday, March 4. This is an important sale and worth travelling a long distance in order to be present at it. AUCTION SALE OF 40 SHorT-HoRN aNp Hicn Grape Carrie, &c.--It will be seen by the mammoth post. ers that Mr. Lachlan McPhail, lot a1, con. 2, Brock, (near Sonya) on Tuesday, March 3; he intends to dispose of his entire herds. The sale includes, seven short-horns ; by. side, "eight - heifers rising tliree years in calf, four heifers rising two years, three heifers rising one-year and a number of steers, three horses, &c. This will be an important sale Mr. Jackson will be auctioneer. South Ontario at the Ottawa Sale. South Ontario was well represent- ed at the big stock sale held in Ottawa last weck. Indeed the farmers of this county seem to bob up serenely and successfully at all the fairs, up to date and abreast of the times in all that pertains to fin ished farming. Messrs. L. Burnett. S. Bray, ]. Bright, J. Leask, J. F. Smith, Geo. Ormiston and Wm Ormiston, jr., of this county, attend- ed this sale, and were highly suc. cessful in disposing of the stock they had to! sell. For instance, a bull owned by Geo. Ormiston, of Enfield, bought the highest price of any beast sold there, the sum being 6150. Mr. Wm. Ormiston of Col- vumbus, sold six bulls under one year old, the price averaging $140 each. "His thoroughbred short-horn cow, 'Morning Glory," beat all other breeds in the dairy test, and won the $25 prize. She was parted with at private sale to Mr. A. H. Foster of Twin Elm, and brought a good price. He also took $37 in Z|prizes with three Berkshire pigs; and when dressed realized 8c. per ib. for them, Indeed he disposed]y, Board of Trade is doing good; work b ; grades--tom milch-cows* and 'eatbes] Jen Watson .| Jor. Graham... Muriel Allen... True. Anderson... ... H. Emmerson H. Allen...... Leon Lane.... Roy Stone ... E. Woodley .. Gussie Raines. I% Brown. ...... . Elvida Ellis.......... Nita Corrin...... Hazel Gillard ...... Sylvia Dawson ..... nS [ the former havin President and tl Treasurer of thé the above gent ; a high degree the nei requisites to sui eral new vocat saying; they have si past and that they w succeed ; all kno their business capab for their prosperity. Wm hive made a the Market Ope on March sthe You can always and women, they do eat. k nerves. All over the world, grateh says; for Dr. Williams' prostration. about. I tried several but they did not help me. great benefit from turned." Don't waste time and perimenting with other surely make you well: six buxes for $2.50, by w rect to the Dr, Co. Brockville, Ont. Exaniibatiofi in dr hin isfon III of Port Pen School. . Luella Brent Nor. Hamley...... How. Mclnnis.. Wm. Davidson. . Robt. Blong Aileen McCaw.... Flo. Cook Nor. Palmer... Ethel Henders. . ouie Clarke. . Russ." McGill, Art. Anderson...... Harold Lucas.... Arthur Clarke Ethel Town.... Roy Goode... . Har. Archer... Newton Sisson. . Gordon Jones. EPR oe Ashton..... The following is the Exemination 10 School. whole car lead of stock at and averseto any exertion can't eat or they can't digest -- Their unstruug nerves ill sleep ; their temper is irritable ; their vitality vanishes And it all comes from pocr blood and tinstrung You can promptly 'banish anaemia by enriching your blood and toning up your nervesAvith Dr. Williams' Pink pills] They bring good appetite, sound sleep and per- fect health. They are incomparab lyjthe greatest health-giving' medi cine that science has yet discovered was advised to try Dr. Wi Pink Pills, and I'soon began to find thept, and after taking them for a few weeks all my old strength and health re- aloh They are pale, wesk and languid --the victims: %of 'head aches and backaches; eagly tired They people prove the truth of these statements. Miss A, M, Tuckey, Oxdrift, Ount., --*I do not know what would have become of me had it not been Pink Pills. blood seemed to have turned water, and 1 was troubled with headaches dizziness . and: general Eventually, I became so weak I could scarcely move medicines, My to lime money ex os when Dr. Wilhams' Pink Pills will You gan get them from'any dealer in Bm or post paid, at 50 cents per box, or titing di. illiams', Medicine : place in the | .| pendence . and {one of the originators and pro: ul | Hampshire, U.S.; Allan is engaged country's present hope, not of the ing throng but bility, the sons neither be por have a slave. He took a forward and leading the community and raise them to a higher level. Aggicultural pursuits were his choice 'and he ideritified himself with e "scheme tending to benefit the agriculturist and of course what benefit * that class is 'good for all. He was this world's goods. He was a pro~ nouced and staunch Liberal and | eae had the courage of his Convictions. As a husband, a father, a friend, ard neighbor, his loss will be keenly felt. Besides a devoted and dis- he leaves ten sons to lament the loss of an indulgent and worthy father ; andffiner specimens of phya sical manhood it would be hard to find ; we question if in that respect, as ten brothers, they could be dupli cated in the Dominion ; and fortune ately they possess many desirable qualities including frugality and in- dustry and they have the faculty of applying their talents honorably and efficiently. They are steady and unceasing in their efforts to "push forward the car progress, In their several walks of life they are a credit to their callings. Albert, Elias, Aaron and Alonzo are engaged at farming in their native "township, Reach; Frank, a skillful machanic, Port Perry ; Madison, carries on an extensive. machinery ard foundry business in this place; George, a Baptist Minister, is Pastor of a large congregation in Amherst, New in manufacturing the staff of life at Niagara Falls; Wesley holds an im- portant position en The News staff, Toronto; while Walter is an im- portant attache of The World staff of the same city. EsperLs--In Kingston, on Tuesday, st, second son of 4d E , Esq, bascister, ec f this place. . Deceased was 3g yourg man of much promise, supsrior intelligence, a well balanced mind and of attrac- tive manners. He was more than a favorite, he was beloved by all acquainted with him, but was dears est of all within the family circle where his worth was best known and could be most highly appreci. ated. He was one of the brightest graduates of our High School and was equally successful as a Univer- sity student. His career has been short but neither unpleasant or un- and example of devoted and watch. | ful parents he was early taught how tolive. The sorrowing ones have general sympathy in their grief. The remains were brought to Port Perry and were intered in the family plot in the Piné Grove Cem- etery. A large concourse of people were gathered at the grave and testimony to the grief felt at Mr. Ebbels' unexpected death. The Mail and Empire in referring to the sad event on the following day publishes the following : -- * Kingston. Ont., Feb. 18.--E. L. Ebbels, a young King Street drug: boarding louse 'at half-past eight] o'clock this morn. unwell lately, and bad been taking g part in} g every movement likely to. benefit consolate widow to mourn his loss, | At! Feb. 17, 1903, Ernest L. Ebbels, |. profitable ; aided by the advice, care | many sorrowful faces bore silent | gist was found dead in bed at his]: ing. He had been |* the-passage of a atomizers and internal utterly fail. © But C ! doesn't fail, for it goes where air breathed.goes, and it Ee ost Sas of theo ers Produeed x. tho al: Sate, wilt by AT THE ;SEBERT "HOUSE Village of Port Perry, March 14th, 1903, i i fi i i SUARTE & NOBLE, Oni. tet on Benes i 2h tay m pee Fini-Clset Fam & Rall 200 *cres, b ACRES, being lot 11, con. 8, REACH, to {ease for a term of years. Brick house and good outbuildings. Im- mediate 'possesion. Apply on the premises, or address the owner. E. WILDMAN, Greenbank. Or to]. Ww, Meuarry, Port Perry, Feb. 20, 1903. (CANADIAN 20: od i {o SETTLERS! ONE-WAY EXCURSIONS To Manitoba and Canadian" North-west will leave Toronto every TUESDAY during March and April, 1003, if sufficient business offers, 1.45 pm. Passengers travelling with Live Stock should take the train leaving Toranto at. 9pm Colonist Sleeper will be attached to, each train, For full particulars and cepy of Settlers' Guide," "Western Canada" or "British Columbia," apply te to your nearest Canadian Agent, or to A. H NOTMAN' Assistant Guoeral Passenger Agent, 71: Yonge, 8t., Torouto. antiseptic vapour is sure to eto] 1 Pasiengers travelling without Livé Stock | should take the train leaving Toronto at]. FETE account now amounts to $25,000, and the Rest account to $75 000, and Rross Assets to $947,456 64, being in excess of any previous year' s state= ment of the Company. "For further detailed information 1 would refer you to the statemen(s just placed in your hands, in Which the financial position of Company is clearly exh:bited. wo p= 1goz * § +" | Dee.31. To Gapital Stock taken, the su ABA Ti n da wow proc and that pointed Scrutineers for said election, and that the poll 'remain open for one hour for the purpose of receiving the votes of the Shareholders; but that should five minutes elapse at any time, without a vote having beer he two usual considerable segs, 18th February, 1go3, RECEIPTS AND D DISBURSEMENTS. § 47,808 78 66,819 18 30,048 13 220,039 58 189,000 00 $373,607 67 $222,471 20 196,600 00 86,253 63 20,657 11 Dividends Nos, 58 and 59, 14,972 08 Expense Accoint ... " ai 6,128 = Ty Ontario Bauk, Bowmanvifle is Western Bank, Whithy 2 Neri Bank, Oshawa .. 15.154 i S5.0808 uct Bot presse] 8 Cush tee hres 2,189 63 h $373,007 67 wa PROFIT AND LOSS. Debs): Interest earned during the a ; $36,364 20 $ ii) Revenge Account gm yet « 3,667 97 - Bank Juterest recvived J... LL... iis dieiieiigin a 1,825 73 . $41,757 99 } DR, WF To Tiered. Co ie ies ie Cease ivenes $90,887 MH y Divid Nos: 58 and 59 ... 14,972 08 1 Kzpenrs Account including Commissions on Loans and uther 4 Sarge Government Tax aud License .... ....... 6,128 00 $41,757 00 AssETS AND LIABILITIES. wir SETS, Deo'31. By M and other Securit Oftice Uramises . Cashin Banks'. 1 Gosh in Beak; the company-is jnter Dike Furniturs with propertie ested, the earnings for the year have enal halt.yearly dividends 16 the Shareholders, and fo sum on depreciat on_aceounf. The Confingent W.F. COWAN, Presioesn " be oe: 4 Contingent Account "~ A Rent Account , " Wéheteby certify that the above statement contains a correet repte: rentation of the Fai Decethber 31st, 1903. find the same correct, airs Osnawa, Febfdaty 1oth, 1903. The President moved the gdoption of the Report: Tue Vice-President seconied the motion which was carried. . F Cowan, seconded by Mr, Readwin, moved that the sum of ° Sr 50 Toe paid tothe Auditors Messrs. Punshon and Owens, for their ser- vices {or the past year, and that they be appointed Auditors for the coming year. Mr. Carter, ssconded by Mr. Readwin, moved that a vote of 'thanks be and is hereby the Presiden Secretary-Tréasurer, for the very satisfactory manner in 'which they have conducted the affairs of the Company during the past year, and that the sum of $300 be presented to the President. and President for, nite services to the Company. Carried. Carried. r F, W. Cowan, proceed to elect, SS sub ies We have examined vouchers and securities and T. H. MCMILLAN, SECRETARY-TREASURER. the books of the Company as shown by _P. OWENS, ERCY H. PUNSHON, } Avorrpns. "a t, Vice President, Directors and to the Vice- by Ms. Gibson, moved that this meeting ballot, seven Directors to fill the place of essrs. John Carter and Wm, Readwin beap: losed ; and that the said Serutineers to be paid r services. Cartied. . Jeporied ted the following scyen, entlemen

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