Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 10 Sep 1903, p. 3

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E ARE PLEASED ta announce to our customers that the Fall and Winter W press Goods are just to hand.- They comprise a most delightful assortment of the Newest European and Canadian Weaves. Those shaggy niff, thixed colored, Bukley Cloths: are here in abundance. Also plain colored VALETTA CLOTHS in beautiful new shades. These goods are imports and wear and style are combified. Veétetians and Broadcloths in profusion, Tn fact, the whole exhibit i$ a tempting array of the latbst and best goods we can buy. OUR DRESSMAKING ROOMS 1 | ¥ = 0 0X DF DS DBF NOTE..... Prices for Making will be Reasonable $ LOWER THAN PREVIOUS YEARS. Fit and Style are Guaranteed. COME AND TALK IT OVER. rn J We dre anxious that you will see our delightful New Fall Goods and invite you to call ahd look--if only to look. Its no trouble for us to show goods. No one urged to buy. Bring samples and compdre our prices. 60m SO 500508 500 500 500 500 500 50 502 500 500 509 500 50m 0m 02 r ¥ $ § $ § $ $ § 3 : $ a S555 50 em 150,000 Port Perry Fair Grounds & Hiving been purchased for the erecting of a large Evaporator (Largest in Canada) are in the Market for 2,500 Bushels of Apples per day On and alter Sept. 1st. We pay 30 cts. per cwt: OA BH for good; sound, Hard Apples of a size large enough to peel on paring machines Delivered Over Scales at Factory. All inferior sizes are to rate as Chops for which we will pay 15 cts per cwt., a Love. 7 All loads coming to the Factory must be of one quality. a nd save future trouble or all will rate as Chop Stock only. g= Highest Price Paid for Farmers' Diig'l Apples: The Regal Packing Go., L& J. STOVER? > 10UFFER will carry on business at the old stand and in the same. satis- factory manner which has won them so many patrons and friends. AS USUATI-- we close our store for the month of August to enable us to secure all the best ideas and practical experience from the work-rooms of the best millinery houses. y © delivered as Kindly note STP Roel ale '. Harvest SE WO)Lbr run ou Splines 150 and 20rk rye 1903. RETURN FARES TO TO Fee $0 AR) $35 aE. 1 840 COXNA.. From all points i& Cacads, Azilda, Sault ~ Bte. Marie, Windsor and East. Apply to énrest Canadian Pacific Agent for pamph- Tickets are not good on 'Imperial Lim: fled." A. H. NOTMAN, Asst. Geo. Pass. Agent, TORONTO. Camping Ter Tents to Rent Moo ES JAW YORKTON .. Watch for our Y| display of Fall & Winter Goods in September. Avex TO = : on T. J. ASH. : Art ; 1903: iis E t Perry, July 30,1903 B=. Millinery Apprentice B= It is fully demonstrated by wanted for September. # in another column that jt Fray. the farming community to their apples to Evaporators. STOUFFER. te orev rewaimrmaanet | LOOK OUT} NOY NEW FALL BOOT OF ALL KINDS ~CHEAPSIDE- + New Frui Fruits! ' A 1 Peaches A 1 Plums * Tomatoes, &c. T.C. FORMAN & SON. ¢ MarriAGE License OFFICE. | Port poe & Aug oo 1903 Volts Prsly fr Sal | { IN PRINCE ALBERT. FIYHE undersigned offers for Sale at a Bargain her beautiful residental pro: perty in the Village of Prince rt. This fine property ix situated on Simcoe Street aud contains fifteen acres, more or less There is erected thereon a fine and commos | dious Brick Dwelling House, constructed and finished in the most approved and modern style ; a large hip-roofed Barn with | stone basement for stabling: a convenient Driving House and a splendid, young bear ing Orchard of Plum Trees which were expecially selecied for the desirable qual | ities of their fruit ; Pear, Cherry and Orna mental trees. Splendid water. The pro perty is well fenced, in fact, the whale outfit for desirability, location, and com pleteness isjone rarely to be met with. Im mediato possession given Also for Sale a Farm, being composed of the East-half of lot 20 and North-half of Jot 21, in the Ist con. of Cartwright, coutsin ing 200 Acres, more or less, on the property thove is erected a first class Barn, Driving Barfi and Stables, and Dwelling House, The and ina good state of cultivation, well fenced, there isa grand spring of good | water thereon, There are about 40 acres of | good pasture land | For farther particulars, apply to J. W MeuARRY, Port Perry, or to the propri- | etioss, | MRS, M. LANG, | Princo Albert, June 24, 1003 es Nr Jur Big Furniture Sale For February. he sales the first week wers very large. Why ? Buyers pew good bargains when they saw the low pricos which we re offering first-class, new furnittrd for. Every reduction fgenuine and covers the whole stock: Harmess Line 3 Having had the commodious Store in the Currie Block fitted up eipess ially, I am satisfied I have now one of the. best appointed Drug simmy Stores in the Province, and have taken possession of my new, up, in addition to my extensive stock of Drugs, Chemicals, and Faneg Goods, a full line of SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES, While returning thanks to my numerous patrons I wotld extend and extensive premises, where I have opened an invitation to all to call and see me in my hew premises. A.J] DAVIS Port Port PenhS Sept 1, Goo. R Full Stock ¥ OF EVERYTHING iN THE -- HICK = FOR Parlor Suit at $13 go, was $20 Parlor Suit at 16 75, was 24 Parlor Suit at 19 00, was 28 Parlor Suit at 21 oo, was 2§ Parlor Suit at 22 oo, was 30 Parlor Suit at 29 oo, was 38 Parlor Suit at 34 oo, Was 45 Parlor Suit at 34 oo, was 47 Parlor Suit at 21 oo, was 29 Parlor Suit at 49 75, was 65 | Parlor Suit at 55 oo, was 75 Parlor Suit at 69 oo, was 85 Lounge at 3 75, was §5 oo Couch at 4 50, was 6 50 Couch at 6 oo, was 7 50 Sideboard at 8 50, was 8 50 Sideboard at 8 50, was 10 50 Sclid Oak Sideboard at 17 50, was 22 00 Qak do. at 22 oo, was 30 00 ortisChiairat 3 75, wad § eo MorrisChair at 5 00, was 7 00 MusicCabn'tat 8 oo; was 1q 00 MusicCabn'tat 3 g5, was § 00 Come and secure some of the big bargains, month than any other time in the year. JESSOP FURNITURE CO. Ww. 7.4. NOTT Mantiger, eT/------= pe Vi cheaper this | ZINN 4 MeSfesig N/NZIKZ7IN x ACKIOK IIE 3 NAAN < SK AN { Sm, > RK ZN Ns : J 5 > HL aa Pe 71S as IS NZ Sf IN 4 SN © IN FULL BLAST & 15 ol et J41 | 21% 7 take great pleasure in announcing that my Zz 5 S12 New Mills are n mpleted and in full oper SIZ 42 ation and that I am better than ever prepared G2) [1S to meet requirements of my [riemds and the Is | S17 | ! | NZ 3 < general puolu mn every line perviaiming lo my EN 3 already extensive and rapidly increasing busi Z| J AEN [i> nes Correct business principles, prompitiae Sie 21S and courteous treatment may be relied on 1 [IS 71S |e JAMES CARNEGIE. Sf [AlN Port Perry, Dec., 1902 i 1 x JESSIE KARR HES KcoeerBse Yec1moval ¥ '"IRemoval ¥ I'he undersigned would take thix opportunity of thanking his nu nisrous customers for the liberi. patronage received since pening business in Port Perry, and would infor the publie that he has moved his business from ihe Market building to the Stores 1 East of Ce J| First doorBast o where ho will be pleased to fill &1] crders for Meats in a manner that annot fail to please custonters Having new and increased froilities for the transaction of business he feels confident that he can give better satisfaction than heretofore, and in order 0 BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS. Spare yourself the trouble of preparing Cake, Pastry, ete, for weddings and parties. We will be pleased to receive your orders. We have the necessary skill, materials, and articles. Cakes and. Pies. And care- o baking ensures wholsome- ness. EH. MuNicipaLITY OF THE TOWNSHI Refcu, County oF ONTARIO. OTICE i§ hereby given, that I have transmitted or deliverel to the persons mentioned in seclion 8and g of the Ontario Voters' L Act, the copies required by sa d sections to be transmitted or delve ered of said list, made pursuant ta the said Act, ofall persons appear; ing by the last Revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to he entitled to vote in said Municipality at Elections for Members of the Eeg islative Assembly and at Municipal Elections ; and "said list was first posted up at my office, at Man- chester, on the 11th day of August, 1903, and remains there for inspec- tion. Electors are called upon to ex-- amind the said list, and ifany odmis sions or other errafs are found therein to take immediate proceed= ings to have the said errors correct-| ed according to lav. 18 Dated Manchester, August 12, 1903 facilities for producing these Saperior fruits, flour, flavor-| ings, eggs, butter, etc. are| used in the making of all ot { PURDR} Clothing and READY-MADE CLOTHING to aerify this state h promises IN SEASON I. J. WHEELER. « solicits all to give him a call in his new D FI SH wm GAM he Port Percy Woolen Mills are now running full blast | and will pay the HIGHEST PRICE for and iquantity of Wool delivered at these Mills. JAMES MAXWELL. ORT Emer May 12, 1902, Boot & Shoe Business "IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS Sb Heir Having increased the dimensions of my premises, I have purchased and opened out an Extensive Stock of AND mishinge 'ot Men and Boys which for quality and low prices cannot be equaled m this district. * I have the largest and most veried Stock of BOOTS anp SHOES ever | WM. SPENCE, opened i in this locality for your inspection, and the pricés are such as can- Clerk of Reach, [Bot fail to plodse. Come and see us in our enlargéd quarters. q y customers in' every particulr. A. F. CARNEGIE. My aim shall be to please | CHEAPNESS. STYLE Durability and STRENGTH, Cannot be surpassed in the County, Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks Oomparison of Prices Courted W. A, BEATTY Port Perry Il Experience is Invariably iil Eevontial to Success. | I il li | ]%. AVING had considerable experience in negotiating iH! les of some of the largest transactions in Real Estate fi | in this and in every instance giving perfect satis th | faction to all concerned, I have concluded to [devote my fh whole attention to disposing of all Real Estate that may be fh placed har for sale I Heh -- - 1 I HARMS FOR SAITH 1 Hit I we all special attention of parties requiring Farms to Ill Four fine properties now listed and for Sale ; Three Farms in Scugog. fl | | | | | | i fine Farny in Reach. i wi Parties desirous of disposing of landed properties f i will « wn interests by placing them with me for hill sale Safisfaction guaranteed ii [HH] without Commission on Real Estate security i LOANS sums to suit borrowers, at unusually low | Hl rates. Quick actior il EZ | represent the most desirable Fire and Life Insurance I | Compa Prompt attention given to applications | Port Pe ept. 3, 1QOI it pt. 3, 19 Hill A GREAT SACRIFICE IN THE-- Sale of Furniture | DURING THE HOLIDAY SEASON The undersigned will sell a large quantity of first-class Furniture, con sisting of Parlor, Dining Room, Bed Reom Sets, &c Give me a call Cash or Approved Credit, EZ A Fine lot of Picture Frames and Giit Jodo shitable to trade. £7 Agent fof Monuments. "© £7 Wood Wanted. 3 Diesfeld's #x DIAMOND AlAs We ar#' prepared tc give SPLICIAL BARGAINS in GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES: Gold Filled Cases in great variety, some as smell as a Quarter Dollar, nicely Enameled and Set with Pearls, &c: Prices to suit yea all right: WEDDING AND ENCACEMFAT RINGS in Pearl, Opal and Diamonds, all fine and New Designs. Croc. REAT VARIETY VERY CHEAP. Knives, Forks Spoons, Fruit Dishes, Butter Priches. Bake Baskets, Sets, &c., and some more to follow. EF Also Fancy Goods, EVERYTHING GOES CHEAP. 6] [og Kepairing as usual, = ; DIESFELD' Port Purry, 30, 1595,

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