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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 24 Sep 1903, p. 2

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| AND SECRETARY "GRAND SECRETARY'S REPORT To the M. W. the Grand Masty Fellow-Oficers and Co- Workers ww the Loyal True Blue Association Most Worshipful Sir, Deputy Sir Sisters and Brethren,--1 extend respectful and fraternal sal. t (ions aud bid you a mosi _licarty welcome torthis, wy native townd Post: Perry, und trust that happy and prosperous will be our work together. A greal many of you assembled hete to day, are not aware, that, True Blucism in its infancy was | first established in tli: beautiful little town, over twenty-eight year ago. Oui records show that, on the | sth d of J Prince | Arthur organ-- | 1zed, | 2 uly, 1575 was Lo 17, first \Wors! 1 Brother, h, ur preser { No g as | ful Geo | t cthcaient s hfe Auditor, one who all lam trict of ] Johnston, 193, Fort District of North Hasting No Fenelon Ia Nortl I Nc 191, Var [ Dist Burrar Nortl No Stewart s. Empire, 19 District of the N District Ma Grane 1 Vie District of Tanit Nova 186, \V Breto new veral Nova \We N¢ rway In Se In 1 und places through tia and DN feel assured the Year have Jeast ten more new lodges added to the roll, Qur officers members have cause for with the ex cellent success attending our efforts, Ontario k nt befor will € w dawns, we at and satisfaction WELLINGTON BOULTER, ORPHANAGE BOARD DURMANT LODGES I tegret very much, having to re poit the following lodyes dormant : Horton, No. 130, "Horton, Out Roland, No +15, Roland, Manitoba and Royal Victoria, No. 162. New Westminster, British Columbia. SEMI-ANNUAL RETURNS As yet, the Returns and Capita tion Tax for the past term have not been received from the following lodges : Maiden City, No. 7 Tor- outo, Out 5 Johnston, No. ¥2, Mer pitton ; Albert, No. 106, Baltimore. Ont. ; Niagara Falls, No. ¢8. { Niagara Falls; Shamroek, No. 102. \ Waverley: Excelsior, No. 125. Everett; Pontiac, No. 128, Camp bell's Bay, Que. ; Eastern Star, No 147, Kiukland, N B.; Latimer, No 2 240 Hamilton's Corpers; Ros 7 af, No. 150, Sandhill ; 1 he Pride of Mono, No. 163, Relessey ; Arthu t | vail CHAS. L. ROSEVEAR, HONORARY MEMBER, | MW | BENEFITS mmediatcly FUNERAL; in securing t on energetic Mati ou snd gett, ake wopersonal interest' in® it last succe ryices of of whem [1 gg per a A. 8. Lee, Proxy Inrry Dunlor, Proxy... All of which is respe hus vevsies Toronto | ctfully submitted. Picton | 4d has been selected Ly the Do- minion Swine Breeders' Association sion on its patrons is to give them only the best at a reasonable price. a Lv vin ib el 4 Sd : 4 i - s = A ing districts wre taking in this f able Ww M Keir, D. D.GM. ss : pan ito 1 hy pee". | CW LL : Oo ap No 17, Bloonfield Sur of ile VEE tis 11 comers A ORTH ONTARIO CBSERVER| ~The Merbaut of Venice | WELL AND STRONG. West No. 173 Nelson. 13.C. ; Coro [or fecting, but is dteadily ibe gay Ly OW Pullister, Proxy.. Campbellford The big ew i > \ 3 ! { Ee -- SRE eed event of the season will nition, No; 176, Sackwv N B.j day Mrs. G. Mathews, Proxy. + Torouto | nly Paper Printed. amd Fublshes an (Lo (|e scenic roductior 5 fq Atter Eleven Years of Great Echo Bay, (No 1g, 1icho Bay; | The inside of the Tlome wan bpautifally Mr Flower Beoxs: Torants | Port Perry production. ol. 1.48 fering. ii 1 X 2 Gand View Lorene aud, every room was ef dd invit Mi Mey Prilpm. HAY Sind REET IL I Merchant of Venice featuring Mr. ear FE the Valley, No. tu Tho motto of Mive Nautite «ffi: v'. Wino Ay J mayer PORT PERRY, SEPT 24] 1903. | Elmer Buffham as "Shylock." Mr. A Wonderful Tribute tothe Power of Man {and [aly of th I ent Matron, evidently is SA Place for po Gaiangher, W. Mo. .ocorriors BL Oho ~ | Buffham will be supported by Mies Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to | 17. Broc kville N |i . hn and very ig . place * Thornas Mosaughlin. I. Dit MN... Port Term | Qombination Sale of Swine at |Aunnie Lovering Fora and a Stubborn Diseases ue 'ear alter year have 1 directe | The twenty seven little cots, in the sleeping w. J, Wright, G. Counsellor... : g [Year aller year ave a I ' i" | depurtments, prescuted « boauti ul Ror W. J Wsisbe 6. Outlier Brockville Port Perry. company of sele:t players. No ex-| Proof upn proof has accumulated thas the atienjion of the Gran odge, | lance. The culinary dey Ble a vas pracy Yosvx Wie Re -- pense has been pated to make this Dr. Willian Pink Uills wil cure when to the neglect of some of ' basement, which is presided<ovde by Mrs. MA Dreams. W. M., ny Of the many iinportant places | production one of the best organ- Jocters, hospital yeahs n aug other medi- lin forwarding the Re | 0 imard, was perfection {teal [We have | sre 8 Gilbert, Proxy... 'Bt. Ontherines | cOMpeting, including many of our izations on tour as the mapagement I F. Van Dusen, Proxy - Picton | leading cities, Port Perry won out | feel that to leave a lasting impres- | well, weak, anaeniic girls 4h Women made bright, active and strong ; neuoralgic pains banished, nnd the poor dyspeptic given a new digestion when it seemed almost hope- 1 am firmly convinced Number of memb rs roceiving Lwining to the Home. ) 5 Sd 3 n, that, Je f ar ree lou side ey : A ' 5 pel) Bi Sir, Sisters and Brethren, that, the | Sick Benefits 11 ; number of wer ks | te the Ea Tres Jomsron. Chairman, |in Which to hold their great Com-| The gowns and costumes WON If | jeu to expect a cure. Here isn bit of ime' is oppértunc fr thn stand | Sickness, 304; number on Sick Ben- | ST andred RL Btfeamors. | Kiies J. BornweLL, bination Sale of Large Yorkshire [this production were designed and | strong proof that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills y rer clio i or | S¢ g « g h fan ric hie w - hy A . . | Lodge to take decisive action in thi~| fit Roll 222 Toe: Talh Tan torn wore mn ene Mrs H Marses, Hogs. This will be the largest and | made by Mr. Chas. Pierson of New | bring health and strength after years of ll important matter. ITtcertainly i OKPHANAGE AND RESCUE HOME the grounds and along the wat CH PATTERSON, mosr important sale of swine ever | York. The fine scenery depicting saortug, Mr. Louis Brien isa well known { . x 1 . ' : ir i. F. BurxerT, Secre A : oa ~ T pi a eT ide S idac 9 not adwisableor it the best interest This Heaven ordained and mos grrnttenn of isluminations ) evretary held in this part of Canada. The |Veniceat the zenitli of its glory and det lg oh i te ok of our Association, to recosniz: such | fucntial part of the work of our | {UE pe, hiv plotnrmsnel be ELECTION OF OFFICERS, auspices under which it is to be held [was made and painted by Gouder | yeas ugo, while working in the hush I 1 vo i A YHZOC ! 2 y he a a ag ~ ' Ea ry * | lodges terin afiet tc rm, il i } Loyal Association, has made re | wus thrilled with pleasure attg Sint. I Worrell, P i and the names of the gentlemen ap- and Newman of Shea's Theatre, strained myself and brought on terril lo « great injustice to the lodges whicl. | hatkable progress and has seared | felt thankful aud proud to kud that our ig She: rill iden (eel) Soren Master pended to the mammoth. advertise. | Toronto, and is a work of art. Such paiva in my Shamash and tuck, here the tte 3 > ¥ ¢ Pa K. Wet , Pie 2 % 1 " " Ve seeme: sate tend sis at the proper me. |. strofg hold upon a svmpath zig) Association, had shia * Ei ho nimi tan ster. | ment in another column, shonld be |scenes as the Square of St. Marks, Au a DOLE: ed reach ge p C ymnly wit he | : Th . ou « ; of Eh fy * 2 . Bcia a oo ro NE % Ts y ~ 0 Ke sthat do not comply wi ! the | ind generous public. The receipts ndialutet bo fe | Rove: Coburn, Stayner (aoel) Grand Chap, | 2 sufficient guarantee to the genuine- The Rioko; The famous bridge, | tr Sometimes I could werk, ahd $hen | Constitution and L TW are of nol of the past twelve months amount | gourd of Picton, are deseryil ar richest | 1 He Pardy, Port Perry (weel) Grand Treas. | ESS and superiority of the breeding | Shylock's house, and Portia's house. | again for months at a time I would be arthly binefit to themselves or to| yg 15 the splendid sum of §3821.64 | yratitade for the energy Bann Joe, Y Aomtron rlitin, Grand D. of C. [of the animals to be offered. /No |The incidental music was composed | Wholly unable to do nuything ; but even at the Association at Jarge | in increase over these ol former | forts put forth in behalf phan J. We ixht, Lrackville {aco ) Gi. Counselor | better animals in their class are 'to|and arranged especially hy Mr the time I could work I was alway suffering, The Retoras 4o "hand show the . We are actively and enthu ha eR C..N-swman, Toronto (acel) G. Organiser | 0 (10d on the contine ii 0, » b; i At d ferent timer I was treated by three follom: ECR RY > due year's Tal cars. Ne are actively and enthistastitlly snes | 1.' ¥. Thomwan, Brantford, "G. "Lecturer. u the continent, and it is| Fletcher of New York and will be | joctors, hut they were nuable to help me. ollowirig sult for dug year's labor A detailed statement, "showing | to bommdty > Work knot | 0 Galloway, Gananoque, 3. Lecter. important that this sale should prove [one of the features. Lovers of the | Then I went to Montreal and put wmyveif nitin a] x 9" ? 41 fy : a. 3 t i i aw i ¥ y 5 3 ale ~ a y 8 are she ore i edi Soke ny CRNHOLE or Trans A he receipts and expenditure, has Those of us who have heen closely hf Bx Cole, Kos ten, ali 1 5s 5 Fang success. Other sales of a| Classic Drama who have had enough | susder She Soe of adnct r there. His medi Reinstated 59 wcy printed. Each representative sonnected in this particalar brageh of work | "Ea di Porat igi i e character will likely follow in|of the trash and clap trap of the a ay: rib : 1 as Inu buy . " : } - 2 ad send . ; dl ki NESS sh, y . is ce. hi : 2 . al on as Iu pted work or exertion of Hh FI SIR MINT or dat : 106 will he supplied with a copy. BOR Ly thinkin + A J. Morris Port Perry, Grand Auditor. : ns place f This is 7 grand Oppor- | past few seasons will be refreshed any kind, t! e paing retuned worse than Suspended... 508 Your "Grand "Exe oe, deting BRE LI Knaoroin, thé - Stinson, Torout> Jot., Associare'D. | nity for farmers and swine breed | by witnessing the production of this | before, All this time I was growing weaker Expelled 11100 . | ipeinstructions given "them: Jast [future control a ow | My a dan 74 &ws generakly to improve their breeds bgréat comedys--a play that has and and lets Rive toresist the inroads of the . =~ | Grand Lodge Session, have had flome. Many of us dveglvéi Tin a ts vronto, Associate | of the greatest morey producinglalways will hold a place in the [TORRE Theo Dr. Willinms' "Pink. JT : i ehrnest and serious comider My oping Of animals now extant--hogs, Thel|j fall lov f t char. | re brought to my notes, end Thegun Returns so far received show a erected upon the grounds adjoining | Sisters 1 My Brethren! The more I 'con: Mrs. Jno. Thompson, Toronto, Assoclate : of id reatts of all lovers of great char-iuee them." From that time I began to rd. membersl of No doubt but | 0 Home, : bs al Kk LY eh fe. Grand Chaplain, promoters of the scheme, in select [acters ; from Shylock, the rapacious | gain my health and hy the time I had d nembership ol 4433 No doubt bu ur me, a substantia brick | ider this matter the more firmly convinced A H. Brown, Brantford | ing Port Perry fi the vile; are . i ' RA y y the tim had nee this number will be considerably in- | sc hool, 35 x 20 feet It is furnish. | un I that this work of beovolence poh B 7+] i rown, Brantford, Assotiate G. D. hy : " io ) 2 y 7 sale, ae to joy wanting pis "pound of flesh, lo tition loses 1 was Fe tare, owe) RN. ) 2 , was design > ; ye congratulated, that théy made no haster ense of Antonio by | strong man. e proof of thix is that I cam creased when the remainder of oui [ed with fiftecn seats at present, but | numanity wa d signed ly the hand of {yy "g" Giihert, St. Catherines, Associate | pistake in that respect y ne. the hid sterly : delens 4 | do as hard a ddxy's work as anyone ad evs odges cond-scend to report bis number must be inc reased | Almighty God, partlgtlarly for the mem- Gram Treas mistake in that respect, we are per: | Portia, the gentle lady. Reserved | "100 ihe slightest symptoms of the old | bers of t Ir ya Pine Bl Addipsion Mrs. J. Stewart, Victoria Harbor, Associate fectly satisfied--time will demoh- {seats on sale at Allison' drug store | trouble. Iam sorry that I did pot know tri t £ our y, and in Grand Lecturer. strate to their entire satisfaction |(hree days before the performance. |of the pills sooner they would have saved me much suffering and money as well St Ss f 188 B al 10s iteres ] Wi y amnain » Eighteen asseppments were issued | Ihe rvices of Miss Isabella | the best interest of our Sudiety, to remain an | yo "Belly Morrish, Port Perry, Associate | The sale takes place in the Curling Prices 35 | nt } 3 | . Q Morrisl. have been secured as teach | present, and loyallys carry on this } § § - EB rices 35 and 50 cents ! rom e offjcprof your Grand Secre rand Lecturer. Rink Friday, O ber 16th. ¢ With such proof as this, that even ap- | Heaven blessed work laid out for us; , ! A | Rink on ¥nday, October 16th, com \ ' rv during theterm rt. The good work being .accom W. IH. Grant, Picton, Orphanage Bomd | cot © clock | on - - -- parently hopeless cases can be cured, there orl lished, is already disce le b \V. H. Se:h, Picton, Orphanage Board | MENCINE atone 0 €I0C tis heed- an be no reasonable doubt that Dr. Wil- I'l lowing statement shows |f red, ady tnable by i J id tha ' ; i J | the improved dis line of the T WW Bonlter, Picton, Orphanage Board | less to ade that the Provincial live Strength and vigor come of good | liams' Pink Pills will restore health in all he receipts apd expenditure in con | ld '} " 1} " bl ! . WJ. Wadsworth, Toronto Jet., 20. Board | stoc k Auctioneer, M+. Gee. Jackson, | food, duly digested. "Force", a|cases where given a fair trial, These pills CC wh" {lis branch of our [¢hHdren ¢ now have the little Mrs. W. M, Fitzgerald, Toronto, £0. Board | ]jas been entrusted with the sale | ready--to-serve wheat find barley! sold Ly all medicine dealers or will be vorl nes constantly under the immedi | Mrs. T. Crothers, Toronto, :0. Board | | 1 a ) Is 1 i i 1 tains, | = hy mail at 0c. per box or six boxes for RECEIT ate control of the Matrcn and Mrs. M. Dandy, Toronto, 0 Toard| A MAGNIFICENT BarN.--Our suc. | food, adds no burden, It sustains, | go 50 ly writing direct to the Dr. Vil i. . Peri Assosments coms 96 | Teacher, and our Association i W, Jucobi, Osh wa Orfthatia te Board | cessful and extensive builder and nourishes, invigorates. liams' Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont See in Regist Foe 200 1 ny ol Mrs. J. J. Walsh, Victoria, B.C., O. Board | C50 on Are Wm. Worden, Mai {that the full name, **Dr. Williams' Pink k Depo % | amply repaid for the small outlay Mrs. W. Conolly. Winuipeg, Man., 0. Board | ots ! orden, dar + ~ It will be scen by the adver [Pills for Pale Peap'e," is printed on the Tota 2108 81 Since last year, sixtecn little ones Mrs D-Hipwell, Woodstock, N B., 0. Board chester, has just completed for Mr. | 0 WC o)ce where in this issue that | Wr TPe! around every box b Da Angust 10 0 #| have been admitted to the Hor Mrs. J. T. McPherson, Glace Bay, N.3.,| John Ormiston, concession , East ) -- . 1a been admitted to 1€ ome 0. Board Whitby, the best barn ex { . 11 Mus McMechan is offering for sale £300. ¢ 1a " PF N r ' 1 >S ) ed |, 1 n interesting e¥ont took place oi Fe dnesd Rept --- two have been adopted out, and { he C t f O er eret®® her valuable and desirable property | re Chron Laid phn iad PE TURE leven others returned to their rel GRAND TREASURER'S REPORT In the ounty o ntario I'he he wee fl | Prangnell and Mr. William John Piatten, formerly of p set tof Death Claim 2095 0 | buillding 8 f in the west part ol the town | Port P ro united n holy matrimony by the Re ee | atives. Another child, a_boy of uillding is 08x48 fect and is con | orton pore wntad boy matin tht i, hy k an | Bupli 13 0 urteen year {ao has been r | Port Perry, 8ept. 15th, 1003 structed throughout entirely and ex - | wa i over white with tulle veil, and Cast ge He ATS ol age as be ' | 1 ) . vy : carried boqu rd *, roses. The "bridesmaids were cued frot Roman Catholic family | To TE Graxp Master, Deputy Grasp clusively on the "Worden plan," | Cures Sick Stomach Quickly |wimn an (3 Pratuem, iat et of the Eror f Tet £2325 4 ! | ) | MASTER, SISTERS AND BRETHREN Now and for completeness ind utihity of [ and Miss M Tean the little flower girl b ing Miss (ln. & i { Hank 684 | hy Bro. | D.D.G.M | ASSEMBLED : ' ! Sick stomach may be often quickly reliev- | Dunk ey, ete of groom. he brideside, wore ry The mount paid for Funer or East members I 1m wich Ci internal arrangements has not a peer | 0 and its unpleasant consequence averted | dresses with black pioture bats Mol CAlEIC] von was of Benef ce t | pt of tl fC or Victor [ a woul Rey + ple or oo ) present mn on the continent I'he owner was | by taking thirty drops of Nerviline in a f pe gr on with white bat and enrried | ask of 1 5 Harbour ers hav | 'Ass-ciation for the year ending Aug. 10th, unstinted in supplying the very best [little sweetened water. | instantly relk ve [ Luscombe Ushers were Mr, Pred Dennison nd Mr ! 004 Jeo + ial bi 1M W the nausea, and by its soothing and stimh- | Malco m Cameron, and Mr. W. FE. Puircloagh presided D he ye e have accepted ¢ 9 . Grand 1003. You will notice from my report that, material procurabie an Ir OT= | ating pr 'ties calms the stomach and an. After the ceremony a rece pion was hold y z 4 1 1 1 ating prope : | " 0! . an dence of e bride's uncle 16 Well airy 8 ind ent , names upon | | Ie oy Ta (Buancially) we ar holding cur own, al dew's superior skill and thorough | eyables it to go on and complete the pro- | dene of the Bre On Aint rapes: the Tur Benchit list, mak Ward Naeociation. \\ | thoukh our expenter have been increased knowledge of barn building did Te oss of digestion. The action of Nerviiioe | he Young co oon shin Up one tot f members participati ow have thirty. sever Ire | School House in connecti N ALI he rest Ile building is not only ais simply charming, pleasant, peuetrating, | mow silk waist resida groen velvet hat with white o trich [ efits ir Home, all bright, active, healthy Crpanage. You will agree with me that | credit to the contractor and pro wd powerful, Droggists sell it | fiefs reridence at 132 Lan-downe Ave. Tho presents f 1 i. c of [it ix a grand acquisition to our Association prietor but is a credit to Canada - ee ong couple were hek the hia esteem 1 W.J. WADSWORTH, P. 3M rphanage Board , $0 | able to educate the little orphans >T TTRRY > r 2 | ! It FR. Orphanage Burd, £0 0 8 0 under 0 1 own roof. and | AvcTioN Sate or HousenoLp | PORT PERRY MARKETS. | - Leen made | cnt hower and influence of such work 42 | also to ba ube to secure so efficient u tench. | EFFLCT Wm. Bateman, Esq, (Quotations by A. Rom & § n DIED I \ \ ir | and Brethren, I appeal to you, in the naimnc | 5 2s we have, iu the person of Miss Bel'a having a large quantity of hous :hold Sept. 24, 1903 | VERNON--In Prince Albert, on Tuesday, is : } Le. | of Christ's helpicas little ones, to help on | "UGE 0 that you may has : furniture and other personal pro-| o 11\wpes $0 72 @ $0 7 | Sept. 22, 1003, Sally James, relict of k this grand movement. Kvery effort of ours, "0 i at you may have a pleasast | perty for which he has no further " eal $0 72@ $0 731 the late Mr. Juo, Vernon, aged 83 \ cre long | contributes to the ed fo . * | and profitable mecting, will proceed tc : i. . ,2 2 cars we ficent pro hamauity Fh phi whan UDINE | cubic my report use, has instructed Mr. Jackson to | 2pring Wheat. o72@ o 73 | y ) |] an e gres 8 ppos anc we | 3 )§ yO G s b ae t perty f 1 greatest oiportrmitivs of heh timan race | UENERAL ACCOUNT scl the same without reserve at his | Goo e \Vheat ° bs @ o 6¢ i D.ceased has been a res i nt ol ° } lie before us. Let us adorn Protestant | FE -- residence, Cochrane St., Port Perry Barley 0 40@ oO 45| Rea h for many year was frugal, ( ut { esi 1L1C ) 1 fl | To g 1r1 mp She Ny . San " ©7 | history by nobility of life a d deed, work-| Bal. on hand last audit. .$616 22 on Saturday, Oct. 3rd. Much of | Rye . 0 45@ 0 45|industrious and exemplary She e Matto ur Gran Xecutive | ing caruestly and unitedly Beceip's to date 1399 81 the furniture is superior as to qual | Oats 0:29 @ © 30|discharged in a most satis:actory have I | essful in prévailing For the cause that lacks assistance, | Total on hand &2216 (3 ity and style, and in fact all adver Peas-- Black eye 0 65@ 0 65| manner the important duties of a Late Young, our past Forthe wrong that needs resistancr, EXPENDITURE |tised 1s desirable property, and it] >cas-- Small o6o@ 06 | wi a mother anla1e hbor, and tt cep 2 y0siloll O For the future in the distance | . ' ; ) . no m oe n t t And the good that we cau do P. Anaad M £182 00 seldom occurs that first-class article «| Buckwheat 035@ o 40 | was esteemed and highly respected : : | } co o ta ¢ Yours faithfully, Kap ! nuual Meeting Na 0 enumerated in the posters are ob- Beans 1 25@ 1 %0 by all who had the pleasure of her ir satisfa . --. thing For Truc Blueism, [ Travelling expenses 24,00 |tainable at auction prices. See the { Alsike Clover. 5 00@ 5 50|acquaintance he was predeceased ) . hb he w rk so NICHOLAS INGRAM, | Officer's salaries B31 65 posters and douw't fail to attend | Rd Clover, 6 50@ 7 50|by her husband 33 years; he was i co C ith 1 Wor kings of | Grand-Secretary. | Printing, Stationery aud th sale ® {Grass Seed . 1 50@ 1 75 one of Rcacl's noble army oj ur ( 1 n C dv sig y | . R [- 1 11 » C Icted 10 | yroco MM oRsnitPeL Sik, SISTERS AND | Advertising 443 42 . { Farkeys . 0 15@ 0 15; pioneers, and did much to improve most | C ke nner BRETILE g y Guarantee acot 20 00 AUCTION SALT Mr. Hugh Mec jGeese o10@ 0 10 {| n wilderncs Mrs. Vernon ba | Postage, Telegrams aud Donald. Lot 13, Con 6. Cartwright, | ry. 1 the then willerncs 1 \ q We, your Committee cn Credentials, beg | Express \ no artwrighh 4 Ducks 0 1o@ © 1015 survived by four sons anil three Co oo Jeave to report as follows--That ,we have | All other sources cing about to leave for the West, | Chickens 0 08 @ 0 10|daunehiers, Messrs. James Edward the I I tograph compe carefully examined t © crvduniisls submit £1607 51 has authorized Mr. T. Swain to sell | tier 016@ 0 17|and Gideon of Prince Albart; Eze tit wher photograph of the | ted tous by the Grand Secretary and fine yy auction on the premises. OD | Ryo xf 1 | Hom. L | I o the following members are duly qualified Balance on hand § 608 52 | Thursd: Oct. 8t} PI. k i *ges 0 13@ o 14|kiel Jas. Manitoba, and Nathaniel to eacl ; ursday, 1. his stock o \ ol delegates to this Grund Lodge, and are All of which is respectfully submitted lable | , | of Michigan; Mrs. Thos Graham, odge o . lingo 8 / ch is respec ubmitted aluabl Ss le, s arm | y MRS. WM. JACOBI, ORPHANAGE BOARD. or Con | therefore entitled to all privileges aud eo FORD ! } ya iw ' oe attie, swine, farm FOR SALE Manchester; Mis. John Vickery, ¥ tributing the sum de 5 od thereto | J , Gra as ) s, &« s P . . Her NOT I ut 1 [ 1 lars or rights attached theret k rand dea implement Phis will be ! -- TERE N | Toronio, and Mrs. \WWm I'horndyke, Gi At Tast report, Death, tl phanage Fund, | james Worrell, Most W. Grand Master Picton GRAND AUDITORS' REPORT grand opportunity lo secure desir) A IRST-CLASS JERSEY COW with | oy (00 ! 1as I tn € betwee ugust 11th, and August | Nicholas Ingma, Grand Secretary Port Perry | able farm stock and implements at | « calf by her side, grod milker and kind | 1 1 {0-MOrTOW Friday) at en rio ( 3 t EY le >re O- Oo 4 a) " ever vie torious warrior | ; been | yoth, of each year, cause d sonsider- | Mr Tress Burnett, As: aad Secretary... Toronts | To THE Most WorsimprrL THE (GRrAND | auction prices Dou't fail to sce|® hadl \ W. ALLIN nner ! \ exceedingly busy 1 our rant N able Interest among the lodges EA. Purdy, Grand Troasucer Port Perry MasTrr, OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF posters and be pre ent at the sale Ce ) | wo o'clock | 6 BES. | J. D. Mc ill. Grand Auditor Toronto ; YT! oc : a é less than 41 of our fellow travelers| The successful winners for the past |. J. Mori Mr Pig ThE GRAND Lover oF Tink Lovar Truk | © © | ! 1 u ful winr ) pas 3 srrish, Grad Auglitor Port Perry BLUE ASSOCIATION NOW 1X SESSION he Rev. Geo. Scott who is taking duty | r Tr \ A T hav answered to | nt ster R . . | ' ES8I( : g y re \ \ A 1 AREA A \ ave ; ; nons | term are | 2 C. Newnan, Grand Organiser. Torito |, ASEMBLED. in the Church of Ascension nt Port Perry | | | 14 I0\ IO N | 0 [ | I | I SH SON and set sail wit snow | | Met § m. Jacobi, Grand Outside Tyle Oshawa vill alsohold service it 4 oo k killen L.T.B. Lodge | Most Worshipful Sir. Sisters and Breth- | Will aisohold service in Memory Hall, Utica white Matiner far N ) Jle, Grumd Insde Tyler Can aifton A I Sunday afte 27tl . ttl : No. 4, Picton Ont $466 74 | T.Y. Thompson, Part G D. of Gi %. or ['ren,--We, your Comuittec on Audit, beg 0, 2UY wHernoon 2:th instant ab three ant harbor 'of rest. Two of those | Coburn, L T.B. Lodge No EW. Sherriff, D. G. Master : putord | eave to report an follows: We have care. |X Opera House vho have passed beyond, were Victoria Harbour Ont. 100 16 |: J: Wadsworth, Past. 6. Master Torente | ally exumined the books, vouchers and re-| A. NH: nry of Little Britain will prea : . ll S d ¢ very closely allied ral yl pond arturo 39 | Mrs. G. Virgin, Assoc. G. Lecturer. Torouto | cofpts of the (frand Secretary and Grand in the Christin Ch iweb Song og. on Sunday |One Night only 3 [ number of, years an] were resent I ' ! > Mrs. J. Stinson, Assoc. D. G. Mistress , Toronto | Treasurer, and find them correct I'he rm xtat 7pm. Subject: Tho Divine Chal. | ml ars an re pres re N 4+ Vancouver Mrs. Juo. Thompson, Assoc. G. Chaplain Toronto | following is a complete statement of the lenga. Text, T Kings 19:9, "What docst | i 1 , . r g , ys 19:9, at docst | y 3 . . at maoy of our Au 1a : 1B « 08 Go | J. Wesley Gulioway, D. D. G Gananoque | receipts sud expenditurs for the year cud- thou here Elijah Canada's Favorite Young Ti agedian efer to Sister Mrs. M Adan Derry. LTB. Le RO James Stewart, D. D. G. M Victoria Harbor | ing August 10th, 1003 :- | ) | ate Worshipful Mists { Lil : yee | F. Burnett, D. D. G. M + Toronto | + GENERAL FOND RALLY DAY, IN THE METHODIST SUNDAY : | | ult. Ste Ari 1 5Q | Thos. Northey, D, D. G. M )shawa i N 3CHOU >. e mo th of the North Lodge Allan- | R I 9 | Boater, Ss " Balance as per audit .. $616 22 Scour. NEXT Suxvay --lu the morning the | me | u am : Roval Templars « f I'emp Boulter, Honorary Member, 3 Picton bp pastor will give n special address on the | . dale, and to DBrothe gt-Major crance Lodge. Deseronto Wi. Fitzgerald, Prea. Orphaunge Board: Toronto | ReOCipts | 1598 81 moral and religions training of the youn. | George Lawrence of Lode £ Y W. H. Grant, Orphasage Board Picton Tota $2216 03 p. rents and children arc urged to be pre § . . } ' Ync Fe . Ne hava] °8 it 70 00 | Mrs. W. M. Fitxgern:d, Orphanage Board... Toronto | Expenditure 1007 511 a ermnon a mcial me re as Shylock in Shakespear's Greatest Come dy 0. 55, Oshawa t re fai ike of York, L T B. Lodge Mrs. W. Jucobi, Orphanage Bub sis: c::. Oshawa i on celal Progian ful to our cause No. 31, Toronto Jur tion Mrs. G. J. Morrish, W. M Port Perry Balance on hand. $ 608 ! N hu 9 pig he Pog fo ed ' J) GENERA Ort 57 00 N | Soe mo oo FUNERAL BENEFITS, Schools for the Methodist Charch, specially | 1 4 I'he receipts in cc ection with | Victoria, L.T.B. Lodge 'No ; bu ry Patterson, W. M Kingston | 88h rec'd from death ass'mis 8: 06 for Rally Day. All former scholars of the | the general work of the Association, Victoria, B.C 00 | Harry Davis, W. M Ouhawa | Juterest on deposit 5 85 School, as well as present duy Scholars and | 37 ictoria, - o ool h shawa, A o . y eX received at my office amounts to| Lilly of the Valley, L T.B 5 | John 8. Armstrons, D. M Oritlia | Reg. Fees. 00 friends Lh robo! oe ext ule a most ' ) . alley, L . | Joh on, W 8 cordial invitation to be presen | $1599.81, made up as follows: Capr| [od l ! | John Jacksp, W. M dry oe J INTE TERING 3 : oe { .odge No. 148, Nanaimo, Chas. Thomdyke, D. D. G. M.... Milk rook $2104 81 3 'te r 3 AN [4 LOVERING ar d a Select itation Tax, $1220.11; Supplies{. B Cc. A ool ® 8. Ro wo DX . rr. On hand last year.. 897 44| Mrs Hollisand son Harold of Enclid | OUPPOT ted by MISS Al NIE 1 ee | sold, $141.70; Charter Fees $238.00. | I'he winners for the term ending Thomas Johnson, W. M Fenelon Falls | - | Ave Toronto, arc gucsts of Mr. and Mrs ( ompany of 1 layers. T ' S C 4 , T, rleher | The eXpenditure in connection , | Goo. McHoull, D. ¥ Scugug Total 2H * : . : : 7 emid H : | with this brancl: will be presented Aug. soth, 1901, which were OU Jas. E Morish. D. Pore Perry [ Expenditure 41] Miss Nita Leteher is sponding a few days [ A complete Scenic Production depecting Venice in "ts | : previously announced are | Mrs. N. Crawford, W.-M, 1. Toronto | -------- | with friends in Lindsay be: cand clory to you by'elir Grand Treasurer L.O.L. No. 1728, QuAp kx | Balance . vei.. S676 84 beauty and glory. ANNUAL "FINANCIAL STATEMENT I Co NWT | All of which is respectfully submi | Mis Norine Letcher raturned from Toron . ' AY pelle Station, N.\W.T....% 65 oo | All of which i respectfully submitted. | i" roturnod fro Ce "wre by Die da | ~The Annugl Financial Statement | Siar of Bethlehem, L.T.B 5 00} | J.D. MeGILL, [to lust week, after spending a couple of | Beautiful Costumes and Gowns by Pierson [uc dental [resented to the Inspect 1 { . ! , Lo . {J MORRISE Auditors, | weeks with friends in iu the city and at Music by Fletcher jrresen Po pector y Ln | Lodge, No, 121, Port G.J MORRISH, J | **Kow Beach " Music Dy : ance anc tegistrar of riendly Perry, C " 1] : p {anc g ) erry, Ont, yeeenor... 56 11] Mrs. Thos. Wilson, widow of the late al azn. Rocerved Seats 50¢ : CC y | Societies; for they ear. ending Dec. | Victoria, LTB. Lodge. No [Thos Wilson, and family, for many years | Admission-- Adults, 35¢; Reserved St ats 50¢ ; ( hildren, 25e 31st, 1902," Was as" follows 37, Victoria, B.C 54 35 | residents of Byrelia, have gone to Toronto | Roserved Seats for sale three days before date of pel formance. I'he receipts of the Grand Lodge Delta L.T.B. Lodre. No 7 [ to reside. - . iY N goaIpLs 01 tne rand -OOKE| Della, L.1.D. b.odge, ! : me TTR ar + COMPANY OF TI SEAS | amotintedt® to $8530.29, which, with| j2¢c, Lander, B.C....... 55 55 Mr Buffham has kindly comsentéd to] ITS THE ONE BIG COMPANY OF TIE SEASON. the balance from 1gor of $2763.98, | Eastern Star, LTB Lodge | give n short talk on "Shakespeare und his {gave 'a grand total ol $11194.27. | No.1 Glace Bay, C:B Plays" in the school buildings. on the after The Grand Lodge expenditure 0. 144, \a'a y, Lb. [ noon of his appearance in ors Perry in the ho $7 e.E P N.S... ES - . 52 20 | roll of Shylock. In addition to the scholars amounted to $7506 71, leaving the Gananoque, No. 15, Ganau- a cordinl inuitation is extended" to «ll -who handsorhe balinee of? $368y 56. oque, Ont....... a 50 00 can muke it convenient to be present, £2r Padtien from a distance in attendi i The Assets amounted to $i9.- 24% 6g, Witlromtstanding iradnlities of $127.34. | . SUBORDINATE LODGES, reps, | | Applicat isn Fes. 5.8 570 75 Initiation Fees o..onn.nnn 605 40 Dues LCE eRe 6871 57 Degrees and Certificates 409 95 Interest? inti daa uns 39 84 | All other sources......... 1726 60 $10,224 11 | Mrs. Connelly, W. M Mrs. I. Crothers W. M. Mra F. Smale) W. MoU 500 Mr, Harriet Maines, WM... Miss Ruth Mitchell, WN. 7 Geo. 10.4, Financial €ecretar; Geo. A. Th mas, Mrs. Won, White, Jumes Gowan, Mrs. H. Garner, Mrs. Eva Masters, Mrs. A. Brown, Mrs. J, Kenny, Mss Annley Evans, Miss Annie Mark, Mrs. Maggie Dandie, * A. Bweelman, Miss J. Johnson, Mra. Ellen J. Bothwell, W. M Albert E. Ball, Proxy. o.oo. Ged, R. Wilson, Proxy. Thomson Lebow, Proxy... J. W. MeCounell, Proxy. Norman Jaoksou, Proxy. Geo. Curley, Proxy. J. N. Mark, Proxy. C. D. McKinley, Proxy. Joseph Stepnens, Proxy. H. Thomas, Proxy ¥. E. Willis, Proxy Chas. Bweetman, Proxy. Gea. Skinner, Proxy. ........ Mra. H. Chamberlain, Proxy. Muss Elo LeBar, Proxy... Mra. 8. Winstone, Proxy Mrs. Luther Bolton, Proxy Mrs. M. Gillett, Proxy... Mrs. Wm. J. Wadsworth, Proxy Mrs. J. Probert, Proxy... Total. , | kxpenditure, | Capitation Tax ..:...... $1112 28 | Death Calls ...... "i 2129 29 | Registration Fees... .;.. 52 21| Expenses "of Representa | tives to Grand Lodge 198 30 Supplies" ......... . 699 30 Rent, light, heat and taxes 1437.59 Officers' salaries ........ 22 00 Printing, Stationery and t Advertising . ....000nen 196 59 Postage, tel grams, expr 122 28 Sick Benefits Loca nnn 80 50 W. JOORI, GRAND TYLER, Medical Attendance... .... 651 42|- - hE S Grants to distressed mem- On August 13th, I had the pleasure hn bers .u.-useoiononaio. 128 55] 5f attending the Garden Party held Orphanage and other under the auspices of Enniskillen Sources. us vans 2357 19 | Lodge, No. 4, and when [ tell you, " | that fally'six thousand persons were ~ Total........59187 85] present during the afternoon and Subordinate Lodge Assets amount- | evening, you will have a slight idea 10 $10,736.14, and the Liabilities |of the gecp interest the good people of Prince Edward County and the surtound- (0 $1033.04. Mis Bella Morrish, Proxy. Murs. E. Stewart, Proxy. ooo f Catarrh I vents dropplugs gestion nud 7 membranes, Catarrhozone cures the most chrouic cases of Catarrh, und safe to use, givts, and sells every small size 25 ct son & Co., Kin -- on, Ont. Hew days. W. IL COLE, GRAND TYLER. fu is Your Trouble You will find instant relinf and absolute cure in Catarrhozone, which kills the germs thut cause the disease, cares the cong y the throat relieves con- kly heals the inflamed pre- rectly ng and throat troubles, and is delightful, simple, Cutarrhozone is a scienti- fic treatment indorsed by doctors and drug- where for one dollar, By mail from N, C. Pol. 'gar Large quantities of apples are coming into the Evaporator, which will be in full operation in a Mr. Joh Bright's Great Dispersion Sal Shoct-Herns, will have -the advantage of travelling by rail at one fare, owing to the sale occurring on dates within the limit of single faro ancnt Thauksgiving day. AvcTioN SaLe.--Mr. J] H. Brown, Seagrave, having leased lis farm has decided to sell by Auction all his stock of horses, cattle, sheep swine, farm implements, &c. This will be an extensive sale and will include about 20 head of hich grade cattle. The sale will take place about the middle of October of which ample notice will be given. -- Qanada's Great Weekly. In keeping with the progress of the age, CANADA'S GREAT NA- TIONAL HOME NEWSPAPER, THE WEEKLY GLOBE, will be very materially improved in 1904. Nunierous important changes are in contemplation, but the leading Illuetated OHEATSO | & J. STOUFFERS M1LLINERY (JPENING msn. CT. | & 2, 1903. FRIDAY, A number of Handsome Pattern Hats on Exhibition. Stylish Ready-to-Wear Hats. feature will be the introduction of of an EIGHT-PAGE ILLUS TRATED SUPPLEMENT ON CALENDERED PAPER. This will undoubtedly make it the most popular weekly offered to the people of the Dominion. For particulars see advertisement sa another column of this issue. Stylish Hats of Every description to Suit every face. J. STOUFFER.

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