Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 24 Sep 1903, p. 3

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pay pr is: io CE Go a = a 3 0 0S DSS 0S 0S 0 0 0S 0S HS 0 DS DS 0S 0S 0 0 0S «05 0S FALL MLLINERY OPENING SIINNEIINE Our Milliners will be £4 at the Store to the ladies of Port Perry and vicinity on RSPAY, cacav. SEPT. 24 95 & 26. SATURDAY, +SShi- HERE EHH HERR HBRHILN l= v itm nmin nd ] YOU are resvectfully invited to be VY ki present. JONKS = (C0. 100 505 50> 500 565 565 50 502 505 500 50 500 502 500 500 500 500 50m 500 50m 500 500 500 54» CombinationSale LARGE VORKSHRE MRR eg BS 05 0S QS DS DGD 0S 0S p) ~ J DS [OGS held in the Cur be opposite the Station, CORT EHRRY ON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1903, 1 P.M. - DOMINION SWINE BREEDERS ASSOCIATION, 20 ling Rink 3 h E AUSPICES OF (fifty) carefully selected Boars and Sows from well established herds, will be offered. Nearly all the Sows will be in pig some of them near the farrowing period. All the Boars will be of suitable breeding age. Among the contributors to this Sale are several of the most reliable Canadian breeders TERMS.--To residents of Ontario : All individual sums of $10 and under, cash All sums over $10, cash or credit will be allowed on approved joint notes For further terms and particulars apply to A. P WESTERVELT, Sec. LIVE STocK Assns, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ont. H Ww. ATODSOIN, APPLES 50,000 BUS. WANTED Port Perry Fair Grounds Having been purchased for the erection of a large Ev vaporator (Largest in Canada) are in the Market for 2,500 Bushels of Apples per day On and after Sept. 1st. | of GEO. JACKSON, (OFFICIAL AUCTIONEER, Port Perry, Out. $0503 asas aaa | Sitemiee) L00K 00T NOW FOR NEW FALL BOOTS. OF ALL KINDS [IN BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS. = |ete., We will be pleased to receive [your We pay 30 cts. per cwt. CAST Hard Apples of a size large enough to peel on paring Delivered Over Scales at Factory. All inferior sizes are to rate as Chops for which we will pay 15 cts per cwt., delivered as above. g2 All loads coming to the Factory must be of one quality. Kindly note and save future trouble or all will rate as hop Stock only. g Go., £2 Highest Price Paid for Farmers' Dried Apples. PORT PERRY. for sound, ¥ ) good, machines The Regal Packin ~CHEAPSIDE- 2 fr REMovAL Having had the commodions Stofe in the Currie Block fitted up espec! THE WEEKLY GLOBE Cariada's Great Hludtrated Weekly. A leading fedtfife of The Wrrkt¥ this fall %itt BE a Eight-Page Illustrated Supplement ON SUPERCALENDERED PAPER. roe to be ddded ially, I am satisfied I Have now one of the best appointed Drug Stsfes in (he Province, and have taken possession of my hew 1 bpened iip, addition to my extensive stock of Drugs, Chémicals, and Fancy Goods, a full line of SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES While returning thanks t4 fit} niitherolis patrons I wolild &xtend d4Hd extensive in premises, where have For the production of this great paper an immense new electrotyping, photo-engraving and printing plant has been added to The Globe's mechanical equipment. This will make The WxxxLY GLOBE unques: tionably the mdst desirable home paper in Canada. Ou? Big Furniture Sale For February. an Invitation to all to call and see me in my new premises. A.] DAVIS! Port (t Perry, Se pt 2, goo tng --- The knew: were 0 fring first-class, new furniture for. is genuine nud 'covers the whole stock. s the first week were very large. Why 1 ers . AR Full Stock By QF. ENERYTHING IN THE Every reduction Harness p ine Spare yourself the trouble preparing Calo, Pastry, for weddings and parties. We have the necessary skill, materials, and preducing these orders facilities for articles. Superior fraitg, flour, flavor- butter, are used In the making of all our Cakes and Pies. And care- ful baking ensures wholsomes= ness. ings, egys, etc. E. H. PURDY. Harvest EXcursions. Will be run on September 15th and a returning until November 16th and [30k respectively, 1903. RETURN FARES TO WINNIPEG Ww. A 3 ESTEVAN | ELGIN ........ | ARCOLA \ MO ISOMIN REGINA ! MOOSE JAW YORKTON PR AL BERT MALE WAWANESA | CAla IARY MINIOTA BINSC ARTH RED DEER EW STRATE 1840 From all points in Carada, Azilda, Sault Ste. Marie, Windsor aud Fust. Apply to nearest Canadian Pacific Agent for pamph let Tickets are not gocd on * Imperial Lim- ited." RAN SWAN" RIVE A. H. NOTMAN, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent, TORONTO. Camping Tents to Rent APPLY TO 7. J. ASH. Port Perry: Jy 30 1903. 150, 000 feet Cull Pine at $8 50 Cash at Carnegie's, BISCO WV 3; SKIERS SRE K> ¥i ARAK Parlor Suit at #13 go, was $20 | WHICH Fok Parlor Suit at 16 75, was 24 Parlor Suit at 19 00, was 28] Parlor Suit at 21 oo, was 29 Q fal | Parlor Suit at 22 oo, was 30 CH EA PN ESS. STYLE W | Parlor Suit at 29 00; was 38 . Ne Put §! Parlor Suit dt 3} 86, was 45 Durability and Parlor Sult at 34 oo was 47 A Parlor Suit at 21 00, was 29 1 Peach fi Su os wh STRENGTH, 6: Cc es Parlor Suit at 55 oo, was 75 | Lounge at s.was &5 ob Couch at 4 50, was 6 50 Tomatoes, &c. | Conch at & 30 was 7 30 | Sideboard at 8 50, was 8 50 n 3 T. 0. FORMAN & SON. Cideboard at 8 so, was 10 50 Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks Sclid Oak MakrrIAGE License OFFICE Sideboard at , 50, was 22 00 Ae builds Port Perry, Aug. 26,1903. | } Oak do. at 22 00, was 30 00 Comparison of Prices Courted MorrisChair at 3 75, was § 00 Co i MorrisChair at § 00, was 7 00 W. A. BEATTY A S A MusicCabn'tat 8 oo, was 10 00 Valsts Prpniy fn Sale MumcCabuiiat 8 on, mas 10 00 -- IN PRINCE ALBERT | Come and secnre some of the big bargains, cheaper this _ YHE undersigned offers to month thai thy othtr time in the year | Bargain her beautiful utal pro- | : petty in 2the Village of Prince Albert, This : oe propery in wocated on Simege Street | JESSOP FURNITURE €0 m i* [and contains fifteen acres, more les. | Ii 18 erected thereon a fint o | i {HH 8 Bric k Dwe Hing Hous us trax wl W. J NOTT Manager i eb Tr \Y Mitt finished in the most apjrired and ) ' : i modern style a large ip-roo fed 1 by with ee -- (i! fil stone basement for XK ouvihibut We EE REAL ESTATE BROKER ing Orchard o ¢ el ~ INS SSK Mill % . especially selecied fo de ual Xz ~/ bd bd =} KK ISK ZEN KH v3 SRK Ml itirs of their fruit; Pear, Cherry and Orn. | EW iit . . mental trees. Splendid water. The pro ih pr hp wen plentid water The pro | SAS 2 ol Experience is Invariably desirability, location, and com [4 % lt . \ 1 NO - J 0 12 lll Essential to Success hd a5 ii ta | 2 [tH [AY NG had considerable experience : J (Itt Sa ne of the largest transactions in Real Estate [|| ZANT I in this district, and in every stance giving perfect sati Barn aml 'Stables. aud Dwelling House. he Wen J | ll faction to all concerned, I have concluded to devote my | lund iva wl state of cul ng Hon, we 5 Ae 4 py! | il whole attention to disposing ot all Real Estate that may be | fended, thir 1% and spring of good =| ht placed in my hands for sale witdr theron c about 40 acres of | FI i <OIBII good pasture land N17 b LL BLAS DS (nt } For further part ulars, apply to J. W J IN| FARMS FOR SAT.H Mutsy Port I ry, or to the propri- [§ Nig |! SL oo ZI lin I would call special attentic of parties requiring Farms to MRS. M. LANG, para I lake great pleasure in announcing that my =| l|||ll Four fine properties now listed and for Sale Pefnce Albert | == 7/7 7 June 24, 1003 7 New Mills are now completed and in full oper SZ ll Three Farms | in Scugog. gy ation and that [ am better than ever preparea S12 | fine Farm in Reach Cases & 1% oir ZN (0 meet the requirements of my [riemdas and the < > i && Parties desirous of disposing of landed properties eds . y , | J | Il consult their own interests by placing them wit ef | general public in cvery line pertaining to my ¢ S tl oS RE on cuaranteed I ; 1 J already extensive and rapidly increasing busi 5 | ll {2 ness. Correct business principles, prompilude 4 | LOANS without Commission on Real Estate se ) 5% p ied 0 JIN ! in sums to suit borrowers, at unusuall {Go and courteous Irealmenl may Oc reiie@ on Sl rates. Ouick action 3 2K | PIES EP | represent the most desirable Fire and Life Ins M2 JAMES CARNEGIE SH! lll companies. Prompt attention given to applications pe Port Perry, Dec., 1902 3 [l | Port Perry, Sept. 3, 1901 | pre N ull i = x A GREAT SACRIFICE IN THE Sale of Furniture DURING THE HOLIDAY SEASON sell a large urniture, ¢én sisting of Parlor, Dining Room. Bed Room Bets, &o Cash or Approved Credit, Removal 7 The undersigned would take this opportunity of thanking his tid libere. pattitinge Fréelted silice and would inform the pablie | merous customers for the opetiih g business in Port Perry, that he has moved Mis business from che Market building to the Store First doorEast of the Post Office where he will he pleased to fill all crders for Maats in a manner that | cannot fail to please customers. Having new and increased fucilities for the transaction of business he feels confident that he can give better satisfaction than heretofore and in order to aeify this state he solicits all tv give him a call in his new | | The undersigned will quantity of first-class I premises, tu GAMYP AND FISH IN SEASON. Give me a call. I J WHEELER EZ A Fine lot of Picture Frames and Gilt Mouldings suitable to the . . . trade £7" Agent for EF Wood Wanted. "§€F Monuments. "6&3 JOHN ROTT, - os Clothi ing and Boot dbhot Business A ie fe pe Having increased the dimensions of my premises, I have purchased and opened out an Extensive Stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING tig or Men and Boys which for quality and low prices cannot be equaled in | this district. I have the largest and most veried Stock of BOOTS anp SHOES ever opened in this locality for your inspection, and the prices #¢4 stith as can not fail to ploase. rd -- HoH il: AIL Diesfeld's iy) EB AN § NM ; We até prépared tc give SPI LD AND SILVER WATCHES. "illed CIAL BARGAINS in Gol | Gold I sme II as a Quarter of &c. 1 Cases in great variety Dollar, nicely Enameled and Set with Peatls, Prices to suit you all right. WEDDING AND ENCAGEMFNT RINGS 1, Opal and Diamonds, all fine and New Designs. Crcss ia GREAT Vartefy Very Gurear. some as in Pear Come and see us {it our enlarged quarters. My aim shall be to please my ctistothefs in every particulr. A. F. CARNEGIE. Knives, Forks Spoons, Fruif Dishes, Butter Dishes, Cake Baskets, Tea Sets, &c., and some more to follow. | EZ Also Fancy Goods. EVERYTHING GOES CHEAP." #&" Repairing as usual, DIESFELD'S Pott Perry, Port Parry, 30, FSB) io tits. cn

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