Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 1 Oct 1903, p. 3

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AND SEE H DRESS GOODS JONES 2 COS. Embracing all that is New, Stylish ' bers, &'c., Winter nae TA -------- Fey B | THE WEEKLY GLO Canada's Great [llustrated Weekly. Ce 2 lp bats of The WrRELY Grom to be added vs, oo this fall will bean _ fo Eight-Page Illustrated Supplement ON SUPERCALENDERED PAPER. For the production of this great paper atimmense new electrotyping, hoto-engraving and printing plant has been added to The Globe's Anechanical equipment. This will make The WrEKLY GLOBE unques- bly the most desirable home paper in Canada Dur Big Furniture Sale For le Rewou. dad nines dg : rh ; Horr 2 tad the commodious Store in the Currie. Block fitted up fally, I am satisfied I have now one of the best Stores in the Province, and have taken pessession of and extensive premises, there..l have _opened 4ddition to my extensive stock of Drugs, Chettitéls, and F Goods, a full line of SCHOOL BOQKS. AND 'SI PPLIES While teturning thanks to my numerous patrons I wotild exten ppoint: an invitation to all to call and see me jn my new premises, To all requiring a first-clt article, one up-to-date in 8 and good-fitting at Moders Prices. You will find sug at the old, reliable firm: over 50 years standing. Yes! CHEAPSIDE is now of A 1 Boots and Shoes, K ére., for Fall February. The sales the first week were very large. Why ? Buyers knew good bargains when they saw the low prices which we ere offering first-class, new furniture for. Every reduction jo genuine and covers the whole stock. % § $ Desirable and Prices Right. § 95 5000500000050 S00 050500500050 0 50050000 00 50000 5 mS Em | N¢ LX that a Court will be held, pur suant to the "The Voters' List Act" ~ BIC DISPLAY OF FALL & WINTER] & oHATSe | THE - al Inality Gourt, OUFFERS ~zamngs Jie i " Li The oF Parlor Suit at $13 go; was $20 v ed. Parlor Suit at 16 75, was 24 Also fine, New Style' Din- Parlor Suit at 19 00, was 28 ner and Tea Sets and all Parlor Sui at 21 oo, was 29 3 . arlor Suit at 22 oo, was 30 Linds of Crockery, Glassware, DR A po = &e. s § Parlor' Suit at 34 oo, was 45 New Groceries of all kinds, Parlor Suit at 34 oo, was 47 Fruits, &e Parlor Suit at 21 oo, was 29 . : ' Parlor Suit at 49 75, was 65 Yos! Cupapsipe is the Parlor Suit at 55 00, was 75 |place for one and all to do Parlor Suit at 6g oo, was 85 : . sas 8 {their purchasing and save Lounge at 3 75 was $5 00 | Couch at 4 50, was 6 50 money. Couch at 6 oo, was 7 50 T 0 FORMAN & SON Sideboard at 8 50, was 8 50 inh . Sideboard at 8 50, was 10 50 Marriage License OFFICE. | Sclid Oak Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1903. Sideboard at 17 50, was 22 00 Ee mr--- | } Oak do. at 22.00; was 30 00 Tod MorrisChairat 3 7%, was § 00 Important tice. | orncias 2 ewes 3 teeta MusicCabn't at 8 oo, was 10 00 HE REPORT current that I MusicCabn'tat 3 95,.was § 00 have disposed of my business to Mr. Alex, MacMillan, V.S,, it is almost needless to state, is untrue ; the fact is, finding that it was im possible to attend to all the numer | ous calls with which I have of late | been patronized I concluded to | obtain assistance, and in order to meet the requirements of my num erous patrons I have entered into | partnership with Mr. MacMillan, Come and secure some of the big bargains, cheaper this| month than any other time in the year | JESSOP FURNITURE (0. W. J. NOTT, Manager, oT R Full Stock # OF EVERYTHING IN THE CHEAPNESS, STYLE Durability and STRENGTH, Cannot be surpassed in the County, Robes, Blankéls, Bells, Trunks' &c.. in sbyndsgce, 1 Comparison of Prices Courted W. A, BEATTY Port Perry by His Honor the Judge of the | the name and style of the new firm County Court of the County Ontario, | being Ertior & MacMiLLan, Vet | BEICICICICICICICRIPICKACIORICKX] MANCHESTER | On Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1903 | {at Eleven o'clock a.m., to hear and | | determine the several complaints of | ; > | errors and omissions in the Votcrs'| THURSDAY, FRIDAY, OCT. | & 2, 1908. List in the Municipality of the Township of Reach for the vear| ; 3 | A number of Handsome Pattern 1903 | All persons having business with the Court are rec | the said time a place. Dated this 25th day of Sept , 1903. WM. SPENCE, Tp. Clerk and Clerk of Court Live in Harmony with the Times. | GOME ve SEE Our Fall Importation of British Goods is now on hand, in English, Irish and Scotch, in Tweeds, Serge, | Worsteds, Fancy and Plain, Pantings and Overcoatings. Our stock has never been larger and more varied, both in coloring and design, and the Now we draw your attention to the great profit derived in selling the quality is A 1. We make Buttons, same apples to the Evaporators, viz: { do Shrinking, also Pressing and Re | pairing at short notice,and our prices will suit you. AND SEE BEFORE | G0 M Y0U BUY. W. H. DOUBT. Sept 16, 1903. Hats .on Exhbibiticn. Stylish Ready-to-Wear Hats. Btylish Hats of Bvery description to | { | Suit every fa ce. Evaporators Pay Big Prices for Apples. A glance at these figures speak for themselves. For instance take an Orchard of 300 barrels, all varities, 25 per cent are packed by buyers, which is 75 barrels. Allow a margin and say he packs 100 barrels. 30 per cent. only are No. 1 quality and his prices are the best when he offers $1 for No. 1 and 75 cts for No. 2. 30 barrels No. 1 quality at $1 .... 70 No. 2 «+... B30 00 at 75C......v. 5250 " " $82 50 300 barrels in orchard and 80 to go per cent. are used in Evaporat- ing for the best quality. 85 per cent. of Orchard = 255 barrels or 341% cwt. at 30c.. $102 45 15 W" = 45 60} 15C.. 9 04 " " i" 1" Price paid by Evaporators $111 49 Price paid by Packers 82 50 Difference in tavor of Evaporators. . $28 09 Port Perry Fair Cro und Having been purchased for the erection of a | S l > arge Eva t are in the Marke, for 2,500 Bushels of ra Los Spt Invansta) On and after Sept. 1st. We pay 30 cts. per cwt. for good, sound, Hard A Delivere All inferior above. £2 All loads coming to the Fact and save future trouble or all will rate as Chop Stock only BF Highest Price Paid for Farmers' Dried Apples. he Regal Packing Go., ORT PERRY. ples of a size large 'énough Over Scales sizes are to rate as Chops for which we will to peel on paring machines at Factory. pay 15 cts percwt., delivered as ory must be RMILLINERY(PENING si iim oo im rn, wi: 1 8 | will be prepared at all times--night | uired to attend at | of one quality. Kindly note 2 ZIN and day--to cater to all requiring [Kp Sk our professional services in a ak ZI manner that cannot fail to meet 2K Or eIT oH their approbation. \ 7 T. ELLIOT ¢ } | Port Perry, April 6, 1903. > JEN OK ZINZIN Roller Mills SINS Cakes | Paces] FESS ON FULL BLAST % I take ¢ New Mills are now completed and in full oper ation and that I am better than ever prepared to meel the requirements of my friemds and the general public in every line pertaining to my already extensive and rapidly creasing bust Correct business principles, prompitude real pleasure in announcing that my - \ | | | | | | [ | | | Nios SS ZN HOR MESS. IN BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS INS ZN IS 17 Jy and courteous treatment may be relied on. > Spare yourself the trouble 51% sk of preparing Cake, Pastry,|$,/ JAMES CARNEGIE. $2) ete., for weddings and parties, | 715 Port Perry, Dec., 1902, (2 We will be pleased to receive i M4 [your orders. We have the|Rzin SISSON IANINIAS ANN LONI | necessary skill, materials, and XB SIASKRKRIIPR> \N/ SROKA ACK | facilities for producing these |articles. Superior fruits, flour, flavor-|- ings, eggs, butter, etc.. are used in the making of all our Cakes and Pies. And care: ful baking ensures wholsome-~ ness, emoval 7 | The undersigned would fake this opportunity of thanking his nu- | morous customers for the libers. patronage received wince | opening business in Port Perry, and would inform the publie that he has moved his business from she Market building to the Store First doorEast of the Post Office where ha will be pleased to fill all crders for Meats in a mansier that capnot fail to please customers, Having new and increased frcilities for the transaction of business he feels confident that he can give better satisfaction than heretofore, and iu order | to aerify this state he solicits all to give him a call in his new premises. ga GAME AND FISH IN SEASON. I. J. WHEELER. E. H. RURDY: Short-Horn Bull for Sale IMHE undersigned offers for Sale! that grand young Short-Heorn ull Duke oF YORK = 44641 = he is large for his age, color red r and 1s pronounced by all one of best in the Province. The animal apd pedigree may be seen on the pr ces of the proprietor lot 24, ca { | 50,000 feet Cul Pine at $8 60 Cash at Carnegie', QOanadas IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS "Ee wing increased the dimensions of my premises, I have purchased and opened out an Extensive Stock of RADY-MADE CLOTHING esi and Boys which for quality and low prices cannot be equaled in district. ve the largest and most veried Stock of BOOTS ano SHOES ever it this locality for your inspection, and the prices are such as can- to ploase. Great Illust ated Weekly. nr i In keeping with the progress of i the age, CANADA'S GREAT NA: }# TIONAL HOME NEWSPAPE THE WEEKLY GLOBE, will very materially improved in 1go. ILLUS: : i and see us in our enlarged quatters. My aim shall be to please stomers in every particulr. A. F. CARNEGIE. will undoubtedly make it the mo popular weekly offered to the peop of the Dominion. For particula 5 see advertisement in another columi Experience is Invariably Essential to Success. AVING experience negotiating | I Sales of some of the largest transactions in Real Estate in this district, and in every instance giving perfect satis- faction to all concerned, I have concluded to {devote my whole attention to disposing of all Real Estate that may be placed in my hands for sale. had considerable in FARMS FOR SATH I would call special attention of parties requiring Farms to Four fine properties now listed and for Sale : Three Farms in Scugog. fine Farm in Reach. && Parties desirous of disposing of landed properties will consult their own interests by placing them with me for l Satisfaction guaranteed sale LOANS without Commission on Real Estate security in sums to suit borrowers, at unusually low | rates. Quick action EZ | represent the most desirable Fire and Life Insurance | Companies. Prompt attention given to applications k I g PI 3s Port Perry, Sept 19ot. | | HE A GREAT SACRIFICE ~--IN THE-- Sale of Furniture ! DURING THE HOLIDAY SEASON 1 i sell a large quantity of first-class Furtiture, eh sisting of The undersigned wil TH Parlor, Dining Room. Bed Room Sets, &3 4 Give me a call, Cash or Approved Credit, > EF A Fine lot of Picture Frames and Gilt Mouldings stutable to the : trade. EZ Agent for Monuments. "§€3 EZ Wood Wanted. "€3 = rr -- feld's We are prepared tc give SPECIAL BARGAINS fa COLD ND SILVER WATCHES: Gold Filled Cases in great variety, sowie as smell as,a Quarter Dollar, nicely Enameled and Set with Pearls, &c. Prices to suit you all right. WEDDING AND ENGAGEMFAT RINGS in Pearl, Opal and Diamonds, all fine and New Designs. GREAT VARIETY VERY CHEAP. Knives, Forks. Spoons, Fruit Dishes, Buiter Dishes, Cake Sets, &c., and some more to follow, E37 Also Fancy Goods. EVERYPHING GOES CHEAP. $4" Repairing as usual, - Bask | of this issue, i Port Perry, 30, 1599,

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