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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 8 Oct 1903, p. 1

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Rl AS ai OF CANADA Port Perry Agency. A GENERAL Baskiug Budiness trans: 4 seatatl at al and Great ment. Deposits receivad at the highest ctitrént rates. Interest calculated and credited to each depositor semi-annually, HEAD OFFICE TORONTO, ONT. Ho H. G. HUTCHESON, Capital (Paid Up) $8,700,000 MANAGER, Rest - - 3,000,000 Port Perry, June 26, 1897. ESTABLISHED 1867. A General Bankin Business Transacte | BUSINESS WITH FARMERS Loans made to farmers for periods ex tending from one to nine months for feed- tattle and other farm purposes. Farmers' Sales Notes discounted or col: buted at the most favorable rates. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Deposits of Ore Dollar and upwards received and literest allowed at current rates. Interest is added to the deposft rWivk in each year, at the end of May and November, The Depositor is subject to no delay whatever in the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the deposit. No Charge is made on withdrawing or ~ depositing money. £100,000 STERLING (British Capital) To lend at 4 4% and 0 per cent on good Mortgage security. Apply to DAVID J. ADAMS Banker and Broker, : Port Perry, Ont. J. A. MURRAY, Port Perry Branch DENTIST, W. H. DUNSFORD, Manager | )fioe over the Post Office, PORT PERRY. = i} i "| All branches of Dentistry, in#luding R. D. ARCHER, M.D.C.M. Victoria University ; M.B. Toronto University, Member or the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont.; Lidentiate of the Royal College of Sur, geons, Edinburg; Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians, Edin- burg ; Member of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons , Glasgow; Late Resident Pupilof the Rolunda Hospital, Dublin; for Women. Office and Residence, second door west of Davis' Furniture Emporium, Queen Street. Office hours--9 to 11a. aud 2 £08 p.m, and eveninge: I have taken as pattner, my brother yr It. Archer, M. D., Ci M., Member of Col: ge of Physicians and Surgeons, Oot. Port Perry, June 9, 1897. Crown aud Bridge Work successfiilly practiced. Artifical Teeth on Gold, Silver, or Rubber Plates, Fillings of Gold, Silver or Cement Aluminum Painless extraction when required: £4 Prices to suit the times ®a GEO. JACKSON, Licensed Atctioneer, Valuator, &c. FOR THE LOUSTY OF ONTARIO AXD TOWNSHII OF CARTWRIGHT, V ISHES at this the commencement o another Auction Silé Sedson to re- turo thanks to his ntiitierGis patrons for past favors. In reqiiesting their esteemed and continued patronage he desires to state that no effort or paind will be spared on his part to make all #ales etitrtisted to him sticcesses. His very ektensive practice in the past should be a sufficient recom mendation as to his ability. All Sale given into his clinrge will be attended to with promptncss ahd Qispatch. Bale list made out add blank notes supplied free, on application. Parties wishing to engage hig services may consult hie SALE Rxcistek either at the Observer or Standard Offices; Port Perry, for dates claimed for Sales; an¥ ake arrangements, or write to his address CHARGES MODERATE. UEO. JACKSON, Port Perry P. O AUOTIONEER. NOTICH. R. J. H. SANGSTER, Physielah, Sor geon and Aceoucheur, and Dr, W. A. 8ungster, Dentist, Way on and after to-day, be found iu their new Surgical and Dental Offices over the Post Office, where they will Be found as heretofore, prepared to attend to their respective ptoféssto ous In all their branches. Port Petry Dec. 8, DR. 8 J. MELLOW, Paysician, StroroN, &b. 1807. ()ffice and Residence; Queen St., Pott Pesry Uffice liours--8to 10; 1to3 pm, tid Eveniugs, Telephone in office and housk, open night Nov , 1901. and day over the lines south, connected with he residence of G. L. Robson, V.8, |(VHE undersigned tak takes this opportuaity Port Ferry, Nov, 15, 1894, of returtiliig thanks for the very liberal patrcange he has received as Auctioneer in the past. The increased experience and extensive practice which I have had will be turned to advantage of patrons, and parties favoring me with their sales may rely on their juterests being fully protected. No effort will be Ai make it profitable for parties placing their sales in my hands. WM. H. HARRIS, BA. LLB. BARRISTER, &c., Successor to and occupant eof the offices of the Jate F. M. Yarnold. |y, gy). Register will be found at the Port Perry, - Ont. Leland House, Cwsarea. g THOS. SWAIN. MONEY TO LOAN. Cmsarea, Aug. 20, 1896. Private Funds at 4 per cent. H. McCAW, Feb. 7 1901 JNO. W. CROZIER ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ) &e Office at residence, ; Reach (one mile west of Port Perty,)-- Moxey 10 Loan. " ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, Port Perry Ont, Port Perry, Dec. 19, 1883, WM. SPENCE, Township Clerk, Commissioner, &c. s prepared to Loan any quantity of Money on improved Farm Security at 6 and 7 per cent (Trust funds). All kinds of Conveyancing executed with aeatness and dispatch. yeu door west of Town Hall, ches! Manchester April 11, 1588. North Ontario Observer A Weekly Political, Agricultural and Family Newspaper 18 PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT. EVERY THURSDAY MORNING H. PARSONS 7 ol PATERSON, x © Batister Solicitor, Notary. © Nos. 310 311, Temple Building, Cor. Bay and Richmond Streets, Toronto. , Toronto, March 81, 1808. E. FAREWELL, K.C., LL.B, Coun « Crown Attorney, Barrister ty No &o., Notary Public and Conveyancer Jfies--South wing Court House, EE n 'W. A SANGSTER, DENTAL LL SURGEON. Office Hodra--0 t6 12 a.m., 2 to 6 p,m. Saturday evenings, i ve ree NBL Sony Han ais snd no paper enoniioned sr Gold Fillings, Bridge and Crown we nada Vork a Specialty, Vitalise Air, MITRE | sontaindng money, ney, whom. & Miremod to thie AD snd v sre ADE rivet for publication, with. Dr TD MoGrattan (DENTIST) ™ Pd ggg Re fo 1D. Styl Coriege of Oateer Sorpeons, suet will by orouto A LI disconht of Torogto Drivers! RAL ssh nd Cffice in the Allison Block over Allison's Diug Store. Office hours--8 a.m, 08,30 p.m, Port Perry, dpeil.3 9, 1902. © MONEY_T 10 LOAN. THESE terms will in all cases be strictly adhered to JOB DEPARTMENT. Pamphlet Hand Bills, Posters, Dodgers, Bill Heads, Ohecks Letter Heads, Wedding Invitations, Blsnk Forms, Recelp Books, = Business Cards Books, Cirenlars, Assembly Oatds, RE Subscriber r is prepared to LEND Visiting Cards, &c. ANY Se on Farm Security of avery style and bolor T 5 PER UENT. a = eh on Vie Property.' RTGAGES BOUGHT, ©) 4% "ROBERT L. EBDELS, ES sn St hen sot SH, PARSONS, {Threshing Nati for Sale. The dndersigned offers for sale his Challenge Threshing Machine at a Bargan Although the machine has been in use about three years it is none the worse for that. Parties requiring a good Separator should see this machine. Apply to the owner. JOHN COLLINS, J&., June 2, 1903. Scugog. WANTED every way ¢ ne © pill of the duties Te aioy to hotel life. Liberal wages will be paid. W. H. PARK, Commercial Hotel Manilla. Aug. 12, 1903. Sittings of the Division Courts OOUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1903. WHITBY Clerk, D. 0. Macdonell, Whitby --Janil ary 6, February 4, March 4, April Z, May 6, June 3, Juy4, Se amber 4 Getober 8, November 4, Deo: ember 4. Jan. 6, 1 OSHAWA Clerk, D. 0. Macdonell, Whitby --Janu- ary T, February 5, March 5 April 3, May 7. June 4, Iuy's, Se previber 5 Gotober , November 5, Dec: | ember 5, BROGAN Clerk, M. Gleeson, Greenwood --J ant March 7, Say 9, July 7, Boptumber 9, Nov. Wiaber 7, Jan. 3 3 Janitary 9, March §, May 13, July 8, eptember 12, Noveiber 11, Jan. 11, 1904 UXBRIDGE Sie Jos. January 16, M: 25, November 20, Jaki: 14, 5. CANNINGTON Clerk, Geo. Smith, Uahnington Jauanry 15, March 19, May 28, July 14, September | , November 19, Jan. 13, 1 6. BEAVERTON Clerk, Geo. F. Bruce, Beaverton January 14, March 18, May 27, September 23, Nov ember 18, Jan, 12, 1904. Te B Gould, Uxbridge-- ay 9, July 15, Beptewmbes | Clerk, Thos. P. Hart, Uptergftve uy 26, Beptember 3%; Rovember 11 By order, 1. U PE ERGROY E J. E. FAREWELL, Clerk of the Peace. Datbd:it Whithy, Nov. 25th, 1902 MISS HARRISON | Dress and Mantle Maker | \ ISHES to inform the ladies] / that she has moved to her fire | Rooms in the Allison Block where she is prepared to execute all orders in Dress acd Mantle Making ini a manner unstirpassed for Correctness of Siyle Our charges are consistefit the value given. Port Perry, March 27, 1903. JOS. BAIRD {CER SED AUCTIONEER I; County of Ontario. the OskryER Office Patronage solicited. Manchester, Jan, IH 1899. Gi amigson' Livery FPYHE undersigned takes this opportunity of thanking the inhabitafits of Port Perry and stirronnding country for the liberal and still increasing pat ronage bestowed upon him since commencing Carting and Livery in Port Perry and now intimates that he is better than ever prepared to supply all requirements in his line. for the Having extensively added to my stock of horees ; as well as conveyances of the latest type of construction for comfort and pleasure, I am in a position to meet the requirements of the most fastidious as te style and desirable equippage in every respect--in every way suit able for private driving, wed dings, funer ls, &c. Parties wishing ao afternoon drive can have their choice of suitable double or single rigs and care ful drivers will also be suppli- ed wheo required, I possess a number of good Spring and Dray Wagons and will, at all times, attend to Carting with the utmost caie and promptness. . 1 wish fart! to state that in future suitable conveyances will be at the Railway Depot to convey gers and bag- gage to private residences, and wi itleo convey pusten ers and ge to the Depot in time by eparting trains, on being" given notice, WM. JAMIESON. Port Perry, July 30, 1903. WANTED A man to represent "CANADA'S GREATEST NURSERIES in the townof PORT PERRY and surrounding country, and take orders for in Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Potatoes, dc. Stock true to name and free frcm San Jose Scale. A permanent pos ition for the right man on either salary or commission. STONE & WELLINGTON FONTHILL NURSERIES ONTARIO ToRONTO, CW. BURNHAM, Clerk of the Third: Division Court, Office in Psot look, Port, Perry. PORT PERRY Clerk, J W. Burnham, Port Perry | and Charming Effect.| with | Sale Register at | OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES et ---- DESIRABLE PROPERTY HE undersigned offers | Proj Property on Simci T PERRY} Oni of Fine Residenct taining nine rooms ; sping water ; good cellar i one-half a land, together with ornamen fruit trees. g Also for sale Furnituri ing Piano and Organ in g gition: sure, you are growing - But why let everybody your gray hair? r hair dark and rich stpone age. If you will IN PRINCE ALBERT. HE undersigned offers for Sale "we | T ha o every whe secs n a Bargin her beautiful residental' fj ati due to Ap Lice fit Vigor." perty in the Village of Prince Albert. ! ik 0p ox 2 nn, fine property is situated on Simcoe Street | J fla ta: for Lamy and contains fifteen acres, more or less. There is erected thereon a fine and commo- dious Brick Dwelling House, constructed and finished in the moet approved and modern style ; a large hip-roofed Burn with stono basement for stabling; a convenient Driving House and a splendid, young bear ihg Orchard of Pliin Trees which were expecially selecied for the desirable gual. | ities of their fruit; Pear, Cherry and Orna- ite Hair 3 : h of 'ol | mental trees. Splendid water. The pro 286 te ; hb or ler Bre > Clothes perty is well fenced, in fact, the whale 'Goes thrqugh the « erless soll, outfit for desirability, location, and com. | #fid the path that leads to a Loaf "of Bread | pleteness isone rarely to be met with, Im- nd a Bug of Clothes Is hard to tread mediate possession given. And the path that leads to a House of Your | ern Own | mbs ovhr the bowldered hills, the pajhs that lead to a Bankj Account by the blast that kills, Also for Sale a Farm, lieing composed of the East-half of lot 20 whid North-half of lot 21, in the Ist con. ef Cartwright, contain the min who starts in the paths to-day ing 200 Acres, more or less, on the property. the I4zy Hills may go astray there is erected a first cluss Barn, Driving i, arn and Stables, and Dwelling House, The HE NAVAL POLI latid in a good state of cultivation, well | fenced, there isa grand spring of good | water thereon. There are about 40 acres of | ---- Obadure, B [But Found om Eyery Battle of the British Navy. good pasture land Probaply the most obscure pblice | _ For further particulars, apply to J. W inj existence is that known as Mxnarity; Port Perry, ot to the propri: Na Police, members of which tress, to found on every battleship | MRS. M. LANG, the British Navy. Although Bri- Prince Albert. saflors have their own police | June 24, 1903. fen to'look after them, it must not be infer] that this state of things eon ated by the bad conduct of Boat aad Lob fr Sle or Banh mest me | yt often that the naval cofistabls | 1 is powers afloat, but | FYE uuderslgoed offers for Sule orto BE eB iays bay in Rent his House and Lot on the cerner interests of Jack | of Affow #ud Lorne Streets, Port Perry e naval constables on every | The Dwelling is comfortable, in good repair ship are. under the control of the | 14 story. The lot contains 1} acres first: te the highest position | clues land on which there are a number of {dBASter-at-arms, the highést positio choioe bearing frait trees; there ats alsoin fl this. police force, to Which a § : ofan lm £2 28 week is attached | good well and new pump. For particulars ary of a eir ih maintaining duties consist y v [Ser nk Onskrvigr office, or to the 'throughout the vessel and JOSHPH BRYANT. dittg tho ship's stores. When a Manchester. ip is in port it is pot an unknown May 14, 1008, ". % !ogcurrenge for thieves to slip aboard ee ee EL ed, and the constable on patrol has, of course, to prevent this: As 00h as a ship enters port it is f usual for seamen of good behaviour To Rent or for § # rr to obtain leave to go ashore, 'dnd Mrs. Jane Wheeler's beauti very" often Jack is sb lost in the ei- Brick Residence on the Nong il joyment of his little holiday that he Road, south of Port Petry. THe fails to return to his vessel at the s a sple fidid Fruit Garden attac, {ibPainted time. The naval constab- 1 {es them row ashore, and, having ap- Jwith Quibuiidings. ete, A la prehend the deserter; take him back quantity of ranching or pasture la may be tented or purchased in nectioti with or separately from ti if his th to his ship, when he receives a light 8! sentence from the master-at-drms for oughtlessness above. Apply to Hut Wiha jhe naval police Led ' ways opula e Ww. H HARRIS Hi hk on enough that they never Barrister, Port Petf##{ | sie trouble unless thers is just Aug 18, 1903 cause for it On the other hand on ®t {hey sometimes rescue Jack, after a i tough fight, from the haunts of H. GRAHA \ #8 |andsharks to which be has leen Jured; as often as not displaying the Has just taken possession of thost remarkable céurage on his be | hall | FOY SHOE SHOP Another reason for the popularity | . of these police is that they are real |one door South of the St. Chai ly sailors themselves, and have ser | | Hotel, where he intends to make lower deck for three years | kinds of Boots and Shoes, and: | all kinds of repairing All co | strictly attended to. He wan {to please all who come his wa possible. H ved on the as ordinary seamen before being pro- 8 moted to corporal of police Furth ermore, they must have a clean con- duct sheet and be indefatigable work- ers, while to distinguish them they are allowed to wear the letters "N P." on their sleeves Port Perry, June 10, 1903: 8} Ran a Nail Through His Hand ANTED -- SEVERAL INDUSTRIOUS PEI | Bu | { in each state to travel for house established } y > | years and with a large capital, to call upon While open'ng a box, C. ants and agents for successful and Mount, of Three Mile Bay, t ek] gies Permanent engagement. Weekly cas Ne of § Perm traveling expenses and hotel bills adi ran a len penny nail through the | cash each wesk. Experience not cssentisl il fleshy part of his hand. "I thought | reference and enclose self-addressed envelope, v NATIONAL, 384 Dearborn 8t., Chicago. at once of all the pain and soreness & rm ---- "this would cause me," he says, 'and For Over Sixty Years. immediately applied Chamberlain's Pain Balm and occasionally after- MRS. WINSLOW'S BOOTHING SYRUP tised Ly millions of mothers for their child: teething. 1f disturbed at night snd brokeh : fost by a sick child suffering ahd crying with, Cutting Teeth, send st once and get a bottle Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children will relieve the poor little sufferer immedi wpon it, mothers, there is no mistake ab warde. To my surprise it removed all pain and soreness and the inju:~ ed parts were soon healed. For le by A. J. Davis. Quen Vieteria Was a Child. ories told of 00d Victoria Is 'visit mahe with her moth- Wentworth House fin York- While there the Princess de- in running about by herself United States. Price twenty-five cents a . 4 by all druggists throughout the world. Be gardens and shrubberies. for MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. wet morning soon after her =r = fival the old gardener, who did 'then know her, saw her about Mr. Barrie's Little Joke. a treacherous bit of descend James M. Barrie, the famous 5 : from the terrace and called tish author, who is very shy at | cial functioms or banquets, and * 'careful, miss; it's slape{"" a | hardly be induced to either cohv pkshire word for slippery. { freely or utter a speech, is not ab } ever curious Princess, turning | On one d, asked, 'What's slape?" and | same instant her feet flew under her and she came down. old gardener ran to lift her he did so, "That's slape, 's Companion. _ ! poking fun at himself. casion there appeared in the Observer a brilliant lampoon which Mr. Barrie wes represents attending a public nner, every ne in Die of laughter wil his unceasing stream of wit opi finally snding up ing the speech of When a certain literary dl of Barrie's saw this wickedly ¢l plece of satire, his indignation kn no bounds, and he rushed into demanding by all the outraged that the author of this infamous ticle should straightway discl : scl, and be dealt with accord But, alas for the well-meaning fries the author was none other ba sDartie himself. hot 2y % ---------- 8 Hie Life toa Neighbor's Kindness. D. P. Daugherty, well known out Mercer and Sumner , W. Va., most likely owes e to the kindness of a neigh He was almost hopelessly with diarrhoea; was at- by two physicians who gave tle, if any, relief, when a learning of his serious con- ~ brought him a bottle of serlain's Colic, Cholera and a Remedy, which cured less than twenty-four hours. by A. J. Davis. When you want a physic mild and gentle, easy to taki certain to act, always use {lain's Stomach and Liver For sale by A. J. Davis. © pockets tions landscape. From a little table at CHIP of THE BLOCK By RICHARD BARKER SHELTON Copyright, 1908, by T. C. McClure The Southwest limited sped over the flat bottom lands about the Little Otter river, el dlondy urig in. tie Skyy And on. sasionally the sharp rattle of raindrop looking out nercss the monato- | the forward end of the car, where a young, well groomed man sat before a pile of papers, came the staccato click of a typewriter. The governor's brows were drawn, and he chewed fiercely the unlighted eigar between his teeth. He was hur- rylng southward to make a speech in a large manufacturing center, It would be the last speech of his present term, and he realized that his re-election de- pended largely upon It All the papers in the state had an- hounced under headlines mote or less promitient that Gevernor Crawley would speak at Vainboro on the even- ing of Oct. 15 and that it would be a FOULED HIM AT THR BAID L "THAT'S RIGHT TURN," speech of great political significance In that it would clearly determine the governor's attitude toward the labor problems which had arisen during the past year: The click of the typewritef teased the young mad rose from the table and began to arrange the sheets before him. Crawley strode up the ear and stood looking over his shoulder. His face relaxed into a grim smile as he lald a hand lightly on the younger man's arm "Well, Tom," he sald, "what do you think of it now it's done?" Tom Ashley had not been private secretary to the governor for the past two years without galning some in- sight into his superior's character. He knew well enough the effect his words would have. Nevertheless he sald | them "I think," sald "yoil have coin- posed your political death warrant." Instantly the governor's face hard he, ened. "At an ate," he sald without turning his eyes from the window, "I have been honest in this one I haven't tried to blind them with smooth words nor to cheat them with pretty turns of the language This second speech 1s falr and square. The other Isn't." Ashley squared his shoulders. "This one is all you say of it," said he, "but the other deserves more of you than you admit. You say quite as much in the first one, but you say it more guard edly. If any one gets false ideas from it it is not your fault. Your own inten tions and what people make of them will always differ. Don't misunder- stand me as meddlesome if I say that it seems to me your consideration of the claims your party has on 2 you will influence you to use the first. "Perhaps you are right," he said i) length. "Anyway, we'll keep them both | for the present." There was a rasp of brakes, and the train began to slow down. Crawley wiped the steam from the window and looked out. Familiar spires and a well known square greeted his eyes. "We're at Exley, Tom," he sald. "Ned joins us here to go down with us. Would you mind stepping out to see if he is at the station?" A few moments later Ashley returned with a tall, muscular young fellow, who ran to the governor and clasped his hand, with a hearty "Hello, father!" "There are a lot of fellows from the school up forward," yonng Crawley ex- plained as the train dréw out. "They're going down to hear you speak tonight. I told em I'd present 'em to you some- | where between here and there." "I ghall be very glad to meet them," the governor said, "after Tom and 1 have finished up a little work which will take an hour or so. Tell me, how ald the meet with St. John's come out yesterday ?" "Oh," the yoting fellow's face fell "We lost." "Too bad," said the governor. got your half mile, I suppose?" "No, I lost that, too," Ned replied. "Spencer, the St. John's man, is a can tion and no doubt. Ram me clean off my feet the second time. That lost for us. We were tied, ten apiece, up te that, and that was the last event." "The second time," the governor fo- ticler fer this feelin' thet's botherin' me. It kinder ketches my breath." Lura Belle gazed after him serenely. "Aln't he a fool?" she thought with a rapturous smile. "I see what was ail- "You | elay with heavy white paint and daip- | ping In the glaze last described. in' him ten days ago, Dear me! I'm ara TV "etinea ho 'same trouble. | Waal! I'm the one fer him. He hadn' t! orter be playin' 'fetch an' carry' fer Simpson--a smart man like him. With my $400 in the bank an' me he'd hev a farm of his own purty soon. Jest wait till tomotrer night." "Hey any dreams?' she inquired co- quettishly tbe following evening. "Set down. The old folks {s upstairs." "Waal, T did," peturned Sam, smiling, "an' a good one, 'Twas about a calf fiitinin' rethd a Jot an' buntin' his head. Did ye look up thet other thing? mil wo me bad terday." Lory pked in ber book. "Here tis," solemnly. Dean sen- fapacty has been developed by Beyptiane Greeks, Romans, Ee Ey 0 by them; so do Anacreon and Tradition says that a victor at Olympian gemes used a pigeon to to dure Lira Belle. Kin ye read by thet lo "Ob, yes. Lemme see--sign of a dis tressed heart." "Gosh!" ejaculated the startled suf- while a . 1s letting or geons with messages concern coronation of King Rameses 111 north, south, east and west of the king-, ferer. "My gran'ther dled of heart dis- 4... tase," ' " | In the fittoenth century pigeons were' You won't, I guess" consoled his op\510v6a kuccesstully as messengers adviser. Lemme take yer hand a min- times of war. x ute. Thar!" running ber fingers across --- ¥ "Life line's good A Cynic's Analysis of Woman. Feel "Femnle lives are 10.6 per cent bets. ter risks than male lives," says the Chi-. cago bealth department. "Why don't insurance agents take advantage this fact?" tt a womat 1s willing to take out ii surance there a a strong probabil the great red palm. fer forty years, barrin' accidents. any wuss? "By cracky, I do!" exclaimed Bam anxiously, "My heart is a-beatin' now, 1 tell yo. I'm goin' ter see a doctor right away." "Hold on!" expostulated Misé Wii cox, retaining the formidable hand. that she knows that her health is if "Yo dreamed of a calf runnin' an huntin'. Here "tls. Thet's a sign--oh danger - 4 ' If a man who knew that his health my!" bending her eyes on the page. % wns in danger should apply for insurs "What a queer--waal, I s'pose I'll hev | 0 1iq conscience would burt him., tof read It I says--it says' -- " Woman's conscience, however, 1s sels Go ahead! erled Samuel I must Hon a8 vigorous as her Intuition. Her, be goin Intuition is the proud guiding star SF, "It says," went on the exponent of her existence. And when her Intuition mystic {sm In & Hanceitie Toue, het begins to operate In a field which is as the ZR ¥ wl ma x es ors unfamiliar to her as Insurance its man- plump an' of lovin' disposition, dark | 4, 4.4 oro frreststible hair an' eyes, pug nose, red cheeks an' an'--a leetle mole on the left corner of her chin." "fLuira Belle; thet's ye!" gasped the man in an {lluinination of jd¥ and as tonishment He reached out a long arm and drew her to him Miss Wilcox nestled her head on the The conclusion seems th Be, theres fore, that In general the tvomen who don't get {insured are good risks.and the fromed who do get {Hstifed are bad rlsks.--Chlecago Trituda. : STORIES OF RUSKIN. Sewe Things the Great Man Regreited-- Would Have Liked te Wield a P.@k- Mis Oumdid Ways i y shoulder Sam!" big, bon Thet's nxe me, she whispered One gets the itpressiod from read- happily and dropped the dream book ing of Ruskin's carly years that he - - - missed many of the privileges of Saved Baby's Life healthy boyhood. When he wap. man, be and a companion were ou Mr I'. Brisson. Gold Rock, Ont one day upon the mountainside write Baby'sOwn Tablets save Shey passed a group of men, says a writer in the Strand Maguneine, who y boy ¢ € SC were cnguged in rough work with, pe, a now a br pickaxes of: ok rosy alth i He suffer How I wish," said Ruskin, '1X re than tor can tell fror could de what those men are doingh tinate constipation and medicine4 1 wad never allowed to do any work. which would Hate strengthencd my ave him no rehef until 1 gave hin 0 Tabl I 1d back... 1 wasn't Kllowed to ride, fen Babys Own lablet would not | jaur 61 being thrown off; nor to row, e without the Tablets in the house for fear of being drowned; mor to' and I think they uld be kept in| box, because it was vulgar, I wa# every home here there are young | allowed to fence, because that was r delicate childre genteel : All th oor Ff AhilAl \ Sometimes when he was living . Ie minor | hood | wiih his parents at Denmark Hill; h as 'indige colic or stom | he would enjoy a surreptitious row ich troubles, diarhoea, worms, con-| on the river I used to be told,'% tipation, simple fevers, and colds | says the same companion, "not td ire promptly relieved and speedily | let his father and mother know where } ft} ke had gone Ruskin was them in ured through the use of these Tal . the forties lets. They are guaranteed to con | "It is easy te read here a woman's tain Do opiat I may be given | fiars and prejudice and domination. with absolute safety to the young | Ruskin: was always, quite properly; sud most delicate child, Sold by | under his mother's contrbl; but it is a I 1 t possible that if he had bad the out all medic dealers or sent po i ; . 9 , let of reasonable athletics his de- paid 'at 25 ce a box by wnitir gtructive moods would have been The Dr. Williams Medicine ( leks marked. It was during his resi- Denmark Hill that he was something or Borie: , dence at anathematizing st unreasonably Brockville, ( body mc Joss Making Im Chins. John said his mother, 'you Joss making is very simple. The man. | talk too much and you talk mom- ufacturer's chief stock in trade consists ther," Ruskin replied - es, mothe h of wooden or metal molds. In these the humble as a little boy, and chan : wet clay is put into shape and allowed the subject to dry. It is then touched up, dipped in Ruskin was not afraid ta admit @ molten glaze and allowed to cool. The | yihers hesides his mothet 'that he average workman can turn out 100 & | was Wrong. In a lecture at Oxford day. The clay is kaolin, running from | when he was Slade profebssr; Sir! red and gray to snow white, and costs | William Richmond defended * the about a cent per pound. The glaze is | fame which the world had accorded melted in a small charcoal furnace. to Michelanfelo end Rafacl. Former< The wages of & good artist vary from | 1y Ruskin had denounced Michelan= 20 to 40 cents per Any. The cost of a | Elo. and wus not ory voll pleased ith Sir m for prese tdiy sized image Is about 3 cents, He | Gther side When Ruskin' recovered selld it for about 5 cefits to a native and from: the illhess which had caused" for as high as $5 to the credulous Bu- | yi, to give up the Slade professors ropean or American tourist. The mold- | ship Sir William Felired, that he' ing, touching and retouching are the | might fill it again 'Fouchittg By same in all shops. The glazing varies | this, Ruskin sent, asking if he might | | indefinitely. It may be opaque, of any | come down and dine with his form- { color; transparent, but tinted with any | or pupil, who was delighted to have shade desired, or clear and colorless. | him At the close of a pleasant The best work is made by painting the | evening, Ruskin said: i 7E ¥ | "Willy, why did you make that In an- | Yiolent attack upon me about Michk- = elangelo?"' " 42s of other kind of good work the clay is col- "Mr Ruski, because Fou talked ored in caustic colors, kept in the heat Honsense,"' feplied Sir William. until they have set and then glazed as usual The Chinese are very skillful in = wir Mr. Ruskin rose 32 this field of labor and with fine brushes | said, i& his ae - way! Te will turti out josses that at first sight | nonsense." od might be taken for cloisonne. - Xp? Progress and Pelitesiess. » z two recent occasions, whet" A Lake Captain's Exper -- children were to the fore, at-! ience.--Capt. McDonald, one of | tention was called by disinterested: Kingston's most preminent marin | observers to their lack of courtesy; says The Globe. The Governor-General, in addresss ing the children in the park on Em pire Day, said: "With all the self relidn¢q thet marks a new count liks this, ft ¥ould be well to reme ers, writes 1 ** For years 1 have bat tled with the agonies of Bronchitic Asthma, oftentimes so bad that 1 could not sleep for nights at a time [ spent hundreds of dollars on doc tors atid quacks without getting | ber tho genarous traditions and te relief, but one dollat's worth ol | courteous manners of the old coun " h y ehred. me"] iry. There was sometimes a tend- Catarthozone profhpty cure : | oncy to demonstrate self-reliance b; I'he above testimonial was given { , want of respect to fellow-men (wo years ago, and as the Captain | to those in authority:'" ' - Ra ately stated he was still quite free | Mr. William Seete, Principat of of % Normal School, speaking at rom Bronchiiis. It proves Catarrh yzone a veritable specific. Catarrh- zone two months' treatment, guar anteed to cufe Bronchit's, price §1, small size 25 cts. Druggists or Polson & Co., Kingston. 42 Parties froth a distance in attending Mr. John Bright's Great Diepeision Sale 0° Short-Horns, will have the advantage of travelling by rail at one fare, owing to the sale occurring on dates within the limit ol single fare anent Thanksgiving day. luncheon given by. the directors ot Exhibition on 'School Children's. Day,'" contrasted the kind and 3 tous ways of the boys and Quebec with the rudeness, of st bluntness, of those in utarios had considerable bee, and wds inclined to think reason for the difference is that people there live in the past, w those of this Provititd are more d ocratic. If Mr. Scott's theory i8 & ought to be possible t& fee gress with politeness. te se ll lB. Faerto Cabello has a fine dnd La Guayra an opem with g costly breakwater, Strength and vigor come of good food, duly digested. "Force", a ready-to-serve wheat and barley food, adds no burden, bat sustains, nourishes, invigorates. 5 3 3 Bi

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