Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 15 Oct 1903, p. 1

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(PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY) ; - mp ------------ A 47TH YEAR, NO. 38} «IT 18 EASIER TO MISTAKE OUR ¥ PORT PERRY, ON TARIO, ' Ae .; THE CANADIAN HEAD OFFICE iapital (Paid Up) Rest + r Tor ONTO, OKT, $8,700,000 | = 3,000,000 ESTABLISHED 1867. A General Banking Business Transacted BUSINESS WITH FARMERS Loans made to farmers for tending from one to Farmers' eriods ex nine months for feed cattle and other farm purposes. Sales Notes discounted or col ected av the most favorable rates. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Deposits of One Dollar and upwards | received and interest allowetl at current rates Interest is added in each year, November The Depositor is to t subject to he defiosit Twiok at the end of May and no delay whatever in the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the deposit. No Charge is made ou withdrawing or depositing money Port Perry Branch W. H. DUNSFORD, Manager | fice ove R. D University ; Member or the ( Surgeons, Out College of Surgea ARCHER, ns, lege of the and Surgeons . Glasgow ; be pil of fhe Rolunda for Women, Of and door west of Davis' Fur Queen Sireet. O and 2 to 5 p.m, and I have taken as partuer, CM, R. Archer, M.D, M B. 1 ge entiate Edinburg ; of I eve D.C.M of the Physicians, Edin Late Hospital, Residence, Victoria oronto University, | of Physicians and | Royal Licentiate culty of Physicians Resident Dublin, second niture Ewnpovium, fice hours--9 to 11 a. nings my brother, Dr Member of Col ege of Physicians and Strgeons, Ont. 1897. Port Perry, June 9, NOTICH. R. J. H. SANGSTER, geou and Aceouchear, Physician, and Dr | { } | | | | | | | Sor { him siiceesses, A | Sanur Dentist, may on and after vo-day, | be found in their new Surgical and Dental | Offices over the be found as her to thelr respective branches Port Perry Dec. 8 Post Office, tofore, 18 prepared to attend professions iu ull their 07 DR. 8. J. MELLOW, PHYSICIAN, fice anid Residence; Uffide hours SURGEON, Que Sto l0 am ; and house, lines sonth, nd Evenings Felephone in office ud day over the ith the reside of G Port Perry, Nov. 15, 18 Wn uo WMH HARRIS BARRIST Successor t nd § offices of Port Psuy, x oc Ja he Jate F. LJ. Yarnold. &b. en St. 1to3-p m., Port Pe,ry open night connected Robson, V.8 04 BA LLB.| R, &c., ant of the Ont. MONEY TO LOAN, Private Funds nt 4 per cont. Feb. 7 1901 "INO. Ww. OROZIER ARRISTER, Office (one at I3& Re 5 resi SoriciTor, CONVEYANCER, 6th Con. dence, mile west of Port Perry,)-- Moxey To Loan, Jf. PATERSON, K..C., Baptiston Solicitor, Notary Public, Nos. 310 311, T March 81, 1608. ps mple Building, Cor. Bay and Richwond Streets, Toronto. E. FAREWELL, K.C,, LL.B, -- Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol Out, sitor, &o., Notary Public and Conve Jffice--South wing Court House, V W. A SANGSTER, DENTAL SURGEON. Whitby, Office Hours--9 to 12 a.m., 2 to 6 p.m Also open Saturday evenings. && Gold Fillings, Bridge and Crown Vork a Specialty. Vitalised Air. Dr FD McGrattan (DENTIST) .D.8. of Roy al College of Dental Surgeons, also D.D.S. of Toronto University. Subscriber fs MONEY TO LOAN, ANY AMOUNT a iffice fn the Allison Block over Allison's Drug Store. Office hours--8 a.m. to 8.30 p.m, ct Perry, April 0, 1902. er repared to LEND arm Security AT 5 PER CENT. on Village Property. TEX ou UBERT L. EBBELS, ot to Qutario Bak, Bartiater, where they will | | FOR THE COUSTY OF ONTARIO AND TOW NSHII on application. the make arrangements, or write to his address Nov. 1, rt | of returniug thanks for the very liberal | patrcnage he has received as Auctioneer in | the past. extensive practice tarned to advantage favoring their interests being fully protected effort will be spared to mike it profitable for parties placing My Leland House, Cwesarea. Cmsarea, Aug. 26, 1896. MARRIAGE LICENSES, Port Perry Ont, Port Perry, Dec, 19, 1883, Township Clerk, Commissioner, &ec. 5s prepared to Loan any quantity of Money o neatness and dispatch. Manchester, = North Ontario Observer A Weekly Political, Agricultural and EVERY THURSDAY MORNING TERMS. nh per annum, if mis in advance ; if not $1.50 will be rged. No pylon taken for for less than six Youths pe no paper tioned LETTERS contalning money, when addressed to Owice, and registered will AD measured ed accordin, ADVERTISEMENTS received for A LIBERAL discount allowed to Merchants and othe: who advertise by the half year. ' THESE terms will in all cases be strictly adhered to Programs, Blank Forms, printed can have en a Western Bank OF CANADA Port Perry Agency. Syn AL Banking B trans. Threshing Machine for Sale, The adersianed offers for sale his Challenge Threshing Machine at a Bargan Although the machine has been in use about three years it is none the worse for that. Parties ] requiring a good Separator should | taining nine rooms ; spring and soft 4 see this machine Apply to the owner. JOHN COLLINS, Jr., June 2, 1903 Scugog. . Special attention paid to | Golloctions. ai, Bi ned available at all fins in Canada, Udited States and Great tain. Rank Dall] Deposits received at the highest current rates. | each depositor semi-annually. H. G. HUTCHESON, MANAGER, } B | Port Perry, June 26, 1897. £100,000 STERLING (British Capital) {To lend at 4 4 and B per cent, on good Mortgage security. | Avply to DAVID J. ADAMS Banker and Broker, | Port Perry, Ont. |, J. A. MURRAY, DENTIST, he Post Office, PORT PERRY. All branches of Dentistry, including | Crown awd Bridge Work successfully practiced. Artifical Teeth on Gold, Silver, or Rubber Plates. F gs of Gold, Painless extraction when required: #37 Prices to suit the times®y GEO. JACKSON, Licensed Anctioneer, Valuator, &ec. Aluminum Silver or Cement OF CARTWRIGHT, | Whi at this the commenceinent o another Auction Sale Seasoh to re: | turn thinks to his numervis patrons for | | past favors In requesting their esteemed | continued patronage he desires to | state that no eBort or pains will be spared on bis part to make all sales entrusted to His very extensive practics in the past should be a sufficient recom mendation as td his alility. All Sale given into his charge will be attended to with promptncss and dispatch. Sale list made out aod blank notes supplied free, | and his setvices Sank REGISTER either at or Standard Offices, Port for dates claimed for Sales, and Parties wishlhg to engage may consult his Observer Perry, CHARGES MODERATE GEO. JACKSON, Port Perry P. 0 AUCTIONEER. 1901. IE undersigned tukes this opportuaity The and which I have had will be of patrons, and parties with their sales may rely on No incressed experience nie their sales in my hands Sales Register - will be found at the THOS. SWAIN. H. McCAW, ISSUER OF WM. SPENCE, on improved Farm Security at 6 and 7 per ent (Trust funds) All kinds of Conveyancing executed with Office--One door west of Town Hall, . Manchsater Apri 11, 1888, Fanuly Newspaper 18 PUBLISHED AT PORT FERRY, ONT. H. PARSONS until arrears are paid up. Le at our Noubaris!, and po hh ney No prepaid & to the space fic Justructions, 3 il forbi and charged accor ment will be taken our ah year or JOB DEPARTMENT. Pamphlet Hund Bills, Posters, Dodgers, Bill Heads, Checks Letter Heads, Wedding Invitations, Receip Books, Business Cards Books, Cireulars, Assembly Cards, Visiting Cards, &o. te and color Sa 'mptly and prin pd any thas establishment in the County... Parties fu hand pind Ln H, PARSONS. WANTED An experienced | Jlavse Rowen, | y ae of ta ing clarin ihe duties pertaining to] GREATEST NURSERIES and surrounding country, OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES Stock true to name and free from San Jose Scale. ition for the right man on either salary or commission. TORONTO, » J. Block, Port I'urry. hotel life. Liberal wages will Interest caloulated and credited to | Pad. W. H. PARK, Commercial Hotel | Aug. 12, Manilla. Sittings of t the Division Courts OOUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1903. 1903. WHITBY Clerk, ho nell, Whitby --Jann ary 6, February 4, Mai pril 2, May 6, June 3, Ju anh 1 Ootober br Nvember 4, Dec bet 4 Jr 6 1904, OBHAWA--Clerk, D. 0. Macilonell, Whitty; ary 7, February 5, March 5 July B, Beptamber 5, October 7, ember 5, Jan. 7, 1904 Sang May 7. June 4, Novemher 5, Dec BROUGHAM Clerk, M, Gleeson, Greenwood ary March 1 May 6, July ember 7, Jun. Y, 1904 Jan September 9, Nov. PORT PERRY January §, 2, November 11, Jar Clerk, JW March 9, May 13, 11, 1904. July 8, September UXBRIDGE Clerk, Jos aruaty 16, March 20, May 20 , November 20, Jan. 14, 10.4 OANNINGTON Clerk, Geo. Smith, Cannington Janiinry 15, March 19, May 23, July 14, September 24, November 18, Jan' 13, 1004 Gould, - Uxbridge July 15, Septenibes 6. BEAVERTON Clerk, Geo January 14. March 18, May ember 18, Jan. 12, 1804 Bruce, Beare rign © September 23, No UFTERGROVE Derk, Thos. P Hart, Upticgrove h 17, May 26, September 22, Novénibir 17. By order, J. E. FAREWELL, v Clerk of the Peace Dated'at Whitby, Nov. 25th, 190 MISS HARRISON Dress and Mantle Maker | \ ISHES to inform the ladies and Charming Li ffect. Our charges the value given. Port Perry, March #7, 1902 are consistent with | JOS. BATRD ED AUCTIONEER of Ontario. Sale Patro 1899 ICEN J County the Ors¥rver Office Manchester, Jan Jamieson's Liver | for Register at nage 19, FPYHE undersigned takes this opportunity of thanking the inhabitants of Port Perry for and still increasing the pat him surrounding country liberal bestowed upon mmencing Carting and Livery in Port Perry futimates that h « prepared and now ever to requirements iu his li Having extensively added to my stock of horses ; as well as conveyances of the latest type of construction for comfort and pleasure, I am iu a position to meet the requirements of the most fastidious as to style und desirable equippage in every respect--in every way suit able for private drivin dings, funerils wishing an afte have their choice of suitable double ar single rigs and care ful drivers will also be suppli- ed when required. wed- I possess a number of good © Spring and Dray Wagons and will, at all times, attend to Curting with the utmost cure and promptness. I wish further to state that in future suitable conveyauvces will be at the Railway Depot to convey rare and bag- gage to private residences, and will also convey passengers and baggage to the Depot in time for departing traius, on being given uotice. WM. JAMIESON. Port Perry, July 30, 1803. WANTED to represent "Canapi's in the townof PORT PERRY | and take | A man orders for. in Prait Trees, Small Fruits, Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoes, &c. Burnbam, Port Perry that she has moved to her fire | !3 story the | solicited. | | und possible A permanent pos STONE & WELLINGTON FONTHILL NURSERIES OvER 500 ACRzS ONTARIO DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE HE andarsigned to offers for sald her property on Simcoe Street, PORT PERRY, | consisting of Fine Residence con water ; good cellar ; one-half acre of land, togetherewith ornamental and I fruit trees Also for sale Furniture, includ- | [10g Piano apd Organ in gaod con dition. AMELIA M Mecury Fost Petey ) ; i" A bel | FYE undersigued offers for Sale ata i Bargain her beantiful residental pro- perty io the Village of Prince Albert. This fine property is situated on Simcoe Street and contains fifteen acres, There is erected thereon a fine | dious Brick Dwelling House, and fivished in the most modern style ; stone basement for stubling ; a Driving House and a splendid, ing Orchard of Plum expecially selecied more and commo- approved and convenient young bear Trees which were for the desirable qual- | ities of their fruit; Pear, Cherry and O) na mental trees. Splendid water. The pro perty is well fenced, in fact, the while outfit for desirability, location, and com pleteness isjone rarely to be met with mediate Im possession given Also for Sale a Farm, the East-hulf of lot 21, in the Ist con ing 200 Acres, | there is erected a heing composed of 20 and North-half of Jot of Cartwright, more « contain r less, on the proj erty first class Barn, Driving { Barn and Stables, and Dwelling House. Th land in a godd state of cultivation, wel fenced, there isn grand spring of good witér thereo® There are about 40 acr good pasture land For forther particulars MemARRY, Port Purry, elress Ww pri apply to J or to the prc MRS. M Prince LANG Albert June 24, Hous and Lot for Salo on bo Rend HE uuderslgned Rent lis Hote and Lo of Arrow Lorne Stree The Dwelling is 1903. | [, | for t on th ts, offers Sale or tc aud Perry mfortu cohta in gooc is 1}acres first repair To Rent or for Sale. ofr 14, 1008, Mts. Jane Wheeler's beautify Brick Residence on the Nonquor Road, south of I'he 1 Fr o please all who come his way, Port Perry, June 10, 1903. WANTED -- SEVERAL INDUSTRIOUS PERSONS in cach state to travel for house established eleven years and with a large capital, to call upon merch ants aud agents for successful and profitable line Permanent engngement. Weekly eash salary of $18 and all traveling expenses and hotel bills advanced in cash each week. Experience not essential. Mention reference and enclose self-addressed envelope. THE NATIONAL, 88 Dearborn St., Chicago. For Over Sixty Years MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If disturbed at night end broken of you rest Ly a slok child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth, send at once aud get a bottle of ** Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend «pon it, mothers, there Is no nidstake about it. It cures Diarrhoea, Regulates the Stomach and Dowels, Cures Win Colic, Sofiens the Gums, Reduces 1nflamnmation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Boothing Syrup for Children Teething ls pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Price tweuty-five cents a bottle. Hold by all druggists throughout the world. Be sure and ask for" MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP." has been Conan Doyle as & Detedtive. a large hip-roofed Baru with | or less. | constructed | lass land o 1i:lt there dre a nunibe Rooms in the Altison Block where | tes laid on wliili there dre a number | | choiea beating fruit trees; thero are also | she is prepared to execute all orders | yood well and new pump. For particulars | in" Dress and Mantle Making in a [apply at Tre Osservix office, or to the maniier linsurpassed for | proprietor, . . | JOSEPH BRYANI . : \ ; Correctness of Stvle Mauchester, with Outhuildin et arg Juantity of ranchi or pasture land nay be rented or purchased in cot rection with or separately from the above. Apply to W. H. HARRIS Barrister, Port Perry Aug. 18, 1903 H GRAHAM Has just taken possession of the FOY SHOE SHOP ne door South of the St. Charles | Hotel, where he intends to make a | kinds of Boots and Shoes, and | all Kir Is of repairi All comer rictly attended to. He wants t B THAN RIGHT OUR MISTAKES." ------ URSDAY, OCT. 15 1903. Lyers ors first prescribed 8 [Cherty Pectoral over rs ago. They use it nore than ever. They herry gotoral er wilt tell You" RoW n hes Jeflamed lungs. "yf 2 ough Jor three y Tm \eiod Ay Chere toral. My sore Toon Ren and ny cough dropped lms. PRARL HYDR, Guthrie Centre, In. eo 0ld Coughs Tm Baa meres pT i Queer Marriage. AN bf Truth, is =a Whit He recently confessed to hav. g ited as match-maker be tween late gifted and eccentric artist ames McNeil Whistler, and the who became his wife, but who - oh the time a charming lit tle ido of artistic tastes, happy- go-lucky/ ways and sunny disposition The two were known to be strongly attrac toward cach other, and to have alrpady talked in a vague, far off, Elyfian way of possible matri mony; byt it was perfectly plain that Whistleriwould mever do anything se practicall and common-place as de finitely tb propose and be a pted got a license, go to church and be married unless some kind friend took him in hand. Besides, it was touch and go with his temper and his ton gue how he might treat any kind friend who should attempt the risk vice Labouchere took the risk He was dining with them one ever ing, and decided to bring things to the point at once Jemmy,' he sald, will you marry Mrs. Godwin? Certainly answered Whistle "Mrs. Godwin the bold match maker continued will you mari Jemmy?!' Certginly,"' respontiéed the lady '""Whedd?" persisted the practical Labouchero 'Oh, some day," said Whistler do said Labouch- "That; won't ! ere. must have a date "Se they both agreed," he nar- tates) "that I should choose the ny them what church to como to fi the = ceremony; provite a | He crgyman and give the bride away "I fixed an early date, and got them the chaplain of the House of Commons to perform the ceremony | ft taok place a few days later. After | the cere was over we adjourned |to Whis studio, where he had | prepared a banquet I'he banquet |was on t ible, but there were no | hairs, so sat on packing cases I'he hap when I left had not quite dec whether they would go that evening to Paris or remain in ho stud How unpractical they were was shown wi I pened to meet t sride the re the marriage in Lhe street t forget to-morrow { said. ' 'No," she replied I am just soing to | ny ousseau 'A little late for that, is it dot [ asked. * 'Ne, he answered for I am | énly going L a tooth-brush and A new sponge "However, there never was a more | luccessful marriage I'hey adored |1ach other and lived most happily | together, and when she died he was | broken=hearted indeed. He never re- | iovered Gow. the loss." Tooth Baby's first Every mother knows how mu baby suffers while cutting teeth Swollen, tender gums cause a fever. ish, Hretful condition, sometime seriously affecticting baby's health This ean be overcome, and the teetl (ng process m ide easy bv the use Baby's Own Tablets Proof of this is given by Mis. J. Peckover, New Liskeard, Out, who says: "I an the moiher of six children and I car truthfaily say that Baby's Own Tab lets is:better than any other medi cine I bave ever used for.the ills o little ones. I cau especially recom mend. m for teething children, and we d avise all mothers to usc them. * The Tablets cure all the minor ills romawhich infants and young children fier. and are guaranteed to contatd nn opiate or harmiu drug. 1d by all medicine dealers CHIP of THE BLOCK By RICHARD BARKER SHELTON Copyright, 1008, by T. O. McClure OO The Southwest limited sped over the flat bottom lands about the Little Otter river. Low clouds hung in the sky, and oc- a the shar aioe ot Tatndeons, oy stood with his hands fn bis pockets looking out across the monoto- nous landscape. From a little table at the forward end of the car, where a young, well groomed man sat before a pile of papers, came the staccato click of a typewriter, The governor's brows and he chewed fiercely the unlighted cigar between his teeth. He was hur rying southward to make a speech in a large manufacturing center. It would be the last speech of his present term, and he-realized that his re-election de pended largely upon it All the papers in the nounced under headlines more or less that Golrnor Crawley would speak at Vainboro ing of Oct. 15 ahd that it w were drawn, state had an prominent on the even yuld be & FOULED HIM AT THR "THAT'S RIGHT. I TURN," Sad L | spacch of great po in | that it would the governor's attit ) bor problems which had arisen d g the past year 1 lick of the typew young man I fr tl began to arrange the she hin Crawley strode stood looking over his face relaxed grim le as he laid a hand lightly n th er man's arm Well, Ton he sald, "what do you think of it now it's d Tom Ashley had not been private secretary to t gover f t past two rs Ww tg e in sight into his st 8 I1¢ knew well enough the ¢ his 1s would have Neverthe 8 he sald them "I think," sald he you have ) posed y t deatl 0 Instantl t gov rd ened At any 1te 1 it turning his eyes from t I have been honest rth I haven't tried to 1d th smooth words nor to cheat with pretty turns of the 188 This second speech is fair and square. The other isn't." Ashley squared his sh This one is all you say of it, id he but | the other deserves more of you than you admit You say quite as much in | school up forward," | going down to he: | have finished up a | yesterday?' | "We lost." A friend of Sir Conan Doyle once | Of Sent H cents a box asked the great author of so many | by writing direct to the Dr. Wi- detective stories why he did not es- |liams' cine Co. Brockville,Ont tablish a detective agency and em- ploy Sherlock Holmes' methods in solving his clients' mysteries and conducting his business. | "Well," said Sir Conan, "I have a | The {llpgés of Sir Melville Parker, very good reason. You see that all part, 'causing his friends much | the knots of the Sherlock Holmes 0) Melville, who is nearly type were of my own tying, and, gg years ozs, suffered a strok® of naturally, for me to untie them was paralys . home near Cooks- simple. If 1 undertook to unravel ijl, a ah ago, and his condi- the entanglements of other people I (i,n is or grave. Should he die, believe I should fail. On one occa- (ha baron y is ended. sion, however, I solved what might Sir Ma is the second son of have been a puzzle to some. I was tho late iral Sir Henry Parker, in a tailot's shop while a rather un- and is '@ixth baronet, the title | attractive man was sclocting a pair paving created in 1797. The Ad- of trousers. He flatly objected te ira] near Cooksville, and striped material, and I got the idea aq th , Henry, who married that he was an ex-convict. To satisfy . gister the late John lector, Q. myself I visited A number of prisons, and sure enough'I found that man's picture in the rogues' gallery. Doubt- less he had had enough of wearing apparel.' 'When you want a physic that is' pn W. BURNHAM, Clerk of the Third Division Court. = Office in Psot Office - mild and gentle easy to take and don of 'th certain to act, always use Chambe: lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. : For sale by A. J. Davis. striped 1847, C.; Alb ho also married in Ca nada, a Melville, who married Jessie, ster to Mr. Hector, in eded to the baronefcy 1a 187 ir one child, May, mar- od Lief Gardon of the Imperial ards Commodore Gor- nadian naval service. Lady ago. | well, | | it it Is not your fault | tions and will the first ene, but you say it mote guard edly. If any one gets false ideas from Your own inten what people make of them always differ. Dou't misunder stand me as meddlesome if I say that consideration of the claims your party has on you will influence you to use the first." "Perhaps you are right," he sald at length. "Anyway, we'll keep them both | for the present." | There was a rasp of Qrakes, and the train began to slow down. Crawley wiped the steam from the window and looked out. Familiar spires and a well known square greeted his eyes it seems to me your "We're at Exley, Tom," he said. "Ned | joins us here to go down with us. | Would you mind stepping out to see if | he is at the station?" | A few moments later Ashley returned | with a tall, muscular young fellow, | who ran to the governor and clasped his hand, with a hearty "Hello, father!" | "There are a lot of fellows from the young Crawley ex- | plained as the train drew out. "They're r you speak tonight. 'em I'd present "em to you some- between here and there." "I shall be very glad to meet them," the governor said, "after Tom and I little wwork which | will take an hour or so. Teil me, how | did the meet with St. John's come out | I told where "Oh," the young fellow's faee fell "Too bad," sald the governor. "You got your half mile, I suppose?" "No, I lost that, too," Ned replied. | "Spencer, the St. John's man, is a caw | tion and no doubt. Ran me clean off my feet the second time. That lost for us. We were tied, ten aplece, up to that, and that was the last event." "The second time," the governor in- quired, his brows contracting into & perplexed frown. "Yes. We van it twice. First time-- I'll tell you about it, and I want to ask you what ypu think of it, though | the angler appeared | physical activity; | Wilcox in a glare of admiration. I Enow prettgwell what you'll say.. You see, it was a tle and everybody was crazy--our boys yelling at us, and 8t. John's ho: in and win. We got off at a pretty stiff pace and kept it up tbe first lap. Half way round the second lap Spencer had the lead, and I was loping along right at his heels. The others were bunched just behind us. I tridd to pass bim, and when we wary fol neck and neck I fouled him ever 80 lttleg but enough to swerve him' into the beard at the edge of the track. His ankle bent, and down he went. je ford, our ot and' the bore came in seconds 0 "id and a at their men to go | bed first, and O%- | shoulders. Then Spéncer came up cry- ing 'Foul!' but the judges hadn't seen it, so they said there was no foul. "Well, for a minute I couldn't think of anything except we'd downed St John's. Then all at once I felt queer, and I had to--just had to--slip off their shoulders 5a go over to the "That's right. I fouled him at the turn' sald I judges talked awhile and then d we'd run it over, and Spencer clean off my feet that judges The annour time, and w st "Good boy!" said the governor, almost Ina "We his son weit on, "St. John's did all the cheering then, and our fel lows were pr hot; said it was the judges' place to see fouls, and if I'd had any thought for the rest of 'em I'd have ke X uth shut. I guess it's lost me the captaincy of the track team next year it, but anyway I'd rather r f sterday than have it When I was going to the rs after it was all over old Professor Bnee S Lt behind me with one of the I heard him say 'Chip « 1 block! That's bis dad dy's go ead with the fellows Sh I br back in an hour All right Mr. Ashley 8c the door had closed behind 8 governor rose 1 went \ yst it's a poor fatl that Vt He t of tha the tyg Death Roll of the Plague a and n e Of n 1 00 i rt vas a hs goir te g of atte ha g r 5 1 roughly a > the t of those who have perished from the disease 4890840400000000¢890409099 SENSATIONS OF SAM By Ellior YWalker Copyright, 190 M SO0EB699040000¢200I0CLBIOND To the casual obsc sonal irance of Sam wus f { 1 pre ng He was t g, too thin ed of hair, co a yeneath bristling W hue I f uni and 3 was a signoll about Bg sslon. He iw 1 as who would get y worse, strike violently if irritated. This was an error, a8 Sam was as Id as mitk. His voice, too, was against him It held a low, thunderous qual most alarming when taken in connection with other apparent attributes of tem per If John Simpson, on whose farm Sam assiduously labored, told his men fal that a man was hing in the posted brook in the meadow nt over right away and made wh seemed a gentlem quest to depart from forbidden gr ound One Invitation aly unless to know Sam. In that case a parley ensued and the belll- cose looking guardian returned to his master with one invariable report: "Aln't ketchin' nothin'! Won't do no harm, 1 guess." If Mr, Simpson, a little man whose lower teeth overlapped what was left of the upper ones, thought differently be would sometimes interview the trespasser with a horsewhip. It de- pended upon mood and a careful cal culation of the offender's probable but this has nothing to do with Lura Belle Wilcox. polite and re- 1ys sufliced, Miss Wilcox, who was short, dark and vivacious, now came over three times a week and assisted Mrs. Simp- kins, who a month before had unfortu nately sprained her thumb in an effort to use that member as a staff 4 her 187 pounds when she fell down the back stairs. The thumb after proving its incapacity in the sustaining relation Sam at the first introduction bent his eyes upon the piquimt features of Miss Lura shrank. Then he spoke. Lura visibly shuddered. It was not until Sam sinfled | Immediately swelled to twice its natu- | | ral size. that she recovered hur equanimity and | appetite, both unquestionably good. The smile of Sam was remarkable for good nature and extension. It came quickly and quivered away just this side of his ears, transfiguring his repel- lent aspect to one of unbounded amity and good will. Before this transformation steadied the nerves of Lura she mentally decid- ed that {t would take just fifteen min- utes for unalterable arrangements of z so bewlls' pitted to bad looking ibout en a par Lura 1 ked out. Sam on was if any e odd x roubled the He sithply it regard trouble, that he ny book and the wood ously in the of wrously, his arm, eyes replied Miss Wilcox g ¢ lume behind bef. guess Ter cure night- 8 shifted over to the win- It tells what's goin" dre 15 4 person idee 3 fer mean sthin Any- feel of I ¢ 3 80," TI tated the giel! It's a Kinder, I$ about in t really I'ui Wilco ance. "Go or bev any st grinned g t t ni plan thet's botherin® t kind k es my breath renely. a all- ter 5 0g 1 I'm with vis With Lbe'd bev a Jest walt red co- "Bet ling, a calf un' his loc I ther thing? tis," sy sen- an' Here 1s nly On sighin'; warm I d Sam, pull in 8 « 1 Ye've got ity read by thet light me see--sign of a dis ted the startled suf- wer died of heart diss nsoled his er hand a min- tl fer forty ye barrhy' accidents, Feel any wuss? 2 "By cracky, I do!" exclaimed Samy, anxiously. "My heart is a-beatin' now, * 1 tell ye. I'm goin' ter see a docto right away." cyl "Hold on!" expostulated Miss WIN ° eox, retaining the formidable hand: "Ye dreamed of a calf runnin' an' huntin', Here "tis. Thet's a sign--oh, my!" bending ber eyes on the page. "What a queer--waal, 1 s'pose I'll hev ter read It. It says--it says" -- "Go cried Samuel. ahead!" "I mus€' be golu'." : "It says," went on the exponent of mysticism in a trancelike tone, "thet dreamer weds a maiden shorty: np an' of lovin' disposition, dark hair an' eyes, pug nose, red cheeks an' 1 leetle mole on the lett cornef ~an" of shin Seid "Lura Belle, thet's ye!" gasped the wn in an illumination of joy and ask 1 shment, ie reached out a long arm and drew Ler to him. : Miss Wilcox nestled her hoad om the big, bony shoulder. uy "Thet's me, Sam!" she whispered happily and dropped the dream book. = Suez Canal Business: The Suez Canal, cut at such trem « mndous cost of 1noney and life, [a sroving a lucrative investment to its present owners. The net tol >assing through the canal last ncreased 424,573 tons over 1 [he transi receipts were over twem~ yy million dollars--the highest re-, teived since the opening of the eam, J; 8,708 vesscls passed through anal last year, of which 2,163 he Brivish tegs 51 2

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