Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 15 Oct 1903, p. 3

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3 OUR KID GLOVES tell the tale of entire satisfaction to the consumer. Fownes at the Best! A large shipment just to hand of the best shades for fall and winter. is guaranteed. iy 50 PAIRS of] Kid: Gloves, Real French Kid, m $1 to $1.25 a pair, which we are offering at 95 ooh a pair while they last. This is a rare chance, if you wear a small glove. i s ; ; | ; $ Ready to-Wear Skirts First-- because we handle only first class goods made by first class makers. Every pair fone se eg rome KID GLOVE TALK Everything that careful buyers demand in style and quality, fit included, is in this department. Call and see our $3 25 SKIRT, in Black, Navy and Grey. $ s ] [] [] $ [) [] ¥ JONES = COS. 500500000 S00 0m 000 0000 S00 0 0 0m 0 S000 a | Clothing and Boot & Shoe Business "IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS President GEORGR GOODERHAM Formerly The Canada Permanent and Western Canada Mortgage Corporation Toronto Street, Toronto ABSOLUTE SECURITY (H-N) AN DJ. PERMANENT - MORTGAGE CORPORATION 1st Vice-President) and Managing > J. HERBERT Mason as ne wae Director gud Vice-President : W. H, BraTTY Having increased the dimensions of my premises, I have purchased i opened out an Extensive Stock of | We invie your depeslt acconat, and are - prepar-d 10 grant the best terms co sistent READY-MADE CLOTHING pusstiep | Ze5e5 made by mall full with tho absolute safely of ihe d:posit. deposits may be as convenlenily as if our cifice were Iny ur own Pest Otfice, will be sent free on receipt of your exp anailon or Men and Boys which for quality and low prices cannot be equaled in 1 have the largest and most veried Stock of BOOTS ann SHOES ever opened in this locality for your inspection, and the prices are such as can his district. | YOUR Paid up Capital § t | I] SAVINGS | Reserve Fun - 1,600,000.00 SAFE Invested Funds 23,600,000.00 EVERY FACILITY i not fail to ploase. Come and see us in our enlarged quarters, My aim shall be to Please my customers in every particulr. A. F. CARNEGIE. Port Perry. - Eviparators Poy Big Prices for Arles. A glance at these figures speak for themselves. For instance take an Orchard of 300 barrels, all varities, 25 per cent are packed by buyers, which is 75 barrels. Allow a margin and say he packs 100 barrels. 30 per cent. only are No. 1 quality and his prices are the best when he offers $1 for No. 1 and 75 cts for No. 2. Goods is now on hand, Now we draw your attention to the great profit derived in selling the same apples to the Evaporators, viz: 300 barrels in orchard and 80 to go per cent, are used in Evaporat-| will suit you. Irish and Scotch, in T weeds, Serge, Worsteds, Fancy and Plain, Pantings 30 barrels No. 1 quality at $1 ......... 830 oo and Overcoatings. Our stack has 70 wu No.2 AL 750.2 as 52 50 never been larger and more varied, weit both ih coloring and design, atid the - $82 50 quality is A 1. We make Buttobs, do Shrinking, also Pressing and Re pairing at short notice,and our prices ing for the best lity. pf i ng of Orchard =255 barrels or 3414 cwt. at 30c., $102 45 AND SER BEFORE 15 =n i" " = 45 i" 60} wl 156... 7 9 Of YOU BUY. Price paid by Evaporators .$111 49 Price paid by Packers...... 82 50 WwW. H. DOUBT. Difference in tavor of Evaporators.. $28 99 Sept 16, 1903. Livein Harmony with the Times. | ~ COME ue SEE Our Fall Tatortenion of British in English, are in the Market for-2,500 Bushels of Apples per day On and after Sept. 1st. - We pay 30 cts. per cwt. Cc FH - % i ove. 'All loads coming to the Fac ve future tro 1ble or all will rate as Chop Stock only. Highest Price Paid for Farmers' Dried Apples. he Regal, 'ackin ORT PERRY. 50.000 BUS. WANTED! Port Perry Fair Grounds Having been purchased for the erection of a large. Evaporator (Largest in Canada) for good sound, Hard Apples of a size large enough to peel on paring machines Delivered Over Scales at Factory. ~All inferior sizes are to rate as Chops for which we will pay 15 cts per cwt., Ferd as must be of one quality. Kindly note g Go., | Hermon Po oni oe - BRITISH cotonits. a Remarkable Inerease of the White 1stien Within Thelr Borders rd 4s niles is just now a mati of special interest. The figures gi with regard to it by writers speakers differ widely. This is pri 4 are b upon official returns pubs lished from two to twelve years ago, Perhaps a cautious estimate of ~ numbers of the white population the present moment may be of a lit~ tle service. I have been * at some ns to make one, and I beliéve of Africa; south of Zambesi, it impossible to hope for exactness, - I have therefore given a figure slight- ly below what seems to me probably gorrect. The total--11,075,000-- will doubtless appear low to many: colone ists, but I must remind these that to arrive at my result not only. abo rigines but Asiatics resident colonies have been deducted. - White population in July, 1908: Canada....: Australia...... South Africa. New Zealand..., An eminent American has lately stated in a London newspaper, 'Your colonies do not grow It may. "dor ad: tme past colonies has been at the rate of epout twenty thousand per month. W, F, Reeves, in London Times, y Cost of London Smeke. It takes scven million tons of alr a day to carry away the Londom smoke, compared with one million tons of water to carry away the sew- age. This poisoned atmosphere has already proved fatal to many of the fine old trees for which the neigh- borhood of London, wap once famous, and the destruction ol tho Kew ar- boretum 'is only a question of time," Moreover, a bad fog may cost $25,000 a day for lighting alone, and Mr. J. C. Hawkshaw, am authority on the subject, thinks that $25,000,000 a year is not an exces sive cstimate for the total expense of smoke ks; pollution | to Loudon, i Important t Notice \r'MHE RE PORT current that 1 | have disposed of my business to Mr. Alex, MacMillan, V.S., it ic almost needless to state, is untrue the fact is, finding that it was im i possible to attend to all the numer ous calls with which [ have of late been patronized I concluded to obtain assistance, and in order tc meet the requirements of my num erous patrons I have entered into partnership with Mr. MacMillan the name and style of the new firm being Ervior & MacMirran, Vet erinary Surgeons, so the new firm will be prepared at all times--night | and day--to cater to all requiring our professional services in a manner that cannot fail to meet their approbation. T. ELLIOT | Port Perry, Aur] 6, 1903, Cakes Nr OF ror Jo ) 83 IN BEAUTIFUL DESICNS. Spare yoursl the trouble of preparing Cake, Pastry, ete., for weddings and parties. We will be pleased to receive your orders. We have the necessary skill, materials, and facilities for producing these articles. Superior fruits, flour, flavor- ings, eggs, butter, ete.. are used in the making of all our Cakes and Pies. And care- ful baking ensures wholsome- ness. E. 1 PU RDY. MMHE undersized. offers for Sale that grand young Short-Horn ull Duke oF YORK = 44641 = he is is large for his age, color red roan and 1s pronounced by all one of best in the Province. The animal and sires § may be seco on the premi- be Scugog. JOHN COLLINS, Jr, Scugog, May 18 1903. Camping Tents to Rent ArpLY TO T. J. ASH. Port Perry, July 30 1903. 50, 000 feet Cull Pine at $8 60 Cash at Carnegie's, Great Week! Illust ated y In keeping with the progress of the age, CANADA'S GREAT NA. TIONAL HOME NEWSPAPER, THE WEEKLY GLOBE, will be very materially improved in 1904. Numerous important changes are in contemplation, but the leading feature will be the introduction of of an EIGHT-PAGE ILLUS. TRATED SUPPLEMENT ON CALENDERED PAPER. This will Sadoubisdly jriake it the most popular weekly offered to the le He a ey For. id Lo see advertisement in another column Qanadas of this issue. ulation of the principal | and nod as most of the statements wl at he figures given below will be Aver { pretty close to the mark. In the sat, in 'the Total, pis wipe wines 11,075,000] of whites in our | Be Yarns and Lies. CHAPTER 1 rounding country have spread re rta for it. hose persons know that those statements are malicious Yarns, fl Lies, and are circulated for a mean purpose. To give those les something to chew, and digest, and talk about, we shall until T notice fill all funeral orders at Prices never known before in town. We will furnish a fine, three- paneled black cloth Casket, ftifully trimmed, and upholstered, with outside case, and service of Of our New Hearses for the low price of $34--cheaper trimmings for and $32--other undertakers ask $45 and $30, for the same. What i been asked $65, and $70, we will furnish for $48. A fine black cloth in, everything complete for $27, other charge $40. ll orders from the cheapest to the best, in the same proportion. We setter work than any other undertaker in town, because we know H kb t ® own two brand new Hearses, and the only Trained Hease Team town ; our efuipment is ten times superior to all other out- n Port Perry. Rearse fees only $4, any place within three miles of town. E=" Next week's ad. * On tHE Run." JESSOP FURNITURE G0. Manager, $33 nM Lopes $32 Pa s coME to our knowledge that persons in Port Perry, aud sur-- rts that we overcharge on funeral Prders ; using as an argument, that because we have the finest fun- fequipment ever seen in this town, we make those who patrohize i us Having had the commodious Store in the Currie Block fitted up copes ially, I am satisfied I have now one of the best appointed Drug, Storesin the Province, and have taken possession of my new, and extensive premises, where I have opened up, in, addition to my extensive stock of Drugs, Chemicals, and Fan Goods, a full line of SCHOOL BOOKS AND 'SUPPLIES. While returning thanks to my numerous patrons I would extend an invitation to all to call and see me in my new premises. A.J] DAVIS Port Perry, Sept 2, goo. R Full Stock OF EVERYTHING IN THE 3 2 Harness ii WHICH FoR CHEAPNESS. STYLE Durability and STRENGTH; Cannot be surpassed in the County, Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks Short Horn for Sale : RO prapator lot 24, com. 7,| 2 Every ACK AT L. & J. Stouffer's wl THE WEEKLY GLOBE Canada's Great Illustrated Weekly. A leading feature of The WrerLY GLOBE to be added this fall will be an Eight-Page Illustrated Supplement ON SUPERCALENDERED PAPER. For the production of this great paper an immense new electrotyping, photo-engraving and printing plant has been added to The Globe's mechanical eqttipment. This will make The WeRKLY GLOBE unques- tionably the most desirable home paper in Canada. Hv = Port Perry << Roller Mills : IN FULL BLAST 1 take great pleasure iin announcehy that my New Mills are now completed and in full oper- UL ation and that £ am better than ever prepared 4 1 40 meet the requirements of my friemds and the \in general public in every line pertaining lo my already extensive and rapidly increasing busi- ness. Correct business principles, prompitude and courteous trealment may be relied on. JAMES CARNEGIE. Port Perry, Dec., 1902. SCICKRCRIRISRCSK IN Wai & 3 Ko OR G 3 o) HOR z LAYdl RS | SICK 5 A, HK KS SK = II li" XE moval ¥ The undersigned would take thix opportunity of thanking kis nu- m-rous customers for the liber . patronage received since opening business in Port Perry, and would inform ihe publie that he haa moved his business from ihe Market builditig to the Store t doorEast of Post Office where he will be pleased to fill all crders for Meats in a manner that cannot fail to please customers. Having new and increased fucilities for the tr tion of b he feels id that he can give better satisfaction than heretofore, and in order to aerify this state he solicits ull to give him a call in his new premises, AND FISH IN SEASON. I. J. WHEELER. ARFCOROCRY A GREAT SACRIFICE &c., in abundance, Comparison of Prices Oourted W. A, BEATTY Port Perry SEE | J. W. Mieharry | REAL ESTATE BROKER. Experience is Invariably | Essential to Success. I ee i AVING had considerable experience in negotiating Sales of some of the largest transactions in Real Estate in this district, and in every instance giving perfect satis- faction to all concerned, I have concluded to devote my whole attention to disposing ot all Real Estate that may be placed in my hands for sale FARMS FOR SALE attention s requiring Farms to sted and for Sale I would call special of partie Four fine properties now | Three Farms in Scugog. fine Farm in Reach. a EIT Pr & Parties desirous of disposing of landed properties \ i will consult their own interests by placing them with me for ! sale. Satisfaction guaranteed [ " il , > nl = | | LO A NS without Commission on Real Estate security n sums to suit borrowers, at unusually low Ih il rates. Quick action | | EZ 1 represent the most desirable Fire and Life Instrahce | Companies mpt attention given to applications oS | Port Perry, Sept. 3, 1901 i} ~--=IN THE Sale of Furniture! DU RING THE HOLIDAY SEASON | The undersigned will sell a large quantity of first-class Furniture, con sisting of Parlor, Dining Room. Bed Room Sets, &¢ Give me a call. | Cash or Approved Credit, EZ A Fine lot of Picture Frames and Gilt Mouldings strtable trade. EF Agent for Monuments. "3 EF Weod Wanted. «3 i JOHN NOTT. Diesfeld's =» DIAMOND HALL | We are prepared tc give SPECIAL BARGAINS ih GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Qold Filled Cases in great variety, some as smell as a Quarter of Dollar, nicely Enameled and Set with Pearls, &e: Prices to suit you all right. WEDDING AND ENGAGEMFNT RINGS in Pearl, Opal and Diamonds; all fine and New Designs. Crock GRreaT Variety Very Creare. Knives, Forks Spoons, Fruit Dishes, Butter Dishes, Cake Baskets, Ton Sets, &c., and some more to follow. EF Also Fancy Goods. EVERYTHING GOES CHEAP. «1 Fr Repairing as usual, . = Port Parry, 30, 1898,

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