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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 22 Oct 1903, p. 1

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SA RAH Spe [i x Su J a i Sik i = (PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY) Li WIT IS EASIER TO MISTAKE OUR TS tstL lM [TTYRAR, NO. 3 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, T Z Western "Bank Threshing Machine for Sale. DESIRABLE PROPERTY JOR SALEM _ getedesedodotbosobotototen paCK OX TE moe Soredn. | She tried | ¥ te fan it into a ve e olice MOT. oor 0 discourteously, 'and the a $ 3 1 ON THE EDGE { I in Sotved or advo koew sn 5, Yecht Sauadron went out of 4 The Shdersluned offers for sale : HE undersigned offers for sale b She loved him, but she Jd net know it. be sailed for--open ~ to all--witho OF CANADA a im her property on Simcoe Street,{] . OF BOHEMIA He knows that if they go away togeth- bios ne Te oR Tih has b 8 b oe tl . PORT PERRY, er he will forget the old life and the pound the Isle of Wight. Now th as been in use about three years it consisting of Fine Residones con® p # & By W. W. HINES shadow of failure. But he Is not sure fis the cup that the Americans is none the worse for that. Parties taining nine rooms ; spring and soft] like your thin, rou h, ; i bow she will take it when she learns pleased to call the Queen's Cup for requiring a good Separatot should Vor coadioallar's f er ¥ » g! the truth'-- some reason only known to thems' P t Pe A see this machine. yy ) SH ce iar ; one-half acre of f hair? Of course you b Copyright, 1908, by T. C. McClure He bent forward eagerly--so eagerly selves. Possibly the hall mark: aft or rry gency. Apply to the owner. avd: dopet rer with ornamental and Do you like thick, §,, orm ome awn 3 that had she looked into his ayes she silver in England being a 'crowd, the ra rees y = § 0 : t h read truth th B he Yankees assumed that this must be" JOHN COLLINS, Jr. Also for sale Furniture, includ od smooth hair? of Her favorite expression when speak did not Flakes his way, re o By Her Majesty's private totem. "ff © June 2 1903. Scugog. ing Piano and Organ in good con you do. Then why Ing of etal! wes Uy way ofibeing fixed on something bé could y in 1851 five Queen's cups were given, Bohemian." She thought it rather a fixed on 8 ould not see In JC hearing the slightest Fosonie This did no great harm tha space that stretched beyond clouds | Yacht Si of smoke, swaying heads and garishly Rinsice a he Rotel any Sacto decorated walls. Then she turned UP- Fifteen yachts started, ranging from: on him a glance so utterly tmpersonal (he barque Drilliant, 898 tons," to dition WA NT TED AMELIA McMECHAN Port Perry, Sept 9, 1903 neat phrase. since her clear gray eyes mirrored a soul so spotlessly white that you knew Special attention to ections. Drafts issued hd at all A eed gEsas Banking B trans- nts in Canads, United States and Great A { An experienced ed Houss KeEPER, : " the land of Bohemia Was unknown aril g B XD gon - : n a. Eads ane He na ' 8 ground to her. that he an the cutter Aurora, 47 toms. Onl vings an ¢ artment, n every way capable of taking rakes begutiful-head «Her, trade was painting and her LL NE -of hig, Lo, SOF five could be 18 charge of the ~ dut p t consisted of th t part ae ie: r j P rge of the duties pertaiming to if, that's the whole | puticonsisted of the most Jar. 5 ing of the girl, If she Io. Tan The start Li was: Deposits received at the highest current hotel life. Liberal wages will be IN PRINCE ALB / try landscapes and little marines in 8 . g LBERT ig for 0 years, tones of dolorous gray. They were ill an make him all that she wants him Aurors. Hn Wi ot ; yor's Hair Vigor for » long to be, if she belleves In him---think lar The fleet went' 'One way--tac abo Interest suloolaed sil credited to | paid. . hs each depositor semi-annually. W. H. PARK FPHE undersigned offers for Sale at a! indeed, a wonderful drawn, and the coloring often left A ~ - HH, \ e y rm " merica another Round the Islé Beatin te Lf Rating much to be desired, but try as she What it means to her! Tell him"-- of Wight o in nt racing parlance; HEAD OFFICE. - TORONTO, ONT. : Bargain her beautiful residental pro- H. G. HUTCHESON, A Commercial Hotel | perty ing Village of Prince Albert Thin TSW SAR, adi, Ind. T. would to make them realistic some- And her tones were the eager ones now d the Nob-and then Dapital (Paid uD - - $8,700,000 5 MANAGER, ug. 12, 1993. Manilla. fine property is situated on Simcoe Street 0. AYRR CO. thing of her own dainty, appealing = "tell him never to let her know the Dias oun eg re Nab went Rest - «3,000,000 ort Perry, June 26, 1897. oi = pa and contains fifteen acres, More or less Alldrogrinn. £01 enamine orsonality crept into each picture-- truth. Tell him to pass out of her life. (pe Britishers, but the Yankees; tof BETABLISHED 1867, Sittings of the Division DOUILS Thareis.arested therenn a Sue and comme, and sold it Bottet that she live idealizing his mem- {he amusenient of the spectators and Jiang. Brick, Uw RH stegte J eak Hair For the rest she was a devout little . 1% thaii die knowing the reality." the disgust of the officials, took ni church woman, with a leaning toward His glass went spinning to the notice of the distant lightship, bu ritualism and a taste for discovering ground The forgotten champagne headed straight for the corner of the sparkled and dnapped as it leaped island, scraped over Bembridge Ledga 3 : OOUNTY OF ONTARIO. noet Io ; OID: apiog tow! A General Banking { { 00 000 1908 10 mod ; Barn wit : re ey ", oN 3 Ti pp o > aig! 2 COrne Business Transacted -- ing 1 d u splendid young ee er = | unsapre niu , riled and etapi it leaped . is] od ove ne to Ct 1 : apologies seemed more elaborate than ver Cliff, thereby efiecting a saving, unappreciated genius where none ex x 1 down the folds of her silk skirt. His and then took a short line tO Cul BUSINESS WITH § LVR cos, 10 Nh AT Maro? levied for the deiirabl I And that hat she thought hi ebriary 4, March 4, April 2, May no 3 | expecially se ec or the desirable gual- | | nd that was what she thought him 1a FARMER STERLING By eyes &"Octaber k Novewberd, Dec: | iies of their fruit; Pear, Cherry rd Oro AY KILLARNEY, IRELAND to be--a genius i the occasion demanded, and then he of from 11 to 13 miles Of Bons ; Loans made to farmers for periods ex: pe mental trees. Splendid water. The pro- | ¥iseewmtess Castlerosse's Flonsant Sur He w pandsome. me ) rose and reached for her coat church the Britishers caught up an x i 1 . v > | prise @ was & handsome man At least 8 " " lante o ¥) E tending from one to nine months for feed- (British Capital) yeoman 5 Mara Ape {hitby--Jany- | perty is well fenced, in fact, the while| yu the Killarney Furniture Industry. | he believed he was, and many women At the door of her studio he left her, 1° X ak say vajans I 2 ine ¥ vattle and other farm purposes. July b, Heptember 5 one Tran bh outfit for desirability, location, and com agreed with him "ip jand of dirt, Sbe beld out her*hand Ward of the Afion wf, » 5 2 oi Farmers' Sales Notes discounted or col: [To lend at 4, 45 and § per cent, ER Sar = pleteucas isjone rarely to be met with. Im-| On chossing tha threshold of either bo Joubtful ry 'It Las been a delightful evenlng--I Or disasters dccurred. THE AfroW weted av the most favorable rates. Jd p 2 BROUGHAM Clerk, M. Gleoson, Grecnwood=Jane- | Tiss pussession given the "Killarney Furniture Industry, debt and dc 1l y--of Bo ! a Cela grounded off Ventnor, and thé Alarni al on good Mortgage seeurit 1 Pay h Dried, Tar Br dul. Boome D, Ia I or the Castlerossa School, as it is | hemia--was, familiar te y to him bive you so many pleasant times, the (ent to her assist oft St. Laws SAVINGS BANK oy a Ale' for Sale a Furi, being (| called, fhe feeling is one of exhilar- | A wife, staid, | and middle Plea that come intd tig life. You fence the Freak fuuled the Volante: A nolvi to 3. PORT PERRY. Clerk, J W. Turham, Port Pert} tli East-half of Ny D0 lid I of ating murprise and pleasure. Here | aged, the possessor moderate in- Will drog norrow? I want you to I four of the live British racers DEPARTMENT. PPly 7 Snuncy §, March §, Mux 13," July 3, September | 91' {1 the Int con. of Cartwright lf of 1ot| gr Tnefther pigs, nor Paddies, nor | come, insured his be from the dirt See my new picture in a good light" | were out of it ; the Necdled Deposits of One Dollar atd upwards URBRIDAE- Clork. Jon. B Gould. Vxbridge--. | 108 200 Acres, more or less, on the property bog-oak horrors. The first-named in- | and the debt, but king these two Ie ced y the clear depths of her = the Amer s ol way ahead} received and interest allowed at current January 16, March 20, Ma July 15, Septemne, there is erected u first class Barn, Driving stitutign--once the Killarhey School | jmportant requisites, I \d establish- &ray eyes. She did not know but « ng 1 . the littla 5 rates 25, November 30; Jiu. 14 Barn an] Stables, and hwelling House, Th | ©f AFtS and Crafts--has been put up | ed a firm foothold in Boher "Not tomorrow, but perhaps the next rors gail ra and re ached A i « ; an u {thoroughly business footing " 1r , \ eight mir ehind the Amu [ntorest is added to the deposit TWICE | CANNINGTON Clk, Geo, Smith, Cagnington land ina 1state of cultivation, well | OR & ghi) g The voke of financia pendence did day. Good night, and--thanks tt Jhugnry 15, March £3, Ma July 14, September | fenced, there a grand ' and fyrnished with the best models erica. The Aurora sailed the odurses in each year, at the end of May and | 'vember 19, Jan. 13, 18 y pLembe € is a grand spring of good ¢ ig) avily n hi ? tw each et ay anc Banker pe Broker, 2, November 19, J Tho4 watbe thereon. Thers tre abont 40 acs of | in créftsmanship from England En h vily uj He x It Killing Ants With Cannon. the America hud rot, and the Brite | RE , F, o t rood pasture lane , 18 1 Servi Is wife was hap r the cup, bu s The Depositor ie subject to no delay p p oA ON x i i oF: Bruce, Beaserti | R¢ 2 ¥ ie and ; France nd Italy. A great deal of | 005 oh i» 1a Artillery charged with grapeshot has ishers cla 1 the ' J t = ind whitteverin the withdrawal of the whole exuber 18, Jan. 12, 19 Yo or further particulars, apply to J. W | the work executed was osed of | DIESEL HC nace N mbloved to eat for. Satiadron ple had omitted to te or any portion of the deposit | ort eITy, Ont. 1. UPTERGROVE- Clerk, Thos. P. 1 ; Mxnarry, Port Purry, or to the propri-| at' the London sale of the Home as he could t Pen emp y oSouttay great f the Y o tl f he t round No Charg yo is made on withdrawing or March 17, May 2, September 22, oo ehress Arts land Industries' Association, | hi8 0Wn persc 1d en e termites, OF WAITION }, Nab, th W NO. way oul g 1 ts. have mad v i epogiting money J.<A MURRAY vided RS. M. LANG somg little time ago, and sirce then | ments He was miable yme a an ave made in many tropical coun the diffi but to hand the cup " 3 : ' | YORI 3B FAREWELL Prince Albert. | the manager has in hand orders to | be was fmmaterial In the scheme of = '1 to the first yack Port Perry Branch | DENTIST, AREWELL, | June 24, 1003 the. amount of $250, which implies | domestic . In South Africa the termites worlk SR Arita - W. H. DUNSFORD, Manager | fice over the Post Office, siedias Witihy, Nov 24} | admirable management, as the i But the | enormous havoc. They live in a repub Mr. Charles Winirs Promotion. | : | dustry was started only about ve | of energy fc " e lic of t wn, and some of them have Mr. Charles M the author wo ' PORT PERRY. | Bouse and uw fon tale i Y Rent yours nga with a little class of boys | and buss Lie eccentricity of U8 ings. The workmen, the s d erse, including taki \g lessons Killarney a | N ' . -_ ave , eb a w for the st | All branches of Dentistry, including M ISS HARRISON Husa 'Now t: has Geveloped int her: in RE s however, Dave ' st } ; his pootis DA D. ARCHER, M.D.C.M. Victoria| Crown and Bridge Work successfully pes undersigned offers for Sale of to| thriving business, including le. | his likin The workmen construct their build nt ur Y } artments University ; M.B. Toronto University, | ctice x Rent his House and Le Sinoes cluding eC ¢ Johe ings, the soldi s def 1 the colotiy and ' 18h! e bu Met Brent a ic oo, Pragtlen Dress and Mantle Maker | ou iis Hye and Lot on the eorncr| siastical work, schoc niture, | Bob | 73 Garend , n the Imm Office ? : r reth on Gold, Silve aug Lorn eet erry. | aloctric rs ox ranch ie was quite willing to g seep orcer, and ii " N »d Sargeons, Ont.; Liceutiate of the Royal | iioal Tesh Sh Gold, Steer, Afuminum TISHE 3 The Dwelling iftomfortable, in good ropar | SiCCHHE fttings, and every, TRasies OF | ay 2 i "are cared for by all thé others ! } ont A, 19 soltege of Surgeons, Edinburg; Licentiate] pu. Pi, § ease to inform the ladies |i} story. The lot contains 1}acres first | | COGLarving and gi ding. The airily | 81} UNCOnScious'y $40 WoL learning 10} ome, in point-of fact, 1 idge, and leaves sk on EE llaxeot Physiotans, Bdine| Filings of Gold, Silver or Cement that she has moved to her fire | chss land on whish there are a number cof | 2CHed visitor will hanker aiter the follow wheresoever LA sign of | oo < which Lave t nalr of M us, coal mine Wrg ; Member of the Faculty of Physicians | Painless extraction when reguited: Rooms in the Allison Block where | choice bearing fruit trees; there are also u stained green card-boxes, gilt with | the times was I ge in her work. | 5 rhe hae fo ron ' and ! ia bent tnd Surgeons , Glasgow ; Late Resident | #r Prices to suit the times®s he is prepared to execute all orders |¥00d well aud new pump. For particulars | SEPESRIIE wording, "The Bridge of | She turned slowly but y from | UOT TO One EDO id, they Pupil of the Rolunda Hospital, Dublin, | ; Te D pref 9 Mar ui Ki orders | Tlv ut THE OBSERVER office; Pe a {le | Sigh8l" the literary will appropriate | landscape to figures and above the fig Their nesting homes aré oftefi twenty mako their poets an ors, wWhild for Women. Office and Residence, second | GEO. JACKSON i TESS ant BN Ng 10 a proprietor; | book-tases and slides, with the mot- | yres always one f t Int i. feet I 1 amid shape. Cat- we he t ical method; door west of Davis' Furniture Emporiam, | ' manner insurpassed for | JOSEPH BRYANT. to, fun livie est un ami qui ne | ng face, with clearly defined ey t them without gz and ¢ frenzy in de Queen Street. Office hours--9 to 11a. .,| Licensed Anctioneer, Valu Manchester. 1 jamais,' while the artistic 2 Col g and the Ad me n find shelter t d scttler the ind 2 to 5 p.m., kod evenings. Se CE ChD io GH : ater, die. | Cor recess of Style May 14, 1903, ardly know which most to ad- | oh 17+ spi i 4 the i B ted | 8 ft I ers, and native 1 on sc. 134 or COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHI} i Z \ ' 2 guiding 5 8h, PRInte t I 1 1 I x explain- 1 have taken as partner, my brother, De OF CARTWIIGHT, | Charming Lect. anil bo] PSE the diptona he out every hard line. She painted the hus of eh Ww Inside them | : le i: t pis R. Archer, M. D., C. M., Member of Col [RR : , in k the diploma of the Glasgow a ) eet after wild animals ing to a or in FISHES at this the commencement o | Our ne es are consistent wit! i'd Ehaptietiald bond ofa Woman, too; a woman hem |, the chances of obtaiping work at bi ere of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont another Auction Sale Season to re- | {le val Ri a p Sowing before the wind, the | face held thie anticipation of & Joy too | The ants construct galleries which | fo, "oy Otaskwan, Alberta One . Port Perry, June 90, 1897. turn thanks to his numerous patrons for | ; ue given. true lovers' knots for electric light | are as wide as the bore of a large can: | o",, ,roductions of Mr Mair's - _ | past favors. In requesting their estcemed | Port Perry, March 27, 1902 rrr fittings in Kauri pine, or the dark non and which run three or four feet | yyich the West appreciates best IS NOTICE {und continued patronage "he desites to | Mrs. Jane Wheeler's beautifull wood carvings copied from Roman underground his "Open the Day,' apd, though his . - slaty that no.effort or Bais will be spared | Brick Residence on the Nonquon |ehurches. Further on one passes The nests are sald to be 500 times a8 | air is silvered, it is to be Thoped 4 SANGWIER, Pliysiclan, Sur [on lia part to make all sales atrasted to] TOS. B.A TRI | Road, south of Port Perry. There through a modest doorway nto =< high as the ant's body, and it has been | Mr. M will live and flourish = in = )" ks i Accoucheur, and Dr. W. A. | {1 tho er "h He RI ax oheive prachiee | s a splendid Fruit Garden attached little school of industry quite unique estimated that if we built our houses the g i A ta long k i ould be a sufficient recom | rar atia : I 1 y de I f I ceded anc Saugater, Dentist, may on and after wo-day, | ondation as to his ability, All Sale ED AUCTIONEF k for the | with Qutbhuild s, el A larg: in Ireland, and which would have de on the same scale they would be four | & ¥ A heede 1 oa se found iu their new Surgical and Dental | jivon into his charge will be attended | 14 County of Ontario. Sale Register at | ti ¢ i lighted the soul of Ruskin. The la times as high as the pyramids of Egypt. | his | f i nd Hudson Offices aver the Post Office, where they will | Tits omptnoss Bar Siepatels edie | the OnsxrvER Office Patronage oy, (Juanitty of y or pasture land| ticed casements open on green paces - Bay has a highway for com be foul ds heretofore, prepared to attend | nade out nod blank notes supplied free Mauchester, Jan. 19, 1899 nay be re hled of plrchas d in con: | the white walls have a tulip frieze City of Crocodiles. rer Mr. Mair is a genial, philoso= i Sols respective professions in all their | oy pplication » [ nection with or separately from the] and over the mantel are the lines The crocodile e of the most sacred | phic and opt tic soul, and he will 4 "Part Perry Dec, 8, 1897. Parties yishiag to engage his services 2 3 ab Apply to There are three thing#, faif dalden, as given its name | P¢ ssed by many friends in +: By 008 may consult hie SALE RrcisTer either at | W. H. HARRIS With which I'd see you ludem he tar Winnipe ---- | the Observer ur Standard Offices, Port | , ter. P R US, Sour book whereln to pray 2 Save! Ail sltes Of the tarious _ i DR. 8. J. MELLOW, Peres, for dates claimed for Sales, and Aud 15 Barrister, Port Perry fi Your but "and your tuimbiey' 2 which have been han oy 5 muke arrangements, or write to his address ug. 15, 1903 Io keep your fingers nimble. | Hoh BRYe Deon be own to us by A ClviLI® R PuYSIOIAN, SURGEON, &o. 2 keep your ger Herodotus, Pliny bo, perhaps -- ' ' - 3 n} perhap CHARGES MODER AT cariou departments the the mos r was Ty . Canada's Interest ix o Memory of Sif jfice and Residence, Queen St., Port Peiry GEO. JACKSON, |H GRAHAM eats Yous, De Rnditen William Johnston . rn sev 1G 'various ! 8 ncier an province Office hours--S to 10 a.m ; 1to3 pm. [Nov- 1, 1901. port bery Po | ooking, so neg fF } ind Evenings. roe : - | Has just taken possession of the tr be almost unheard of in o J wu, h acco gt tui Canada ar ri I x jolt | fon, ha oh Who | interest in t mv of Sir i Telephone in office and house, open night AUCTIONEER. FPYHE nndersigned takes this cottages, and laundry work "mnde the lives of the children of |; : ? ind day over the lines south, cennected opportunity of thanking the | is highly suceessful. From 25 ! linr hr I € pittufesque oy rMHE { 1 1 . . i pportunity o idnking the H Israel bitter witt ce" 5 with the residence of G. L. Robson, V.S, YHE undersignec takes this opportuaity inhabitants of Port Perry and gir ceived as board . e & X Port Perry, Nov. 15, 1894 of returning thanks for the very liberal sirpounditg bountry for. the lone door South of the St. Charles ar 1 a week. These This biavince les 3 au apmose patrcuage be has received as Auctioneer in liberal and still increasing pat Hotel. where ha intends to nrakeal industries which, owing to - complete circle of hills--a little Gosls | A the past. The inoreased experience and Tonge bestowed: upon him oa ' rT ga pon Ye ? a stances too long to chronicle | THEY HAD BEEN DINING AT THE GONDO in the midst of the desert, where roses WM. H. HARRIS, B. A LLB. | extensive practice which T have had will be winoa couititencing Carting and [ki of Boots ar hoes, and de BO A al ware Dr A a a eee | 1m oy fisraed opclpiinige of fatrong and partion Livery in Port Perry and now Jl kinds of repaiting All comers | fe. ited of receiving a substan- | tender for expression fn words, a ra- | 80d palm trees grow almost into for- | twenty-three migrated = tc avoring me with their sale ay re inti a > atrictl ded to . 2 3 L eople . : $ " o the I v v York BARRISTER, &c., Fon rota citi i ee yo frtimates thas fe i hi : rictly Men i % tc ; He wants ii Hal grant K is dime of for peo; le, diance which illumined the eyes and pase tal. 4 , 8 AT i toy ' y cted. br pre ) [to please all 'who cotne his way, if] although of the highest ideals anc ys seem almos emble ts capital is Medinet, and a little to to manage & X successor to and occupant of the firs wil be pared go make it profitable requirements iu his line. seit y y ont " Sing eness, of heart, to con Rudy the lips soon almos : ' i mble | on - pd . ! a . he of which la { Mo tl artie Bi z ale | b - 1Appiness gle coulic 10 ide i -- y are t Am Dt 1 < n offices of the Jate F. M. Yarnold. My |S: 1 "Re ating: shel: sales in my hands. Having extensively added to finue to support with undiminished » happiness she could 7 ' irregularly shaped 1s. Beneath | Mav J nov Heres My Sale Register will be found at the tole of I A Port P -- It was just at this time that he In gularly shaped mounds. eneath All about t were tl sur Port Perry, - Ont. Leland Hoxee, Cusaton. my stock of horses i ag ell as « erry, June 10, 1903. faith and enthusiasm, even a beauti- | 0 Wn S00 Te. He felt it to | these are the ruins of the pharaoh built gy es, THOS, SWAIN conveyances of the tatest type {ful and philanthropic institution at |, © Bio i HET Crocodilopolts," the "City of Croce f the att vhich gave i C: x of construction for comfort and TE ry IPOS a - vy personal loss. The tourist sea ; ysychle momen 8, U i w Ss n and with these moNEY 10 10AN. eanren, Aug. 26, 1890 of oasrocionforconiort i | wyveip _spumny, ixousraious ngose ey personal 08% Ti, ULE | ney aa been dining at th Condo | ek WIRE calcd Arunon, ed 8 na ers of the drones con Private Funds at'4 per cent. H. McCAW, meet the requirements of the h a large capital, to call upon merch: hoped all those who are intelligent | liers. A certain clique gathered there | Shrine of the sacred crocodile of the | ¢ he became intimately acquaint= Feb. 1 1901 Lo ISSUER OF most fastidious as to style and ants and agents for 'sucoemtul, and profitable lite Bengugh to know that to leave Ireland Saturday night, and after. dinner there | Re&bboring Lake Meris, which Was 4 tn the colirge of tho t {hick gt tui | MARRIAGE LICENSES, Port Parry Ont. desirable equippage in every Anda traveliun a 4 botel bil i anoed ough 10 cing Killarney is to re- | was an impromptu programme prosent- | then 450 miles in circumference he carried t By hénor- Port P Dec. 1 in | 'wi g | ptu prog I H JNO. Ww. "OROZIER ort Perry, Dec. 19, 188: respect--in every way suit cash each week. Experience not esshntial in ignorant of her supreme | ed by men and women whom the pub- This lake held the sacred crocodiles, ablo ng, an attract anner, atmmrtsit iim ---------- able for private driving, wed- reference and enclose self-addressed a "THE driv st these i h dled { " ind facility him= ARRISTER, SoLiCITOR, CONVEYANCER, dings, funerils, &o. Parties NATIONAL, 334 Dearborn 8t., Chicago. guty; Will not rive pas hese | Jjo knew best through the columns of | 28nd as each died in turn t was burned | and fact Offic id WM. SPENCE, y | gources of interest unheeding, but | the jllustrated press in one of the 1,500 underground sepul- | self to their mi life ¢. Office at residence, 6th Con. wishing an afternoon drive can i i? to the furniture in- | I I ed an ascendancy r th Huach (one mile west of Port Periy,)-- i have their choice of suitable For Over Sixty Years will by orders lo Lady Cast- | Her head was in quite a whirl from | chers of the world taied Labyrinth b s advantageous "Mo, Township Clerk, Commissioner, &c. double or single rigs and care iim ew Rusiry and donations to Lady Cast- | yoviny ween so many notables, as she | At hand, side by side with the em that was as advantageous oNkY To LOAN. . Jdh Ee MRS. WINSLOW'S BOOTHING BYRUP has been | far sae"s school, second this rare and | J balzied bod Government as it was profitable = to Fi 7° |aprepared to Loan any quantity of Money ful drivers will also be suppli- used by millions of mothers for their children whils Oo rallant effort of & patrician | termed them, between courses. It ached me fes of successive pharaohs. |, 0 0 on improved Farm Security at 8 and ed when required. teething. If disturbod st night and broken of yan amos! & "| a bit, too, from trying to drink the va- EE | sini ha . Y., F PA? TERSON, RiC. pr y 7 per " ! Jrishwoman to help her country peo | When still ybiung he Fas created +, | cent (Trust funds). I possess a number of good i by 3 eke Said sfiering and rr i pla to help themselves. One of the | rious bad wines which seemed to come ¥irtue of Potatoes, | military commander of fhe Six Na- utting Tooth, send at once and. get & bottle of * § Barrister, Solicitor, No All kinds of Conveyancing executed with Spring sud Dray Wagons and a Ta Ce ions Teer inE TL 'ery greatest pleasures when at Kil | as a matter of course with the soup. Ose {uantig early we began to plant | iris, and through {his appointment . ¢, &c., v neatness and dispatch. will, at all times, attend to will rliove the poot little vaffarer immediitels Depend Jlarney is to strell slong the road | roast entree and salad. She had decid- | the shrubs. here will ye have the | he was draw# {Ate the frontier warg Nos. 810311, Temple Building, Cor. Bay Office--One door west of Town Hall, Cuting with the utmost cae apon it, others, thers is no mistake alout it. It cures] e Lady Castlerosse's workers | ed that as she was really in Bohemia | 08% dandrums?"' was my greeting from | Against the French. He todk, part. ins 'Richmo a Streets, Toronts.' Manchester. and promptness. Diarrheea, Kegulates the Stomach and Bowels, Cures ave their interesting emporium, and | she might as well drop childish things | Thomas as I entered tho garden. Hayv-| 1754 in the Albany Congress, which 3 Manchester April 11, 1888. : Lie further to state that Win Oalic, Softens the Gums, Reduces Infammationdh fateh. them through the open door- and sit with her elbows on the table, ag | 10& notleed from. the breakfast table) Was in Some senso the prototype of 8 SENT TTT no future suitable conveyances and gives tone and €uergy to the whole system. "Mrs fig laboring industriously = and | tp, - . : | that le had sly . tha late ther { which 2 5ST g A: { e other women did. But she declined | wat lie had slyly buried something at a ater gatherings out of which B. FA ; i will Lest the. Railway Depot Hogans Si bing Syrup for Children Teething ing cheerily over their 1 over their work. the cigarette he offered. the bottom of exch hole prepared for | Was evolved the Amcrican federation. » ounty to convey passengers and bag: pleasant w the taste and is the prescription of ope of the | tn With the 'rank of * "Major-General J. EI Barrister, County Sol ! R gape to private residences, and oldest and best female physicians and nurses in Fhe 3 A square shouldered Hefeules Had | {ie piaueng 1 waited my ehance the} took part in the: pi y ota; iblic and Conveyancer ' ge : l aldo convey passengers avd United States. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold TTT tn just finished singing a ditty svhich he | ™'% minute he was out of sight, 2 » Dffice--Bouth wing Coutrt House, Whith; A Weekly Political, Agricultural and baggage to the | Be ot = time by all druggists throughout the world. Be sure and ask had writte > nv | dropped on my knees, felt around in the | 1755-60, that. ended in the cap itula 8 y Ys Fo Ty No £ 8 P - Tas wide ritten for a current Broadway {ion of Montreal, at which event he A amily IVewspaper for departing trains, on being for" MIS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING BYRUP. Blessing to Obildren. attrnetion and was resuming his place | Soft soil at the bottom of the hole and | was present as commander of the 18 PUBLISHED AT given beter J TANTRA TTS C-- : at the table opposite their own, when | unearthed a potato. Another hole and | y,qgian allies of the Dritish. Hid © W. CW. AS SANGSTER, PORT PERRY, ONT. Port Perry, July 30, 1903. Conan Doyle as a Deteétive. tom the fullness of my own | 'the man, lighting a fresh cigarette, re- still another was examined: Yes; there | great personal influence with fhe In- EVERY THURSDAY MORNING NT Ma. A friend of Sir Conan Doylé once fence," writes Mrs. Samuel| marked: "Clever chap, that. Used to | ¥a8 8 potato in each, 1ic must have | dians of New York kept them - fom DENTAL SUT SURGEON. BY i Lo agked the great author of so many lion, of Rawdon, Que., "I can | trot in the smart set quite a little until wasted a bushel. joining in the conspiracy of Pontiac H WANTED detective stories why he did not es- that Baby's Own Tablets are he had that trouble with hig wife, Fel- | , 'Thomas, 1 said when he bad re-| three years later, and when the Office Hors 15 i% am. 2166 in PARSONS tablish a detective agency and em- despensible medicine in every | lows in this sort of business oughtn't furned with & load froin the compost) movement died down he it was who , 2.1 Pp. TERMS. $1 per annum, if pajd in advance ; if not $1.50 | ploy Sherlock Holmes' methods in to marry." heap, "what are these potatoes doing| by a treaty of amity quenched at: Also opus Sasoriay ¢ eveninge, NT To aar stn. $ where there are infants and Y i wil be charged, No suber tion afer sof forless| A man to represent "CANADA'S | Bolving his cliefits' mysteries and bila Tl sheedil She looked at him fn mild surprise. | down here?" | Niagara the smouldering. embers of ar Gold Fillings, Beidge fod "Crown until arrears are paid up. nti | GreaTesT Nurseries' in the townof | conducting his business. children, hey SPEECUY | oy 1g | st of these men married?" | "Divil a tree Will grow in Oireland | that curious uprising : York a Noccialty: vial a ; EFTHLS soaring m 2 ""Well,"" said Sir Conan, 'I have a je and cure all the commou| "oo Seer i { without wait™ fig explattied. Sir William Johnston, in the eb 3 2 ; firey aoe or Saree ne POR PERRY very good reason. You see that all nts incident to childhood. Iu}, " bh iis shoulders. "Most of | "How 15 that?" I asked in darkest joymoent of a liberal pension and a TE = ADYERTSEWENTS Sooasured By" ¥ 1, ali the knots of the Sherlock Holmes think the Tablets are a bless oI ore's the pity. oF t¢notence | Baronetey, lived till 1774 on an ex-- PP D McGratta charged according to the space a phriely = d di type were of my own tying, and, : : And thelr wives are home alone?" | '8D {cn<ive estate granted to him by tho ~ = 2 : ADVERTISEMENTS received tor j and surrounding country, and take ngturally, for me to untie them was to chldred. "My dear gir, you don't understand. | "Ye see, mum, the patatey Sprouts | p,iiish Crown close to the place (DENTIST) gut. speci I thuotiona, wal publication, with orders for simple. ¥ I undertook to unravel# is such sincere, honest ? words | The average woman does not make the | furst off; thin, begorrah, it lifts the whic h had long been his home. D.8. of Rayal Colley 6 BE i "The: : | the entanglements of other people I so that las made Baby's Own | least offort ta understand, to cultivate, | Joife ito the tree'and obliges it fo push | Johnstown, called after himsell, was, . - oo 5) i paid, OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES believe I should fail. On ofie occa- ts the most popular medicine | the man she marries. I know a chap | ap forninst" As a matter of fact, we. founded by him, and there a mopu=". also 8. of Toronto University. A LIEERAL Sins Mired to Merchunts and other sion, however, I solved what might mothers all quer the land. | ho meant to make something of him- | did not lose a tree gr shrub in spite of ment to perpetuate his memory will! fhice in the Allison Block over Allison's y i in Frait. Trees, Small Fruits; have been a puzzle to some. I was Tablets can be given to all | self, but he paused fo get married, and | the long drought. -- Country Life In be unveiled this month. As the bat-. Drug Store. THESE terms will in all cases be strictly adhered to - Ornamentals, "Stirubs; Roses, | in a tailor's shop while a rather un- pe f 8 de: he Never did anything. He wanted to | America. | tle of Lexington was not fought till Office hours--8 a.m. £08.30 p.m. \ ° JOB DEPARTMENT. Vines Potatoes de. attractive man was selecting a pair : on on phe is att go into new countries and build rall- | - TIC [ATIS he was Just spared the and', Port Perry, April 9, 1002. 'amphlet Hund Bills, . Posters, a , Seed y . of trousers. He flatly objected to 0 the well grown chor and ) | THE AMERICA'S CUP. trophe that scattered his family --t. yr D. © BME 3 3 striped material, and I got the idea | Where they are used you find onl roads and pave the way for civilization. drove them to reside near Mo J odgets, Bill Heads, "hechs | Stock true to name and free from g a y y Y | 8h ed - that he was an ex-convitt. satisfy | ; e wanted to buy new frocks and go | canadian Account of the Wim as Made His son, Sir John Johnston, fo Letter Heads, Wedding Invitations, San Jose Scale, A ermanent pos oBatisly 1y, happy children in the home, | ot, : Pp P! myself I visited a number of prisons, 'can get the Tablets from an to afterncon teas and be president of | in 1851. on the British side in both the r MONEY T0 LOAN Blank Forms, Rocelp Books, Business Garde | 1tion for the right man on either | and sure enough I found that man's 15an get 1 I 40% | or clab. At first ho rebelled, {hen | An interesting account of how the Tationary war and the war of 18 Books, Ciroulars, Assembly Cards, salary or commission. cture in the rogues' gallery. Doubt- | SES in medicine, or they will be| pleaded, then stayed with her. After | Americas Cup was won in 1851 is 15. To those who admire pat ess he had hed "cnough of "by mail at 25¢ a box by Writ 1; | that he didn't care much. He tried ta | published by a Canadian contempor~ Statesmanship there is on this co Sul ber is 'prepared to LEND Visiting Cards, &o. |p Pp > ANY AMOUNT a Security ; FONTHILL NURSERIES Wedring appar sppare r. Williams Medicine Co. do many things, wrote a bit, painting | ary: When the yacht America, it nent no shrine more worthy "AT 5 PER OENT * a puter : : rn kville, Ont. ome, studying medicine. But he wos | guys, arrived in England in 1850-51 Visit than the old home of ¥ at a3 low rates as any Svan SN Avass When you want a physic that is] bored just the same. | her owner, Stevens, published a chal- pious civilian soldier, ry : . 4a Also on Village Property. : other er establishment. ia + |'TorONTO, = ~-- = O¥ianio mild and ol tr tak 4 £3 "Then A ¢ 1 who ehanged ali | lenge to sail anything for £1,000 to tion is the heritage of two MORTGAGES BOUGHT, B3 ai oe ' ! an gen s Basy. to > 2 - ark Guy Pearse, who will lec- that. a, ie 2 Ee | £10,000, but he laid down so many and whose memory is unstained, | ra HySeR?L EOLELS, nia and J: wr. BURNIN, ok of the Third hs pen Sea Ling or in Port Perry on Oct. 27, is the | steed ue Le tran | stipulations" that, the challenge Was ony ack of savagery. Barrister. Ll Division Court. flice in' Rot Office ain's omach an iver Tablets. f . ' | not accepted. Then the Americans 4 Office next to Ontario Bask, a 'H, PARSONS. Blook, I } tof » failure, and the spark still glowed far - . ort Perry. Satine * For sale by A. J: Davis. * of "Pon'el Quorm, fellure, and tl | appeared to think they were being : i

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