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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 22 Oct 1903, p. 2

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LANIMENTS AND OUTWARD APPLICA- "71088 CanNoT CURE THE Dis- 'EASE Must BE TREATED TuroucH THE Brooo. Rheumatism is one of the most ymmon ailments with which hu. pity is afflicted, ahd there are few troubleswhich cause more acute 'suffering, There is a prevalent notion, also, that if a person once "contracts rheumatism it is bound return in cold or damp weather. This is a mistake ; rheumatism can be thorcughly driven out of the sys- tem, but it must be treated through _ the blood, as it is a blood disease. Ruobbiuvg the affected joints and Jimbs with liniments and lotions will never cure rheurnatism, though rhaps it may give temporary relief r. Williams' Pink Pills have cured more cases of rheumatism than -any other disease except anaemia, These pills drive the rheumatic poison out of the system by their action on the blood, and the trouble rarely returns if the treatment is sisted in until the blood is in a ealthy condition. As an illustration of how even the most aggrevated forms of this ble. yield to Dr. Williams' Pink of Mr. J. J. Richards, ? e, Ont., may be cited . Richards says :--* About three * years ago I suffered from a severe attack of rheumatism. I could neither lie down nor sit up with any degree of ease, and I am quite sure only those who have been similarly afflicted can understand what agony I endured. I put my- self under the care of an excellent doctor but got no benefit then 1 tried another and still another, but with no better results. By this time I had become so reduced in flesh that friends hardly knew me; 1 could not move hand nor foot and had to be turned in bed in sheets. The pain endured was something awful. Then I was urged to try Dr. Williams' Piok Pills and after taking a few boxes there was an appreciable change for the better; the pains began to leave me and my joints began to limber. I kept on taking the pills until 1 had used a dozen boxes, by which time every trace of the trouble had dissappear ed. 1 firmly believe that had it not been for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I would have been a rheumatic crip- ple for life." These pills are not only for rheu mutism, but all other blood and nerve diseases, such as anaemia, in digestion, kidney troubles, neural | gia, partial paralysis, St Vitus'| T dance, etc. The genuine pills al ways beai the full name "Dr. Wil- Jams' Pink Pills for Pale People,' on the wrapper around every Sold by all medicine dealers at 50] | nounced by the Associated Press, | cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, or sent by mail post paid, by writ ing tothe Dr. Williams Medicine €o., Brockville, Ont. THE OBSERVER HAS A Goon CIRCULATION. and is eon stantly growing in favor. It is the BEST | Advertising Medium in the County ; is the champion of the Agriculturists and more | wonservative and practical class of people Is not a favorite of schemers, boomers and eliques; it is the Oldest and Best Established «Aounded in 1857--the most original and beat in ita local and geversl news department and is printed entirely in the place of pub lication --Port Perry ~~ TerMs--§1 per annum in advance, if not paid in advance, $1.50 will be charged JOB PRINTING IN THE MOST MODERN STYLES ...AND AT LOW PRICES NORTH ONTARIO OBSERVER PORT PERRY, OCT. 22, 1903. Too Much Information. ba ROT Sao According u 'the: Postmaster: General the Cotigervativegat Ottawa are sending thtdugh the mails alto- gether too fhuch literature to the slectots. Sir William Mulock, it appears knows how much informa- tion the public requires, and, what fs more tu the point, how much it is desirable the public should pcss- ess. We have never before had a Postmaster-General who could give us a precise enlightenment on this point, so we have never before felt called upon to shut off the stream that flows from the seat of govern- ment. In order to keep the people well posted the law allows members of Parliament during the session the free use of the mails, Members of the Cabinet, however, exercise the franking privilege all the year round. Hence the party in power has an enormeusadvantage in that by virtue of the Ministerial franks times, whereas the Opposition is restricted to the months during which Parlianient isin session, As a matter of fact, Liberal campaign material is, sent "freely forth from Ottawa at all times and at all sea sons. Yet the Postmaster-General thinks? he is called upon to curtail the already restricted output of Conservative literature. There is, however, a special reason for the Government's attitude on the pre sent occasion. There has been a great demand throughout the country for the remarkable speech of Mr. Blair, denouncing and rid- iculing the Government's railway policy. In complying with that demand the members have, doubtless, increased the bulk of the mail, but that is not the real cause of the Ministenal agitation. It is it can use the mails frecly at all}? Oombinati Yorkshire Hogs. That Combination Auction Sale of Large Yorkshire Hogs adver- tised so extensively throughout this and adjoining counties to take placein Port Perry on Friday of last week, was a grand success in every particular ; every animal was sold and realized handsome figures. The sale was conducted in a man- ner that did credit to all concerned; there was no by-bidding, every bid being genuine, the audience being composed principally of leading agriculturists and solid men of this and surrounding counties who knew at a glance, the intrinsic value of the animals as soon as they entered the ring, and were not slow in giving vent to their anxiety to obtain some of the most precious ones. The presence of the Domin- ion Live Stock Commissioner, who in a most judicious manner gave the umber and lineage of each animal offered had the desired effect, it created confidence in intending purchasers and reliability as to genuineness and superiority and importance of the distribution of so many grand animals. The active and indefatigable Secretary of Live Stock Associations, Mr. A. P Westervelt, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, was also present interest- ing himself in the proceedings, his manner ol conducting the essential portion of the sale is such asto meet the approbation of all with whom he comes in contact and his popularity was materially extended owing to his presence at the first sale in Port Perry. The Auctioneer, Mr. Jackson, did his part to perfec fection, and all were proud, and especially the residents of Port Perry, that he is one of our citizens the fact that people are asking for, and studying the extraordinary utterance of a Minister who saw and exposed the crowning folly | of his colleagues. The Postmaster- | General's efforts are designed to] prevent the ex-Minister of Rail- | ways from reaching the people. | -- Refused to Sign Bound- box | decision reached by the Alaska | panies the decision, and which | Protecting the Election Orim | minutely determines the course of inal. [the boundary, in accordance with | the American contentions, contain ary Award. Lonpon, Oct. 1g.--A draft of the Boundary Commissioners, as an- was signed by a majority of the commiasioners this evening. Mr.| Aylesworth and Sir Louis Jette, the | Canadian Commissioners refused to| | sign. The decislon grants all the Ameri. | can contentions with the exception of the one relating to the Portland Canal. The signatories were Lord | Chief Justice Alverstone, Senator | Lodge, Senator Turner, and Sec retary Root, the American Com missioners. They constituted, and ensured finality." Mr. Aylesworth | and Sir Louis Jette carried their | outspoken disapproval of the de- cision to the point of refusing to cision giving the Portland Canal to} Canada, and they emphasized their | attitude by walkipg out of the Cab inet-room in the Foreign Office be fore the signatures of the others|ing one of his legs in two places | had been affixed to the historic document. | The only thing remaining to be| done at this session is that the| | majority of the tribunal complete | and sign the map which accom { Some time ago Sir Wilfrid Laurier led in question No. 5. The engross announced that it was the intention of the government to make an eflort to stamp out bribery and other elec- tion crimes. In order to have a bill prepared, which would not only suppress offences against the election act but prove acceptable to both parties in the Commons, a special committee consisting of five Liber als and four Conservatives was ask- ed to take the question under consideration. The committee de- voted weeks to a careful enquiry as to how election crimes could best be prevented, and drafted a bill which was unanimously passed being sent to Parliament. e time the committee in Commons Sir Wilfrid urier and his followers evidently a change of heart. Every obstacle was placed in the ay of those who favored purer sections, and the result has been it nothing will be done to stamp the disgraceful crimes which 'characterized the work of Lib- 'heelers during the past seven Ballot-box stuffing, tele , impersonation, ballot | ed copy of the decision also will be signed on Tunsday. There is no hope expressed that the Canadian Commissioners will reconsider their attitude. A correspondent having asked me how Washington, the capital of the United States, said to be the best governed city on the continent, was ruled, 1 forwarded his enquiry to Mr. E. A. Wakefield, the United States Consul here, who kindly furnishes the following intereresting particulars: * The Government of the District of Columbia is vested, by Act of Congtess, June 11, 1878, in three : Gommisgiovers, two of whom are appointed by the Presi-- dent from citizens 8f the district having bad three years residence therein, immediately preceding that appointment, and niust be confirm- ed by the Senate. The other Com- missioner is detailed by the Presi: dent from the Corps of Engineers of the United States Army and must have lineal rank Senicr to Captain or to be a Captain who has served at least fifteen years in the corps of the Engineers of the Army. The Commissioners appoint ordinate official service of said Gov- ernment. 1 think the first two Commussioners are ap ed to serve three years and are usually one Republican and ose Detmecrat ihe oftiesis sou paRtisan and acts during the pleasure of t i 2 'makes all laws At the close of the sale both the Dominion Live Stock Commissioner | and the Auctioneer returned thanks for the large attendance and con- gratulated buyers on their fortun. ate purchases, and intimated that this would not be the last sale of pedigreed stock in Port Perry. -- Se AccipenTts.-- We regret to have] to record a number of somewhat | } serious accidents that have occurred he Canadian Oommissioners during the past week. On Friday | Walked Out of the Room. |]ast Mr. Jobn Cassidy who is one | of the strongest and most active | men in this locality was in the act |of raising one of the water-works pipes, when owing to the slippery falling on him and badly bruising him about the body besides lascera ting two of his fingers. Mr. Hooey 'who for some time has been engag- ed on the new buildings of the Re- gal Packing Company's works, the other day in jnmping from a platform one of his feet came in contact] : | with an apple which threw him | down with such force as to break one of his legs. On Saturday last while Mr. Jos. Mitchell, mason, |sign even that section of the de- | Manchestet, was engaged in erect-| | ing a chimney in that place the scaffolding gave way Mr. Mitchell falling about twenty-five feet break- Much sympathy is expressed for the unfortunate sufferers, and all will be pleased to learn that they are progressing as favorably as could be expected under the circum stances. srr iui Examination in French in the Perry High School. Maximum number of marks go: Merlin Letcher. .............. 74 Edwin McArthur... ... te 70 Evelyn Baker....... . 70 Harold Vallentyne... Fred Carmichael. . wl Darrell Spence............... 22 Examination in Arithmetic in the Senior Second Class, Port Perry Public School. Total 100. Leon Lane.......cioovieuennss 77 Arthur Clark .......... : Ethel Town. ........... ..61 Pauline Morrow ....- .e ody Earl Woodley ...i.cosee vo 47 Harold Allen ........... 47 Muriel Allen .... . 45 Robert Blong, .. ordan Graham.. lvida Ellis......... Thomas Bowerman ... Hugh Wright ........ Willie Harrison . Cora Brimble. .. Russel Wilson. . Gussie Raines. Louie Mellis ...... s Wilhelmine Evans............. § #0, that North Renfrew went with the Lyon Canal"--G. W. Ross. Tendency of Catarrh to Spread Just a slight mattler at first, and because slight, neglected: but the d sown brings forth a dangerous arvest, Consumption, which is the -| harvest of death. Better spend a d|few moments each day inhaling Catarrh an tic -antisep- Seth relieves at oes, clears ; e Di passages, and restores lost sense of taste and smell. The im- mediate effect of Catarrhozone is magical, so prompt and efficient. Cure is certain and permanent if is- Jou se Catarrhozone. Price $1. | size 25¢., at Druggists or Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont. a on Sale of Large A Rare Treat --Al First and Second Forms, Port | 6 | could scarcely be equalled as Methodist Church, Port Tuesday evening next Empire's famous Lecturers Guy Pearce. His subject is! one in which he excels m lectufer and hundreds of t bear testimony of his gifts as a lecturer. Be in dance early and thus ave pointment. Mark Guy Pearce has years one of the greatest moral forces in the city of His power is a result of a pei that is not easily analysed knowledge of human natu mental culture, his effectis course, made the more so by power of description and --as a teller of incidents fs ish life he is inimitable to make him the potent that he is in the great metrq) Auction Sark -- Mr. F. lot 20, con. 4 (near Cadmus wright, having disposed olf farm and being about to Oshawa, has authorized Mr. to sell by Public Auction | premises, on Friday, : his valuable stock of horses, ca x sheep, swine, farm implem (5 household furniture, &c. &c. The list is a very large one and includes besides all the necessary require- ments of a first-class farm, one Ol Corneel's traction engines. The sale being an extensive one the Auctioneer is desirous of prompt ate tendance of intending purchasers. (See Posters). EZ Ser Messrs. Forman & Son's New ADVERTISEMENT. -- The ine creased attractions and decrease in prices of staple commodities in groceries are worthy of note and can. not fail to still further, if possible, increase the popularity of their ese tablishment, which is at all seasons, fully stocked with the best products of the world. They are noted for the superiority and lowness of prices of their footwear. AucTioN SaLe.--Mr, D. Perkins, Greenbank, having disposed of his business and real estate has in- structed Mr. Baird to sell the whole of ns Household Effects, &c., on the premises on Wednesday, Oct. 28, 1903 at one o'clock. Mr. Per- kins being about to leave the locality consequently all will be sold without reserve. To Contractors. -- It will be seen by the posters that Mr. W E, Yarnold, Dominion Land Surveyor, | condition of . S | £ | condition ol our streets on account |is asking for Tenders for the con: of the late rains, it slipped struction of what are to be known as the "Hancock Drains" in the Township of Mariposa. The ac- ceptance of tenders will cle 2nd November. ~~ INPORTANT AUCTION SALE. of Brock's most extensive a terprising farmers, being aba give up farming--Mr. S. Ti lot 18 con. 1,(Layton)--hasinstruct ed Mr. Jackson to dispose of by Auction, without reserve, all his stock of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Farm Implements, &c. The sale has been fixed for Friday, 23rd Oct (See mammoth colored Postets) Very many grand animals are en numerated in the long list, 80 this will be a rare opportunity to se€ure desirable live stock, &c., at auction prices. Don't fail to take notice of time and place and be present at the sale. A Rare CHANCE TO SECURE A VaruaBLe Farm. -- It will be seen by reference to our advertising columns that Mr. John . Watson, cofs13,| Reach, offers for sale his fine farm, and we call special attention of all | who intend to invest in farm. pro-| perty to this rare chance to segurc| appoin a first class farm. Football Tournament. Port Perry Football Team, m- posed of High School and Mode Nellie Bren ia : er ge School boys, went to Uxbridge on Marion Ross. ..... .. 6o| Thanksgiving Day to take in Joseph Cassidy........ooouees 60 | the tournament held there. Tona Orchard... ......coooope 59 | first division Port Perry boys were Florence Walker, 56| ordered to play Greenbank tea and had an easy victory. second draw Port Perry w against Claremont but were ub to hold the Claremont boysat It is encouraging tothe be able to get fourth place contest and all congratu on winning a new ball; The management of th urd ament is to be congratulat * efficient work. Dr. Gilfillan ma a splendid Referee while Mr. Ra 1 Manager- for Line up: Goal--F. Hall; Ba __R. F. Downey, Jas. Cassid Half Backs--D. Kean, D. Be ct E. McArthur ; Forwarde--M. Hi | ple. London,Oct.20.--<8enator Turner, interviewed by the torrespondent of . the Canadian Associated Press, said :--"We are well satisfied with the award. 1 like Sir Louis Jette and Mr. Aylesworth, but I cannot Bast see why they did not sign the award. We Americans would have done so liad we lost. Had I been judge I would have given the same verdict. There were facts to deal with. The next thing to be done is for Ameri- can and Canadian surveyors to mark the line 120 miles long between Patnim Glacier and Devil's Peak, whicn is not defined at present by the decision, I do not anticipate 5 | trouble." Auction SaLg.--All the valuable Live Stock, Farm Implements, &c., the property of the partnership of the late Henry Locke and Hiram J. Lamb, lot 15, con. 2, Reach, will be sold by Auction on on the premises on Saturday, Oct. 24. The list includes a number of ~ | Pedigreed Cattle and in fact the im- mensity and importance of the sale will be readily seen by a glance at the mammoth posters. Mr. Jackson will be auctioneer. aad Fresh Fish.-- Dur. : ing the Bivalve Season I will, once a week (every Friday), run my ex- press wagon stocked with the cele- brated Deep Sea . Oysters and delicious Fresh Fish to every part of the town and will also be pleased to take orders for said select pro- ducts of the sea every day.--Jos. Cook. Mr. John Nott has received the usual number of Deer and Moose Licenses for this season. Moose can be killed between the 15th and first of November. Deer, from the first of November to the 15th. Huntingdon Gleaner: --If the juggle about charging to capital were abolished, the boasting about surpluses would be no longer pos- sible. The imperial government charged the whole cost of the Boer | war to ordinary expenditure, The dishonesty of a government keep- ing two accounts is unknown in London and in Washington. The inordinate length of the ses sion is hard on the newspapers that offered special terms during the life | of Parliament, imagining that it would end in June at the latest. The Toronto News, for instance, whose regtilar subscription price is| $2.50, has been going to a number | of subscribers since last February for 50 cents. And the end is not et. - A Hamilton girl who got hit with a rock has forgotten her past and most come their way. Go to a friend for advice; go to a stranger for charity j goto a wo- man for sympathy; but if you want the best results from advertising the columns of THe Osserver will fill the bill every time. min mses Too Much Soap. New York, Oct. 18.--The Sun to- day has the following from London: ~A short letter printed in The | Times this week stands out among such all-absording topic of war in the near or far east, the fiscal ques- tion and other matters of grave in- terests. The writer of this letter refers to the announcement that a royal commission is about to Le ted to investigate the physic- |al deterioration of the British peo He proceeds to declare the | conviction that this deterioration is is duc to the excessive use of soap, which removes the natural oil given by the Almighty to protect the body and thus exposes it to rheumatism, chills, disease and dirt. The writer o he | boasts that he has not used soap for thirty years, while all that time he was doing the hardest kind of work at sea, and yet he never had a twinge of rheumatism or any other ailment. The Daily (London) News cordi- ally condoles with Canada in her |ilHuck. It says it is very unfortun- Hn | ate, but when a matter is arbitrated aly course for honorable men submit to the award. It adds Lord Alverstone is the very man to voluntarily surrender tish rights, and be must have n completely convinced of the ice of the American contentions. |The paper admits that the matter is f immense gravity for Canada. It danger of Janadian prefence in favor of Eng-| nd being swept away in the tor ent of wrath that the decision will inks there is some day, F. Brewster, M. Conklin, ® Gilbert, Jos. Cassidy. When Laurier went into the expenditure was 41 million seven years it has mounted millions ; and yet the electors sleeping. come. : A member of the staff of § Toronto News who has been ny tigating election prospects M skol expresses the opinion that. Mahaffy, the Conservative ca date will win by from fifty hundred and fifty majority. Strength and vigor come of food, duly digested. "Foro ready-to-serve wheat and b food, adds mo burden, but sust; nourishes, invigorates. Busias Vicerey in Nar East Replies ¥ the Char botids Were accepted by Police ty to St. Petersburg, Oct: B0.--A story cwrent fm military and diplomatic here to the t "that the regarding Russo-J The Viceroy is Perplexity at Pokis. Pekin, Oct. 20.--Like other cities in the Far East, Pekin {gy perplexed by the reports from Vi } points of events portending a Rupso-Jap- anese war. Most of these on investigation prove to be unfo , The opinion prevails here that R sia proposes to hold all she has Eaineg in Manchuria and refrain for present from further advances in Corea. tte bi Fatality at Goderich. Goderich, Oct. 20.--A shocking #ec- cident occurred herd about 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the elevator of the Goderich Elevator and Tran- sit Co., whereby Engineer Fred Love, superintendent of the elevator was instantly killed. The Ne wis vhloading a cargo of wheat at the time, and ths steam shovels were in use. One of the ropes regulating the shovels was lying slack between the elevator and the veel, hil Love stepped. across it when the rope suddenly be- camo taut and threw the ia man between a paif of "drums -on |u which the ropes are wound. Mr. Love's skull was severely crushed, and his left leg was broken. Mr. Love is a middle-aged man, married, and has four children, the youngest about 6 or 6 years of age. Cresoeus Trott. d in 1.59 3-4. Wichita, Xas., Oct. 20.=Ccesceus broke the world's trotting record for a time mile yesterday alterfioon. going the distance in 1.59%, beating the previous record, neld by Lou Dillon and Major Delmer, by » quar- ter of a second. Weather and track conditions were of the best. (Ufres- cous went the first quarter in 80 seconds, the half in 59%, the threo quarters ih 1,80, Just before he reached the wire Cresceus broke, and, it is believed, lost three-quarters of a second Kilties Gazetted: Ottawa, Oct. 20.--Militia orders yesterday contain the following: "Ninety-First Highlanders. The formation of a Highland Regiment of Infantry, consisting of four com- panies, to De designated the Ninety- First Highlanders, with regimental headquarters at Hamilton, Ontario, is authorized. This regiment to bé organizod on the status of a city corps." ree SA FPioten Steamer Losi. Olcott Beach, N, Y., Oct, 20.-- The schooner C. W., Peck is ashore off Hopkins Creek, and is rapidly breaking up. The steamer Porter of Picton, Ont., which had the Peck and schooner Isabelle Reade in tow and lost them during a heavy blow oh Sunday, has not since been seen: The Isabelle Reade is riding at ans chor off Olcott and is in no danger: Dr. Hansen Admitted to Bafl. Hat Portage, Ott. 20.--Vesterday morning Justice Chapple gave an or- der for bail for Dr. Thomas Hanson, whom the coroner's jury brought in guilty of neglect in case of child- birth, at $4,000, and Sutiday Hight v the accused and $2,000 by Messrs. Cameron and Heap. 3 New Beottish Officers London, Oct. 20.--Charles Scott Dickson, who has been Solicitor Gen- eral for Scotland since 1896, has beet appointed Lord Advocate for Scotland, in succession to Andrew Graham Murray, who succeeded Lord Balfour of Burleigh as Secretary for Scotland. David Dundas has beet appointed Solicitor General for Scot- land. Drowned Man Identified. Toronto, Oct. 20.--The unfortunate man who fell {nto the Bay at the foot of Yonge street Saturday might and was drowned, has been identified, His name is Ubald Renaud, formerly of Montreal. He is a cfgar maker and was living with his married brother on 5 Coatsworth street. recently ' © Ad ! Russian Viceroy in the Far 5 apanese re- and saying that Russian ine terests must be maintained by force of arms if n satd"to have replied to this message by demanding 50,000 additional troops. ded by two ph him little, if any, relief, n 8 neighbor learning of his serious con dition, brought him a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and | Diarrhoea Remedy, which cured Of | him in less than twenty-four hours. | For sale by A. J. Davis. ~~ £7 Klondyke, British Columbia, Desirable Farm for Sale BEING LOT 23 CON. 1, EACH, containing 214 acres, 130 under cultivation 40 acres -|ture the balance Yinaber A young orchard of 600 fruit trees coming into bearing. Buildings first-class, for further particulars apply to JOHN WATSON, SeAGRAVE, P. O. North-West "Territory and itoba. Parties going to any of the above parts call on A. J. D C.P.R. ticket agent, for information loam, half cleared. Sc of 5.8. No. ¢ e Pp igappointed am! ne estroyed. Pathetic! nay Is there hope? Yes! FARM TO RENT. FARM of 75 acres on the gth con. Cartwright,, good clay hool House . orice Tablets make blood ; not blue blood, but the fluid strengthens the whole body. rozone does this quickly by improv- ing digestion, stimulating assimula tion and by imparting health and tone to the whole system. Your druggist will tell you a great deal to tell you of the wonderful curative For Sale or to Rent. East part of Lot 17; 13th Conces- sion Reach Township, Would prefer selling. Apply to CHAS. MASON, Shelburne, Ont. Or Joun W. Hortsy, Manchester, Ont. properties of Ferrozone Tablets. The by-elections to fill vacancies in Sault Ste Marie and Muskoka will be held on October 27th. North Renfrew, which has been unrepte- sented longer than This, says the Toron- to News, has ceased tobe a scan- dal, and is now an outrage. A correspondent of the London Times estimates tourists who visit Switzerland year at 380,000, and thelt expendi= tures in that little countty at over $20,000,000 per aunum. This gives an idea of the extent and importance of the tourist business. He Learned & Great Truth. It is said of John Wesley that he once'said to Mistress Wesley 1 "Why do you tell that child the same thing Weasley, because once telling is not It is for this reason that you are told again and again that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cures colds'and grip; that it countetacts any tendency of these diseases to result in pneumonia, and that it is Magis pleasant and sale to take, Fo sale being given Toms--In Cartwright William Toms, aged 83 years Notwithstanding that had passed the four score years he carried his age with ease and com fort, physically and intellectually. Some time ago he met with an acci. dent from the eflects of which re- sulted fatally. He has resided in the Township of Cartwright for the past thirty years and was one of the solid men'of West possessed of considerable real es- Vegetarian Dend at 103. 20. --David Mit- chell died yesterday morning at his farm, near this city, aged 102 years He was a vegotarian, He came from Ireland to New York and worked on the con struction of the Erie Canal. Dividend te Eigin Lean. St. Thomas, Oct. 20.--The London and Western Trusts Company yeseter- the dollar te depositors of the Elgin This will make the total amount paid so far 76 were killed, two are missing and four were badly hurt yesterday by the collapse of a traveler crane on the the new Wabash Railroad draw-bridge over the Mon attend Struck by Falling Board. Port Arthur, Oct. 20.--Little Ar- thur Tew was struck on the a Doing Business New. head & £ He leates: sn very, |Widowiand a highly fespected fam- "° ily of three sons and two daughters Falls, Oct. 20.--The 1or- to mourn the loss of a father so Mills began operations on Oct. 15. Over $1,000, ve Been spent on them. . ACROSS OCEAN IN 19 DAYS. ha jvoke. It urges the British Gov- nt to seek a dipl ic re-|7? aod | \iichi tate. While exacting in business transactions he was strictly honor able and met all engagements with promptness. He was an English- man by birth, education and sym- pathies, but faithful and true to Canada the land of his adoption where he spent so many years of his long hfe, bravely filling the day paid a dividend of 50 cents on | position in the noble ranks of the sons of toil and industry, spendiog cents | his time and labor {to good advant- age, providing for himself a com fortable old age, and having some- Oct. . 20.--Fight men | thing handsome to leave to his fam- ily when he should be taken away from them. Honest, upright and sincere in his daily walk he was respected by all who knew him. He was a staunch Liberal in politics, a consistent and exemplary member of the Methodist Church, a kind and | husband and jndulgent worthy-of their love. Mr. William Foms, Toronto ; Messrs. John and 'Albert at bome ; Mrs. F. Metcalf, Cobourg, and Mrs. Thos. Brown, London, Oct. 20.-- : 30,~The Snaciell, =| PORT PERRY MARKETS. dy, and try to otiate a renewal the modus vivendi, and to obtain wtlet for the proposed new She was ~navi- way at. Port 'Simpson ae the men a succession of gales and cold weath-' sieve Magical b it is potent--a d pain-subduing ¥ B3he n jy out of com] tration of the most soothing ies known 'medical world. Nerviline is parison with an ther remedy. Thousands who » used it can testify to this. is an infallible remedy for |. ps, Colds, Rheumatism, Pain the back--pains interdal and external. Druggists sell it geo where. ry - = Es by &. Ross & Bon. Oct. 15, 1903 Fall Wheat ........ $0 70@ $0 72 © oN ad 00,0000 math ~00 n :! nat wy $585L08%884¢8 APRRAARRPRIPPPON® e | Spring Wheat...... © 70@ Goose Wheat 0628 Barley ............ 038 R ° 4 ° o 5 ~Small....... © wheat.. ...... © 35 irs svar ve, OL 8 Ver...... § 00 5 oo 150 015 o 10 0 10 o 08 0 17 017 SPECIALS -- AT Ses Forman & Son's 2210s. Sosa or = $4 4 1hs, Sood Raisins Me Two Packages Force AT) or Toronto Bread the same weight and the same.. Price as Port Perry Bread, 10¢ Loaf. JUST RECEIVED A ChoiceSelection of Bulbs Consisting of Hyacinths, Narcissus Jonqtiails and Chinese Lillies for House Blooming and Fall Planting. g% Butter and Eggs Wanted T.C. FORMAN & SON. MarriaGE License OFFick Port Perry, Oct. 14, 1903 Notice to Oreditors of Jamés Walsh, late of the City ot Rochester, New York; Tailor, deceased. URSUANT to Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1897, cap. 129, notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the above named James \Walsh, who died om the Seventeenth day of July, 1888, are re- quired ou or before the Twonticth day of November, A D. 1803, to rend by t pres paid, or deliver to Hubert L. Kbbels of the Village of Port Perry, Barrister, the Administrator of the said deceased, their Christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, together with full particulars of their claims, a statement of their account, and the nature of the security, if any, held by them, And Notice is further given that after such last mentioned date the said Adminiss trator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate among the perscus entit!s ed thereto having regard only to the claims of which Notice shall, at the time: of the distribution have been given ; and the said Administrator will not Fable for the said assets or any part thereof to an or of whose claim Shorthand Bookkeeping Penmanship, &o. TauGHT sr THE TORONTO, ONT. By ExperiENCED TEACHERS. The only School in Toronto teach-- ing the famous GREG §HORTHAND, or which is affiliated with the Institute _ of Chartered Accountants, Ove: B00 calls each year for office ie Catatogtie and sll pacticulars free.

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