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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 29 Oct 1903, p. 1

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(PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY) ps 41TH YEAR, NO. 401 OMMERCE TORONTO, ONT. $8,700,000 3,000,000 HEAD OFFICE Capital (Paid Up) - - Rest - ESTABLISHED 1867. A General Bankin Business Trans#tcte BUSINESS WITH FARMERS Loans made to farmers for periods ex: eed- OF GANADA Port Perry Agency. PORT PE Threshing Machine for Sale, The undersigned offers for sale) 2 . his Challenge Threshing Machine | HE undersigned offers. at a Bargan Although the machine has been in use about three years it is none the worse for that. requiring a good Separator should see this machine. ' Apply to the owner. "* JOHN COLLINS, Jr, June 2, 1903. Scugog. Savings Bank Department. Deposits receivad at the highest current rates. Interest caloulated and credited to each depositor semi-annually. H. G. HUTCHESON, MaNAcEr, Port Perry, June 26, 1809. "IT 18 EASIER TO MISTAKE. Parties art bes competent /cank sid ore Bainall roy a by re | Valuahl p , a cB RRY, ONTAF DLSRABLE PROPERTY TOR erty on Simcogs her pro PO R T PERRY consisting of Fine Residenig taining nine rooms ; Spring. water ; good cellar ; oue-hal land, together with ornatiient fruit trees . x Also for sale Furmt ing Piano and dition ; i A a Ei i nr wy I charge of the "duties pertaihing to hotel life. Liberal wages wil be| IN PRINCE ALBERT. paid Fd W. H. PARK, Commercial Hotel Aug. 12, 1903. Manilla. Sittings of the Division Coart 0oUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1903. £100,000 STERLING tending from one to nine mouths for elt fother farm purposes wivrs' Sul os Notes discounted or col tv th most fuvorable rates. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, | Deposits of One DolMr and upwards received and interest allowed at current rates | { | led the deposit Tice of May anc delay | I of the whole t thdrawing or orogt ik & svt. Perry Branch W H. DUNSFORD; Mahaget | | | | ARCHER, M.D.C.M. Victoria | M.B. Torouto University, Cullege of Physicinns and reons Licentiate of the Royal | ov of Surgédns, Kdinburg; Licentiate toyal" College of Physicians, Edin- | ber of the Faculty of Physicians | In (ilasgow ; Late Resident pil of the Rolunda Hospital, Dublin; Offige wid Residence, second Furnitive Ewporiam, 0 to 11a, Dn Juiversity © Out lem we Women, For west of Davis Yreen Street. (fice hours ved 2 80 5 pouf,, aud evenings I lave taken ds partner, my brother, Dr | Ach, M'D., C. M., Member of Col- | of Physicians and Surgeons, Ott 1897 rt Perry, Jutie 9 NOTICH. R. J H. SANGSTER, Physician. Sar D geon and Accoucheur, and Dro W, A Suugster, Dentist, may on dnd after vo-day, be fouml in their new Surgical and Dental Offices over the Post Office, where they will be found as heretofore, prepared to atteiyl to their respective professions In 4il tll branches, Port Perry Dec, 8, 1897 DR. 8. J MELLOW, Puysician, SuRGeEoN, &o. Jfice and Residence, Queen St., Port Pecry Office hours 1to3 pm. nd Evenings Telephone in office and house, open night ind day over the lines south, connected Robson, V.8. ~§ to 10 am; with the residence of G. TL. Port Ferry, Nov. 15, 1894, WM.H. HARRIS, BA. LLB. BARRISTER, &c., Successor to and occupant eof the offices of the Jate F. M: Yarnold. Port Perry, Ont: MmoNEY TO LOAN: Private Funds at 4 per tents Fob. 7 1901 JNO. W. CROZIER J ARRISTER. SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, 1) &e. Office at residence, 6th Con. Rench (ove mile west of Port Perry,)-- Money To LOAN. J. F. PATERSON, KX. C., Barrister, Bolicitor, Notary ~~ Public, &c., Nos. 310 311, Temple Building, Cor. Bay and Richmond Streets, Toronto. Toronto, Mareh 31, 1808. E. FAREWELL, K.C., LL.B., Count; «1, Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol- itor, &c., Notary Public and Conveyancer 'fice---South wing Court House, Whitby, nt, "W. A SANCSTER, DENTAL SURGEON. Office Hours --9to 12am. 2to 6 p.m Also open Saturday evening: Bridue Vieati ind Crown Air, far Gold Fillings, York a Speeialty, Dr F D. MeoCrattan (DENTIST) .D.S. of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, also D.D.S. of Toronto University. ( fice in the Allison Block over Allison's Drug Store. Office hours--8 a.m. to8.30 p.m, Cort Petry, April 9, 1902. MONEY TO LOAN. f1VH FE Subscriber is prepared to LEND ANY AMOUNT on Farm Security AT 5 POR OENT. #4 Alro on Village Property. MORTAAGES BOUGHT. WX HUBERT L. EBBELS; Bart ster, (British Capital) To lend at 4 45 and B§ per cent on good Mortgage security. Apply to | 2 DAVID J. ADAMS Banker and Brcker, Port Perry, Ont. J. A. MURRAY, NTIST; | yee ber thie Post Ullice: PORT PERRY | All branclvs of Dentintry, including | Crown aud Bridge Work successfully in Artifical Teeth on Gold, Silver, Aluminum | or Rubber Platés Fillings of Gold, Silver or Cement Puinlesc extraction when required: &ar Prices to suit the tities ®s GEO. JACKSON, Licensed Avnctioneer, Valuator, &e. | | FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHII OF CARTW RIGHT, | W ISHES at this the commencement e | Auction Sale Season to re. | turn thubks to his numerous pairons for | past favors. In requesting their esteemed und continued patrouuge he desires Yo state that no effort or pains will be spared | on his part to make all sales entrusted to him successes. Hix very eXtensive practice | in the past should be a sufficient recom | mendation an to lis ability. All Sale | yisai into Hix charge will be attended to | ith promptocss and dispatch. Sale list | made out and blank notes supplied free, on application Parties wirhing to engage his services may consult his SALE REGISTER either at the Observer or Stahdard Offices; Port Perry, for dates claimed for Sktes; fhe muke arrangements, or white to his address CHARGES MODERATE. GEO. JAUKSON, Port Perry P. 0 AUCTIONEER. another Nov. 1, 1901. FIVHE nndersigned takes this opportuaity of returning thanks for the very liberal patrcnage he has received as Auctioneer in the past. The increased experience and extensive practice which I have had will be tarned to advantage of patrons, and parties favoring me with their sales may rely on their interests being fully protected. No etfort will be spared to make it profitable for parties placing their sales in my hands My Sale Wegiater will be found at the Leland House, Caesarea, THOS. SWAIN Caesarea, Aug. 26, 1896, H. McCAW, . 184UER OF \IARRIAGE LICENSES, Port Perry Ont. Port Perry, Dec. 9, 1883. WM. SPENCE, Township Clerk, Commissioner, &c. & prepared to Loan any quantity of Money oun improved Farm Security at 6 and 7 per cent (Trust funds). Office--Oue door west of Tuwn- Hall, Manchester, Manchester April 11, 1888. "= my oy a North Ontario Observer A Welly Political, Agricultural and Family Newspaper IS PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT. EVERY THURSDAY MORNING H. PARSONS TERMS. #1 por annum, if paid in advance ; if not $1.50 {11 hs charged. No subsoription taken for less than tix modths: sad mo paper discontinned untll were: > ars ure paid up. conta uinz money, when addressed to thit pre;mid and registered wili be st our risk. % messured Ly Nonpariel, and ing Lo the space they occupy, 'S received for publication, with- o listraction. will be inserted until forbin Nd charged accordingly. No advertise. ment will be tuken on until paid for. A LIBERAL discount allowed to Merchants and other who advertise by the year or hall year. THESE terms will in all cases he strictly sdheréd &o JOB DEPARTMENT. Pamphlet Hand Bills, Posters, Programs, Dodgers, Bill Heads, CheéXs Letter Heads, Wedding Invitations, Blauk Forms, ~~ Recelp Books, Business Oards Books, Cireulars, Assembly Caddy Visti Cards, &o. of overy ites. Losin 6 0s low rates as any establishment in ton 1 Lt hl ts 6 pred pL 1. WHITBY Clerk, D.C. Macdonsll, Whitoy --Janu ary 8, Frbroary 4, March 4, April, May 6, June 3, Ju'y 4, September 4, October 6, November 4, Dec embwr 4. Jan. 6, 1904 OSHAWA Clerk, D. 0. Maodonell, Whitby---Janu ary 7, February 5, March 5 April 3, May 7, June 4 July 8, September 5, October 7, November 5, Dic 7, 1904 BROUGH AM Clerk, M. Gleeson, Greenwood Jant ary 8, March 1, May §, July7, Septwmber 8, Nov ember 7, Jan. 9, 1904 Por PERKY Clerk, J. W. Burnham, Port Perry annary 9, March 8, May 13, Jilly 4, Soptéumber 12, November 11, Jan, 11, 1904 UXBRIDGE Ollerk, E January 16, Mai May 25, November 2, Jau. 14, 194 ember 5, Jun. Joh. Gould, Uxbidge July 15, Beptew bes CANNINGTON --Olerk January 15, March 19, 24, November 19, Jan Smith, Cannington May 23, July 14, September 131904 BEAVERTON ~Olerk, Geo. F. Bries, Beaverton Jindurg 14. March 18, May 27, September 23, Nov einber 18, Jah. 12, 1904 UPTERGRO CE -Ulerk, Thos P_Hak, Uptergrove March 17, M.y 26, September 23, November 17 7 By order, J. E. FAREWELL, Clerk of the Peace 1902. MISS HARRISON Dress and Mantle Maker \ JISHES to inform the ladies that she has moved to her fire Rooms in the Allison Block where Dated'st Whithy, Nov. 25th, | she is prepared to execute all orders in Dress acd Mantle Making in a manner unsurpassed for Correctness of Sivle and Charming Effect Our charges are consislent witl the value given. Port Petry, March 27, 1902 JOS. BAIR ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the 4 County of Ontartv, Sile Register at the Ossrrvkr Office Patrolfage solicited Manchester, Jan. 19, 1899. Jamieson' Livery r | opportunity of thanking the inhabitants of Port Perry and snrrounding coontry for the liberal and still increasing put ronage bestowed upon him since commencing Carting and Livery in Port Perry und no# intimates that he is hettér than ever prepared to supply all requirements in his line. Having extensively added to my stock of hurses ; as well an conveyances of the latest type of construction for comfort and pleasure, Tum in a position to meet the reguireffieiits of the most fastidious as to style and desirable equippage in every respect--in every way suit able for private driving, wed- dings, funerals, &c. Parties ata an afternoon drive can have their choice of Suitable guile of stiiglé tigs and cate: tl drivers will also be suppli- ed when required. possess a number of gobd ons and and pr mptness. 1 wish further to state that in future suitable conveyances will be at the Railway Depot to convey passengers and bag: gage to private residences, and will also convey passengers and baggage to the Depot in time for departing trains, on being given notice. WM. JAMIESON. Port Perry, July 30, 1903. WANTED A man to' represent "CANADA'S GreEATEST Nurseries" in the towuof PORT PERRY and surrounding coantry, and take orders for OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES in Proit Trees, Small Prats, Grnamentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoes, &c. Stock true to name and free from San Jose Scale. A permanent pos ition for the right man on either salary or commission. STONE & WELLINGTON FONTHILL NURSERIES 4vER 800 ACRES H, PARSONS. Office next to Ontario Bank. ' Torokro, = 2 Oxrazso mild and gentle easy to take ® RNFAM 7, certain to act always use Chambi » A a an Tu lain's Stomach and Liver Tal Bleek, Port Perry. For sale by A. J. Davis/ 1E undersigued offers for Sale at a Tr Bargain her beautiful residental pro- | perty iu the Village of Prince Albert. This fine property is situated on Simcoe Street and contains fifteen acres, more or less. There 1% erected thereon a fine and commo- Hious Brick Dwelling H ustrocted ahd Auished ithe Approv wk modern style | a $n ith stone basement f ut Driving Hous ny bed ing Orchard which were expecinlly e irahle qual ities of t Ie Clhercy und Orna- menta 3 id water. The pro- prrty i, in fact, the whale fi hilivy, location, and com: i rarely to befmet with. Im- easion given Also for Sule a Farm, being composed of the East-half of lot 20 und North half of lot 21, in the Ist con. of Cartwright, contain ing 200 Acres, more or less, on the property. there is erected a first class Barn, Driving Bari did Stables, and Dwelling House. The land in a wood state of cultivation, well fenced, there isa grand ing of good water thereon. There are about 40 acres of good pastare land For further particulars, apply to J Mruarky, Port Por to the wlress, I f NG { yibert June 24, 1903 l 1 Boa aad ak fr ee RY Wn VE ili vow hi TH: underslgned offers for Sale or to Rent his House and Lot on the cerner of Arrow and Lorne Stivets, Port Perry. The Dwelling is comfortable, in good repair 14 story The lot contaius 1} acres first class lund on whi h there are ua number «of choice bearing fruit trees; there are also a good well and new pump. For particulars [apply at Tue OpskrvER office, or to thy proprietor, | JUOSE'H BRYANT. Manchester. May 14, 1003 To Rent or for Sale. Mrs W heautifu | Jane heeler's | Bri k Residence the Nonquer | Road. south of Port Perry. Ther «a splendid Fruit Garden attached [with Outbuildings, ete. A larg | quantity of ranching nection with or separately from the Apply to W. II HARRIS, vister, Port Perry above | | Aug. 18, 1903 'H. GRAHAM | Has just taken possession of th FOY SHOE SHOP {one door South of the St. Charles Hotel, where he intends to make al | kinds of Boots and Shoes; and d: | all kinds of repairing All comer | strictly attended to. He wants tc to please all who come his way, 1 | possible. Port Perry, Jtine 10, 1903. WANTED -- SEVERAL INDUSTRIOUS PERSONS in each state to teavel for house established eleven years and with & large capital, to call upon merch ants and agents for successful and profitable Hine Pernianent engagement. Weekly cash salary of $18 and all traveling expences and hotel bills advanced in cash each week. Experience not essential. Mention reference and enclose self-addressed envelope. E NATIONAL, 884 Dearborn 8t., Chicago. ci For Over Bixty Years MHS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP haa bee: used hy millions of mothers for their children whil teothivg. If disturbed at bight and broken of rest by a sick child suffering and crying with Cutting Teeth, send at once and got » bottle Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Childre upon it, mothers, there is no nil Diarrhwns, Regulates the Stomach and Bows Win: Colic, =ofrena the Gums, Reduces lo i" und gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mi. Winslow's So thing Syrup for Children Teothing ls pleasant Lo the taste and is the prescription of ove of the oldest ind best ferxle physicians and nurses in the inited States. Price twe.ty-five cents a bottle. by ail druggists throughout the world. Be sure and ask for " MES. WINSLOW'S S8OUTHING BYRUP." Imagivation, 3 Sif Robert Ball, the English as tronomer, recently was showing & visitor a double star through a tele | ecope, and, sincé his friehd was not! | art expert, Sir Robert théught to | improve the occasion by a word or | two of information. 'One of those | stars goes round the other,' was his' | remark. 3 "Yes, 1 saw it," said the visitor.. As & matter of fact, the star in Guestion takes & little over 900 years to revolve ardund its fellow! 3 ! ey 4 4 Very FPlessant Kleationooring. In South Australia female suflragl has been im operation for some tim member of the Commonw Parliament, anxious to ascertain th best mode of approaching the ° ! man voters in his constituen sought the advice of an experie South Australian Legislator. * do you please them? Do you kiss | baby?" 'No, sir," was the ca | reply; "we kiss the elector.' --kK don' Chronicle. When you want a physic tb or pasture land | may be rented or purchased in con | (WHOLE N DE §, MMD Take cold easily? Throat tender? Lungs weak? An relatives have consumption Then a cough means a great "to you. Follow your ctor's advice and take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It heals, strengthens, prevents. * Por # years 1 2avy d % hens weak lungs." BLNSON, Saline, Mich. RIES oo, EET Weak Lungs A A Ayer's Pil the liver. Know It Retr 1 ens fe BRS increase the activity o nd thus ald recovery. TWO WOMEN. There are two women whom well I wot Aud ome is clever and ome ls not One labors, her livelihood to galn, With a "really almost masculloe brain," And the skilful work from her ready pen Has won applause from the world of men; And the Iabels she wears in the social mart Are "brilliant" and "witty" and "keen and "smart And one just gets, by the sunniest smiles And the most transparent of feminine wiles, The things she wants from her own llege lord, By whom she js petted and quite adored Ald If there aft other much coveted ends, Fhe has always a host of obMging friends Who are thon delighted to be of use To "such a dedr little helpless goose." There are two women whom I well wot, And ene ls clever and one is not Beatrice Hindcom NATURE 0 REEP CLOSE Cetimtry Young Foople Maks Mistake in Migrating to the Cities Mf: Goldwin Smith, a of culture and a resident ty gave some good advice at the exhi bition of the Lroadview Doys In stitute recently, says The Toromto Globe He strongly approved of teaching useful arts to the boys and domestic science to the girls, and of endeavoring to 'reinforce the home in its rivalry with the saloon In these days, when manual training for boys and cooking and needlework for trouble affairs by PRIVATE JONES' CHEATING 4 By LEO CRANE Copyright, 1903, by T. CO. MeClure "7K was i cil passer, was Jones, an' 'e slung a shovel on the bloomin" tramp Koolah until his mouth got him inter recklessly didn't mean anythink outer the way by the langwidge, but the chief engineer was a wiclous man, an' 'e allowed his turrible anger to become uncontrolled. "80 we men laid Jones away in the free ward o a leetle horspital that half hid itself shylike behind a row o' scrag- gy palms. Then we men went off on a hoot, eight o' us. Beven got back to the ship in time to sail with her. The elghth man, 'e was left on the wharf eserted amid a multichude o' coolies. { was that man. "Ar, being ns Hi wowldn't shift car go fet a livin' wage, Hi presented me self, body an' soul, to a recruitin' offi cer who was out after one devil called Juan Torres. This same Juan Torres was up country some'res hidin', an' 'e didn't have no idear o' bein' ketched; hence It needed men, an' Hi was a man. "Now, en the mornin' afore we marched away who in all the worl' 0 rascals should heave in sight but Jones. 'KH had a rag about his head, an' 'e wanted to 'list. Now, HI had never ex pected to see Jones again in this worl' bein' pious inclined, didn't want to him in the next Hi always my terbacker when 'e was about. Sam Rawlins had tol' ine o that, an' Sam Rawlind had lost ter Hacker, "Well, they needed meh, an' Jones was one, so 'e went alodg. 'E tol' me that the doctors at the leetle horspital had been wery confident that 'e would tle, but in spite o' it 'e fooled 'em up country we goes after an', meet watched "Anyway Juan Tor we gets inter down goes Jones with the fever. The doctor o' the regiment sald e would die certain, but Jones didn't 'E scraped through, s'elp me if 'e didn't Two weeks after began to creep about the camp mule kicks him a reg' lar smasher in the side, an' away to the leetle horspital they carries him to mend up "H{ didn't see Jones no more for near a half year; neither did HI see Juan Torres, One day when we thought we had 'em spotted at last inter camp 'e walks, smilin' grimly. 'E goes to the gays, 'Hi"ll show ye just where they are,' says 'e. An' in ten minutes out we marches, Jones leadin' an' the first beastly town Ki colonel an' the way " 'How have ye been? asks the colo nel, leggin' it 'longside o' Jones. "'Wery well,' says Jones back to him, 'Hi aln't been outer the n ten days) pleasant-like borspital more "'Guos!' cries the colonel. takd all that three broken ribs? " 'No,' explains Jones, 'They fixed up them ribs in six weeks, but after Hi Dia 1t 'em time to patch up ' got discharged from that spell Hi went girls are gtrenuousiv advocated by educationists, it is encouraging to have Such endorsation from one whose outlook over society has been so long and so varied. If it does not silohce objectors it will at least tend to keep the reformers from wearying in well doing All who have made a close study of sociological conditions in Canada and we have Mr. Smith's assur ance that they arc in this respect similar to those in Britain and the | United States--will agree with his view that young people brought up n the country make a great mis take in migrating td the city In the country there is robm sufficient to give a sense of freedom; in the city the only spaces of which the great majority of people can make | sure are crowded thoroughfares | One of the causes promoting the movement of population city-ward is wu prevalent feeling among rur a youth that farming in not as respectable as some other callings It should be possible to do something to counteract so absurd otion, if the ter thousand teach | ers in our public and high schools | were ih A position to speak intelli gently, inspiringly, and convincingly on the subject themselves fugitives from the who haye long beefi out of sympathy | with the life that seemed so unat | tractive in their childhood There | i$ no reason why should be so un | has been and still is yeen made in the farm it | inviting as it | Some progress has | way of giving color and variety to [ it, but the evolution will proceed slowly until the public schools arse made more efficient co-operatord fm tlie work of improvement Torente's Debt, With the close of the year 1902 the net debt of Toronto 208,241. A Vine Mersing. Provost Daniel, the recenlty elect- ed head of Worcester College, Ox- i| ford, some years ago when hc was 'proctor of the institution made a swift retort to an undergraduate Who had to pay an unwilling call upon him. "A fine morning, sir,"' remark- ed the undergraduate, wishing to es- tablish genial relatfons. "A five shilling fine morning, I'm afraid," said Mr. Daniel. -- amie Wind Oolic. "In my opinion," writes Mrs Philip Collins, of Martendale, Que. "there is no medicine can equal Baby's Own Tablets. Before 1 baby cried all the time with wind eolic and got litile or no sleep, and I was nearly worn out myself. Soon after giving baby the Tablets tht trouble disappeared, and sound natural sleep returned. 1 have also proved the Tablets a cure for hives, and a great relief when baby is teething. I would not feel that my Tehilden were safe if I did not havea box of Tablets in the house * All motherswho have used Baby's 'Own Tablets, speak just as highly of them as does Mrs. Collins. The ablets cure all the little ills from vhich infants and young children fer, and the mother has a solemn surance that this medicine con- ns neither opiate nor any harm- | drug. Sold by all medicine lors or sent hy mail at 25c a box wnting The Dr Williams Med- Co., Brockville, Ont. 80 began the use of the Tablets my | but most of them are | | that's nasty. inter town on a leetle smootch arouns, ye know, an' some Willlam knifes me. In fact, 'e knifed me two or three times afore 'e wae Satisfied with his contract, an' so they bustles me back to the lee- tle borspital without any great loss o time. That were a four month job, but they did it, an' nary a grumble. 'Oh, this gettin' well is my long sult,' says Jones, proud-ifke. 'What troubles me most," says Jones solemnly, 'is that maybe when the blow tomes again HI'll be too far up country #n' won'{ reach the horspital in time; but Hi hopes not." " 'Why, you must like bein' sick," says the colonel, s'prised "It ain't the bein' sick, says Jones; ut the soup-my, the Delicious!" says Jones, smatkin' | his lips 's if 'e could taste it. 'Hfi've been in forty-twe horspitale In my time an' have been discharged cured nigh on to sixty-seven times, so HI know.' | "Sixty-seven times,' echoed the colo- soup! | mel. city was $1, | " 'Return wisits' explained Jones quickly. 'But Hi don't despair o' bet- terin' that record, 'cause Hi knows my vitality an' what HI can stand.' "On we men went silently, The fte- ports ll tell ye how we cornered them rats in the center o' a thick forest but | the reports won't tell ye bow one Jones carried fire an' sword {nto the babita- {ion o' Juan Torres. : "It stood in a clearin'. Jones beat us | to the Inclosuré by a good twenty feet, | an' Jones was first to show his leg over the top. Some native feller punched a | bayonet through the talf o' it, but that native feller troubled no other man. Jones fought fike a demon, an' we lost him In the smoke o' battle, | "Late in the day, when the struggle | had ceased an' the smell o' rank pow- | der was beginnin' to sieve away | through the forest, we started to hunt | | up our men. We found Jones lyin' | acrost a plle o' severely used natives over again a secluded portion o' the stockade. There he had cornered six desperate men, an' the sight o' his handiwork was exceedin' fair to look upon. We carried Jones tenderly away. The doc, 'e looked at him, an', says doc softly, 'E's dead, poor feller, an' tlvere were tears in more eyes than one. "But that plght a man came racin inter the colonel's hut an' bawls out, "'E ain't dead? "Who ain't dead? yells the colonel. " (Jones? cries the man. "E's come to life again! | "Down to the surgeon's hut rushes the colonel, all exéited an' pusaled. Doc meets him at the door an' éautions him | to be quiet. # 'i'g kinder wild in bis head,' says the doctor, 'an' he's makin' all sorts o crazy requests.' " What does 'e want?' asks the colo- nel. "Op's mumblin® all the time about goin' beck to the leetie horspital," says the dog. EN " | taking It = tgs a hero,' cries the colonel, 'sn' *e shall go." " "Why, man,' says the other, ' 'e's got the body an' has been clouted acrost the head. 'B can't possibly live till vr "But Jones heerd him say it, an' be calls out weakly, does Jones, 'It's a He,' say® be, 'an' Hi'm goln' back to the leetle borspital! "Well, 'e didn't die a bit. At the end ¢' & week two natives shouldered ble oi sn' started for the coast. Hi ve men went aloug to guard 'em. Five pages ln the rear tore natives . : th thie wherever 'e died, an' we determined to do it. After we bad marched a week the town came inter sight. By that time Jones was able to sit up an' take notice, but when 'e saw the town an' the leetle red roof o' the horspital 'e started to wave such a frantic welcome with his hand that a hemorrhage re- sulted, We ordered the two sullen na- tives to hustle to the front with thelr burden. But Jones rallied. J "It's no use,' says he g ' his teeth. 'Ye can't bury me In this worn. out soll. If HI dow't reach the leetle torspital throw me overboard inter clean water! An' we promised. 'E seemed to be sinkin' again, so we takes the shortest cut to the sea. When we got in view o' the docks we saw A ves- sel loadin' there. Jones peeked at it, then yelled an' set bolt upright. 'It's the Koolah,' says he. 'Get mé aboard, men; get me ahoard] I'll be cured to onct if ye'll only heave me up the gang way! " "What ll eure ye? Hi queried ' 'Spite, says Jones, mutterin' curse "80 we did. The chief engineer saw us comin' an' mearly had a stroke. But the fun o' all was to see them two sul Jen natives. They had hustied an' wres- tled with that coffin all the way from up country, an' they were all fagged out. With a rich burst o' tropic eth they cast {t but Idter the water an' waved thelr maled{ctions at the ring o ripples fhat marked Its expandin' burial Was that for Jones? asked a voice "Hi looked up to see Sam Rawlins starin' at him. XI nodded "It don't &'prise me,' 'e says slowly an' thoughtfully. *'E'd cheat anythink 'E"d cheat the goats that 'd feed over his grave! HI guess HI'll go an' lock up my terbacker," says Sam Rawlins. An' be aia tt." A Skull as Big an a Bushel Basket. One of the most remarkable finds of gigantic human remains of which we have any regord was that made at Pd- lermo, Sicily, In the year 1516, when an entire skeleton of unheard of propor tions was unearthed by some marble quurry men. These mammoth remaing measured exactly 34 téet froth head td foot and © feet 7 inches from point to point of the shoulders. A stone ax buried with this old time giant still be seen at Palermo in section of the St. Isorent museum. It is made of & bluish looking, fine grained bowl der and appears to be about 2 feet § incho# long by 1 foot broad and 9 inches through In the thickest place A musty, rusty looking tag attached to the relic informs the visitor that It weighs fifty-two pounds, but the gen- eral verdict is that It could not weigh over thirty or thirty-five pounds. The skeleton was burned by a mob in the year 1602, during the prevalence of the black death Palermo, the ignorant, superstitious people belleving that it was connected in some mysteri ous way with the death dealing dis temper. The skull of this glant, ac eordiiig to Abbe Ferregus, "wad largely excessive of the baskets sayd to bold the bushel, being fitted above and be- lowe withe teeth to the number of six ty-foure, the each of which would have welghed two ounces." Cavalier Beroy claimed to have found = skull on Tene rife that had sixty teeth wg at Very Near Winning: "1 proposed to Miss Gladys Beanti- girl last night." "Ah! And she accepted you?' "Well, no-0-0 exactly, but she came se mear doing so that a great deal of the sting was takem out of her re- fusal. She said she would have ac cepted mé if I had had plenty of mon ey and a perfect disposition, and my not eyes were brown instead of blue, and | my hair curly, and I was two inches taller, and was winning fame In my profession, magnetism, and came of an old and blue blooded family, and would always fet her have her own way, and never fmoked or wanted to stay out late at night, and did not belong te any lodge, and would keep a stylish turnout and plenty of servants, and really wanted her mamma to live with us, and a few other things which 1 have forgotten. But if a fellow must fail in an under is encouraging think that he came very near winning! Balancing an Fd: All the world knows how Columbus on & historic occasion mnde an egg stand on end. After many learned | theories had -beeh sd¥anced for bal- | ancing the égg he set the egg on end by, of course, mashing, down bard enough fo form a base, but the prob- lem is capable of still another solution. It is An easy matter to set an egg on a plate, for instance, if you know how. The trick if impossible until the egg , | has been boiled in' an upright position. | The position of the hardened yoke at the end of the shell lowers the center | of gravity until the sphere can be spun' or even balanced with ease. COLONIES ARE A HANDFUL. Lang Makes Contribution te the Political Bitustion. Mr. Afdrew Lang makes an' i% luminating cobtribution to the fiscal controversy in "Longman's Naga- zine." Why cannot Mr. Chamocriain "be aisy?" he asks. This is no place for politics, but the distressing wor- ry about "fiscal policy' is not poli- tics; it is something much worse, namely metachrematistics. Just us metaphysits are things om the oF Andrew | three bola wounds, shot twice through and possessed personal | to him to | mde OT phys«s, tical economy. Now, politicai omy is one of those things Ww! fellow understands so we may how totally |i ir n achrematistics must be: "kbe mathematics are not on' the level of abstruness, amd the o discussed in "Mind,"' that che periodical, are but as double 'acre tics, or the encyclopaedia €oO tidn, compared with this | problem of fiscal country fs con understood by professors who ot cupy chairs of metachrematistics i, the universities. Laborers ure by vited to vote; and ladies ask you the impossible conundrum: 'What do you think of fiscal policy?' Hay-" {ng read speeches by F.P.'s nd Anti= F.P.'s, I learn that we are certain to lose the colonies in either cased y that is, whether we adopt Mr. Cham berlain'é plan (whatever it may s or whether we don't. I am rath sorry for the colonics, because if we. lose them. somebody else will take then; and Lid theni rather a bands ful > 3 Mr, IHng's "lmpartial dnd lumg inouf reflections" are, he says, the 3 rosult of wet weather in a lovely part of the West Highlands The weather also provoked the following beautiful but melancholy poem, which is titled I'o Fiona, " Thine threp verses, forming & parddy on "Kf Canadian Boat Sodg,"" are delight- From the damp shielthg Gu the draggied fle Monutw Hivide vou, and no end of seas. But thongh your heart is genu'nely Higs.- land Stil, you're In luck to be away from thesel Far from the mountains where the thirst® crafter ; Farly and eager regitiers hig vote; '3 duy grows gH drinking harder as the yop mofter," < fiona, from these thou art happily re- moto fre (he hestels where the baffled tripper tow and contemplates the Watches the wind where the Far raln om k Herds the trenched AeCks 1 skip AE PPY the Far er {lents of Macbrayne, The Pay of dian Ofiel ls with the United States, Chmpared notwithstand- Canada's eivil service ing the increases under the new amending Act, remains ill paid. The, maximum for depity heads of de' partments if only $4,000 a vear, and for chief clerks of departments $2,- BOO a vear far below the renumer- ation men of equal ability command, on railroads, in the banks, insurance | and financial concerns, and comme... cial houses ir officials are expected to live H in a style which leaves no possibla' | to the good Men of large lead a struggling existence to keep up social appearances and' die poor. The consequence is the service has ceased to attract the best The margin families material Matters on the bench are event worse I'he High Court judges im Ontario receive $6,000 a year, and Supreme Court judges, the in the land, only $7,000 & year The insufficiency of these sal- aries may be gathered by compari- son with New South Wales, with a population of only 1,400,000, whichy pag teri Puisne judges $12,500 a& each; Victoria, population 1,+ pays $15,000 to the Ilighe and s6 in all the Aus- tralian colonies I'ge integrity Federal highest year 200,000 Court judges of Canada's judges is: but the salaries paid are earnings of firstclass law- nt discussions on the sub- have made it on the: years traditional the Rect in Parliament clear that many vacancies Bench have been filled of late below yers fact with less regard to fitness than for party purposes A similar undesitable state af &f- fairs as regarfis pay exists in the de- Canada maintains a permanent established for thé express purpose of producing a of men capable of taking charge at. in case of nation-' fensive forces corps a moment's notice al danger, of the training of all- § branches of the militia--cavalry, ar tillery, infantry, and the rest; bi the pay is in no scnse the fhodel res | quired. { : AENEAN The Landen Fadhiens ' A Canadiax girl How in Londof sends the following tO a Toroato: correspondent "Some very daintyx § yet warm little wraps are to be seen: at the theatres. A cream satin peles | rife, ar, rather, collarette, which wash padded, for warmth, was veiled in a! handsome silk braid lace collar, and had a ruche of white ostrich round collarette, shaped like sable tails. The stole ends were also of ostrich. A other neck-protector was of = whitd satin, under latticeswdrk of chenille; and all trimmed With accordion=i pleated chiffon frills. In Paris, where Jadies aftend theatres in a special | style &f dress, suggesting both evem< mg and outdoor toileps, a novelty, én on a leader of fashion, was &: | tof chiffon and marabou. | shoulder cape, of white satin, : applique, with Irish auipure, and&/ frilled with plisse chiffon, on which' the marabdéu came in scollops, The * long ends to 'match, were furthes | trimmod with Dowy satin ribbon. | | There were a hood and muff tol | mutch, The collarette and le wight well serve for a Londom tre, but no lady over here wo dream of carrying a muff with | into the stalls of aw eveningh®® The Pigeen's Marvellous FIIght: | | The pigeon's cépacity for fight faarvellous. Many have flown fig Nantes to Lancashire, 440 miles, a day, and the winner of a race fi the Shetlands to Londoh, over | miles, made the journey in si ¢ hours, al an average speed of sire i an tous, op thur. ha in jilting vou, Bt veu : ¢ get her! a Not. a long time, sis, I fear. The jewellery I gave her was. . on the easy payment svst - ney Town and Country Jow f :

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