Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 29 Oct 1903, p. 3

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Ko a E TALK is guaranteed. only, worth fron at 25 cents a pair w wear a small glove. OUR KID GLOVES tell the tale of entire satisfaction to the consumer. because we handle only first class goods made by first class makers. - Fownes ar the Best! A large shipment just to hand of the best shades for fall and winter. 50 PAIRS We have fifty pairs of Black Kid Gloves, Real French Kid, $1 to $1. i they last. air, which ye are offevin, th hid is a ie a if i. First-- Every pair ] ] : $ $ [] $ $ ] $ $ $ $ § 1B y § de partment. JO Ready- to-Wear Skirts | Everything that careful buyers demand in style and quality, Cull and see our $3 26 SKIRT, in Black, Navy and iy fit included, is in NES = C0O'S. i. 3 ; ~ (B50 1m SSO S02 500 SO S02 ST Sn 502 SE [TP 0m S02 505 0m (00 500 (6m 50m 50 Sp Clothing and Boot & Shoe Business EA AER fe HE Having increased the dime ns of my Prem es, I have 1 ased d rn MIT IN SRD i { HH nN 1B i mn | iL u Pumgihines Y- bik $9 S\! wid Ru or Men and Boy rich for quality and low prices cannot be equaled ur this district. 1 have the largest and most veried Stock of BOO SHOES ever opened in this locality for your inspection, and the prices are such as can not fail to ploase. L ,Come and see us in r enlarged quarters. My m shall be to p ¢ my customers in every particuir Port Perry. DEPARTMENTS A. F. CARNEGIE Bvapor ators Pay Big Prices for Apples - A glance at these figures speak for thefitselves. For instance take an Orxc hard of 300 barrels, all varities, 45 per cent are packed by buyers, which is 75 barrels. Allow a ut | say he packs 100 barrels per cent. only are No. 1 quality and h ses are the best when he offers . ¥1 for No 1 and cts for No. 2 » barrels No. 1 quality at $1 B30 oo 70 No. 2 i L 75 52 50 §82 50 Now we draw ya ie great profit derived in selling -same apples to the Ev 300 barrels in orchard and 80 td go per cent. ing for the best quality. 85 per cent. of Orchard =255 barrels or 3414 cwt. at 30c.. $102 45 | 15 wu i" i" = 45 i 60} 15C. 9 04 ; Price paid by Evaporators $111 49 Price paid by Packers...... 82 50 $28 09 Difference in tavor of Evaporators. . 30 r the are used in Evaporat- COME The Canada Permanent and n Canada Mortgage Corporation Toronto Street, Toronto. SAVINGS DE PARTMENT mar [5 3 1 r booklet $2 6 SAV Y BY MAI 3 [54 tne o Pald-up Capital, $6,000,000.00 % 3 {5 ottals stondneo | § 23,600,000.00 | SCOONGLS% Livein Harmony with the Times. COME wee SEE Our Fall Importation of British Goods is now oi X i Irish and Scotcl Worsteds, Fancy « and Overcoating ever been larg both in coloring and 1 he quality is A 1. Wer e But s do Shrinking, also Pressing and Re pairing at short notice,and our prices will suit you AND SEE BEFORE YOU BUY. W.H. DOUBT. Sept 16, 1903 150.00 BUS. WANTED! Port Perry / abov 1 ighest Price Paid for Farmers Dried Apples. he Regal Packin PORT PERRY. 2H rep Fair Grounds Having been purchased for the erection of a large Evaporator (Largest in Canada) are in the Market for 2,500 Busliels of Apples per day On and after Sept. 1st. We pay 30 cts. per cwt. (A 5 for good, sound, Hard Apples of a size large enough to peel on paring machines Delivered Over Scales at Factory. All'inforior sizes are to rate as Chops for which we will pay 15 cts per cwt., delivered as E> All loads coming to the Factory must be of one quality. Kindly note 'save future trouble or all will rate as Chop Stock only. g Go., been |being orman & J Son's 2210s. Sve 8 4 Ibs, oe Bae Sic To fkeees Foro gy Toronto Bread the same weight and the same Price as Port Perry Brea 10c Loaf. JUST RECEIVED A ChoiceSelection of Bulbs | Consisting of Hyacinths, Narcissu { Jonquails and Chinese Lillies for House Blooming and Fall Planting Es. Butter and Eg MARRIAGE Port Pe LiceNsE Oct OFFICE 14, ry, 1903 FARM TO RENT. T.C. FORMAN & SON. may pay too dear for their eyes in such a manner that Hiey # fa ere the crowd goes they are still imagine, that because they go w. cheap as they should do. n things to contend with at times, and some people go so far as to cannot see the ins, and outs they won't believe all they read, or we have advertised that we will furnish fine Cloth Casket, beatitifully latered and a nice equipment with a grand Hearse for $34 ; and a fine trimmed, eto., with ovr for $27. These are only samples, other proportion. Those persons who like to pull the wool over people's ey 'a o it and give good value. We repeat most emphatically, that we do e, and have done so for many months, and those interested were well satis is possible we intend to pull the wool from a good many people's Rll that we can do fine funeral work at prices far below those of in this district, eyes, -olass work, and conducting funerals with respectful decorum' are many dollars lower in price than any other Undertakers, with east of Toronto, will pull the wool from people's eyes we shall do it. respect, without being officious to our patrons and friends. Under gentlemanly and sympathetic in their actions and demeanor to the the departed. We are not on the lookoat for the people to die, neither pecting such to occur, It looks nnseemly to see trio, visiting @riously ill, and professing, or showing a so-called put on sympathy with #ick. "All the Trade Journals censure such wih fy and write very it. If Undertakers had experibneed the loss of some of their cwn fam- d have kindly, and more respectful feelings towards those in distress, , or death, Death comes to us all sooner or later. ext week's ad. *" Our EquipMeNT." JESSOP FURNITURE C0. TT, Manager, living, as wi watching, those who friends of strongly ilies the either i n , gn -~ a sms SRERE Sfp SENG ASR ARLE . -- ; BR en iii a tm 3050 0 0 0 0 2 0 PE 0 | A | 2 Wool Over the Eyes = CHAPTER IL REMOVAL wien A eat E in this day and age for even level-headed people to have the wool Having had the cothiodiots Store in the Currie Block fitted up espect ially, I am satisfied I have now one of the best appointed Drug Stores in the Province, and have taken possession of thy new and extensive premises, up, in addition to my extensive stock of Drugs, Chetnicals, and Faney Goods, a full line of SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES While returning thanks to my numerous patrons 1 would extend where I have opened an invitation to all to call and see me in my new premises, A.] DAVIE Port Perr R Full Stock OF EVERYTHING IN THE Harness Line ~~ WHICH Fol ros Wanted. | EAT TO SUIT Kyery FACH AT FARM of 75 acres on the gth A con. Cartwright. good clay | loam, half cleared. School House No. g, oh the premises, mn the first of November er particulars enquire of JOHN WADI Port Perty. | For Sale or to Rent I t 11 Conces wnshij Would pr ling. Apply to CHAS. MASO Shelburne, Ont Or Joun W. HoLTby y Manchester, Ont Sale Desirable Farm for B! ING LOT IRI xl € A I furthe I PE OH ATSON EAGRAVE, P. ( Shorthand Bookkeeping Penmanst Ta Bw, bY 0 wy TORONTO, ONT. I Ex I's I'he only Scl I nto teacl ing the fam GR E GG SHORTHAND, or ul h I ( € I { Ce Catal I rs free J. W. WESTERVEL1 Chartered Acconntant, Principal. Important Notice. FPIHE REPORT current that 1 have posed of my busines to Mr. Alex. MacMillan, V.S, it 1 almost needless to state, is untru the fact is, finding it it was im possible to attend to all the numer I have of late concluded ous calls with which patronized I stance to obtain ass order to meet the requirements of my num- erous patrons I have entered into partnership with Mr MacMillan, the name and style of the new firm Ertror erinary Surgeons, so the hew firm will be prepared at all times--night and day--to cater to all requiring our professional Sefvices in a manner that cannot fail to meet their approbation: JT. ELLIOT 1903. Notice to Creditors of James Walsh, late of the City ot Rochester, New York, Tailor, deceased. |PURsUSRY to Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1897, cap. 129, notice is hercby given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the above named James Waish, who died on the Seventeenth day of July, 1808, are re- quired ou or before the Twentieth day of November, A D. 1903, to send by post pre- paid, or deliver to Hubert L. Khbels of the Village of Port Perry, Barrister, the Administrator of the said deceased, their Christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, together with full particulars of their claime, a statement of their account, aud the nature of the security, if any, held by them. And Notice is further given that after such last mentioned date the gaid Adminis trator will yroceed to distribute the assets of the said Kstate among the perscos entitl- ed thereto having regard only to the claims of which Nofice shall, at the time of the distribution hate been given; and the said Admivtstrator will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to uny person or persons of whose claim le shall not have had Notice Dated at Fort Perry, Oct. 8, 1908, Wy EBBELS, and in Port Perry, April 6, Solicitor for Administrator. : L. & J. Stoufler's THE WEEKLY GLOBE Canada's Great [llustrated Weekly. A leading feature of The WrrkLy GLOBR to be added this fall will be an Eight-Page Illustrated ON SUPERCALENDERED For the pro uction photo-en and mechanical equ uonably the 1 -- » > Supplement PAPER of this great paper an immense new electrotyping, printing plant has been added to The Globe's This will make The WrEKLY GLOBE unques most de Ir able home paper in Canada INENE NA z Xp 7 RARSRX = 25 Port Perry 2 ZS PIE 24 ' 22 Roller Hills © i Zs AN NW" pS Ol iN FIN 3 iN FULL BLAST te iN Ena ZN Nj Ni" [ lake great pleasure in annvunting that niy a ew Mills are now completed and in full oper- Si" and that I am betler than ever prepared { 3 eel the requirements of my friemds and the keral public in every line pertaining to my ady extensive and rapidly increasing busi- mess. Correct business principles, prompitude and courteous treatment may be relied on. JAMES CARNEGIE CRACK LL NI ZN Nv ZI DAK The nndersigned would take this opportunity of thanking his nu m-rous customers for the liber . patronage received since opening business iu Port Perry, and would inform the public thut he has moved his btsivess from he Market Luilding to the Store oorEast of t Office where he will be pleased to fill all crders for Meats in a manner that enntiot fail to please customers, Having new and increased lites for the transaction of husiness he feels confident that e can give Letter satisfaction than heretofore, and in érder to aerify this state he solicits all to give him a call in kis new premises, FISH IN SEASON. I. J. WHEELER. ) EZ Weo CHEAPNESS. STYLE Durability and STRENGTH, Cannot be surpassed in the County, Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks &c., in abundance Comparison of Prices Courted ARK W. A. BEATTY it $ N ort Perry a Ca J. W. Meharry I REAL ESTATE BROKER. | Experience is Invariably | | Essential to Success. EE EL in negotiating ct satis my A cerned, I have concluded all Real Estate that may be | to devote iif FARMS FOR SATE | ] Iw 1 1 ttention of parties requiring Farms to | Four fine propert ted a | il 1 hr ee o Farn 18 in Seugog. lil fine Farm in Reach if gar Partie I g inded properties hil v ult the t t I t with te for [it fill sale atisfact i Hilt i th A t Cor ssion on Real Estat ity IA LOANS horrowers at amenterty I | EZ | represen Fire and Life Insurance [Jif ( 1panie Pr pt a n given to apy a S | | Port Perry, Sept i 0 hy di 2 Hi 3 8 TE E oT mio Engh A GREAT SACRIFICE HI Sale of Furniture! DURING THE HOL [DAY SEASON Fhe undetsigned will s antity of fir8t-tlass Furniture, con ting of Parlor, Dining Room, Bed Room Sets, &d Give me a call. Cash or Approved Credit, £2" A Fine lot of Picture Frames and Gilt Mouldings suitable to the trade. EZ Agent for Monuments. "&§ 1 Wanted. 3 JOHN NOTT. Diesfeld's = DIAMOND SALLs SPECI ALL BARGAINS in GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES; Gold Filled Cases in great vr ariely, sonie as .smezll as.a Quarter ot Dollar, nicely Enameled and Set with Pearls, &¢: Prices to suit you all right. WEDDING AND ENCAGEMFAT RINGS in Pearl, Opal and Diamonds, all fine and New Designszy Great Varidry Very Curae. 4 'We are prepared tc give Knives, Forks Spoons, Fruit Dishes, Butter Dishes, Cake Sets, &c., and some more to follow. &7 Also Fancy Goo 's, Everyruine cots CHedp. £5 EZ" Repairing as usual, DIESFEBE Port Parry, 30, 1998.

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