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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 5 Nov 1903, p. 1

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47" YEAR, NO. ape PORT PERRY, ONTA 2 OHMERCE $8.700,000 3,000,000 HEAD OFFICE Japital (Paid Up) Rest - ESTABLISHED 1867, A General Banking Business Transacted BUSINESS WITH FARMERS Loans made to farmers for periods ex tending from one to wine mouths for feed cattle and other farm purposes Sales Notes discounted or col most favorable rates. | | SAVINGS BANK | DEPARTMENT. | osits of One Dollar and upwards | cived and interest allowed at current Dap rates { Interest is added to the deposit TWICE each year, at the end of May and | November | The Depositor is ubject to no delay whitever in the withdrawal of the whole woany portion of the deposit No Charge is made withdrawing or depositing money Port, Perry Branch W Hd DUNSFCRD, Manager | HER, M.D.C.M. Victoria | . M.B. Toronto University, | College of Physicians and Licentiate of the Royal Edinburg ; Licentiate Yhysicians, Edin on | Jy { dents | 'argeons. Ont Jollege of Surgeons, of the Loyal College of I burg ; Member df the Faculty of Physicians | ( asgow ; Late Resident | Pupil of the Rolunda Hospital, Dublin, | for Women. Office and Residence, second | door west of Davis® Furniture Emporiam, Queen Street. Oifive hours--8 to la. . anid 2 t0 5 p.m, evenings I have taken as partuer, my brother, Dr R. Avchar, M.D, C. M., of Col eve of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. Port Perry, June 9, 1897 NOTICH. R. J H. SANGSTER, Physician, Sur 1) «on and Accoucheur, and Dr. W. A Supuster, Deutist, may on and after 10-day, te found in their new Surgical and Dental Offices over the Post Office, where they will be foul ax heretofore, prepared to attend to their respective professions in all their branches, Port Perry & uid Surge and Member | Dec. 8 1897 DR. S. J. MELLOW,' PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, &C Office and Residence, Queen St., Port Perry Office hours--8 to 10 am ; 1to3 pm, wud Evenings Telephone in office and house, open night the south, counected | . of (3. L. Robson, V.8 15, 1804 sud day over ines ith the it Ferry, Nov " residence Pc WM. H. HARRIS, B.A. LLB. BARRISTER, &c., Successor to and occupsnt of the offices of the Jate F. M. Yarnold. Port Perry, - Ozt. | | | MONEY TO LOAN. Private Funds at 4 per cent. Feb. 1 1901 JNO. W. CROZIER ARRISTER. SoriciTor, CONVEYANCER, B &c. Office at residence, 6th Con. Reach (one wile west of Port Perry,)-- Moxey To Loan. Vv. F. PATERSON, KX. C, Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Public, &c., Nos. 310311, Temple Building, Cor. Bay and Richmond Streets, Torouto. Toronto, March 31, 1808. ¥ E. FAREWELL, K.C,, LL.B., Count; +) . €rown Attorney, Barrister, County - sitor, &c., Notary Public and Conveyancer Jffice--South wing Court House, Whitby, Oat. W. A GANGSTER, es DENTAL SURGEON. "i Office Hours--9 to 12a.m., 2 to 6 p.m. Also open Saturday evening. #2 Gold Fillings, Bridge and Crown Work a Specialty. Vitalised Air. Dr F D. McGrattan (DENTIST) .D.8. of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, also D.D.8. of Toronto University. © Cffice in the Allison Block over Allison's : Drug Store. Office hours--8 a.m. t08.30 p.m. Port Perry, April 0, 1902. MONEY TO LOAN. eral Vis brn | turn thanks to his vumerous patrons for | past favors and continued patronage he desires to | state that no effort or pains will be spared on his part to make all sales entrusted to him successes. His very extensive practice in the past should be a sufficient recom mendation as to his ability. All Sale pee: ONT on Form 8 Le b Re i Western Bank OF CANADA -- Port Perry Agency. A GENERAL Bankiug Business, trans: \ acted. Spec \ id Savings Bank Department. gheat current Deposits receivod at the hi; rates, Interest calnulated an eredited to | each depositor semi-annually. H. G. HUTOHESON, MANAGER, "ort Perry, June 26, 1897. £100,000 | STERLING (British Capital) To lend at 4. 4% and 5 on good Mortgage Security | | per cent | J. A. MURRAY, DENTIST, )ffice over the Post Office. PORT PERRY All branches of Dentistry, including Crown and Bridge Work succesfully practiced. Artifical Teeth or on Gold, Silver, Aluminum Rubber Plates Fillings of Gold, Silver or Cement Painless extraction when required: £7 Prices to suit the times 3 GEO. JACKSON, Licensed Anctioneer, Valuator, &c. FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSIHII W ISHES at this the commencement ¢ another Auction Sale Season to re In requesting their esteemed given into his charge will be attended to with promptoess and dispatch. Sale list made out and blank notes supplied free, on application. Parties wishing to engage his services muy consult hie SALE REGISTER either at the Observer or Standard Offizes, Port Perry, for dates claimed for Sales, and make arrangements, or write to his address CHARGES MODERATE. GEO. JACKSON, Port Perry P. O AUCTIONEER. FTVHE undersigned takes this opportunity of returning thanks for the very liberal patrcnage he hug received as Auctioneer in the past. The increased experience and extensive practice which I have had will be tarned to advantage of patrons, and parties favoring me with their sales may rely on their interests being fully protected. No effort will be spared to make it profitable for parties placing their sales in my hands, My Sale Register will be found at the Leland House, Cwsarea, Nov. 1, 1901. THOS. SWAIN. Cosarea, Aug. 26, 1896, H. McCAW, - ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES Port Perry, Deo. 19, 1 WM. SPENCE, Township Clerk, Commissioner, &c. r , Port Perry Ont. s prepared to Loan any quantity of Money on improved Farm Security at 6 and 7 per ceut (Trust funds) All kinds of Conveyancing executed with ueatness and dispatch. Office--Oue door west of Town Hall, Manchester. A Manchester April 11, 1888, North Ontario Observer A Weekly Political, Agriculbural and Family Newspaper 18 PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT. EVERY THURSDAY MORNING H. PARSONS TERMS. -- $1 per snnum, if paid in advance : if not $1.50 will be charged. No subscription taken for less than six months: and no paper discontinned until arrears are LETTERS coutaining money, when addressed to thi: Ottioe, prepsid and registered wili be at our risk. ADVERTISEMENTS measured Nonpariel, and charged according to the anys a ADVERTISEMENTS received for pustication, with out instruotions, inmerted 2 . gril bo. (neerted until ar tor oT A LIBERAL discount allowed to Merchants and other who advertise by the year or ball year. THESE terms will in all cases be striatly adhered to JOB DEPARTMENT. Billa, Posters, Pamphlet Hand Programs, Dodgers, Bill Heads, Checks Letter Heads, 'Wedding Invitations, Blank Forms, Receip Books, Business Cords Books, Cireulars, Assembly Cards, Visiting Cards, &c. of style and » ps the County... ia a oy bei proprietor, 'May 14, 1003. | 6. Bou ad Joke Sloe Bok HE undersigned offers for. Sale or to Reut his House and Lot ou the cerner of Arrow and Lorne Streets, Port Perry. The Dwelling is comfortable, in good repair | 14 story. The lot contaivs Theres. frat. class land on whi-h there are a number of choice bearing frait treea; there arc also a good well and new pump. For particulnis apply at THE OpsxrvER office, or to thu JOSEPH BRYAN % Manc 0, heater, © hacking A The undersigned offers for sale his Challenge Threshing Machine at a Bargan Although the machine has been in use about three years it is none the worse for that. Parties requiring a good Separator should see this machine. Apply to the owner. JOHN COLLINS, Jr, June 2, 1903 Scugog OOUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1903. I. WHITBY--Clerk, D. O. Macdonell, Whitby ~Janu ary 6, February 4, March 4, April 4, May 6, June 3, Ju'y 4, Beptember 4. Uctober 6, November 4, Dec ember 4. Jan. 6, 1 OSHAWA Clerk, D. 0. Macdonell, Whit hy-- Janu ary 7, February 5, March 5 April 3, May 7. June 4, July 8, Beptoniber 5, October 1, November b, ember 5, Jan 2. BROUGHAM Clerk, M, Gleeson, Greenwood --Jant ary8, March, May 9, July 7, September 9, Nov ember 7, Jan. 9, 1904 PORT PERRY -- January 9, Apply to 3 DAVID J. ADAMS Banker and Broker, | Port Perry, Ont. | Clerk, JW. Burnham, Port Perry March §, May 13, July 9, September 904 12, November 11, Jan. 11, 1 4 UXBRIDGE Olerk, Jos. E Gould, Uxbridge January 16, March 20, May #9. July 15, Septenbe, 5, November 20, Jun. 14, 1904 5. CANNINGTON--Clerk, Geo January 15. March 19, Muy 23 24, November 19, Jan. 13, 1504 Oannington 4, September BEAVERTON Clerk, Geo. F. Bruoe, Beaverton Jnuuary 14, March 18, May 27, Septewber 23, Nov ember 18, Jan. 12, 1904. UPTERGROVE--Olerk, Thos. P. Hart, U arch 1 plergrove 7, Muy 26, September 22, Novem 7 her 17 By order, J. BE. FAREWELL, Clerk of the Peace Dated st Whithy, Nov. 25th, 1902 MISS HARRISON Dress and Mantle Maker \ JTISHES to inform the ladies that she has moved to her fire Rooms in the Allison Block where she is prepared to exccute all orders in Dress and Mantle Making in a manner unsurpassed for Correctness of Style and Charmi / Our charges are cor t the value given Port Perry, Marcl I JOS. BAIRD ICEN AUCTIONEE} 1+ 4 County of O Sale Register at the Opsrrver Off Pat \ solicited. Manchester, Jun, 10, 1899 Jamieson's Livery [THE undersigned takes this opportunity of thanking the inhabitants of Port Perry and snrrounding country for the liberal aud still increasing pat ronage bestowed upon him wince commencing Carting and Livery in Port Perry and now futimates that he is better thun ever prepared to supply all requirements in hia live. Having extensively added to my stock of hu well as conveyances of the latgpt type of construction for comfort and pleasure, I am in « position to meet the requirements of the most fastidious as te style and desirable equippage in every respect---in every way suit able for private wriving wed- dings, funerils, &c. Parties wishing an afternoon drive can have their choice of suitable double or single rigs and care: ful drivers will also be suppli- ed when required. I a number of good Spring and Dray Wugons and will, at al times, attend to Carting with the utmost cue and promptness. I wish further to state that in future suitable conveyances will be at the Railway Depot to convey passangers and lag: gage to private residcnovs, and will also convey passengers and baggage to the Depot in timo for departing trains, on being given notfee . WM. JAMIESON. Port Perry, July 30, 1903. WANTED A man to represent "CANADA'S Greatest Nurseries' in the townof PORT PERRY and surrounding country, and take orders for OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES in Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoes, &c. Stock true to name and free from Sah Jose Scale. A permanent pos ition for the right man on either salary or commission. STONE & WELLINGTON ' FONTHILL NURSERIES ovER 800 ACRES TORONTO, H., PARSONS, ONTARIO rates, &c, Vahl Pray TRE undersigued offers for Bargain her beautiful ri perty in the Village of Prince Al five property is situated on Sime aud coutains fiftecn acres, more "or There ts erected thereon a fine and dious Brick Dwelling House, and finished io the most appro oo their Pear, Or mental trees Splendid ny The pro- perty ts well fenced, in fact, the whole outfit for desirability, location, and come pletencss isone rarely to be met with, Twi=} mediate: possession given. Also for Sale a Farm, being composed of the East-half of lot 20 and North-half of Jot 21, in the Ist con. of Cartwright, coutain-| ing 200 Acres, more or less, on the properfy there is erected a first class Barn, Driving Burn and Stables, and Dwelling House. The | and in a cultivation, well | fenced, there isn grand spring of good | water thereon, There are about 40 acres of | good pasturesdand For further particulars, apply to J. W Meuanrry, Port Perry, or to the propri wlress, | MRS. M. LANG, | Privee Albert. June 24, 1903 good state of been appointed Assistant | THAN RIGHT OUR MISTAKES." RSDAY, NOV. 5, 1903. ---------------- (WHOLE No. MM DXCIV. ¢ makes you look old? are not forty! pe this looking old. 3 ik re 5 i FOU ) = Ti [Usy Ayer's Hair Vigor and 'réstdre to your gray hair all p, dark, rich color of ife. Then be satisfied. restored the natural I Tot ai i BF Y ANDBOAR, Mechanicavills, N.Y J. 0. AYER 00., Lowell, Mass print for Dark Hair " Oamadiys Known Abread. Mr. Robert \N, Venning, has who Commis To Rent or for Sale sioner of Fishdries, is probably as * well known eutside of Canada as . any member o{ the Canadian Civil Whe. Service. Yor thirty years, although rs. Jane Wheeler's beautiful gi: born = lately as 1854, Mr Brick Residence on the Nonquon | Vennfng has been attached to the Road, south of Port Perry. There | Department of ¥arine and Fisheries s a splendid Fruit Garden attached, | As Chief Clerk of tha Fisheries with Outbuildings, etc A larg Branch of the lepartmert, Mr. Ven quantity of ranching or pas land ning has been of inestimable ald 10 j a ning or pasture land | ype" various members under whom he may be rented or purchased' in con nection with or separately from the above Apply to W. H HARRIS, Barrister, Port Perrv Aug. 18, 1903 Has just taken possession of the FOY SHOE SHOP | |one door South of the St. Charles | | Hotel, where he intends to make all | | kinds of Boots and Shoes, and do| | all kinds of repairing All comers | He wants tol {to please all who come his way, of | possible. [strictly attended to. Port Perry, June 10, 1903. WANTED -- SEVERAL I} S PERSOYS USTRIOU t lished eleven 1 upon merch. | ' rofitable line » k salary of $08] b » advanced in | elope Cver Sixty Years SLOWS SOOTHING BYRUP has been by millions of wothers for their children while sthing. If disturbed at night aod Lroken of you rest by a sick child suffering and ecylug with pain of [ € utting Tecth, send at ouce and got » bottle of " Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend It oures Diarrhea, Rogulates the Stomach snd Bowels, Cures Wind Colie, and gives tone and euergy to the whole syseem. upon it, mothers, there ix no mistake sLout it. Softens the Gums, Reduces Inflammation, "Mrs, Winslow's Bo thing Syrup for Children Tecthing fa plensait to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists throughout the world. Be ure and ask MRS. WINSLOW'S BOOTHING SYRUP." tor When you want a physic that is mild and gentle, easy to take and ertain to act, always use Chamber Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by A. J. Davis. J W. BURNHAM, Clerk of the Third +} Division Court. Office in Psot Office Block, Port Perry. lain's Canadian an Admiral, Rear-Admiral Sir Charles Drury, who recently took the place of Ad- miral Sir John Fisher as Second Lord of the Admiralty, is a Cana- dian. He has already had experience of departmental work, having been aj member of the Ordnance Committee }3 in 1893 As a guunery expert he stands high, and there is no doubt that the excellent work he did at ' promotion, 8ir Charles, who was Commander-in-Chief of the East In- dies Station when he received new appointment, has since his re- turn been paying visits to the cipal home ports, with a view to qualifying himself for his duties as | Second Seca Lord. Lady Drury is a} daughter of Mr. Whitehead of torpedo | fame and an aunf of Princess Bis- marck. A Timely Suggestion. This is the season of the year wlien the prudent and careful house wile replenishes her supply of Cham- berlains Cough Remedy. It 1s cer- tain to be needed before the winter is over, and the results are much more prompt and satisfactory when it is kept at hand and given as soon as the cold is contracted and before it has become settled in the system. In almost every instance a severe cold may be warded off by taking this remedy freely as soon as the first indications of the cold appears. There is no danger in giving it to to children for it contains no harm- ful substance. [tis pleasant to take --both adults and children like it. Davis. peri. North-West "Territory and Man. itoba. Parties above parts call on A. J. Davis, C.P.R ticket agent, for informaticn | months he had the Devonport marked him out for future {3 Buy it and you will get the best. It}: always cures. For sale by A. J.|§ £7" Klondyke, British Columbia, | going to any of the| has served. From the inception of the Behring Sea scaling Mr Venning became the confidential offi issue cer in charge of the preparation of the Canadian case. His labors In this connection were enormous, and his natural aptitude for research en- abled. him to speedily perform an immense quantity of work So ably did he perform this commission that Mr. Venning, by advice of Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper, then Minis ter of Marine and Fisheries, was ap pointed British Commissioner to re port.s on the Russian sealing oper ations in the Kommandorski Islands To this end he was given quarters on a British man-of-war cruising in the Aleutian waters, and for several vessel at his ser vice in prosecuting his researches e also passed some time on a Ww. . by imvitation of the fal commanding the Czar's fet the North Pacific. The re- of Mr. Venning's researches formed an important portion of the brief for the Dritish counsel in the | argument before the Paris Tribunal Governor-General-in-Council sig nalized Mr. Venning's efforts by an official pote of thanks and acknow ledgment Since then Mr. Venning has performed valuable services in capnection with the Cominission for adjusting the claims of Canadian sealers whose vessels were scized by American cruisers. As assistant to Professor Prince Mr. Venning will undoubtedly be a most efficient off oer, The First Baby What joy the when (he fir to gthe young and mothtr who ) care i8 no other per ing. In the litt tain mother scarcely knows what to do the young mother--to all moth ef$--Daby's Own Tablets are a rea blessing. They promptly cure such trgubles as constipation, olic, sou stomach, diarrhoea and simple fev 8. They break up colds, destroy re 1s y comes, and inexperience it has (« for i of her life = ills that the so ry are cer to come inexperience Worms, allay he irritation accom .panying the cutting of teeth and vent more serious ills. These ntain no opiate, nor any other nful drug always found in so d vsoothing" medicines. They good for all chiliren from the born babe to the well grew If you do not find the sents to The Dr. Williams Med: Co., Brockvilie, Ont, and a kK will be moiled you post paid. > WARWICK CASTLE. Stately Memes of England and tally One of the Greatest Onstles in the Land. gounty in England is more il than Warwickshire, or con- more celebrated towns and , It is a splendid domain, the heart of the land, and h filled with great historic f and association. country is very beautiful, with lanes and low thatched cot- 'and a green freshness, only to in England, where the clim- moist perhaps for human is capable of giving a won- Juxuriance to trees and turf. favorite author has written: is a soil so rich and pure that 4 its idlest mood it lights it- With flowers." Famous Warwiek Oastle. 'road from Kenilworth to War- ds again theough avenues of shady lanes, and it is not the towers of onc of Eng- teat castles appear above igh the trees. The struc- t upon high rocks and on the River Avon, wind- 8 peaceful way along through _and fertile country. Over the 3 que bridge is thrown, a beautiful view of the was founded, but, referring "the 'Domesday Book,' it d there as a borough houses, The strects of abl ts are sold under a guarantee | Tao | t your medicine doalers send | 5 : a) eee rrr --------_ | the toWn are quaint and Narrow, and ggegd- SDP bb Db bpotiot Takia "9 an old Norman archway guards the ¢ @.| gift only for the pleasure of seeing | entrance. | 1t burned. Sr | In the time of William the Conquer- & AT A RUMMAGE 3 "A tobacco pouch--look!" said the or Farldom of! Warwick became o wg memories may é S one of importance, and the long line b nd S A L E 2 gay eclons vias apy J of earls bégan. The town was more ¥ wp " | i OV b 'wenty-five, squeaked Lindg | than once visited by royalty, as & SYDNEY PHE 3 Whit , i | King Henry IIL occupied Warwick By LPS hei y Sd. y | with his army before seizing Kenil- € ya + v1 grow oa Sp JF ariends saying ! worth Castle. The cortege of Eliza- Pb ...Copyright, 3908, by T. C. McClure... 1 Mrs. Denzil nearly dropped the p you at your gray J beth, too, remained several days be- @ SLs 4 | tn amazement at my intervention. =: { Tore going on lo visit the Earl of $dvdbebbodbotioddoibtit "One dollar," from the oldest Miss: Leicester at his castle. | Warwick has an interesting church and a quaint old market place, and Mother lookefl up from the bundle of old clothes wh 'had just arrived at the J d all rummage sale. "I don't believe we have $10 worth of things all together," she said. A hopeless expression crossed her face ns she thought of the needed $50. "How hateful all one's rich relations ered history by the chroniclers. His | battles were inany and his prowess great, but after a time he returned to Warwick, where his wife, the daughter of the earl, had long been walting for his coming. Undiscover- giwayg are!" I burst out. "I belleve | ed by her, he lived uear DY, @t tney gell their things to old clothes Guy's cliff, as a hermit, and, un- men" known to all, depended on her boun- sald | "We must do the best we can," ty. Finally, when about to die, he | ovo nutjontly. "The poor people | sent their wedding rings te her, beg- ging her to come to him, to say who get them will be pleased anyway farewell I wonder if any one will look in and Content: of the Castle. help us at the sale." The Castle of Warwick is one of | "No one" I answered, with convic the finest in all England. The en- tion. "Between hockey and" trance is through beautifully wooded "Hero worship," mother interrupted, grounds, where stately trees, and laughing. "If we could only get John turf like velvet, arg seen on every Gray to come we would not have stand- | side. From different points of view {ng room." the castle shows its varied aspects I did not answer. John Gray wu each one impressive In its own yugt home from the Philippines. As an special way. There are several high interesting convalescent and hero he irregular towers, which add much to wu. (n great demand nmong the girls the heauty of the castle, and of } But, though 1 had known him from these Caesar's tower, at the south is very interesting. Near it is a re childhood, I refused to add ome to the servoir of great size, used to store a FAnkS of his adorers, 80 a coolness had water supply for the castle fallen between my old playmate and At certain hours of the day the myself massive doors of the great pile are "Mrs. Denzil is in the parlor, ma'am," open to the public, and only the sald the mald, and we went in to be living rooms of the family are clos- cheered by the gayest little lady in the ed. The broad hall, with its heavily town carved chairs, and masses of ancient Mrs. Denzil had a husband In the armor on the walls, is very hand- ppjjppines and appeared to get along some and fmpressive, and its many | yoy well without him. We would not Joorp oad 20 are Front Suing and have willingly spared that brilliant face with its wealth of falr hair, nuda apartments of the castle There are several celebrated paint clous blue eyes and wickedly curved red lips from*our midst. It was vain to ings in these rooms, and the War wick vase, of pure white marble, | Yc look askance at Mrs. Denzil, her and large enough to hold 163 gal absolute frankness was so disarming. lons, is carefully treasured within "You look worried," she said. "What the building. The vase, which is an {sit?" antique, was discovered at the bot "It is only our rummage sale," I said tom of a lake, near the village of ggdly. "The things which have been Hadrian, in Tivoli, and sold to the gent In will bring but a song, yet we Earl of Warwick, who had it trans- | ynow of no other way in which to raise ported to England the mone} The grounds of the castle are very A attractive, and fine views are seen on Are men's things any use? Why every hand A number of beautiful | Bot ask young Gray? peacocks are allowed to wander "1 hardly liked to," sald mother. about a certain part of the estate, "All right, I will. He must have where they spread their feathers and heaps of things he doesn't want." sometimes utter their harsh, discor- dant notes Among these handsome and send us the re- write to John Gra birds a lovely white one is conspic- | sults of her appeal. Sure enough, a uous, so tame that it will readily | few days later she brought in ber dog- come to strangers to be fed cart a huge bundle which she opened The Castle of Warwick and the ex- | trjumphantly tensive grounds give an impression | wrpere, I told you I would get some of dignity and repose which is al thing out of him. Bboes--lots of them, most unequalled, even in England, | own yng black; two suits, very little the land of history and calm un : ww! ! broken progress. And the whole | © on socks, collars, ties County of Warwick, with its stately "Splendid!" we said. "Did he send trees and fields of brilliant flowers them all the way to your house?" "No; I told him I would call for the gardens and its w k cot beautiful setting | bundle this afternoon. It was to be } o places it | ready in his own special sanctum. He was out, but old Jenkins showed me in. rr = I found a note from him asking if this sort of thing would be of any use and Deatness 18 Curable! fer aying that if he wanted anything more rs from impaired heacing will be| Jenkins could get it for me." lad to know that their affliction is Pursued by our grateful thanks, Mrs, robably not due to ar rganic | Denzil drove off in her usual whirl jefect ear, but results prob; wind. She promised to come to our bly fr l kening of the lining sale next day and especially begged to { the middle ear aus d by catar | be allowed to act as auctioneer for al inflammation. Hundreds of | GHys things. Mother and I returned to the exam erfect recoveries as a result o . {nation of the bundle. Actually, two nhalation of Catarrhozone of his pipes," she sald. "How very ported, and on the highest authority good of him!" we recommend this treatment tc I said nothing, for t mo sur readers. Catarrhozone quickly | ment I had caught sight of something which gave me a sharp stab of pa Many years ago, when John Gray first went to college, I had worked its col restores lost hearing, and its efficacy is placed beyond dispute by the case of Mr. Warren of Toronto, who re | overed perfect hearing by using | ®™ on & tobacco pouch. There had | Catarrhozone, after years of deal been something more than mere kindli- [ ness. Price $1. At druggists or by | Bess in our farewell on that occasion, He surely need not have sent the pouch to a rummage sale The sale came off the next day. In the midst ef a little argument with a stout woman as to the value of a red flannel dressing sack mother sald to me: "Clare, both of the Whites have come. | That is rather nice of them, They have brought another girl with them." | "I looked up and smiled at the three. Just then, to my surprise, the daughter h . of our bank president appeared, fol- | between Child's hill and Finchley. The | 1,004 closely by a fairly representative | A EO A rn | gathering of the young ladies of the | d neighborhood. left a water cress farm, much patron- { os must be some mistake" 1 Ct i Ag RY thought. "They must think there is an | e " | entertalnment to follow." fu apply of Feppae water Ie goings Just then 1 heard Mrs. Denzil's voice. autumn, winter, and on 4 Cc. "Here | am," she said, "in plenty of what stands for summer, there is a di- time. Hurry up, girls; the auction Is viding line distinctly noticeable be- going to begin. Can I have a chair put tween the upper alr and an unexpected | op that table? Thanks. The handle of layer of clammy chilliness which hangs | py rigjng whip will be the hammer." motionless over the "Valley of the | ng finging herself with rapture into Bhacow. Doh the wey Ba) Le ive the part, she began the auction. an g y Most people prefer to travel down hill, a buyers. Weary. #8 wax but in this case it is quite a relief to | .yook at these ties," she said in tones | leave that queer penetrating cold stra- | or 4,3ent admiration. "College colors, tum for the mellow air of the hill | (1; colors, rainbow colors. Girls, you above. --~Westminster Gazette. will never forgive yourselves if you let such a chance as this slip. Six ties, all | worn--well worn. Did I bear you say a quarter, Miss Smith? Oh, I hope not. I Chamberlain's Pain Balm and | could oot rigs 10 Suk oy) Lo bound to the affected parts is sup-| YOU y ce! it, (That 13 Det erior to apy plaster. When troubl- | bon Dut Hot a 1 ge heed ed with lame back, or pains in the io resident's daugbter. re ence side or chest, give it a trial and you | EE mention the ROE of the donor are certain to be more than pleased | of the effects, and the ladies gazed jn with the prompt relief which it| ;aiseuised amazement at each other's affords. For sale by A. J. Davis. trantic bids. "This pair of boots," Mrs. Denzil pur- sued, "was worn in the Philippines." This was entirely untrue, but the | spirited bidding ensued, and another | girl became their proud possessor at the extravagant price of $2.50. | mail, from Pclson & Co., Kingston | Ont | ---------- | The Valley of the Shadew. | The place which has the reputation | of being the coldest between London and York is not ten miles from Char ing Cross. It is the valley locally known as "the Valley of the Shadow," at the northern side of Royal Oak hill, in her Better Than a Plaster. A piece of flannel dampened with Spent Over $2,000 Doctoring. "Mr. Joseph Pominviile, of Stil'= water, Minn, after having spent over $2,000 with the best doctors for stomach trouble, without relief, was advised to try a box of Chamber- lain's Stomachand Liver Tablets, At last, to my mingled relief and | rage, the little tobacco pouch was held | aloft in Mrs. Denzil's grasp. k had de- | once more my own property. The rest' | of the scene is a dream to me. ¥ Off went Mrs. Denzil, promising to | Smyth. o¥ ne twenty-five," 1 cheeks 1 Through the bush 1 cou Fl V. "0 ed How long that horrible auction Ja I do not know. I only knaw that last at the cost of $5 which 1 could i spare the horrid little pouch became When all the lots were disposed of all the girls quietly withdrew, eacht eying her neighbor with stern distrust. ; Mrs. Denzil sat down and laughed {ill the tears ran down her cheeks. "Do you kuow how 1 did it?" she asked. y told each of them--in the strictest con fidence--that rome trifles belouging to. John Gray were going to be sold. They thought they would pick up some little souvenir cheaply, but'--and she care! fully welghed a purse in her hands--*1; don't think they aid, exactly." ; I turned toward the big fireplace. I= would get rid of that pouch at once. The door flew open, aud Johw Gray purst in. "Oh, 1 say, Mrs. Denzil, I came rushing down to see whether by. mistake one or two little articles had' not been put into that bundle of mine." "Oh, 1 hope 1 did nothing wrong," ghe sald lightly, "I only added orne.of two nondescript things." Would you tell me whether two of my pipes were among them?" "Yes, but they were both quite ofd ones, I am sure," sald Mrs. Denzil. "Then if you don't mind I will buy them back myself. They were favor: {tes of mine." Mrs. Denzil looked very thoughtful. "iss Mortimer bought one and Mise Rawson the other, but no doubt they would be delighted for you to have them back." The young man's face was ®& study. "There was one thing more"--he grew . very red and looked across to where I stood rigidly by the fire watching the flames struggling with the rem- slow nants of their prey--"a little tobacca | pouch," he said ; sald the lady firmlys *Very shabby," "quite a disgrace to you. That is why I took It." i "But I really want that back agatm=' he urged. "Please tell me who has it. "You had better ask Clare," she said. "Nlrs. Warren and I have to make ont, our accounts." 1 She drew mother out into the hall John Gray strode over to me. I never gaw such a slow fire in all my life. "Do you know where it is, Clare?" he_ began, and then his eyes fell on, the . grate. One end of a bit of gray fable still ented with a shield lay the eoal among Yo ed {t?" he asked reproach fully I cou 1 nothing to say Clare, you could not have thought that I meant to give that to any char ity under the sun?" Still no answer He bent over until he eould look inte my downcast face. "Clare," he cried, and even in my be wilderment I heard the note of joy in his voice. Then he took me in his arms, and I straightway forgot that there had ever been such a thing as a rum- mage sale. Wakeful Children. a e the year old of Mr. 1 M sg N Tenth St, 1 t would p but I urs in e early part of which nade it very hard for her parents. Her mother concluded that the child had stomach trouble, her half of one of CI Stomach and Liver 1 ieted her w i L yoxes of t lablerS have effected A permane ire Ar she is now well and st For sale by A, J. Davis Book of the Dead. The "Book of the Dead" is a most re' markable literary relic of ancient' Egypt, of uncertain date and erigin, but well known before the kings of the ve first dynasty. Probably the collected work of many minds in different ages, nd it was regarded as the work of the god®' Thoth, and therefore of divine author- ity, dealing mainly with the dead and their future state. Some of its texts, prayers, hymns and ritual were used by the predynastic priests, and parts of the book are sald to belopg to & | period fitty centuries before the Chris- 3 tian era. Copies of it were placed fm the tombs, and texts from it were in~ | scribed on coffing to preserve the dead from dangers and to direct them to the boat of Ra on their way to the hall of Osiris. which was the goal desired. The oldest existing papyrus copy of the book was written for "Nu, the son of the overseer of the house of the over * seer of the seal Amenhetep and of the lacy of the house Senseneb" and prob- + ably belongs to the early part of the eighteenth dynasty. You Feel All Used Up. You're discouraged and disgust ed--not enough energy to think, less to work upon. The reason #% You are run down your, bleod is* poor, and your nerves are like India Rubber not like steel as they * ought to be. Use Ferrozone and * the tired feeling will go, for it makes © plenty of rich, red blood that feeds the brain and nerie, thé desire ta labcr comes back aud yoo are el joy it. You don't get ticed you have uscd Ferrozone. He did so, and is a well maa to day.! cided to huy back again my despised For sale by A. J. Davis, not a day longer. Ferrozone will cuieyou, Sold by all druggists. 0 y

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