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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 12 Nov 1903, p. 1

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AIT IS EASIER TO MISTAKE OUR I= PERT T] = TORONTO, ONT. o $8,700,000 3,000,000 HEAD OFFICE Oapital (Paid Up) Rest - iC ok ESTABLISHED 1867. A General Banking Business Transacted BUSINESS WITH FARMERS Loans made to farmers for periods ex- tending from one to nine months for feed- cattle and other fir purposes Farmers' Sales Notes discounted or €bl © sted at the most favorable rates: SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Deposits of One Dellar and upwards received and interest allowed ab current rates, Interest is added to the deposit TwICK in each year, at the end of May and November The Depositor is sfbject to no delay whatever in the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the deposit. No Charge is made on withdrawing or | depositing money. Port Perry Branch | W. H. DUNSFORD, Mazager| | All { R. D. ARCHER, M.D.C.M. Vic toria | University ; M.B. Toronto University, Member or the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont.; Licentiate of the Royal Jollege of Surgeons, Edinburg; Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians, Edin burg ; Member of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons , Glasgow; Late Resident | Papilof the Rol mda Hospital, Dublin, | for Women, Office and Residence, second door west of Davis' Furniture Sompiot jim, Queen Street. Office hours--9 to 11a, | and 2 to 5 p.m, and evenings. I have taken as partner, my brother, Dr R. Archer, M. D., C. M., Member of Col- ege of Physicians and Surgeons, Out. Port Perry, June 9, 1897. NOTICE. { R. J. H. SANGSTER, Physician, Sur |! geon and Accoucheur, and Dr A. | | Sangster, Dentist, may on and after to-day, be found in their new Surgical and Dental | Offices over the Post Office, where they will be found as héretofore, prepared to attend to their respective professions in all their branches, Port % Parry Dec, 8, 1897. DR. 8 J. MELLOW, Su RGEON, &0. OMice and Residence, Queen St., Port Petry | Office honrs--8 to 10 a.m ; 1to3 pm. | and Evenings. Telephone in office and house, open night and diy over the lines south, cebiiected | with the residence of (3. L. Robson, V.8. | Pott Perry, Nov. 15, 1804 WM. H. HARRIS, B.A, LLB. BARRISTER, &c., Buctessor to and occupant of the offices of the Jate F. IM. Yarnold. Port Perry, Ont: PuySIOIAN, MONEY TO LOAK. Pflvate Funds at 4 per cent: "JNO. w. OROZIER ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER; ) &c. Office at residence, 6th Cons vach (ote mile west of Port Peryy,)= Moxey To LoAN: N. 7 PATERSON, xc. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, iy Nos. 310.31), Temple Building, Cor. Bay and Richmond Streets, Toronto. Torolito, March 81, 1808. E. FAREWELL, K.C., LL.B, Copsty Crown Attorne Barrister, County Sol 8 tor, &¢., Notary Pablie and Conveyancer Dffice--Sonth og Court House, Whitby, Ont. W. A. SANGSTER, DENTAL SURGEON. Office Hours--9 to 12 a.m., 2 to 6 p,m. Also open Sattrday evenings. wr Gold Fillings, Bridge and Crown Noth a Specialty. Vitalised Air. fm, Dr F. D. McGrattan (DENTIST) .D.8. of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, aleo D.D.S. of Toronto University. Cffice in the Allison Block over Allison's Drug Store. Office hours--8 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. ort Perry, April 9, 1902. MONEY TO LOAN. HE Subscriber is 1 is prepared to LEND ANY AMOUNT Earn Security AT 5 PER OENT. 4 Also on Village Property. |, && MORTGAQES BOUGHT. 'E1 UBERT L. EBBELS, Baris Western | Artifical Teeth on Gold, | and | state that no effort or pains will be spared | on his part to make all sales entrusted to Bank OF CANADA Port Perry Agency. QENERAL Dagking Business dans. 8 d \HE Budersign ed offers for Sale orto Rent his Hou ouse and Lot on the cerncr of Arrow and Lorne Streets, Port Perry. The Dwelling is comfortable, in good re pie 1} story. lot contains Tt Sore class land on which there are a iE choice bearing fruit trees; there ate alsoa, good Er pew pump. For particula apply at Thr OBskRvER office, or to the proprietor, JOSEPH BRYANT. Manchester. May 14, 1903, pecial Collections. Drafts issued available at al ts in Canada, United States and Great | Deposits receivad at the hig rates. Interest calculated an: each depositor semi-annually. H. G. HUTOHESON, MAKAGER. est current credited to 1807. £100,000 STERLING (British Capital) To lend at 4, 4% and 5 per cent on good Mortgage Security. Sort Perry, June 26, Apply to DAVID J. ADAMS Banker and Broker, Port Perry, Ont. | J. A. MURRAY, DENTIST, Mffice over the Post Office, PORT PERRY. branclies of Dentistry, Crown and Bridge Work successfully practiced. Silver, Aluminum Rubber Plates. Fillings of Gold, Silyer or Cement or Paiuless extraction when required: && Prices to suit the times Sa GEO. JACKSON, Licensed Arctionoer, Valuator, &c. FOR THE COUXTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHII ISHES at this the commenerment o another Auction Sale Seagon tore. OF CARTWRIGHT, } | turn thanks to his numerous patrons for | | past favors. continued In requesting their esteemed | patronage he desires to | him successes. His very extensive practice in the past should be a sufficient recom mendation as to his ability. All Sale given into his charge will be attended to with promptocss and dispatch, Sale list made out und blank notes supplied free, on application. Parties withing to engage his services may consult hie Sarx RErcisTter either at the Observer or Standard Offices, Port Perry, for dates claimed for Sales, and muke arrangements, or write to his address CHARGES MODERATE GEO, JACKSON, Port Perry P. 0 AUCTIONEER. HE undersigoed takes this opportuaity of returning thanks for the very liberal Nov. 1, 1901. | patrcnuge he has received as Auctioneer in the past. The increased experience and extensive practice which I have had will be tarned to advantage of patrons, and parties favoring me with their sales may rely on their iuterests being fully protected. No effort will be spared to make it profitable for parties placing their sales in my hands My Salo Hogiator will be found at the Leland House, Caesarea, THOS. SWAIN. Coesaren, Aug. 26, 1896, H. MeCAW, . ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, Port Perry Ont. Port Perry, Dec. 19, 3. WM. SPENCE, Township Clerk, Commissioner, &e. a prepared to Loan any quantity of Money on improved Farm Security at 6 and 7 per cent (Trust funds) All kinds of Conveyancing executed with neatness and dispatch. Office--One door west of Town Hall, Manchester. Manchester April 11, 1888, North Ontario Observer A Weekly Political, Agricultural and Family Newspaper 18 PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT. EVERY THURSDAY MORNING H. PARSONS TERMS, $1 per annum, if paid in advance ; if 1.50 111 bo charged. No subscription not.) six months: snd no until arrears ure paid up. LETTERS containing mones, when addressed to thic tice, prepaid and registered will be at our risk. ADVERTISEMENTS measured by Nonparie, sud charged according to the space they cooupy. ADVERTISEMENTS Toveived Xr ¥ Publication, with- ne instructions, wil until inserted Tord and charged sesord) ra are dey, to. rs A LIBERAL discount sllowed to Merchanta and other who advertise by the year or half year. - THESE terms will in sll cases be striotly adhered to JOB DEPARTMENT. Pamphlet Hand Bills, Posters, Programs, Dodgers, Bil} Heads, Chacks Letter Heads, Wedding Invitations, Blank Forms, Books, Cireulars, Assombly Caéds; Visiting Cards, &. 7 ter. Office next to Ontario Bank, |at a Bargan rin the ip | By order, including | " Recelp Books, Busineds Oxrdi Threshing Baus for. Sale. i i re has been in use about three years it is none the worse for that. Parties see this machine. Apply to the owner. JOHN COLLINS, Jr., June 2, 1903 Scugog 'Sittings of the Division Courts OOUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1903. 1 wh Sih QOlerk, 1D. C. Macdonell, oto Janu Febroacy 4, March 4, Aprild, May June, To y 4, Jeptamper 4, October 8, er vambet ember 4 904. OSHAWA Clerk, D. 0. Macdonell, Whitliy Janu ary 7, Fobruary 5, March 5 April 3. May 7. June 4, July 6, Beptember 5, October 7, November 5, Dec. ember 5, Jan. 7, 1904. {2 BRO JOAN March 7, pw BE Jan. 9, 3 PORT PERRY. Clerk J. W. Burnham, 4 M, Glegeon, Greenwood -- Jar May'9, July 7, September 9, Nov Port Perry uary 9, rch 9, May 13, July 8, September Ie November 11, Jun. 11, 1064. l\ UXBRIDGE Clerk, Jos. HB. Gould, Uxbridge Jdnhary 16, Maroh 20, May 99, July 15, Septenibes 25, November 20, Jan. 14, 19.4. 5 CANNINGTON--Olerk Jpoqnry 15, March 19, May 28, ovember 19, Jan. 13, , Geo. Smith, Osnnington July 14, September | 6 BEAVERTON Clerk, Geo. ¥. Bruce, Beaverton | Jury 14 March 18, May 27, September 23, Nov | ember 18, Jan 7. UPTERGROYE- Clerk. Thos Pyar Uptergrove March 17, May 2, Septottber 24, November 17 J. E. FAREWELL, Clerk of the Peace. Datedat Whitby, Nov. 25th, 1902. | MISS HARRISON | Dress and Mantle Makef | HV Srizs to inform t {V | ladies her fire he that she has moved to Rooms in the Allison Block she is prepared to execute all orders {in Dress and Mantle Making in a manner unsurpassed for [ Correctness of Style and C harming Lflect with whete Our charges are consistent the value given. March 27 Port Perry, 1902 JOS. BA ICENSED =D AUCTIONEER for the 4 County of Ontario. Sale Register at the Opsrrver Office Patronage solicited. Manchester, Jan. 19, 1899 Jamieson's Livery FPYHE undersigned takes this opportunity of thavking the inhabitants of Port Perry and surroanding country for the liberal and still increasing pat ronage bestowed upon him since commencing Carting and Livery in Port Perry and now intimates that he is better than ever prepared to supply all requirements in his line. Having extensively added to my stock of hurses ; as well as conveyances of the lutest type of conatruction for comfort and pleasure, I am in a position to meet the requirements of the most fastidious as to style and desirable equippage in every respect--in every way suit able for private driving, wed- dings, fuverdls, &o. Parties wishing an afternoon drive can have their choice of suitable double or single rigs and care ful drivers will also be suppli- ed when required, I possess a number of good Spring and Dray Wagons and will, at all times, attend to Carting with the utmost care and prom ptuess. I wish further to state that in future suitably tobveyances will be at the Railway Depot 5 convey passengers and bag- e to private residences, and ilcoonccy passengers ind ite to the Depot in time for departing trains, ob being given notice, WM. JAMIESON. Port Perry, July 30, 1903. WANTED A man to represent "CANADA'S GREATEST NURSERIES" in the townof PORT PERRY and surrounding country, and take orders for OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES in Frtit Trees, Small Fruits, Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoes, &c. Stock true to name and free from San Jose Scale. A perrhanent pes: requiring a godd Separator should | IN PRINCE ALBERT. HE undersigned offerd foe file Bargain her beautiful residental , perty in the Village of Prince Albert. I} fine property is situated on Simcoe Htré and coutains fifteon acres, more or | There 18 erected thereon a fine and com ! dious Brick Dwelling House, constr i and finished in the mort approved modern style ; a largs hip lh Barf stone bas: ment for stubling : a coud Miiving House and a splendid, young ing Orchard of Plum Trees which clally selecicd for the deiral itis s of the r frui i Pear, Chrry r leadid. leteigas dsjone rarely to be met Ble possession given. igh + | Also for Sule a Farm, heing composed of | the East-half ¢f lot 20 und North-half of Jot | 21, in the 18 Con. of Carrwright, eontain. | ing 200 Accs, more or Less, on the property | I'thore is erected x fire olnss Barn, Di {ving | Barn and Stables, and Dwelling House. The | land in a good state of cultivation, well! fenced, there isn grand spriug of good water thereon. Theéte are about 40 acres of good pastare land For further particulars, apply to J. W | MEHARRY, FP | Port Porry, or to the propel | etrias, [ MRS. M. LANG, | Prince Albert June 24, 1903 | To Rent or for Sale . | Mrs. Jane Wheeler's heautiful Brick Re. dence on the Nonquor Road, south of Port Por I'here is a splendid Fruit Garden attached, with Ou uildines, etc A large quantity of ranching or pasture land thay be rented or purchased in con fection w th or separately from the above Ap. ly to W. H HARRIS, Barrister, Port Perry Aug, 18, 1503 Has just taken possession bf the one door Sou »f the Charles Hotel, wh re | s to mak kinds of B | all kinds of strictly atte to please possible Port Perry, June 10, 19¢ | WANTED -- SEVERAL INDUSTRIOUS PERSONS | in exch state to travel f house estallished eleven { years and with « large capital, to call npon nierchs nis and agents for suceessfill and profitable line Pegthunent engagement. Weekly cash salary of $I8 and all traveling expenses and hotel bil]x advanced in cash each week. Experience not exselitixl, ention reference and enclose self-addressed envelope. THE NATIONAL, 384 Dearborn 8t., Chicago. { -- For Over Bixty Years | MRS. WINSLOW'S BOOTHING BYRUP has been used by millions of n.others for their children whil tosthing. If disturbed st night snd broken of you rhat by a sick child suffering and crying with pam of Cutting Tecth, send st ooce and get a bottle of ** Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. It will relieve Lhe poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistako alout it. It ourer Diarrhoea, Regulates the Stomach and Dowels, Cures Wind Colic, Softens the Gums, Raduces 1nfiammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children Teething i pleasant to the taste and is the pre-eription of one of the and purses in the Price tweily-five vents » Lotte. Bold by sll druggists throughout the world. Be sure and ash MRS. WINSLOW'S BOOTHING SYRUP, | oldest and best female physicts | United States | | for When you want a physic that is mild and gentle ea take and certain to a use Chamber Tablets. to t, always I Liver Davis lain's Stomach For sale by A. ] Ww J , Division Court | | ai | | Block, Port Perry | | | | of the Third Pwot Office Clerk Office in BURNHAM, Great Britain's Seamen. One in every thirty-six of the males 15 | ain is a seaman marine or a fisherman. That by means represents the proportion | Britons who go to sea in ships. For | the current year the total number of | officers and men, active service rat- ings provided by the estimates for the royal navy, 127,000, being an increase of 4,600 over the previous year Taking the two totals this means that one in about every twen- ty Britons is a sailor, which is an enormously larger percentage than that which any other nation can boast, even with the conscription which supplics the seamen of several continental countries. years of ago in Great Brit- in the mercantile over Short-Maired Cats, The very latest wrinkle in the cat world is the breeding of short-haired cats, just the common or garden var- iety of cats. It is marvelous what a few short generations of care and breeding will do for poor pussy, who takes her outing on the alley wall or moans about the door of some de- serted house. After scant joys and many hardships she is at last to #¢e high life. She is to be breed fox the same points as the Persian. A Timely Suggestion. This is the season of the year when the prudent and careful house wife replenishes her supply of Cham- berlain's Cough Remedy. It is cer- tain. to be needed before the winter is over, and the results are much more prompt and satisfactory when it is kept at hand and given as soon as the cold is contracted and before it has become settled in the system. In almost every instance a severe cold may be warded off by taking this remedy freely as soon as the first indications of the cold appears. There "is no danger in giving it to manager of one of the largest cstan- lishments in the metropolis says fit is in those departments that are not spacious that pilféring principally goes on, and that in them detect] supervision is always most acute. By Pre-Ariauged rigns. Every shopwalker and counter at- tendant is in eflcct a detoctive, but @ there are some professionals who as- & sume the guise to hide their real position. It is the duty of every at- tendant when he is suspicious of all customer to call the attention of the detective to her, not blatantly, but by prearranged sign. The detective then keeps the suspect under her im- mediate eye. In the large empor- fums where womgn chiefly congregate pL the most efficient, because least con- (1 A women h nt." na A REAL » % FALSE FACE By ALEC BRUCE Give nature three helps, and pearly every case of con- sumption will recover. Fresh ir, most important of aif. Cherry ectoral nd heal the _ sk any good + doctor. | Tf used Ayer's Ch wl 1008, by T. C. McClure... Sodedodododoibobotoiodoied "Gustave Yernon, Theatrical Supplies snd Fancy Costume Maker." Above 'the door in big gilt letters that is mon- sleur's sign, and but for it any one passing slong "the dingy alley would wonder why be enterprising agent bad 'sot invaded with bts monotonous "For the palnt bitstergd door | ROLY cloth, crumpled and faded, screens off the broad interior. To strect view thera is nothing on display, nothing save the toraers When an attendant misses or thinks he misses something, or notices dis- rry Pectoral 53 V have seen forribie o oases of [Pry turbing signs of thievery he speaks {ntricate weavings of the spider and ry 1am never without it." | to the detect! } 1 ALBERT G, HAMILTON, Hariaisa, CBE, o the detective, who, as an elegant- {he inevitable remains of hls unwary 81.00. 3,0. Amn oo. ly garbed customer, Seats herself in yiotim, All drage for Lowel % position Sogmusd ig a aed view 1nside, however, all 1s different. The e ke p " : o Suspect RNC maxes: ner pur store is large, low In the celling and S tio chases like any other woman, all the _ , Es Consumption] cath si sont wie wider arin ess ve su ] . proceed The disguise assumed for the alley is narrow, aud the bulld action of the the shop detective differs day by day. D&S on the opposite side are high. But Health 'demands dally | bowels. Ald nature with Ayer's Plilgs If there be one result less desired Af it is dark monsleur is saving in his w vi ph-- by the shop proprietor than another Hght bill, and there i8 a luster, a mys- it is to convict a kleptomaninc. Yro- terfous sheen, pervading the entire room. On varicolored pedestals rising in tiers on every side from floor to ceil ing .#tand bundreds of glittering fy secutions do ntt forward business The proprietor's policy is {8 prevent Cotte Gafps Eompindph. pllfering by every conceivably means Major G. H. G. Mockler 80th Burs Hees 3 lind eve is foisted to. what ures. Some are wax, some wooden, ma Infantry, at present attached to shoplifter a oe fea oe ched gome papier mache, warriors in bur the intelligence branch at Simla, [708 Ler SEKI HAE BL 0 Per Disted coats of mail, kings and knights whose appointment to command tha waterroof in anked are he "*T fn purple and gold, queens and ladles new Coolie Corps, now being raised 0 = may not be sent ie Bion fo in silver and silks, crowns and coro- for service in Somaliland vas & AD" 1 the bulging umbrella or the gap- Dets, spears and shields, serpents and nounced in The Times o 8th Peps ing handbag the detective alludes dragons--everything in the world of wnbep, fs one of ihe © Reco during with an apology, fearing that madam tinsel and spangles. And bere and came under DO ning has inadvertently incommoded her- there, cunningly shaded beneath pow- erring tr the appoint- | 34 With something that fell from the erful reflectors, a few ruby electric ment, The Englishtan cays: 'Owing, | "poter = ore . bulbs do duty for a fifty light ehande- in the first instance, to his extraor- | =~ = "0 weap re of oS red by ler, and the effect is mellow, pleasing inary gift of languages Major falling into the bys .". . or a Yom not dazzling, as monsieur would like it Mockler was appointed chief of pol the dock arc R oo - ° u ta to be ice at Tientsin. At that time the | So Cre in i" 3 J we or u » In the false face corner, the darkest settlement was overrun mot only by | gy 0 peg he while x on in the store, sits a girl, a mere silbou- ruffians of every nationality but was | Oo instead of RO on on pur, ette against the yawning archway garrisoned by troops belonging 10 © goq4y [enjency of such a kind sel. leading to the gallery above. She is & various arwies, large numbers of" dom fails to lead the trespasser back Small, trim figure in a dark blue skirt whottt had got quite our i 'ali 2% into the paths of rectituds, but when 8nd white shirt waist. Her face is Slee Yo indulge in "on landing oy Joos the panagers office is made gall and pale, set iti a wealth of jet Major (then Captain) Mockler organ. tre, cone of more serious hegStin- black hair twisted smooth and high, a police force, and presently 4 FU 0 R o draw with a glittering 'butterfly aigret fut a found that they got a Considering the mmense not tering in it, ahd she Is painting, paint very short shrift For a few weeks (7 ry lon and th 35e bopu a {ng whiskers on bluff King Hal. On the the chief of police went in danger of pip Slt TL PIE ee ni. table before her sho has all the colors his life. One attempt of assassin ly be taken in the great ph oh and implements in the professional art ation nearly succeeded, but in the ietactives find their talonts called Lue ist's box, and she paints with the Japa course of a month or two, while the goldom into play, probably because | Be¥e deftuess of touch--one, two, three, 78 oF nosthern Chios Was still o0"| their aystem of surveillan ts he a curl, a curve, a daub, and the thing an uproar ienstin became a model | ooo To or ren ; 1s done. towh The officers af the foreign le a N , powers found some Hifficulty ih be- } . > Above her dainty head hangs a beter, lieving . that the terrible chief of The Germs of Qatarrh ogeneous stock of faces, life size and police ~ was a mere taptain in the k ib i. wonderfully lifellke--Richard the Lion Indien army.' a pa Hearted scowling at Robesplerre, --- ta id al throat but finally | Bvengall sneering at the pope, a smll- A Matter of Fach Pog. | reach the lungs and cause consump: | ing Gibson girl ogling the sulky Na There are prosaic men and women, | tion. Nothing cdrés catasth so| poleon, and far down, down on the and there are matter of fact dogs. | quickly as (ragrant healing Cathar. | floor, sits his majesty on ashes of clin- For purely business purposes they ZONE W | relieves the cougt kered sin. are n the best ons the discharge. takes all sor In the store all is quiet, not the tick- We owned an excellent retriev from 1 A | concid ing of a clock, not the purring of a Ing spaniel of the simple order df | 178% [OUR CIC CCE ce CE satisfied cat, not evem a street urchin juind, ; t a grain of humor | f pone Anal [OT NECUT®] Ghistiing In the alley outside, just an This a oto Laine | © eav.rib 8 ee HY bl. willes | becustoiial little sulff from mamselle's fn the garden to stuff. The gun went 1 ' ) AT ' sensitive nose. off, and the yr bullfinch dropped Bb A ! ! od doctor Suddenly a door opens out from the Now, this dog had been used, when | 'a}¢ ) eve ve my trouble wall dbove. Unless you saw it oper the ¢ was fired, to go and look |Latarhozone t ire--it's | you wouldn't belleve it was a door. It for a dead or wounded rabbit So, | guaranteed lw { th's treal has been very carefully cut in the par- instead of looking under the apple | ment $1; tri € tition, and the partition ls stained a tree, he disappeared into the hedge dull olive green. There Are many and in a few minutes hs returned ES such cunning little stage traps in Gus- With a rabbit in his mouth! So much London's Brest Veilcies tave's, und It was Gustave himself who De. Pree Sf 4 muster of fact | it jy un odd reflection on the sixty | Popped out hia crisp, curly hoad years development the railway Junle," he whispered, looking anx- ) system that the road beats the rail- | lously down at the trim little igure be- I Sensible Mother way easily in Lond The street | low vehicles travol twenty times as far "Ah, mon pere," she breathed, smil W nes are €s as the train every day, and carry | ing up into his face, "surely you are ible € S more passengers. It ay seem in- | early, mine. M. Nugent, he will not with gri urgative tredible, but it is perfectly true, that | .ome until 4, and I give heen one hour the street vehicles of London a 5 , . nrg leep mplish a journcy evory day equal M. Hapnoond, he w come at b, apd" -- calle preparal S| to twenty times around the earth But eet is 4 now, Junie, past 4, my whicl in t It 'is startling, In contrast with this, | €hild." sald Gustave softly ates. | ywn Tablets have| that the trains cover only 25,000 "Hush! Footsteps! Ma fol, mou been . sands of ro | miles, but the explanation Is, of | Pere, he comes! In, In. monsieuri" . , | course, the simple fact that for Click! The partition door closed who Y ya Y AT€| every train there are about fifty oth- tight. Svengall and the pope swung ( roa n, a Ht er vehicles outward to the length of thelr strings and I tic ones si There are always running in Lon- | and still moved when Mr. Nugent i and na ally, becavse thy | don between 4,000 and 5,000 'buses ' came up to the little table e (rouble it made baby | and trams, carrying 1,600,000 pas "Junie," he began, very tenderly able and wakeful. On thisy songers every day, and when all "Oh, M. Nugent!" she responded, I Watson, Sarsfeld, Ont, | these are full there is room loft for iy g gwitt upward glance, and went nearly 12,000 cabs, for which 700 I AVE ed Baby's Own | giands are provided Cabby ona On retouching the royal Bluebeard 1 {ind them a very valu-| of the best abused men in the great For a moment be gazed dreamlly on ned € ry t metropolis--often enough deserving the smooth, black balr eolls, bent a y baby is cr r fret'ul I give | it--drives 120,000 people about Lon- | trifle lower than need be. Was It the fier 2 Ta t. and oon puts her don every day ruby light? No! At least so he promptly Heh - - decided when he caught sight of the ght : 1b Over $2,000 Doctering | widening tinge of pink on her rounded These Tablets cure all the minor | Me eph Pominville. of Sti cheek ailments of little one I'h are | ooter a ter | vin = shan "Junie," he repeated earnestly food for all children from birth on-| Neel ., o "oo " "th Boeck ] A I i : "Monsieur," she whispered, warning w rl Soid by medicine dealrs | 2 3 dhe doctors 1or | pe and with a roguish twinkle in her stomach trouble, without relief, was | "y rory sat by mail at 25 cents a box by la vised to trv 2d {Cl | eye, "you see I am very busy. Mon writing The Dr. Wiliams' Medicice || © BS ° 9 2 2X 2 Toh I= pere is behind. But Iv eet Is anyzing Co. Brockville Oiit. ams Stomach and Liver la lets | you want to buy zen eof course I am 7 ' | He did so, and is a well man to-day. | here to attend." LONDON SHOPLIFTERS. and his volce know "at cannot buy | For sale by A. J. Davis. | "Junle," he murmured, trilled and trembled, "you Btrange Postal Facts. what I want is priceless, ¥ Elaberate Means fur Watching Cuatomors a : . ee Avs Lient of tiand--Hew They | The Postmaster-General of Great it. No man can evr puy it. Junle, I Are Treated When Discovered, | Britain, speaking at the dinner of | Want lov&. Sour love, my Junie" and, | the Newspaper Society, said on an | thio»ing discretion to the winds, he average ten letters daily went to the Dead Letter Office having no #4 (ress, | and 1,000 registered letters were | returned daily through being insuffic- | Though there is every appearance in all the great london shops that the public is to be trusted implicitly says the London Daily Mail, an el came perilously near the table, She laid King Henry aside and dis posed of the paint brush where it could do no harm. aborate and carcfully organized sys- | jently addressed." These letters con- ji) » tem of espionage prevails to circum- | tained £600,000 or £700,000 in Hush, hush, monsieur," she caution. vent the designs of the peripatetic | money in the course of a year Mile ed, and her eyes traveled swiftly over lions of postal packets could not Le | the gallery of masks. Why that faint, aclivered because of the incorrectness | flickering smile? Was It a smile? ln of the addresses. voluntarily, but enly for an instant, his gaze followed hers, Yes, it was a smile, | and It spelled encouragement for him. | With a confidence born of the dark and | solitary corner, be seized her small white hand and looked hungrily Inte her eyes. Indignant, she tried to jerk it away, but be only clasped it tighter, drawing pearer, nearer, till she felt the warmth of his breath on her face. "I love you, I 10vé you!" he cried pas sionately. "No, no, do not shrink from thief and the marauding Kleptowani- ac. The invisible detective, whose of- fice , i8 some unsuspected gallery in the ceiling, whence from artfully de signed peep holes in the icolding he can survey the whole establishracnt, is the most successful foil to the | shopliftér. But therc are only a few | shops so structurally designed that | oot surveillance of this kind is possible. | Boy : Some of the jewellers' treasure pal [©] with lame back, or pains in the | aces are guarded in this manner, and, | side or chest, give it a trial and you to . make assurance doubly sure, no | are certain to be more than plea-ed attendant is without his satellite, | with the prompt relief which it Better Than a Plaster. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and a to the affected parts is sup- When troubl- | me, Junie. You used not to shrink from me," He made to kisg her, but she turned her head away. "Junie," bea | pleaded, "you kissed me last pight | Why--ah! perhaps you do not belleve who-keeps a wary eyé on the cases. gords For sale by A.J. Davi, of gems exposed to the customers' inspection standing at the salesnien's elbow while he is showing theu. alf periods a careful watch kept on those dress establishwents | Not the Slightest Danger In using Dr. Hamilton's Pills of} of Mandrake and Butternut for con- | "ANd Wé will be mareielt monsieUEy?: ¢ she whispered. For a mement he did not answer. a dark flush stained bis cheeks, sp: quickly to his neck and ears as brought ber sparkling orbs to his. £4 "Yeres, Junle." "And tonight you will ask mon pete, monsieur?' "i "Junie!" fis quick topes held sur-. prise and pique. "Surely, thut ls--is pecdless. T-this Is a secret, dearest] 1"-- " "Abem]" It was a very loud cough, and tt. came from the gallery of masks. "Y-your father," whispered Saget, dropping her hand and staggering & tittle on the polisked floor. "1--f wif see you Ageia oulgh ot the But the door had scarcely Closed and. Junie had just time to snatch up her work and begin where she left oi when Dick Hammond, with heavy step and a hearty volce, announced his wei couie presence. "Mamselle Vernong," he said, play fully enunciating her name, "you mi & monxleur might come tonight, and he, is here. Where is mong pere? [ want to see him. Tonight? Yes; tonight. want his Junie. When he says 'Oul' we will hunt a priest, my dear. The [{cense, see!" And jayfully he Sour: ished a pale yellow slip before the girl's dancing eyes. "Ahem Hammond started, straightening up fo his full height, which was 6 feet 2 {no his stocking soles. For a woment he stood alert. Then, stepping back afew pices, Le stared fixedly at a fuce pro- truding from the wall above By Jiminy, Junie" he gasped. "iw that aln't the cutest fiz [ ever saw I'll swallow my collar stud! Jes' look af "fm. See lm wink. See 'lm grin. Jimn- iny, Junle, how much for the skit?" Dick, Dick Mamselle was In hig arms and shak- fng with laughter. The grin on the face was spreading perceptibly, and the tense features twitched and quiv- ercd convulsively "Hoty much?' perdisted Hammond. "Monsieur, mousieur, eet is not for sale. Non, non! Eet Is a real false face! gulped the muffled voice against his breast See, now, eet Is gone! Eet is gone! Eet was mon pere--mon pere Gustave Vernol she cried breathless ly, peering round and up as far as bis imprisoning arms would allow And Dick Hammoud laughed loud and long. Then, seated on his knee, mamselle told bim the why and the wherefore of it all. Mon pere had fan: cled Nugent because he had wealth, and theatrical sup a were not boom ing just then. But J would have pone of him. "Apd why? He is ono scoundrel, Dicky," she explained True! Mgu pere did not haliasa.if go. So she. had devised a plan. She had to da something, and the plan was the real false face But now mon pere ls satisfied. He only smiled and sald, "Oul; ah, oul!" when Hammond asked; "May I bave ber, Gustave?" Wakeful C Iren I car old I herson, 59 M I I would ep irs In € A I which t y AT parcut ler n it the ha and gave T tain's ed I A RA Thelr Unifica ng Under Gen Brtton's Fla o Fedeinl Arm The s nt of The ( v r the intlica litary forces that vl has »btained the t's ussent to is practically ti I'he plete or ganizat 1 forca capable of being sent anywhere in Australia at t e, and ( a garrison fo gned to defend the vulneral 8] s h State Doth these forces sed of volun teer I lit act d r the in~ structions of ¢ 0 professional soldiers who fc the nucleus of ar-~ tillery and garrisons required for fi ed defences, the technical pf forts and mines and a mi™ "of . mm. wary tu- ao Taal The sustralinn fold of 18.911 + « on a peace footing ably of aen and sixty guns, cap- ga = % expansion in time of war to | 088 men and eighty-four guns The garrison forco will be composed of 11,896 men and twenty-six guns; exclusive of the rifle clubs, which now total over 30,000 men. Taking the two forces and the rifle clubs togeth- er it will be possible for Australia to put in the field or at her forts in time of war at least 68,000 trained. men, made up, approximately, as fol- ows Field force - 26,500 Garrison force - «11,900 Rifle clubs. ri ----_ 30,000 68,400 With a physically fit manhood popu- lation of 700,000 to draw upon, the 68,400 trained men would become the backbone of an army of half a mil lion should invasion actually occur; For the purposes of broad generals. ization the Federal army now stands divided into eighteen regiments of. Australian Light Horse, thirteen hat- teries of Australian artillery, threa field companies of Australian Engi- neers, and twelve regiments (three brigades) of Australian Infantry, Each arm is given an excess of offi- cers in proportion to the peace estah- Itshmént of privates. Peace cadres, with their full complement of trained officers and non-conunissioned officers' of every style and color ition for the right man on either : : : ected promptly to ¢hildren for it contains no harm- : ae ow Taiow ax nay salary or commission. fal substatice [tis pleasant to take | DA , "are pervaded by women, but |gtination and piles. Highly reccm | 2% but I have money, dearest. It Will : can therefore on mobilization in time bifshment in Ww Li T od pi Y 2 more ally at sale timo, for it ded 1 1 be yours--yours and--and mine, Junie. | of national emergency be expended to the County... STONE & ELLINGTON | __both adits and children like it. jg Et th vetoutnens. rerwheling mended because they cause no grip- | will go away, far away"-- He war requirements without any danger. ~Tarties, fiom» distanen A done bills, &o FONTHILL NURSERIES Buy it and you will get the best. It he: © most easily, and the crowd- [IDE pains. For prompt and ¢ tain suddenly when she hung her of crisis through lack of eilicient ? i § ; ib them: OvER- 908 acEEd always cures. For 'sale by A. J.! lo of the shops favors the | cure use only Dr Hawmiltor's Pills. poad¥and allowed ber hand to rest leaders ; a H, PARSONS. | Toronto, --- = ONTARIO Davis. i _ of unconsidered trifies. A! Price 25¢. | quietly in his ay : 5 SAE a i i Sana st : aa

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