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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 19 Nov 1903, p. 1

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Ona (PUBLISHED EVERY (HURSDAY) [ y ak (Tnsias $1 Pir Asxuss IN Anvanch Tes - i ee (WHOLE No. MMDXCVI ems - - - - - M---- = - I~ - ow or 2 TE «IT IS EASIER TO MISTAKE OUR 47TH YEAR, NO. 48} PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, Western Bank] ue a La for Sala or to Rent HE underalgned offers for Sale orto T Rent his House and Lot on the cerner Vell Pry fr Sut IN PRINCE ALBERT. FPVHE undersigned offers for Sale at a - $ 1 New Governor of Australia, -- | Lord Northcote, G.C.IE.,, CB, at present Governor bf Bombay, who has been appointed to succeed Lord heart." Daisy flushed rosily as the eager, Boyish arms lifted her to the ground, and she cast a half frightened glance | down the smooth, dusty road. Any When Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Carewe came cross lots they funnd the chauf- feur alone, mo : "Where is papa?' asked Daisy. A thers was mo fesr in her voice, £ciavs OF CANADA of Arrow and Lorne Streets, Port Perry. 1 The Dwelling is comfortable, in guod repair Bargain her beautiful residental pro- 14 story. The lot contaius l}acres first- | perty inthe Village of Prince Albert, Foi class land on which there are 4 nomber of | fine property is situated on Simcoe Street choice bearing fruit tices; there arc also A [and contains fifteen acres, more or less. ew pump, For particulars Tliere ik ereéted thereon a fine and commo- PRly ut Tue OpskrRvER office, or to thé | dious Brick Dwelling House, coustructed rietor, and finished in the most approv 4 ny JOSEPH BRYANT. modern style ; a larga hip-roefed -- od Manchester. | stone basement for stablng : e ia 00 A Tennyson on his relinquishing the ininute at all the judge might come. app ment of Governor-General of A He wis suré to follow, and they were | the Commonwealth of Australia in only a few miles fron home. December next, was born in 1826, Mrs. Lambert wie looking at her and has had a varied political and green and gold chatelatue watch. { diplomatic career, The second son of "You ought to b# back here in half the first Farl of Iddesleigh, he was gp hour," she sald, Her blue eyes as full educated at Eton and Merton Col- of oycitement and We ar i joy and pride and new fledged d 3 "Mrs. Lambert and he have gone on down the pike together," sald the chauffeur, "They left word tn you te' take this auto and go where you. pleased, but not to follow them ti The bridal pair An ers aI TT. on. Pe "depend on Ayer's jor to restore color to hair, every time. Port Perry Agency. A GENERAL Banking Business trans: | May 14, 1903, . 1) Drivin ¢ Ee aE dhs Ji 3 10 Une C1 DELL ¢ ar; 2 , : tached to Lord Ripon's special mis- you'both" sion to arrange the Alabama treaty. | "Aunt Ruth, did any one ever tell In that and the next year he was JOU You were an angel?' exclaimed secretary to Queen Victoria's Claim Ralph, giving ber hand a clasp that Coniniission under the treaty of parted the seams of her neat tan Washington He was private secre- gloves. tary to Lord Salisbury on his em "Several," laughed Mrs, Lambért; bassy to Constantinople in 1876-77, | shut gil selfishly. One is never an an- | Dele (holt ira Socrsiary 0 | gal until one is a guardian angel. An e plomatic service in the former fmpersonal angel is not recognized, 1 ind hes Wy ams by an hol 8) ed Bowers and scattered dust ; witness te what had been, but among' the blogsoms somewhere the bluebird was still stinging to its brooding mate. | The undersigned offers for sale his Challenge Threshing Machine at a Bargan. Although the machine has been in use about three years it is none the worse for that. Parties requiring a good Separator should 3 Cherry abd Oina- | §° mental trees Splendi ing The li perty in well fenced, in fuct, the whedel outfit for desirability, location, and com- pleteness isjone rarely to be met with, Im- médiath: possession given, OMMERCE! Savings Bank Department. rates, Interest calonlated and credited to each depositor semi-annuwlly. ction in knowing pt going to be disap- / Isn't that so? until it wae about white. bottle of Tr dar' Hair Vi does Better ['han a Plaster. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound to the affected parts is sup= Also for Sale a Farm, heing composed of | the East-half of lot 20 «nd North-half of Jot 21, in the Ist con HEAD OFFICE TORONTO, ONT. of Cartwright, coutwin. | Oat. Family Newspaper to convey passengers and bag- text. When he had finished the task | bert happily. Her voice was lower as ST H.G. HUTOHESON, [see this machine. ing 200 A ab ; ~ . Q. 200 Acres, more o ont the ' re F 1877-80 he w ' Wl Capital (Paid Up) $2500.00 Mawaoxn. | Apply to the owner. fre ine a, ent Jo, B og Phuperty n ATS the en korn Lave found. 17 you shonid Bapbes 19 | rior ¥ang pastors) When tmibe ; y A iat class Barn yt 0 4 Rest - - 3,000,000 | vort Perry, Junk 26, 1897. JOHN COLLINS, Jr., | Barn und Stables. and Dwelling House, The | on for ol Exchequer; from June 1885-86, Fi | Fu &cross ¥illige blacksmith and |ed with lame back, or pains in the ESTABLISHED 1867, . June 2, 1903 Scugog. | 1and ina good state of cultivation, well o " nancial Secretary to the War Office. | ¢An think of earthly things you might | side or chest; give it a {nal and you a fenced e . 2 t 3 -Gene " | tell him there is work for hin bn thd e certai I « 1} le , BR ARIA YE RR Sana nh --- gra spring of good F d g H Surveyor-General of Ordnance from e. are certa to be more thih plea e | A General Banking oe rove . anar Lane Fhere are ahout 40 acres of a In air July, 1886, until the abolition of | pike" with the prompt relief winch "it rt ] 104s 0 1 ¢ DIVISION Courts : tn that office in the following year, and She sank back among the cushions | .fo ds. For «ale by A. | Davi'. Business Transacted , oh pati ulars, apply to J. W | a charity commissioner (unpaid) ef the auto with a sigh of sheer con- | -- - rz J OOUNTY OF ONTARIO AKRY, Port fy, or to the propri.| = EE ---- -- | 1891-92 For nineteen years on- | tent and watched them run cross lots | " We IL. ¢ a / (= 3 | wards from 1880 he sat as M.P. for | hand in band, trampling the dande- ovr We Locale & . 0" STEALING 1903. MRS. M. LANG | Werdswerth's Ways. Exeter in the Conservative interest, | lions and buttercups. They were such | Ih detection of the direction of & o 4 Prinde | v C C Loans made to farmers for periods ex- re - June 24. 1908 rince Albert. | : The worthies 'of Wordsworth's vil- = and was appointed to the post he | precious children, and it was the first Jouad by Tho dopey zt in in. like tending from one to nine months for feed- 243 3 1. WHITBY Clerk, D. 0. Macdonell, Whitoy --Janu age in the lake country of Engiand + NOW vacates in 1900 Lord ,North- | gjohement she had ever shared! As for » . i cattle and other farm purposes (British Capital) LS ay Mash, Per 3, Doe had their own ideas of his value as ote, Who was created a Baronet in Sor fudge? She leaned back her head jects at different distances, one of thosd Farmers' Sales Notes discounted or col: [To lend at 4. 43 and ver Gent ember 4. Jan. 6, 1 0 Rent or for Sale a man and a poet. What questioned =the year of Queen Victoria's first HE onan Instinctive operations which are com © Lo at the most favorable rates. : J pere |. OSHAWA Clerk, D. G. Macdonell, Whitby--Jaiiu , | after his death us lo his personality, | Jubliee, was elevated to the Peerage 40d looked ug 1e blue sky trough | ¢inually done without any conscious, pi on good Mortgage Security. [ aor7. February 5, March 5 April3, May 7. June 4, they readily admiited that he was Of taking up his duties in Bombay half closed eyes and smiled. The judge | 0003 SAVINGS BANK | J ro icenber, Ostober 4, Novemhers, Sige: I Sammy kind to thoss who were in sickness or. He married, in the adopted really ala not oRtie 3 Be Jeans, 1 Bound waves traverse the alr as ripe Apply to | : r r Wiieeler's heautiful| need. They could count on him eo a daughter of Lord Mountstephen 'hey had been neighbors for twenty 1 | 2. BROUGHAM Clerk, M. Gleeson, Gi d 0 : } oy a --------g 0 : ples stir the water, and the ear, by ex- : DEPARTMENT. [> BROUGHAM.-Cletk. M_ Gloswon, Greenwood--tane- | B. 1 k Hes. dk on the Nonquon | pinch, But he did not hob-nob with - years, the Nortons and Carewes, and | oopon00 gequires some slight power of Deposits of One Dollar and upwards | ember7, Jan. 9, 1904 R Port Prry [here | his neighbors. . . it was at Mrs. Lambert's that the detecting the direction In one case, as received and interest allowed at current | . 3. PORT PERRY --Clerk, J W. Burnham, Port Peri | iS [ fer attached "He did not notice them much," A Noted Horsemen's Experi- judge's only daughter had met and | yo ove does with far greater acctracy rates. | | January 9, March 9, May 13, July 9, Beptember . . mii sid an old man, in answer to ques ence loved her nephew, Ralph. He was = y 12, Novemb . 5 w ot y + . Tnterest is added to the deposit Twick | J 30 Fergus Ty t So A large | tions asked by the author of "Lake Mr. Anitoine Wend'ing, owner | ¥00d boy, and there was no reason Ba 1 aoe, Seely , mio in each year, at the end of May and | Banker and Broker [+ URBRIDGE Clerk, Jou E_ Goud, Usbriage= | "ing or pasture land | Country Sketches : ' or why he should not woo and win Daisy. | 2. ASES1anCy 10m SLUEE ) Juniinry 16, Mafch 50, May $9. July 15, Septéambe: | (7) of Deveras 1, and proprietor of J ns well. Often we fall to locate at N oT ) . T rn hase . Yow x . everas 2.11 Z lf tor joca a November f | November 20, Jan. 14, 19:4 purchased in con A Jom Crow and an auld blue f 1 : pr But the judge had thought differently, N ke 2 - oh TE De eas of one wo Port Perr Ont | 5. CANNINGTON Clerk, Geo. Smith, Cannington | parately from the | cloak was hisirig,' continued the old |the Clifton House, Brockville, says|g a pith Lambert, sitting alone in the | 2ocr So0@ en source of sound, Fue whatever in the withdrawal of the whole ' January 15, March 19, May 28, July 14, September | & man. "And as for his habits, he had | no liniment compares with Nervi as a singing bird, and then our imstine~ } ' E38, July Hy Septembe I sunshine and fragratce of the May- or any portion of the deposit en 24, November 19, Jan. 13, 1504 ' . noan. Niver knew him with a pot i line for veneral use round the £1 tive ingenuity displays {tself. No Ch i le on withdrawing or y ow, : H HARRIS i ! or gener: 15¢ aroun time, wondered whether any old prey- Th a 0 arge 1s made on B J A MURRAY 6. BEAVERTON Clerk, (Geo. F. Bruce, Beaverton : his hand er & pipe i' his mouth stable For strains. sprains, swell by x def. e intensity of sound is, of course, depositing mouey. [ : . , Javunry 16 Masoh We. May 2, Bepteimber 35, Nov- | | ter, Port Perry After deep probing the author ap } Hy ae il-| ing bitterness over his own wi ut by no means mo great behind a screem | . r 18, Jan. 12, 2 i ings, Ir a and especially | twenty years before had influenced the i) Port Perry Branch DENTIST, 1. UPTERGROY E--Clerk, Thos. P. Hart, Uptergrove | 2 broths a th w i of for affectic 1e whirl b : e Ner | judge against Ralph's suit. #8 in front ef it, and every ene irrieq W. H. DUNSFORD, Manager fice over the Post Office, ~March 17, May 25, September 24, Novem bur 17 oo 4 ordsworth was fond o 4 . u od It hag been the same story. Jaok with him the screen of his own bead, A ; A | good dinner at times, if you could | viline isunequa 1 1 ! ' Cl which may prevent a particular seund PORT PERRY. By order, © E FAREWELL H. GRAHA M get him to it; that was t' job believes Nerviline is ible | Norton had wooed her against her fa- | oo pop heard so well by one ear ' a 1 Then the poet's aloofness was again ent } . ther's wishes. Ile was a student then | 3 es Clerk of the P Ss just t i linir 1 I , pele AU branelcs of Dentistey, including Dest Whitby, Nov. 2, 190 ork of the Peace. | Has just taken possession of the | touched upoh. ig power ane works | With enly bis name and grit to win bis 88 by the other. 5 then, te bond 38 R. D. ARCHER, M.D.C.M. Victoria | Crown aud Bridge Work successfully - | . He was forever pacing the roads S| a. "4 cto way, and she had pot known bow | oo. Tl Avy iy 4 pp y University ; M.B. Toronto University, | practiced. | E SHOP | and his own garden walks, and al very porse a . much she cared until be had gone out oth ea qua ly wel. X Member or the College of Physicians and | Artifical Teeth on Gold, Silver, Aluminum M ISS HARRI N ' | ways composing poetry. He was ld us Nerviline. ¢ TE A en brave ang | KNOW that we must be directly facing Surgeons, Ont.; Licentiate of the or Rubber Plates [one door South of the St. Charles | ter'ble throng in visitors and folks |in large 2 bottles dared all like Ralph or turned from the mource ef sound, i College of Surgeons, Edinburg; Lic Fillings of Gold, Silver or Cement | | H tel, where he intends to make.all | ¥8 muh kefl at times, but if he could - She sighed and roused herself from | nd our previous rough idea .of. ita i of the Royal College of Physicians, dif: | Painless extraction when required: |Dress and Mantle Maket |k ids of Boots and Shoes, and do | Eet 8Wa fra them a spell, ha was the day ream. Down the road a light | Yhereabouts generally prompts us to burg ; Member of the Faculty of Physicians A y | I kinds of > \ | out upon his walk 3 ' face it & rt Ls os} { 5 Prices to suit the times® :Q a'l kinds of repairing All comers " : Houses In Fes joud of dust appeared, and Mrs. Lam and Surgeons , Glasgow ; Late Resident k es ISHES to inform the ladies | ct 3 And then be would set his head | cloud o ppeare: - Pupil of the Rolunda Hospital, Dublin, | : = -- \/ ot or Ea Phe Chasis rictly tie nded to. He wants to| a bit forrad, and put his hands be. | Ia Fez, the capital of Morocco, most bert sat erect when she saw it. Defore Not the Slightest Danger for Women. Office and Residence, second GEO." JACKSON 8 § |to please all who come his way, 1 | hint his. back. And then he would | of the houses consist of several stories, | she could more than settle herself back . . Ti ' 3 y ising | I i f door west of Davis' Furnitare Bmporium, | : Rooms in the Allison Block where | possible, start a humming, and then it was | ach being provided with a light ve- | comfortably among the cushions the 0 uging Harailton's Plils-o Queen Street. Office hours--9 to 11 a. icensed Auctioneer, Valuator, &c. |she is prepared to execute all orders Popa bum, bunt; bu, snd go on bumming | rands running round it and connecting | other auts Was abreast of her, and she nl er r con and 2to 5 p.m, and evenings. FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHII | ID Dress and Mantle Making in a erry, June 10, 1903. | for long' enough, right down and | the rooms. All the windows and doors | heard the judge give a sharp order to om I have taken us partner, my brother, Dr | OF CARTWRIGHT, | manner unsurpassed for | back again. T suppose, ye ken, the | spen out into the patio, or courtyard, | the chauffeur to halt. He was frown cause no grip . ~ | x >. ¥ 1 pe R. Archer, M. D., C. M., Member of Col: | y\ ISHES at this the éommencement ¢ lc , 7 Styl | WANTED -- SEVERAL INDUSTRIOUS PERSONS | buniitiing helped him out a bit the window openings in the upper sto- | ing and warm as he bent toward her } cortain eve of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. avother Auction Sale Season to re orreciness of Slyle r hntige establish | my ries being covered with close trellis- | and raised his cap. Pills. } ' turn thanks to his numerous patrons for - w | @he Wolcott Adventist, mbert?" Port Perry, June 9, 189 P | and Charming Effect. § - vs rr work. All the houses have fiat roofs, How do you do, Mrs. Lambert? is _ | past favors. In requesting their esteemed | Ly Lf] | Permanent George Stuart, the well-known Wol- | (0p oo) some four to six feat high | "Very well, thank you." Mrs. Lam and continued patronage he desires to| (Our charges are consistent with | cash cach w cott Adventist, is dead. Mr. Stuart 1 miled os . . NOTICH. [ state that no effort or pains will be spared |p, ges. [ reference and horas | several times predicted the end of the | TURBINE areund, and from 4 p. m. until | bert smiled at him graciously. London Kuuwieige of Canada [bn his part to make all sales entrusted to | (VC Value given. | NATIONAL, 383 Dearborn St., Chicago. | world and each time had so much | ¥unset the roofs ure given over to the You have had an accident Canada sas R. J. H. SANGSTER, Physician, Sit | him successes. His very extensive practice | Port Perry, March 27, 1go2 | | confidence in his prediction that he | /adies exclusively, who can then walk "Just a slight one, I belie¥e. I have | I. 4) geon and Accoucheur, and Dr. W. A. [in the past should be a sufficient recom | | For Over Sixty Years | elimbed a tall poplar tree near his | about and take the fresh air witheut | sent for help." | Sangster, Dentist, may on and after 10 day, mendation as 3 his ability. All Sale | -- a | MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHIN home and there awaited the final | being seen by any of the opposite sex "Ah!" The judge's tone was all com Ana te be found iu their new Surgical and Dental | given into his charge will be attended bo t A Sey | BLOWS SOOTHING SYRUP has been | gyn ghia In spite ch Thi a 1 1 hich 1s | pret "Carter, get do a see ng S 5 oy x . used by millions of \ P. 1 spite of such a succes This reservation is a law which prehensive, arter, get down and ® derfu oO Pies grep the Pott Office, w hers they wil | with bingthee wud diepaich Jel list JOS. BATRD ft ol y yl ol , Han bf sion of alarms, Mr. Stuart sobms to | never brokedf, atid no man would be | what's the trouble." oo oO ee e found as heretofore, prepared to attend | made out ar blank votes supplied free, oh oken of y have. looked forward to the end of Hit , a y n , oi . 10 he : ¥ : Sit ~ 101 Lr rest L hi g with pain ¢ C 1 y of being seen on his or on any The chauffeur obeyed the vear of its victory f it eve - i Ferpestive protessicns fo All Be A raiod to engage bi i ay Fok TIONEPR Yor the | Guuing Tocth, sofid at get a bottle of ~My. | things With equanimity. At least Se roof during the forbidden hours. | "Water run out wr." he sald briefly. | one; not a but he ( ia ranches. v e his services > ntario. Sale Register at | w C : 1 | he had reached the ripe old age of 92 y - } vi nidil é I k ec Port Perry, Dec. 8, 1807. may consult his SAL® REGISTER either at |the OBarRvER Office. Patronage solicited. » Teething. It " | Owing to the fact that the women of | "Got a little strain also. Some one run- | tell you all a t not a murder * | . o r ely. Depend | before death finally overtook him --_-- , . . . ' hut . a -- | the Observer or Standard Offices, Port Manchester, Jan, 19, 1899. the house are not allowed to be seen | ning it who wasn't experienced t he seemed to ha beer ing | Perry, for dates claimed for Sal J . Ske about 171i cures b: ther man than their lord and "I shouldn't wonder," sald the judge | through the keyhole. At last hrill DR. 8. J. MELLOW, Ys l Sales and | -- gach and Dovel. Cures - y any o 0 ho! wonder," sa 1 g e last a shri : make arrangements, or write to his add x the Gums, Reduces lu : - > y master all domestic offices are situated rim! "Go hunt some water some- fre g Prysiciax, Surezox, #c. CHARGES MODERATE J ) euergy to the whole ysicrn. "Mr When Baby Cries away from the house proper. In many Where" wi s veit in : : hi 1 X Winslow's Southing § uni . ! . I ; . Pesry | GEO. JACKSON outing Syrup for Children Teothing i : } | of the larger houses, besides the water | When the man was out of hearing he y Office and Residence, Queen 8t., Port Peary Nov. 1, 1801, 4 Port Perry P. O dlmnieson S pleasant to the taste and ix the pre-criptioh of one of the When a baby cries almost contin- | gountains, others playing scent or | turned to Mrs. Lambert, and there was Wit ! i pockets, Office hours--8 to 10 am ; 1to3 pm, | } ¥ Xa o'dest and best female physicians and nurses in the { : ; ; that tl . ' 4 " ' Datas d off with his accus- C | etm ism ate - United a ually 1t 18 « certain sigi 1a Cre | geented water are te be found. Sec | war in his glance, and Evenings. 0 1 ted States, Price two. ty-five cents a bottle. Bole tomed irance The Canadian M a 5 gr wl AUOTIONEER. | by ull druggisis throughout the world. Be sureand ack | 1S SOMEININg ter with it<| tions of the courtyard also are slightly | "Perhaps you will kindly tell me pacific Railway was bogus Ha Fone gh To Hon 1VEr | tor" MRS. WINELOW'S SOOTHING EYRUP stomach or bowcls the mothe sunk, and these portions are filled With | where my daughter is, Mrs. Lambert?' |, ; CL K " , i a dz er the line s > i xy ) en i t " BT aioe ota obser, V.8. 4 TTF andersigned takes thie opportuatly | ee hould at once give it a dose scented ofl, which is used to perfume | Ars. Lambert poluted ene dainty, |i, o was 8 4 ' 3 arnin hanks fo e very . . Port Percy, Nov. 15, 1804. | patrenage he he received Ts ee | Menley's Library te Be eld Baby's Own Tablets, w the rooms. The Moors are exception: | gloved hand In the direction of the Voi pting f the gallery | EO Ire ou, a8 Re 4 FPYHE undersigned takes this Lo 7 ¢ the sour little stomach, prom ally particular in discarding their foot | white spire ou ng about thé Ce ap ap = { ext pa te Droctic chich I ER il opportunity of thanking the | The library of the laté W. E. Hen- 1 ! gear before entering a room or Cross "Right over there, ju she said | Grand k Ra \ extensive practice whic have had will be inhabitants of Port Perry and | ley will soon be sold Many of its gestion and relax the bowels. | y | on ch B Ju A. . tarned to advantage of patrons, and parties early Country for th volumes have interesting autograph | virs Fred: McIntosh, \Vabigoon, | 1n& ® rug or carpet. They aven chang® | sweetly. "And Ralph is with her. They sied about the BARRISTER, &c., [ their interests being fully protected. * No ronage Rotor won om books The Lotidon Marning Post tells his 19) nas g wl Ch w from the street. This the houses are | There was a dead silence except for hn re 1hé Canadian 5 t 3 coeubant. of thal Sort Xllhe spared Yo make Jb. profitable since commencing Carting and this story: 'Mr. Henley once un-| " 18% en my little boy Was | yen beaittifully clean and sweet and | the clear, sweet song of & bluebird hid. | = "¢/" Was begun if eightech 'undred uccessor to and occupant © for parties placing their sales in ny hands. in P 3, | i a iN wo months old he began to cry t many peoplé woilld suppose rhe | af rt r; and offices of the late F. M. Yarnold. Mv: Sale Rogistor will be fornd, ab th Livery in Port Perry and now | consciously illustrated one of his own ot are rot, as many peop » | den somewhere among the blossoms. Voice Nb. no all sor Leland Sones Cmsarea F iound. 1 intimates that he is better than | arguments rather well. He had been ind kept fthup. alo Ost ht tinually | mdsty or close. Mrs. Lambert stole a look at the Judge. | o..0dinn Pacific w s 1 t 1s 5 the Port Perry, - Ont. 1 " THOS. SWAIN. ever preparetl to supply all | talking of versions of poems by | lay and night for several weeks 1 He was staring down the narrow VISt& | 51 bofore 1880 Was hardly thought * in Crsarea, Aug. 26, 1896. requirements in his line. | Burns, which were said to be final be-| save him medicine, but it did not | . . of the pike. There was the same elear Fin railwa that elncul i MONEY TO LOAN. Having extensively added to cause they had been written by the | Jee e hin jit, 1 had no: | Spent Over $2,000 Doctoring. | ¢ re 4d thick, wav : ' new ate y | seem to ease him a DIL, ut, purposeful profile and thick, wa and ' rie H. MoCAW k of I ; Il v his friends long af pur y y ' i edly to Private Funds at 4 per cent. . » my stock of horses ; as well as poet and given to his friends long af- t this time used Baby's Own Ta Mr. Joseph Pominville, of Stil!=| hair that had belonged to Jack Norton. her S Fob. 7.1901 . ISSUXR OF conveyances of the latest type ter they had been published in his 4 \ ( , M ft The bad ly added silver to tb eh. MARRIAGE LICENSES, Port Perry Ont, of construction for comfort and books. = 'You khow.* he said to one | (615: butithe poor litle fellow water, Minn, after ng spent | The years had only added sliver to the | Port Perry, Dec. 19, 1583 pleasure, I am in a position to of the company who sometimes wrote | uffering soruuch that I over $2,000 with the best doctors for | hair and strength to the profile. He os sequel is not less illustrative JNO. W. OROZIER meet the requirements of tho verses, 'that if you are suddenly ask-| sox. He obtained ease a'most stomach trouble, without relief, was| 00 11 Land. and thelr eves met. i MEHR he qua ntance with Canad- » i Fe C ! ead, olr ey fan affa I itt o ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER WM. SPENCE most fastidious aa te style and ed to make a copy of a poem you! |e first dose, and in advised to try a box of Chamber-! g Ro ish af ; ing next to i . 1 desirable equippage in ever, i 4 Rome electric spark of thought affinity, | the Canadian que ner turned to Segui Ofhon wh, festdenne, (01h Gon. pe ov way wait, did and finished with years ago | ;q quite'well. Since n he has|lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. | jong dead, scomed to flash to life. The | him and said h (o mile west of Port ES = ry Xo i u are quit likely t. includ | . I 20, Se : | v Ee Reach (one ir oS Loan Perry,)--| Township Olerk, Commissioner, &o. able for private driving, wed- yO or ry things ol at" wonclude | row splendidly, 'and is a bright, | He did so, and is a well man to-day. | color slowly rose in Mrs. Lambert's | "AR! you caught him that time: = pil s prepared to Loan any quantity of Money dings, fuper.ils, &e. urties the = original version, but were | atghInZ Egood=nature d baby. 1|For sale by A. J. Davis. cheek. The judge's volce was almost | PU 1 Suppose you can't expect him on improved Farm Security at 6 and 7 per wishing an afternoon drive can afterward altered. You nover | old the Tablets inthe highest re lem | gentle when he epoke at last. [to know about things outside eur N. F. PATERSON, XK. C.,|cent (Trust funds). have: their choion of suitable c remembe! tly.' Lat i i " cheerfull . and "Is it quite fair to me? She ls an 1 |°"8 country Xr dix ' * =r Al kinds of Conveyancing exsouted with double or single rigs and care ih Janet. tae 25s and. c . ully recommend | on eoe0e0e0r00 +0 OO +O+O0 | have Ea ie > Oh, yes," said the Canadian, 'you Barrister, Solicitor, Notary taess and Aispaton, ful drivers will also be buppli- N . icm 1o mot hers [aye he " | can I have tested him about thew blic, c., 3 Be ren 1 Dat West of Towns Hall ed when required. | Hill, in She house that faced the This ¢. verdict of all mothers | But she loves him so." Ars. Lam- | landing of convicts in New South 310.811 Temple Building, Bay Manchester, " XY. posasasia' paies. af fod i t! ea pan wha ha ed the Tablets. They | bert leaned forward eagerly, with ten- | Wales: and he knew.'*' ns i i wn Td 'Manchester April 11, 1889, we Sprisg Av DiysWagastuod: ¢ Br le Published by. Mr. David | are g dren of all ages and | der, pleading eyes. "Raiph is a ood | "Ah, well," replied the mas, onto, March 31, 1898. ? will, at all times, attend to Nutt in 1888, and asked Mr. Henley | always cui eir minor ailments ELOPEMENT | boy. You don't know how they love | "that's our own country, so fo speak : 3 Ss 4 = Cusing with the utmost cure to copy on' the fly leaf the poem, | Sold by mi dealers or sent by ii aes, . ed 5 jm. t it?--within the Empire, you : . i pr 0" of w Y 7 E. FAREWELL, K.C., LL.B., Coun North I and promptuees. 'Bring her again, O western wind,' 3 ih By IZOLA L. FORRESTER he judge's mouth relaxe rs. | kno ' ' - ; J Crown Attorney 'Barrister County Sol- I wish further to state that ai has Fh been set to music mail at 25 0 s a box by writing Lambert was a charming counsel for | The Canadian relapsed into P tor, &ec., Notary Public and Conveyunoer A Westy: Political. Aoricultural and in future suitable conveyances He consented broke dawi In he The Ye ms' Medicine Co., er . x the defense. thoughtful silence EME Office--South wing Court House, bith y cal, Agricultu a will be at the Railway Depot first verse, and had to consult the Brockviiley ~Copy tight, 18, by T. C. McClure... "You aided and abetted them, Ruth." | ; 3 Ribs Ys : | "All the time, confessed Alrs. Lame When You Need Physic rehable DF. . 1 box of the old Get = Is PUBLISHED iT §A38 {9 private resioncve, and his friend complained that the sixth ra hah 3 A - : PORT PERRY, ONT. : Toe br a A line of the eight which make the poem re os : So. Cop jing, Sie she added hesitatingly, "It did pot | Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and. W. A S NGSTER, EVERY THURSDAY MORNING for departing trains, on being was altogether spoiled by the chang- Neva Fisheries a Failure, Daisy hopelessly. omething broke | goo right that they should suffer | 1. iiernut, which lossetss the bowels . i ing of a single word. Somebody \ N S when that last bump came, and we | ty h {mosity which you bear : 3 DENTAL SURGEON av given notice. Yo The 0 Scotia fisheries have | wrough any animosity y aT w hout causing griping pains. Na. hi Dy ' WM. JAMIESON. oid t re who had scen the poem be- | heen a fal his year. Both the | may be here in the read for hours be- | te me." wmedy is halt so satisfactoty as Dr, : : Oss Honrso0 to 1 aims. 2 ob pots H. PARSONS Port Perry, July 30,4308 Mote Snyyody, Inve ity Suihor, Jad deep-sea ore fishermen have | fore help comes, and I expect to see | The judge was already standing In ] Hamilton's. Bills" Price 2 kes pt Also open Saturday eveniugs 4 is i ra EE ala. £i--i-- | jt was in the rat arson Mr. Hen. lied a Tif Season, the, 'catches | Papa whiz around the corner any min- | the road beside her, and In bis eyes ? Je: 2 i less Mone 2 * eo in 5 an in any Seaso " " ha e ns : than six months; and no paper disconlinned ley had made exactly the slip which ho the thirty ye on ii | Bis 1 108 dreadlal Yak he eattiestuesy hat Td been ot) When Linen Is Translucent. . 8 Gold Fillin Bridge and Crown until arrears are paid ap. had i g - PET y yea n Don't cry, sweetheart," said Ralph. | Jack Norton's. | Nok b dpecalty Vitalised Al ETTERS contain hon add Pe and suggested Burns might have per of vossefihelonging to the Lun- | youll make your nose red, Daisy," | "I know what you mean," he safd, | Tbe whiteness and opacity of &ry ork a Specialty. ise ir. I containing money, wi ressed to hit * le sometimes | imil ~ oP RE i ww * 5 T 8 OE Toss ey Lr a |. ; oe SE ay R similar Sic Sr antl ich have bech | added Mrs. Lambert merrily, "and then | "But it is uot that. There is no bit i i) of uma, ed aro. ADVERTISEMENTS measured by Nonpariel, and man to represent "CANADA'S| woo. Tady Should Know itl ; | what a moist, forlorn little bride you'll | terness, Ruth; only"--he paused and U:'0 el eX: > © in for bait, have re- " fons at the surface, so that the light ie - Dr F. D. McGrattan shared acoording Lo the space Ley ostupy. GREATEST NURSERIES" in the townof pvery y waiting . | be. St tting Li od talk took courage from the bluebird--'"only 104% & zg! - | ADVERTISEMENTS received for That Ferrozone removes the | turned hota ut notting a line. | op I 5% Deh Salon, a ky ro oe Daisy 18 a child" -- wasted In these reverberations before Za (DENTIST) out io [ns ns, will Cetin until that i f ith th Others, al three-months' tug, | sense. Cant you fix lt: | reg g 5 It ean reach to any depth. Wn Taunt wii be taken eon Tad a causes that mtericre Wilh the prop-|, totam th' 50 to 100 quin- | Carewe shook his head despairingly. | "She is eighteen," sald Mrs. Lambert. y . i .D.S. of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, ment will be taken out vntil er discharge of all womanly fuic 4415 a mo tele. Among the They were on the New York sfid | "And I thought the boy a trifie over | The body of linen is a network of . also D.D.S. of Toronto University. A LIBERAL, discount slowed to Merohanta and other | and surrounding country, and take |tio0s; it corrects irregularities and |ghore fishermiefthe Cape Share fleet | Boston pike. Here and there an apple bold and precipitate." | A Ten ton Seal oe. : i 1 is especially good for w bandonsd fishi in disgust. | 1 igh "It is a good quality." et, which interes e light by ' erties Fear orders for pe: yg women who | has aband: hing in disgus tree lay In the sunlight like a great & qu peatedly reflexing 1& Now, If the i: THESE terms will in all cases be strictly adhered to they report from The grassy The judge looked up with a suddem ~ Cffice in the Allison Block over Allison's i Drag Store. pink and white puffball. subject to head- are nervous and terstices of these fibers are filled by Office hours --8 a.m. t08.30 p.m. JOB: DEPAR To : IALTIR ing- 200 to 400 GMintals less than last footpath along the pike was splashed thought. Port Perry, April 9, 1902. r Pesipiiee Hind Sil, Tomo) OUR HARDY SPEC : $ he a or 2 jenn sar. In burg, which is the | sith bright gold where dandelions and "Perhaps if 1 had possessed a littis body of the sume refractive index af Programs, Dodgers, Bill Heads, Checks in Fruit, Trees, Small Fruits, «| Fetrozone is'a blood builder and a |e 8 port in Canada, | puttercups elbowed each other, and of those qualities years ago I might the fibers themselves the reflexion of, % ; Lotter Heads, Wedding Or tals; Shrubs, Roses, ifce and can't Te rzective Io thero is appointment Over | gnrouch the bars of a pasture om the have met with his success." the surface Is destroyed and the. linem = Vines, Seed Potatoes, &c. |F : Zoelied, Orfthet poor of the fishing sea- yop G0 C0 TO ed and white calves 8b smiled down at him through eyes 18 rendered more trausporent. Wate . M NEY T0 LOA Blank Forms, Recelp Books, Business Cards y y the complexion. For your good |son. t/that the fishermen li EPL bat aparired wit tears, does this; hence linen when wet If : Books, Clreulars, Amembly Cards, Stock true to name and free from |looks and good health use Ferro- have Ie that they cannot "Perhaps you might have, Jack. darker, but wore translucent, just as, Mrs. Lambert drew In a deep breath of | more for bait, but is the oiled paper used for tracings HE Subscriber is prepared to LEND Visiting Cards, &o. San Jose Scale. A permanent pos. | zove. Price soc. per box at drug- a have appreciation, A figure appeared on the hillside. It ANY AMOUNT on Farm Seourity of Yor sizie sud color ition for the right man on either gists. al Govern "Isn't it lovely?' she sald. "Daisy, Was the chauffeur with water. The Architects and engineers. a= AT 6 PER OENT. 1 TA0 pre tines su salary or commission. £7 REMEMBER Tue ENTERTAIN | depots. | sit up and look at your wedding day. judge laid his band firmly over the one The sume loldx xood with érdinasy = Slner eptnbiihment ix STONE & WELLINGTON MENT tobe given by tie High 1 see a little white spire over the top In the tan glove that was nearest to Slee 2a ground wen te mepusted sd County... & - | "» reflex 3 e Ia r m - ORTGAGES BOUGHT, atten trod a and bie FONTHILL NURSERIES Schocl Literary Society on Fri- of tiicse hazel bushes, Ralph Livi Be 1 oh in aw hy oe 2 HUBERT L. EBBELS, | ited sx nove then penta 0s tobe bose wih thet: oven 40 aces ices] Blond & Catewe climbed to the tap of the Am leo lete Rtn Ne a En ie wiitenim and opti of gaome Barslater. " 8 day the 27th Nov. It promises! me soe, now stone wall for a survey. tly. "May we not seek the white spire due the whiteness and opacity of snow, H, PARSONS. | Toronto, = - ONTARIO| 10 be onc of the best ever given. | Green G "By Jove, Aunt Ruth, you're right!" vet?' i the ef salt and of pulverized glass, Sa 3 ss i RTT w mn 7 " = wr

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