Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 19 Nov 1903, p. 3

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_ and save future trouble or all will rate as Chop Stock only. The popular word with careful, Indudiions shoppers is FONES & CO. The BEST place to get the BEST Underwear at the lowest figure is JONES & CO's. The largest assortment of Ladies' Ready-to.Wears is at JONES & CO'S. An All-wool $3 Frieze Skirt for $2.75, at JONES & CO'S. $5. 50 Silk Blouse this week for $5, at JONES & CO'S. A $2 black and black and white stiched Underskirt for $1.25--extra : wide. Just a few, at JONES é& COS. 18¢ Duchiéss Ribbon"all shades, for 10, ag JONES & CO'S,' COME and pick out one of those delightful New Suitings and have it made right in style. Fit guaranteed at JONES & CO'S SOIE JOURA is a new, Pure Silk Blousing, very stylish, able, at JONES & CO'S JONES & G0. ALWAYS PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR PRODUCE. COME Gad «0S 0S 0S BS 0S 00S 0S 0S DS 0S VS 00 price reason- New Fancy Collars and Belts just to hand. jomiaiieieininios 0508 SC an hk ] s ¢ [] [] 1] [] § $ 1) ISP 22 1bs. ol --AT-- Forman & on' Best Granulated @ 2 Toronto Bread the san Very Queer. CHAPTER V E PEOPLE ny that it is 'Very Queer" why we adve: ioe our Undertaking artment in the manner we "have been doing recently.: There are ** Vi JBI" people in this world, one can easily find those who are iu business who secm to that this world was only for people of their class. In other. iwords, those people that no one else has a right to Eis but themselves, and tay so in plain worde, For ourselves, we like to see everybod prosper no matter what their calling, or peation. This world is large enough for oh of us if we use only a little common sénse, fl judgment, and do not try to be seifish and grasping. We all come into thie world out anything, and it is certain that all we we shall receive shall be a bare six feot y when we depart from earth, and cant even tuke a dollar to help ua over the river 3 To Live and Let Live," is a good maxim if acted upon, and if we wera alt more re, life would be better worth living ; but when we waut our own share as well as bt of our neighbors, we then become * Kery Queer," and selfish. A It may be *¢ Very Queer," but when we advertise to furnish a Cloth Casket, out+ case, and everything vice inthe equipment with one of our fine Hearses for $34, ar $32, and a Cloth Joffin complete for §27, we do so without being 'Very Queer," ply a matter of business, and those prices are many dollars less than other rtakers charge. We give better value at those prices than is given by others at Sugar for ber prices. Some things are "Very Queer" in this day and age. oe . When people who ought to know better make statements to the effect that we have 4 1bs Good Raisins Phi Bb overcharging on our funeral orders because we have a beautiful equipment, it v for ply shows that such persons are not only 'Very Queer," but use '* Yarn and §8," and do not hesitate to lie, if, by so doing, they can create a wrong impression to their own ends. Packages Force Eg Two for g 13 In our chapter "OUR PRICES" next week, we shall show those who have ated Yarns and Lies that they were spreading false reports. JESSOP FURNITURE (0. weight and the same V. J. NOTT, Manager, Price as Port P Nov. 19, 1903. =. Butter Jonquails and JUST RECEIVED A ChoiceSelection of bl Consisting of Hyacinths, Narcissus, Chinese Lillies fot House Blooming and Fall Planting. and Eggs Wanted. T.0. FORMAN & SON. MarriaceE License OFFICE. Manchester, Ont, EE ABSIT L. & J. StoufTer., XRD BEES Sl SK SKS AL | | Cage cil pA 2 At a London restiurant the other day | = iN Z > a middle aged woman entered the place | | | > 4 Sle and, taking a seat at one of the tables, THE GREATEST A 1] 3 carefully scrutinized the bill ef fare. SI pS A LB 8 1 , HAIR GOODS | 4 he concluded to try some ice cream { N Yd <i MORTGAGE CORPORATION: pudding. After it had been served she ARTIST 2 he = | looked It over carefully and, ealiagy IN AMERICA Yi Fo ly The Canada Permanent an: the waitress back, sald . } . Niet : NZ | Q Westorn Canada Mortgage Corporation I wou pa | OF TORONTO . ¢ ~ SiN Toronto Street, Toronto. ting?" . . np. I AS ho! "SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. "Yessum, and It's very nice too." | IS COM ING 4p £ iy and upwards received om de- "But where is the ice cream? NZ RIL $1 posit. Interest paid or Q 10, "Oh, that's only the name given that 7% i> 3 ) compounded half-yearly at 2/0 peculiar make of pudding. a, are pie IM iL A ~f% and upwards received for @ 'making a specialty of It. I' iN x ZN $109 which dobenturesare issued you'll like tt when you taste ro z > [11 be at The Sebert House with half-yoarly coupons attach ois for interest at end your address for our booklet 4 I take great pleasure in announcing that my Si" New Mills are now completed and in full opsr- SIZ 8AY ING MONEY BY MAIL 3% => alton and that I am betler than ever prepared {> Faid-up Caplsal, 86.000.000. 4 4% ; , NZ eer ¢ 10 meet the requirements of my friemds and tie Zs | Tuyestea Funds 23,600,000.00 Ho ' 4 Te s 12 to Je general public in every line pertaining to: my 5% pitt already extensive and rapidly increasing busi- Si eS r-------- ~ I ; " $2 ness. Correct business prin ples, prompiluce 1% { < > and courteous treatment may be relied on. ZN "IN| Ve] ] nv p14 JAMES CARNEGIE 2 | ZN Port Perry, Dec., 1902. No" ZN SEK with the Times. COME wos SEE! £2K5K AA So DISEASES] CURED TO STAY CURED. If your blood has been poisoned with any hereditary or ace quired df lisease you are never safe until the virus is eradicated rom the system. Don't trust to family doctors, patent medi- cines, blood purifiers, mercury and potash, ete. They will nev- er cure you--though (hey may help you temporarily," Have you blotches, eruptions, running sores, bone pains, itchiness of the skin, sore throat, falling out of the bair, dyspeptic stomach, weak hieart--We can cure you. INN ARSE SAAN X KAS ACGIH so Goods is now on hand, in English, Irish and Scotch, in Tweed, Serge, Worsteds, Fancy and Plain, Pantings and Overcoatings. Our stock has WM | never been larger and more varied, both in coloring and design, and the YOU CAN PAY AFTER YCU ARE CURED. | qualit y is A 1. We make Buttons, Our VITALIZED TREATMENT is the result of 39 years do Shrinking, also Press ing and Re experience in the treatment of thousands of Blood Diseases. If we [ail in curing you, you need not pay us a cent. pairing at short notice,and our prices will suit you. COME cele and Otrictures, (without operation), Sexual Weak- W. H. DOUBT. ness, Urinary, Kidney ond Bladder Disocses. Sept 16, 1903. DR. SPINNEY, Founder of Dr. $piriney & Co. CONSULTATION FREC. BOOKLETS FREE. List of Questions sent for Home Treatm: DR. SPINNEY & CO. 290 Woodward Ave., Detroft, Mich, Port Perry Fair Grounds Having been purchased for the erection of a lar ge Evaporator (Largest in are in the Market for 2,500 Bushels of fs a " Canady) On and after Sept. 1st. We pay 30 cts. per cwt. A for good, sound, Hard Apples of a size large enough to peel on paring machines Delivered Over Scales at Factory. Ty inferior sizes are to rate as Chops for which we will pay 15 cts per cwt., delivered as _abovs. g¥ All loads coming to the Factory must be of one quality. Kindly note | =. d H ighest Price Paid for Farmers' Dried Apples. ~ The Regal Packing Go, RT PERRY. The kind you have known all' Our Fall Importation of British your life. + 3:0 Ayer Oo, Lawell, Mast Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Use} BUCKINGHAM S DYER | | | | "It seems to give ice cream say It is fce creo don't give cottages with cotluge quic This retort convinced the middle aged woman, and she ordered [3 second plate.-- London Telegraph, "We pudding," | waltress. | Camping ArpPLY TO me that you ought te with it a am pudding." kly replied the Tents T. J. Port Perry, July 30,1903. You not, ver || Is it ur well ? Bowels regular? Digestion good remember Ayer's Pills.' tong as you to Rent ECIAL SALE for the week commencing Nov. 23, 1903. | READY-TO-WEAR HATS at Reduced Cash Prices. wl > 'erry, Oct. 14, 190 10 ONLY, WORTH FROM $1.75 to £2.00, FOR $1.50 Bort Parsys 1: 1993 5 ONLY, WORTH FROM $1.65 to $1.80, FOR $1.35 a 4 ONLY, WORI'H FROM $275 82 35 For Sale or to Rent. ; -- A FEW TRIMMED HATS FOR GIRLS East part of Lot 17, 13th Conces > ¢ sion Reach Township. Would HATS WORTH FROM $23 pops p cler scling Ap ge CHAS. MASON, HATS WORTH FROM § 25 to $3.85, FOR $2.75 Shelburne, "Ont -1Or Joan W, HoLtsy, OnMonday, Nov. 23 PRURTIA TIN SRE & Bangs witty LADIES.--if you the added appearance lent to the face by appre har nd the voung charm and the younger having beautiful hair to see the gran Switches Pompadours, avy Fronts and Wigs, which Pr Dorenw Dy have with him. Con ASH sultation entirely free and d ations given regarding these beautiful conceptions in natural hair GENTLEMEN WHO ARE BALD Even though y In portant Not otice, FMYHE REP to Mr. Alex, almost needless to state, is unt rue; the fact is, finding that it was i possible to attend to all the numer | ous calls with which { have of lafe] been patronized I obtain assistance, and in order meet the requirements of my nun erous patrons I have entered i partnership with the name and style of the new fig being Errior & MacMirLLAN, Vi erinary Surgeons, so the new fi will be prepared at all times--y and day--to cater to all requir ii our professio |mancer that gaunot fail their approbation Port Perry, April 6, ty ORT 1 are bald or partially so you can regair it former appearance by wearing Dorenwend's | Wige and Toupees T'hey are made to mat any shade of hair I'hey are a protecti the head and a cure for chronic cold in the had and catarrh [hey are perfectly fitted to the head and bear no trace of artificiality 3 Pror. DorRENWEND will take measurements and demons 5 trate the merits of his Wigs DON'T FORGET THE DAY AND DATE -- . a YY | 21 Ooval ¥ Re pW LY : The undersigned would take this opportunity of thanking his nu m-rous customers for the liber«. patronage received since opening business in Port Perry, and would inform the public V.S. , it that he has moved his business from ie Market building to the MacMillan, Mr nal services current that i] have disposed of my business} concluded MacMillag Store Willard Block Queen Street where he will be pleased to fill all crders for Meats in & manner that | cannot fail to please customers, Having new and increased frecilities fc e transaction of husiness he feels confident that he can give better satisfaction than heretofore, and in order to sexily this state he solicits ll to give him a call in his new premises wa. GAME AND FISH IN SEASON. I. J. WHEELER. . hb] Wanted BOYd=GIRLY To operate Machines at Perry. Kindly write, if canno apply personally. THE REGAL PACKING t & hoe Business "IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS aoe SE g increased the dimensions of my premises, I have purchased and opened out an Extensive Stock of ADY-MADE CLOTHING resid en and Boys which for quality and low prices cannot be equaled ir strict. ave the largest and most veried Stock of BOOTS ano SHOES ever in this locality for your inspection, and the prices are such as can il to ploase. ( e and see us in our enlarged quarters. My aim shall be to pleasc tomers in every particulr. WANTED -- FEMALE HELP. three in family--$re a mouth- F. O. McMAH references. Cadmus. A. F. CARNEGIE 0 RemovaL SPI SIG ie Having had the commodious Store i in the Currie Block fitted up e ally, I am satisfied I have now one of the best appointed D Stores in the Province, and have taken possession of my J and extensive opened up, in addition to my extensive stock of Drugs, Chemicals, and Fancy ; Goods, a full line of SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES While returning thanks to my numerous patrons I would extend premises, where { bave an invitation to all to call and see me in my new premises, A] DAVI& Port Petty, Sere Sept 7, goo. R Full Stock # OF EVERYTHING IN THE Harness Lin er EO PO Romie 1 CHERPNESS. STYLE Durability and STRENGTH, Cannot be surpassed in the County. Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunk § &o., in abundance : & Oomparison of Prices Courted W. A. BEATTY Port Perry J W. Meharry | REAL ESTATE BROKER. Experience is Invariably Essential to Success. [LYING had co lerable experience negotiating Sales of ne of the largest transactio Real Estate 1 rict, a | | 3 erned, I ha one led tc vote my tion to dis g ol all Real Estate that may be i HE sees eon | | { | | I | TARMS FOR SAT H Iw all sp al attent f parties requiring Farms to [ Ji | | Four fine propertic w ted and for Sale | | | i i | (itl Three Farms in Scugog. | ft fine Farm in Reach Hh &&F Parties desirous of disposing of ied properties i {ii will « iit their own interests by placing the w me for [f| | il sale atisfaction guaranteed [ft (I i! 0) S~ without Commission on Real Estate security if | | L AN sums to suit borrowers, at unusually low ! [i rates. Quick acti ill i EF" | represent the most desirable re and Life Insurance (itl Compa Prompt attention given to applications lt Port Perry, Sept. 3, 1901 IH A GREAT SACRIFICE N THE | Sale of Furniture! DURING THE HOL 1D AY SEASON The undersigned will sell a large q ty of first-class Furniture, con ting of Parlor, Dining Room, Bed Room Sets, &c' Give me a call | Cash or Approved Credit, EZ A Fine lot of Picture Frames and Gilt Mouldings suitable to the N trade EF Agent for Monuments."€3 EF Weod Wanted: 63 We are prepared tc give SPLCIAL BARGAINS 1 GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, Gold Filled Cases in great variety, some as smell as a Quarter of 3 Dollar, nicely Enameled and Set with Pearls, &c. Prices to suit you all right. a WEDDING AND ENGAGEMFNT RINGS in Pearl, Opal and Diamonds, all fine and New Designs. Crocs GREAT VariETy VERY CHEAP. Knives, Forks Spodns, Fruit Dishes, Butter Dishes, Cake Biskets, Sets, &c., and some more to follow. EZ Also Fancy Gols, EVERYTHING GOES CHEAP. -3 Repairing as ugual, is DIESFELD' Port Parry, 38, 1598,

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