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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 26 Nov 1903, p. 1

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TORONTO, ONT. $8,700,000 3,000,000 HEAD OFFICE Capital (Paid Up) - - Rest . ESTABLISHED 1867. A General Banking - Business Transatted § BUSINESS WITH FARMERS Loans made to farmers for periods ex- tending from one ta nine months for feed: cattle aud other farm purposes Farmers' Salis Notes dixeonnted or col. ected as the most favoruble vates. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Daposits of One Dollar and apwarids received and interest allowed at current rites totorest is added to the deposit Twice in each year, at the end oF May and November . Tho Depositor is subject to no delay whateverin the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the depoxit. No Charge is made on withdrawing or depositing motey. Port Perry Branch W. H. DUNSFORD, Manager R. D. ARCHER, M.D.C.M. Victoria University ; ML. Toronte University, Mem re College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont.; Licentiate of thie Royal College of Surgeovs, Kdinburg: Licentiate df the loyal Collage of £hysicians, Edin- J burg; Member of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons , Glasgow ; ate Resident Pupil of the Rolanda Hospital, Dublin for Women, Office and Residence, aecond avis Offic Sh Rb PR and 205 pan, ond evenings. I have taken as partner, my brother, Di R. Archor, M. D., C. M., Meter of Col- ege of Physicians and Surgceovs, Out. i i Port Perry, June 9. 1697. is ar CNET BRA es NOTICH. Bie fh i i R. J. EH. @ANGSTER, Physician, Sor geou aidAccoucheur, and Dt. Ww. A: f Sangster, Dentist, may on and after to-day, be found iv their new Surgical and Dental Offices over the Post Office, where they will 4 be found as heretofore, propre to attend to their respective professions iv all their branches. Port Perry Dec. 8, 1897. | DR. 8. J. MELLOW, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, &0. Offies and Residence, Queen St., Port Perry Offer hours--8 to 10 a.m ; 1tad pm, wd Evenings. Telephone in office and house, open night wind day over the lines south, connected with the residence of GL. Rolison, V.8. Part Perry, Nov 15, 1804 WH H. HRRIS, B t AUR Po TRO a STR of the SINGH 0 Gad. nnd agen ake F. ery MANES 30 LOAN. Private FEnds al 4 Dor cent. Feu. 1 1900 THs JNO. W. CROZIER ARNINTHR, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, A B &e, Office at 1esidence, 6th Con. wach (one mi'e west of Port Pariy,)-- £ Moxey To LoaN. © | ftp ton re | him successes. | Savings Rank Department. Deposits poceivad at the highest curren ulated an each depositor semi-annually. H. G. HUTCHESON, "ort Perry, June 26, 1897. £100,000 STERLING (British Capital) To, lend at 4 4} ard 5 per cent on good Morigage Security. Apply to DAVID J. ADAMS Banker and Broker, ; Port Perry, Ont. J. A. MURRAY, DENTIST, Mice over the Post Clice, PORT PERRY. All branches of Dentistry, including Crown aud Bridge Work successfully practiced. Artifical Teeth on Gold, Silver, or Rubber Plates Fillings of Gold, Silver or Cement luminum Painless extraction when required: £F Prices Lo suit the times® GRO. JACKSON LICBused KNCTIONESY, Valuator, &c. | POR TUE CUUSTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHII OF CARTWRIGUT, A ISHES at this the commenecment @ y another Auction Sale Scason to res tarp thanks to lis numerous patrons for past favors. Iu requesting theic esteemed aud coutinued patronage he desires to state that no effort or pains will be spared on his part to make all sales entrusted to His very extensive practice in the past should be a sufficient recom mendation as to his ability. All Sule given into Lis charge will be attended $0 with prowptucss und dispatch, ale list made out and blank notes supplied free, ou application. Parties wirhiog to engage lis services may consult his SaLx REGISTER either at the Observer or Standard Offices, Port Perry, for dates claimed for Sales, and muke arrungements, or write to his address CHARGES MODERATF. GIU. JAC Port I'er: SON, Nov. 1, 1901. vy PO. ~~ AUCTIONEER. ITH E nudersigned takes this opportunity i of vebuwining thanks for the very liberal patecuage he ug received as Auctionser in the past. The increwssd experience am extensive practice which I have bad will be tained to wdvantage of patrons, and parties favoring me with their sales way rely on thn 1 juterosts being fully protected. No ifort will he spared to make it profitable fo putin placing their sales in my hands My Sai Register will be found at the Lrland House, Cresarea, THOS. SWAIN. Aug. 26; 1896. rH, MCCAW, a JSSUER OF MARRIAGE LICKNSES, Port Perry Ont. Port Perry, Tec. 19, 1588, V7. SPENCE, Township Clerk, Commissioner, &e. « prepared to Loan any quantity of Money a fmproved Farm Sceurity at 6 and 7 per "ent (Tras funds) Coairon, N, XK. C. 0 ? v ng executed with credited to MANAGER. eset t _--1xX men emi 4 re a WIT IS EASIER PORT PERRY, ONTARI TO MISTAKE hi) | T Rent hii of Arrow and Lorue Streets The Dwelling is 'comfortabl 1} story. The lot contai Port Perry choice beatin, good well -- Tu £9 for Sale. The undersigned offers for sale | is Challenge Threshing Machine at a Bargan Although the machine has been in use about three years it is none the worse for that. Parties requiring a good Separator should see this machine. Apply to the owner. JOHN COLLINS, Jr, June 2, 1903 Scugog Sittings of the Division Courts COUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1903. WHITBY Clerk, D.C. Macdonell, hitoy --sanu- ary 6, February 4, March 4, A, rid, a b Tunes, Voveiber 4, Dec: Ju y 4. September 4, October ember 4. Jan, 6, 1904. OHAWA Clerk, D. 0. Macdonell, Whit hy--J 8 7. February 5 Murch 5 Aprils Vp ane uly 8, Nepteniher 5, October 7, N 3 ember 5, Jun. 7, 1964. hark, Novem: Har BROUGHAM- Clerk, M. Gloeson, Greenwood --Jant a arch 7, May 9, July 7, Ss Le. N ember 7, Jun, 9, 1934. i on, Max PORT PERRY Clerk, J WW. Durnbam, Port Pe ~Janmary 9, March 8, May 13, July$, § -- 15) Movenner sda Uh op pS, Beptourher UXBRIDCE Clerk, Jos FE. Jannary 18, March 20. May 29. 25. November 20, Jan. 14, (3 4. CANNINGTON Cath. ion, Bmith, Cronington -- January arch 19, Mar 23, July 14, Seplc | M, Novetuber 19, Jan 13. 1004" © Sus atts | BEAVFPRTON --Clrrk, Geo. F. Bruce, Jaunary 14, March 18, ember 18 Jan. 12, 1504 UPTERGRO! E- Clerk, Thes. P, Hart, U --March 17, M=y 205, September 22, Novem t L (2 3 4 Gould, Txhridge-- July 15, Septewle, 5. | | L Rasvorcon | May 27, Beplewber 23, Nov | prengrove | ber 17. | By order, J. E. FARVWELL, Clerk of the Peace. 1002, by, Nov, 25th, 1 MISS HARRISON Dress and Mantle Maker HES to inform the ladies she is prepared lo execute all orders in Dress and Mantle Making in a manner unsurpassed for Correctness of Stvle and Charming Effect. . Our charges are consistent with the value given. Port Perry, March 27, 1go2 JOS. BAIRD ICEN<ED AUCTIONEER for 4 County of Ontarin. Sale Register the Ossrrver Office. Patronage solicited. Manchester, Jun. 10, 1869. the Jamieson' Livery fPHE undersig: opportuni.y inhalitans surroandin liberal a ronnge v ' 0 Pout iutinsies that he ie better than ever prepsied to supply all requirements in hia line Fy sud now 4 ely added to DAE well as ype of construction for comfort aud * pleasure, Tani in a pusition to | meet the requirements of the most fastidious as to style aud desirable cquippage iu every respoct---in every way suit able for private driving. w 'dings, fune- ls, &c. BL an afternoon drive can have their choice of suitable . douhls orsivgle rigs and care: ful drivers will also be soppli- HoT ex my stock of bi conveyrueernf the fatust Da will, at all tines, attend to Carting with the utmost care and promptocas. LA Eb further to state that in fature suitable conveyances will be at the Railway Depot to convey passaigers aud bag-' gage to private residences, and will also convey passengers avid baggnge to the Depot in time for departing trains, on being: Liven notice Ni dn he WM. JAMIESON. Port. Perry, July 30, 1803. A 8 a tow: PERRY cantiiry HE nudersigned offers for Sale or to oases apd Lot on the corner in good repair 1} acres first {ings land bo wiih there are a number of fe fruit trees ; there are alana gpd new pump For particuiais There / vr tn the; IS Woe hana sided wile; | elval was a member gf the board for Ramos 'water, Minn, alter having spent over $2,000 with the best doctors for | fn | vermicelli. re | parteinac of tod ak fo Soro Bok Vilotl Prope Jo IN PRINOE ALBE C$vHE andersigued offers for. { Bitgiin her beautiful resi perty inthe Village of Prince 3 property is situated on § tains fifteen acres, ed the a fing i rehard "of Plum Trees which especially selecied for the He ira ities of theie fruit; Pear, Chercy rnd, (mental trees Splendid Water. The porty dn well fenced, in outhit for desicahility pletences isone rare mediat tion, and col with, Im possesion given Also for Sale a Farm, beivg composed of the East-hatt of 10820 und North half of lot 21, in the Ist con EE Craotwright, contain: ing 200 Acres, toe <r less, on the property there is ervoted «first class Barn, Driving arn an 1 Stables, and Dwel ing House, The land ina wood stpte of cultivation, well fenced, , there isn grand spring of good water thereon. There are about 40 acres of good pasture land, For further particulars, apply to W IT, { HARRIS. Barrister, ort Poriy, or to the proprictress. : MRS. M. LAN | June 24, 1003. Pravin » mil, To Rent or for Sal To Rent or for Sale. Mrs. Jane Wheeler's beautif heele autifu Brick Residence on tl Road, south of Port P orry is a splendid Froit Garden with Outbuildings ete \ guavtuy of ranching or pasture land {may be rented or purchased inc nection with or separately from t above. Apply to W. II. HARRIS Barrister, Port Pers Anz. 18, ig 3 : H GRAY a VAL & Has just taken possesion 6 GY CLINE CHAS FGY SHOE CHOP tie door South of the St. Chile Hotel, where he #h kinds of Boots and Shoes, and de a'l kuids of repairing mitends to niake All comer ty attending toomdamsway 1m le ' Port Perry June 10, 1903 TRIOUS PERSONS shed leven ol, to call upon merah | and profitable line | h SEVERAL INDUS for hnuse a d with a large cay agonts for see engegement and all travelfig expenses and cash cach week, reference and onc KATIONAL, 3 334 Dearborn St, Kix cas hotel Experience not ¢ se self-addressed vivelope | Chicago. Not Hemer Men. ! One of the characters of the old navy was Captain Percival, familiarly called "Mad Jack," whose waggish and iras- eible sayings amused bis contempo- raries. At one time the son of one of his old friends was appointed a mid- ghipman. AS there was no Naval academy in those days at Annapolis, the lad was drafted to Captain Percival's ship. The fathér wrote at once to his friend to announce the fact that bis som was on shipboard, and after the usual parental recommendations to mercy he closed the letter with: | My son has entered upon a profession | where he will go down to his grave wept, | honored and sung or unwept, unhonored and unsung. | Thé young midshipman had not been on board long before he aroused the wrath of his commander, who at once gat down and wrote to the Iad's father: My Dear Sir--Your son is going to the grave unwept, unhonored and unsung. At another time, when Captain Per the examination of candidates for mid shipmen's warrants, a son of nuott: friend came before the board Af: the examination Percival. wishing announce the result to the boy 1 wrote, with delightful tmplication: Dear Old Messmate--Your boy has pres you recollect our taking ins Lo oyt of dock? Bhe just srused. Spent Qver $2,000 Doctorix Mr. Joseph Pomunyule, of Sui stomach trouble, without relief, was advised to try a box of Chambers idins. Stomach and Liver Tablets. | He id so, and is a well mai to-day. For sale by A. J. Davis. |, Got Drunk ou Cerdite. ° a Dufing the South African cam- | paign the Dritish soldiers discovered new and extraordinary form of in- 'toxication. They found that they could get all the excitement of a powerful narcotic by eating a cordito charge of cartridges, each of which contains sixty strands of cordite, and ia very similar in appearance lo Aloienl Joumal gives os th fatin 'of intoxica~ ® 3 Major. Jennings, Do ri fict, the het Auta ditiidodey | distal ; 3 ti i a7! * i 1'Heoctora : how it quiets the tickling , heals the inflamed ; gs, and controls th | 8 Hardest of coughs. is well known 'u } edicine # most industrious and persistent cnar- % acter. Gerald smiled contentedly as he watched the couple so absorbed in themselves, so oblivious to externals. . Mamma Elklus, too, was complacent. True, "Lord Carnleigh" found no easy yictlm to his noble charms. Sbe's a girl of the most distracting- y cope Fa he hd gro ous to me, and then just as I am getting my courage up to the proposal pitch she'll suddenly turn cool as an jeeberg." Taking consolation from Gerald's wise commonplace, "That's a woman's way, my lord," Le kept up the siege most vallantly. Finally one day his eager eye saw a signal of distress in her mantling cheeks and drooping eyes. Then he boldly dema ded a capitulas tion. When she whispered, "I love you, Tom," he took her im his arms and shamefacedly ackuowledgzed the deceit of ly. 1 it 1 6 world for courhs and cold Karin J BTRRION, Ye a, Cal, 1.00. J. 0. AYER CO. t peel, Mak gElats. for -- asx ~ i ard Coughs oughs -- Bod £08 Cna of Ayer's Plils at badtime wi ha recovery. Gently laxative = = dada badduibadads MARRYING A TITLE By Frank Leslie Bowen Ture Copipright, 1903, by T. C. Mec di i Acad ALAN MAM ALAR MAS Af Lid ALAN A% AM Ad 84 4 Gerald Elkins was serio ed over his mother's cold blooded pur pose ta secure u t d 1 v He loved Bis sparkling, © ous, warm hearted sister, and wa 3 Te volt atthe Idea of forcing her to make a loveless o He was still pondering over the ques tion In the lo of B hotel when Insplira 1 e to him In the person lof Tons Carrington, a former college chum. After. the first gr s Gerald dragged his friend 1 ner and immediately begs u 1 hi brilliant sekeéwe. : m, old man, you are s{ill and lbeart free, aren't you?" The other nodded in mild surprise. "Good! 1 didn't know but that you PAE O10 Crh on rma rah ito my dead. You remember my now an 1 loveliest that you'll meet in many a days A rtunmately, mother [ y Ll nore off | [ with a title, and she's bn e out of the poor girl abo rl + bas turned down al s, ¢ s, et cetera, tor, thou ys she is willing to marry one | ded she leves him, she draws the t the half baked speci mens. of nobility t the mater has sprung on | I it you to come to thé Bescue, Tom. Co in and win the little Sister self and save her from the #itled fortune hunters. You'll fall in love wit! I'll wager wy head My plan is you to mother and Elnore as an I nob! wham 1 met a couple of years ago in 1 once told me England. | remember y your father was pan and 2 a of Wel ly re hat's Dn. Of course, made we think of having only seen e for a few mr tes years ago, vori't reinember you. Joln our for the next two months while doing Germany and Austria. do you tl heaven's sake, 7' the other gaspe ¢r more so fo my life." iyour sister! Ycu ure pot con- whether she will like me or en think of the position It put me In. She wouid d ise 4 Played on ber." ¥ he'll like you all right, and you MI her the truth when you pro ped not care what the oth- At any rate, as long as party mother won't be more of these fossilized 8 nobles on the poor gtk" The ringt tively peculiar twivkle fn Car- . and he gazed medita- te wall a full wlio: hn ering. be said briefly as he id. "You may Introduce 8 Caruleigh, the courtesy 1 appareut of the Earl hed manners of Mrs. Elkins was gestasy that evenlng as ed to her "my Lord pparent of the Earl Weldon, Sussex, Eng- mu whom I met two and," the last state ng a literal truth. ore a look of doubting ¥ eyes first rested on the of "my lord," and exclaimed as he paced G0 his own room later in t g. "Gerald was not a bit too! in his praise of her She's the: . adorable } I've ever met. I'm "into his plot now. b and win ber If I , the "wight ef you put a queer | ng as dud and I are sat- | ean vouch for the gov- | he had practiced upon ber and Mrs 1 Riki aboul sweet mouth as she m his shoulder * she ered gleeful dimples danced the corners of he raised her head "Tom Carrin ly and to bis great knew who you were you there in Bres! consternation, "1 e moment I saw A schoolgirl of fifteen never fc ts a young man she m , partic if Le is a--a--well rather good I knew you were not 'Lord ( I don believe I should have learned to like you 80 well If you Lad been. I have grown diced t titles sinc I hav 1 | se, 1 forgive yo u bad, d il fellow. but I « ) t mamma will do," "Ma d Just what Tow, antic pated when be told ber of bis love for her daughter and bravely confessed that be had been guilty of an atrocious boat in pass Apolog when Gerald to assume r affalr and to n was 1 1 a I | O3s Elkins wrath In a 8 of | » young man to 1 el art nts und never n to de bis | cuce ou ber or her daughter There was between ANE 1 UeXY Wa a conference NE Ee Reed - fore the Lour of that evening Mrs, Elkins' aw Einore stole out of her room a8 dressed for traveling. G te of France we sk Weld 1» The c earnest heartily basel 1d, I 1 ar ¢ we take In well known 1a wye no two fuces a think they are ¢ ten ! linage of anotl rrect, uithough we of the exact is largely be proved ear of one person be at th a matter of tiwag Ly in I vestigation uple, 1 have ny office a clerk who is coustantly for Several people aken myself say be rescbles me so closely that I must be joking wben 1 deuy the rela In order to ascertain how h reason there was for the ts I took the fellow to a phologra se Blale n pher's one day lust week, aod we Loih Lad our pictures taken togeilier, and 1 would defy any one to poiut out a single point of resemblance. #3ly cierk, Lowever, regards the matier us a good joke, and 1 baif sus- pect that he acknowledges relaitonship in a good mauy cases futentionally so as to cause complications bave shown the photograph to several peo- ple who Lave made the mistgke, but it bas no iufluence upon them whatever, and' it 1s Jdmpossible to convince them against their whL"--New York Mall and Cxpresa. Disraell's Loves. In his young duys Disracii fell under the'spell of the "gorgeous Lady Bless- ington," te whom Le wrote letters breathing something more than frieud- ship. For example, Iu 1834: 1 was so sorry to leave London without being a moment alone with you; but, al- though I came to the opera the last night on purpose, fate wus against us 1 dia not reach this place until Sunday, very fll Indeed from the pangs of parting. In- deed 1 feel as desvlate as a ghost, and I do not think that I ever shall be able to settie to anything agalp. It is a great shame. when people are happy together. that they ever separated. but it seems the great object of all human legis- lation that people should never be happy together, x "Dyspepsia," be writesa few months later, "always makes me 'wish for = civil war, In the meantime I amuse myself by county politics." Four years afterward "dearest Lady Blessington" bad become "my dear lady," but the friendship lasted after Lis marriage "with my dear Mary Anne, who | am sure will be delighted by finding ber self undsr a roof that has proved to me at all times so hospitable and de voted."--Meyuell's Biography of Dia raeli. ERR aio AND THE PEOPLE CF OQUNDLAND. 'of 136,000 Haman Re- [,3G9 Set tier n ry 3 4 x . Canada's sister colony at the gate- way of the St. Lawrence is in many respects the most remarkable of Bri- tain's dependencics Although its area is greater than that of lveland, its population is less than that of Toronto I'he last census showed it to have 217,037 inhabitants, b 8,947 on Labrador Of this t practically all are located along seaboard, because fishing is the inain industry, and therefors every bc must live near the ocean as | gible. Co ently every cove creek round the coast line of 4,00 miles has its little settlement that altogether there are P these, of which 894 have 1 100 persons cach. The census shows 888 settlen from 1 to 26 persons, 294 from 25 to 50, 157 of from 50 and 106 of from 75 to 100 : The voyager, as he cr along the coast, can see thes lets perched in the inlets, the whi washed h showing - against rugged ke match-boxes on ga wall th little cockleshells of on the sea outsi as rien trawl the ocean harvest, Of the 13t ings the island who yea ) are « 1 the ie od L lobster and and the total exports of $9,000,000, more than $8,000,009 worth { fishery produc Despite their hazaedo p the isolat eir villages ar 1 frequent tercourse with the rid outsid hese Newfoundland f f py and contented, peace f abiding Less than 100 ! to ma n d arca, and half tk a len e to | 1 } table: x Al ard i ine o y the « ' us n the 1 nearl oney held in bank no y disposed in ure hiding | 1 lo anks colla t ! t notes lost h has not been lost how ti will put aside nothing it i and it is estilnated that along th outl ern const, where tl A ans f quent in quest of herring and re is over two nu ars States ge we fisher » people have e land s to the fore can build their os sels ry man and skif or his sch A afford it Iie is a smith and sailmak He ) ugh fisherman anc D a ter woodman a h The isclation of thiows everybody his own Ie sources, and a man | a proficiency in every © needed by him In winter they hunt C trap furred animals in th d Als then the coast is b v ce In March and April t eal fshory is prosecuted amon h yes that cover the Grand Dan until October the un ready enumerated, are | and when winter comes round again ves sols and boats have to be repaired, nets renewed, firewood cut in the [or- ests and hauled out with dog teas, and all the multitude of duties inci- dental to such conditions of exist- ence The Newfeundlander works hatd and braves terrible dangers on sea and land, and every village has its stories of grim disaster and its lonz list of widows and orphans The whole interior 8 almost de void. of population, except for a few lumbering settlements You may fravel hundreds of miles by the rail- Way which pierces the island and not &ee a house excent a trackman's hut This, however, is changingenow. Tho islend's case is somewhat like that of Alaska, which was pronounced nt- terly valueless when purchesed by the United States, hut 18 now found to possess immense resources. So with | Newfoundland. Its aerienltural, win- | eral and timber wealth is coming to be recognized as of the first order, ' Capital is anproachng the island to help in developing its stores of bur- fed wealth--huricd in ythe teeming waters round the coast, in the un- worked mines of the interior and the untrodden forests which clothe the virgin soil. The iron mine at Bell Island, Conception Bay. supplies the | raw material for the Dominion & Steel Company's smelter at Svd- ney. The copper mine at Tilt Cove is one of the richest jm the world, vielding a rrofit on a small opera- tion of S800,000 a yéar. The best timber limits have recentlv heen ac- aired bv a company, *headed bv tho famous H. M. Whitney, of Boston, and a slate quarry has been opened at Bav of Islands by a Welsh con- een. which is said to ba egual to tha best of those mow. workibg ia its influence Walss. These are, however, only a few of the developmints now taking place, and tending to @raw Lhe people from the B:heiies to landfar- jug puisuits, and (0 wake ie island wore in harmony Widi. conditions such as prevail in Us | geighliorane flowers which continually give perfume so powerfu if inhaled for any length colonies, §0 that it may be nal a wilderness with a few fisherfolk squatting on its' Bahar, Newfsundland's - tiny, ad"almost everybody is to be merged into the 'Metheds Now-a-Duys Chinn, of a Vailety of rabjeota Canadian colleges ara tending ts. greater ficedom in the uiniter © fF subjects studied. Most of them = loWsg ago recognized the absurdity of coun fining all students to certain specified subjects their naturel interest to which educa tion writes Dg 4 regardless of and the use is to be put, in Toronto News. The de the elective em at « Toronto 18 been rend, end the axample is being followed | any other colleges with dd success, At the same time, the annual attend- - ance at increasing in a close associa and student, sclection of ng of abgo- rt of the stu: ther bene heard of courses ularity the lectures It i} all their 2 lute dent Wt t feet wh students cted their of lee ani larg 3 a t \ cquent ex r 1 1 pei r ¢ h nstructor. In ot rd had all their aftey- no ever free and could do dic prior ] is the weal I I ¢ ster Ila xerci \ to uj veill day appl points would crease ot As t i r making of u ecognizeld Ss ld certainly t I spent bE a b practice pe ( qually 1 ficial to regu-~ lar Ar cord tain } neces sity of 1 ¢ with some " for of Vv d « inrrease the I ¢ ates that * the sta i f w be raised I'he liocre athletes wl ng tha k cannot mn : ti ity e or crew, abstain fror as the other sj ts portant. Ag well 1 a rom at- tending leg e cannot - diate at tl I of the class Ti I n begak t t ( 1 1 he I ( had agreed to rrer r their s in the t ye r the sui ( by the Do+ witht the. stipu- i s of the Indians should respected ants he country con- ¢ 1 Cunadian hallbreeds, ang 3 voyagew's, whd ad for ¢ erations tray ped oughout that wild region and his x ct terri- tory t i were told that th rye rs intended to seizg th Other causes combined « with 1 ontent among the t reed 11 ormed a pro- * visional Govermun end only await ed a leader wo ri into open rebels lion ihis leader came forward in the pe o N The get- tlers became and fled to Fort Garry for shelter, but a month after the outbreak the rel 7 captured the fort aid fi) vettlers, The Governor Was not to enter the country, and thred = commissioners sent out by Tovd Lise "f gar were imprisoncd. A short tinig after th one of the prisoners, nam- - ed Th Scott, was murdered, bes cause even wi in prison his ef forts to restore peace to the coun-. try were carried on. The Dominion Government now took a firm hand in Lord Wolseley was an ample foice and din 'taking Ford Jorsing rebels; the proceedings out with succerde and d sent soon Garry t Moerish Women, Feininine Moors are generally absed - | Jutely 5% - ignorant of their age. Among" sh wopien this i§ a point of. but it is really no aflectatiom,.' 3 their birthdays are never cele=g brio od in any manter the passage as yee dis far less moticed than it ie 3 Wilh us hai 2 A Grest Chesinut Tree. Ko tree has ever been found larger. than the Sicilian "chestnut of a bun=| dred horses."" It'is no less thaw 30%. fect in circumference. = The Death Piuut of Java. The death plant, of Javh, 1 as to 0 Wen yu mind ated ex Sutra uo AT Apel omach EUR WV. =

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