Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 26 Nov 1903, p. 3

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in your saving fund. An week $1.10. me come before it is gone. regular rie Conte and see them. vie JONES 9 EZ MEN'S UNDERWEAR at SPECIAL Prices. 50565050050 50550 505050500 500 50050050 500500500500 5000000 0m If you do your buying here. Wee can put pennies = your saving account every day. on The little we save you on every purchase | is Wha w Dress Goods Department. 1 cloth for ladies skirts 'and suits' regular $1.25. line now gait a Lhe : extra large range of Broadeloths all i Legit $1.25 line this and next New Silks in abundance for Christmas Trade, all at special prices. Notions More of that regular 18¢ Duchess Ribbon 4 inches wide for 10¢ the yard all shades The very latest effects in Ladies' Fancy Collars and Belts just to hand at less than CO See Window. \ SPECIALS FOR R ealizing that. a , great many 'comme perpare for Christmas. we have bought a very HEAVY STOCK OF ALL THE GOOD THINGS required, and are now prepared to supply all demands AT THE LOWEST LIVING PRICES. 3 Ibs best Selected New Raisins for 25¢, 4 Ibs bust Selected rgo2 Raisins for 25%, 4 1bs good cleaned Currants for 252, 3 Ibs choicest cleaned Currants for 23c, Extra Blue Pearl Currants roc per 1b, Seeded Raisins 10¢ package, New Seedless Raisins 1oc Ib, Best Cooking Figs 5c lb, Extra large New Prunes roc Ib, New Dates, Shelle'l Almonds and Walnuts, Cross & Blackwell's Orange; Lemon and €itron Peels, Mince Meat in packages, Best Shredded Cocoanut 25¢ 1b 22 lbs Granulated Sugar far $1, Dark Sugar (clean) for cakes, % Soft Pulverized Sugar 3 Ibs for 25¢, 2 Packages Force for 25c, Toronto Bread same weight and price as Port Perry Bread, Spanish Onions 7 Ibs for 25¢, 5 Rose Brand Lard warranted pure and equal to 2 Home-made. Sliced Boiled Harn, Try our Special Bled of Tea 25c, Try our Kings Royal Blend of Tead--black and mixed--3oc, Try our Coronation Blend of Tea--black and c oe Gol a ~ Choi 25¢ and 3oc, Coffee 8 ® Blas Our Stock of Boots and Shoes is We have largest and finest assortment of FANCY Port CHINA ever shewn in everyting you can wish for, Rose Jars, Marmalade Jars, in-endless variety. best English makers J lead both for Value, Style an every one. See our Ladies® Fine Boots at $1. 50, $2.25, $2.50. count in building plenty for you z : ER oe ® RISTMAS! Forman & Son's nce early to and we will make the prices fight in Yases, Salad Bowls, Berry Sets, Biscuit Jars, Fern Pots, 5 O'clock Tea Sets, Cream and Sugar Sets, Table Sats, Jardinieres, Fancy Pitchers, Plates and Cups and, Saucers | A choice selection of 35 Dinner Sets from all the Bedroom Sets of all styles and prices, Beautiful Lamps of all kinds, always in the d Quality, and as we carry the largest Stock, we can suit $1 75, $2.00, Extra values i in Slippers for ladies and men. Rubbers of every description Ladies' Rubbers, lined-and unlined at goc pair. 8 hk & v Perry--in French, German and Japanese goods, in wT Frank §. Dawes' pes Skf Doves sh de a new deparrure in "his b ness, he has a full stock of b | Japanee Chinaware which is mi {admired, and other lines are lete ; his cakes and Lay fresh and pure, He ca t. lar attention fo Bread, manufacture, made from - 0 prods of his own town, an Jus ty is unsurpassed and in e: espéct CHE ho = ! her article. "I am very tired, and I am going He down for an hour," "Yes, ma'am." "If 1 should happen to drop off @ me at § o'clock." "Yes, ma'am." Bo my lady lies down, folds hands, closes her eyes and is soon fi the land of dreams. Bhe is awakened by the clock striking d and calls ind nantly: "Delia" : 1 "Yes, ma'am." 2 "Why didn't you call me at § o'cloe as [ ordered?" .8hure, ma'am, ye What is Catarrh ? Itis an inflamation of the mucous lining of the throat, bronchial tubes and nasal passages excited b germs that can only be destroyed by fragrant healing Catarrhozone which is breathed direct to the seat of the disease, and has never yet fai'ed to cure. Pleasant | to use, absolutely certain to cure, Catarrhoze oe always gives satisfac tion. "I suffered fom. nasal catdrrh so badly that I could not breathe | through my nostrils, writes, G. K.| Wilmot of Meriden. 1 used Ca iE fora few minutey and was relieved: It cured me short time." No other remo like Catarrhozone--its the Two months' treatment $1.00; size 25C. icy trial z Livein Harmony ith the Times. COME woe SEE Our Fall Importation of British Goods is now on hand, in English, Irish en 1 Scotch, in Tweeds, Serge, i Worsteds, Fancy and Plain, Pantings land Overcoatings. Our stack has never been larger and more varied, both in ctloring and design; and {he quality is A 1. We make Buttons, do Shrinking, also Pressing and Re pairing at short notice,and our prices will suit you. D SEE BEFORE COME W.H. DOUBT. Spt 16, 1603. For Sale or to Rent. East part of Lot 17, 13th Conces- lsion Reach Township. Would prefer sclling. Apply to CHAS. MASON, Shelburue, Ont. Or Joun WW. Hortsy, Manchester, Ont. em I N\ Fy Let Ts Deliver You Very Quicer. CHAPTER V. E PEOPLE say that it is "Ve eer" why we tvectite otir re partment in the manper yery Su been a recently. people in this world, one dan easily find those ee t this world was only for people of their class. In other t 00 one else has a right toa Ii ving but themselves, and say so in plain words, or ourselves, 'we like to see everybod progper no matter what tion. This world is large enough for al 5 us if we use on! dgment, and do not try Dut anything, and it is certain that when we depart from earth, and oy 3 our neighbors, we then become * may be ** Very , and ever _ nice in the equipment with one $32, and a Cloth Coffin complete fur $27, we do so without bing "Very ply a matter of business, and those prices are many ery Queer," and selfish. ¢ ers charge. We give better value at those prices To is Ir prices. Some things are "Very Queer" in this day and age. ly shows that such persons are not only ** Very Queer." heir own ends. d Yarns and Lies tbat they were spreading false reports. JESSOP FURNITURE C0. | g NOTT, Sensger, CEAGHK ht pi Roller Mills IN FULL BLAST ! take ¢ New Mills are now completed and in full oper- ation and that I am better than ever prepared to meet the requirements of my friemds and the ok \ NN 7 3 7' N Zz RZ real pleasure in announcing that my S150 ACK Removal I Store Willard Block Queen Strect %; increased | feelin confident that , nnd in order premises AND FISH IN SEASON I. J. WHEELER. ®a CAM PEFR RPRPRPIDRRERRLDODRDED IRR DIIRT IR RR BYP DY) STRICTURES cyoue Strictyres, no matter where located are ant to involve the surrounding urethral stric ting. stretch treating this d * v will positively Blood and Skin Discassa, Bladder, Kidney and Wa Curn Varicocelie, Nervous Debility, inary Diacasos. CONSULTATION FRE. Strictures, DR. SPINNEY, Founder of Question List For Home Your next order of Groceries | 4 You will then learn what | really 3 Good Groceriq are, Our 'stock rn le of goods which have prov meritorious. We sell at the , Lowest Prices indeed many things are sold at less than theirgood quality demands. E. H. PURDY. Camping Tents to Rent AppPLY TO T.]. ASH. [Port Pers fy 30,1203. pints izzy LZ... * | constipated? Tongue coated? It's your liver! liver all "pr. Spinney & Co. Treatment Bont Frecs DR. SPINRNEY & CQ. 290 WOODWARD AVE., DETROIT, MICH, ALE EL LAE AREL FA 0L4EEAMALIEA240EL2aL YU 7% Ads AL AS44444 1044 44d 4a eat t & Shoe Business "IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS EPH Es. réased the dimensions of my premises, I Rave purchased and opened out an Extensive Stock of AND DY-MADE CLOTHING ii Boys which for quality and low prices cannot ber equaled 1» his locality for your inspection, and the prices are such as can- oase. sed' us in our enlarged quarters. ers in every particulr. A. F. CARNEGIE My aim shall be to please || ndertaking 0 are io business rid hi words, those people their calling, or a little common sense, to be seifish and grasping, We all come into this world all we we shall receive shall be a bare six feot cant even take a dollar to help ua over the river. wari if acted upon, and if we were all more but when we want our own share as well as Queer," but when we advertise to furnish a Cloth Casket, out of oar fine Hearses for $34, eer," dollars he than osher given by others at When people who ought to know better make statements to the effect that we have | overcharging on our funeral orders because we have a beautiful equipment, it but nee " Yarn and aud do not hesitate to lie, if, by so doing, they cau create a wrong impression to our chapter "OUR PRICES" next week, we shall show those who have $2 : 1% general public in every line pertaining to my 3 already extensive and rapidly increasing busi- Si ness. Correct business principles, prompitude ] {2 and courteous treatment may be relied on. £ 5 71S iS 4 JAMES CARNEGIE JZ Siz Port Perry, Dec., 1902 ay EN LAN KEE: AN axe x11 SGI Joi SKS SER ZRZINZRZRZRZRZNIZ RAR IRZIRZRZR ZIKZAKEN | The undersig would take thix opportunity of thanking his nu m rons customers for the libers. patronage received since opening business in Port Perry, and would inform the publie that he has moved his business from he Market building to the | | Etay Cured § | trader" largest and most veried Stock of BOOTS anp SHOES ever : ially, I am satisfied I have now one 6f es ) Stores in the Province, and have taken possessio and extensive premises, fehere .I have + opehed addition to my extensive stock of Drugs, Chemicals, and Goods, a full line of SCHOOL, BOOKS AND SURPLH While returning thanks to my numerous patrons. I would ext an inwitation to all to call and see me in my new premises, / A] DAVIS. Port Perry, Sept 2, LL WHICH FoR CHEAPNESS. STYLE Durability and STRENGTH, Cannot be surpassed in the County, Robes, Blankets, Bells; Trunks &c., in abundance. 0 Comparison of Prices Courted W. A. BEATTY Port Perry . REAL ESTATE BROKER. il | Experience is Invariably | { ili . ill Essential to Success. iil | | AVING had considerable experience in negotiating | | I Sales of some phthe largest transactions in Real Estate | Hi in this district, and ip every instance giving perfect satis- | | faction to all concerned, I have concluded to [devote my |] fl whole attention to disposing of all Real Estate that may be { Il! placed in my hands for sale | | FARMS FOR SALR I would call special attention of parties req Four fine properties now listed and for Sale: Three Farms in Scugog. fine Farm in Reach. uiring Farms to | Se Ee Te rm Tre {I i H i | E&Y Parties desirous of disposing of landed properties | will consult their own interests by placing them with me for | sale.. Satisfaction guazaitent | LOANS without Commission on Real Estate security in sums to suit borrowers, at unusually low | rates. Quick action. I EZ" 1 represent the most desirable Fire and Life Insurance I Companies Prompt attention given to applications. Port Perry, Sept. 3, 1gor. A. GREAT SACRIFICE ~-- IN THE Sale of Furniture | DURING THE HOLIDAY SEASON | The undersigned will sell a large quantity of first-class F urniture, con sisting of Parlor, Dining Room. Bed Room Sets, &s' Give me Cash or Approved Credit, EZ A Hite lot of Picture Frames and Gilt | LY ir Agent for Monurbents. 63 £7 Weod'Wanted. §3 JOHN | DIAMOND ; : LH We are prepared tc give SPECIAL BARGAINS n GOLD AND SILVER WATCH Gold Filled Cases in great variety, oh as sini as a On ; Dollar, nicely Enameled and Set willl Pearls, &&G Prices to' suit you : afl right: WEDDING AND ENCE | in Pearl, Opgland Diamonds, all fine and" FAT GREAT Variery Very Curap. Joives. Forked Snaons Fruit Dishes, B Sets. &e., aud sonic fre =" Fe Also Fancy Geo 1s. [) - epiiing a wil : Fir an Port Parry, » 18]

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