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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 26 Nov 1903, p. 4

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SANG Lo ry W. PERT Poste Coprrerant, 1m, by TE Melis One of the most péculiat cases that ever came under my notice, sald Cap tain Spiuk, was the K. and L. express + #blibery, which occurred when 1 was WSR oe of the old steamboat squad. © My work consisted mostly in investl- gating river piracies and keeping « #harp eye upon that small but exceed- gly active fraternity of smugglers who te In New York harbor. " TIRE aud I. Express company had an office on Long wharf, at the foot of Jones street. and, doing a foreign busl- ness only, as they did, their storage rooms were on the wharf too. The stornge shed was a two riqry building of brick. The office, which adjoined it, wus at the extreme end of the wharf. It was bullt of wood ai corrgated Iron. Craft were passing the end of the | with elaborate accounts of the robbery wharf all night long. There was a fer. | of the K. and I. safe. One enterprising ry slip near by. Every vessel at the Qock bad its keeper, and the property of the coupany itself was watched by an old and trusted watchman. De wharf were by one of the police the river my eyes vessel being towed in coun are crop z of my mind. arrived 'with a trick ernnlla, but I took a trip %, golng aboard each ves riood and interview- villa, turough the office wall. Bit one express attributed to the mystery of t safe, however. told me. "That I'll be willin' to to." NE 'What Qid+{t sound like?" I gs! ber faliin' down. "Was anything going en out river at the time?" below to lght me pipe at the 1 telephoned the ship hews down on the Battery, and soon Rotterdam of the Bremen and owing to the fog. she had not Charles B. Goodwin until after | night. pers were being cried on the sheet bad even "faked" n picture of the diver going over the «dze of the into the river to Bint for the lost safe, Nevertheless I believed that that bit Atradnoe to go to Yorkton, 45 miles of gilded wood I carried around me was the clow to the true explana- orion and Jevaral thor Doukhobors * . | (three carriages in all) went with us Hoh #0 1 ali Ee oN OT Te TI ve i vit ve commanding view of tba surrounding try. here are several s Doukholio stoied, represent'ng 'the radgsed hy tha side of the ge whi 1» furnishes Baron. lie' wntchmen or safl. | been In the vicinity dur | as | could find. | séveral things. First, there i a heavy fog during the even- for st least two hours afte Then tue wind. changed aud {iy Tisen clearly. z 3 blow Ash In a Ct Ad it has bscome seid 1 t 'A Timely Sugsestion This is the season of 'the year when the prudent c wile replenishes her cupplyof Cham. obtain a machine by which the wat- aud catetul house T herlains Cough Eeniedy," It 12 cer- <F Could Yat ged from Joe iid ail to be needed before the winter ea 'of the product 'of the mills 1s 'over, and the re s wuch nicht be saved, This liquid pulp . more prompt and satisfactory when kept at hand and yvenas soon bi e cold is contracted a Imost every ins'ance 4 by may be warded ol taking oti & cattle ship two slips from the bad heard a noise be- tween 2 and 8 o'¢lock which he had not ""Pweére no explosion, officer,' he "Sure, "twas more like a heap o' lum- I thought 'twas in the lumber yard on the next block." "Sure. 1v'rything was quiet. 'd gone lantern when the noise came to me." jotted down the list of the vessels that bad gone to sea since 6 o'clock the pre- vioux evening. Among them was the York Nme, and, although she should have sailed eariler.,] learned by call- ing up the office of the company that, for the Narrows in charge of the tug tables used by barlev grain Doukhobors of this sillage the present vesr. is alro a flour miil near - a small stream on the southerly There water for tho engine nud for the wail Sinwan-- J accordingly enlarged until they had a remedy freely as scon as the . "The Toul liohars have their condition very much years. At that time they mowed their grass and cut grain by hand, flail. Now the seed is drilled i horse power, the grass is cut mowing machines, the grain is 'Watch in he lost swear Vested with binders and threshed hy steam. While we were in Atradnbe kod. one of these steam threshers was in Doukhobors have eight of these sf threshers. Two of them, with tion engines, cost £3,000 each, ju the cook's each, lone vit another. The engines used Doukhohors to furnish the office by 1 haa that wav are used ns rower for prinding crain, ona windmill for grinding in the New that was built this year. { New Self-'upporting. tarted "The Doukhobors supporting. them a are now mid- bountiful harvest and concerned trifle. They still con- atroct tinue to make a large portion of their boots and shoes. They also spin and weave some of the cloth for their "garihents The women and children have gathered and sold moro dock than $10,000 worth of senaca root the present year. When we left with distant, Peter Verigin, Evan M that could be brought to tho works | &t a reasonable cost. It was, ac- cordingly, decided to begin the manu- fifty thousand dollars was set aside for the construction of a mill. This was for works with an output of tiventy tons of pulp a day, but it was soon found that it would cost as much to run a mill that size as one much mere extensive--oxcept for the labor charges and increased cost of raw materials--and the works were capacity , wood. of one hundred cords of How Dry Pulp Was Secured. The next step was {he endeavor to contains from 50 to 55 per cent: of water, and on account of the gre "cost of tion it would be | "impossible i) hip aiid 10 the European' auarkets. In addition to this, a great deal of the resihous er mains in the fibre and when exposed a char climate 'become - and gives the green stain Seen in $300 Doers fiat or Aiiowd threshing it swith a 'operation, ahd we were told that the Toul hob6rs with it in nine hours threshed 2,600 bushels of oats, The the six with portable engines 82,250 When the grain js threshed in lage the thresher is moved to motive power for threshing when not in use motive There one of the villages through which we passed Their fertile lands yield 3 their | vegetable diet makes their living ex- By this time it was midforsnoon, apd Pres as far as food is 11 the early editions of the afternoon pa- UL 'a 'ere four wed eir n by with har- team trac- and K 28 Years in the When all Else ny early life ever, this testimonial Iwano pores than & We treat aud wl [ANS Temple Bi "I Nov! 30, 1899. self- ach- pulp mill was n rhurous acid for | puse in view, i ptant was built a rail, and the sen Ohio, ai the Soo. In addition to have Letn crec Wo The or? 't bus uy utilized to blcach the sulph It was then found was allowed to esc devised to utilfze the © su process was found by which the. could be compressed into: li finers and in the arts. the sulp! shipped in iron tanks at about on half of the fermcre price of sulphur, i Transportztion Vaclilties Fallowed, The construction of these migh industries required additional mean of transportation, Algo Hudson Bay Railway was built w over one hundred miles of tr There were a!so purchased, built chartered a: ficet of sixteen steamer of which two havc heen a ; and Georgian Bay points thesa industries then "tho Bessemer Steel g mill and rail mill, saw, lath and shingle mills, 'points, the rh nd power services in | towns on both si as What do'you want tT want to choy Po We hare fun mortgage ac h oa ola buy ton ; also thee he braved nesses {or the same, pertien for SE ind pirate don. and brokerage business. hat th as ape, FITHFUL PERSON TO well established house in a wailing on ai! merchants Coed teniitory Najdary bite ses; payalle 20 70 the use 'of ore Wit bd nd its proiuct wa both by lake Central culation of HNN A han Blog we New Jork o to supply all necessary informatien The mails are despatched from the Post Office Port Perry as follo vs 1 Going North-- 9 30 &, m 5 Going South--1]1.26 a. wm. ® been pray that owned tbe Charles B. Good- f LT itp Sn 2 far ; pikes J I bonts which ply up and down | win and discovered where the tug es stank 0 ahow to 'parties as to the chranest md General ar ter : - s a herd of 320 horses which were oo Ji (4 river all night long. would be likely to land upon her re- oo 070 0 Prairie near ty. Dever best routes, &c. In addition to his Yet that shanty was broken into, and | turn from her trip outside with the igin had recently purchased these numerous Ticket Ager.cies for Rail- Tal 1 3 . & thanks out of it was removed a safe weighing | Rotterdam. 1 was on the wharf when horses for the different villages of the | hy road and Steamship lines, he has A i Ph i sutpng t san : a couple of tons and containing money | the tug came in Doukhobors, obtaining them from a | (8, been re appointed Ticket Agent for (10 the public fo 8 Cstermed pa i hake 0 ¥ = 1 > a | i ha . 3 + a tirning thanks to the public for: o Packetz ana valuables to an amount 4 went aboard ar a saw the captain.' trader living 150 miles from Regina, the Grand Trunk Railway. Parties | TOnage hestowed on him iy com- Thy oan to Dy to at % that made the entire downtown police Mister," 1 said I've come to, hear Assiniboia, taking his choice out of { intending to travel will consult their mencing the business o Carting years, I would respectfully intimate that department wake up with a decided | about it. lave you got the safe?" a herd of 2,000 horses, at a cost of | hitter b solid M and would state that he is fully | am, as usual, now ready y business, au wi iain ® You SD ano; forse Xt a cust of | : own interests by consulling r. : ; shock, | What ? asked be, looking were raised in | McC bel Barky : equipped to do have » The K. and L. people were wild, and | wise the State of Montana | . Mclaw belore embarking on a trip. well they might be. The chief took "The one your tow happened to ear- ¥ De n Verigin found it would cost CARTING AS IT SHOULD BE Large & Assorted Steck Lold of the watter himself, and I was ry away from the KK and L. dock thig [im about seven dollars per head to | 3 ; : ) have them shipped by rail from Re- | at the very shortest notice and at one of the men selected to go down to > : : JUBLE AND SINGLE HAI NES& gina to Yorkton, he concluded to prices that cannot fail to please the | OF DC 3 the scene of the robbery with him ed nnd showed me the ¢ 9 DET Pp which I am determined to sell very CHEAP have them driven overland. By doing bl Cart t d fr th ; And I tell you frankly I was sorry to safe and several bits of broken office (pis ho saved about six dollars per pune, Aarung tn Bl om le Ay an ind t to Casn purch . be put om the job, for as soon as | furniture, which he had covered With head. Thos wen $00E Weoks on a | Railway Depot a Specialty. ' beard the circumstances surrounding go tarpaulin © ird. And his story | journey, and though they had been _ Residence-- Brick House, oppo-|m 1S60UR et 1) ; par fen = this break it looked to me like a blank was interest as | supposed it would on the prairie only two or three site the Methodist Parsonage. - wall that would be mighty hard either = |p days, they looked none the worse for WF de in M de F. SMITH. | will be allowed on all Sales from now unit te clap over or dig through, : When the fog showed promise of 1ift- thei journey. The herd was guard. | Lid-&b a Port Ferry, Aug. 1901. Jan ie Bi bl e first report we got was that the | ype and the wind changed the tug bad ed by two mounted Doukhobors. As | . [oy ? © 3 wo story office had boen blown half 0 | peiled the big stcamulip clear of nos the grain fields of the Doukhobors Uanada Right : : and nc fuetory work kept in stock, the pleces by the force of the charge of | aoek and ste down stream. But ™¢ for the most part, without | £ ' . super arity of my goods will at once become dynamite which tbe robbers used | they kept inshore, and just off the K. | '°eS, their herds of cattle and ; eneral lacksmithin appa' ent. to try to force the safe. And yet no- | gpd I. Express company's dock a fer. | POrses Hust be looked after by herds ntending purchasers will find that by body along the water front bad beard | pypont at zo in the way of | 20 Wit Jott fio trai and dr %e | - y Mving ne a all tefore fuking siuswhery . xplasion! he ove ¢ prairie through the herd of | ~o-- i # i the yoan be suited in quality and price, my thee plosion the Gq horse which are In a wild state, | : The undersigned having opened | long experience in the trade being adie That was bad enough for a begin "We had to slack our engines," sald | Ba : . Fil ; : e had t Zines," si but looked as though they would | business in the putavle guarantee that perfect satisfaction ning. And when we got to the wharf (je captain of tl "and of course | make fine workers | La B will be given by nny article purchased. we learned that, despite the wreck of | {he towline dr The tide swung Fhe Doukhobors in the diferent | Guuranteced to hatch every Kgg that 3 Tn Everthing in my line of business kep the building, the burglars had evident | the bow of the erdam plumb foto | villages visited gave us a hearty wal- | can be hatched PE RY 0 4 Claud I N 5 3 constantly on hand and repalrs neatly ani ly been unable to force the safe und | the end of the dock cor and expressed great thankful- | . Lhnnf. promptly attended to : bad finally earrfed it away with them "By hoke you should have seen | Ness that we had comp to visit them Y TV J ni bE A Al m -- 1 " HN R H kof 3 y hokey, yo e E bE A) a - ust west of Drs. Archer & Archer's JO OLP, The corner ef the structure was torn gt; Her bow sprit punched a hole in | ONC more, and appeared glad to | N ( ) | 1 I 3 : N O Fk \ FIC x HT ! F EARTILY thanking the pubfic for the fort = 1s prepared to do all kinds of | Port Perry, Dec. 1, 1892. away, and as soon as the chief learned 16 of thie express company' i gs | learn that there was a prospect of | liberal patronage received during the by " 2 one of the express company's buildings wn ) t X[ npany ildings | Wa | have Livery Establish |of General Blacksmithing at Reas | Sic LE ak Ee io ' toc ' + . av chools established 10 dy i: h . man ears ave kept a Livery Estab that the safe in question had stood like a sp t hog. We steam- he aif. D ve lt Y m the fi 11 wing ter 5 yy i Y. i le CI right there where the floor was gaping | bo pos 3 ii, hi ages in "which 1 nild- | nvered to you on the following terms : ment in Port Port: Liars machi pleasie in |onable Charges. . and tho wails Blown out he declared It sey ee es, 20 (BOF yanked the 1d Jean to apenk, read aaa | 4 ; | iq otic thee! vere HORSE-SHOEINe |ASricuitural Machimes 10. be his belief that the force of the | ago. Rut the corner of the shanty | '° the English language i One-third payable Oct., 1004 [ M Y 1 IVERY ] shel 1 af g 4 T wan - What Peter Thinks, . - be 4 PRY . > y Jey Shite Bed to open 3 uate jd exmo with it, and 1 reckon a good deal Verte Chonan thal the One-third payable Oct., 1905 | to my former place of business A Specialty and Satisfaction aD 3 ar £ of what was In ce clattere erigin thou | Guaranteed od By wall and that it was at the bottom of 1 tottantarst ; ors would probably cut the | Via [pp u : rr 1 down on the old Rotterdam"s for'ard ! RADY | One-thir ayable Oc 906 N ; Te river. Ho was so sure of this that | deck. Tije Bremen and New York line this winter Duila kin schools he-thikhpayable Oct., 1906 'Ww ater St reet Patronage Solicited. C ; U e sent over fo the Navigaticn com I'have to v »' little st next year, and have them | Bal = ¢ P RE gy ¢ pany's offices for a diver to go down i hive : ) ay : Br ile Swan fOr | ready for. the, schodls in the fall { Ihre for 50 Eg. $;No. 2, for 120 Eggs [which Tam about to largely extend in SOW. SWITZER hae nd poke about in the mud pear th ages, I suppo; jut it warn't our Se people seem to think: that 1 'N A "27 erase facilities so that the public may be Port Petty. Sept. 16. raoz pias 32d puke about In mud vear the fault, the Doukbiobors 'are fick vers wnt fail) N Bf better accominodated with safe aud desir: ITY CDS 10, 1502, - en own the harbor the 5 yu >» m y vere | bie J _ It was between 7 and 8 o'clock in the of erdarh told or tiae gant od we Go hk ho Mere | ' : y A oo Het / Hg 3 To SUNDERL£ ND morning when we had first been fv- |, with t er wreckage which bot oti I 4s ny #53 wits five Now is the time to get in ine for carly Chicks. Get your RIGB AT MODERATE OEARGES : rR $ Shap has . i» J 3 > ierent language e vB Oh a . . oe N si . SY CY 3 . y f ca wr the mystory, 0 the Job Wax | jug fallen on Mis deck Wan (ho ate | young mae moet 21 ver age, MW ichine at ence and ib will pay for itself before you arc Re YANSICRIER. AlN i IN TE cat ved ons oof il al 0 olc Je COMPANYS | yonder, and I took .it aboard before] is. able to read, write and k {require : ® Ce 't Pi J 3 i 3 t i Watclmman was already in custody and jor; for ogra ts © 200Nd Defoe it able 40 read. write and speak | required to pay out a single cent. Port Perry, June 21, 1900 ines and Taplements mannfoctur ca by 1, was scared blue. It seemed that he "Thought they'd been burglarized, | ability to do this was acquired with- c forp 1 Sin 3 ; ) 1 1 x had been sitting up daytimos with his | gig tiy? Well, I reckon It wes abast | Out tho aid of a teacher | £2. Ask for a Catal , it tells the story. T's 2 strong Statement Kalsomining, &c PETA BAMILTON WT § sick child for the better part sels 2 necro entia of S a I'he Doukhobors have great en | & S t [5 ee as queer a of f piracy ns ever hap- ' ; * but a straight fact, when we say tha Aut and he had just keeled over on this po. along this rivépiront" went in playing ball. Obe after- IN. TING RAM & SONS the greatest help to the live groce: |[TYHI undersigned would tuke this oppor OF PETERECRO: Bight and slept like a log in the stor And he certainly was right. A queer- | "°°0 t before sunset, we saw quite : " 4d and general storekeeper in Canada i tunity of thanking his numerous pat | Binders, Reapers, Crown Mow. Fairy age bullding--was siceplng, Iu fact | or thing never happened under ne co] 2 F of boys and girls whose'| Cochrane Street, PORT PERRY i ji 55 | rons for their liheral and still jncreasing | Secder, Tiger Hay Ruke. Twi Furros. when the longsboremen came to work. | nor AKL I Svarieroe © or a ! from 15 to 20 years, en- | Ths Canadizn Cracar. patronage during the time he bas carried ou | Plow, Three Furrow Gang, € oiling He swore the robbery could not have 1 Dore Tram, a i it in this pastime, and they kept | del dl the busivess of tion Plows, Champion Plows, & 7 y n a Nor Sing clew H Ie sot | bi iv S been commiitied before midnight. He goon HE CERIGHISES Mio r sunset, in fact, fust | P INTI x Cultivator, 8. T. Harrow, Land had made his regular ro % antil aft 5 1 t a 3 Li ec ¥ ood w heh i F they could keep track of | . A N Roller, Steoi Frame Sprint Tooth : suspected, bad been broken of th 1 1 not sc ¢ ar | TLR 3 3 1 v i Peus REABDL hour. figurehead of the Id lh RL OF De iter | cwenteva "his uh dni in Port Perty, and wonld 'state that he i: Caltivator, Biides Fricke, 2 ? Tis : t ssel. muc) } a git ab f | 'were oxpende » erocti sub ur fee returned if we A i Tp " Trig okiald male the Savers by i 2 the bat, for the ball, when hit, went | an in the; ercction io gub- Our Fe description oF any De sendin better prepared J is 30 execute all] 1 the following. the mumbai, or 1 4 e first clerk who bad arrived Ly ir throug the air about the | = promptly receive our opinion free concerning ¥ 4 on the scene that the door of the office distance in either casa.' { Weat Sulphite Mill Led To. Pare ny of Piscine EloW to Ohiain s 3 Painting, Kalsomining and Paper JOHN ABEL, Toror to building had been locked the same sx VILLAGE BF ATRA ) ( | The next ste the evolution was through us advertised for sale at 3 ' i A f : Bote Lo ay Deen locked the samo wa ILLAGE BRAT ROMAN CE OF THE B00. | ee i TE a ee to Ee Hanging High class Threshing onthits Tructia, ; ad de The. Toma: of Fes Nasi: he Wisk | SUNY pub IAL, the ['°ficeswithoutcharge, iu THE PATENT RECORD, Pe ER 2 Parties entrusting their work to me ma Engines and Machiver, Victor Cloves unfastened. Thercfore, added to {he me « eter Verigir . Study In Mateiinl Evelutfon That Js Very | that with a slight increase in the on ilinstrated and widely circulated journal, . ° 9 Fy Or itavh Ty 1 ) Huller. Portulile Ti oh Frpire rest of the mystery, was the question Doukhebor-- Description of the Place Interesting at the Present Time--fow | cost, the ground wood pulp which consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. feign naving it ncatiysand. prowiptly exe. : Eo ¥ ¥. 1 ' I re dd ta ¥ Other Villages Are Similar sold 4 ov ow te id be Send iorsamplecopy FREE. Address, a er ain S outed, My charges are moderate Am prepare bil yerytlin How bad the robbers entered the office One Thing Led to Another, | Bold at a very low price cou |, De : furmer regnives in war $ o ! P Toi a 2 Ben + ; | greatly enhanced in value by making VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. Lan also prepuied to supply Paiute, vo, ts. Hepaiia: "4 aud mounted to the second floor, where Job J ' of 1 h, story of the development of | {tate chemical ulp< For this, sul. (Patent Attorneys,) s when contracting. ments, Repairs, Yo the safe was kept? But the chiof was who has just return n water power at Sault Ste. Marie { 1t to chon iii p. d a mine was EYans Building, WASHINGTON, D. G. eme 18S % A continuance of public patronage sc or A call solicit o 80 confident that the safe really had a conference with the Ix ors in the building up of the many | Pe Hobie Fog hI re "sh A ° sited. McDorald's RH. tel not been stolen, only blown throngh {) Northwe r ict that now surround the " . The 1 WM. TREMEER the wall and bad fallen into tha wat 4 . Eo $ t oe y's River, presents a study 1 | $100.00 yas paig Thom ihe su! 3 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, Port Perry: Mar, 23, 1503. Sundeiland Ay that be would do nothing until he had ot Bhd y olution that is as intercsting as | Dhity Japs: oi oe = ne Ceok's Cotton Root Compound. For Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whoop- : : o nothing unt} 0 4 : g yb Co a Tab same cap : Ladies® Favorite, ing Cough, Price 25 cents; large size soc. heard the report of the diver ' to the education ds of central Higure, | Yt: wasithon found: thar the residue 4 Is ig Cough, S } $ x Esaki le us i er y p Prar 'Jorg t h 2 e only safe, reliable REE RIL LER ET ~ But [ looked over the wreck aga ple, thus deseri he; Vit. | Dicourss, js Francis i. Olerinu + S39 | of the product of the ine' after ithe regulator on which woman 5 JOEN NOIT. The force which Lad carried the Atradnos, the home of Peter | Wi despatched by PLT | sulphur had besn extracted left an al- Sa Sepend in, the' hoyr | Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera UNDERTAKER Away wast have been irresis : caitain what opportunities existed | 10¥ of mickel and steel supe to Prepared in two of and Diarrhoea Remedy. and Funeral Director. 3 Chairs were smashed; coe desk was x Te We «met 4 Tivan | long the basi of the St. Lawrence | Anything that Hed ever boar a Xi No, Tor Bowel Complaints. Price 35 cents, PORY PE { 1 : ps A achortofl, the h of the |2 was shown to Krupp, the Ge No. 1.--For ardinary cases OR1 PERKY mass of wreckage. I picked up In a DoukBobon ii of | for hydraulic development. Mr. ist roa lactitos ra at o Is by far the best dollar TE---- Hoos : SAB BOS oukhobor s 10 1 0 vears of eri y g 0 » art i wip ! Ha ated tated, appears. as well preserved and | dergue, igi Brose tang Dis Searsh, | a contract for a supply for five. No en ine rove ial Chamberlain's Pain Balm. = : : Lens i iC re frame, for ane side bit Iu raversed the entire country tween |. i r 1 Thi; 1s - . 5 rightly a ie average 1 of 4 Th ccessitate erecti stronger--throe dallars per box. An antiseptic liniment especially valua- Y of the stick was heavily gilded. ak ¥ as the avviags 0 1c ape" Dreten and Port Arthur and | greeny) at othe pi pi; ol les--ask yoyr druggist for Coolc's je for A ENE Sprains and Rheuma- it i A N "Where's the rest of the picture?" 1 : it bao ara~t to hate = found various imporfant water pow- | lant PB the: cosh oF Cotton Root pound. Take no other Price 25 cents: large size 50 cents. asked the bead clerk, and I showed th hich | CIS: BUL until the Sco was 'reached | Plant. Tor these processes of 35 Sll-pills, mixtures and. imitations are : ? ; LAT ISHES tinder the publie. of b Hiaythie DIt of sition wes owed deseription of this vil Which 116 point, was located where hydraulic fice tain atin ten by oh ast fod aad Sher i ¥3 2 Mo DR ni siides I" 49 } rive g vy 2 i t ii Pe re ol A To i i % petdeslagsl a. Tu; in i ' : ¥? i BU stron ty im the bit of giided woo L would give a general ides he 0th | ower could be economically and ad- | C813. coitain alkalies. So inion of Canada. ME ie, the, Lo Chamberlain's Stomach and Why, there wasn't a picture on the or Donkhohor villages: fi arly 1 4 % } nocessary to" establish an reo p . : : Hag VBI | vantageously developed. With Lake 3 3 receipt of price and four -cert postage Liver Tablets. wall" he declared. "I don't kumow of then are laid out ir a shuilard OP ' . plant. The salt was casily stamps. Cook Compa A . { where that came from." This villde rota Superior for a millpond and a fall of ble it 'Windsor 'or Goderich Wiad Tor Disorders of the Stomach, Liver : : o. is Md AL M920 fect, conditions appeared most ¥ : ge and Dowels, Price 25 cents. IB GETTE Now, that was a little thing. but it Assinibein, on the northeasterly cide favorable for the catablichment of a lakes. What was necded ou 0.1 3 in ors I ! i 5 { cericoke pt of White Send Hiver, end abou a 18: ie po = for refining purposes was the 8 PR Aa don 2 are xd din gart/ Povey | Sug 100 5d To be overlooked, 4 wet Yat mila. datuat Carel: "4 a | Piast that would supply power to an Dat a ar not allg PA HA lon and A J Davis, Dioiyists | Every one of these preparations | Ing mind at work upon timt broken WR eR dT La ted number of factories. ot White eh rs : ! t _ Pplece of wood. ERS =i Irate iy 3 Pia icici | Aftor the water power was dovelop- ih Hird bleaching povider : frei | is gnaranteed and if not fully sats | = : c eh g As it was not a picture frame and pig a DeaICt | od, there was no rush of applications | ™ 3 4 hic am oTR R_ "STORY OF SOUT the (\ tavr, | Cengerre "there bad. been hr In the office Cut 100 fo distant from cach fron Sd De Sadi Com cipally in England, Ri A 3 Skips LoD Fawn. 18iactory to the purchaser Cistel dod in their con hag ober on either side of a street about Ee ie ne fifty per cent. litue. The co vs & % © | struction to decay or e out. If you arc dg as glided, 1 could uot unders 75 fect in width, passing through the pany SE Joreed A Sonsiger oy once went to work and pum bi in need of auy of the comme to me and got there. As | stood In the village in nn easterly and 'westerly | ot tion of tr Foret it was | chlorine gas through a glas oc Frid obtain prices, All 8 sory gon looked through the direction. The cottlement has fond that orice was Use only woodl.| nto lime water, which line will Ye kept 'co ted hole In the wall which gave me + x ; r Enclose self-add a stainp 3 wvelope for particulars to H. A. Sher. ae oe al Manager, Corcoran Build 3 Succ i tab! hed ily $65.00 expenses; 7 2 rearan Build ting, opposite * United: States T) y A hi gton. & Xo ZX LA ANE AN BIER REN ; IHS Encloseself.. velope, Th Die. ¥-Enieoge north of Mr Wu YN METHODIST OH 7 OPEL water, clectrij des of tho river, aj £5

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