th 1me 1 must leas Perhaps, to do without § ¥ For Death parts dearest friends, § From there's no escaping, 5 ~ And ings worse than death Er Our fears are ever shaping. ,.. > bunches in very much Mow ¥ with new dreams of hope, { of the D > Jaonene of Jou i blruded; ay labor vote is that the whole 2 Zo: dreume ended, strength of the Victoria civil service And pow and that of the many sympathizers That no hunts my heart about you © | was exerted against the Victorian Is this--that I have lei At Jans to do without you. -- Emily Bronte LAST DUEL IN ONTARIO. i te Boath of the Widow of Late Hen, Justice | Government in order to pay off an | old grudge. In Sydney women cleetors were | toid by spellbinders and the news papers that the tariff was responsible for their inercased grocery, neat. : Wilsen Revives ithe Story. dress, hat, and shoe bills, and that 'The death in Toronto on February they should bend overy, effort to 12 of Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson, widow break the power of the Ministerial- of the late Hon. Mr. Justice John ist party. They tried hard to do so, wi ol untoward happens when the peripatetic Par- . of old United. Canada was Wilson, of the' Court "of Common as the big majorities of the free "in its four-year term in To- | Pleas, who dicd June 8, 1869, re- trade nominces indicate. 'son arrived in the houschold | vives an intercsting story in a ro- There were four women candidates, civil servant named Belcourt, | cent issue of The Perth Courier. three Senatorial and one for ths while a faithful and efficient | Mrs. Wilson was a sister of His Mouse of Representatives. Miss Vida held no very important post. | Honor Judge Hughes, of St. Thom- Goldstein, who ran for the Sonate youngster was destined to be | as, who has just retired from the in this State, polled some 50.000 future First Commoner of Cana- | Bench in his 84th year, votes out of about 900,000. and be was to shoy, on his Way |. "What ts known as the Wilson ~~ Many women declared whon Miss ,, that eminence, an indomitable | Lyon duel was fought on the 13th Goldstein announced her candidacy , combined with a savoir that | of June, 1838, {known in Canadian' that they 'would not vote for her, {ewme Politicians lack, history as 'The last duel fought in bocause they were opposed to wo dE h Putarte." The Quarrel between the men running for Parliament; bit it Toor. 18 not in the House of Com- | two Young 'mem; pringipals in the DOW appears that many o ox- mons & single Fronch-Canadian who | tragic affair, wis. the outcome of ercised the feminine prerogative of does not understand English. Per- |¥ivelry for the affections of Miss changing their minds. The women haps the last representative who was | Hughes, a young lady assistant im Rominces in New South Wales. did monolingual was onc Lippe, a habit~ 'Miss land's private school in not do even so well as Miss (old- ant from Joliette, He had no word | Perth, aid the result was the death stein. Miss Nelle A. Martel poll ©f the language of the. majority. |.0f young Lyon by Wilson, both law about 15,000 votes out of a total Tiwe did not hang so heavily upon | students in the town at the time. of about 900,000, and so did Mra. ¢ his however, for he slept six~ | The duel was fought one bright June Anna Moore-Bentley. Miss Seling afternoon in a field on the banks of teen hours a day. Since the passing atth line, on Anderson, who ran for 'the House ol Lippe, the French-Canadians have tat "Dalley ved in the , beyond" Roeprosen A a farm now OWN trict, which soveral mot a single representative who by Mr. Archi- is made up of uld not get along fairly well in' bald McLaren, and the exact spot Suburbs of Sydney, polled 8,000 odd 3 via Most of them speak it very | ¢tn yet be pointed out. Miss Hughes Yotes out of about 17,000 cast. 1 > well. Few of them have no accent. | Was a young English lady, daughter (© Under the Federal Election Yaw |\ 1 1 the deb ir, d-h of a Unitgrian minister, brought any nominee who fails te poll one 7 ed and capable Montrealer, who sity from England by the latc Mr. Bpn- fifth as many votes as the leading for Gaspc, has no French tang te | jamin Workman, of Montreal Her nominee forfeits his or her require his syllables. Neither has Delcourt, | brother, Judge Hughes, recently re. Proiolsttion deposit of £25 to the who passed a good part of his lifo | tired, found his way to Perth, also, Iederal treasury. So the women and in 1834 worked for a ycar or assuredly did not profit pecunfarily oH I lake ent share Bae oncine that my New Mills are now completed and in full oper- o fill all crders for Meats in 8 manner thut customers, he sulicits ull to give him a call in his new this opportunity of Hankin Wie vu. lie liber «. Evins since Perry, and would iuform ;siuess from he Market buj Having new and increased ion of husi he feels confident that ction than heretofore, and in ofder ZN Parcs Farm La to Mr. olin' A Forth at "be sold by auction on the 238¢ breniber and withdrawn at the sa e. 80 YEARS® EXPERIENCE RIG! Anema sending a sketch and desert] ascertain Fg SH Hh : ie gos ¥ bt. Washington, * J. A. McGILLIVRAY, # Temple Bui ing: Toronto. | { Nov. 30, 1899. 5 MONEY TO LOAN, Martens ur @} PERCE an inl En dr very whe wait would ox imei nesses for the a nr sve ol er pro- percien for als, or business ef kind, pl rics and and description of sae Fh ro Toaance oe edad s general flssncial and br kerage business eel) UND & co ® To Btrest, Toronto. The mails are despatched from the Post Office Port Perry as follo 1s : Going North-- 8.30 a. m. Going South--11.20 a. m. Going North-- 5.15 p. m. Going South--10 p.m Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. For Coughs, Croup and ox ing Cough. Price gn I Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For Bowel Complaints. Price 35 cents. Chamberlain's Pain Balm. An antiseptic liniment especially valua~ ble for Cuts, Bruises, Sprains and Rheuma- Price 25 cents; large size So cents, Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For Disorders of the Stomach, Liver | and Bowels. Price 25 cents, Every one of these preparations is guaranteed and if not fully sat istactory to the purchaser the money will be refunded. ticket 31 orld lO sum < iormats to part the cheapest anc best rout In addition to hie numerous Tick Agencies for Rail road ar Steamship hnes, he has been 1 ! Ticket Agent for the Grand Trunk Railway. Parties intending to travel will consult thei own interests by consulting Mr. McCaw before embarking on a trip. goon ag lish speaking, Canadians, | especial probably em- | 80 in The Courier Office, then man- bY their sounding of the temper of . 7, rer Ard 71 Flore oy oh Fall-d-doven LNCS no | aped, Tr adn: present. sx Shon Australia clectors toward possible | \ 4 ation and that I am beller tian ever prepared $ once when he uscs French, In Otta- | Thompson. The young lady was a | Women J 8 7 /r 4 i : lady ZN 10 meel the requirements @f sy friemds and the { wa, where he has a thriving law | most attractive person, and some _ Of course there were many funny |; 7 y 2 Na 4 Practica) the language of business | time after the duel was married to igeidonis wie n ¥he women went to > geen Qh public JH CUE. pertaining lo my 2c and professional life is English. In | the survivor of the two combatants, the polls. Hundreds of mothers here > . ; their homes the | Frencir-Canalians | Mr, John Wilton, who afterwards he. and in Sydney brought their off 3 leads extensive and re ly increasing busi- pS Use their mother tongue, but in the t mine law, spring to the polls, including, in ' day's work the or widely under ar RS a o Cn rs many cages, offspring in aos Po- | MZ ness. Correct business bi inc ples, pr ompitude Ni ¥ #tood medium is employed jud H | 0 of Se licomen were asked by some of th ZN 3 3 yed. ge. He wag'n native of Scotland 3 phe | realment ? IS Le one wi ie os ragady methors to hold their jofants' while | M2 and courleous lrealme ty be relied on. 4 ous vhere there are they themselves discharged their | [5 A Belcourt has a fine" knowledge of child to Dalhousie, iu C { ily Ly tizens. both literaturés, and:his specches in | fru Jonr pelativ s of fhe fapully. i Yoo Cop wp te Irewiall BS 7 JAMES CARNEGIE 2 the House 0 3 a e oco ine was he order o | 7 a . a Xs " Catan cnet te a 28 be between the old districts of Bath. OMcers in some booths and eaquir Sig Port Perry, Dec., 19023 $i) wa, have evinced his fine Debt urst and "Johnstown, and When } TSwan: x ad fof ay init |Z 0 iN ' A . Ww ve rast od 3 'ush ow WwW mark my paper to 7 But he hus acidom been hoard from. | oof WATOR UE LOTTO ken | 0 BAY It iw recorded of ome wo Maree SKI El SIOME ee 'om the Parliament Buildings t : 3 ) afte 718 ZINA 3 ho Ta office of Deteaurt and Ritchiy | to Brockville for trial, and under | men that after she had marked her | ARATE and] wont mt: of threo months allot she took it to the returning | is But a_souple of minutes' walk. A | M€ Nl en bis office Tt is ©Ofcer and holding it up before his | man slecourt's practice cannot ! 13 Olonte o " es steassiecsii -- ie ied well get away from £1 Shen Ro said by some that at the first shots astonished gros agked Lh TTT -- | telephone hangs handy. Neither, it | Of tbe two duelists the pistols. wore | 106% Linl VIET, Please is to bo foarcd, ean he escape from | J0aded with powder alone, and there | 0 SHCA} Yad Jo patsy fol reap | : : e of o on the secrdey o R E: mT | E the insistent office-hunter. It is to Th dou hat o ow : the Sho the Australian ballot : 'A G A SACRI IC 0 o ne be doubted whether his elevation to Prove ATR cha 0 n Though the daily papers had care the Spoakership will exempt Mr, | that to end the affair, but ono of * 0 1 ' . Belcourt from the importunities of | the seconds, De Lievre, insisted on - Xe iY "Ivey moans | N BE the latter class. Mr. Speaker exer- | & second trial, and this time the Fould Bir SR rs ~--IN 18 ciscs n vast amount of patronage. | Weapons were loaded with ball, and , STOW be marked, hundreds: of wo. Here in Toronto the Provincial Gov when the pistols were discharged re h > ray oe i al > athe Sbands Tr 1 | érnment retains for itself the ap- | Yourg Lyon fell dying, shot through | = 0 00, Bhs arid THo8d of ee | pointment of messengers, sessiopal | the heart. The headstone, with the press, or els tried 'to b 1 2 clerks and other employes of the | inscription to the meniory of Robert LTe% oF tse Her i$: 09 Judapen | Logislature, but in Ottawa the | Lon. who "fell in mortal combat," | 6h! upon this, thew first day. of | Speaker has all such patronage in | Was erected at his grave, at the foot | PPYCT, SHU dil the things hich | his own hands, and most of the in- ©f the Radenhurst plot, by his cary 3 2 rin vy fons or I ft | cumbents of theff osition are . very | friends, hy the efforts of one.of |, Ty | ge Which Hiv guone | i ilo © | them, the late Mr. William Fraser, Jealous of their Hrivileges | afterwards County Treasurer. Thi But the testimony of the returning | __ it | uly High Ambition | headstone dn: one 'of the historic] officers is that no more mistakes | The undersigned wil sell' a large antity oF frst. lass Furniture cov-| It is said by some that Belcourt's | features of the old Anglican burying- | N¢'¢ made by women than by men, | sisting ot | ambition is to sccure a seat on the | ground in Perth, and. there aro few and that the women exhibited a | | Supreme Court Dench Sir Elicar | Shonle in town and wicinity. tat have " He of hots responsibility and { p | Magchierean fs an old mat, and Lig n : 3 nowledge of what they were ahout | 2 Di g R Bed R. S & seen and traced out the now dim | I~ retirement cannot be long delayed. | outlinds of the sad epitaph." unlocked for and wdmirahle on, inin Qom, » oom pets. coc © Belcourt would make an adequate roa ---------- | One woman of ore than. ninety ] hee The fashion of appointing | Axe of a Primitive Canadian Feund. years in this States and one of Give me a call. Cash or Approved 'Credit, nobody but grandfathers to the high- | The heart of David Boyl pe [BOUL Lhe zame age Mo New South est court in the land seems to have eto £415 Avett ot thr Pa Wales were among the voters. Tein | EZ" A Fine lot of Picture Frames and Gilt Mouldings suital ti become effete, 80 that his youthful- | partment of Education, Toronto, has S00 that at some polling places, [trade mess could not be brought' up in | heon warmed 'by the receipt of * the D¢re andiin Sydney, thegwomen, vot £7" Agent for Monuments. 3 Judgment against the new Speaker largest lone 'aXe ever found in. Lo outnymberedjthe melt voters. iy | A Mest Likeable Man, Coradas! Colimbusihad: probablynot as much as t¥e to one, but this is | E77 Wood Wanted. 53 JOHN NOTT. on © x u S 3 o | Belcourt is one of the most like | set foot fn America when it fashion. yo. onfectursl Bub Hye Pe able of men. He numbers, probably, | ed timbers in, the hands of an abori= | . omen - clectors | capimelp bl Heal more personal friends among the gine Shr oat camgopdal le west 4 ARTO. i * 7 # 5 English-speaking Protestant popula- It is an unsymmetrical piece of "My Ror ol di | x tion of Ottawa than any other man | primary rock of a rough wedge d i SERRA 1a rehorted ; as having said to a friend at a pol : of his blood. He is an admirer of | shape The point has been broken yo place, "my. 'wife - hustled J that division of our population, but | off, probably when it was turned up ANALG ue | ! ' through breakfast in a brace of his first love, as it is fitting, {s his by the plow on the banks of the (| = went off 't dwn people. When he was a younger | Grand River. In its original shapo y ant OF lowvdte my sus D 35, ¥ 3 a rate you could not sce her hecls man, the feeling between classes in | it must have been at least a foot for: dust." tobi Yi by Ottawa was not as cordi t v , > £ TT yb= " ts torr] is called the king of So Banat hong in 37 long. | Lil tashianiog, wut fro [Tie polling plasée weve do arcane: STE y » ' & 8 ably necessary to bring ed that women voted upon one side fie neasc, It 18 5 crime to | rmait it to fa the Daten, It may manifest broad-mindcd man, cannot forget ' quired shape, as one side of Ht was'i +" ¢} "ro ohh nd men on the othe | Jaolt ln the form of Serol Reitonmatic Palas, otlff or swollen joints, sundry hard things that were said | rough just as it must have been Ths Federal Election Law EP rob sore throat, 1 nile, ddan or fo ie on rn 447 oa by too enthusiastic Protestants. lis found by its Indian manufacturer. |g a.q ooo 0 ho th system. a hates mpta doo ner crelf, You have temper is placid, but it is not mud- A deep groove near the big end |, 0. Rit lees outing Boner of Hse oy ry 0! PEW id TROD, Thea ry 1 : ) , cos vas na a ra. dily stagnant. Not many years ago shows where the thongs bound the common sight to sco party workers is guaranteed te curo this disease, naver to getarn. Bauk SA, he flew into a royal Tage be. | stone to 8 shaft like the handle of Lorimeroriint, to sco part; Oar iomtmeut i wot Lu jaslowe im way way Bit ceiches the root obthe cause a fat-brained English-Canadi- an adze It is' prosontod: to the g voters righ at the i ehemtuntas =H poison from the. system. ptoass o RS ¥ a : ; threshold sappear. The brecmes To Carici, "Tie hols Tate is cleansed #n thought to pay him a compli- Museum by John Jefferson of Paris ------------------------ an fed Ea t fi sme % and ti Jieasures ment = Teniarking that he was "'a Colombis. of cua S SOAWA 28 59 len pretty decent fellow for a French Mothers ef Well-Finewn Men C y B! 4 ; olombia has great wealth lyin man." Belcourt's mildners vanished, |= A vencralle woman hes just died un(ouched on her plains and in = Iq" Sp re Question Blak or Hone Treatment 1nd Books Free. and he made a fow animated re- in Montreal, at the age of 92, whose forests and mountains, ! tharks to that complimentary gentle children are well known This is RE | than. Madame Fabre, mother of the late Sard Mitek sortalthrn: i 5 RS. 6 A Belf-Fanfessed Chump. Archbishop Fabre, of Hon. Hector | po4 prone ™ 0 "0 ces a 2 was quits eharacteristie, of the Fabre. now Canadian representative "young engineer, showed that his Cor. Michigan Ave. nad Shelby st. Detrott, Mich, an that, ten minutes later, Bel- in Paris, and the late Lady Cartier, 1. 4iniss of resource was even then z court said to an English-speaking Widow of Sir G. BE. Cartier. Madamo (CHFUEE 00 G6S0 780 00 hand oo a AS a A Sn a NE ALT LY friend of his, "Well, I'm a chump Fabre, whose. maiden name was 4. co cou of the Holy Land for the v SASS r I molt for getting hot at a fool.'" Perrault married in 1826 EB. R. poiociing. Exploration Find when = " " ---- ut the friend didn't think so. And Fabre, who half a century ago was x =) 8 \olera broke out at Safed, in Sa- { few men would. Mayor of Montreal. He kept a book pole BOW® SUR 60 PEC, 1% id 8 Gry ul Stings of the Division tourls store on St. Vincent street, and was 7, 0 Turkish troops wore Net a Post ta Be Coveted. one of the first Canadian bookscllers 4 coi Oo revant Tp pL + CUUNTY OF ONTARIO. Mr. A. G. Doughty of Quebec, hav- to import foreign works. Te died | one. escaping He Fi hg {Far Sale a Firfy, being contpnied of, 1904 ing refused the post of Dominion of cholera in 1854. For half a cen- | vy pie "0 Sg not stop him | the East-half of fot 20" and North rel : ist, on account of the insuff- tury since Mme. Fabre ham lived in "hie companions, so the party set | 21 in the Ist con. of Cartwright, coutained WHITHY + 0 C CoB a 11, %h the aL i = ed dy dims off on mules for the coast town of ing 200 Avr moe arte oo the property 1 une p on March 3. April 5, May 3 June 6 1 LUN 4 , ing : a : : , Wing (Halfa.. Of course they .were stopped | there is erected a frat class Baris, iP 73 opie: tebe rant 1 find some other "diterary man, and good health almost to the last. As by the Turks before long, when Kite Barn and Stables. and Dwelling House. smuey sa oust 'one who is willing to-overlook in- was her custom, Mme. Fabre never chener anrounced boldly that he had land ina good state of cultivation, oO HATA lark, nC. Yuetle- os Whi' by-- Janu- + . 3 , N : : sry Te Fobmary 5 yi ly re oe roe rs pT mers PE a firman from the Sultan, and pro- foneed,y thers a= gran spring of gon Hid tiene N . " duced a long paper with sign print- es 3 aie case with Dr. Douglas Brym- good pasture land. sr, the first archivist, who during lahored conscientiously failing strength, she was obliged to give up this pious practice of three quarters a century. LA ed on it in chocolate and gold. His party was-et onee allowed to go, 2 as is De the Turks presents Harsus, Barrister, . I pro, ictress. Window a For further glia apply to » z ort P. TY Ay public indifference, 'and herp is n ity of washing : of Money for cotton or ey blinds, as Jone 2, 1903, "As the ordinary pe of- theve is a simpler way . of | A party of wits onco stop, Sana £1) ofMce of ar- u 0 to some one ations, there sécms esitation about Sa to be 'covet od. cleaning tpn. The blind shoutd be dine &t an English tavern, o rpread fla 7 a table and ti 5 rubbed well all over with bread tn f¢45t was over ono of them call- crumbs. This will make it look "Madam," he said TIM "I am going to ; Tan clean and ES VOTER give you a lesson in astronomy. Po Peany. THE WOME VOT Jieye you 'mot Ward ef th. t Bh HH! HU IV il or T'latonie year whefi 'Yihi st. aeIxg muri a rar Fine on Tes of the return to its first conditfon: w | IT35 WC then that in 26,000 years we shall be here again, on the same day and at the same hour. Will you give ums ony reno wi | | be biz pom. 2 Grand Trunk Railway. : BAPE, I GOING NoRTH {5m o sma. 2 How to oe The recent clections in Australia | fo ¢ anc at our were of special interest because the 53 Tes epee newly presi on women of the | credit until then?' The hostess, however, "had her re- eu exercised - the poight, ply. ; wn 17 Er & 1r5t. Gino, "| "1 am pericetly willing," sho ro | Has Tiist takeh' "possé ay a, is 10 be made of ! torted, "but it is just 26,000 years 7 A ' sinde you sare here before, and you left, without payice. Selle the old score, and I will trust you With ihe new." the emtire vote to determine just how "of _ the uwearly 500,000 , WASHINGTON, ©. ©. women registered, went to the polls, - aud for whom they voted. Until this. AF BRSON TQ 4 FOY SHOE Eafe all kinds of repairing: strictly attended to. | The Rabbits Understesd Lafin Hero! is a story/which'is cteditea [FHS that the Women ou to g lorg Bacon: A company of séhol- [£ahontned i going together to catch Ja abbits z libor nomi- | ad one scholar with them whos had | ~ mees. It is equally probable thut the t, hh unore wit than Me hil their vot s borg with, and him they. cautioned eh | to be "silent if he saw any abbits , thE p 8 gonerallys. f_« be fear of gcaring | t he saw a company of ore the Pd Petry Yi 1b, the i oy ""syomen" | the: ladies." The "Wwomon'" awed | "Behold, polls a no 'sod #c- bits an the devi ne 1d n ul hg H. GRA HAM to please all who [come ie sion of H E. 7903. , M. Gleoren, Greenwood --Jany - day 5 July 7, Ssptcmber8, Nov. , BRA GIA ar : J av 5. May 17, thors Fo FG, Spt Te 141 Br onder, ig E. FAREWFLL, hu, x ton, toa ox 0 he or. Honss arantees every bot- lain's Cough Remedy refund the money to any- 3, croup and 4 'pleasant and It prevedds any ten- to result. in penu-- 3 constipation which is remedied by Dr. Hamilton's ) ndrake and Butternut. nd no griping pains. Central Livers PORT PERRY. EARTILY thanking the public for the [ liberal patronage received during the many years I have kept a Livery Establish ment in Port Perry, 1 have much pleasure in anpouncing that I. have removed MY LIVERY! to my former place of business Water Street which Iam about to largely extond in crease facilities so that the public may he better agowninodated with safe and desir oy uble RIGS AT MODERATE CHARGES R. VANSICKLER. Pact Perry, June 21, 1900. it's a strong Statement but a straight fact, when we say that the greatest help to the live grocer and general storckeeper in Canada is "The Canadian Grocer." You cannot read it without getting some valuable information. Spend a cent for a post card and send for a sample copy and be convinced. The MacLean Pub. Co., Limited] MONTREAL, _F. SMITH, General al Car ter Takes plessare In = in returning thanks to the public for the esteemed pat ronage bestowed on him since com- mencing the business of Carting and would state that he equipped to do CARTING AS IT SHOULD BE at the very shortest notice and at prices that cannot fail to please the is iully public. Carting to and from the Railway Depot a Specialty. | Residence--Brick House. o) site the 'Methodist Parconag F. SMIT] Port Perry, Aug. 1901. it 1 ff Oeneral Blacksmit this 1 Ihe lersigped having opened i in the 1 hy ly cenupied by Mo B. Bl Just west of Drs. Archer & Archer's | Yh «prey I to do all kinds of | of te ney B kemithing at Reas | on ( h HORSE ~SHOEING A Specialty ction Patronage S } Ww WITZ Port Perry, Se 6. 1902 Te py aisomining, &c THE uodersicned oat] [ tunity of thanking his 1 umerony pat rons for thei liberal aud still increasing patronage during the time he has carried ou the bustiess of PAINTING in Port Perry, and would state that he is better prepared than ever to exenute ull orders for Painting, Kalsomining and Paper Hanging ike this oppor Parties ontrusting their work to me may rely or. having it neatly and promptly oxe cuted, My charges are moderate 1 am also prepared to supply Paints, do, when coutraetivg. A continuance of public patronage soli cited, WM. Port Perry, Mar. 23, 1503. TREMELR JOHN NOTT, UNDERTAKER, and Funeral Director, PORT PERRY. GEO. GARDNER W aus to inform the public of Poi Perry and surrounding country, thi after four ycars experience in prosecuting his business in some of the lurgest cities o the Uuited States, he is bettor prepare than ever to execute any of the following branches of his trade :--Stove Masonry, Bricklaying in all its branches; Plain and Oruamental Plastering. Also Artificiui Stone Walks, that will remain permanent aud will endure ny weather. Conerets Cisterns without uny wood in their con stroction to decay or give out, If you are in need of any of the ahove, come to me and obtain prices, Al material required in my line will be kept constantly on hand, and for sale after the first of next April, GEO. GARDNER Port Parry, Jan. 8, 1594, ist 2 LOr woman " look afer our rowing Liusiness in this kod adjoin wre Conuties; to act as Munager and Corres. £ pBpondent ; work cen he douse at your how. Ruclose setf-adirossed stamped © 3 nip for particulars to H. A. Sher./ mau, General Manager, Corcoran Ruhl "ein, posite ute d States Treasurys 2 Bn. D. C. DD TNT 0 3 KRIS WD METHODIST CHURCH. HEV. ©. H. COPELAND, Pastor, Babbath Services, 11 and 7. Week Evealag ST. JOHN'S CHURCH, (PRESBYTERIAN) RRY, W. OOO] B.A, Pastor." REV. MR MCFARLANE, Farin. Week mag er Foam, 130 3 ORURCR oF Tue HE ASCENSION. fowl Hi ever fails use ' ills. Pees A, Toeambent. 1 Sunday Moon 18 0m. Fremin, Ty. Bunday. for reaponsble, i on v $65, 100 J expo teady. Roference, Buclasese tam ped envelope. The Dominion p vy, Dept, Y Chieugo tom = ESSEETTYEnR aT $900 YEARLY to Christian man 4. or Wome! rons o ckafterpiryrow, \! ing business in this and ad joini ne Ls nties to act as Manager and ; work oan be dung = » re Dome, Encions 2 it § to A. HL. pr WA. Somers) Ane i Treaoury, Washington. D. C. | best h sop de ol d Rlgek, Tort Pens, where the Public will always find 'an ample. supply. a if CHOICE, FRESH ar rices that cannot fail to please. A full supply of Meats of the very and cut in dimensions to please the most fastidious All orders will receive prompt attention. ; we SUT. C AWKER & SON March 5, 1902. as N returning thanks to the public for patronage extended to me for aver 2* years, I would respectfully intimate that am, as usual, vow rendy for business, nnd have a Large & Assorted Steck arge SSOt1ea ote OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNI:: which Lam determined ose very CHE AY A inducement to Casi purehiaso tf tof Uf ywed on a n A Niet fu a" hs SUNDEF Ls N D ra : St 8 und Lopliau HE undermp ois sides Lhe dod Hiewiieg: Steel Frame Spy Toatk Cultivator, Binder Tru & Iso the following. the munufactw JOEN ABEL, Torontc High class Threshing ootfits, Tincti Kogines and Machines, Victor Clover Huller, Portable Tiicmph Engive. I am prepared to supply everything ths farmer requires in way of Machines, lmple: nents, Repairs, &e. 87 A call solicited One door West o MeDonald's He tel " I! BEY ANT Sunderland, April 8, 1603 SPRING IS THE TIME FCE HOUSE CLEARIEL. Iam prepared 16 wa Papering, Pain &« Paper aud Pan quire. ve Farm for Sale. Yowaship about Ro acres [uo and barn; alke2 Hardwood, and 0 acres Cedar, Hemlock and Tamarac Apply to owner. H. B. CLEMES. with house Dec. 8, 1902. Thor bio ow rye I= Ee FW. PURNHAM, Clerk ot: the This "oJ, Division Comt. Office in I'soy Offic | tor Pori Ferry :